NZ S02E08

  • 3 months ago
NZ S02E09 >>>


00:00Previously, it's like he's calculated.
00:06You see him before every round table.
00:08The faithful had just one person dead in their sights.
00:12Dead eyes, mate.
00:14I have always been a traitor.
00:21And while the rest celebrated, the pieces were falling into place for Mark.
00:27I think I know who it is and I think I know what I want to do.
00:31So when the last remaining traitor forced him and Bailey to plead for their lives, Mark
00:38turned the tables.
00:40Jane, I wrote out a series of notes pointing everything towards you and gave it to Utah.
00:49If you kill me, all of the evidence, they're directly on my head.
01:19Forever hold me if it's too late.
01:25Let me go.
01:31Oh, it's just us.
01:36Oh, we can eat all the fruit before they get here.
01:38We can talk.
01:39Yeah, we can talk.
01:40That's true.
01:41It's a good feeling to be alive, especially on day eight.
01:44I reckon we're down to one traitor now.
01:46Whitney, Mike and...
01:49We're the original three.
01:50Do you think they're original three?
01:51I think they are original.
01:52A hundred percent.
01:53Because they've been giving me bad vibes since the very beginning.
01:55The only thing I'm thinking, right, if you recruit last night, who's the perfect person
01:59to recruit?
02:02Because everyone already suspects him.
02:04He would make the most sense to be recruited.
02:07If he wasn't a traitor yesterday, he's a traitor right now.
02:09Why would you recruit Mark?
02:10Because you're using him as a scapegoat.
02:13You guys want to know something?
02:16But you guys, you can't say anything.
02:18I'm only going to share with people that I trust today.
02:21Mark slipped me a note last night.
02:24Did he really?
02:27But do you think that's a trap?
02:28Because we don't know.
02:29I don't know.
02:30So anyways, two days ago, I was hard on Mike.
02:34I wrote a long document of notes on him.
02:36This I shared with Stephen and Jane.
02:39I changed my mind when he voted Whitney, but I was wrong.
02:42He rapidly changed his approach to me, possibly
02:44because Stephen and Jane informed him I was on his case,
02:47and he told me he considered me a traitor.
02:50Because of the way it was leaked, I now suspect Jane.
02:56That's really interesting.
02:57The thing is, if there's a recruitment,
02:59he's the obvious recruiter.
03:02So far, the only people that know about this note
03:04are me, Utah, and Molly, who I don't trust at all.
03:08But I trust Utah, so Utah must be up to something.
03:12So I'm only sharing that with you guys.
03:14I know you're close to Ben.
03:16But the only reason I don't want to share it with Ben
03:18is if he shares it with Jane.
03:22Molly, she flutters in my head as a potential threat or not.
03:26And so I wanted to show her to see
03:28if she would pass that information on
03:30to anyone else throughout the day.
03:32I know just from speaking with Ben that he, I don't think.
03:39Oh, no!
03:41Bull of a knockout.
03:42Bull of a knockout.
03:43Well done.
03:44Every day is a good day when you're sitting down
03:46having breakfast.
03:47So we've been having a discussion,
03:49and we think, if there is a recruitment,
03:51the obvious choice is Mark.
03:55But what if he already was one?
03:57Well, that's what I mean.
03:58Both ways you look at it, he's kind of guilty.
04:00He's either traitors, or he's a traitor.
04:03Now that we know that Whitney's a traitor,
04:06Mike's a traitor.
04:10What's the whole death row, Noel connection?
04:14I am convinced that there was a traitor
04:17in those three that were on death row.
04:19Mike was protecting Noel.
04:21It just builds the case for me,
04:23but I don't have the numbers.
04:26I'm going to go with Mike.
04:27I'm going to go with Mike.
04:28I'm going to go with Mike.
04:29I'm going to go with Mike.
04:30I'm going to go with Mike.
04:31I don't have the numbers.
04:33Before anyone else comes in the room,
04:35because I trust all of you guys in the room,
04:37can we not take our eyes off Noel?
04:39That's a good point.
04:41You know what I found interesting last night
04:43was Jane's answer as to why she voted Mike.
04:48I've been listening to Jane the last couple of days,
04:51and everything that she says is picking up
04:53what people are saying.
04:54But she's not offering anything.
04:55She's not offering anything.
04:56Do you guys feel like that?
05:02Morning, Jane.
05:04Morning, Jane.
05:05How are you?
05:06Morning, morning, morning.
05:08Good morning.
05:10We've got two more seats left and three more people to come.
05:13Can they do a murder and a recruit?
05:15I think anything's possible.
05:17I think it depends on how many traitors are left.
05:20There has to have been a blackmail.
05:23I think.
05:25What's your guys' take on what happened?
05:27Do you reckon there's been a murder?
05:29Or do you reckon there's been a...
05:30I think blackmail.
05:31I think blackmail too.
05:32If Bailey doesn't come in,
05:33Bailey said she wouldn't.
05:34She'd be turning it down.
05:35She couldn't be it.
05:37Couldn't be a traitor.
05:38She would say that she would be saying no
05:41and would rather be going home than be a traitor.
05:53Ooh, just one.
05:54All right.
05:55Just one.
05:56And then there were two.
05:58Good morning.
05:59Well, I thought it was me, honestly.
06:00I really thought it was me today.
06:02So, um...
06:04Hi again.
06:05So, what are we thinking about the last two?
06:08There's no way.
06:09Like, if there was only one traitor left...
06:11Are you saying they could both come in?
06:13Let's just hope so.
06:14I'm hoping, yeah.
06:15Because I'm going to be consoling today if Bailey's gone.
06:18Today's going to be tense.
06:21It's starting to get eerie.
06:24And then the minute someone has evidence and facts,
06:26share it with those you trust.
06:28Yeah, agreed.
06:31It's a mark mark.
06:32No, it wasn't.
06:33It's a mark mark.
06:34Her name's Bailey.
06:49Father Michael Bailey.
06:51I'm going to need consoling today if Bailey's gone.
06:55It's a mark mark.
06:56No, it wasn't.
06:57It's a mark mark.
06:58Her name's Bailey.
07:14Jane, who do you choose to join you as a traitor?
07:18I am going to choose...
07:25Being a traitor would absolutely be a dream for me.
07:30Mark, Jane has chosen you to join her as a traitor.
07:34Do you accept?
07:37But I'm the obvious recruit to sacrifice
07:40and help Jane confirm to the others that she's faithful.
07:43I know exactly what I want to do.
07:47I'm going to say no.
07:52When darkness falls
07:55Then, Mark...
07:56I see you all
07:59You will be murdered this evening.
08:02Nobody will f***ing see that coming.
08:05Take him away.
08:06Oh, man.
08:12Here is your cloak.
08:17I'm going to kill you.
08:19I'm going to kill you.
08:23I'm going to kill you.
08:27You're not going to kill me.
08:29I'm going to kill you.
08:35Here is your cloak
08:38Congratulations, I don't know if I can handle being a traitor, but we're gonna find out I'll leave you both to conspire
08:49Welcome to being traitor. I look forward to working with you
09:21Feel like I've betrayed
09:24Myself, I feel like I've betrayed
09:27The people I trust the most in this game, but I can do it
09:32Oh my god, I can just see everyone. I thought I was like, it's me. It's me. I just lay there like
09:41Selfishly I put up mark
09:43Because he did have feet on him and I thought he'd go but I think Bailey's smart
09:48I want us to work as well as we can together. I'm a team player. So let's see what happens
09:54I think what we need to do is raise our coffee cups to mark because he gave everything yesterday
10:00There's the mark
10:04This is part of marks way to get us to this point
10:12Mark curious
10:19Under a dozen left I
10:22Was surveying the grounds
10:25Uncommonly late last night and the usual dinner possum and Kiwi was drowned out by the moaning of those who fall
10:33These grounds are infested with spirits reluctant to leave you see unfinished business weighs heavily in the afterlife
10:42I'll need you in three teams and I'll meet you where lost souls communicate one last time
10:50The good news you won't need hiking boots today adios
10:57Lost souls communicate one last time. I feel like that's like a seance or something with someone who's fun
11:02The one time we need Jackie
11:19To see where your head's at. So I still fully
11:23percent trust you
11:25We think there's one trader right now though, right? I think there's two when there's one trader. I'm pretty sure they have to blackmail
11:32That's the most likely scenario for me. Is that mark was blackmailed last night
11:37And when he said no he got murdered because he didn't want to be a pawn and he knew that he'd be the scapegoat
11:41And I think that's a really good move on his part to actually be like no, I'm not doing this. I
11:46Have a few ideas
11:49But there are more just guesses at this point. So I think my game plan is just to
11:54See where everybody else's heads are at and probably go for an alternate
11:59So last time I'm walking to be mark hands me a note
12:03I grabbed my boys that I trust CLE chase and Joe and I say hey look at this note
12:08Cat and Donna are not on my list, but I now suspect
12:12Okay, that name has been sitting on everyone's mind and it's the first time somebody who's a faithful
12:18That's not in our group has brought that name up and I thought he was just playing games
12:22All right. Yeah, but now that he's not here what he says
12:26She was one of the very food. Yes, she's I said to myself
12:30Once we get rid of mark and the distraction is gone
12:33There are two people on my list
12:35The unanswered faithful question of whether there was a faithful in that three that were digging with no
12:40Yeah, I'm back at that and Jane every time we're in a group discussion talking about things. She doesn't bring information
12:47She comes in and she always says this. What are we talking about? What do you think? What do you think?
12:50What's going on? Oh, tell me
12:53Who's out for you? You know what? I mean who stands out for you?
13:04Really want to say people because I like him so much. Yeah. Yeah, like Mike was it easy?
13:09I don't know so suspicious wasn't he but then since then they're hiding well
13:14Cuz my most trusted are like you can have Ben
13:18That's the reason I want to talk to you cat and Ben separately to yesterday about Molly and that's the thing
13:23It's like is it but she's putting one of our names out there, right?
13:30I still think it's Jane the way Jane reacted when Mike was at the table talking
13:36She didn't look at him. She the whole time didn't contribute the table. We need to change not contribute the table
13:42Yeah, right. She always does since day one
13:44Maybe day two Jane has been on my little list, but this is something I'm not telling a single other person the way
13:52Terry was on to her
13:54Straight away. She talked away out of it. She hasn't been brought up since I just feel like Jane
13:59Thinking that I think she's a faithful
14:02Means that she'll keep me till the end so she can fool me if it was me you and Jane at the end
14:06I would say no and I'd vote again and I would wait until it's menu
14:12I told you stay ready. I mean, are you my whole life?
14:18After me in the Pacific Ring of Fire decide to disperse and you know find out more information
14:25The person who Mark suspected pulls me aside for the first time in this entire experience
14:32What are you guys thinking?
14:33Now we're gonna look at everybody
14:36everybody friends or otherwise I
14:38Mean I've heard Ben's name thrown out there
14:42Ben's probably one of the people like you trust the early
14:45I trust Ben, but I don't know you just get feeling I don't think his behaviors changed as soon as he drops Ben's name
14:51I'm like hey
14:52That's your number one Alliance, and it's so weird that you're now throwing out your alliances name
14:59I trust I trust Ben, but you could have used anybody else
15:04Anyway, I just want to catch up with you
15:07We'll keep touching. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
15:21How about let's talk about every name and it's just go either suspect or faithful, I don't know like yeah
15:27I don't know. It's something right? Yeah, so let's start with us in the car
15:38Know one suspects me. They genuinely think I am a faithful which is
15:43Great, but I know the further I go the more I look gonna be on me
15:51So hard I feel like I'm starting fresh today to be honest no, I know I feel like I'm starting a squirrel
15:56Which I don't even mind every day. No, and you can't trust anyone
16:00No, I'm like I trust you guys the most but then the paranoia sets in
16:03Doesn't matter how much you like someone. Yeah, it's a game
16:06I'm worried about the roundtable tonight though, because I feel like there's no name that like everyone is gonna say like that something
16:11It would be yeah, like I feel like it's definitely split at the moment
16:16Jane pulled me aside after we had our court at all. Yeah, not to tell me anything but to ask me
16:21What are you guys? I trust you. What are you thinking?
16:24I said, you know now's the time you got to start looking at everyone. Yeah, and guess what name she gave me
16:33She's like she goes, yeah, I mean she goes I trust Ben and he's like my alliance
16:36But you know, you've got to start looking at everyone like Ben and I was like
16:39Why would you say Ben like like you could have used that same comment and said anyone else except for the person that you must
16:45Align to Jane was on my list. So yeah, just seem to see her turn on him. That's suspicious to me
17:12So we walk into this room and it's hazy it's kind of mystical it's a bit spooky
17:20It just feels very very eerie all the people who have been murdered their portraits are like staring right back at us
17:28It's just not
17:30Nice feeling
17:33Welcome to my inner city loft
17:37It's here. We're going to make contact with the other side with the players who've been murdered in the game so far
17:44Their spirits can't rest until they know how understood by you. They were when they walked the earth
17:51I need you to place a stone on the portrait of the player. You want to hear from?
17:57When their spirits aroused I will ask them a randomly selected question if
18:02Your answer matches the answer of the murdered player. You'll win a silver bar
18:09We have to speak to the dead and ask them questions and answer them how we think they would answer
18:15Yeah, I'm looking at the faces on the table and there's certain ones that I'm nervous to hear what they're gonna say
18:21One of them is of course Brie and she's gonna have some unkind things to say about me if she gets called up
18:27The team with the most silver bars will all win shields to protect them from murder
18:33Let's hope the words of your murdered friends are still ringing in your ears. It might just save your lives tonight
18:41And we will start see Ali with your group
18:47Who have you chosen? We've chosen mark
18:51I will now ask a question and you need to tell me what you believe the answer he will give will be
18:57Mark, who did you trust the most in the game?
19:03Your answer Stephen well now we will have to get in touch with mark mark
19:11Stop smiling for a moment. I have a question for you
19:20He's in the room with us now mark, who did you trust the most in this game?
19:28The person who I trust the most in the game is Utah
19:38Utah so that hasn't the first team nothing Ben, where would you like to place your stone?
19:47Where to move where to move who is in danger
20:01Myself Donna Donna
20:04Where I move I
20:08Think Brett is in danger
20:12This is going well
20:15Cats team we're gonna go for British who is a traitor
20:24We're gonna go with Steve I
20:28Think a traitor is Utah
20:36Because this game changes so quickly
20:39Answering questions
20:41From other people's perspective at the points at which they died is just it's so hard
20:48Cialis, could you do better this time?
20:51Who have you chosen? We've gone with Janae Janae
20:55Who is the most?
20:58We say mark
21:05Gonna get it
21:08Alright Donna
21:11Brett Brett again
21:13Who is the most?
21:20Joe Brett, sorry to bother you again
21:28The most ruthless
21:36Thank goodness
21:39One bar of silver Wow
21:42$500 so far
21:45Where will you be placing your stone?
21:49Three who is the best liar?
21:56We're gonna say Jackie, let's find out three
22:03The best liar is no
22:09Of course she's gonna think I'm a liar and that I'm a traitor
22:12I would have thought the same thing if I was murdered that night. I'd have assumed Brie was the traitor, Utah
22:16Where are you placing your stone?
22:18We'd like to hear from Brie
22:21Who is barking up the wrong tree?
22:27Brie me again
22:30The player backing up the wrong tree is
22:38Interesting so far I'm saving a fortune
22:42All right, Bailey. We've chosen mark
22:45Who is not being a team player?
22:52Who do you choose mark mark will say he is not being a team player mark
23:03A team player is big
23:11Molly we're gonna do Brit who is least suited to this game
23:23We're gonna say Joe you're gonna say Joe
23:31Know that I
23:34Got the most ruthless the most unsuited for the game and the most oblivious. Oh
23:41all these things and I'm still here and
23:44So the game is over and as you can see a stellar performance from two teams who got one question
23:51Right each Joe's team and Ben's team that makes it a tiebreak
23:56So the only spirit left around to find out how you do is Janae
24:00I shall ask her one question the first person to place their hand on the crystal ball
24:06Will be given an opportunity to answer if you get it, right your team has won
24:12Ben Bailey and I are sitting here with our fingers crossed. We need these shells the question is
24:18Who cannot be trusted?
24:26The question is who cannot be trusted
24:32Then what will Janae say
24:37If you're right your team wins and all of you will get a shield protecting you from murder tonight
24:45Who cannot be trusted?
24:51No cannot be trusted
24:55We're starting at that feeling of Groundhog Day as for Janae loved the woman but she was here for like six hours
25:02Congratulations, you have won a shield. I feel like we all need shields right now
25:11We did it we guaranteed ourself another day if we don't get better our connection to the spirit world has now closed I
25:20Felt like I had needed a shield at every point on gusset a
25:26$1,000 earned for the prize pool today nice to hear from old friends who won't be sharing in the prize
25:38All the murdered players have no idea who the traders are either, so it's all just whatever they thought at the time
25:44It was so hard sounds with the dead cool idea not so helpful in practice
25:58That's I think that was pretty hard though because like everyone changed every day
26:05And I'm lying you're trying to remember yeah
26:10My main thing was it knows the biggest liar or whatever. Oh, yeah, Brie said no is the biggest
26:17So then what was that when they went all up against each other?
26:20Yeah, you know at the table
26:25And I just feel set up all over again
26:27It's so annoying cuz I fought really hard to get to this point and it's like the banishment is in like two hours and no
26:33One's got any names so like after that challenge who's a perfect name to put on the shopping block with mine
26:37I am really glad I have a shield, but I really really do hope that when I do bring up about know that
26:44You know what that's a good point now that you have a shield you can do that without
26:48Just tonight
26:50It hurts me though because I like no he's a nice guy
26:54but I have to take emotions and feelings out of it because
26:57It could be a time that any of us could be recruited on that same thing as well, right I
27:15Really wanted to get a shield tonight. I've got a feeling in my bones
27:19I'm gonna get murdered so I might get a bit loose tonight, or I might just be completely quiet at banishment
27:24You know I won't know until I get in there to be honest that mission was difficult because yeah, that's true
27:28No one is straight up. I think if you're faithful you straight up now. I mean like and giving those little
27:34Timbits of who do you trust? Oh because it changes because it changes day to day. It's getting down to the crunch point. It's me
27:43Utah Joe and
27:46Then we think cat is in there as well. We yeah
27:50I've got to hang together. I agree even if you
27:56Like my own
27:57I don't know if I would take it at this point like this the competitive part of me that would want to
28:02But I don't like how ugly this is getting and I'm always new
28:06Yeah, the bigger picture is it's a game. Yeah, you know let's get to the end and we'll see how it goes
28:19And I'm like Ben Ben is so smart Ben was gonna be midschool
28:25Everyone would be like absolutely completely besides themselves if you stood up
28:32Yeah, Jane kind of lingers around when they leave the room Jane says I don't think
28:38Hmm, I don't think you're a traitor
28:42And I don't think that I
28:44Think that just desperation
28:47That's right like I think everyone needs to be looked at yes
28:49But the reason for who would be good at it Ben because he's smart. It's not a reason
28:54Yeah, I'm gonna go outside. Yeah, I need to find Jason salad. I'll see you soon, okay?
29:05So the person who's dropped your name to me is Jake as a potential
29:12Jane's been floating my name
29:16Got no idea what's going on, but
29:18Should be a good roundtable look you can just take this for what you want
29:22But when me and him were on the way to bed last night mark passed him a note
29:25But we had no time to like they've all chivalry
29:29But Mark's final suspicion was Jane and the fact that she said your name a couple times
29:34and this puts me in a bit of a hard position because I didn't really want to
29:40Talk about Jane, but one
29:45Change of her mind, and I guess she's ready for me to be gone, too
29:48She just pulled me aside, and she just told me she's like the one person
29:52I don't think is a traitor completely is you I truly look up to Jane like I do my mom
29:58It's a shame hey, but I'm coming for you
30:02I think it's gonna be not tonight
30:05Is that this
30:10And like you obviously I don't want
30:19Ben and Jane are really tight
30:22They've been together a lot, and I just don't think you would do that if it wasn't really important
30:27Think about who didn't attack Mike last night
30:30And she didn't say a single word at the table
30:33She's saying this and this and this at the table
30:35I've noticed it because she's becoming more and more and more a traitor, so are the numbers on
30:40Okay, or are they on no I think it's not I
30:50Just think that you would just make such a good traitor like you can talk your way out of anything
30:53And if this is a compliment if anyone could talk their way up at death row. It was gonna be you
30:57Do I think I'd be a good traitor? Yeah, but I'm looking around that roundtable
31:01I don't see a person who'd make a bad shit
31:03I don't think you can get this far in the game and be someone who'd make a bad traitor
31:06Yeah, now that no one has any you know solid names. It's just like
31:10No, it's just vote for Noel
31:11I just feel completely set up and like all the suspicions on me
31:15And I just have such a strong feeling that I'm going home tonight
31:19Kat can I talk to you one on one?
31:31It's all right
31:42It's hard
31:58It's just like how many times am I gonna have to do this?
32:09There's no one else on the blog except for me, so it's
32:14Not true, so just we don't know what's always gonna happen. Okay? No anything else, but this
32:24No, he's really down
32:28He just thinks the pressure's on him, you know, that's what he's feeling
32:34You think I
32:36Really like no and I'm surprised he's got so much heat on him because his behavior hasn't even changed
32:44But I need to protect myself as well. I've never totally trusted him
32:48Yeah, and the death row thing just always comes by and the other thing that I said was when Mike went last night
32:55He voted for
32:57Yeah, who you know isn't a traitor. Yes, and then picked out Ben Molly me
33:03So then you think okay, so who is he?
33:06Who is he protecting? No
33:09Who do you think?
33:10Leaning towards Ben. He would be a perfect choice for a train. It's everybody. This is everyone loves it
33:16Yeah, I mean, is there anything cuz I know we joke about bamboo myself
33:19I don't got a special soft spot, but I know it's a game
33:22No, it's
33:51You know, it's a game at the end of the day, but I do want to keep going
33:54So I'm gonna really really find my hardest around table
34:00Tom bloody nervous now about the table. Oh
34:05Something I crumble
34:39Welcome back to the round table
34:43Today's mission was
34:46The thousand dollars you made takes the prize pool here before us to thirty nine thousand dollars
34:53You have spent so much time with the people around this table
34:59So who can you rely on to vote alongside you?
35:04Do you feel safe or under threat?
35:07Will you be fighting for your very right to stay in this game?
35:12Do you have a gut feeling that you want to plunge into someone like a dagger and
35:18If that happens to someone else
35:21Is that a bandwagon you'll happily jump on to?
35:25to deflect attention from yourself
35:28We're on the homeward stretch, but you're far from home
35:34Who will speak first
35:40Something happened last night that only a few of us know about in this room
35:47I know it was left by mark
35:51It was on you Jane and this is my thinking can I ask what it said
36:00Mark left a note. Yeah, he left it to the person he trusts most which we found out today was me
36:05yeah, but in it he said that he had shared information specifically with four people and
36:12Because of the way it was leaked the person he wanted me to look at was you Jane
36:18But what was the leak though? What was he talking about?
36:22It really doesn't explain that well, but I kind of shared it with those who I felt would entertain it
36:29Jane the first night I said, I don't I don't think it's you and I still don't think it's you
36:33You keep a level head and your objective, but you don't think it was Mike as well. Yeah. Yeah. No, I said
36:39It was like a hard decision. No, I don't know
36:41I said it was a hard name to write down cuz I liked him as a person which is true for all of you Mike
36:45Always said that he's like super close to you and the night that he took one day out. There was a huge demeanor shift
36:51We all saw it. He went hard hard hard and then when we're all trying to make decisions
36:55He was like no is the most trustworthiest person here
36:58Like why does someone fight that strong for someone I who I have not seen any evidence of you guys chatting
37:05Obviously, let's talk once. Okay, it's not a lot to go off
37:08But I am still convinced that the traders would have put someone out there on that three
37:13I mean we've talked about it and I think it's there. Well, I'm just gonna say this
37:17If I'm here tomorrow
37:21I'm coming for you
37:24And I'm just gonna let you know, I'm just gonna know this I'm not Andrew
37:28I do not have the energy nor do I have the vocabulary to string a sentence together
37:34That's gonna accommodate to your feelings that I know much but you thank you
37:39What changed your mind because like today you will find out tomorrow if you're not going for no tonight. Who are you going for tonight?
37:47Jane, right? I want to jump in there. Have you talked about me today Jane?
37:52Have you thrown my name out there just a question I
37:57Don't think so
38:02This morning Jane took me for our first one-on-one chat
38:05Yeah, which I appreciate is and I found it real interesting a lot of us are bringing pieces and we're piecing puzzles together
38:12Yeah for some reason every interaction I've had with you Jane. You're always asking what's going on?
38:18What's going on and then you share it to somebody but I've never seen a full theory opinion come directly from you
38:25That you bring to the group and when I pushed you slightly about who you thought you did say
38:31Yeah, I did have a thought about Ben
38:35Which I thought was very bizarre because everyone knows I'm gonna like quite a close alliance with Sally and
38:41I wouldn't even think to put his name out. That's how convinced I am of him
38:45So the fact that you even mentioned Ben's name to me
38:48We've had that conversation at this this morning because I'm really aware that I'm close to Ben
38:53But I should consider everybody because just because I think Ben's amazing doesn't mean say he's not a traitor
38:59You pulled me aside just before we came here and you said to me you couldn't be a traitor
39:03I 100% think you're faith you there's no way you're a traitor not one down in my mind
39:07So why are you having chats with Utah this morning?
39:09Because like I say it came out we were all saying about how we need to consider people closest to us
39:13Was I the only other person that you mentioned been to you did raise beans name with us
39:20Yeah when we were in the the fireplace well, I wasn't even thinking about being yeah
39:24It wasn't something that was brought to my attention
39:25We said this morning we need to consider people close to me and your name came up from Bailey
39:30And I have to consider it. I was with Terry on that first day
39:33Yeah, and to me it just got wrapped up so quickly and so perfectly and that's when I started suspecting like the bubble
39:41Yeah, and I feel like every time I've spoken to like you three so Ben Molly Jane
39:46Yeah, it's usually the same opinion coming at me, and I'm like
39:50Someone's got sway here, so that's just where suspicions all I say is I am faithful. I've been a team player
39:56I've voted for Jackie you swapped your mind Jackie. You were on but when Jackie gave her speech. That's when I swapped
40:03Mike and
40:04Whitney I've given my reasons. I am 100% faithful if you want to vote for me
40:09Please vote for me, but you'll be voting for a faithful
40:13One mistake every trader makes when they before they get banishes. They don't give a strong other
40:18Who's your strong mother? I said today no
40:24It's time to vote
40:27Please write the name down of the person you would like to banish from the game for you
40:48Has everyone locked in their votes then we'll start with Ben
40:59Jane this is obviously so hard to do because I
41:02Honestly, yeah, I I don't have more
41:05You know words I could say a few as a person. I think you're great, but I've explained myself tonight guys
41:11Molly I've had suspicions about this person for a while now, and so Jane. I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry
41:17See Ali, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why?
41:21You're hiding in plain sight, and I pulled you for it
41:25Tonight, I'm burning for Jane
41:31Votes for you so far Jane. Yeah
41:33Please reveal who you voted for and tell us why so I vote for this person because that's who I said
41:38I was gonna vote for earlier. Sorry, but I had to vote for you. No no
41:48I've lost trust in myself, but I haven't lost trust in the people who approached me so for that reason
41:54I'm very sorry, but Jane. I've written your name
41:57Joe I don't like to slow to you. I don't like dishonesty so tonight whether you're a faithful or not
42:03My votes for you Jane
42:06Turning into a tsunami against you Jane it is
42:11Whoever goes tonight the other person. I will be going for tomorrow night, and I have a shield so I will be back tomorrow
42:19No, I just need to know the answers
42:25Yeah, I think the fact that the person in your alliance
42:29That you're closest to is voting it just speaks too much volume to me
42:33My vote tonight is for Jane
42:41So that's six votes for Jane two votes for no Jason
42:48Sorry my tea, buddy
42:51I'm just exhausted. I'm so tired of being a scapegoat and a red herring, and that's really all I am I'm a faithful
42:57Jane I think you are too. I could be wrong. I don't know
43:01this person I voted for because I questioned them today and
43:04When I did their demeanor shifted so Molly I voted for you
43:11Bailey finally please reveal who you voted for and tell us why
43:16And this person was pretty much top of my list on day one I voted for you
43:22Jane and I'm kind of glad that the group has finally got on board with that
43:28Jane you have the most votes by a country mile
43:32Please come up and join me you have been banished from the game
43:38Before you leave the game for good Jane, please reveal are you a faithful or a traitor?
43:44I just like to have had a brilliant time. I love you all what I didn't tell you and disclose
43:48You all is I was a UK police officer
43:50for 25 years
43:52So honor and integrity is my thing
43:56But not in this game. I'm a traitor
44:05Holy shit
44:08Oh that they just set me up so players two in a row
44:16Ben Donna Bailey
44:18You have shields protecting you tonight. The rest of you a fair game until we meet again puppets
44:27Real quick real quick amongst this excitement amongst this excitement
44:31When Jane put no's name down
44:34Did you see her wink at him? Yeah?
44:37I'm telling you now
44:39I'm telling you guys now
44:41God damn death row frame for Bree's murder
44:45seance with the dead a Jane wink a Whitney wink just
44:50Put me in a coffin and throw me in a grave because I am getting buried alive
45:06Obviously be excited because you got out of trade up, but I
45:13Really like Jane she's really cool
45:17You're right. Oh, I am
45:20Cuz like I just think she's cool. So yeah
45:23After the roundtable, I just feel so out of the loop disconnected from the group and that really sucks
45:32No, I don't think I'm getting murdered although I wish they would murder me if it's either of you two, please
45:44I'm out tomorrow. Anyway, like
45:54Say the person I trust the most right now is easily Bailey. I just can count on her
45:59I know because anyone who's putting two brain cells together to see that I'm just an obvious piece of bait
46:05That's someone I can trust. What's the wrong way? Did you see a woman? Huh? Did you see she winked at him?
46:10she put down his name and then she just goes
46:15And I'm not the only one who saw someone say there's a wink
46:17I didn't see the wink either, but I believe Utah cuz I actually do trust Utah
46:22I don't see it Utah's the one that's here. I don't see it, but I don't think he's lying
46:26I feel the same way about no as I did about mark. Yeah, like you're giving me all the signs, but I don't believe it
46:40Let's just entertain this if it's not no, that's cat then it's one of us
46:47I'll go even if it is one of us is to get to the end. Yeah, well, it's not us
46:59Yeah, we were doing before that table when you top on your side is in January saying your name
47:07It makes me very suspicious that the alliance that I've formed with him is not real
47:12If one of us is the traitor, that's that that's the last alliance to break
47:16Our goal is to get our alliance to the final five
47:19Even if you're a traitor stick to your alliance and then we can try to figure it out between each other
47:24And once we're the five of you and everyone went for themselves
47:57Quite the first day in a new job Bailey
48:01You didn't miss an opportunity to stab Jane in the front. Did you I did it as you were now my only traitor
48:08I must insist you deliver an ultimatum to a faithful of your choice
48:13It is a blackmail your chosen player will have a simple choice become a traitor with you
48:20Or be murdered
48:23But I need to know now which faithful you choose
48:30Next time
48:33I feel like I have the most power on the game right now, which of the faithful will turn traitor
48:41And who that's certainly freaking out will be stabbed in the back
48:46I don't even know what's real. What's fake? What's the truth? What's a lie? I just don't know