The Traitors NZ S2 Episode 10

  • 2 months ago
The Traitors NZ Season 2 Episode 10


00:00Previously, on The Traitors.
00:07The faithful were in disarray.
00:09I'm absolutely gutted by it.
00:11When Utah was stabbed in the back.
00:14Even though I murdered him last night.
00:18But suspicion arose early.
00:21Siali looks like he is guilty as sin.
00:24Put yourself in the traitor's shoes.
00:26Who would be a good recruit? Siali.
00:29That worries me.
00:31And Kat made a bold move.
00:33I gave Ben a shield.
00:35He had said that he was also going to vote for Siali.
00:38As the pressure mounted for one player.
00:40I don't even know what's real, what's fake, what's the truth, what's a lie, I just don't know.
00:44The remaining faithful narrowed their focus.
00:47I feel like you're hiding in plain sight.
00:49If you look at somebody like yourself, that's where I think that we should be looking.
00:52And Siali saw his moment to strike.
00:55I've been fighting the good fight for faithfuls.
00:57I don't think you have.
00:59I see where you're coming from, but I'm not the right person to be looking at.
01:02Why not?
01:04Yeah, I kind of think everyone's the right person to be looking at.
01:09And Molly.
01:10I am leaving the game as a faithful.
01:13Was banished.
01:15I think we just got to go back to the drawing board, eh?
01:17Someone must do.
01:19Now, with the faithful's suspicions ever increasing.
01:23The traitors must select their next seduction.
01:27So it's either Cap or Ben.
01:48Dearest Ben.
01:50The traitors would like to offer you the opportunity to join them.
01:53You now have the choice to become a traitor or remain a faithful.
01:58If you choose to join the traitors, you must meet them at the conclave tonight.
02:04Yours faithfully.
02:08The traitors.
02:13I'm pretty certain Ben will agree to joining us.
02:19Do you think he's ready to play?
02:22I don't think he would easily be able to turn anyone on us.
02:26So I think he's the perfect person for us to seduce tonight.
02:30I think it's a great choice.
02:41I don't know what to do.
02:44I've built so much trust being a faithful.
02:47This is throwing me.
03:02I'm going to do it.
03:05Welcome to the Bad Traitors.
03:11Welcome to the Bad Traitors.
03:15My heart is pounding so much.
03:18I have no clue who's going to be there.
03:22So I'm so nervous.
03:35Oh my God.
03:45Oh shit.
03:47I'm shook.
03:49I would never suspect Bailey and in fact if I was a faithful,
03:52Bailey would probably have come to the end with me.
03:56Not even on my radar.
03:58Thanks for joining us.
04:00Ben's reaction is priceless.
04:03I never would have picked you.
04:05I was on to you.
04:07He looks at me and he's like, oh, I knew you were one.
04:11This is the one day I've been a traitor, you know.
04:14I'm actually stoked.
04:18You know, tomorrow, he's going to really feel the weight of what
04:23I've been through.
04:25You know, tomorrow, he's going to really feel the weight of being
04:31a traitor on the shoulders because I certainly felt it today.
04:35Just start leaning into different names.
04:39What names have you?
04:40Noel's a good name.
04:41Yeah, Noel's a great name.
04:42We couldn't do anything else.
04:43I thought it was Noel.
04:45A lot of people think it's still Noel, which is why he's still there.
04:48He's still there.
04:50He's like the perfect bait.
04:52Let's go.
04:54Oh, I feel evil.
05:19Yeah, we're knocking two ourselves.
05:22Oh, bro.
05:24They were supposed to go, whoa, that's a big knock for Ben.
05:27Yeah, Ben.
05:28You got a sore hand?
05:29Should we eat it all?
05:32It's great that I'm an actor because coming in first to breakfast.
05:36That's us, guys.
05:40I'm just a faithful.
05:44What do you think of that board?
05:46There's a lot of black crosses on there, like, what's that?
05:50There's a lot of black crosses on there, like, we've done well.
05:55I need to talk to Ben because I need to find some information.
06:01Took me through Seali, bro.
06:03I heard you.
06:06I've got to keep my A blinkers on.
06:11I'm kind of caught in a weird trap because I already had been doubting Seali
06:16where Trader Mates, yeah, I'm in a pickle.
06:21When Utah didn't walk through the door, I think I expected more.
06:25They were like this.
06:27I just, I found that weird.
06:28Oh, so that's what kind of led you there just by his reaction?
06:32Well, because that's all we've got in the morning.
06:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:34It's like you have to go, okay, who's got a weird reaction?
06:36Because, like, I come here every day with a new slate.
06:39Yeah, yeah.
06:40I know Brown Brothers, you know?
06:43Like, I know, bro, what are you saying?
06:45We'll be gutted, we'll hold that inside, but we're not soupy lalas.
06:48And that's what he kind of said to me, but I think I had to ask him.
06:52Yeah, no, it's a fair call, bro.
06:54It's a fair call.
06:55I think I'm good so far.
06:59What I'm noticing is there's a lot of eye contact between Ben and Kat.
07:03Now, they might have formed a new alliance, so I need to look into that a bit more.
07:07Come in.
07:12Oh, my Ben.
07:13Good morning, guys.
07:14Good morning.
07:17Oh, look at you, Joe.
07:18Good morning, good morning, good morning.
07:20I don't know how the smartest people in the game got out before me.
07:27Somebody died?
07:28When I've been the most vocal, I've been the most disruptive,
07:32I've caused the most chaos, uncertainty, drama, and I'm still here, baby.
07:38So who is it?
07:39So Kat's got to choose.
07:40It's either Ciali or Noel.
07:43I'm really hoping that Ciali walks through the door because then I get answers on Noel
07:49and then I would know he actually was a faker.
07:53Joe, how are you today?
07:57Do you know what?
07:58You know you're better at the game when Bailey's starting to play better than you?
08:03That is so mean.
08:07I think I've been performing as the freaking world's greatest traitor.
08:12Sorry, Molls.
08:13Here's to Molly, eh?
08:15Sorry, Molly.
08:16Here's to Molly.
08:17I'm so sorry, Molly.
08:18I think I'm kind of the one that would blow everyone's minds.
08:22I'm a little bit worried I'm, like, a psychopath because I'm like, oh, this is so easy.
08:31Come in.
08:32Come in.
08:35We knew you were coming.
08:37Morninga, morninga.
08:41I have to say I've had about eight hours, everybody.
08:43I know.
08:44Me too.
08:45Oh, you poor thing.
08:46Good morning.
08:47I love this bit.
08:49It's Noel Ciali.
08:51It's Noel Ciali.
08:56To be honest, though, both were quite high on my list.
08:59So it would clear some things up for me.
09:07But no one of them isn't coming to breakfast, which is really, really good for me.
09:12I'll have answers on Ciali.
09:14Oh, no.
09:19He really was a faithful.
09:25I knew it.
09:28I was almost banished at the round table yesterday.
09:32But I knew that was coming.
09:33I knew the heat was going to be on.
09:35I just have to keep remembering I've played a really good faithful game up until the point where I was turned.
09:42And that's really paying dividends.
09:48Well, that confirms Noel was a faithful.
09:52I'm confused.
09:53I'm shocked.
09:54I was so convinced that Noel was a traitor.
09:58So we've lost three faithfuls in two days.
10:04We cannot afford to up the vote tonight.
10:22Attempted murder.
10:26No one has been murdered.
10:28And I was right.
10:30Noel was a traitor.
10:33You're not here, right?
10:34Hi, buddy.
10:38Good morning, Noel.
10:39We literally were just like, holy shit.
10:44Whoever that shield was given to, that's the person that was attempted to be murdered.
10:50Kat has those answers and only Kat.
11:04So I don't get it now.
11:08Me neither.
11:10That means if you gave the shield to someone, there was an attempted murder on them.
11:13Possibly, yeah.
11:18Did you guys lock your doors?
11:21So then you'll know.
11:22I locked both sides.
11:25She's not sharing that information.
11:29She is keeping it very, very close to her chest.
11:35I've got no idea what to do.
11:37I think it's up to Kat to tell people that I had the shield.
11:41Hopefully Kat thinks they tried to murder me.
11:44I didn't want anyone to know that I'd given Ben a shield.
11:47I don't know whether there was an attempted murder on Ben or whether Ben was always a traitor.
11:54Honestly, anything could have happened.
11:57At least we're all here.
11:59That's a good thing.
12:06Another day dawns, players.
12:10You're all still alive.
12:12You are all still winners so far.
12:18I think you'll get quite a buzz out of today's mission.
12:21I'm not getting zapped.
12:23Strap yourselves in, my lovelies.
12:26Do you think it's a massage?
12:28It's a massage.
12:29It's definitely a massage, guys.
12:32Sit in a massage chair.
12:34First no one dies and now we're getting massaged.
12:37It's really turning around for us.
12:50Like, what have we got?
12:52Eight of us?
12:53Eight of us.
12:54So what happened last night?
12:56So, I think there's two possibilities.
12:59One, they recruited, but I'm like, could they recruit when there's only eight of us left?
13:04That's too little.
13:05That's too little, right?
13:08Well, I'm glad nobody was murdered.
13:10That's always a good sign.
13:13But what does it mean?
13:14The other possibility is that if they didn't recruit, they went for the person who Kat gave the shield to.
13:22Kat gave the shield to someone and that someone was chosen to be murdered?
13:29I think this puts Kat in the best position to know who another guaranteed faithful is.
13:33Because, like, you can't attempt to murder a traitor.
13:39I think I've realized how I can make this one work for me.
13:43I'm with you 100%. I've thought all that before.
13:46But the problem is, I didn't want to just be like, so who'd you give the shield to?
13:49Because I'm like, f**k, that makes me look suspicious as f**k.
13:51I know.
13:52Having the shield, I think, is such a stroke of luck.
13:56If I can get Kat to tell the group that I have the shield,
13:59the faithful will think that the traitor's tried to murder me.
14:02And then I end up looking like I'm the most trustworthy person here.
14:07I need to talk to Kat.
14:11Last night, how was that for you, bro?
14:14That was hard, mate.
14:15I wasn't hiding in there.
14:17You know what I mean?
14:19For me, I've got to think about, how do I get to the end?
14:23What do I do now to get to the end?
14:26Kat is still throwing my name around.
14:29But in the meantime, I'm trying to make sure I have enough votes on my side.
14:34I asked Ben, you know, I just wanted him to repeat what he told me last night.
14:39Shelly's at the top of my list for trust at this point,
14:42because I don't think he'd be the type of person that,
14:45if he was offered it, would accept to be a traitor.
14:48I've seen a behavioural shift in both Ben and Kat.
14:53Do you see that?
14:56And now I'm seeing eye contact.
15:01Has Kat flipped on us?
15:03Good morning.
15:04She's definitely flipped on me, bro.
15:07So Kat's flipped.
15:08So I'm going to try and hang out with Kat and Ben today.
15:12I don't know.
15:13I can't shake Ben off for some reason.
15:16Yeah, I don't know.
15:17I could be wrong.
15:20Matua was just saying there's a bit of a change he's seen today.
15:23Yeah, I just saw that there was a tag team attack.
15:26Last night?
15:27On you.
15:29The way I see it, for my game,
15:31I've got people in my corner a lot more than Ben does.
15:35Yeah, I'm getting to the point of, if you're that good, you deserve it.
15:40I just know, for me, there's things, even in this game, as a faithful, eats at me.
15:45I could not physically, mentally do the traitor's job.
15:49I give that to them because I could not.
15:52Just got to remember, we're playing the game.
15:55All right?
15:56Whatever happens, well, that's what it is.
16:04How are you feeling today in terms of thoughts around who?
16:08I feel like I can't move from Seattle.
16:10Do you think they tried to kill you?
16:12It's so hard to know because I took the other one for myself.
16:15This is my theory, because I already fully trust you.
16:19That means you know to be faithful.
16:22Well, you obviously already know yourself.
16:24The reason I know you can't be a traitor is because you wouldn't give me a shield and then try to kill me.
16:28It makes no sense.
16:29Because you know it's me.
16:31Are you telling people?
16:38Kat isn't telling people, so if I keep pushing, it will bring suspicion to me.
16:43So my three would be Ciali, Noel, and then my third is hard, but I think it might be Jason.
16:53All I can do is make sure I keep Kat's trust, which means that I'm going for whoever she says.
16:59Jason said, he was like, look, Molly, I'm really sorry, I just need to know.
17:02That's not faithful.
17:03That's not what faithful say.
17:04You don't just need to know.
17:05You need to find out.
17:06It just felt like, oh, we know she's going to go.
17:08The heat that was put on her at the table was not the same heat put on Ciali.
17:12This is the thing.
17:13It's like they had nothing for her.
17:15I had three solid things.
17:17And the minute he turned around and said, oh, you imagine this, everyone was like, OK.
17:22None of it makes sense.
17:24OK, I'm going to do it.
17:25I'm just going to put it aside.
17:28Good chat, though.
17:29Thanks, mate.
17:32Ciali, do you want to come over and chat?
17:41I think I have to stay on Ciali, because Kat trusts me and I trust Kat.
17:45It's too obvious if I just pull out.
17:47But I need to have a little chat, because I still want to work with him.
17:51Howdy, mate.
17:54I don't know what to do, cos I have to keep talking about you for a bit.
17:56No, just go.
17:57Let's do it.
17:58We have to get numbers on someone else, and my vote will go for you.
18:05Yeah, so...
18:08OK, I can't.
18:09I've gone in too hard on you.
18:12We have to get numbers.
18:13And I'm voting it now.
18:14Yeah, OK.
18:15But I just have to build a rapport with Ciali, and we have to work this out together,
18:18because teamwork makes the dream work, and I think we can make this one work.
18:23I can't just drop chats about you.
18:26It doesn't work.
18:27That puts us on you and me.
18:29So I'm going to be...
18:30That's all good.
18:31Soft talk.
18:35I find that Ben, he comes with good points, with good arguments,
18:39and he's really good at playing the game.
18:41And so, if he's putting my name out there, I have to go for Ben.
18:51OK, I'm glad we cleared that up.
18:53Yep, I'm glad we did.
18:55OK, anyway, just so you know, you're not being crossed or anything.
18:58We can take this to the end.
19:00We can 100% take this to the end.
19:02All right, all good.
19:03All right.
19:05At this stage, it's either me or Ben.
19:08It's just a game.
19:09That's all it is, bro.
19:38Oh, no.
19:40So we arrive at this, like, abandoned warehouse,
19:43and honestly, it looks like a scene out of a horror movie.
19:49Oh, no thanks.
19:52I can see four chairs, and I just think,
19:55oh, my God, we're getting electrocuted.
20:00Guys, I don't think it's a massage.
20:02Why is there only four?
20:03There are four electric chairs.
20:05There are eight of us.
20:07Oh, that chair's a bit small for me.
20:09We know that four of us are in for it.
20:11Oh, no.
20:12No, no, no, no.
20:13This isn't good.
20:14No-one wants to do this mission.
20:16Electric chairs.
20:18I'm quite nervous.
20:19Welcome, my players.
20:22Treachery and treason are all part of this game.
20:28So why not throw in a little torture to up the stakes?
20:32In this mission,
20:34half of you will be strapped into my electric chairs.
20:38Don't ask why I have electric chairs.
20:41I just do.
20:43I'll ask those of you not strapped into the chairs
20:46questions about things that have happened in this game.
20:50Get them correct,
20:52and a silver bar worth $500
20:55will be added to the prize pool.
20:58If you get it wrong, there is no silver,
21:02and your teammates will be enlightened.
21:07Please, four of you, take a seat.
21:12Who's good at answering the questions about other people?
21:15I got in one chair,
21:17and I went for the first ones
21:19so that I could be right by those answering the questions,
21:23and then I could just encourage them not to worry about us
21:26and just take their time
21:28and just focus on the answer of the questions.
21:32I don't mind trying to answer a question.
21:34Yeah, okay.
21:37I don't feel great about being electrocuted.
21:41Are you guys happy answering questions?
21:45Okay, good.
21:47The other half of the team have got our lives in their hands.
21:53Good luck, team.
21:56So, players, I can see you.
22:00I do hope this doesn't cost me too much in electricity.
22:06Let's find out, shall we?
22:10Question one.
22:12How many steps are there to the front door of my manor house?
22:17What the ****?
22:19I'm sitting in a chair, and I'm thinking,
22:21what the hell did you get yourself into?
22:25Come on, team.
22:30My right foot.
22:32One, two, three.
22:34I think it's seven.
22:35I'm so sorry if this is wrong.
22:36Come on.
22:39I was just instantly like, cool, I'm getting shocked any second now.
22:44Your answer is seven.
22:48Have a little think.
22:59That's good, guys.
23:00That's good.
23:07Next question.
23:09True or false?
23:11Two players in my warehouse at the moment are in a relationship.
23:19It's true.
23:20It has to be false.
23:22Hey, any of you guys.
23:23Come on, say it.
23:24I'm not.
23:27You think it's false, and you're right.
23:32Nice, team.
23:34Good job, guys.
23:35This is good.
23:36So, two silver bars so far.
23:39Next question.
23:41What statues are next to the gate at the entrance to my estate?
23:48Horses' heads.
23:49Horses' heads.
23:50Almost too easy.
23:52Horses' heads.
23:53That's three silver bars.
23:58We're so good at this.
23:59Name all of my three dogs.
24:04Jar Jar.
24:05Jar Jar.
24:07I know.
24:08Oh, God.
24:10I'm so sorry, everyone.
24:12Please confirm your answers now.
24:15Oh, no, no.
24:16Oh, my God.
24:17I knew this.
24:18Shu Shu, Sha Sha, and Gabor.
24:21I'm so sorry.
24:22I'm so sorry.
24:23I'm so sorry.
24:24I'm so sorry.
24:25I'm so sorry.
24:26Your answer is incorrect.
24:29Oh, my God.
24:30So sorry.
24:33The first shock that gets me.
24:37Oh, my gosh.
24:40It just took me by surprise, eh?
24:43My legs are like...
24:46See, Ali looked like he was dying.
24:51Getting electrocuted is wild.
24:56I actually enjoyed it, so it was quite nice.
24:59I actually enjoyed it, so it was quite nice.
25:01I've been tasered in training.
25:03Just take your time, team.
25:04Just take your time.
25:05So, yeah, no, it was all right.
25:06It was pretty good.
25:08Oh, so silly.
25:09From now on, you will remember Jar Jar, Eva, and Magda.
25:15Sorry, guys.
25:17Oh, man, it's just such a shock.
25:21Next question.
25:23Who touched the game's first shield?
25:28It was...
25:29It was the mind challenge.
25:30It was, uh...
25:31It was Utah, CLA, Whitney, Terry, and Utah.
25:35No, but who touched the first one?
25:37I think...
25:38Who was in the first group?
25:39Utah and Terry were the first ones to get it.
25:41Okay, so...
25:42So was it Utah or Terry?
25:43Oh, my gosh.
25:45Come on, guys.
25:46Utah would have done it, surely.
25:48Yeah, yeah.
25:49Okay, yeah, we're gonna go with Utah.
25:51Your answer is incorrect.
25:54Oh, my...
25:58The correct answer is Terry.
26:03Next question.
26:04What is the number plate on my car?
26:08Liars, liars, liars.
26:10Yeah, the answer is liars.
26:11Liars, you're correct.
26:13Yes, okay.
26:15Big time.
26:16That's good.
26:17Next question.
26:19What did Kat call Mark at the round table?
26:23Oh, my God.
26:26Arrogant prick.
26:28You need to say it.
26:29Arrogant prick.
26:30Sorry, Mark.
26:32Arrogant prick...
26:34Oh, my God. correct.
26:37I'm so sorry, Mark.
26:39Who ate the most intestine at my meaty mission?
26:44It's Jason.
26:46Yeah, he's that one.
26:50It's 100%.
26:58It was Jason.
26:59The correct answer was Steven.
27:05What did Noel complain about at the funeral?
27:10Oh, like a bunch of stuff, but definitely...
27:13Oh, I know.
27:15That there was no open bar.
27:19You did complain about a great deal of things, Noel,
27:23but lack of a bar is correct.
27:28Nice, Noel.
27:30Thanks for the invite to the funeral.
27:32Do with an open bar, though.
27:34What was Brie going to use her winnings for?
27:39Her wedding.
27:41Her wedding.
27:42Is correct.
27:46Who was last out of the box at the lighthouse?
27:54I was, Noel.
27:55Let's go, bro.
27:57Noel is correct.
28:02You have won $4,000.
28:06I'm stoked that we've got some money for the pot, $4,000,
28:09and all I had to do was sit in the seat and get electrocuted.
28:14What a buzz.
28:21Fabulous, players.
28:24Just because I felt like it.
28:27Oh, evil.
28:29I'll see you tonight, bro.
28:33Let's head back to the manor for a bit of peace and quiet.
28:40Are you guys okay?
28:41Yeah, you guys all right?
28:49Yes, jump in.
28:52Oh, my goodness.
28:53That mission, like, I felt so bad for you guys.
28:58Thanks so much, Jace, for this.
29:01Taking one for the team.
29:03Honestly, we would have liked it.
29:05Really, really, really appreciate it.
29:08What I have to really, truly work out, why am I here?
29:12My closest ally is Bailey.
29:16It has to be a reason for it.
29:18I am faithful through and through,
29:20and I have to be here for a reason.
29:22It's hard for me to kind of go, is that why I am here still?
29:27Yeah, see, I'm the same with Jace.
29:29It's real hard.
29:32Do I have to start questioning Bailey,
29:34and I really hope that that is not the case,
29:37but I think I need to.
29:40Yeah, where's everyone's heads at?
29:42Yeah, where's everyone's heads at?
29:44Because I have already said, and I pulled Seale aside,
29:47and I said, your name's still at the top of my list.
29:50I don't know if it's a vibe or a feeling that I've gotten,
29:53but I'll just front foot it because I don't like the whole,
29:56like, there's already lies in here.
29:58We don't need to just, I'm just being honest, just be honest.
30:01I am starting to question why they picked me.
30:04Maybe they think I'll make it to the end, which is really nice.
30:08I really think the traders, at some point,
30:11have got to make a decision.
30:13Do they want to share the booty?
30:17Look at the pattern, like, this is the thing.
30:19They're all double-crossing.
30:20Yeah, that's true.
30:21Every single one of them has double-crossed.
30:23That's true.
30:26Do I trust my fellow traders?
30:32Not really, to be honest.
30:44We got some moolah.
30:46Moolah, moolah, moolah.
30:49Have you guys still got a bit of aftershock?
30:52Thanks for the shocks, team.
30:55Should we go and check?
31:00Tonight is very dangerous for me.
31:03So I'm pretty sure this is going to be my last night,
31:06so I'm just going to have some fun questions.
31:10Maybe I can make Kat stop looking at me
31:14and get her to focus on someone else.
31:18So, like, in the trader tower, do you guys get...
31:22Do you get special wine and snacks?
31:24I don't know.
31:27Like, how long have you been working as a trader for?
31:30When did you put your resume?
31:32Like, ten days? Or, like, three days?
31:34Like, no.
31:37She's just fully open with it and laughing about it,
31:40and I just have to go with that.
31:42No, I'm faithful as.
31:44Oh, OK, OK.
31:45Faithful as.
31:46You're sweet.
31:47So what colour's your cape again?
31:50I'm not fighting her on it.
31:54I'm just playing the fact that I'm faithful.
31:57I love that you play the game.
32:00I love that.
32:01Well, go on, then.
32:02You can say whatever you want.
32:04Sticks and stones, mate,
32:06that don't break these trader bones, so...
32:09Hey, thanks, girl.
32:11Nah, you're welcome.
32:12It's me to...
32:13Just in case.
32:16Morning, mate.
32:17Get out.
32:18Get going.
32:19This is good.
32:24How are you?
32:27Uh, not so good.
32:28Same place as everyone, where I'm just like, ugh.
32:30I wanted to ask you, like, where you're at,
32:32just because I don't know.
32:34Well, I've obviously...
32:35I questioned Ciale last night.
32:37I really wanted to work with him,
32:39but I'm realising that there's this
32:41between me and Ciale.
32:43See, I tried to ignore Ciale,
32:44not because I didn't think it's him,
32:46but because I didn't want to think
32:47I was being influenced by Kat.
32:49Now, after having conversations,
32:50like, probably a little more Ciale.
32:53I need to get the votes in.
32:57Yeah, I don't know.
32:58It smells like a shit show on the horizon, so...
33:03I got to listen to Kat today, you know,
33:05and you got valid points.
33:06Yeah, I think...
33:07I think those questions need to be asked.
33:10I need to see what the alliance is thinking
33:13and work out numbers against Ciale.
33:16He wouldn't tell me what colour his cape is
33:18or if they have special snacks.
33:22So I'll have to ask different questions.
33:24Oh, you're nasty.
33:25Do you know what I said this morning?
33:27I was like,
33:28I'm staying out of the adults' business
33:29and I'm staying in the kids' business
33:31and I'm looking over here
33:32while Aunty and Uncle Fai over there
33:34can sort themselves out.
33:36Thank you.
33:39I have seen a slight behaviour change with Ciale,
33:42but that's understandable as well
33:44because the pressure's on him.
33:46And that's what makes this game so hard.
33:48You just don't know.
33:49I mean, for me, I'm struggling with Ciale
33:52because we've been hanging out.
33:53Totally, of course.
33:55I still find that hard to believe,
33:57but, I mean, if Ciale is voted out
33:59and he is a faithful,
34:01then I'll be gunning.
34:03I'll be coming hard on the two that put him there.
34:09Kia ora, friend.
34:11Kia ora.
34:12How are we feeling?
34:16Cheers, Ethan.
34:22I've got Jason and Jo to go for Ben,
34:25but I need to make sure that Bailey is on the same page.
34:41I was going to say.
34:43Are you going to bring stuff?
34:46Go, go.
34:47You'll probably be defending yourself a bit, eh?
34:50I'm really hoping that Bailey sticks to the plan.
34:55You've spoken with Kat, eh?
34:56Yeah, yeah.
34:57She was like,
34:58the first question was,
34:59so what's it like in Trader Town?
35:04Yeah, it's actually really nice.
35:06Love it.
35:07It's like home.
35:15If she doesn't stick to the plan and votes me,
35:22this is why this game is so wild.
35:27You think one thing,
35:28and then at the round table,
35:31other things could totally happen
35:33and ruin your whole plan.
35:35It's so unpredictable in that room.
35:37The tensions are high,
35:38the stakes are even higher.
35:40I need to do what's best for my game.
35:42I need to gain people's trust,
35:46and Kat's trust is the most important.
36:07Listen to that, players.
36:16That's the sound of the end of the game.
36:21It's so close you can actually hear it.
36:25And look at that.
36:27That's $49,000.
36:33It's so close you can almost spend it.
36:38So, what's your strategy tonight?
36:42Who's in your firing line?
36:44Who will you interrogate?
36:46Whose feet will you hold to the fire?
36:51Who needs to be banished?
36:59And who will begin?
37:01I'll start.
37:08I still can't get my head around
37:10the challenge with the minefield,
37:13where you and Whitney took the shields,
37:15and you said it was a trap for Whitney.
37:18How was it a trap for her?
37:20Let me start by asking this.
37:22Are you saying that your thinking then
37:25is that I've been a traitor from day one?
37:29The thing is, I don't know if it even matters.
37:32You were the one who chose to go for the mine.
37:37If you thought someone was a traitor,
37:39why would you want to get them a shield?
37:42I thought, this is a good opportunity to get close to her.
37:47And I just thought this was a play.
37:53So you said it was a trap.
37:55Was the trap successful in your book?
38:01I don't know.
38:05I hear you.
38:07To me, the numbers don't add up
38:09for Sally being an OG traitor.
38:12So at that mine thing, which was day two,
38:15that mission,
38:17I don't think that works.
38:19Because we know, right?
38:21Mike, Jackie and Jane, right?
38:25We're pretty certain Jane was an OG traitor.
38:28I just think you can't use the word certain with any of it.
38:32You're influencing people that it's a certainty when it's not.
38:35Did I...
38:36No, you did say certain.
38:38That we were certain on Jane?
38:40I thought I said we weren't certain.
38:42I heard the word certainty.
38:46Sorry, but what I'm saying is that we don't know.
38:50So I think your point, though, then doesn't have...
38:53OK, that's just what I wanted to...
38:57And Ciali,
38:59in the blackmail conversation,
39:01when you asked me about blackmail,
39:04you said you wouldn't take blackmail, would you?
39:06Would you take blackmail?
39:07You can't remember that conversation at all.
39:09I actually don't remember having...
39:11No, no, no.
39:12Honestly, I don't.
39:14You came beside me and said,
39:16talking about an alliance, but I need to know, with blackmail.
39:19You wouldn't take it, would you?
39:20Would you take blackmail?
39:21That's what you said.
39:22And you are telling me you don't remember
39:24having a conversation with me about blackmail at all.
39:26We have got to hang together.
39:28I agree.
39:29Even if you are blackmail or whatever.
39:32I don't actually remember having that conversation.
39:38I don't remember saying that, but you've seen us talk.
39:41Yes, of course.
39:42Like, it's literally like it's not even strategy chat.
39:45If you're not talking strategy at this point,
39:47then I don't even buy that.
39:49Like, everyone is talking strategy.
39:53Look, so he says, she says at this point,
39:55so we can't even...
39:57If that's all it is,
39:58like if anyone needs to put any other questions on the table,
40:01then do it now.
40:04I've already pulled you aside and talked to you.
40:08But when Utah didn't come in,
40:10I expected a different reaction.
40:12Do you feel like my response wasn't warranted?
40:15The problem is it's so hard to have expectations in this game.
40:18And I think the only thing sometimes you have to go off
40:23is what you expect or people's reactions.
40:26I suppose the question I would ask of you, Ben,
40:29is could you describe to us your relationship with Jane
40:34before you found out that she was a traitor?
40:38I think everyone saw it.
40:39I was attached to the hut with Jane.
40:41I just thought she brought laughter in such a hard time,
40:45and that is someone that I cling with.
40:47Like, Joe, you bring everyone's spirits up,
40:49and I feel like that's why you have quite a close group of people
40:52who really enjoy your company.
40:55And when you found out that she was a traitor,
40:58how did you feel then?
41:00I was shocked. I was absolutely shocked.
41:03And I honestly felt so betrayed.
41:05I saw your reaction to Molly, and it's fair.
41:09It was a positive reaction,
41:12and it was way different to Jane.
41:16That's what I can't understand.
41:18Like, I was genuinely sad that she went,
41:21and I was genuinely sad that I left the church
41:23because I was unsure.
41:24I was just trusting in Utah.
41:25But, yeah, I just didn't, and I still don't understand
41:28why you weren't affected as much.
41:32I adore Jane, but I understand the game.
41:37Getting emotional isn't really my cup of tea.
41:39Yeah, it's not.
41:43Enough talk.
41:47It's time to vote.
41:50Please write the name of the person you would like
41:52to banish from the game forever on your slate.
42:00I don't think there's enough votes for Seale.
42:06I've been thrown to the wolves, essentially.
42:11I'm hoping, as much as one traitor can hope,
42:16that the votes are on my side.
42:19I hope so.
42:28Have you all locked in your votes?
42:31Ben, reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
42:37I voted for Hugh Seale.
42:39I kind of, I laid it all out.
42:42And, yeah.
42:49Ben, I voted for you, mate.
42:52I can't get past the you and Jane thing,
42:56which reminds me of Michael Whitney.
43:03Kat, who have you voted for and why?
43:08Seale, I just, I know we had that conversation.
43:11And when you talk to a faithful about black male,
43:14I'm telling you now, there's no way you could have forgotten.
43:20Jo, who have you voted for this evening?
43:24This evening, I voted for Ben.
43:28That's two votes for Seale and two votes for Ben.
43:42I'm sorry, Noel.
43:44No worries.
43:48Jason, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
43:55I voted Ben. Sorry, mate.
43:59We'd gone off behavioural changes
44:01and I just felt really good friends with Jane
44:04and I find that difficult for their change.
44:11I said Mike was the hardest name I've written down so far,
44:14but this by far tops that.
44:19I'm sorry, Benny Bear, I voted for you.
44:25And finally, Bailey.
44:28I voted for Ben.
44:33When I see Bailey reveal my name,
44:36I felt like I had an inkling that this might happen.
44:39I guess I was just a scapegoat.
44:44I was convinced about three days ago
44:46that the traitors were you and Utah,
44:48and it obviously wasn't Utah.
44:52I think the only thing I'm disappointed in
44:54I think the only thing I'm disappointed in
44:56is that I have played the game as a faithful
45:00and built all these incredible connections
45:03and I'm leaving as a traitor.
45:11Ben, you have received the most votes
45:13and you're banished from my game.
45:15Please come up and join me.
45:20Before you leave the game for good, Ben,
45:23please reveal, are you a faithful or a traitor?
45:26First of all, guys, it's been such a good time.
45:29Honestly, I've had the time of my life.
45:31You're all amazing.
45:33There is something I haven't been telling you.
45:37I'm a professional actor.
45:43I work in film and TV.
45:47So I've had a good time,
45:49but one day on the job,
45:56I'm a traitor.
46:04What a perfect evening to catch a traitor.
46:12How many are left? Are there any?
46:15Isn't that the problem with this game?
46:17It's just not knowing, Faithfuls.
46:20It's just not knowing.
46:23I'm picking you won't all be at breakfast tomorrow.
46:26We'll have to find out.
46:28Sleep soundly, if you dare. Night-night, Lavelings.
46:33I gave him the shield.
46:34Did you?
46:36You gave him the shield?
46:37Yes, because he came to me and gave me the story.
46:44I was just going on one thing with him.
46:46But I still know we had that conversation, that's the problem.
46:49I'm telling you honestly, I'm not even drunk.
46:53The group's got Ben out as a traitor,
46:55and I should feel happy,
46:58but I don't because I don't have the control in this game.
47:02I had that conversation with these boys.
47:04Then why do you remember having it with them and not with me?
47:08I know that people are not going to vote Siare,
47:11and I'm certainly the traitor.
47:22Oh, wow.
47:28He was good. He was good.
47:30Professional accent.
47:32He said one day on the job, didn't he?
47:34What did he say again?
47:35One day on the job.
47:38He was a traitor.
47:39He said one day on the job, I'm a traitor.
47:43He's like, been on the job one day.
47:45That's how I took it.
47:46How good, though?
47:49Yeah, yeah.
47:52I think we should celebrate our win.
47:54Oh, totally, because that just means one less.
47:56Yeah, yeah, yeah.
47:57Yeah, yeah, yeah.
47:58Yeah, yeah, yeah.
47:59Yeah, yeah, yeah.
48:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
48:01Oh, totally, because that just means one less.
48:03Yeah, yeah.
48:48That was brutal.
48:50And just before he left,
48:53he gave the little...
48:54His little...
48:55You know, the day one.
48:56Oh, it's one day.
48:57One day.
48:58Day one.
48:59One day.
49:00One day.
49:01What have we said?
49:02No one knows.
49:03No one knows.
49:04So we can just play on that confusion.
49:05It'll work out.
49:06He knew.
49:07We knew.
49:08We'll play a part.
49:09And that was his part.
49:11Thank you, Ben.
49:13Thank you, Ben.
49:16Now, I think we have to turn our eyes back to...
49:20The Facebook.
49:22Who are we going to murder?
49:24Let's go round the table, hey?
49:26Okay, let's start.
49:31We have to keep Noel...
49:32We have to keep him. our highly suspicious bait.
49:39Now, Donna, I heard Donna wondering,
49:41why is she still here?
49:43Has she got a trait of keeping her here?
49:45Ah, yes.
49:48So, I think he's on you and me as well.
49:52I think that's...
49:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
49:54I think if we gave Jace to talk about things,
49:57Joe will probably follow.
49:59Also, part of me, after yesterday,
50:01just wanted to put him out of his misery a little bit.
50:04I know, but today he was into the game.
50:07He was actually having conversations.
50:09Okay, Kat.
50:11Kat's onto everyone.
50:14She's still sold on me.
50:15Yeah, okay.
50:16But is that too suspicious?
50:18If we murder Kat, it looks like me.
50:22So, why would I do it?
50:25If we murdered Kat, people would jump on that and think,
50:28that's too obvious.
50:29Why would Ciali kill Kat?
50:31Because now we're all looking at Ciali.
50:34I think it's either Donna, Kat, or Joe.
50:41I think so.
50:42Those are our three options.
50:44Donna, Kat, or Joe.
50:47I think we know.
50:49I think so.
50:56It's time to get him out.
51:02Next time.
51:05The knives are out.
51:07Bailey is the smiling assassin.
51:10And betrayal is on the menu.
51:13Look at Bailey.
51:15Why were you crying when you walked into breakfast?
51:17As my game.
51:18Someone's life.
51:19Nears its end.
51:22Prior to yesterday, I trusted you all.
51:24Why am I still here?
51:27You're throwing up a vial of confusion.
51:30You're very good at tears.