Traitors Australia S02E08 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on the traitors in the dead of night Camille received an offer she couldn't refuse
00:06To join the traitors as their newest recruit. You've got to be joking me
00:14I am working for team traitor and with the shock of a murderous morning
00:24The faithful set their sights firmly on Sam
00:29Traitors have to murder someone they can murder themselves
00:33There's something in my gut that stinks with Sam
00:37But Sam still continued to pull all the strings
00:41What do you think of cake?
00:44Camille and Blake are falling in line and doing exactly what the chef wants. I say keeps going and they go. Yes sheriff. I
00:51Have looked outside the box
00:54And I'm voting for you mate and it was undercover cop Keith who was finally exposed as a faithful
01:01I didn't lie to you about being a faithful now with their newest recruit Camille and with a life-changing prize within reach
01:09It's more important than ever for the faithful to banish a traitor
01:15But one question still remains
01:18The thing about Hannah is
01:20She's so dangerous in this game. I mean getting rid of Gloria would be good
01:24Yeah, who exactly will be murdered by the dead of dawn?
02:22Holy do it
02:24God leave on the only one
02:26Look how many people I've banished and murdered
02:30Wow, we should take a moment for all the faithfuls that have been murdered
02:36And all the faithfuls I have banished
02:40Amen I have no hope no chance battle
02:52We started off 20 people and now here I am in the top six that is an achievement in itself
02:59Tomorrow the final day and it frustrates me because we've only banished one traitor and that was ash
03:06If we get it wrong tonight, the other traders win which sucks
03:10So it is time to take charge of this narrative and get rid of the trades
03:17God you're here the boys
03:27I'm so scared. I'm glad to say oh my god
03:33Better now Oh my two favorites are in
03:38Oh my god
03:42Last night was insane. I speak epic
03:49We saw some oh
03:52My god, this is hard
03:55What do we think? Yeah, I don't know. Well, I feel like Hannah's definitely cemented herself as a faithful so she could be up for murder
04:02What's your thoughts on Gloria?
04:04She would be one of the easiest people to murder because she's not having much of a game actually if they did that
04:11What are your thoughts on Blake?
04:14Is the writing on the wall or
04:18I was thinking that last night. I used Keith's line against Keith. Do you say that?
04:25No, you know Keith was telling you that someone's keeping him in the gang. Mm-hmm
04:31And then he said oh he said the exact same thing he did to
04:34Turns out Kate wasn't caving. So who was keeping Keith?
04:41It nearly has to be him doesn't
04:45Sent something. No, I can hear something. I get so like paranoid at breakfast
04:57I'm like what? Oh my god. We were just talking about you. We thought you were done
05:03We were like, yeah, you're fully done. I'm like no you're gone. I am very shocked. I'm still
05:09Alive I'd not murdered. I am shocked at this point. I feel like I'm sitting on a ticking time bomb
05:17The faithful are being murdered and banished every single day
05:23We have to get a traitor today
05:26Because if we don't they will win everything
05:29What do you thoughts on Blake?
05:31Because you're being so much on him. You've been very strong on Blake
05:35Yeah, I've been on him for a few days, haven't you yeah did last night cement it for you
05:41Yeah today. I'm still suspicious on Blake, but these evidence pointing to someone else
05:50Hannah brought up last night that a traitor can murder themselves, especially if they have a shield they can murder themselves
05:59What yeah, if they have a shield they can murder themselves
06:05That has changed the whole game
06:07And Annabelle and Luke sacrifice their life
06:11I'm a hundred percent faithful, and I don't want to see another faithful leave
06:16Some is a traitor
06:18It's so obvious and I will avenge everyone who was murdered by him
06:27But for now I keep telling them that I'm still iffy on Blake
06:32Do you see you go on Blake again tonight?
06:35Because we're all unsure it is here. Yes. I'm still up for Blake. I'm starting to believe you more and more
06:44We have the majority right now, why don't we just choose if we vote a faithful today, we're done for
06:51I'm thinking it's Blake
07:00Recently Sam and I haven't been the same wavelength. I can't trust him, but yesterday
07:06We started working together again to banish Keith
07:20Hey feeling a lot last night was tough, so just to be just a bit flat today. I'm still pretty upset that
07:26Kate's gone. It was hands-down the toughest banishment the toughest name. I've had to write down
07:33He was like my favorite person here. It really sucked so yeah
07:41But I
07:43Hope that putting Keith's name down
07:46Puts everything right with me and Sam. I
07:49Want to trust the guy, but I've got my eyes on him
07:53now between Camille and
07:57Personally, I think Hannah's been murdered because she's cemented herself as a faithful in this game, so it should be a threat I
08:04Don't know what this game is anymore. Yeah, me too
08:10Ah Camille
08:13My last
08:18Your last oh my gosh, who's not here
08:23She was cemented as a faithful and all that was someone I could talk to and feel comfortable
08:29Yeah, I know that's the worst part because you could trust her
08:35Know was murdered just after she reminded us that actually a traitor can murder themselves some is a traitor
08:50All guys guys oh
08:55Salutations my salubrious six-pack of staying power
08:58morning morning, so
09:01Keith dispatched and now Hannah sleeps six feet further down than she did before hmm
09:09The result being two more faithful
09:11Have left us, but surely we're all used to that by now
09:17Faithful don't be disheartened though
09:19Catching traitors isn't an easy job. No
09:24if one of Australia's most
09:26Decorated police officers couldn't figure it out. How on earth are you supposed to?
09:30I'm sure
09:32You didn't spend 30 years in law enforcement honing your powers of deduction, but perhaps you don't need to have
09:41Your natural instincts are your secret weapon
09:45But if that is true
09:47Maybe this time you whipped it out. We're all quite keen to see it
09:54Something else you might be keen to see is more silver and that you will see in today's mission
10:00Where you will need to go at it like a bull in a China shop
10:06We're riding bulls, baby
10:09Go at it like a boy Roger always with a humdinger of a clue. I'm not good at riddles. Yeah
10:21The game plan has changed now that I'm a traitor. I've been working with Sam and Blake
10:28But this point I feel like I need to start thinking about what's best for my game
10:35All right, I'm going
10:44I feel like I didn't get much time at breakfast to talk to anyone
11:24Let me process
11:26Out of the two traitors Blake and Sam I trust Sam the least
11:32He did banish another traitor, and I could be protecting him now just so he can throw me under the bus
11:40It's time for me to get back into traitor hunting
11:55This is nice, there's nothing ominous so far. I'm going to China shop. What's that mean though?
12:07In today's mission you'll be testing an essential life skill a skill that the more
12:14unrefined may refer to as
12:16shop lifting
12:19Now within this antique store obviously antiques
12:25But there are 12 items of particular interest to Daniel and myself isn't that right
12:32To win the silver you'll need to retrieve an item. I have requested without damaging it or any other items in the store
12:41Easy money. Oh, yes, I should mention that the store is precariously overcrowded I
12:49Should also mention there's a 30 minute time limit, so you'll need to be quick. Oh
12:54Yes, I forgot to mention that you will be in pairs tethered together
12:58With one player blindfolded with the blindfolded player being the only person that can touch any said item
13:08At the end of the time Daniel I will assess for any
13:11Breakages that may have occurred and subtract that from the final total because as we all know if you break it you buy it
13:19Well time to get tethered together
13:25Wow, that's really close
13:30Am a Camille retrieve me an antique teapot teapot we're gonna start going now
13:39Now antique teapot, so I'm first up with Sam he's blindfolded
13:44We're tethered together escape shuffle forward forward forward you won't hit anything
13:48I'm just gonna control you small steps big steps left and right I'm looking for a teapot shuffle shuffle shuffle I
13:55Can't see shit
13:57Can you walk sideways like this yep like a crab holy moly teapot hang on stop
14:06We're gonna turn around and
14:09Just in here don't drop the top of it the only person that can touch an item. It's got a blindfold on
14:15I'm not allowed to touch it. You're gonna pick that up feel it
14:18The whole thing just fell oh
14:21My god the shelf right yeah, there are booby traps
14:26Everywhere inside this antique store now. We're gonna shuffle back like a crab again, and we don't keep and stop out the door
14:34Sam and Camille
14:39Returning with the antique teapot very good, but time is absolutely ticking away
14:44Really will need to go as fast as you can
14:48Time for our second team. I'm after ye olde fishing rod off you go quick as you can
14:54And the first pairs come out going it is chock-a-block for when there there's booby traps everywhere. Just be cautious
15:03But it's really important to get silver and come out and in a record time fishing rod fishing rod Gloria Camille
15:09What I'm looking for is an antique trolley
15:14Let's go to the right
15:24My god
15:27How big is the trolley let me oh my god, okay, well anything knock over I'm like hmm, maybe
15:39And here they come with the fishing rod
15:42Well done
15:44Where's the step? I'll tell you okay Wow all right doorway Camille you got it
15:52Oh my god, that was amazing
15:54the next item that I require is
15:58antique bag of golf clubs
16:01Not much time left things to do
16:03Hold up, let's just
16:09Next team I need the two-piece art collection
16:27This is the piece there and there's two that went to the right this is the other thing
16:40Well, there's a silver bar lost
16:43Let me put on my arm
16:45Here they are with the two-piece art collection. Well done
16:49We don't want to get caught stealing sir
16:52I'm actually having so much fun. It's kind of how my game is played
16:54I just walked in there destroyed everything caused chaos and then left
16:58That's what I call a hole in one
17:01We did perfect
17:04Next team I'm looking for an antique yellow vase
17:09All right, yellow vase your item is a vintage plate of marbles time is ticking away
17:16yellow vase
17:17It's inside this box. Okay, our vase was inside the box inside the box
17:24I don't know how you gonna do this
17:31Clean up on aisle four, please
17:38Pivot. Oh
17:40Don't want to lose those marbles. You got the plate. How comfortable you feel lifting that up? Oh my god. This is heavy
17:47How many marbles are on this thing? Oh boy
17:50I've lost me marbles
17:55The yellow bars
18:00Here they are Blake and Liam with my vintage plate of marbles
18:07All right next team ready
18:09What I'm looking for this time is my grandmother's bike
18:13Bicycle, how bloody how we gonna carry a bottle? Oh
18:17My god, it was me and Sarah. We both have booties and boobies
18:22So we were trying to be very careful and suck everything in
18:28Green suitcase green suitcase. Okay, I'm gonna walk you grab it and grab it to here. I'm just looking for suitcase. Oh, yeah suitcases. Oh
18:36My god, how the hell are we gonna get that bike out?
18:44I well and truly am a bull in a China shop
18:49It's like the wheel is about know the wheels come off guys. You got two minutes left two minutes
18:54I ain't nobody got time for this wheel. Okay
19:07We've actually got a boy here comes Sarah and Gloria with grandma's bike
19:13With one minute remaining I need the vintage ladder
19:20Sam and Blake, it's seriously the blind leading the blind. It's just one big cluster
19:29That's it now lift that's it
19:36That's it good
20:03Attention shoppers
20:06Now Daniel and I have perused the scene or carnage for want of a better word
20:12Hmm and to tell you the truth, there's some pretty major damage in there
20:17So for that
20:19We've decided to deduct
20:21Two silver bars from your total of ten leaving you with eight silver bars or sixteen thousand dollars
20:30Anyway, I'm in the mood for a banishment. How about you? See you there?
20:36It definitely went out with a bang on this one, but now we have a hundred and sixty-two
20:43$1,000 in the kitty. We did good. We did good
20:49apologies for breaking stuff, but
20:51You know winning the silver bars is more important at this point
21:12It's really important to catch a trader today because we could lose this
21:17My suspicions are lying with Blake and Camille
21:20I believe they're both the traders, but I can't go at them both. So I'm just gonna stick with Blake today
21:28Hey young
21:29All right. Yeah, we're fine brother. I feel like we know where each other's heads are at
21:38Know and swear me. I
21:41Know in my heart Sam's a faithful. We're gonna bromance go on and we're just such a good team. Do you think we're wrong?
21:48going for Blake's not
21:51It's just we haven't looked there before and I've never looked there and it's like and yes game
21:56You have to look everywhere. Don't you hundred percent?
21:58Sam thinks it's a hundred percent Blake. Well, I agree with him and
22:03Everyone's jumping on board. So tonight the numbers are going like
22:11It's gonna be interesting
22:14I've been trying to logically work it out and I've been trying to like what what do we know right now?
22:19I'm working together with Camille to vote for Sam and
22:24If we all write Sam's name, I think we'll get a trader tonight
22:29We have to get a trader because I feel like after today that's done for
22:35The faithfuls we're not getting this money
22:38In a game like this when you're not part of a plan you are the plan
22:43I'm motivated to win this game and to be the last trader
22:49We can't get it wrong. It can't be this or that
22:53Right now my biggest threat is Sam and
22:57We need numbers
22:58There's six of us. Yeah, I just feel like it's got to be in one of the males. Yeah
23:04Yeah, do we still think I?
23:07Felt okay about Sam
23:10And then I was starting to question what I was thinking
23:14I'm told on Sam. Yeah for the simple fact that traders can vote off traders. Yeah
23:20And I think that would have been a great cover
23:25And don't you think maybe Hannah was murdered because of that same thing. Have you have you actually thought of it? Yeah
23:33And everybody knew Hannah is a faithful
23:36Can I ask you both a question?
23:38Why do you both think Annabelle and Luke were so sure on Sam?
23:44Why do you think that? Luke and Annabelle were voted off because of bringing Blake and Sam into the picture
23:52And everyone forgot about that, yeah, yeah, yeah
23:57I'm telling you now. It's a it's a trade-off. We need to be smart and vote together
24:03Because the thing is right if there is one trader left they win everything and we win nothing
24:10Nothing, I wouldn't hate to be the final faithful with the trader
24:15With all the dodginess in relation to Sam Luke putting his name out Sam in the shield
24:22Confusion like there's so much on
24:25Sam that I'm confident that this is gonna go to plan and I think we get a lot of
24:32answers if you vote for Sam I
24:35Need you to talk to Blake
24:39Let's go talk to the boys, all right right now all that's left is to convince Blake
24:45But it's just self-preservation for him to vote for Sam
24:49So we have a quick one, oh, yeah, I'll come over chat
24:55Because we weren't in the same I know
25:02Come down I have to quietly
25:05Gloria still thinks Sam and you
25:10Man, she's like we've got to go for one of the boys
25:13Sarah and
25:14Gloria were both putting out Sam's name
25:18in the car
25:21Been keeping Sam's name out
25:24Yeah, I think that's Sam pushing an agenda, so it's all for him and
25:33Yeah, my name has been out there enough
25:36Sam's name is higher on the list than yours. I know I know like we could be sneaky we could jump on board
25:47My god, yeah, yeah, I feel like you can get greedy and we've just been blinded yeah
25:56Sam is playing against me again my trust in him has been
26:01Absolutely destroyed. I want to trust Camille and it's better for my game if Sam's banished, but I
26:09Know Sam and his game at this point. So it's a really tough one. It makes
26:15Sense to me. I feel like that's something we need to go for
26:22What I don't want to happen is for this plan to get back to him just
26:27It goes
26:30This is so exciting everybody said they were gonna write Sam
26:34Boom identify a traitor and then I could be seen it as the traitor hunter who nailed Sam
26:41But we have to be so careful right now. I
26:45don't want him to find out about our plan and
26:49Somehow get out of it
26:54Well, do we go catch up with Blake and Camille in do yeah, let's go find it's like oh yes
27:05What's up, oh, well, we just who else can we talk to
27:23Just feels really weird tonight
27:29Oh my neck
27:41Feel like I should just have a chat to Sarah so she feels involved in
27:55For the first time in the game, I realized something's happening and I do not have control of it. I'm stressed. I don't know. I'm mixed
28:02I'm so mixed. I'm rattled. These are filthy
28:07I could be in trouble
28:49Good evening
28:54once again faithful and those pretending to be so we find ourselves at
29:00The round table staring at a large pile of silver
29:06Which now currently stands at one hundred and sixty-two
29:14What an effort and to my final six I want to say well done making it thus far congrats
29:24Speaking of good work
29:27Are those traitors just doing a bang-up job wouldn't you say I
29:32Mean really you do have to hand it to them
29:36For them everything is going to plan
29:42Faithful the traitors plot their strategy
29:50They plan all of your confusion
29:53They work against you in a breakfast
29:58They work against you on the missions
30:03They even work against you in casual conversation
30:08But I
30:10Believe their deceit to be most devastating right here in this room in banishment
30:19Faithful the most important opinion in this room is yours
30:24You cannot afford to be swayed the time to control your own destiny starts now
30:32Because if any traitors are left standing at the end of the game
30:37They take it all
30:41So tonight I suggest you fight
30:49And you fight hard
30:58Falls yours
31:04Today we have to get it right because if we don't get it right today, we are done for
31:11Because if it's two traders and we get it wrong today
31:14The traitors have a upper hand
31:19There is no tomorrow if we get strong and I want to get a traitor so bad today
31:25Because I don't think it will be worth staying here tomorrow if we get it wrong
31:31At this point are we not looking at other people people that we are not looking people you will not expect
31:44So who does everyone think the traitors are I feel it's two guys
31:58For me it's a pretty obvious one I
32:05Think it's a guy as well
32:08Is my gut right I don't know I got it wrong with Corinne
32:12I got it wrong with Guyton, but at this point
32:17Is guts enough or is the evidence for us to actually get a trader tonight
32:26Evidence like the common denominator who brought up kids name is you Sam
32:32Evidence like a trader can murder themselves, especially if they have a shield
32:39So it can be nullified I have to agree could be a try to move by murdering himself even though he's got the shield
32:46So that can also be used as a game to throw us off
32:50For me I had doubts about you
32:53But I never pushed to anyone that I got murdered I also said they could have been a recruitment
33:01Or someone could have tried to murder me and missed
33:05I never pushed any agenda that oh I got murdered to try and make myself
33:11I I don't know what the hell my biggest thing is when you start saying look at someone that you don't expect
33:16You're gonna say oh, I got murdered
33:18I don't know what the hell my biggest thing is when you start saying look at someone that you don't expect I
33:24Looked at you
33:38Loving the traitors of course you are watch the deception unfold with every nail-biting episode on 10 play
33:52Biggest thing is when you start saying look at someone that you don't expect I looked at you
34:03You know I've Gloria's probably the person I trust the most in this game and
34:07Always go to you, and I'm like holy shit could Gloria be the traitor
34:20What are your thoughts on people not bringing your name up throughout the game until now I
34:24Think maybe just because I've been quiet and people forget me. I feel that's that's it or maybe I've not been loud as
34:34So for me you really have just come all this way, and you've played the game so well yet so quiet
34:40Well, I think you would make a great traitor
34:44Why is it that no one's spoken about you in banishment?
34:48Why is it that no one's written Gloria's name down on a slate is it because you know we're just too preoccupied
34:55With bigger personalities or louder voices, or is it the fact that you know we've been a bit blindsided about
35:03Gloria and we haven't looked in that direction
35:13We've never talked about you, and that feels like an amazing way to have gotten to this point as a
35:20Traitor without stirring the pot I
35:28Will not say your reasons are not valid
35:31But I don't think it's enough reason for you to write my name because I've been going under the radar
35:36I don't have control into or can you bring my name up in banishment
35:40You yourself have said if you were a traitor you would have flown under the radar yeah, and I think you have
35:50You were the one in telling me to look at someone that you'd least expect it you were that person
36:11That's it nothing else to say
36:18Well if there's nothing else
36:21You will now each write down the name of the person you wish to banish
36:26May now vote
36:59Tonight's I am going to start with Gloria
37:10Been riding with this guy since day one, and it breaks my heart because I didn't think I'll write his name
37:19But I feel some you're a traitor
37:27So one vote for Sam
37:30I am your vote, please. I really hope you're a trier, and if not I'm gonna be so upset
37:43One for Sam one for Gloria
37:47And now let's hear from Sam
37:50This one's been the hardest, but I am writing your name down
37:54Purely because you were the one who's telling me to look at your best friend, and I'm sorry Gloria, but
38:00You are an amazing person
38:06To now for Gloria one for Sam
38:15Sarah your vote
38:22This has been a really really hard vote for me
38:29I'm hoping with every being that I have in my body that you are a traitor
38:46My vote is for you three Gloria one Sam
39:06Gloria if you receive one more vote unfortunately tonight you will be banished, but as always we will hear all votes
39:22Let's go to Camille
39:47Gloria if you receive one more vote unfortunately tonight you will be banished, but as always we'll hear all votes
40:02Let's go to Camille
40:09Feel like you invited us to look at who we'd never looked at
40:18And so I just think you might be a traitor
40:35That is four votes for Gloria so unfortunately tonight
40:38She will be banished though we will hear our final vote before that happens
40:44Blake your vote, please
40:48Said she was gonna go in for Sam during banishment tonight
40:51But I could tell she just changed and pivoted at the last minute, so I think Sam can count his lucky stars tonight
41:00I think you just sort of unintentionally brought it upon yourself and my votes for you Gloria
41:08So in the end it was five votes to one
41:12Unfortunately tonight Gloria you have been banished from the game, please join me up here, won't you?
41:24And so
41:26You know what happens next
41:28One question remains Gloria. Are you indeed a traitor or are you faithful?
41:36It's amazing that most of you are saying the traitors are mostly the blocks, but you still vote for me
41:43but I
41:46Am happy to say
41:48That is still dumb downs. I
41:52am a faithful
42:11Traitors very impressive keeping such a winning streak going
42:19Are you unstoppable
42:20Well, I need time will tell
42:26There is not much of that left
42:29big day tomorrow I
42:34Really thought we were gonna be celebrating
42:43It's not like me to be speechless
42:45No, we're all pretty shocked actually two people in here not sure
42:50I'm feeling really pissed off
42:53We've lost another faithful
42:57Sam and I have been working together for a long time
43:01And now I don't think Sam's 100% of faithful at all. I
43:06Am just saying red
43:14Soon as Gloria went up there and says she's a faithful. I just went in my head Sam's the traitor
43:21He murdered himself when he had that shield and he's acting dumb like he didn't know the rule
43:26I've been tricked and forward
43:29So no more, mr. No, I slam
43:38I'm out for revenge
43:44We got you a drink we're gonna do a toast for Gloria
44:01Know I'm gone
44:05So I'm just gonna say I think the two traders are and it is you and you
44:16Got no explanations. That's what I'm going with. This is my last to me. Yes
44:21Okay, it's my last night. So I'm the same who I think it is before I get murdered
44:25So that's out of the blue
44:26Well, I'm pissed off because we just got rid of it. We just got rid of Gloria another faithful
44:31I've got rid of five faithfuls. How come you were the one who come up with Simone?
44:35You were the one who come on we come on. Hey Simone
44:37You told me Keith
44:38Tell the flames that you've come just because I brought her name up doesn't mean I'm starting him
44:43I'm just no, but you did push that agenda
44:47It's just so random for you to say that now well, I know it's my last night. Yeah
44:52Oh, well, it's good to know where you stand Liam. Yeah
45:05Greetings I hope you don't mind
45:07I replaced your regular drink orders with champagne this evening to celebrate my final five and
45:15Because it's such a
45:17Celebration I've organized well a little surprise for you all
45:22Something I've been holding on to for quite some time. In fact, I
45:29Wanted to reward you all for your good fortune
45:37Do you want to know where it is? Yes, please
45:41Tonight I've organized for there to be no murder
45:45So congratulations to me one at all Cheers
45:52There's no better tonight
45:56Cheers which should be good news for each
46:00Every one of you I would have thought I don't know. I don't know how we're gonna play it. Cheers
46:05Normally if they come for me
46:07They get murdered but Liam actually could work with Blake now
46:12With Sarah and get rid of me in the next banishment and then she hits the fan
46:23It wasn't part of my game plan
46:27Yeah, I'm not too happy about this thanks Roger
46:38Next time
46:40It's the final chapter
46:42Final five. This is amazing the feeling right now
46:47It's incredible with only five remaining
46:52It's a dangerous game. It's a very very dangerous game to faithful and three traitors
46:59And a life-changing prize at stake tonight
47:03It's us against them us again
47:06We all the faithful take down a traitor. I'm going for Sam. I've been tricked and fooled by him. I want revenge Oh
47:14You've written my name down once before. So what's stopping you from doing that again?
47:18Will the cold-blooded killers we're traitorous assholes. That's what we've been. Yeah take down each other
47:25I'm sitting here concocting a way to take the money
47:30There is still an underlying
47:34No one trusts anyone
47:37I've done all the heavy lifting. I get rid of all the faithful's I do all the work. So now I got to get paid