
  • 3 months ago
S02E02 >>> https://dai.ly/x93kfui


00:00:00Welcome. Isabella, your sister is here.
00:00:12You made it. Of course I did. This place is incredible.
00:00:16It's been in Matteo's family nearly 200 years. I'm glad you came. Isabella did not think
00:00:22you would. I couldn't miss my niece's wedding.
00:00:25Where's the girl? You should be here by now. Wait, please. Alice, wait! Something's happened,
00:00:31hasn't it? Giovanni Riva, Capitano dei Carabinieri. Are you English? Yes. Are you Raffaella?
00:00:37What do you need? An electronic tag for a mobile phone.
00:00:42I think that policeman, Capitano, likes you. I was born here. I went to school here. When I
00:00:48came back from the medical school, I got my first job here. So you came here for a wedding. You went
00:00:53for a run and you seen an old ruin and you decided to buy it. Pretty much. I didn't know
00:00:58Silvia had friends in Italy. She has friends all over the world. And enemies too, probably.
00:01:03Bound to in her line of work. Trade negotiations. Silvia's a spy. She studied Arabic at Cambridge.
00:01:11Conspicuously dull diplomatic career. Endless postings abroad. What else could she be?
00:01:17You need a coffee and a shower. Goodbye, Signora Fox. Or should I say Signora Volpe?
00:01:29Sounds better in Italian.
00:01:31Everything sounds better in Italian.
00:02:31Hello, Isabel. Welcome home.
00:03:01Alla nostra.
00:03:04I do realize you've been in Panacali almost a whole year.
00:03:07You sound surprised.
00:03:09Yeah, well, when you disappeared last month, I wondered if we'd ever see you again.
00:03:12When on earth would you think that?
00:03:14You've never exactly stayed anywhere very long, have you?
00:03:18I told you, it was just a bit of freelance work. Turns out there are bills to pay even in paradise.
00:03:31Thank you.
00:03:49Signora Gorri,
00:04:05la ringrazio per gli abiti che hai inviato per Giovanna.
00:04:07È stata molto gentile. Il piacere è davvero tutto nostro.
00:04:12Signora Masone, le mie più sincere condoglianze per la sua grande perdita.
00:05:59Silvia, you're home, bad girl.
00:06:03Why haven't you come to see me?
00:06:05I only got back yesterday.
00:06:07Don't ask her where she's been because she won't tell you.
00:06:09A trade negotiation in Germany. All very boring.
00:06:16Then I come back to Panacali and the fight breaks out.
00:06:20Poor Vittoria. Grief has made her crazy. Her husband killed himself.
00:06:25I know, I'm so sorry. Who was the man she slapped?
00:06:29Gorri. It looked like Franco Gorri, wasn't it?
00:06:33He's the principal of the high school here. He does a lot of charity work.
00:06:37He and his wife set up a group for...
00:06:43Gambling addicts.
00:06:45Vittoria's husband had a problem. Big debt. Franco Gorri tried to help him, but...
00:06:53How tragic.
00:06:56I must go to the cemetery now. I'm cooking dinner for Isabella and Matteo tonight.
00:07:02Why don't you come?
00:07:04I'd love to, but I already have plans.
00:07:12Plans, eh?
00:07:29Hello, stranger.
00:07:31I've missed you.
00:07:35I've missed you too. Where are we going?
00:07:39Nowhere. I'm going to look for you to welcome you home.
00:07:45Do you mind?
00:07:46Mind? I'm delighted.
00:07:52That's you.
00:07:53I'm not going to answer.
00:07:55Yes, you are.
00:08:02Yes, okay. I'm coming.
00:08:14I'm sorry.
00:08:19You'd better go.
00:08:22I'll call you.
00:08:30I'll call you.
00:09:00Who found the body?
00:09:02The priest and Mrs. Silvestre. They were here for a fundraiser.
00:09:15We immediately called an ambulance. He was clearly dead.
00:09:23You didn't touch the body, did you?
00:09:25Just to make sure he was alive.
00:09:28And the last time you saw Mr. Gorin alive, when was it?
00:09:31This morning, at Luigi Masone's funeral.
00:09:37Where are you, Franco?
00:09:39That's Franco Gorin's wife.
00:09:41Where are you, Franco?
00:09:43No, no, no.
00:09:45Where are you, Franco?
00:09:47Where are you, Franco?
00:09:51I'm sorry.
00:09:53I'm sorry.
00:09:55Good morning.
00:10:05Good morning.
00:10:07May we?
00:10:26Lo sai che Franco Gori è morto?
00:10:29Posso abbracciare l'inferno.
00:10:34Dov'era ieri sera tra le 18 e 18 e 30?
00:10:40Oh, pavla di Dio.
00:10:42Il signor Gori è stato ucciso.
00:10:45È venuto al funerale di mio marito.
00:10:48Non ha fatto niente.
00:11:21Hello, Antonella.
00:11:23Isabella's just been telling me the ghastly news
00:11:25about what's happened at Cibo Patutti.
00:11:27They've arrested Vittoria.
00:11:30Well, they probably just want to talk to her
00:11:33because of what happened at the church.
00:11:35They took her away in handcuff.
00:11:37Yeah, but they don't think she's capable of murder or anything.
00:11:40Of course not.
00:11:42I know Vittoria.
00:11:44She won't help herself.
00:11:46We have to do something.
00:11:49It was your friend who came for her.
00:12:11Buongiorno, signora.
00:12:14Uh, this is Brigadier Roberta Barzini.
00:12:19I'm Danny's replacement.
00:12:21Silvia Fox. Hello.
00:12:22Ah, pleased to meet you, signora.
00:12:25Buongiorno, Roberta Barzini. Grazie.
00:12:34You didn't tell me how Danny had left.
00:12:36I had other things on my mind yesterday.
00:12:39What's Barzini like?
00:12:41She likes to do things her own way.
00:12:45Like you.
00:12:48Sorry about last night.
00:12:51Not your fault.
00:12:53I heard you've already arrested someone.
00:12:56Is that the only reason you're here?
00:12:59Of course not.
00:13:00I was wondering if you might be free for lunch.
00:13:05I have to work.
00:13:08You were telling me about the arrest.
00:13:11No, I wasn't.
00:13:14You're going to, though.
00:13:17Well, we found a...
00:13:20a mannequin in Vittoria Masone's house.
00:13:23Oh, so?
00:13:24She's a seamstress.
00:13:25She makes robes for priests.
00:13:27It was stabbed through the heart
00:13:29and got his name and was written across it.
00:13:37Well, if I was planning to murder someone,
00:13:39I wouldn't practice at home
00:13:41and leave evidence around for everyone to see.
00:13:43If you were planning a murder, Signora Volpe,
00:13:46none of us would stand a chance.
00:13:48Thank you.
00:13:50I think.
00:13:52Have you found the weapon?
00:13:54A knife from the kitchen at Cibopertutti.
00:13:57Wiped clean afterwards.
00:14:00Signora Masone says she was in the church in Panicale,
00:14:04but she doesn't know when she arrived or left.
00:14:07So is there any actual evidence against her?
00:14:11No, but she refused to answer questions.
00:14:14Well, that's not a good enough reason to keep her locked up.
00:14:17I know that.
00:14:19We'll release her, but she'll stay on the investigation.
00:14:22When will you let her go?
00:14:25The next hour.
00:14:27And how is she getting back to Panicale?
00:14:41Captain Arriva is a good man.
00:14:44Don't be afraid to talk to him.
00:14:46I'm not afraid.
00:14:47But why should I help him find the kid Franco Gori?
00:14:50I'm glad the bastard is dead.
00:14:53Will you tell me why?
00:14:59You shouldn't be alone when you get home.
00:15:02Is there anyone I can call for you?
00:15:05Antonella said you have a brother.
00:15:10No thanks.
00:15:23We have a family business in Perugia,
00:15:26and Raimondo is the boss now.
00:15:28A small part of it belongs to me, and I wanted to sell it to help my husband.
00:15:34But Raimondo said no.
00:15:37I'm sorry.
00:15:39That must have been very hard for you.
00:15:42It's my fault if Luigi started gambling.
00:15:46How can that be?
00:15:48I was going to stop working for Raimondo.
00:15:52I want to do beautiful dresses for La Sposa.
00:15:58The bride?
00:16:00You wanted to make wedding dresses.
00:16:04But we needed money to begin.
00:16:08And then Luigi lost his job,
00:16:11and Raimondo gave him work, but he paid him almost nothing.
00:16:16We had to spend that savings just to live.
00:16:21And that's why he started gambling.
00:16:24And we couldn't stop, we couldn't stop.
00:16:39Why don't you go get some rest?
00:16:41I'll call you when he's ready.
00:16:44Come on.
00:16:56You did the right thing to bring her here.
00:16:59I couldn't think what else to do.
00:17:01Vittoria was talking about her husband, and she got upset.
00:17:05Said it was her fault he started gambling.
00:17:07That's not true.
00:17:09Vittoria is very religious.
00:17:11She feels guilty about everything.
00:17:14Not about Gori's death, apparently.
00:17:16She's delighted about that, and making no attempt to hide it.
00:17:20Everyone will think she killed him,
00:17:23even if the police don't charge her.
00:17:26Her life will be impossible.
00:17:29I'm sure the Carabinieri will find the killer soon.
00:17:33You have to help them.
00:17:35It's not my job.
00:17:37You helped Carlo Sabatini and that boy from Russia?
00:17:41You can tell my friend.
00:17:50Did Franco Gori have any enemies?
00:17:53What about his wife?
00:17:55The spouse is usually the first suspect.
00:17:57Romana Gori is a good woman.
00:17:59She's a mouse.
00:18:01So where should I start looking?
00:18:03Is there somebody who might know why Vittoria blamed Gori?
00:18:06Other friends? Family?
00:18:08Just her brother.
00:18:10But you won't get anything out of him.
00:19:00One pomeriggio, signora.
00:19:03How can I help you?
00:19:04Signor Balotelli?
00:19:07My name's Claire Gennari.
00:19:09I work for Vita Mutuali, the insurance company.
00:19:13I am not interested.
00:19:15Don't worry, I'm not here to sell you a policy.
00:19:18I'm investigating the death of Signor Luigi Massoni.
00:19:22He killed himself?
00:19:24Yes, but in certain circumstances,
00:19:27the company can still make a payment to the bereaved.
00:19:33How well did you know your late brother-in-law?
00:19:36We were not close.
00:19:38But he worked for you, didn't he?
00:19:40Yes, for a short time.
00:19:43Were you aware that Signor Massoni had a gambling problem?
00:19:47I was aware he spent money he did not have.
00:19:51Did you ever lend him money?
00:19:54Did he ask?
00:19:57Never again.
00:19:59Is he seeking help for his addiction?
00:20:04Signora, I do not want to seem unchristian,
00:20:06but this was entirely Luigi's fault.
00:20:09No one else's.
00:20:10He was a weak man.
00:20:14He did not trust in God.
00:20:20It's helpful to have your perspective.
00:20:23This must be very hard for your family.
00:20:26How's your sister?
00:20:28Not good.
00:20:29At the funeral, no decorum,
00:20:32no self-control.
00:20:35Funerals are never easy.
00:20:37Well, this one should never have taken place at all.
00:20:39Why is that?
00:20:40The true church does not grant sacred rights
00:20:42to people who take their own lives.
00:20:46Thank you for your time, Signor Balotelli.
00:20:58Thank you.
00:21:28Thank you.
00:21:42This is so good.
00:21:44And I love your new place.
00:21:46Thank you.
00:21:49What's wrong?
00:21:50There's something not right about Raimondo Balotelli.
00:21:53Do you want me to see what I can find out about him?
00:21:57He may not be a killer, but he's a nasty piece of work.
00:22:02Leave it with me.
00:22:14Hello, Father.
00:22:16I'm Sylvia Fox.
00:22:17I'm Dr. Mateo's sister-in-law.
00:22:20I know who you are, Signora.
00:22:22Pleased to meet you.
00:22:24Have you got a moment?
00:22:30Antonella Vitale is very worried about Vittoria.
00:22:35I've told the Carabinieri that she was still praying in the church
00:22:39at six that night when I left to go to Tavernelle.
00:22:43It's not possible she had time to kill Signor Gori.
00:22:47And did the police accept that?
00:22:49Of course.
00:22:50Bad people talks, you know.
00:22:55Come, Syl.
00:23:17You like it?
00:23:20It's astonishing.
00:23:24Marino painted it over 500 years ago.
00:23:29It's the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian.
00:24:00Has Antonella asked you to find Franco Gori's killer?
00:24:04As I said, Signora, I know who you are.
00:24:07You made a little name for yourself in Panicale.
00:24:11Do you disapprove?
00:24:13How can it be bad to seek the truth?
00:24:17The trouble is, I don't know where to start looking.
00:24:21And you hoped I would give you a sign, perhaps from something I heard in confession?
00:24:26That's not going to happen, is it?
00:24:30No one has confessed to me that they are a murderer, Signora.
00:24:34I think I am permitted to tell you that much.
00:24:37What would you say if they did?
00:24:40I would tell them to go to the Carabinieri.
00:24:42And if they refused?
00:24:44I would have to keep their secret.
00:24:48Thank you for talking to me.
00:24:50My pleasure, as well as my duty.
00:24:53Your duty?
00:24:54You live in my parish. It doesn't matter if you don't come to my church.
00:24:58Though you are welcome there, of course.
00:25:06Vittoria's brother told me that people who kill themselves aren't supposed to have a church funeral.
00:25:11Is that true?
00:25:12It was, many years ago.
00:25:14Though even then the priest would often find a way.
00:25:17But the rules are kinder now.
00:25:20But Raimondo Balotelli doesn't like the change.
00:25:24It's one reason he's never succeeded in becoming a priest.
00:25:28What of the others?
00:25:30Did you know the early church fathers judged excessive curiosity to be a vice?
00:25:37Oh, dear.
00:25:39Forgive me, Father.
00:25:40Simona Monaldo is trying to contact you.
00:25:43Your father is dying.
00:25:46I'm afraid I have to go, signora.
00:25:49Chiudi tu, per favore.
00:25:54I'm Sylvia Fox.
00:25:56Gabriel Amadou.
00:25:57You're also a priest.
00:25:59A deacon.
00:26:00I'll become a priest next year.
00:26:02Will you stay in Panic Alley after that?
00:26:05I'll go over every good cause, mi signora.
00:26:36I was hoping for a coffee.
00:26:41It looks like I'm too late.
00:26:43Yeah, I'm just off to do my shift at the Mensa Sociale.
00:26:47I'll see you later.
00:26:49Or I could come with you, lend a hand with the washing up.
00:26:55Is your friend who found the body going to be there?
00:26:58Yeah, she is.
00:26:59Which is lucky, isn't it?
00:27:00Because that's the reason you're coming.
00:27:04Hop in.
00:27:17This is my sister Sylvia.
00:27:20She's come to help.
00:27:21Don't let her cook.
00:27:23Buongiorno, signora.
00:27:25Hi, Sylvia.
00:27:26I'm Mara.
00:27:27We met at Isabel's house before.
00:27:29Hello again.
00:27:31Mmm, that smells delicious.
00:27:35Buono soup?
00:27:36My grandmother's special dish.
00:27:38You know it?
00:27:39One of my favorites.
00:27:41But I've never seen it made with pork before.
00:27:44Buon innumbre, signora.
00:27:47Scusi, signora.
00:27:49Sylvia, can you empty the dishwasher and take things through?
00:27:53And Mara?
00:27:55Would you mind showing her where everything goes?
00:28:02I think it's amazing you're back in action here.
00:28:05So soon after Signor Gorey's death.
00:28:08People don't stop being hungry because somebody dies.
00:28:11I meant you, personally.
00:28:14Finding the body must have been an awful experience.
00:28:20I'll get the bread out.
00:28:31I haven't worked this hard in years.
00:28:51I'm surprised to see Antonella here.
00:28:54This is a mensa sociale, not a soup kitchen.
00:28:57Some people eat for free, but most people pay.
00:29:05Buon appetito.
00:29:07Dell'acqua per voi.
00:29:11Dell'acqua per voi.
00:29:12Thank you.
00:29:50What's going on?
00:29:51After you, Major.
00:29:53What happened?
00:29:54Riva and his new brigadiere have taken Mara away.
00:29:55You didn't say why.
00:29:56Well, they can't imagine she had anything to do with Franco Gori's murder, can they?
00:30:07What happened we've earned his new brigadieri have taken more away
00:30:12He didn't say why but I can't imagine she had anything to do with Franco Gorey's murder. Can they what else could it be?
00:30:22Do you mean
00:30:24Pronto child catch a
00:30:27No, not cora. They will tell him at the postulate. Oh, sir
00:30:31No, sir. No, sir. Massimo a quarter the personal a la gente a bisogna di me
00:30:38Okay, okay Arriba
00:30:41I'm sorry. I have to go. I forgot to look I was home all day today. I'm sorry
00:30:49Because her husband is a pig
00:31:08Why do you think the police came for Mara
00:31:11They might want to go through a statement again. Yeah, but couldn't they just call her and ask her to come into the station?
00:31:18Tell me about Mara, um
00:31:21She's a single mother. She opened a little bakery a few years ago when her daughter started at secondary school
00:31:30Now that's a surprise
00:31:32What I'm on a Gorey salon, it's open
00:31:36Maybe her staff are carrying on without her. No. No, I think she runs it on their own
00:31:42Don't wait for me
00:31:46Why do you always look for trouble
00:31:51No, no, I remember on cora do money for if in a city mana see pencil case our only internal a novel
00:31:57The separatists are a pretty enthralled or qualcuno less alone. Sisi. Ciao. Ciao
00:32:02Buongiorno, signora. Hello. I don't have an appointment. But is there any chance of a wash and blow-dry? Sure, please
00:32:12And your jacket grazie
00:32:21I was very sorry to hear about your husband. Thank you
00:32:27Knew Franco. No, but everyone says he was a wonderful man. He was a saint. I
00:32:36Haven't lived here for very long, but my sister has she's married to dr. Matteo. Oh
00:32:42I know her
00:32:45We were just helping out at chiba patootie
00:32:48It's a tribute to senior gory that all the volunteers turned up today
00:32:53It's better to carry on if you can
00:32:56Like you're doing
00:32:58What else should I do seat upstairs and weep?
00:33:02You live over the salon
00:33:04It's a small apartment, but it's big enough for us
00:33:10I'm sorry
00:33:19Could possibly want to kill a man who did so much good is the water. Okay. Mm-hmm
00:33:27Did he have any problems before
00:33:30threats of any kind never
00:33:33everyone loved Franco
00:33:35except Vittoria Mussolini
00:33:38You have heard about that too
00:33:41She was not herself at the funeral
00:33:45But you must have had some reason
00:33:50What are you doing get out
00:33:54I'm sorry. I know you're upset
00:33:58Maybe I shouldn't have come but you were open. Who's our da you have come here to spy on me. That's not true
00:34:05Please you can't send me away looking like this
00:34:23Sylvia get in
00:34:30What happened I'll tell you on the way
00:34:46Thanks for the lift Mateo, I suppose it's no use asking you not to tell Isabel about this no use at all
00:34:55Do you think Franco Gorey's killer was some random crazy person
00:35:02You don't have to find the killer just because my mama asks you to leave your friend to do his job
00:35:07I'll see you soon. Thanks again. Ciao
00:35:20Hello am I gonna get my supper cook for me tonight
00:35:25This is not a social call
00:35:28What's wrong? No, man. I got is accused us of sending an undercover officer to spy on her. Oh
00:35:35That's absurd
00:35:38I needed a blow-dry and I was just curious. Oh, come on Sylvia. You think I'm a fool? No, of course not
00:35:45But Zini managed to calm her down and no fat action will be taken this time, but it has to stop
00:35:57How about a glass of wine no, thank you I have to go
00:36:05Was Vittoria's husband's death definitely suicide
00:36:09Yes, there's no doubt
00:36:13One more question
00:36:15That's Romana gory have an alibi
00:36:20No alibi, but no evidence that she killed her husband I wanted him dead
00:38:53Know the prego
00:39:02Signora la confessato un crimine molto serio
00:39:06La casa me succederà adesso
00:39:08Io non posso restare qua mia figlia bisogna di me
00:39:11Il probabile che giudice le conceda la libertà provisoria se collabora con le nostre indagini
00:39:16La fiao già raccontato tutto quanto serve di più
00:39:20Dobbiamo conoscere ogni cosa so Franco Gori
00:39:23Ha notato qualcosa di insolito nel suo comportamento prima della sua morte qualcosa di particolare
00:39:37La sera prima dell'omicidio ho lavorato fino a tardi da cibo per tutti
00:39:45Ho sentito franco gori litigare con qualcuno in ufficio accanto
00:39:49In grado
00:39:51Poi la situazione degenerata
00:39:54E chi era questa persona
00:40:05Gabrielle Gabriella madu collabora compadre Giuliano
00:42:39Salve padre
00:42:41Spero che si sia ripreso dall'altro giorno sto bene. Grazie capitano cosa posso fare per lei
00:42:46Dovremmo parlare con gabriele amadou non c'è ora ma dovrebbe tornare presto infatti sembra proprio lui
00:42:57Signora madu
00:43:03Ma tutte le unità servono di importi
00:43:09Strada nord di palicale inseguiamo un sospettato in un caso di omicidio
00:43:21Ma secondo te vuole di scherzare
00:43:57Love it
00:48:11Chi sei
00:48:13I'm a friend of Romana's. She's just popped out. Are you the housekeeper?
00:48:19che cosa ci fai qui
00:48:21Would you like me to call her?
00:48:25No, no farai
00:48:39Was a pasta no, no
00:50:16Isabel thought I might find you here
00:50:19Shouldn't you be taking it easy? Well, I need to be busy
00:50:22What did the police want?
00:50:26They charged me with fraud
00:50:29You know that I'm the treasurer of Chico Bertutti. Mm-hmm. I
00:50:34Borrowed money from the account
00:50:38Was Franco gory blackmailing you
00:50:44You took the money so you could pay him I was desperate
00:50:50Because of the murder the police looked at a charity's account before I could pay it back
00:50:55I'm so sorry. No, everyone will find out why I did it not if you plead guilty and there's no trial
00:51:04You'll get through this Mara, however bad it is
00:51:07It's not about me. It's about Rosa my daughter. You don't have to tell me
00:51:14Rosa is 17 a good student
00:51:17Last year, she got pregnant. She'd already broken up with a boy before she found out. I couldn't let her ruin her life
00:51:24And gory used it against you. She talked to a counselor. It's cool
00:51:29Gory found out somehow
00:51:31He told me as a good Catholic. He couldn't write Rosa recommendation for University
00:51:36Unless I made amends by giving money to a special charity what?
00:51:41Restless bastards. He was a devil, but I didn't kill him. I
00:51:48Believe you
00:51:50But Mara you have to tell Capitano Riva about the blackmail not the reason just that it was happening
00:51:56Don't you think I did it after all?
00:51:59Did you give them an alibi?
00:52:01Father Julian and I arrived together that night. He saw me drive up and get out of my car. So you're in the clear
00:52:10Please talk to Capitano Riva, but I've said too much to him already
00:52:15Maybe I got somebody into trouble
00:52:18What do you mean?
00:52:45What a Sylvester call me did you don't act so surprised
00:52:51But if you would have known that gory was a blackmailer we would approach them I do more carefully
00:52:57Well, we don't know for certain that gory was targeting Gabriel. Let alone that Gabriel killed him
00:53:04Then why did he run away?
00:53:06Because he realized that Mara must have told you about his confrontation with gory
00:53:10He panicked and made himself look even more guilty. Yes
00:53:16Or maybe he is the killer
00:53:19Who knows how many people gory was blackmailing any one of them could have done it well, that's not very helpful
00:53:27What you need is a list of gory's victims
00:53:35Do you have this list I'm not interfering remember
00:53:55It's good of you to come Matteo said it was important, please
00:54:24Get area notice for me
00:54:45They say you are good at finding people
00:54:48Sometimes please find Gabriel
00:54:52I'm sure the carabinieri are doing everything they can
00:54:56It's important. I talked to him before they do
00:55:00He must have had a reason for running away
00:55:03Are you sure you want him found?
00:55:05Whatever Gabriel might have done. It's better that he come back and face up to the consequences
00:55:12Please before he does anything foolish
00:55:15He won't hurt you I'm sure of that. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?
00:55:24So, but I don't know if I don't know
00:55:32The problem a bella casa signora
00:56:00Know I missed you prima
00:56:30Yeah, I'll get to know my visto questo libro prima d'ora a pike a casa centra con l'omicidio di franco
00:56:37Che cosa la società benevola di panicale non. Lo so
00:56:42Franco era un bravo uomo ha aiutato moltissime persone
00:56:46E poi io non conoscevo tutti i suoi affari sul serio, ma lei veramente vuole finire in prigione
00:56:54Sabeva di questi ricatti signora
00:56:57Qualcuno cercava di ricattare franco
00:57:02No signora
00:57:40Mara's just been to see me
00:57:46Did you find out what can't you tell me?
00:57:51Everyone except Vittoria was so sure Franco gory was a saint
00:57:55That always makes me suspicious. Huh?
00:57:58Do you know how many people he was blackmailing a?
00:58:04So that makes all of them suspects all of them would have had a motive certainly
00:58:11Look I know the carabinieri have to carry on looking for the killer, but you don't have to
00:58:19Do you know who it is me no
00:58:24And if I did I'd keep it to myself
00:58:27Panicale will be a better place without gory. I agree
00:58:35But you're not gonna let it go are you
00:58:39No, I can't I have to know the truth
00:58:47Hi Giovanni, actually, I'm in Perugia now doing some shopping
00:58:55No, I'll come to you give me an hour
00:59:06I've just made some fantastic peach gelato. You have to try it. Definitely. I'd love to
00:59:11But first I'd like to place a special order. Shall we have a chat in the office? I think so
00:59:44So, what do you need nothing fancy just a drone
00:59:50Military-grade if you have one
01:00:13Thought you might need one of these that's
01:00:24How's your day so far
01:00:28Don't buy Nagori claims to know nothing about the blackmail. She says a husband manage their money
01:00:37She's lying, but I can't prove it
01:00:42Found anything unusual in their finances
01:00:46Justice salary and a small income from her salon and
01:00:50That's in your Aghori how they managed to have for such a magnificent villa and she says that she didn't know because her husband managed
01:00:57their money
01:01:00Have you spoken to the people listed in the ledger what ledger?
01:01:06No one is willing to talk
01:01:08We tell them they don't need to explain why they were being blackmailed that makes no difference
01:01:13That's exactly why gory was able to succeed
01:01:19It's Gabriel Amadou his name there, you know, it isn't but it could be gory had just read it on with him
01:01:29Have you any idea where he might have gone leave him to us Sylvia. It might be dangerous. I
01:01:40Need to get going
01:01:45More shopping
01:01:47You know me so well
01:03:58Got you
01:04:28Gabriel it's okay Padre Giuliano sent me
01:05:14Please come out and talk to me
01:05:17You can't run forever
01:05:21Gabriel wait
01:05:46Did you kill Franco gory
01:05:49No, so why did you run from the police? I'll tell you what will you get off my legs, please?
01:06:04Thought they can't arrest me for the murder, but if you didn't do it
01:06:13Because of the fight you had with gory the night before he died
01:06:23There's a woman we're
01:06:30The gory tried to blackmail me
01:06:33He threatened to get me thrown out of the church if I didn't pay up. I told him to go to hell
01:06:39But I didn't send him there
01:06:58Do you have an alibi I
01:07:01Was with her my friend. Well, then she's married. Ah
01:07:06Ah, you see my problem and there has been it's not a nice man
01:07:15Is it Allegra the woman who helps at Chivo by duty
01:07:29The police know gory was a blackmailer
01:07:31If your relationship has no bearing on the case, then I'm sure they'll be discreet
01:07:37We talking about panic Alice in your war gets around I
01:07:43Don't know why we've kept it secret so long
01:07:46This Padre Giuliano. No, I
01:07:50Think he suspects I
01:07:54Don't know what to do you can start by coming back to panic Ali with me
01:08:11Does Allegra know you're here
01:08:14No, I thought it would be safer for if I just disappear
01:08:20Why did you come looking for me? I told you Padre Giuliano asked me to I was worried about you
01:08:28And I thought that even if you were innocent you might know something about the murder something important
01:08:39There is something isn't there
01:08:43But a Giuliano told the police that Victoria Masone couldn't have murdered gory because he left it in the church in panic
01:08:50I let six o'clock. Yes, I
01:08:53Saw him in Tavernell at least ten minutes before six
01:08:56So Vittoria would have a time to get there
01:09:00and kill Gordy
01:09:01You're sure about this. Yes, I was going to meet Allegra. We always watch a time because of her husband
01:09:09Maybe the old man made a mistake
01:09:12Do you think he could have lied?
01:09:14To protect Victoria if he did I don't blame him. It was a good woman
01:09:20Do you want her to go to prison for killing that monster?
01:09:46Miss Piazza tanto padre a meglio che entri la polizia rivera tra poco
01:10:05Got BL
01:10:12Allegra's told me everything
01:10:24Don't know anymore
01:11:36Frank a gory was blackmailing your husband wasn't it? No
01:11:48Gave him a loan to pay off Luigi stats
01:11:53But Luigi use it to bet again, so gory gave him another loan another
01:12:01How much interest did he charge 50%
01:12:07Gory said we must sell our house
01:12:10The day before the funeral he came to me and said that I still have to pay even though Luigi was that
01:12:16Did he tell anyone gory was a loan shark
01:12:20Who would believe me?
01:12:22We have to pay in cash
01:12:24Nothing was written down a
01:12:27Touch of honor he called it honor. I
01:12:34Was going to kill him I
01:12:36planned it all
01:12:38You really meant to do it?
01:12:44But why I was here praying for courage somebody got that before me
01:12:51Did you tell anyone what you were going to do no
01:13:03Have to go now. I'm late with this week's work for Raimondo. Well surely he won't mind I
01:13:11Don't do the work I don't get paid
01:13:58Raffaella did you manage to find out anything about Raimondo Balotelli? I certainly have okay go on
01:14:11Thanks Raffaella
01:14:13One more thing can you look into gory's finances? There's something I can't figure out
01:14:28Mando la casual non appena saranno fatte le modifiche allora bene. Grazie. Signor Balotelli non c'è di che prego
01:14:40Not more questions signora no
01:14:44I'm afraid I wasn't entirely honest with you last time we met. I don't work for an insurance company
01:14:51Get out of my shop before I call the Carabinieri, I wouldn't do that and
01:14:56Don't worry. I have good news an
01:15:00audit of your company's accounts shows that you made a good profit last year an
01:15:07Who buy that's not important
01:15:09The thing is the business is doing better than you probably realize I pay my taxes. So I've been told
01:15:15I've been told but the dividends you pay your sister Vittoria are lower than they should have been
01:15:23much lower a
01:15:26Business like this is very
01:15:28Complicated you you wouldn't understand then perhaps I should get the financial police to explain it to me
01:15:35Or you could just pay your sister Vittoria what you owe her for
01:15:41Should we say the last ten years?
01:15:45What right do you have none at all, but do you really think that your customers will carry on coming here when they know that
01:15:52You're a cheat
01:15:56Ciao signor Balotelli
01:15:58Make sure Vittoria has the money by the end of the week. This is blackmail
01:16:06I suppose it is
01:16:18Good timing Raffaella, so Franco Gaudi was born in Milan. He has a sister there. No other living relatives
01:16:29Romana Gaudi was born Romana Dati in
01:16:331983 in Santa Marinella
01:16:38But her mother Celestina Dati still lives in Santa Marinella and
01:16:43She owns a bar on the Via Longana
01:16:56Thanks Raffaella looks like I'm off to the seaside
01:18:03Espresso, please
01:18:17Know you ha you don't get away from me this time watch me
01:18:55Don't post our Queen
01:19:15Think I know how the Gauri's have been laundering their money
01:19:19Romana's mother owns a bar in Santa Marinella. It supposedly turns over half a million euros a year, but I'm sure it's a front
01:19:46Celestina Dati and stata restata
01:19:49Our mana Gauri non. C'era nel bar na casa sua
01:19:52Sua madre dice che scomparsa
01:19:55Di ramero un appello a tutta l'unità
01:19:58Romana Gauri era sospettata di omicidio
01:20:13What do you want
01:20:17To know if Antonella will forgive me if I don't find Franco Gauri's killer Oh
01:20:21Matteo heard the police were looking for Romana. They are
01:20:26You don't think she's guilty of murder
01:20:31Romana was in the blackmailing scheme up to her neck. But why would she kill her husband? I don't know falling out amongst thieves
01:20:41You know, thank you and you wish you didn't
01:20:47Feel free to say I told you so I
01:20:51Told you so
01:20:53Come on come and have a drink
01:20:56in answer to your first question, I
01:20:59Reckon Antonella would forgive you anything
01:21:03unless I
01:21:04Die and you marry Matteo and then you'll be public enemy number one
01:22:26There's more than one type of martyrdom, isn't there
01:22:34Good priests confessed to other priests
01:22:42And will you receive absolution
01:22:46No, because I don't repent
01:22:53Vittoria told you she was planning to kill Gauri
01:22:57You couldn't talk her out of it so you did it yourself
01:23:04Franco Gauri was the only evil man I ever met. Did you know what he was doing before Vittoria told you?
01:23:12Some of his victims talked to me I
01:23:16told them to go to the police, but
01:23:18They were too ashamed and afraid and I cannot share the secrets of confession
01:23:27How did you know a
01:23:30To begin with that something wasn't right
01:23:34But you are not governed by feelings
01:23:40Gabriel saw you in Tavinelli ten minutes before you said you left Vittoria at the church in Panicali
01:23:47He didn't tell me he thought you lied to give Vittoria an alibi. So did I at first?
01:23:54But then I realized you were giving yourself one too
01:23:59Did you do it to save Vittoria from prison or from hell
01:24:05Does it matter it was one last thing I could do for a member of my flock
01:24:17You're sick
01:24:20I'm dying Sylvia
01:24:27What are you going to do
01:24:36Unless someone else is charged with the murder
01:24:40If that happens
01:24:42Then I imagine you'll tell the police the truth, of course. I
01:24:47Should have done it already, but I was weak. I
01:24:51Couldn't bear the thought of prison, but you can bear the thought of hell for Vittoria's sake. I
01:25:01Trust in God's judgment. I
01:25:06Was going to give Matteo a letter to be opened after my death, but now
01:25:15Give it to you to pass to the Capitano if someone else is accused even Romana Corey
01:25:24It's a big responsibility that's something you are used to I think
01:26:29Sylvia you came
01:26:34These are for you, oh, thank you and thank you for helping Vittoria. Oh, I
01:26:40Didn't do very much
01:26:41It wasn't you who told the police that Romana Gorey killed her husband. No
01:26:49Is it true I
01:26:51Don't know. What do you think? I thought she was a mouse
01:26:56But I also thought Franco Gorey was a saint
01:27:00And yeah
01:27:05Hey, hey Sylvia, welcome Matteo, please you see hi hi
01:27:12What are we celebrating?
01:27:13Vittoria got the money for her bridal business
01:27:17That's wonderful news. I will begin very small from home. Yeah, but soon she will have a shop in the Piazza and
01:27:25Then a big one in Perugia
01:27:27Sylvia you must be our first customer me. That's nice. Capitano of yours has waited long enough
01:27:35Nella don't be ridiculous
01:27:44Have a drink and don't ask any questions