Traitors Australia S02E03 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on The Traitors.
00:10Another day, another faithful murdered.
00:16And the faithful are no closer to catching their first traitor.
00:20We've now lost three faithfuls.
00:25Traitors have so much more power, we've got to tread carefully.
00:29In the silver challenge, the red team led the charge and the blue team were dead in the water.
00:40Luckily though, $16,000 was added to the prize pot.
00:45Meanwhile, Traitor Sam was orchestrating a charge of his own against his fellow traitor.
00:53If we get rid of Ash tonight, then I am the traitor hunter.
00:57I want you to come with us on this one and knock her out.
01:01In the banishment room, the spotlight shifted to Guyton.
01:06Elias brought forward the idea that I could be a traitor and then they've murdered Elias to frame me.
01:13Where his acting skills raised the most suspicion.
01:16I'm a really good actor with a script that I research and I rehearse.
01:20There's no rehearsal in this situation, guys.
01:23Which resulted in his final curtain call.
01:27Or Guyton.
01:28My vote goes to you.
01:29I hope to God we got it right.
01:31Me too.
01:32I think you're all exceptional people, but you're all big dum-dums.
01:38And alas, another faithful banished.
01:41With the traitors still in the shadows...
01:43It's got to be between Payton and Paul?
01:48Just who is going to be dead by dawn?
02:22I am the only one here.
02:24I'm thrilled that we all voted Guy last night.
02:30Actually, I'm just going to have a moment.
02:32This is nice.
02:34This is good.
02:36But inside my head is going off like a frog in a sock because Guy voted for me.
02:46One for Ash.
02:49Why did he do that?
02:50What was his reason?
02:54My intention for this breakfast is to get to the bottom of who has been throwing my name around.
03:01And lucky for me...
03:07Luke walks in.
03:08Dude, that's good.
03:09I've got a phone to pick with you.
03:11Yeah, all right.
03:11Yeah, let's chat.
03:12Tell me.
03:13He is the person that's been in every single conversation.
03:17He knows what's going on.
03:20Why are you saying shit about me?
03:22I haven't said anything about you.
03:24Why were they all saying that last night?
03:25What was he all saying?
03:27That you were saying my name.
03:29No, I hadn't.
03:30There was a big group chat where everyone was at a swing on you.
03:34Who was saying my name?
03:35Speak clearly.
03:36I don't want someone to walk in.
03:43I cannot believe it's Sam.
03:47What a little shit.
03:49He's supposed to be on my team.
03:52Do you think I'm a traitor?
03:55I can see what he's doing as a traitor.
03:58He wants to win the money for himself.
04:02That pisses me off.
04:04Sam just chucked my...
04:19The click.
04:20The click is in pink.
04:22I'm here.
04:22I'm living.
04:23I'm thriving.
04:25We didn't get ready together.
04:26It just looks like we're all in the same coat of colour.
04:29This is the click.
04:31Myself, Hannah and Ash, we're like matching pink.
04:35It's giving being girls on Wednesdays we wear pink.
04:39I'm Roja.
04:40I'm 26 years old.
04:42I work in luxury retail.
04:44I have been obsessed with fashion for so long.
04:48The clothes are just like an extension of who I am.
04:53In this game, I can spot an untrustworthy person
04:56based off their dress stance.
04:57Like, babe, if you're wearing flip-flops and jandals,
05:01come on.
05:02That's a red flag.
05:04I have my eye on...
05:05I don't know why, but I just get dodgy vibes from Paul.
05:09I have to say it.
05:11I think he's playing a really cool game.
05:17Oh my god.
05:19Oh my god.
05:21The one day I'm not in pink as well.
05:24The click had to wear the pink.
05:26You can't sit with us.
05:28The mean girls over here.
05:39Hey, did you iron that shirt?
05:40That looks nice and pressed.
05:42Thank you.
05:48Feeling a lot of pressure.
05:49Yesterday, my massive blindside on Ash.
05:52It didn't actually go to plan.
05:55Sam, can you pass me a hash brown?
05:56Just fling it over.
05:59But luckily, no one's really on to me.
06:02And Ash, she doesn't know what's actually happening.
06:06So I'm sitting on top of my mountain.
06:07I'm thinking my next step in the game.
06:10I've got to get rid of you.
06:13Ash, you're getting banished.
06:17I'll take her head on.
06:19And then I become a traitor hunter.
06:22So everyone will think I'm a faithful.
06:26I was so convinced he was a traitor.
06:29Yeah, even towards the end.
06:31I was so convinced he was a traitor.
06:33Yeah, even towards the end.
06:35Well, he said Luke and I.
06:37And then voted you.
06:38Like, that doesn't even make any sense.
06:42Am I going to be chasing my tail today is the question.
06:48I'm tight with Sammy.
06:49But the reason why I told Ash that Sammy had put her name out there
06:55is to try to get her to trust me.
06:58Because I think she's a traitor.
07:00And they do say keep your friends close.
07:02Keep your enemies even closer.
07:06Traitor hunting.
07:08Timing's everything.
07:10Timing is everything.
07:12But I have my suspicions.
07:19So I'm just letting the traitors dig their hole a little bit.
07:25And when the time comes, so...
07:29And miss, probably.
07:32Who's left?
07:36Oh, shit.
07:39I think that's it.
07:40That's it.
07:40Oh, my God.
07:43I think Payton might be cooked.
07:46I'll be very surprised if Payton walks in.
07:49Very surprised.
07:50With all due respect, I thought Payton might have been murdered.
07:58I think Camille's a traitor.
08:00I thought she's a traitor from the beginning.
08:02I just...
08:03I get...
08:03And it's really hard because I don't have tangible evidence where I can show you
08:07this is what she said or this is what she's done.
08:09It's literally that gut feeling that I have on her.
08:14Oh, someone's at the door.
08:15Someone's at the door.
08:24Take it up.
08:26Camille and Payton.
08:30Only two left, yeah.
08:32I didn't say this one, Camry.
08:34I didn't say this, Camry.
08:35What, Camille and Payton?
08:36Camille will come through the door, 100%.
08:40Payton will walk through that door.
08:42I will scream.
08:43That's it.
08:56Hey, Payton!
09:02You're it.
09:03You're the...
09:06Who's not here?
09:12Why would they murder someone like Payton?
09:15What threat is he to them?
09:16I don't see him as a threat.
09:18Everyone's like, oh, it's Payton.
09:21No, Payton got murdered.
09:23Why would they murder Payton?
09:24I don't understand why they would do that.
09:26I murdered Payton because everyone thought he's a faithful and he had to go.
09:30That's why I murdered Payton.
09:33He did...
09:34Like, we all thought he was one to start with and he's done a really good job to...
09:38Get that off you.
09:39Get that off of him.
09:42Payton used to have a heap of heat on him.
09:44Everyone thinks he's a faithful and he would never get banished.
09:47So, yeah, murdering Payton last night was the perfect, great decision.
09:52I need to eat something.
09:55Payton, Jesus.
09:59Oh, hello.
10:06Good morning.
10:07And it is indeed a, well, a sad morning here at the hotel as we all
10:13wake up to the tragic news that we have one less dirt bike graphic designer in the world.
10:20Please, please, if you wouldn't mind.
10:24Payton may not have made the best first impression with his
10:27gung-ho finger-pointing and erratic behaviour, but maybe,
10:32just maybe, he was a traitor hunter in the making.
10:36Anyway, as it stands, you are now five faithful down, three dead, two banished.
10:42And in the immortal words of your most recently banished friend, you're all a bunch of dum-dums.
10:51Traitors are laughing.
10:53Oh, how they laughed all the way through last night's banishment and indeed murder.
10:57And they will continue to laugh until you get it right, faithful.
11:05I'll see you all at today's mission where your mourning may continue all day.
11:19I was not expecting Sam to be the one chucking my name out there as a traitor
11:26so early on in the game, but I'm definitely not sitting on my laurels.
11:31What did Roger say?
11:33He said something about mourning.
11:34You'll be mourning.
11:35Oh my god, are we going to a funeral?
11:37Why don't we wear all black tracksuits?
11:39That would have been so cute.
11:42In this car, I have a clique of people that trust me and I'm going to use that to my advantage.
11:49Anywho, who's a traitor?
11:51Who's a traitor?
11:53I've got tunnel vision now.
11:55Like a dog with a bone, hunting down that traitor like my life depended on it.
12:01I have a random little thought and when I say this to you guys,
12:05like I kind of want this in the vault because I genuinely think they might be a traitor.
12:12Oh, you reckon?
12:13We discussed that as well.
12:15We said Liam, Gloria and Sam who have been like floating through and keeping quiet during
12:20banishment and is really just going with what everybody else is saying.
12:25If I'm going to go down tonight, I'm going down guns blazing.
12:29Should we just wildcard it?
12:46Oh my God.
12:49Oh no.
12:50They're all looking bro.
12:52The moment I walk into that church,
12:57it's like he knows I've sinned.
13:00You're here.
13:02That's freaky.
13:03My congregation and I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.
13:08We cannot start a funeral without our guests of honour.
13:11Please don't mind Daniel, he's just taking a few key measurements
13:16so today's proceedings run smoothly.
13:19Is someone getting murdered?
13:22Now I trust you are all at home in tight spaces.
13:26One of your team members today will indeed be joining the afterlife in one of these very coffins.
13:34But there is still one chance for you to cheat death.
13:39To cheat death.
13:40That of course will depend upon your teammates.
13:44Their goal is to unlock the five padlocks on your coffin.
13:50I'll be located in the confessional where one team member from each team will join me
13:55to receive a riddle before returning to their team to decipher that riddle.
14:01Each correct answer is an item.
14:05One member of the team must search the congregation
14:08and upon finding that item must ask the person for a key.
14:13If the answer is correct, you receive a key that unlocks a padlock.
14:19Each padlock is worth one bar of silver.
14:22First to five wins a trip to the armory.
14:26I love the silver.
14:27As a faithful, I want to win all challenges but the shoe,
14:31it's the guarantee that you're going to be having eggs and bacon tomorrow.
14:34Knowing that I can't be murdered.
14:35That's what's on the line.
14:37As for who's in the box, I'll leave that up to you.
14:44Honestly, I'm not really good at riddles.
14:47Give me maths, I'll pass maths.
14:48Riddles? Nah.
14:50Well, that's good to go.
14:51All right, I'm gonna do it.
14:52So I decided to be in the coffin.
14:54Okay, so he's going in the coffin.
14:55Come on.
14:57Take one for the team, babe.
14:58Good work.
14:59I'm very, very good at lying still and doing nothing.
15:04Yeah, see, look, it's quite spacey.
15:06It's deep.
15:07We'll see you soon.
15:07We're gonna win this.
15:10Love you guys.
15:10Love you.
15:12At least it's comfy.
15:14It's nice.
15:15It's wood.
15:16Good night.
15:16We're gonna get you out soon.
15:17All right, tell him.
15:19This might be a mistake.
15:23He wouldn't want to eat beans before lying in here, let me tell you.
15:34No running.
15:40When the organ started playing, I was off.
15:45So I'm walking to the confession in my Kath and Kim power walk.
15:49We had to go and listen to a riddle.
15:51Sometimes you might listen to me and sometimes I might break.
15:57I am all over the world with every breath that you take.
16:04You've got this long riddle that Roger said.
16:07I have no bloody idea what he said.
16:09Can you say that again?
16:11I am all over the world.
16:14Sometimes you might listen to me and sometimes I might break.
16:19Sometimes you look at me, sometimes I break.
16:23It was kind of like, oh my God.
16:24Sometimes you look at me and then I might break.
16:28No, I didn't get any of that.
16:29Sometimes I'm all over the world.
16:35We have to decipher the riddle.
16:37And then we have to look in the crowd to see who has that clue on them.
16:43And ask them for the key.
16:46He's got it.
16:49And boom, I see a little heart necklace.
16:52You got the key, ma'am?
16:54Yes, let's go.
16:58I'm locked, I'm locked.
17:00Yay, come on Red, come on Red, you've got this, you've got this.
17:07And the Lord said, Team Red won.
17:10Team Blue has none.
17:12Is this angle unflattering?
17:13It doesn't look like I have a double chin.
17:15I can be found on the news or at the bottom of the sea.
17:19I am heavy and strong.
17:21What do you think I might be?
17:24Last line's unnecessary.
17:26I am found on the news and at the bottom of the sea.
17:29I'm so angry.
17:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:33He's going, he's going, yes.
17:35I'm so angry.
17:37I'm so angry.
17:39I'm so angry.
17:41I'm so angry.
17:43I'm so angry.
17:45I'm so angry.
17:47I'm so angry.
17:49I'm so angry.
17:51Have you got the key?
17:55Thank you.
17:59An eye for an eye.
18:01One hole do I spy.
18:03Come for Mama!
18:05If I am sleeping, then please, let me lay.
18:07If I am sleeping, then please let me lay.
18:14Every one of us will all have our day.
18:17Yes, dog, dog, dog.
18:19Come on, babe.
18:20You can do this.
18:21Get right in there.
18:22Have you got the key?
18:24How about we're slaying?
18:25Mama needs a shield.
18:34From battlefields to beaches, I scatter around.
18:38I can be found out at sea or just on the ground.
18:43And it came out like that.
18:45Over there.
18:46Do you have the key?
18:52They got one.
18:53We got one.
18:54Three, two, to blue.
18:58Well on the way to exhuming the body.
19:01Right there.
19:02In front of you.
19:03Got one.
19:04Got one.
19:05Coming, Gloria.
19:07Stealing this.
19:08What are we up to?
19:11It's neck and neck right now.
19:13But I feel like we got this.
19:16We need to get that shield.
19:19I have hands, but no fingers.
19:22And no frown upon my face.
19:24But with a single click, I can completely stop my pace.
19:29A single click I can complete me
19:34But with a single click I can stop my face
19:44Do you have the case
19:59One more and Annabelle shall be resurrected. I really didn't need to put a sports bra on for this
20:06Red can still come back and win this game
20:08Ash had no hope to beat me and keep my car and cool and let's battle
20:20I'm a plague to many but desired in France. I might be found in your garden down by your plants
20:30I'm a plague to many but desired in France. I might be found in your garden down by your plants
20:35Yes, yes, yes, and like our team said snails first. I was like, oh
20:48Yes, yes
20:52Do you have the key
21:00Oh, yeah, you're gonna have to stay in there forever
21:09All right, let's not pull a coffin off the table team
21:25Behold or Annabelle has risen
21:29And a team of blue that added five bars of silver to thy pot and praise be it for the divine intervention that has seen
21:36Our dearest Gloria also resurrected on this day
21:39And to her team of red that has added three bars to thy pot for a grand total of sixteen thousand dollars
21:46Oh happy day one and all
21:50Congratulations to team blue. I will be seeing you at the armory
21:55Peace be with you all
21:58Sixteen grand to add to the pot which is amazing and we get to meet Roger in the armory
22:05If I was a traitor, I'd probably murder me
22:07I would definitely love to get that shield and protection from murder and sleep well tonight
22:28All right guys who's coming first Sarah you can you've never been here before yes
22:37Today's mission was a lot of money
22:42And I'm like that's great for the pot
22:46That speaks to me I'm screaming but shield baby shield I
22:52Need the shield tonight because I don't want to be murdered
22:58Can I energetically feel anything like a wanker
23:05Damn it up and I had nothing
23:10Did you get it I'm in a world world of pain I
23:17Know that Sam is in fact spreading my name around outside
23:24Just need to get out of here
23:31Have the shield yes
23:35It also guarantees us on the winning team safe from murder
23:43Yeah, it's definitely no time it's time to execute this plan
23:48So this Spanish men trying to figure out who speaks and who pushes an agenda
23:54Before going into banishment
23:55I really need to talk to a lot of people to make sure that I can actually execute this get rid of ash
24:01Person and then people be the thing is someone needs to lead a charge and say and it's them who do it
24:06Instead of just everyone going with the narrative
24:09This Spanish men. I'm gonna do what I think
24:13Okay, yeah, Sarah. I don't trust her at all in this game. She's not the same loud person
24:18Her personality comes out when you do the challenges. Do you notice that how loud and controlling she is?
24:23This is one more vote to get rid of ash
24:26See, I'm torn because I hear ashes name and I hear Hannah's name. No, it's gone. Hey, this name's gone. Yeah
24:33Okay, I have to go full force to pull this off. So she's probably half gunning for me. Who knows?
24:38Well, we all do I want to Lake on board
24:43Thank you boy Pacific it's blown up before banishment. I don't want to blindside him
24:49I've heard Hannah's name. Yeah, I
24:52Have heard ashes name as well. I've had a chance to talk to her
24:56But I've heard hers more today
24:59I'm gonna bring you in on the loop. Okay, there's numbers on ash tonight and I was scared to tell you
25:05How many numbers a lot? Okay, the same he's thrown ash out. I was very very shocked. She has no idea
25:15Me Gloria Camille
25:18Simone I have really
25:20Really? I see ash screwing us both over. I do not trust her at all. I'm agreeing with you at the moment
25:26I'm trying to keep my cool, but I'm feeling a little nervous
25:29You promised me you with it with me
25:34But at this point maybe it's way too early way way too early and we need to we need to stick together
25:39Sam is just like working overtime throwing my name around
25:46This is your undoing your little shit. I swear to God for my mom's life. I will not backstab you and we can go to the end
25:53mark my words
25:56Sam has thrown my name around and I've asked Sam to his face
26:01Did you and what it says? It said no
26:04I want you to confirm it. Were you saying I could be a traitor? No
26:13Is that not suspicious yeah, that's suspicious someone's lying Sam's life a
26:20Faithful would not lie to another faithful space and you know what the thing is as well
26:26I was sitting next to Sam and I was like, oh my god, I can't believe he's doing this
26:31And you know what the thing is as well, I was sitting next to him when Corinne was leaving and
26:37He was breathing so heavily he was crying and he goes I know Corinne's not
26:43He knew that she was not a traitor. Yes
26:48I'm gonna get my peers to start planting seeds
26:51He convinced the faithfuls that Sam is in fact the traitor. He's
26:58Go up there right now and see what they're saying
27:02Do it Hannah be the insider. Do you want to chat? Yeah, sure. No, don't get you go
27:09I'll do not say anything
27:15We can't be going for people just because they have opinions and because they're speaking up what are you thinking?
27:21Well, it was we we thought it was Hannah
27:25It's the quiet ones that you've got to watch
27:28He's basically before last banishment he was like
27:33Why don't we just do a wild card and throw ash in there and then get the numbers before we walk into banishment?
27:38So now that Hannah and Ro are doing that I'm gonna throw some ideas out. I'm gonna be chucking other names in. Oh my god
27:48As long as it's not my name that's fine by me
27:51Yeah, we've got to get it right if we continue to stuff it up then the numbers are gonna completely turn
27:59Yeah, so who are you thinking?
28:02Hannah is still in my radar
28:06That's why I've not come to talk to you that much because I feel you're very close to her now I can differentiate
28:12the game from friendships if Hannah is a traitor and
28:18Get rid of her
28:24Camille they're all they're all on ash. So we've got us for Simone Sarah 100% is and
28:32100% is Sarah said she doesn't believe it's ash at all
28:38She's gonna do whatever she thinks is right
28:41What do you think? I don't know. Like I'm just kind of you're in that car. Yeah, that's what I'm saying
28:46What do they say is ash stone money?
28:49No, no, no, no, no, she's not throwing a name the blindside in one of us we don't know
28:55Yes, that's what's happening because let's go
28:59I am sick of whatever's going on with Sammy. I need something more compelling then Adabell
29:07Just trust me. Just trust me. I should have the biggest arm body change. Who's this loud personality now?
29:11She's super quiet. My problem with going ash is that I backed you a hundred percent on this yesterday, but we didn't have the numbers
29:17If you want something done
29:20Don't get in my face. You cannot ruin that and threatening me, honey. This isn't how I operate
29:27Yeah, that's what we'll do ash. We'll do ash. No, I'm pulling Sammy's definitely being the one acting weird
29:34Why he's so boom. It has to be ash. That's what makes me fishy about the whole situation
29:41If we're all nodding our head, it's ash and if we're all nodding our head
29:45It's ash if we're all shaking again, it's um, Hannah. Okay. All right, we're not changing
29:51You know you push too hard you look like a traitor
30:00Oh my god, we got a debrief, okay, so I
30:05Think right now Sammy wants to move on ash
30:09And the problem is he's not giving me a single reason. Yeah. No, that's why he keeps going
30:15So long as he goes no ashes a traitor. It's just ash
30:19What if we're wrong? We won't be yeah, I reckon no hundred percent. I don't miss it. All right
30:25All right. He's just like this is who I'm voting for not budging. That's what I'm doing
30:32That's kind of like what a traitor wouldn't do yeah do
30:35For me, it will confirm. He's a traitor if she does go out. It's surely Sammy has to be one
30:41Look, I don't know who I'm gonna vote for to be honest. I need I need more information
30:44I just need to take out a traitor
31:27Evening evening well
31:32$16,000 added to the pot
31:35Starting to look like a half-decent but a pocket change wouldn't you say?
31:42Now is it just me
31:44Or did you all kick it up a notch or two in today's mission?
31:49hmm, I
31:52Wonder if that was just the
31:54stock standard lust for loot or
31:59But if you all finally realized how important the shield of protection really is
32:06Which brings me to this thought?
32:09Faithful are you happy with the course that you're on?
32:13No, hmm, obviously not because you are sending
32:18innocent after innocent home
32:21One thing is for sure. I know what the traitors are saying if it ain't broke
32:28Traitor is gonna get an amen
32:34Perhaps not
32:39Faithful you need to change your game
32:48The floor is yours
32:54I'd love to start if I may
33:00Yes, I've been dying all day to start
33:04But before I do so I want you to rather than watch me asking the questions
33:11Watch the person that I asked the questions to
33:19Yes, are you a traitor? No
33:22Hundred percent. I'm a hundred percent faithful. I swear to God
33:25I'm a hundred percent a faithful and I'm here to get a traitor and I promise you guys
33:31All of you guys that I hundred percent will Sam if I was a traitor, I'd probably say that too
33:38It's a very good act I must say
33:42Your performance when Corinne left
33:45Doesn't really add up to who you've been showing us that you are like that was an Oscar winning performance
33:52There's a several people in here that I tried to stop that happening. Yeah, I tried to do you try to stop it
33:58I'd be the ploy of a traitor. The evidence is crap my turn to speak now
34:04Are you a traitor? No
34:07When ash entered this building she was so loud made jokes insulted people and did all this stuff
34:15traitor selection
34:16super quiet doesn't do anything super nice sucked up to all the people she insulted and made problems with and
34:22Then when we do the challenges
34:25people become themselves
34:28Ash in the challenges becomes loud and that original self, but when we come back in here in the game, she's back to that different person
34:38Sam I was told that you floated my name as a wild card
34:47Who was that person just a minute, please no, no, but first who was that person you just let me finish
34:53Okay, just let me finish my story, right?
34:57Floated my name. It wasn't a float either. God you floated my name
35:02Somewhere and that person has been reported back to me, right?
35:06Shut up for a second
35:12Come on a bit much
35:16Okay, now the true ash is coming out so thank you
35:25You can continue now, right
35:28Then I came to you and I asked you did you say that I was a traitor
35:35You said to my face. No, I'm then recounting this story to a few other people
35:41They then were shocked to learn that you lied to my face
35:45So, can you give a name because you're saying like random? Okay, fine
35:52Luke and Hannah will corroborate this story
35:57Okay, there's a few other people does Hannah know that you're trying to do a blindside on her
36:05Does Hannah know that you were trying to blindside her tonight
36:16Loving the traitors, of course you are watch the deception unfold with every nail-biting episode on 10 play
36:35Does Hannah know that you're trying to do a blindside on her
36:42Does Hannah know that you were trying to blindside her tonight because you said to a
36:47few people
36:49That you were trying to blindside her tonight that she was gonna say I was a traitor. Yeah, is that true Liam?
36:54Yeah in the lounge room. It was myself
36:58Keith and you in you're trying to blindside her tonight. Okay, but I'm not blindsiding her
37:05I'm not voting for her tonight. Why would you tell them to vote for her then?
37:08I didn't tell them that's he just said that did I tell you to vote for Hannah?
37:13No, you said you were sus on Hannah. How is that a blindside? No because she was saying the name
37:21She's a traitor
37:26But you didn't know that no, no, no, just because I'm friends with her
37:30It doesn't necessarily mean that I can't think she's a traitor
37:33Your name was getting brought up Sam you said it when we're sitting at the table
37:42No, I asked you are you also voting Hannah and Lane was there and I said
37:48I'm not voting her Sam. I've got the tapes run it back
37:55What's there Luke was there you were there asked you guys who you were voting for you said we're voting for you
38:01We're voting for you says we're voting for Hannah
38:06That I didn't I didn't say that I thought he said we were but we're voting for Hannah
38:18I can't even get a read on it to be honest. That's what I'm like totally I
38:24Feel like I should not tell anyone who I'm voting for because clearly the traitors are really
38:31swaying our votes around
38:34So for me right now today, it will just go with my guts
38:42Is it gonna be a thing where we just don't disclose anything about who we tell now like do you game you how you want
38:48To play I suggest not telling anyone you vote whether you want to do that or not totally up to you
38:52I think it's a smart move
38:54I'm gonna play my own game
38:57All right, well that all seems pretty clear to me
39:04It's now time to write down the name of the person you wish to banish from the game
39:37It's now time to find out the next person is to be banished from our game roha
39:44Sam I'm voting for you tonight
39:47It's one vote for Sam
39:49Yes, how did you vote I stand by what I said
39:53earlier I
39:54Do think you Sam are playing a very shifty game, and I think you're good at it. I
40:03Think you're a traitor
40:06Two votes for Sam
40:10Camille I'm fairly confident that you're a traitor so my vote goes to you
40:19I'm voting for you ash because you have changed your personality
40:24So much, and then tonight you showed your true self so
40:28All these good. I think you're a traitor
40:32Okay one for Ash one for Camille two for Sam
40:36Hannah how did you vote I
40:39Feel like today, I'm confused about everyone talking about me
40:47Is probably not great, but obviously that's something you can't control so Sarah, I'm gonna vote for you
41:01I voted for ash I love you so much
41:07Another vote for ash to take it to three I
41:11Think that Kate you would be a great traitor. I'm not gonna fall into a group mentality again
41:19I'm so sorry ash
41:26So let's now hear from Blake
41:34I think when a lot of people's names come up we try to defend ourselves
41:40But so far there's only ever been one person who attacks the people who are saying their name
41:48And I'm gonna have to go with ash tonight you just get too personal I
41:57Voted ash
42:00On a personal level I think you're a boss and a baddie
42:05And I'm sorry to be voting out again. I
42:09Feel like if we got into an argument, I think just would probably get thrown, and I'm worried you might win
42:21Another vote for ash betting in total tonight
42:25Eight votes for you
42:27So unfortunately you will be banished if you wouldn't mind joining me up here
42:41There is only one question left to ask you
42:47Are you deed a traitor or are you faithful?
43:06So there is only one question left to ask you
43:13Are you deed a traitor or are you faithful?
43:18You guys are some of the worst personal investigators I have ever come across
43:31I'm a traitor
43:48Oh my god, so I'm sensing you're happy
43:59Well faithful you've finally broken your duck
44:03congratulations, but
44:05Unfortunately, I feel like with regards to the remaining traitors. You may have poked a bear
44:12I'll see most of you at breakfast
44:16I need a drink
44:37Just can't believe my fellow traders threw me under the bus after two days
44:46I honestly think Sam has now shone the spotlight directly onto himself
44:55And he will be his own undoing
45:39Was acting
45:46Oh, she come at me hard
45:49Man, I think it actually works against it. Yeah, like it really worked against it. Yeah, it did
46:01She signed her own. Yeah, she dug her own grave with Ellen. Yeah, I'm so happy she did that
46:06Me too. I've been trying to set up this blindside for two two days
46:12She had so many strong connections
46:15We can work through this whole thing
46:19We can eventually get up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars. That's a hundred and twenty five. I'm not Grady. How could that be?
46:27All right, what's up well tonight
46:31We're murdering yeah, I think if I was tossing up two names that'd have to be Paul. Yeah
46:39Like I love the guy. Yeah, I think he's a legend. Yeah, but he's not gonna get banished
46:46He's too much on his own mission in the game
46:50So you can't we can't sway him. That's the thing. You might go to win like a boat. He'll just go. No
46:55Oh, we'll just wait time in there and it's like now we can't we can't and I think the other person was Simone. Yeah
47:05She's another influential yeah, Simone's very smart which is dangerous because it's someone we can't control
47:12No that being said she has gone the way that we wanted to go each time so
47:20It's hard
47:26Good evening gentlemen, I did not see that coming
47:30Throwing one of your own under the bus so early
47:34Obviously, you're not worried about safety and numbers
47:37No, well, what's done is done the result being our very first traitor has been banished for the game in ash
47:45So you have a few options?
47:49You can murder as usual go on your merry way
47:59You can invite a faithful
48:03to join your villainous ranks and become
48:07a traitor
48:16If you choose to recruit
48:19You forfeit your chance to murder tonight, and you run the risk of your invitation being declined
48:27What I like to call the traitor's dilemma
48:31I'll give you a few moments to think over your options. Thanks for watching. Thank you
48:37What should we do? Should we recruit or murder?
48:42Next time the faithful are on a high after banishing their first traitor. I could not contain myself
48:50It was so good
48:56But the wolf and sheep's clothing still walks amongst them
49:00I feel so relaxed and calm this banishment, but I'm just gonna let them kill each other off tonight
49:05And while some faithful stay on the hunt
49:10Others bear their teeth against their own
49:13I'm thinking who of our friends do I think is a traitor and I can't decide if it's Sam
49:20This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to murderous men
49:24Sam's done a mutiny
49:26Burnt a traitor to make himself look even more like a faithful
49:31Me and Annabelle we both believe Sam's a traitor
49:34We're looking for crumbs and that cake must be invisible because the crumbs can't be seen anywhere
49:40It's time. Let's do it and go for the kill. We take Sammy out