El extraño retorno de D.i.a.n.a. Salazar 2024 - Capitulo 10

  • 2 months ago
01:30I thought there was going to be an auction. I got curious and here I am.
01:36Joaquín Núñez, how are you?
01:38Mario Villarreal, nice to meet you.
01:40I guess the auction is not going to happen anymore, is it?
01:43I don't know, but here in Mexico it shakes all the time.
01:47Oh yeah?
01:49Well, it did shake a lot, but it does shake a lot.
01:52But it's okay.
01:54And do you like art?
01:56Yes, I'm an amateur fan.
01:57I have a small collection of, above all, pieces and jewels for Hispanics.
02:03Yes, I like art.
02:04Can I have a moment, guys?
02:06I want to talk to my daughter.
02:08Yes, of course. Excuse me.
02:10Thank you.
02:12What's wrong, Mom?
02:14I don't want us to be angry.
02:17Are you serious, Mom?
02:19It's just that this tremor made me reflect.
02:23It made me think that I don't know how many days I have left on this earth.
02:28Don't start, Mom.
02:30And I want to tell you that I forgive you.
02:35Do you forgive me?
02:37I forgive you.
02:39But you're the one who lied to me all these years.
02:42I forgive you for judging me.
02:46Well, I don't forgive you, Mom.
02:47I don't forgive you, Mom.
02:49And you know, I talked to my dad.
02:51And he doesn't seem like a bad person to me, like you say.
02:54How stubborn you are.
02:56Someone must have left.
02:59Not me, of course.
03:02Coming from you, I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment.
03:08I just want you to know that that man asked me to tell you
03:12that despite the fact that many years have passed,
03:13he hasn't forgotten you and he's still very much in love with you.
03:19Excuse me.
03:30Careful, that's going to kill you.
03:34I know, I know.
03:36But I needed to take one.
03:40You're going to take the auction again, right?
03:41I don't know.
03:45All this earthquake seems to me like a sign.
03:48Maybe I never had to take care of this auction.
03:51Maybe I didn't have time to organize myself, to do the research.
03:54Let's see, Gonzalo, wait, stop.
03:56You know I also believe in signs, but not everything means something.
03:59You know what I think?
04:01You're going to break it in this auction.
04:03That's what I think.
04:07Let's go.
04:08Let's go.
04:10Let's go.
04:20What do you think?
04:22I don't know, it has something like hypnotizing.
04:29Ladies and gentlemen, we have decided to reschedule the auction.
04:34Apparently, the people here in Zacatecas are used to earthquakes.
04:40I want to introduce you to Mr. José Pablo de Santiago.
04:44A round of applause, please.
04:52Mr. José Pablo de Santiago is the sole heir to all the pieces that we are going to auction this afternoon.
04:58And unfortunately, I have to inform you that piece number 19, the Virgin of the Candle,
05:04has been damaged during the earthquake and therefore we will not be able to continue with the puja.
05:08Yes, we will do it with the rest of the works.
05:11Thank you very much.
05:13I'm going out for a moment.
05:15I'll be right back.
05:19Well, let's reschedule this magna auction.
05:22And for this we have this new piece called Bodegón Floral.
05:28It is by the author Anónimo.
05:32Do you recognize anything?
05:34The signature?
05:36The truth is that I don't know much about these families so far away.
05:39Just some stories that my parents told me.
05:41Like what?
05:43There were values ​​of the family that stayed here in times of the Inquisition and that were never recovered.
05:47Until I went to the convent and with Sir Beatriz.
05:50Mr. José.
05:52Would you allow me to take a closer look at the painting?
05:55Valeria is a professional restorer.
05:57In fact, specialized in the works of that time.
05:59Of course, of course.
06:01Well, I have part of my team in the car, so I won't take long.
06:04I remember that my parents told me that there was an accident in the mine that belonged to the family.
06:11They looked for paradise.
06:13Sometimes I hear voices that tell me that paradise is the beginning of all things.
06:19Yes, it was something like a fire, a collapse and there were even dead.
06:25After that, a part of the family fled to Spain and the other stayed here.
06:30But with the family from Mexico we lost all contact.
06:33And why did they run away?
06:35Well, I don't know. It's been many years.
06:39Well, I consider that the mistreatment over the years is not so much.
06:43However, the tear that caused the tremor is deep.
06:46But I can restore it.
06:48If possible, I would love to.
06:50That woman has something in her eyes that ...
06:52She doesn't let you go.
06:57Hey, if you're done chatting here, come to the hotel.
07:01Let's go.
07:03Thank you very much.
07:05To you.
07:13Let's go.
07:31Do you know Diama from a long time ago?
07:34We started a little over a year ago.
07:37We started?
07:39I'm his psychologist.
07:40No, no, I thought you were friends or something like that.
07:46What are we talking about?
07:48I was telling Mario that I'm your psychologist.
07:51And nothing.
07:53Did you take me out of the closet of the crazy people?
07:57No, it's not true. It doesn't matter if you tell him.
07:59Not that we were in the seventeenth century.
08:01Thank you.
08:03This comment is impressive.
08:05Do you have a lot?
08:07Since I was a girl.
08:09Sor Beatriz.
08:13He liked to hide in the kitchen when his mother got angry with her.
08:17She was a little bitch, this girl.
08:19Nice to meet you. Let me introduce you to Joaquin, my psychologist.
08:22Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you.
08:24And Mario, my friend.
08:26Nice to meet you.
08:35Is it me or is there a special energy here?
08:38I don't know.
08:45It must be our lord who wants me to show you the convent to break with this tension.
08:50So follow me, please.
08:52Come on.
08:54Yes, of course.
08:59Oh, it's tremendous, Sor Beatriz.
09:02Do you know who these paintings are, Sor Beatriz?
09:04Most of the ones that are here are from Maestro Quevedo.
09:10From what era, do you know?
09:12Well, about 1600.
09:16But none was part of the auction.
09:19Those are protected in the cellar until we deliver them to their new owners.
09:24I would like to see them up close.
09:26Can we go to the cellar? It's this way, right?
09:35Hey, but how did he know the cellar was that way?
09:39I don't know.
09:41How strange.
09:45Had you been to Zacatecas before?
09:47I had never been to Mexico before, until a few weeks ago.
10:05All right.
10:18All right?
10:29This oregon was used as a stable many years ago.
10:33But there are those who say that here the Holy Inquisition carried out tortures.
10:44I need to go out for some air.
10:46Sor, I'm going out.
10:48I need to go out.
10:52I'm going with Delfina for the cooperative.
10:57And how did it go with the Lord of Santiago?
11:02I'm going to restore the painting that was damaged.
11:04Congratulations. I'm glad.
11:06And what did he say about the letter?
11:08You're going to think he's crazy, but Diana was investigating and apparently on behalf of my dad we are relatives of those of Santiago.
11:16Improbable, but not impossible.
11:19But why do you say I'm going to think he's crazy?
11:22It's a long story.
11:26And you're not going to tell me?
11:27I mean, I have all the time in the world for you.
11:30Oh, thank you.
11:32Thank you.
11:34The day is good too.
11:36The sun is strong, it's good.
11:38Do you want to take a walk?
11:45Well, where do I start?
11:48At the beginning.
11:50This place takes you back to another time, doesn't it?
11:55Did your mother always live here?
11:57Yes, a long time ago, when I was about ten years old.
12:00When Malena and I were little, we loved going to the stream that is near the convent to cool off.
12:05And my mom always got angry.
12:07They're going to catch a cold.
12:09I don't think I've been doing well with her since then.
12:12And things are still bad.
12:17Sorry, it's from the lab. I have to answer.
12:25Everything okay?
12:27You've been tense lately.
12:29After what happened at the lottery in Zacatecas.
12:34I figured that was why.
12:37Diana, that was something that happened because of the proximity, because of the circumstances.
12:42But yes, I understand perfectly your discomfort.
12:45That shouldn't have happened and I apologize.
12:49Hey, I need to ask Joaquín, my therapist, a question.
12:56This situation with my mom, I didn't think it would affect me so much.
13:01And now that I have her close, it irritates me.
13:04When we argue with people we care about, it's hard to pretend as if nothing happened.
13:10If you had her here in front of you, what would you tell her?
13:16That she had no right to hide anything from us.
13:19I wish she hadn't told herself.
13:22She wouldn't have gone through all that on her own.
13:25Have you ever thought that maybe you're more angry with yourself than with her
13:29for not being there for her in that pain?
13:34I hadn't seen her that way.
13:38Thank you for always listening to me.
13:46It's not that I'm not curious to talk to him.
13:50I'd like to ask him why the hell he abandoned us, for example.
13:53But I guess it's easier not to do it.
13:57It makes sense.
14:00Can I ask you not to tell anyone?
14:03I don't like people finding out about my private life.
14:07And neither does he.
14:09Of course, don't worry.
14:12I feel like I haven't been with him lately.
14:18What do you mean?
14:19I don't know.
14:21I guess we're having different visions of life.
14:26But I understand that those visions have always been different, right?
14:32Even when we started, he helped pay a part of my tuition when my mom couldn't afford it.
14:37I guess it was because he believed in me.
14:40And now you think he doesn't believe in you anymore?
14:44I think he's too busy trying to have a life of his own.
14:47You know, like...
14:49You have a partner, you get married, you have kids, you have a family.
14:54You want to live in Santa Fe.
14:59I've never been like that, Gonzalo.
15:01It's just that if I don't get married, if I don't have kids, it's fine, it's fine.
15:07I'm happy with that.
15:09I understand you perfectly.
15:11I just don't understand why this society, this society,
15:14doesn't try to make us feel like we're not complete if we're not parents.
15:20We're not all made for the same thing.
15:24Thank you.
15:26By the way, I have a gift for you.
15:29It's my way of thanking you for everything you're doing to get me the auction.
15:36You didn't have to.
15:38I hope you like it.
15:44It's beautiful.
15:47He told me that he understands your reasons very well.
15:51That you will find happiness the day you accept yourself as a two-hearted woman.
16:00But put it on for me.
16:15It looks great on you.
16:40I'm sorry.
16:45I'm leaving.
16:49I'll see you later.
17:06Hey, where have you been?
17:09I'm leaving, Diana.
17:11What do you mean?
17:12It's getting late.
17:14But we came together. We weren't going to stay up.
17:16I'd rather not.
17:18It's going to be dark. What are you going to do? Drive alone?
17:20Diana, please. It's no use. Can I do it?
17:23Okay. I was just worried about you.
17:26I'll let you know when I get there.
17:45Oh, my daughter.
17:47What are you doing here? Go have fun. Go to the street.
17:56Don't worry, Mom.
17:58But I feel perfectly fine.
18:01I swear.
18:03Well, I'm not calm.
18:07You can't put your life on hold for my daughter. Seriously.
18:12Well, if you're in your best phase, please.
18:15In my best phase?
18:17Lonely and fighting for a position that should be mine.
18:20Lonely because you want it.
18:23You're beautiful, my daughter. Look at yourself.
18:26And they're going to give you that position. You'll see.
18:31And Dr. Villarreal.
18:38Don't tell me you don't like it.
18:39Because I could be disillusioned, but I'm not blind.
18:42Don't say that. You're not disillusioned.
18:49Yes, I like it.
18:52But I think I scared you.
18:56I think I crossed a line.
18:59Can I tell you something?
19:00Before I met your dad,
19:02I had an intense love.
19:06You only live once in life.
19:10Well, your grandparents didn't like it.
19:13And I didn't object.
19:15And then I met your dad and I don't regret anything.
19:23I always had the doubt
19:25of what would have happened if I had fought for that love.
19:30Don't let the same thing happen to you.
19:38Here I bring you some tortillas,
19:41so you can have a taquito.
19:43I don't know what they put in this sauce,
19:45but you have to pass me the recipe.
19:47It's a family secret.
19:49And speaking of family,
19:51I'm going to tell you something.
19:52It's a family secret.
19:54And speaking of family,
19:56how was Diana when she was a child?
19:58Oh, Dianita.
20:00She was a very scandalous girl.
20:02I hope she has changed.
20:04She's still the same.
20:07Oh, I have photos of that time.
20:09Do you want to see them?
20:12Whatever Diana wants.
20:14Oh, I'm going to bring them.
20:16There's no way to have her.
20:18There's no way.
20:22Oh, Mom.
20:23These are the ones I found.
20:25There's more over here.
20:26Oh, Mom.
20:27Oh, it's a shame that people no longer have albums of photos.
20:30Now, only cell phones and selfies and tablets.
20:34Oh, sorry.
20:35Speaking of, right?
20:42Oh, this.
20:44This was a trip we made to Oaxaca.
20:47Look how happy you look.
20:49Oh, it's okay.
20:50Now you see.
20:54He left when I was very little.
20:56He was irresponsible.
21:04I don't know, Rolando.
21:06Our relationship is getting closer every day and...
21:08Listen to me, Joaquin.
21:10Your relationship should not get closer.
21:12You are a therapist and a patient.
21:14Nothing more.
21:16Well, it wouldn't be the first time it happens.
21:18It even happened to Broger.
21:19Don't get philosophical, please.
21:21You already deleted the video of the session you told me about, right?
21:26I still have it.
21:28But I should tell you before deleting it, don't you think?
21:32Joaquin, leave things as they are
21:34or you're going to get into a more serious problem.
21:36Delete that video and send it to another psychologist.
21:40I prepared a room for each of you, Joaquin.
21:42If you feel cold, there are blankets in the closet.
21:44I don't want you to be doing inappropriate things.
21:46Good night.
21:48Good night.
21:50Good night.
21:52Leave them, Monja.
21:54They haven't told me anything like that
21:56since my grandmother scolded me for eating the chocolates from the pantry.
21:58I had all these thoughts and I didn't know how long it had been.
22:02In fact, you have something there.
22:06Yes. Can I?
22:11I'm going to tell you.
22:13I'm falling in love with you.
22:15I'm falling in love with Diana.
22:17Wouldn't it be ethical to continue treating her without telling her the truth?
22:21Let her live her life in peace.
22:23Listen to me, please.
22:35I can't promise I'm going to listen to you, Beatriz.
22:38Me neither.
22:54Let's go, Joaquin.
23:04Do you want me to show you your room?
23:09No, thank you.
23:11I've decided I'm going back to the city.
23:14Good night.
23:16Good night.
23:45I feel the presence of a person who is not good.
23:50I don't know who he is, but I know he exists.
23:56Does it hurt?
24:00Do you want to stop?
24:06I'm sorry.
24:08No, it's okay.
24:12Yes, don't worry.
24:19Get some rest.
24:34That mark you have on your chest has a reason to be.
24:39You must follow the signs and that's it.
24:57I thought you were going to stay the night.
24:59No, I preferred to come here with you.
25:03Are you okay? You seem very excited.
25:06Everything is perfect.
25:08How was the auction?
25:10I don't want to talk about work right now.
25:12I swear I'm saturated. Not now.
25:14This is considered work, but I have a surprise for you.
25:19You have to close your eyes.
25:22You can't open them.
25:24Don't open them.
25:31Let's see.
25:37I emptied the guest room to turn it into an atelier.
25:40Here is your desk.
25:42The materials can go here.
25:44And here are your canvases and the stool.
25:47What do you think?
25:50Why did you do this, Gael?
25:53What do you mean why?
25:57Because I love you.
25:59Because I believe in you.
26:05Vale, I know we haven't been well lately.
26:07And that it can be very difficult to be with me.
26:10But I love you.
26:12And I'm trying to change.
26:14I'm going to do what I have to do to fix things.
26:20If you ask me right now, I'll tell you yes.
26:23If I ask you what?
26:26That I come to live here with you.
26:31Is that serious?
26:34Is that serious?
26:42Well, what made you change your mind?
27:04I love you.
27:34I love you too.
28:04I love you too.
28:34I love you.
29:04I love you.
29:15There are a lot of people.
29:17A party?
29:19I have an idea.
29:21But I don't know if Mr. Eduardo de Carvajal,
29:24sent by King Felipe IV,
29:26is in the mood for an adventure.
29:29I would never tell him that there is no adventure
29:32proposed by Mrs. Leonor de Santiago.
29:34We could go out very discreetly
29:36through the door that is under the staircase
29:39and take a walk alone
29:42without anyone noticing.
29:46Unless you prefer to leave with all the people
29:50who come to my father's new silver beta.
29:55I prefer the adventure.
30:05I love you.
30:07I love you.
30:28Don't you think we need you at the celebration?
30:31I'm sure we do.
30:32We'll come up with something.
30:34I wouldn't change this moment here
31:02I love you.
31:20You are beautiful.
31:24I think it is fair and unfortunate to say
31:27that I am in love with you,
31:29Leonor de Santiago.
31:30Unfortunate for what?
31:32For reasons
31:34that I won't talk about right now.
32:00I love you.
32:02I love you.
32:30I love you.
33:00I love you.
33:23It is the most beautiful vision
33:25I have ever had.
33:30I love you.
33:32I love you.
34:00I love you.
34:02I love you.
34:04I love you.
34:06I love you.
34:08I love you.
34:10I love you.
34:12I love you.
34:14I love you.
34:16I love you.
34:18I love you.
34:20I love you.
34:22I love you.
34:24I love you.
34:26I love you.
34:28I love you.
34:31I love you.
34:33I love you.
34:44You never let me down.
35:30I've never been more depressed.
