Solo (2018)_ Spanish adventure drama film _ Andy Movie Recap

  • 2 months ago
Solo (2018)_ Spanish adventure drama film _ Andy Movie Recap
00:00Alvaro pawed on the edge of the cliff with both hands, and the sharp reef was below.
00:03Alvaro was too scared to move, grabbing the sand with both hands.
00:06As time went on, Alvaro's physical strength gradually lost, and he was almost unable to
00:10hold on. How did he save himself? This is a movie, adapted from real events.
00:14Alvaro and his girlfriend Ana coralled, and went to the beach alone to relax.
00:18Unexpectedly, his foot slipped. He grasped, desperately with both hands,
00:22but there was sand all around him. After sliding for a certain distance, it finally stopped.
00:26Alvaro tensed all his muscles, trembling with fear. At this moment, he heard the phone ringing,
00:31and when he stretched out his hand to get the phone, his body suddenly slipped down again,
00:34which made him grab the sand in a hurry, stabilize his body,
00:37and slowly reach for the backpack with the other hand, but it still failed.
00:45Fortunately, both feet stepped on the edge and did not fall,
00:48but this consumes a lot of energy, and Alvaro was almost unable to hold on.
00:57At this time, he was counting the time it would take for the waves to hit the rocks,
01:02and he wanted to take advantage of the swell of the waves and jump off.
01:05Suddenly, the waves hit again, and Alvaro jumped off.
01:09Although he successfully jumped into the sea, the impact was too great and his body still
01:12hit the rocks, at this time try to swim out of the water with all your strength.
01:16Alvaro was glad that he was still alive, and came to a reef, panting heavily.
01:19He thought it was just a cut palm, but when he stood up it hit bone and his waist suddenly broke,
01:23and he fell heavily on the rocks, and passed out.
01:25After an unknown amount of time, he was woken up by the sea water,
01:27and checked his feet immediately. Fortunately, he could still move, his toes.
01:31He quickly took out his mobile phone, and wanted to call for help.
01:34But the phone has been submerged in water and cannot be turned on.
01:36He, yelled helplessly towards the hill.
01:44This piece is uninhabited sea, no one comes at all.
01:47Alvaro had no choice but to take off his shirt first wrapped,
01:50out the wind on his hand, and then lay down on the reef and passed out.
01:53When he woke up again, it was almost dark. He must leave the reef as soon as,
01:56possible, and he will die here when the tide is high.
01:59He looked around, then put on his backpack, and went into the water, ready to swim to the shore.
02:03The severe pain was unbearable for him. Alvaro could only groan in pain while waving his arms,
02:07and persisting until his muscles spasmed. He couldn't, hold on any longer, and slowly sank
02:11into the sea. When his feet touched the bottom of the sea, he suddenly thought of his girlfriend
02:15Ana. He burst, out with great strength, quickly swam to the sea surface, and successfully surfaced.
02:20The raging waves were coming towards him, so he quickly took off, his backpack and hung it on the
02:24reef, only then did he stabilize his body. He held on to the pack, and the waves beat against him
02:28until he passed, out, I don't know, how long it took, the sea water receded, and the seagull woke
02:33him up painfully by pecking at his wound. He immediately untied his backpack, and climbed
02:37onto the beach with difficulty. At this point, 24 hours had passed since he fell off the cliff.
02:42Alvaro was severely dehydrated. Seeing the, drinks thrown away by others on the beach,
02:46he picked them up excitedly, and it was full of sea water. He could only continue to crawl,
02:50but during the, crawl, his arm was hooked by the hook, and Alvaro endured the pain to pull it out.
02:58At night, he collects a roll of tinfoil in a drinking glass by, the rock. He dug a hole in
03:02the sand, then tore off a piece of tinfoil and spread it over it. He was so thirsty that he was
03:07going to drink his own, urine. Alvaro threw himself on everything he could to keep out the
03:10cold and hid between two boulders, but he was still shivering. At this time he, saw several
03:15thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the sky. He hurriedly spread tinfoil on the pit, and put the
03:19water cup in place preparing for a heavy, rain. The rain stopped after only a few drops. Alvaro
03:24licked all the beads of water off the paper. The next day, he pretended to be dead by leaning,
03:28against a rock, holding a stick in his hand, and sneaking eyes at the seagull.
03:32When the seagulls approached. Unfortunately, the reaction was slow, and the seagull flew away. He
03:39cursed loudly. Just when Alvaro was in despair, he suddenly heard a burst of cell phone ringing.
03:45He hurriedly looked, around and finally found his mobile phone under the sand.
03:49Inside the phone is a video from my parents. He couldn't wait to shout for help, but his,
03:53parents still spoke to the camera. Only then did Alvaro realize that this was a pre-recorded video,
03:58not a video call. Alvaro fell into despair again, when he thought of his family, his girlfriend,
04:04and a group of good brothers, he quickly rekindled his hope of survival.
04:07He looked around and found a, surfboard not far away. He climbed towards the surfboard.
04:12He was very happy, when he touched the surfboard. Alvaro draws a mayday signal on the sand,
04:17looking at the rolling waves in the distance, he reminded himself.
04:24Suddenly, he seemed to see a ship on the sea. With the last of his strength he,
04:27tied the surfboard to his hands, and crawled desperately towards the sea.
04:31Although the waves beat against Alvaro's face again and again, Alvaro did, not back down,
04:35but paddled harder, because he knew that this was his last hope. While paddling, he shouted for
04:39help. But soon, his body had reached, its limit and he passed out again. Suddenly, a black shadow
04:46appeared on the sea. A man in a wet suit quickly swam up to him, put an oxygen mask on him,
04:51and rescued him up. Alvaro was finally rescued after being trapped for 48 hours.
04:56When he woke up again, Alvaro was already in the hospital, and he, couldn't help crying.
