Sacred Gold 4:4

  • 2 months ago
00:21Love her voice acting in in Siege of Dragonspear
00:32Melissa Disney just like like in in every in every subsequent release Melissa Disney just managed to manage us to perfectly
00:39Capture everything that makes him when lovable
00:49What is it now
00:51This is a lot more exciting than any circus victory shall be ours, you know this
01:08Need me
01:30The unadventurous life is not worth living
01:34Is in when a Disney princess that no the voice actress is just named Melissa Disney
01:49Didn't see that coming did ya didn't see that coming did ya
02:00What's the story okie-dokie tell me
02:18Tazok which of my battle with Sarvok beneath Baldur's Gate aren't you dead?
02:23Sarvok took too much for his plate left us in a bad position
02:26You'll find my new master much smarter and me much harder to kill
02:30Seems fur crag is a special treat in store brought me here just for you got a special bug in his crawl about seeing you
02:38Who am I to disagree if it means I get to put my foot in you foot to you once more?
02:44Fight and know that behind Tazok is a power greater than you have ever seen
03:18Shall go forth at your command
03:36Dropped something could you pick it up for me? Yeah, I dropped something. Could you pick it up for me?
03:43Well, I got here
03:45plate of the dark cold resistance and in provision as opposed to this which gives me missile damage resistance, but
03:54This gives me more physical resistance
03:56I will equip the plate of the dark
04:04I am the cloak of Baldur and
04:08Magic resistance armor class saving throws and a set bonus. What's this give me physical damage resistance and protects against critical hits? Oh
04:19I should probably
04:49And the Delvers plate saving throws no, that's about it
04:56Well, it's certainly better for you
05:06Um, let me put my foot in you
05:31Find that I must protest your apparent lack of concern for our situation
05:40But we're here saving him right now
05:47God and then why are you always such a bitch?
05:52Fine and dandy
06:06Welcome you have come as I wanted it has been an interesting game, but to tell the truth I tire of it
06:18For my amusement for my curiosity
06:21and for my memory of transgressions long since past all of this spurred me on but
07:30Very well in in-depth
07:33Your father's are my enter Gorion raised you. I know this from my spies and followers
07:39They are subtle when I wish it
07:42Gorion was as much your father as anyone
07:45He was also an adventurer in his day and crossed my path long ago
07:50Him and his Harper friends. I bear the scars of that meeting
08:00Delta humiliating he and some Harper's Delta humiliating blow to a dragon in the store
08:05Stormhorn Mountains, I was not aware. This was the same one
08:11So I settled for the next best thing I can torment his spirit by destroying you
08:23This cannot be the whole of it such an old dead debt must seem hollow
08:29No, I have toyed with forgetting the transgression though
08:33It had not been that long in dragon though. It had not been that long in dragon terms
08:37It was your foot. It was your other father that made me curious
08:40However, you were a child of ball. What an interesting subject to study
08:46So I thought really you are not so different despite your little personal struggles
08:51What will be interesting is how you conflict with John Irenicus
08:55That is something I would very much like to see so I leave you your life and do with it what you will
09:05Have no dealings with that creature. I am merely interested in your confrontation with him. Yes, that'll be something to see
09:13For now you bore me. I will taunt you no more. This has been such sport that I bear, you know, it will you may go I
09:22Cannot leave without Karen's child, you know this do I know this do I really oh
09:27Very well, the brass was but a byproduct of my scrutiny of you
09:31Anyway, the child has proven no more interesting than its father. I had finished taunting him some years ago
09:37Really? It was only your arrival that brought him into this
09:42His suffering has never ended you took his lands
09:44I think he's actually happier now that the burden of leadership has been lifted
09:48Such resilience took all the fun out of his downfall. All that's left for me to do is kill him and take the deed to the land
09:56Here rescue the child from my servant and feel fulfilled. Do not think it will be easy
10:00I test my subjects all the time and they know know that failure is death
10:06Consta go to the child if Ariana fails to take him take it from you kill it
10:17It Karen still has the deed to the land do you need it hardly it's a mere formality
10:22Should the army an army ever come to investigate wind spears fall from grace my ownership of the deed would stop an annoying battle
10:31I shall return to once I have returned to Garen's children. I shall return to destroy you in the future
10:37Do as you must it does not interest me until the future becomes now
10:42If you wish to make a confrontation inevitable, you know where I lie and wait
10:46Now walk away and see to your little rescue efforts. Take your time. Enjoy life. You have much to face
11:28Dispel his simulacrum
11:37You need something
11:40Point the sword and I shall strike who stuns a ghost
11:57You are welcome
12:09Okay, what do I pick up
12:13Cape of the firebath. Ooh more fire resistance dragon disciples robe
12:23And boots magic resistance and dexter and decks plus two
12:27I'll give that to you and I will give that to you
12:33What is your fire resistance now, Jahira?
12:48Well, Jahira, I dare say that you have just been deputized to tank for crags face in you're like family to me I mean it
13:03Being underground is just not for the Avari L
13:13I am yours to command. I hear you well enough
13:35Speak your mind Shah guides my hand
13:50The unadventurous life is not worth living
13:54Nature it is done
13:57I'll help hope I'll do my best victory as you desire. I
14:02Awake your need
14:15Need me I stand amongst the righteous
14:29Fuck wait go
15:08I'm hurt who stuns a ghost
15:28You need something that was just
15:54Didn't see that coming what killed me
16:04No, you bet
16:11See double damage against dragons
16:17Need me yep
16:25Yes faster than
16:43That was just
16:58What can I do
17:15Going I'm dammit
17:23Maybe too low level to fight for a crag
17:28You just a shame I really wanted those I really wanted the those scales
17:49Please don't kill me half elf. I just work in pits. No
17:54What the hell
17:58No hate you no hurt you
18:03You're like family to me I mean it
18:11How's the rest of Legend of Korriban it's okay
18:19Thank you the creature lives I will not rest easy at night, but I have my child and I could not ask for more than that
18:26You've been a stranger's hero throughout all of this
18:29I thank you with my blessings, and I offer safe lodgings if you ever return this way
18:34Yeah, well she'll take my leave of you now
18:38No question of you or no. I'm searching for an old friend of mine. Who's being held hostage by the cult wizards
18:43Do you know of them?
18:44I know only very little about the cult wizards as does anyone
18:47They're a powerful secretive group that operates with the approval of the Omnium Council
18:53That is probably not news to you if you seek to recover your friend
18:56I doubt they will hand her over gladly you'll need to operate against them
18:59All I can suggest is that you go to one of the other powerful organizations in arm exactly who that would be I don't know
19:06But my suggestion is that all the info my suggestion is all the information I can provide
19:10I'm sorry if the if it is nothing you do not already know and I shall be on my way. Thank you
19:24Legit of core is a C minus shell. I think I'd probably give it more than that I
19:39Think C-minus is
19:42When when Cora's good, it's really good and at all other times. It's really not
19:48Which is a shame anyway, uh, I'm going to cut the stream here. I will see you all next time