• 2 months ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the channel.
00:09Today we are going to explain a beautiful movie in which a man falls for the beauty
00:13of his brother's fiancée.
00:15They fall in love and things go out of hands.
00:18What happens next?
00:19Watch the full episode to know.
00:28The movie starts and we see a boy, Chris.
00:30He says that luck is very important in life.
00:33If we are playing a tennis game, then it is very important that either the ball falls
00:38back to us or falls to the other side.
00:41Luck plays a very big role in winning or losing.
00:44Now from here we see Chris, who is sitting with his boss.
00:48He tells him that I can't do this job anymore.
00:50Now I have to do some other work.
00:52Actually, Chris was a tennis player.
00:55Hearing this, Chris's boss sends him to London.
00:59And Chris becomes a tennis trainer.
01:01While doing his job, he meets his brother, Tom, one fine day.
01:05When they were talking for a while, Tom says that he was going to see an opera with family.
01:09Chris tells him that he really likes to see opera.
01:12Hearing this, Tom invites him to see opera with him and family.
01:16So they both go to see opera at night.
01:19Where Tom introduces Chris to his family.
01:21In this family, Tom's mom, dad, and Tom's sister were there.
01:25When they were watching the opera for a while, we see that Tom's sister, Chloe, was just
01:28looking at Chris.
01:30That means she was interested in him.
01:32The next day, when Chris and Tom were playing tennis, Chloe comes there.
01:36She tells Chris that she also liked this game very much, but she have never tried it.
01:41Hearing this, Chris calls her inside to play and they both start playing.
01:46The next day, Chris goes to Tom's house, where Tom meets a girl, Nola.
01:50Nola tells Chris to play a game with her.
01:53But in a second, Chris defeats her.
01:55Seeing this, Nola starts flattening Chris.
01:58That's when Tom comes there.
02:00He tells Chris that she is his fiancée.
02:02He tells Chris that she is a struggling actress.
02:05But my mom doesn't like her acting profession.
02:07But I love Nola very much.
02:09The next day, we see that the closeness between Chris and Chloe was increasing.
02:14At night, they both go to watch a movie.
02:16Where Chris tells Chloe that I am new here and I don't have any work.
02:20Then Chloe says that you will get a good job very soon.
02:23In a while, they both come home and play the game of passion with each other.
02:27The next day, Chloe meets her mom.
02:29Chloe's mom says that Nola is not the right girl for Tom.
02:33Hearing this, Chloe says that she is a struggling actress.
02:37She is perfect for a brother.
02:38Here Chloe tells her mom that I also like Chris very much.
02:42But now he doesn't have any work.
02:44Chloe's mom also liked Chris very much.
02:47That's why they say that they will talk to a company for Chris.
02:50If he is capable, he will get that job.
02:53At night, Chris and Chloe meet again in a bar.
02:56Where Chloe tells Chris about the job.
02:59Then Chris says that I don't know anything about business.
03:02How will I do this job?
03:04Chloe says that you don't worry.
03:06Everything will be fine.
03:07In a while, Tom and Nola also come there.
03:10Chris asks Nola that which movie did you work in?
03:13Nola says that I have worked in a commercial so far.
03:16But very soon I am going to have an audition.
03:20And I am very nervous for that audition.
03:22The next day Chris wants to give an interview for a job.
03:25And he gets that job.
03:27The next day when Chris is going to work, he meets Nola on the way.
03:31She tells Chris that I am very nervous for my audition.
03:34Chris says that you shouldn't be nervous at all.
03:37There can only be two possibilities.
03:39Either you will lose or you will win, Chris says.
03:43That don't be scared, I will go with you.
03:45Now Chris goes with Nola.
03:47When Nola comes out, she says that she couldn't clear the audition.
03:51Now they both go to the bar and Nola asks, why do you like Chloe?
03:56Chris says that I like her a lot.
03:58I love her.
03:59I like her smile a lot.
04:01But why do you like Tom?
04:02Nola says that Tom and I met at a party.
04:04I found Tom very handsome.
04:07That's why I fell in love with him.
04:08Here again Nola starts flirting with Chris.
04:11These two drinks a lot, feeling buzzy they go home from here.
04:15One day when Tom and Nola were at home, Tom's mother abuses Nola which makes her sad.
04:20After hearing all this, Nola gets angry and leaves.
04:23Chris was also seeing all this.
04:24That's why Chris also follows Nola.
04:27Chris tries to stop Nola.
04:29But then the heat of the moment transforms into blooms of passion.
04:32Here both of them can't be stopped.
04:34The next day everyone goes back to an opera.
04:37When Nola comes out, Chris gives her a candy.
04:40Seeing this, Nola stops him and says, whatever happened yesterday was a mistake, I have no
04:44interest in you saying this.
04:46Nola leaves.
04:48After a few days Tom tells Chris that he has broken up with Nola.
04:51That his mother was not ready for this marriage.
04:54He says that my mother wants to get me married somewhere else.
04:58In a few days Chris and Chloe get married.
05:00After the marriage Chris and Chloe come to see the house.
05:03Where Chloe says that I want a child, Chris says that this is happening very soon.
05:08Chloe says she wants it as soon as possible.
05:11Here we see that Tom is also married.
05:13One day Chris tries to call Nola.
05:15But Nola doesn't pick up the call.
05:18When he goes to her house, he finds out that Nola has left this house.
05:22The next day Chloe and Chris go to an art gallery.
05:25Where Chris sees Nola, they all meet Nola.
05:28And after Chloe's departure, Chris tells Nola that I want to talk to you.
05:32Nola says that now you are married, I can't talk to you, Chris asks Nola for her number.
05:38But Nola refuses him.
05:40But later Nola gives him her number.
05:42They meet at night and drinks the nectar of love together.
05:45Now every day Chris used to come to Nola's house and spent time with her.
05:48There was also a lady living near Nola's house.
05:51That's why Chris knew her very well.
05:54One day Tom, Chris and Chloe come for dinner.
05:57Then Chloe says that she is not able to get pregnant.
06:00The next day Chloe gets angry and tells Chris that you haven't divorced Chloe yet.
06:05Chris says that I am trying and I will divorce her very soon.
06:08The next day Chris was with Chloe's family.
06:11That's when he gets a call from Nola.
06:13Nola tells Chris that she wants to meet Chris right now.
06:19When everyone is having dinner at night, Chris gets a call from Nola again.
06:23Nola says that I am pregnant.
06:25The next day Chris meets Nola and tells her to abort the baby.
06:28Hearing this, Nola says that I will not do this.
06:31You will have to tell your wife everything.
06:34If you don't do this, I will go and tell her myself.
06:37Chris was very upset about this.
06:39That's why he couldn't give time to Chloe.
06:42One day Chloe asks him if he is having an affair.
06:45Chris says no.
06:46Chloe says that maybe I am not able to get pregnant.
06:49That's why you are doing this.
06:51Then Chris says that it's nothing like that.
06:54I love you very much.
06:55The next day when Chris and Nola meet, he says that I have to go on a vacation for three
07:01Hearing this, Nola gets very angry.
07:03But she agrees later.
07:05When Chris comes to Chloe, she tells him that the vacation has been cancelled.
07:09But Chris doesn't tell Nola about this.
07:12One day when Chris is leaving from office, Nola sees him and starts fighting with him.
07:17Chris explains to her with great difficulty.
07:20One night Chris comes to Chloe's house in the basement, where Chloe's dad had kept
07:24a lot of guns.
07:25Chris steals a gun from there.
07:27The next day Chris tells Nola that I will divorce Chloe tomorrow.
07:31Hearing this, Nola was very happy.
07:34The next day Chris comes to Nola's house.
07:36There was also an old woman there whom Chris knew well.
07:39He makes an excuse and enters her house.
07:42When she goes inside to get something, Chris comes from behind and shoots her, and that
07:45woman dies there.
07:47Now Chris starts stealing that woman's jewelry, so that everyone knows where the thief entered.
07:53In a while Nola also finishes her audition and comes back.
07:56Then Chris also shoots her and kills her there.
08:00The next day police starts investigating.
08:02Here Chris puts Chloe's dad's gun back in the basement.
08:06Then suddenly he gets a call from the police.
08:09Actually the police had called him for an investigation.
08:12Chris quickly throws the stolen jewelry of that old woman into the water.
08:16When he was doing all this, a ring falls out of the sea.
08:19Now Chris goes to the police station.
08:21The police asks him, what was the relationship between you and Nola?
08:26Chris tells him that she was my brother's fiancée.
08:29I had no relationship with her.
08:31Hearing this, the police gives him a diary.
08:33That diary was Nola's, in which Nola wrote everything about her and Chris.
08:38Then Chris says that he was having an affair with her and Nola was pregnant.
08:42She wanted to marry me, but someone killed her.
08:44I didn't tell this to anyone.
08:47Because this could break my current marriage.
08:49He tells the police to keep this a secret, as this can ruin his whole life.
08:54Hearing this, the police takes Chris's number and leaves him.
08:58At night Chris sees Nola.
09:00She asks him, why did you do this?
09:03Chris says that I couldn't marry you.
09:05If I had done this, then my job and reputation would have been lost.
09:09Then she sees an old woman.
09:11She says, then why did you kill me?
09:13Chris says that you were just a pawn.
09:15The old woman says, then why did you kill your child?
09:19Chris says that he was not even born yet.
09:22The next day we see that an officer had found out that Chris killed Nola.
09:26But then the other officer tells him that we have found an old woman's ring near a
09:31He killed them both.
09:33Actually, when the ring fell near the sea, a bulglar picked it up.
09:37That's why Chris is saved.
09:38As Chris said at the beginning of the movie, our luck matters a lot.
09:42Chris was saved today because of his luck.
09:45At the end of the movie, we see Chris standing on a balcony.
09:49And the movie ends here.
09:50I hope you liked it.
09:51Please like, comment, and share the episode with your friends.
09:53I will see you soon with another episode.
09:55Thank you.
