Team Galaxy S02 Ep5 - Planet Goodtimes

  • 3 months ago
The team discovers that some of the planets are missing their suns.


00:00I think I'm going to have to talk to the management about this.
00:26You want to talk to management?
00:28I'm management.
00:32Good morning, students.
00:36Exceptional event today at GH.
00:38Intergalactic best-selling author Nomori Estomori will be signing his new book, A Life Among
00:43the Stars.
00:44You're listening to Nexus Nine, and I'm giving away a free ticket to the hottest new resort
00:50in the galaxy, Planet Good Times, to the first caller that answers a little trivia.
00:55Ooh, that ticket is mine.
00:58Who were the first intergalactic, uh, uh, it looks like we have a contestant, Ms.
01:04Yoko from Galaxy High.
01:05And the answer is the Jibba Jabba Jupiters.
01:09Question two.
01:10The lead singer of this band is.
01:11Oh, Helium Hansen.
01:12It looks like we have a winner.
01:13Oh, yeah.
01:14Freak alert.
01:15I repeat, freak alert.
01:47You ain't seen nothing yet.
01:50Watch and learn, everyone.
01:51This little move is called Crouching Comet, Hidden Moon.
02:16Now that's what you call pounding the pavement.
02:19Is it just me or does she look tired?
02:21And she's sweating.
02:22She never sweats.
02:24Um, Ms. Roscoff, I'm thinking it's time you took a little vacation.
02:29Vacation's weak in spirit.
02:30They are Space Marshal's worst enemy.
02:33Uh, Brett, join me in the ring.
02:37Come execute the technique I just demonstrated.
02:41What are you waiting for, squirt?
02:43It's Ms. Roscoff.
02:44You know what happens to students during her demonstrations.
02:53I know exactly what happens.
02:55Now get out there and entertain me.
03:16Look out!
03:21Okay, so you haven't been replaced by an automated kid bot,
03:25but I still don't believe what I just saw.
03:27Are you sure you don't want to try that vacation?
03:30I just won a free ticket to Planet Good Times,
03:32and it's got your name written all over it.
03:34Yoko is right, Ms. Roscoff.
03:36It's time for you to take a little R&R.
03:39Brett is just lucky.
03:41According to my records, you've amassed 2,052 vacation days.
03:45I saved them in case of a dachshund flu.
03:47That bug can give stomach cramps and high fever for up to ten years.
03:50We all need to take a break sometime, Ms. Roscoff.
03:53Yeah, and you are getting little bags under your eyes.
03:56R&R time, Ms. Roscoff. That's an order.
03:59Josh and Bobby, gather your teams and meet me in the hangar.
04:01You heard the man.
04:03Have a great time.
04:05What do you want, miss?
04:06The thrill of winning has already worn off.
04:08Besides, sunbathing is so last century.
04:29Amazonoria's sun has somehow spun off its axis and disappeared.
04:32In a related incident, it appears that the light from Cardassia's sun
04:35is no longer detectable either.
04:37Two suns disappearing within such proximity could mean trouble, sir.
04:40Wow, the Cosmic Learning Channel must be on all day back in his dorm room.
04:44This is a perfect opportunity to use my heliodiopter device.
04:47Whatever you need, Brett. I just want you to get to the bottom of this.
04:50Josh, your team will go to Amazonoria.
04:52Bobby, you'll be handling Cardassia. That'll be all.
04:59Excuse me. I've got to go catch a few rays, so to speak.
05:03Oh, yeah? Well, try not to get burned.
05:05Want to bet my team solves this mystery before your team does?
05:08Losing team cleans the other team's hornet?
05:11Let's go, guys.
05:14Well, what's everyone waiting for?
05:17Top doors opening.
05:36Palm trees and powder snow?
05:38Although that might sound good on paper, in real life it totally clashes.
05:45What are you doing, Brett?
05:46Setting up my heliodiopter to determine whether this planet has a sun or not.
05:49Uh, use your eyes, Brett. There's no sun up there.
05:52And look at all this ice. The planet's frozen over.
05:56I wonder what happened.
05:58Hey, Rockstar wannabe, do you read me?
06:00Loud and clear, Rockstar never be.
06:02All snide comments aside, Josh.
06:04Cardassia's primary sun has gone AWOL.
06:06Luckily, its secondary sun is still here to keep the planet somewhat stable.
06:11I'm picking up a ship closing in on the secondary sun.
06:14I see it. Stand by, Josh. We've got an unidentified craft in our sector.
06:28What's going on, Bobby?
06:31What's going on, Bobby?
06:32I told you to stand by. Ready the defense systems.
06:44What's happening, Bobby?
06:46We found the Sun Stealer and we're about to nab him.
06:48Make sure you don't forget to polish my rims, Josh.
06:56Brett, keep tracking Bobby's coordinates.
06:59You're not winning our bet that easily, Bobby.
07:17Huh. Slippery one.
07:25Where'd it go? I can't see!
07:27I'm checking. Give me a minute.
07:30It's behind us!
07:32Not good!
07:41We've lost Bobby's transmission.
07:43Well, we're coming up to where we last heard from him.
07:45Everyone keep your eyes peeled for a visual.
07:49They're gone.
07:50Well, I'm picking up a radiation trail leading in that direction.
07:53Clearly, whoever took the sun went that way.
07:55And they probably took Bobby and his team, too.
07:57Oh, shame. I'm gonna miss him.
08:00Hey, look at that. Still plenty of time to make it back to GH for lunch.
08:04Okay, okay. We'll rescue them.
08:12Ugh. A planet where people pay to lie around and do nothing. Revolting.
08:20We're coming to the end of the radiation trail.
08:22I've got a planet coming up on my view screen.
08:24Planet good times!
08:26Oh, you can eat buffets, salons, spas, poolside exercise machines,
08:30and the best of all, you can sing with the dolphins!
08:32Uh, you mean swim with the dolphins.
08:34No, I mean sing, thanks to dolphin human translators.
08:38The ocean's alive with the sound of Yoko.
08:44Wow, this planet orbits a cluster of 15 suns.
08:47Doesn't get much hotter than that.
08:49No, it doesn't. R&R time, gang.
08:51Well, we're investigating, of course.
09:01Okay, our best strategy is to blend in with the vacationers.
09:05Did you apply your sunscreen? My UV readings for this planet are off the chart.
09:09Coconut scented sunscreen for the Yoko nut?
09:12Come on, Beans. Move those tentacles. Flap those wings.
09:15Ooh, hydrophics!
09:17We're on a mission, Yoko.
09:20You have your mission, and I have mine.
09:23Guys, I found Bobby's hornet!
09:28It appears that Bobby's ship was brought down by a missile.
09:33Let's just hope everyone's okay.
09:35Jumping hydrogen hounds, what do we have here?
09:41Comb, baby.
09:42Looks like a few old friends decided to pay me a visit.
09:45Too bad.
09:46Too bad. I don't feel like entertaining.
09:59Okay, time to relax.
10:16Relax, everyone. That's what I'm doing.
10:19Oh, I hate vacations.
10:28Something weird's going on here,
10:30because this place is off the chart spicy chicken wing hot.
10:33Yeah, deadly hot.
10:35The combined heat from those suns is causing the core of the planet to overheat.
10:38We've got about an hour and a half before this planet blows up.
10:43Hey, there's Ms. R. She'll know what to do.
10:49Ms. Roscoff? Hey, Ms. R.
10:52Come on, now, Roscoff. Do not wimp out.
10:55Push-yah, push-yah, push!
10:57Ms. Roscoff?
11:03Look, a weirdo!
11:05Wait till I get my hands on you!
11:08Look, a weirdo!
11:10Wait till I get my hands on you!
11:19Hey, hoo-ha!
11:22Think there's a pompous, pathetic sun pirate like you would be behind this.
11:25We're tired of busting you and your big hair.
11:28What do you need with all this sun?
11:30Sun is power, baby.
11:32The intergalactic tourism industry is driven by sun.
11:35The more sun that a man has, the more powerful he is.
11:39Possibly. But in your case, you've got a little too much.
11:42You can never have too much sun, shorty.
11:44Did he just call me shorty?
11:46The truth can hurt sometimes.
11:48I think what the little guy is trying to say is all those suns out there are baking your planet's core, and it's about to blow!
11:53Nonsense! My guests demand 24-7 solar satisfaction, baby.
11:58Planet Good Times is now the greatest resort that's ever existed, and I'm not about to let you ruin that.
12:08Hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
12:16We're toast!
12:17Yep, definitely starting to feel like toast.
12:21Help! Someone! Anyone!
12:35Hot. Need fresh towel.
12:38This is luxury resort. Where is my fresh towel?
12:56Ms. Raskov!
12:58What the blazes is going on?
13:00Bombador! This planet is going to explode!
13:03Principal K.
13:04What? I do not understand.
13:06Sent us to recover some missing suns.
13:09Bombador stole them, but there's too many. We've only got 10 minutes and 32 seconds left before...
13:14Boom! We've got to stop him.
13:16He took our gear.
13:19Ha! Little something in case I get bored. And guess what? I am bored.
13:34Requesting emergency assistance from any and all space marshals.
13:39Josh here. What's going on?
13:41Josh! Planet freezing! Earth sun! Stolen!
13:45We're on it. I think it's time we eclipsed Bombador's sunny plans.
13:50Cold, baby.
13:52Time for new hairstyle, Bombador.
13:58Sorry, ma'am, but the Bombador never goes out of style.
14:02Show these rude guests of ours how to relax. Permanently.
14:15Bobby! Evacuate the resort!
14:17I don't take orders from you, pal!
14:19Come on. We've got to evacuate this place.
14:24Yoko! Fluff! Let's show Bombador how to rock and roll!
14:38Well, short stuff, looks like it's you and me.
14:42When a little person calls me short, I'm really going to lose it!
14:50Dazzler mode!
14:54It's no use!
14:56I thought cabana boys were only good for mixing fruity ice drinks!
15:00Crushed ice? Crushed space marshals? What's the difference?
15:20Everyone, get down!
15:22Everyone, get to your ships! Clear the planet! It's going to blow!
15:27No, no, no! Don't run! The planet is safe! Freeze!
15:30Strawberry ice smoothies in a room! Upgrade if you stay!
15:34Hold on a second, pal. Evacuation sounds like a good idea.
15:42Fluffy! Compact mode!
15:54Mega Dazzler time! Say cheese!
15:59And say sticky taffy!
16:11Anyone see where Bombador went?
16:13I'm guessing he's in there!
16:19Quick! Let's get to the ships!
16:21Let's go!
16:37Oh man, these space marshals are really starting to get on my nerves!
16:46That wasn't very hospitable of you, Bombador, leaving us like that!
16:49If you want hospitality, baby, I'll give you hospitality!
17:01Oh, nice move! But let's turn up the heat a little!
17:13Looks like we're the last to evacuate! We'd better move it!
17:20I can't take this heat much longer!
17:22Fluffy, why don't you cool the little lady off?
17:27Systems are overheating!
17:33His ship is too agile! It will never hit him!
17:35You're mine, Bombador!
17:44So long, marshals!
17:45Brett, give me as much power as you can to the reverse thrusters now!
17:47Yoko, stop Bombador!
17:48But how?
17:49I don't know! Just stop him!
17:55Okay, you've got all the power I can give you!
17:57Activate heat shield!
17:58Heat shield engaged.
18:06Target locked!
18:08Target locked!
18:13Hey, it's been fun, baby! But I really gotta rock and roll!
18:23Hey, nice thinking!
18:27Help me!
18:37Help me!
18:42Sorry about collision, but great work securing Bombador!
18:45Our pleasure! All we need now is a little R&R!
18:49The planet's been completely evacuated!
18:51And more importantly, we nabbed the Sunstealer! Care to celebrate?
19:04My resort! My beautiful resort!
19:07Come on, baby!
19:21Excuse me. Just a little cold I caught when we lost the Sun.
19:24But thanks to you guys, things are warming up and marshals are returning all the missing Suns to their planets. Thank you.
19:30Anytime, Sarge!
19:32Don't touch the skin, man!
19:34You should have worn that 1000 SPF sunblock, Bombador!
19:37Oh, yeah! It's not gonna be pretty when your skin starts to peel!
19:49You're listening to Nexus 9! The first caller to answer wins a brand new dance chip implant!
19:54Ooh, that dance chip is mine!
19:56Yeah, the way you dance, I hope you win it.
19:58Who is the next heir to the Motavious Galaxy?
20:01And we have a contestant, Ms...
20:03That's Princess Kimball! And the answer is Prince Bouillon!
20:07We used to play together in the Royal Gardens as children.
20:10That's absolutely correct!
20:15Yeah, freak alert! I repeat, freak alert!
20:19Brett, rematch time!
20:22You might not want to come too close!
20:24I think I'm coming down with a Fidakian flu!
20:29Maybe we can try this in ten years?
20:35Come back, Brett! You and me have unfinished business!
20:37Hey! Come back here! Slow down!
