
  • 3 months ago


00:00What's up, Wolfpack Fam? It's your boy, Kid, back at it again.
00:13Hope you're doing well, continuing my journey of dad's army with my boys,
00:17Mandarin and the rest of the crew. So, you know, what adventures are gonna lie
00:20onto this week's episode? I gotta stay tuned to find out. Ladies and gentlemen,
00:24SnackSys not included. Damn it, you gotta bring your own. Don't forget to like,
00:28comment, subscribe. Absolutely free to do. Let's get this journey started.
00:33SnackSys not included. Let's freakin' go.
00:38But he comes home each evening and he's ready with his gun.
00:43So who do you think you are kidding, Mr. Hitler?
00:48If you think all England's done.
00:55Manager. Morning, Mr. Ruthering. Morning, Pike. Any letters?
01:05Only two, sir, and they're both marked delayed by enemy action.
01:09Good gracious me. Do you realise, Pike, that we haven't had any letters from head office
01:15for over two and a half weeks? Goodness knows how many documents have been lost in air raids.
01:18Shall I set up the Lewis gun, sir? No, no, no, that's Willison's job.
01:22Where is he, by the way? It's quarter past nine. He's not usually late.
01:26No, he isn't. I wonder what's happened to him. Perhaps he's been captured. What?
01:31A Nazi paratrooper may have landed in the night, hidden himself and captured him on the way to work.
01:36I better do it myself.
01:41See you later. He's on the phone. Yes, sir.
01:47Hello, Swallow Bank? No, I'm not the manager. Hang on, please.
01:52It's for you, Mr. Manring. Long distance. Head office.
01:56Oh, all right. You see to the gun, will you? Yes, sir.
02:03Hello. Good morning, sir. Hello, Manring. West here. Head office.
02:08Oh, yes. Stop filming with that gun. Stop filming.
02:12Manring, are you there? Hello, sir, yes.
02:15I'm afraid some of our letters may have been destroyed by enemy action.
02:20What is this? Put that gun down, I say!
02:24What's happening? Nothing, sir, nothing. Why? I thought the bank was being robbed.
02:29No, no, no. Everything's under complete control here, sir.
02:32I won't waste time, Manring. This call is expensive.
02:35I just wanted to tell you that I shan't be able to send anyone to replace Wilson for several weeks.
02:40So you'll just have to manage the best you can. What?
02:44I said I shan't be able to send anyone to replace Wilson for several weeks.
02:48Why? Where's he going? What do you mean, where's he going?
02:51You know as well as I go where he's going. He's taking his marriage at our Eastgate branch.
02:56He applied for the job ages ago, didn't he tell you? He's what?
03:01Well, I wrote you about it last month. Well, I never got the letter.
03:06It must be one of those letters that was destroyed in an air raid.
03:09Anyway, you'll just have to manage the best you can. Don't forget there's a war on.
03:13Now, keep in touch. Good night.
03:15Holy fuck.
03:19Are you all right, Mr. Manring?
03:21Wilson's been made the manager of the Eastgate branch.
03:24Oh, I know that. Yes, Mum's ever so pleased.
03:27Oh, shit!
03:29Like new.
03:31Fucking guy, man.
03:33Hello? Manring here.
03:35Pritchard here, Adjutant HQ.
03:37Oh, yeah. Good morning, sir.
03:39I just wanted to tell you that Sergeant Wilson's commission has come through.
03:45Captain Square would like him to take up his duties with the Eastgate platoon as soon as possible.
03:50The Eastgate platoon?
03:52I expect you'll miss it.
03:54Have you decided who you're going to promote in his place yet?
03:57Well, I... Well, let me know as soon as you can.
04:00I must say, Sergeant Wilson deserves his promotion. He's a good chap.
04:04Congratulate him for me, will you?
04:11Here's Pierce.
04:13God damn, that phone.
04:15Yes, Manring here.
04:17Oh, good morning, Mr. Manring. Vicar here.
04:20What are you going to tell me about Wilson, that he's been made Archbishop of Canterbury?
04:25There, there, Mr. Manring.
04:27I'm... I'm sorry, Vicar, I'm not quite myself this morning.
04:30Oh, dear, aren't you?
04:32Look, I'm afraid I've got rather a confession to make.
04:35When I say confession, of course, I don't mean that sort of confession,
04:38because, of course, that's mostly for the RCs.
04:41What I'm trying to say is that the whisk drive
04:44that is supposed to take place in the church hall on Tuesday next is tonight.
04:51So, would you mind cancelling your parade?
04:53Otherwise, I'm going to look a bit of a fool.
04:56All right, Vicar.
04:58Oh, how sweet of you.
05:03Aye, aye, aye, madam.
05:09You do look red, Mr. Mantle. Shall I open the other window?
05:12No, no, no, I'm all right. I've just had a bit of a shock, that's all.
05:15In fact, I've had several shocks this morning.
05:17I've never seen you look like this before.
05:19Never mind that. As soon as you've got time, I want you to get on your bicycle
05:22and go round to every member of the platoon and tell them that the parade is off tonight.
05:25Yes, sir.
05:26I want you to have your orders typed out and duplicated
05:28and take a copy of them to each member of the platoon.
05:31Yes, sir.
05:32Go and get on with your work.
05:36Morning, Frank.
05:37Morning, Uncle Arthur, Mr. Wilson.
05:40Morning, sir.
05:43What time do you call this?
05:45Well, actually, sir, it's 20 to 10.
05:49Where have you been?
05:50Well, I've been doing a little shopping.
05:52I bought this.
05:54It's for officers only, of course.
05:58Rub it in then.
05:59And I bought some of these things as well.
06:01I don't know which I like best, the cloth ones or the brass ones,
06:04but I rather understand that you're not supposed to wear the brass ones with the battle dress.
06:12I beg your pardon?
06:16I'm awfully sorry, but I don't quite follow you.
06:18You follow me all right, Wilson. You've been following me for years.
06:21Will you just step into my shoes?
06:23I don't want to step into your shoes, sir.
06:24You must have applied for the seascape job weeks ago and you never said a word to me.
06:27I thought you knew about it.
06:29But surely head office must have wrote you about it.
06:30The letter's got destroyed.
06:31Well, that's not my fault, is it?
06:32Well, what about this? This commission?
06:34Yes, well, Captain Square probably sort of overstepped the mark a little bit,
06:38but he's very keen to have me, you know.
06:39In fact, he said he was most impressed with what I'd done with the platoon.
06:45With what you'd done with the platoon?
06:47Oh, yes, yes. He's had his eye on me for some time now, you know.
06:51Just because you went to some tappity-hippity public school.
06:53Yes, well, I wouldn't call Meadow Bridge that.
06:56Meadow Bridge.
06:58You know where I went, don't you? Eastbourne Grammar.
07:02Well, what's wrong with that?
07:03Don't be so patronising about it.
07:05I had to fight like hell to get there, and I had to fight even harder to stay there.
07:08That's all to your credit.
07:10You've never fought for anything in your life.
07:12Brought up by a nanny, fathered something in the city.
07:15All you had to do was just sit back and let everything come to you.
07:18Yes, well, it wasn't really quite as simple as all that.
07:20I've been the manager of this branch for over ten years now.
07:22I ought to have gone on to better things years ago.
07:24Yet every time I've gone for an interview for a promotion, it's always been the same thing.
07:27What school did you go to?
07:29As soon as I told them, that was that.
07:31Well, I'm sure that that didn't really influence them.
07:33Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm sure it wouldn't influence you.
07:36All they were going to ask you, you'd say,
07:38Oh, I was at Meadow Bridge, you know.
07:40One of the better public schools. Small, but rather good.
07:43Yes, well, there were actually over 300 boys there, you know.
07:45Not only have I made the success of this branch,
07:47but I've taken a lot of shopkeepers up by the bootlaces
07:51and turned them into a crack platoon.
07:53Yes, well, I helped a bit.
07:55Did you? I'll show you how I value your help,
07:57both as a platoon sergeant and a chief clerk.
08:01Give me 252, will you?
08:04When I sat at this desk this morning
08:07and saw the web of intrigue that was unfolding before my eyes,
08:11I couldn't believe it.
08:13I've never... Hello, Jones!
08:15Get round to the bank here as soon as you can.
08:25He's shopping.
08:27Now, until you're relieved by head office,
08:30you will assume the duties of chief clerk.
08:35I said you're chief clerk, as from today.
08:38Do you think I've got the brains for it?
08:40I'm sorry, Wilson has, you have.
08:43I don't talk posh like Uncle... Mr Wilson.
08:46Never touch a book by its cover, Pike.
08:49Come in!
08:51Mr Menring?
08:52Mr Wilson?
08:53Look, I can't stop long, you know.
08:55The offal's just arrived.
08:58I've got a queue a mile long,
08:59and the boy Raymond is looking after the shop.
09:01Yes, all right, this won't take a minute.
09:03Get on with the work, Pike.
09:04Yes, sir.
09:06Now, come at it, Jones.
09:08Listen very carefully to what I'm going to say.
09:10Lance Corporal Jones,
09:12I hereby promote you to sergeant.
09:15What do you think of that?
09:17Do you think that's wise, sir?
09:19That's the last time you'll look down your nose at me
09:21and say that supercilious tone of voice,
09:22do you think that's wise, sir?
09:25Well, what do you think of that, Jones?
09:30Mr Menring, I don't know what to say.
09:33This is quite extraordinary.
09:35I promoted a sergeant?
09:37I never believed this would come true.
09:39And now to think, after all these years,
09:42I'll be able to stand in front of those brave boys
09:45with three stripes on every arm.
09:49Not just one, not two, but three.
09:53You see the sort of men I'm promoting?
09:55Brave, true, loyal to the last.
10:02Mr Menring, there's just one thing.
10:03What about Mr Wilson?
10:04We can't have two sergeants.
10:06No, Mr Wilson is leaving us.
10:08He's going to hire things.
10:11He's been promoted to second lieutenant
10:15in the Eastgate platoon.
10:18Oh, dear, I...
10:20Oh, that's marvellous.
10:22I shall miss you now, Mr Wilson,
10:24when nobody deserves promotion more than you do,
10:26and I shall try and live up to the high ideals
10:29and standards of loyalty that you've put up us.
10:35Thank you very much, gentlemen.
10:38Could you put the promotion down, please, officially?
10:41Write it down in writing, if you wouldn't mind, sir,
10:44so that I can have something solid to show people
10:46in the future years to come.
10:47Yes, certainly.
10:48Thank you, sir.
10:50This is to confirm
10:54that you have been promoted
10:57to the rank of sergeant
10:59of the 1st Platoon of the Warmington-on-Sea Home Guard.
11:02Home Guard.
11:04Right, now I'll have this typed out
11:06and I'll put your name at the top and sign it.
11:08Thank you very much, sir.
11:09I'll get back to the shop now.
11:10All right, Jonesy, I'll show you out, shall I?
11:12No need to do that.
11:13Thank you very much, Mr Mannering.
11:15Thank you, Mr Wilson.
11:16All right, Jonesy.
11:17I'll get back to the shop now.
11:18Yes, you do that.
11:20You go back to the shop.
11:21Yes, I'll go back to the shop now.
11:22Yes, that's right.
11:23You go back to the shop.
11:24That's it.
11:30Excuse me, Mr Mannering.
11:32Miss King says can you come at once
11:33because she's got a query of a customer.
11:36All right.
11:39Yes, sir.
11:43Type those orders out and duplicate them
11:46and see that every member of the platoon gets a copy
11:49and tell them that the parade is off for tonight.
11:51Yes, sir.
11:58This is to confirm that you've been promoted
12:00to the rank of Sergeant of the 1st Platoon.
12:02No, no, no.
12:05Why has he promoted everybody else to Sergeant and not me?
12:09God fucking bike.
12:10Oh, well, at least I am Chief Clerk.
12:22I do wish Mr Mannering wouldn't keep using my drawers.
12:30Same size.
12:31He hasn't arrived yet.
12:34Oh, my dear Mrs Pike, whatever is the matter?
12:38But I did want to see Mr Mannering.
12:40Mrs Pike, please tell me what this is all about.
12:43It's Arthur.
12:45He's deceived me.
12:46I beg your pardon?
12:48He's been made manager at the bank over at Eastgate
12:51and I thought he'd be going over there every day on the train.
12:54But he's joined the Eastgate platoon.
12:56He's been made an officer
12:58and he's going to live over there
13:00and I shall never see him again.
13:03Oh, of course you'll see him again, Mrs Pike.
13:05Eastgate's only 10 miles away.
13:07It might just as well be 100 miles away.
13:10Now, don't you worry, Mrs Pike.
13:12After a while, he'll come back to you and he'll say,
13:15all these weeks I've longed for the moment
13:17when I could take you in my arms
13:19and tell you how much I've missed you.
13:24What is it, Virger?
13:26Well, I, um, I, um...
13:28Oh, I'm sorry, Vicar.
13:30Well, I, um...
13:32Tell me what it is you want. This is personal.
13:35Yes, I can see that.
13:37State your business.
13:38Well, it's the harmonium in the bell tower.
13:40I can't push it on my own.
13:42I only want it moved a few feet
13:43just away from the wall where the damn patch is.
13:45Well, I still can't manage it on my own.
13:47Well, Mr Bannering's men will be here soon.
13:49Get one of them to help you.
13:51Very well, sir.
13:57I never thought I should live to see the day
14:00when his reverence would become a victim of wartime immorality.
14:05Don't you worry, Mrs Pike.
14:06I'm sure everything will turn out all right in the end.
14:11Oh, Mr Bannering, can't you do something about Arthur?
14:14I'm afraid it's out of my hands now, Mrs Pike.
14:17Oh, I don't know what's come over him.
14:19Ambition's turned his head.
14:23Oh, I'm the sergeant, the bully, bully sergeant.
14:27Come with me and you shall see that the soldier is fine.
14:30The man.
14:43They don't like it, do they?
14:52Oh, shit.
15:00Suck again.
15:11I'm dying, man.
15:13Oh, my chest.
15:16Oh, fuck.
15:21Another one.
15:36Platoon, attention!
15:42Very sloppy, very sloppy indeed.
15:45Now, listen to me.
15:47There's going to be a few changes around here, you understand?
15:50I'm in charge now and you can have it the easy way
15:53or you can have it the hard way.
15:56Hey, you!
15:58The easy way's not very easy
16:00and the hard way is very, very hard.
16:08Now, let's have a look at you.
16:14Stand up straight, bike!
16:17You're as peely-wally as a rotten banana.
16:21Ah, Godfrey.
16:23You'll just pull your socks up while you know
16:25or you'll be out in your ear.
16:27I'm not carrying any passengers in my platoon.
16:31Ah, I'm watching you, Walker.
16:35Just put one foot wrong and I'll have you.
16:39You get me?
16:41A last warning, Jones.
16:47Unless your drill improves,
16:50I'll take that stripe away.
16:53He's seen it all.
16:55Fuck up your ideas, all of you!
16:57And remember, my name's Sergeant Fraser.
17:02Spelled B-A-S-D-A-R-D.
17:06That's not really how you spell it, is it?
17:10The vicar says you've got to give me a hand with the harmonium.
17:13Me give a hand with the harmonium?
17:15It's got to be shifted.
17:17Or perhaps you'd like me to tell the others
17:19what you've just been saying.
17:21All right, where is it?
17:23In the bell tower, come on.
17:25You'd better take your jacket off as well.
17:27It's hot work, shifting that harmonium.
17:31Oh, man, Fraser.
17:34Oh, shit.
17:42Platoon, attention!
17:47Now that I've been made up the sergeant,
17:49I don't want you lot to worry about me being too regimental.
17:57Now, for instance, when I called a roll,
18:00if there's someone who's not here and he's a regular customer of mine
18:03who spends, say, what, two pounds or more a week,
18:06I'll mark him here, present.
18:09On the other hand...
18:12if I find someone's not cleaned his brasses, I'll overlook it,
18:15always providing, of course, he buys the metal polish off me to clean it with.
18:18Excuse me, Mr Walker, excuse me.
18:21Could you give me a hand to shift the harmonium?
18:23Oh, no, I don't know about that.
18:25I mean, not now I've been made a sergeant.
18:27I mean, I don't think I ought to do that sort of thing.
18:29Did you know I was made a sergeant?
18:37Hello. Better take this jacket off.
18:40Get my nice new stripes dirty.
18:42It's very dusty up in that bell tower.
18:47Oh, shit!
18:49I can't understand why Captain Manard initially promoted me to being sergeant.
18:52I mean, I'm not sure I can carry out the duties,
18:54but, of course, I shall do my best.
18:56I'm sure you will, Mr Godfrey.
18:58Excuse me, I have to wash my hands.
19:06Hello, Pikey. Have you seen Mr Godfrey?
19:08Yeah, he's in there.
19:10Has he got his first aid kit with him? Yes, why?
19:12I cut my finger on my rifle belt. I wanted to put a bandage on it.
19:22Right, that was a good job well done, Taffy.
19:24God, I'm not here to share furniture.
19:27Especially now that I must...
19:30Ha-don, ha-don!
19:33Blimey! I really think it must be a mistake.
19:36Well, of course it must, Mr Godfrey. You can't have two sergeants.
19:39I'm going to see Mr Manard. There must be some mis...
19:49I've been good, Captain Manard. I'll do as you say.
19:52Right, now then, platoon, platoon!
19:58Blimey! I really think you ought to speak to Mr Wilson, you know.
20:01I'm having nothing more to do with it, Vicar.
20:04I washed my hands of the entire affair.
20:06Captain Manard? Yes?
20:08I've fallen the private in. What shall I do with the sergeants?
20:14It's whacky, boys.
20:16Come in.
20:21Well, uh, I'm just off, sir.
20:24I thought I'd get the, uh, 9.30 to Eastgate.
20:29Why are you going now? It's any Wednesday.
20:32You don't take up your position in Eastgate until Monday.
20:35Yes, but I know they've been having a lot of difficulty over there, sir.
20:38You see, the manager's been called up,
20:40and Mr West from the head office is going to stay on in Eastgate
20:43in order to show me the ropes.
20:45Mr West of head office, eh?
20:48We are honoured.
20:51Why are you travelling in uniform?
20:53Oh, I don't know. Just sort of, uh, kind of handy, you know.
20:58You're travelling in uniform so that you can parade up and down the platform
21:01looking for salutes. And why not? You did.
21:03How do you mean?
21:05The day you got your new uniform, I followed you.
21:08You followed me? Yes, I did.
21:10And I watched you go up and down the high street three times
21:13looking for a serviceman to salute you,
21:15and in the end you had to make do with a sea scout.
21:20Say what you have to say and go.
21:22Well, I've just come to say goodbye, sir.
21:24I wondered if you'd like to come up to the station and see me off.
21:27I certainly would not. Our relationship ends here and now.
21:29Oh, really, sir? After all we've been through together, for heaven's sake.
21:32Can't we let bygones be bygones?
21:34Don't try to soft-soap me.
21:38Well, goodbye.
22:01And if I did look for salutes, at least I did them properly.
22:03That salute you just gave me was rotten.
22:09I think you've done very well these last three days.
22:11Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, sir.
22:13Well, you've changed a little several times over the last few years.
22:16Oh, really?
22:17Oh, as if it hadn't been for marrying.
22:19You'd have had your own branch ages ago.
22:21Oh. What did he say?
22:23Oh, he only said that in his opinion you didn't show enough initiative.
22:26Oh. Oh, did he?
22:28Well, you've certainly proved him wrong.
22:30And speaking for myself, I think you'll make an excellent manager.
22:33Thank you, sir. Thank you very much indeed.
22:35Well, it's nearly one o'clock. I'd as close to me I could get back to London.
22:38I picked your busy with the Home Guard being Saturday afternoon.
22:41For Monday morning, Wilson, you will be sitting in that chair.
22:45At nine o'clock, you will enter this office and take your place at that desk as manager.
22:51How do you feel about it?
22:56Awfully nice.
23:00Good luck, Wilson.
23:01Thank you, sir. Thank you very much indeed.
23:14Morning. What a lovely day. Morning.
23:16See you in a moment or two. Morning.
23:44The other side of the table.
23:56He's like, I'm the man.
24:00Like a kid, man.
24:02Morning, sir. Morning, Mr Boyle.
24:04I've got several rather important items for you to deal with, sir.
24:07All in good time, Mr Boyle. All in good time.
24:10I'd rather like to have a little word with the staff first.
24:13Oh. Very well, sir. Right.
24:19Mr Wilson would like to have a word with you.
24:21Will you all come into the office, please?
24:23Yes, I thought it might be rather a nice idea if we were to have a little chat together
24:27so that we might all get to know each other, you see?
24:29Yes, of course.
24:31Come along, then. Do what you can.
24:33That's it. That's right.
24:35Right. Are we all here?
24:37Well, now, ladies and gentlemen,
24:40before we start work today,
24:42I thought it might be quite a nice idea just to meet you and have a little word together.
24:46Now, I would like you to understand
24:49that I like to work in a nice, quiet, relaxed kind of atmosphere.
24:54Do you understand? Now, if you have any worries,
24:57I don't want you to be upset at all,
24:59but just come along to my office, tap on the door,
25:02and as long as you see the name A. Wilson, manager,
25:06I want it to give you a feeling of security and confidence.
25:09So just tap on the door, come in,
25:11and I shall be always here to see you and look after you, all right?
25:14Right. But now, there are one or two little...
25:16There are the sirens, Mr Wilson. Yes.
25:18We'd better go down to the shelter.
25:20Yes, I suppose we have. Yes.
25:22All right, well, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.
25:24It's perfectly all right.
25:26We'll wait until those men are in the shelter, can't we, Mr Wilson?
25:29Come along, my dear. What a very pretty blouse you're wearing.
25:32You're sitting on it.
25:36I hope Uncle Arthur's all right.
25:38Oh, he'll be all right.
25:40The devil looks after his own.
25:42Oh, my God!
25:44After all, they haven't had one single bomb on Eastgate yet.
25:49Jinx, jinx, jinx, jinx!
25:52Oh, shit!
25:55Holy fuck, bro!
25:57Oh, boy.
26:23Oh, boy.
26:28This is very upsetting, sir.
26:30Well, of course, the bank was completely gutted.
26:32How are you going to carry on?
26:34We're not. We're going to close down the Eastgate branch
26:37and put all the business over to Hastings.
26:39Must be the shortest appointment in history.
26:44How do you mean?
26:46Well, at 9 o'clock, the poor chap was manager of a bank,
26:49and at 5 past, he had no bank to manage.
26:52He's loving that.
26:54How's he taking it?
26:56Oh, you can never tell with Wilson.
26:58He's not the sort of chap to show much emotion.
27:02We must all carry on doing our bit, Bannerman.
27:05Yes, yes, certainly, we must, sir.
27:23Hello, Wilson. Come in.
27:26I've just had head office on the phone.
27:29They're very sorry.
27:32And may I say how very sorry I am, too?
27:34Thank you, sir.
27:35It's most unfortunate.
27:36Yes, it is, yes. Most unfortunate, yes.
27:38No, no, don't sit down. I'm rather busy.
27:43I've had a word with GHQ,
27:45and they're quite agreeable for you to keep your rank.
27:48Oh, good, good.
27:52Get them sewn on by tonight.
27:54That's all.
27:56Thank you.
28:47Oh, man, the vicar was funny, man.
28:57Ladies and gentlemen, we hoped you loved this.
29:00You know, hope you had a great time watching alongside me.
29:03A lot of incredibly funny moments.
29:05We got to talk about it.
29:06Hold on a second.
29:07Thank you again. Thank you again.
29:13Ladies and gentlemen, man, this was a spectacular episode.
29:18The truth comes out a little bit,
29:21and we've always had this feeling
29:24Well, now you get to see a little bit more
29:26what Mannering really thinks and how he feels.
29:30We've always seen ambition off of Wilson,
29:34and he's taken it to the next level here.
29:36So it's a bittersweet moment.
29:39Obviously, for me personally,
29:41the way the rank right now is established
29:45with, you know, Mannering running the shots,
29:47Wilson second at command, then Jonesy third, you know,
29:51that is the way that I prefer it by far.
29:54But, man, Mannering had to get his little jabs in there at the end.
30:01Man, you know, the guy, he's talking to the bank dude,
30:05and he's like,
30:07Okay, Wilson was at 9 o'clock,
30:10manager, and five minutes after, no more, man.
30:14So he had to get his licks in.
30:15He had to get his jabs in.
30:17He had to get his jabs in on my boy Wilson on this episode.
30:21A lot of crazy, funny moments.
30:23I did enjoy the moment there with the vicar,
30:26and then my man's coming in there after he's hugging Mrs. Pike.
30:33And, yeah, you know, he's overhearing there,
30:36and he's jumping the gun and shit.
30:38So we enjoyed that moment with the vicar
30:40and the other dude right now.
30:43That shit was a great moment there.
30:45But, yeah, a lot of crazy moments here.
30:47We've seen Mannering angry, you know,
30:51Pike, you stupid boy, in many scenarios.
30:54But this is definitely going to take the cake.
30:56I mean, he was having a bad day,
30:59you could say a bad week, essentially,
31:01just in general because he just got hit with the news
31:04left and right and left and right,
31:07you know, that he got promoted to bank manager at the Eastgate,
31:11and then he's going to have his own platoon.
31:14So this is whole new shit.
31:16Again, we've always thought, obviously,
31:19Wilson has wanted to kind of run this show.
31:22It's been like that.
31:23Even though he's all passive and shit,
31:26he's always wanted to run the show.
31:28I mean, you know, power is a, I don't know,
31:32it's something that is sought after from many.
31:35You know, some people get their rocks off on that shit
31:39and striving to better yourself and all that stuff.
31:43So at the end of the day, you kind of feel bad for Wilson.
31:47You know, even though he's always been very slick and sly,
31:50you know, undermining and mannering,
31:53he's been, you know, always laughing at mannering a lot of times.
31:57And you can see that mannering definitely has moments
32:00where he can feel inferior to, you know, to Wilson.
32:05Because even with the school situation, you know,
32:09that he didn't go to, I guess, an esteemed public school
32:14that Wilson went to, went to definitely a much better prestigious school
32:19that, you know, had he mentioned his own school,
32:22he doesn't get a job or, you know, he gets looked the other way.
32:26So, you know, I can see and feel, you know,
32:30him feeling a lot inferior.
32:32And that rage, man, was crazy.
32:34Because you got Pikey coming in
32:37and mannering is setting up that, the Lewis gun.
32:40And the phone rings and shit.
32:43So, you know, when obviously Pike answers and he's like,
32:46yo, mannering's for you, you got an important call, you know, whatever.
32:49And he tells Pike, all right, go do the shit.
32:52And then he's fucking making noise and stuff.
32:55So, listen, we understand a lot of times while, you know,
32:58friggin' Manner is like a stupid boy.
33:00He's dropping his shit. He's making a noise.
33:02He's making a goofball shit.
33:04And that is what we love about Pike.
33:06He does a lot of funny, you know,
33:08he's in a lot of funny-ass moments.
33:10You know, it blows my mind, obviously, for comedy purposes.
33:14But, you know, you keep asking this kid,
33:16this young kid to do a lot of these scenarios.
33:18Man, he's just not up to the damn task and shit.
33:21You know, even when he got promoted, he was happy.
33:24But he's like, I don't know, I can't really do this shit.
33:27You know, he was second-guessing himself.
33:29But, you know, we were in that couple seconds
33:32where his little promotion, we were happy for the lad.
33:34It looked like everybody was winning, right?
33:37But when you hear him tell Pike to, you know, photocopy,
33:44you know, send it all to the platoon,
33:46you're just like, man.
33:48So, obviously, that part is a little predictable,
33:50that shit is gonna hit the fan.
33:52And, boy, did it hit the fan.
33:54And what great scenes there by Jonesy, you know, Walker,
33:58and Frazier, even Godfrey as well,
34:02and the other chap coming in at the end with the band-aid situation.
34:06I forgot his name.
34:07I don't remember everybody's names, guys.
34:09If it's not a main, main character, forgive me, guys.
34:12But, anyways, great moments there with Jonesy, you know,
34:16chiming in, you know, miming in a little bit.
34:19I just fucking love that guy.
34:21That guy is fucking crazy.
34:23Frazier there doing a spectacular performance there, too.
34:27You could see, man, that guy is that guy
34:29that talks so much shit about someone
34:31and then changes it up.
34:33So, him getting some sort of power,
34:36thinking he's getting, you know,
34:38obviously he's getting three stripes, right?
34:40Everybody's getting three stripes.
34:42You could see, man, what power can do to a man.
34:46It goes right to the head.
34:48So, all these guys having their own little performance
34:51and how they would essentially, you know, gather the troops,
34:56get them all to fall into a line was very funny scenario.
35:00Walker, especially, too, even when he has his little ciggy,
35:03he's popping it in his gun.
35:05Oh, man, you know, that shit was funny.
35:07Godfrey, like, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this.
35:10I'll do the best I can.
35:12You know, you feel for him, man.
35:14That guy is just a blessing on the show.
35:17You know, I love Godfrey as well.
35:20So, yeah, just seeing everybody get into these scenarios.
35:24Then, obviously, I forgot the guy's name right now,
35:28but not the vicar but the other guy.
35:31He was getting everybody to help him out.
35:34He was like, Frazier, we'll tell the troops there.
35:37So, when he was listening in on Frazier,
35:39I thought that was such a great moment there.
35:41It was a funny-ass scenario.
35:43So, I feel like this episode especially had a lot of great moments.
35:47You know, Miss Pike coming in crying, you know, with the vicar
35:51when the vicar was sitting down and shit.
35:53He had that funny line about the draws and shit, man.
35:56I told him not to use my draws, man.
35:58You know, I'm thinking of funny-ass shit.
36:00So, great moment there.
36:02He had a nice moment with Mrs. Pike hugging on her,
36:05and then the guy coming in and eavesdropping a little bit.
36:07Oh, Pike eavesdropping on the door was funny as hell too.
36:11I mean, this episode had a little bit of everything,
36:13but I'm definitely not at surprise because, again,
36:18Wilson has always been kind of ambitious, you know.
36:22You know, you've seen moments he's wanted to be leading
36:24and all that stuff, and it's not quite worked out in his scenario there.
36:28But do you guys feel any sort of sympathy for my man, Wilson?
36:32Let me know in the comments down below.
36:34I definitely feel a little bit bad for him.
36:36You know, I don't think there is nothing wrong with striving,
36:42you know, to better you.
36:44I guess, you know, in a sense, he's trying to better himself.
36:46You know, he wants to lead, man.
36:47Just looking at the sign on the door, man, he was gutted at the end there.
36:52And his head is like, oh, back to square one, back to the usual antics here.
36:57But I think it was a really strong episode, a lot of funny moments here.
37:01You know, these characters continue to amaze me on each episode.
37:05It's another one that we just, I feel like this was another banger episode.
37:10You know, a little sadness there at the end is just, again,
37:12tugs on your heartstrings.
37:14So does anybody feel any remorse for Wilson?
37:17Let me know in the comments down below.
37:19What do you guys think about how Mandarin was acting and shit like that?
37:22Because he was so pissed off.
37:24He had that line where Wilson did the salute and shit.
37:28At least I did my salute properly.
37:30You know, he was going on a tangent today, man.
37:33I have never seen this guy this angry.
37:35This is the most angry we have seen him.
37:37And, man, he was funny.
37:39So do you guys think that Mandarin was in any fault?
37:44Or you think it was just him just being so insecure?
37:48You know, or inferior feeling inferior?
37:50That it just, all that shit, all those feelings gets the best of him.
37:54And, you know, was it fucked up in any part to you?
37:57Do you guys feel like it was a little fucked up?
37:59I felt like he was definitely being really cold with Wilson.
38:03I know they got this past and shit,
38:05and a journey that they've had for quite some time.
38:08So he was kind of like, you know, fuck off, man.
38:10Like, get the fuck out.
38:11So I don't know how you guys feel.
38:13You let me know in the comments down below.
38:15I'm torn because Mandarin's my boy.
38:18And we appreciate and we like the way he runs shit.
38:23So, you know, when someone wants to leave and has bigger aspirations,
38:26it's going to change the tide a little bit there.
38:28So I don't know, man. I'm a little torn, man.
38:31But, man, I just had a great time watching it.
38:34Hopefully that resonates with you all.
38:36Hopefully you guys enjoyed it.
38:38Like I said, you know, just thank you for accompanying me on my journey.
38:41Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe.
38:43Absolutely free to do, you know, the drill.
38:45Thank you to those who already do that stuff.
38:47I really do appreciate that.
38:49If you're new, you find yourself enjoyed, don't forget to hit it.
38:51It's free to do.
38:52And shout out to the Patrons as well.
38:54Thanks for your support.
38:55Links are always in the description section if you're curious for that.
38:57Let me know if you're enjoying the show alongside me.
38:59It is a blast watching this show, man.
39:02I really do look forward to watching it week to week.
39:04Thank you, guys.
39:05We'll see you soon.
39:06Take care. Be well.
39:07See you soon. Peace.