HELL'S BELLE Full Exclusive Horror Movie English HD 2024

  • 4 months ago
HELL'S BELLE Full Exclusive Horror Movie English HD 2024
00:03:19How are you pretty lady
00:03:23Didn't think I'd see anybody up here
00:03:27And I would never
00:03:30Neglect a fine-looking late
00:04:34Charlie this isn't working
00:04:37You have to make more money
00:04:40Carol you know, I'm on salary. I know that I know that
00:04:46But you have to do something consulting a night job something
00:04:55No, I can't
00:04:56Maybe you could if you would stop going on those expeditions of yours every five minutes
00:05:09We need more
00:05:56Come in here
00:06:57This will be brief Charles because I'm gonna be honest with you
00:07:04Frankly, mr. Donovan, you're not worthy of tenure and are likely to be gone before the end of the year
00:07:11So sir, I don't I don't think that's a fair evaluation at all. I
00:07:1735 sir, then you're old enough to know that fair is a subjective term used only by students and amateurs
00:07:24Sir I feel like within the next few weeks. I'm gonna be able to put on your desk
00:07:27It's right here in black and white. Your presentations are minimal. You have virtually no awards or honors
00:07:33Your professional development has basically been ignored
00:07:37When this goes out to the referees, they will recommend that you are gone when the department votes on your tenure
00:07:43They will recommend that you are gone. And when this crosses my desk, I
00:07:48Will recommend that you are gone and Charles in 31 years
00:07:53The provost has never reversed one of my recommendations. You will not be tenured
00:08:02Charles I'm having this conversation with you as a matter of courtesy
00:08:07In all honesty, I felt you had great potential
00:08:10But it just has not come to fruition here. This just may not be a good fit for you
00:08:18You can put something on here within 30 days that shows you're worthwhile. There may be a chance
00:08:25Otherwise, I'm telling you this now so that you can start to look for something else before the end of the year
00:08:34Good luck Charles
00:09:42Alright guys, let's bring it in bring it guys
00:09:50Come on here we go. Come on bring it in
00:09:56All right, everybody got everything boots tools flashlight
00:10:06You know, we're not gonna have any cell phone service within like 80 miles of where we're going, right? Oh, well, I
00:10:11Guess I could take pictures with
00:10:14Now any artifacts we find will be property of the university as they're funding this expedition now as expedition leader
00:10:21I'm gonna be accredited with any significant discoveries, of course
00:10:25Well that hardly seems worth going then does it? Wow. I don't know William. Is it worth saving your failing grades?
00:10:34All right, let's get this show on the road shall we
00:10:37Now we're gonna be stopping 20 miles outside of the preserve
00:10:41Gas up and get drinks and stuff. Keep that in mind guys
00:10:44Professor you want to ride in the back by me?
00:10:50You know, I think I'm gonna sit up front with Renee but I've got to give directions and stuff there but but thanks
00:11:11Christ how much further didn't he say that we're gonna stop for gas? I need a coat
00:11:54Jase yo store up here on your right less than a mile
00:12:02Ladies you still with us
00:12:04I should say every word
00:12:39Coming um, no, I don't think so. Okay want something to drink? Sure
00:13:26That'll be 1816 Wow, really
00:14:05Read is its own punishment
00:14:20Thank you
00:15:10Come on chase
00:15:19Hey, man, I'm sorry
00:15:26Fucking line just drive
00:16:08Sir I'm professor Donovan
00:16:12You should be expecting us a
00:16:17These are you miss Hall's behind us Chavs are over there
00:16:24Thanks, which one's ours you pick oh
00:16:29Man, hey, what happened to your face?
00:16:34Dude, it's okay. No, seriously. Did you like tangle with a grizzly bear?
00:16:39There are things more deadly than the wildlife up here
00:16:44What are you like afraid of Bigfoot or something?
00:16:51Hey, man, sorry
00:17:41Hey will check this out
00:17:54My oh my wherever did you acquire such a valuable skill man, I used to spend summers on my uncle's ranch when I was a kid
00:18:01Yeah, okay
00:18:05Hey fellas
00:18:07Schools provided two meals a day
00:18:10Now we're gonna have dinner here in about an hour over at the mess hall
00:18:14Breakfast is gonna be tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Sharp
00:18:17Hey, what about lunch?
00:18:19They're not providing lunch. We're gonna be on the mountain chase. There's no catering here
00:18:37Come on
00:18:48All right
00:18:50It's a short hike from here to the base of the mountain right on the trail apparently now
00:18:55We're gonna leave here at 7 30 tomorrow morning after having had breakfast
00:18:59On this side of the mountain is a well-known cave with fairly easy access
00:19:04We're gonna stay together until that point
00:19:06what now the artifacts that we're gonna be looking for are gonna be buried in or near a ravine that was marked by a
00:19:13Horseshoe nailed to a cottonwood tree
00:19:15Next to another tree with 12 bullet holes in a tight cluster. Now. These markings were created in the winter of
00:19:211876 so they're gonna be fairly grown over by now and they should stand somewhere between 8 and 10 feet off the ground
00:19:28so we're looking for a horseshoe then a
00:19:31Donkey shoe technically wait, um stay together until that point
00:19:35What do you need to cover the entire mountain top?
00:19:38So we're gonna search everywhere above the entrance of the cave
00:19:40So to do that effectively we're gonna need to split up and then we're gonna meet back here before dark
00:19:47Everyone get a good night's sleep. You're gonna need it
00:19:54I think I'll grab my shower tonight then
00:20:00Okay, let's see you guys in the morning
00:22:23There was no service for the last 20 miles coming up here Leah so
00:22:41Guys this way
00:22:53It's up there on your right
00:23:01All right
00:23:05This is the only trail to the cave that's where we begin not cool
00:23:30Okay, we can rest here for a couple of minutes then we got to get started
00:24:00I was having a conversation. Yeah
00:24:15So, let's have Leah
00:24:18Let's have you and chase. Let's have you guys go over to the east side of the mountain
00:24:22Now that's gonna be to your right as you exit the cave. Okay?
00:24:27William let's have you and Allison go over to the west side
00:24:30That's gonna be to your left as you exit the cave
00:24:39What do you think
00:24:41About being my personal assistant today, maybe for some extra credit. I sure could use some help with all these maps
00:24:48Professor Donovan, we can't leave Katie on her own. Oh
00:24:55Katie you and you and Renee search the media area and then go directly to the top of the mountain
00:25:01I'm gonna search just over the back side at the top
00:25:05Now we all have our assignments
00:25:07If anyone finds anything come to the top of the mountain and find me immediately
00:25:10Otherwise meet me back down at the camp tonight. Oh
00:25:14And be sure to get off the mountain before it gets too dark
00:26:05Be okay fine
00:26:11You shouldn't orange shorts Renee probably not it's good for my grade though
00:26:22What did you say I didn't say anything
00:26:30What did you mean though, what is wearing shorts have to do with your grade really
00:28:04Much longer before it gets dark. I wonder sooner than later. What the hell does that mean?
00:28:10Let's keep moving I
00:28:12Don't feel good
00:28:15Probably just not used to the altitude probably need some food and maybe rest once you get used to this
00:28:31Got a nosebleed
00:28:36That's weird
00:28:40All right, let's head back to camp then
00:29:30Where's professor Donovan
00:29:32It's not back yet. Why do you miss him?
00:29:36Wouldn't hate a one saying to get back before he gets dark
00:29:52Dinner in 30 minutes
00:29:58What's for him what an odd, dude
00:30:03Let's all grab my shower. Thanks for sharing
00:30:51Hello someone in here
00:31:20Smells really good. Do you need me help? Thanks. No
00:31:55What are you staring at
00:31:59Where did you get that what where did you get that? It's mine
00:32:18Where are you going? I'm making a plate for professor Donovan or when he comes back suck up
00:32:44With that I bid you all adieu until tomorrow
00:33:03You wanna be I'm good
00:33:35Damn baby, you should have said something
00:34:07Think somebody can't handle his liquor
00:34:11All right. Hey, come on brother. Hey back to bed. Hey sleep it off sleep it off sleep it off
00:34:24You know, it means you know, it's getting late
00:34:28What about the professor it's probably camped out in some cave jerking off to an inscription you found on the wall
00:34:35Anyone check his cabin
00:34:38Which one is his I wonder
00:35:11Don't know
00:36:05Saved you some food
00:37:20Hey guys, hey
00:37:22Professor Donovan's not here. You stayed out all night
00:37:27Dude, it looks like you two stayed out all night
00:37:31Mm-hmm clever girl. I
00:37:33Had some fucked up dreams
00:37:38He stayed out on the mountain all night, yeah
00:37:43What the hell I thought that they were gonna provide us breakfast breakfast isn't ready. Where's that old Indian dude Abe?
00:37:52His name is Abe
00:37:54Yeah, Abe whatever and either one that's supposed to be taking care of us. I'm starving
00:37:58He got all weird last night and just took off somewhere got weird. Really
00:38:05Weirder than usual. No guys. He's really sweet to cook for us. It's his damn job
00:38:11He gets to live here for free. He gets paid to look after the place and cook for his guests
00:38:16He should be looking after us. I'll just take off without a word
00:38:20Totally not cool, man. I gotta eat something. Maybe there's some pop-tarts in it
00:38:30I'm sure that when he saw the professor wasn't coming back. He figured screw it. Why wake up early? Nobody's watching
00:38:36Hell, he probably got liquored up worse than you two. You guys aren't worried about the professor
00:38:43You don't think it's strange she stayed out all night what if something happened to him like what I
00:38:51Don't know he could be hurt or lost up there
00:38:54Really professor Dora the Explorer seems unlikely this whole expedition was his idea
00:39:00He bullied us into coming with him for a grade
00:39:03He lives for this shit. Well
00:39:06Maybe Abe went to go look for him
00:39:10Why are you back yet cooking us our breakfast?
00:39:50Don't want to be off having fun when the professor gets back if I feel another class I'm screwed
00:39:55I'm sure he expects us to already be up in the mountain looking for that damn horseshoe on a tree or whatever
00:40:00I'm bored as hell just sitting here
00:40:02Let's do something
00:40:05Maybe we should call the police
00:40:07That's not what I mean
00:40:09Couldn't call anyway, there's no phone lines or reception out here. Remember? Well, then we should go to the nearest town
00:40:17Seriously guys professor Donovan and Abe have been gone all night
00:40:21We can't just sit here and wait what if something happened to them look Katie
00:40:24It's cool that you're concerned and everything
00:40:27But it would take half a day to get to the nearest town
00:40:30wherever the hell that is and by the time we got to file a report and bring anyone back the whole day would be
00:40:36Gone if they even believe us. I
00:40:40Don't know maybe we should do something
00:40:43Preferably not hang out at the cop shop all day long. I
00:40:47Say we just chill here till he gets back. I'm still kind of hungover. I didn't sleep well either
00:40:52Kept dreaming. I was hearing music all night
00:40:57We can't just sit here and act like everything's normal we should go into town
00:41:03Professor Donovan has the keys. Oh good God
00:41:16Dude, hey, what you doing? I'm gonna go look for professor dickweed then I'm going to I mean
00:41:21I don't really want to look like an asshole when you guys find him without me guys. What about the lease seriously?
00:41:28Maybe we could find the keys to Abe's truck or Katie. We could um
00:41:34You coming
00:42:28Morning David morning Lonnie
00:43:03Should have brought some water you think
00:43:08Where are you going?
00:43:10Well, logically we started the first cave and then go from there if in fact he's not already there that is can you find it again?
00:43:47Don't get it what?
00:43:51The path that just disappeared
00:43:53Yesterday there was a path here that led to the entrance of the cave and now it just doesn't exist
00:43:58Did you just get us lost in the mountains?
00:44:00Seriously, no, I'm telling you there was a path like stair steps here yesterday. I
00:44:05I know what I'm doing. Okay, the cave is right above us halfway to the top
00:44:11Don't you guys remember look at this shit? So what do you want to do go back?
00:44:18Guess we must have wandered off the trail. I didn't wander off the fucking trail damn it. It's just gone
00:44:35Isn't that it? Yeah
00:44:55At least we beat the rain
00:45:04Know what we wait out the rain
00:46:02What's that nope from crazy a bubble to camp around
00:46:13Says some kids found a piece of jewelry belonging to Bell star. I guess he'd know
00:46:21That's some missing Jesse James Richard
00:46:24Nope just bill
00:46:29Poor bastard
00:46:31Apes a sweet fellow
00:46:33You just ain't never been the same since the accident
00:46:38No, no, it was her ghost attacked him treasure hunt. Don't you forget that I
00:46:44Always figured it's just the peyote got too fucked up and fell face first on the boulders
00:46:50Well, I wish the hell they'd find all that money so they'd quit looking leave us the hell alone
00:46:56Hey Lonnie, yeah, he says there's a professor of some kind didn't come in off the mountain last night
00:47:10So, I guess I'll go up there after lunch today see what the hell age hollering about
00:47:43Guess the stereotype has some basis in reality
00:47:49Native Americans and liquor
00:47:52Drunk an Indian. Oh
00:47:58Go wake him up he can help us look
00:48:00Yeah, go wake the drunk sleeping on a rock in the middle of the day. Yeah, that'll end. Well, really well
00:48:25What the fuck are you doing? I'm gonna check his pulse. Oh, no, he could still be alive chase chase
00:48:36What happened to him
00:48:38Well, I think that's fairly obvious
00:48:41He passed out drunk in the night something ate him like a bear or a big cat
00:48:45We need to get off the mountain. We have to go get help
00:48:48Help help
00:48:50We can't help him. Look at this. You want to leave Donovan up here with whatever did that?
00:48:57He's right
00:48:59We're already up here we should just find him and tell him about this we can't leave him up here alone to be eaten, too
00:49:06We standing could stand on my tits. Oh my god, Leah. Shut up old Tonto here was passed out drunk like an invitation to a buffet
00:49:14We're walking around in broad daylight
00:49:16As long as we're in groups of two or three nothing's gonna fuck with us
00:49:19I don't think it's safe. Of course, you don't look the sooner we find the professor the sooner we can all go home
00:49:30He's got a point
00:49:32Plus we're already guaranteed an a after all this shit
00:49:37Look Katie if you want to go back down you can by yourself
00:49:42I'm sure the professor would love to hear it when we find him
00:50:12See you guys I told you there's no blood there's no mess. There's nothing broken or torn
00:50:18He's probably somewhere geeking out about a historical marker or something. So where is he then? He's probably close. I
00:50:24Doubt he'd wandered far without his geek Bible
00:50:27Probably went to pee behind a bush
00:50:29Well, he didn't head back down the mountain or else we would have seen him unless he went to the west side by the lake
00:50:35There's a lake. Yeah
00:50:38Down the base through the woods
00:50:40Down the base through the woods, I think maybe someone should go check there. I don't mind
00:50:50I'd better go with her
00:50:56Let's see what we got here
00:51:12Man, that was some weird shit. I
00:51:16Never saw a dead body before
00:51:18He's something finally happened on this dull-ass trip
00:51:23Hey, he seemed like a nice enough old dude, but I didn't know him from Jack so so that didn't freak you out a little
00:51:29Bit I was scared shitless up there
00:51:32Well, I can honestly say did get my blood pumping a little
00:51:36Oh, hey, this is nice
00:51:47Yeah, I wonder why no one's around seasons over remember school made a deal with the state so we can be here after their close
00:52:00Looks like
00:52:34No password I wonder what's in this thing
00:52:38probably pictures of me
00:52:41If he walks up here and catches you digging through his shit you're screwed so keep watch for me
00:53:57Need to grab a cigarette too
00:54:07Hey, I wonder if the others are having as much fun as we are
00:55:32This is Lonnie the base come in
00:55:35This is baseline, go ahead
00:55:40Deidre did you ever hear anything back from old Abe?
00:55:45Not a thing since this morning, huh?
00:55:49Okay, I guess you're gonna need to go ahead and call the south base get a couple of guys up here
00:55:55Looks like we may have a search-and-rescue
00:56:04Don't know couldn't tell you
00:56:10No one else is for that matter. Oh
00:56:18Wow, that's classic
00:56:20What what happened that old fucker? This was never a historical expedition
00:56:26This was a treasure hunt the entire time he was using us to hunt gold dude, where do you even get that from?
00:56:32It's all over his notes
00:56:35Apparently he's looking for gold that was left up here in 1873 when the James gang got caught in a blizzard. There's money involved
00:56:42Apparently about two million bucks in today's money
00:56:45You know that explains a lot a lot about what I?
00:56:49Never said anything cuz I figured he was just full of shit
00:56:52But he said that after this trip, he was gonna leave his wife and wanted me to go with him to Italy bullshit
00:56:57That's not true. Of course it is. He said that after this you're a fucking liar. Why would I lie about that?
00:57:02I was already screwing him anyway
00:57:06You're not fucking going anywhere with him
00:58:29Hey, you hungry got an energy bar
00:58:41Seriously Allison, what the hell?
00:58:44Everyone knows what a horned dog Donovan is. Did you think you were the only one?
00:58:48He said that he was gonna work shit out with his wife when he broke up with me
00:58:52He takes up with this freak bitch. I will flat-out fuck you up guys guys. Come on. This is not good for anyone
00:58:59She's right. You two can figure out who's trespassing when we get home the emphasis on the part about getting home
00:59:08So according to Donovan's notes the James gang stole a bunch of gold from a Mexican mule train that came out here to hide
00:59:14Why would anyone come to this lifeless rock pile to hide out?
00:59:18What it says here that Cole Younger had an ongoing thing with a woman named Belle star
00:59:22Lived a couple miles from here and knew the area pretty well
00:59:25Apparently they never made it back to make a withdrawal from their stash
00:59:29So professor Donovan would be famous if he found it. I call him Charles go to hell. Oh my god. Would you both stop?
00:59:37What makes you think he would tell anyone?
00:59:39That's why he's using students as soon as anyone found anything. He would have dumped us back home and gone solo
00:59:44So, where is he now? I wonder
00:59:47County is gold maybe
00:59:51Something's not right. He wouldn't have left all his stuff just lying here. We need to find him. He could be hurt rich
01:00:03Allison where you going to be alone away from this bitch
01:00:13Look for what it's worth. I'm sorry about the thing with Renee. I hear Donovan's got a new freshman every year
01:00:21She doesn't even really care about him
01:00:25You can see it in her eyes she's just screwing him cuz she thinks it's cool and edgy or some shit
01:00:28I don't know what she's talking about. I don't know what she's talking about
01:00:30I don't know what she's talking about. I don't know what she's talking about
01:00:32I don't know what she's talking about
01:00:34She thinks it's cool and edgy or some shit
01:00:38Well, you can call him out on it when we find him
01:00:40He can kiss my ass. In fact, I don't even know why we're looking for the bastard
01:00:44I say we just leave him up here. We can go sit and wait still make him share whatever he finds
01:00:49Well, clearly he would deny having found anything on his own and just come back later. I guess so
01:00:55How do you get much out of this damn trip?
01:00:58Damn it. God, can somebody just kill me now and get it over with?
01:01:04Well, you're right about one thing
01:01:06This whole fucked up weekend definitely wasn't worth the trouble if I had to do it all over again
01:01:11I would just fail the course and forego the whole dead Indian missing professor bullshit
01:01:19But I suppose that'll be over with soon when we find the professor
01:01:22Hell he's probably already back at the camp
01:01:25Why don't you come on back?
01:01:27Not yet. Maybe in a minute
01:01:53To hell with this. I'm not just gonna sit here on my ass waiting to see if he's coming back or not
01:01:57He likely did just for a reason Renee
01:02:00Listen you two head east me and Allison will check on the top in the center if he's found anything
01:02:05We'll let him know in no uncertain terms that we're on to his little scheme
01:02:10He can't cut us out
01:02:12Either way you two head back to the first cave before meeting at the campground
01:02:17Yeah, whatever. Come on
01:02:23Deidre what's going on with my help? Did you ever call the South Base?
01:02:30I sure did Lonnie. They're sending a guy said they'd be there in about an hour
01:02:41Hold it. Wait a minute. You said a guy as in one person. Are you shitting me?
01:02:48Are you shitting me?
01:02:50Wouldn't shit my favorite turd Lonnie
01:02:53They said one guy. Be there in about an hour
01:03:12Come on, where'd you go baby?
01:03:15Quit fucking around now. This isn't funny
01:03:23Could've waited five minutes for me
01:03:45How'd I do with that rope?
01:03:50Oh screw it
01:03:58Leah? Leah wait up
01:04:05Baby it's not safe for you alone. You could slip and fall
01:04:27You little shit
01:04:30You little shit
01:04:33You little shit
01:04:36You little shit
01:04:39You lying fucking asshole
01:04:55No! No!
01:05:09Allison! Allison!
01:05:15Allison if you quit now I won't be sharing
01:05:26Chicken shit
01:05:30Renee please. We've got to get somebody to help. Okay something's not right. You've got to know that
01:05:36You can say that again
01:05:38I can't believe Charles is ever with that greedy little gold digger. No, I mean with Abe dead and the professor missing
01:05:44He's not missing Katie. He'll be back
01:05:4720 bucks says he won't leave without me
01:05:50You don't understand the power we have over guys
01:05:57Is Leah with you guys?
01:05:59I thought she was with you
01:06:01She left me behind
01:06:02What'd you do to her?
01:06:04Nothing she didn't want
01:06:07Damn dude!
01:06:09Are you okay?
01:06:12I'm okay
01:06:19What the fuck?
01:06:24Holy fucking shit!
01:06:25Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
01:06:33Renee help me!
01:06:36Chase! Chase!
01:06:42Did you see that? How did that happen?
01:06:45I told you Abe we need to get off this mountain. Something's not right. We need to go get help
01:06:55Yeah, okay
01:06:57We'll head to the cave and then we'll meet everyone down at the campground
01:07:02Someone's gotta go into town for help
01:07:06Maybe the Indian stole his keys in his pocket
01:07:20Did you see that?
01:07:21I didn't see anything. What was it?
01:07:23It was a woman
01:07:24It was a woman standing right there and she was all messed up
01:07:29Come on
01:07:35Hi, I'm D.W. I'm supposed to talk to Lonnie
01:07:43Glad you could finally make it D.W.
01:07:47I was the only one working
01:07:49Had to do my rounds then get everything locked up
01:07:53So what's going on?
01:07:54Something about the caretaker guy?
01:07:56Don't know. Can't find him
01:07:59But he did leave us a note
01:08:01Lying that there's a teacher and some kids up here
01:08:04And the teacher never came off the mountain last night
01:08:07What kids?
01:08:09Exactly. I can't find them either
01:08:12Well, hell
01:08:17Should we go take a look?
01:08:19Yeah, yeah
01:08:28So what about this caretaker guy?
01:08:31What about him?
01:08:32He left you a note?
01:08:34Yeah, he left a note
01:08:36Down at the ranger's station last night sometime
01:08:38What'd it say?
01:08:42What? It's a secret or something?
01:08:46You've got to take anything Abe says with a grain of salt
01:08:49And don't call him crazy Abe for no reason at all
01:08:52Back in junior high
01:08:54There was a time when he didn't show up to school for about like a month
01:08:57And when he did come back
01:08:58He had that big scar on his face
01:09:00He didn't talk much after that
01:09:02But when he did talk
01:09:03He was spinning these yarns about the ghost of Belle Star
01:09:06And how she attacked him up on the mountain
01:09:08When he tried to pick up a souvenir
01:09:10He swears she was real
01:09:11Nearly tore his face off
01:09:16Belle Star the bandit queen?
01:09:19From the old west?
01:09:21Not the old west
01:09:24She lived the last half of her life right here
01:09:28About four miles over this mountain right here
01:09:31To the north
01:09:33Yeah, yeah, I heard of her
01:09:35She rode with Jesse James
01:09:40Local town folk
01:09:42Believe she was sleeping with one of the gang members
01:09:44One of the younger brothers
01:09:45Cole I believe
01:09:46She didn't ride with him
01:09:48They were train robbers
01:09:49She was a cattle thief
01:09:51Oh, okay
01:09:54So what about the note then?
01:09:56Abed indicated in the note
01:09:58The kids found a piece of jewelry
01:10:00That he thought belonged to Belle Star
01:10:02And they brought it down off the mountain with them
01:10:06Sounds like trouble, doesn't it?
01:10:16You're saying it was a ghost?
01:10:19I don't know
01:10:20You know, that's why they call him Crazy Abe
01:10:24I don't believe in ghosts myself
01:10:26Yeah, me neither
01:10:27But I'm telling you
01:10:28There's some weird shit goes on on this mountain
01:10:31You're telling me
01:10:47Renee, come here
01:10:48Come here
01:10:51Come here
01:10:56Oh my God
01:10:57It's Allison
01:10:58What the fuck?
01:10:59We need to get down there and help her
01:11:01We need to bring her back up
01:11:03She's gone
01:11:06You want to just leave her down there?
01:11:08Like Abe?
01:11:11She's gone, Katie
01:11:12Get it through your head
01:11:13We can't help the dead
01:11:15Let's go
01:11:17My God, Renee
01:11:23Did you think I wanted her to do this?
01:11:26I didn't know she would literally jump off the damn mountain
01:11:30I didn't hope that if she...
01:11:34What if she didn't jump?
01:11:45We need to go
01:11:46Oh my God
01:11:47Come on, we need to go
01:11:48We need to go
01:11:51Come on
01:11:54Professor, we've been looking everywhere for you
01:11:58We found your stuff
01:12:03What have you been doing?
01:12:11Oh shit, man
01:12:13Oh, fuck me
01:12:15Oh, fuck me
01:12:26Poor crazy bastard
01:12:31What do you figure, Lonnie?
01:12:37Ain't no claws that did that
01:12:40That's a straight blade knife
01:12:43It's a big knife
01:12:45From the looks of it, they quite literally tore him apart
01:12:52It took someone strong to do that
01:12:55Maybe several someone's
01:13:05Vice, come in
01:13:10Come over, Deidre
01:13:12Come over, Deidre
01:13:15Too far in?
01:13:17I believe so
01:13:21We're not going to be able to help him
01:13:22Come on, let's find those kids
01:13:39Fuck, where the fuck is everybody?
01:13:42Oh, fucking shit
01:13:52What the fuck?
01:14:08Oh, fuck
01:14:24Oh, Jesus Christ, Lonnie
01:14:28What the hell's going on here?
01:14:30One thing's for sure
01:14:32It ain't animals
01:14:33Depends on your definition of animals
01:14:38What do you reckon?
01:14:40I reckon there's some young folks up on this mountain that we need to talk to
01:14:44And we need to talk to them right the hell now
01:14:46We need to talk to them right the hell now
01:15:31Hang on, Renee
01:15:41Hang on
01:15:50Come on
01:15:52Hang on
01:16:03Hold on
01:16:06Deidre, hang on
01:17:13Leave me the fuck alone
01:19:41Hey, you!
01:19:43Don't you move! You stay right where you're at, right now!
01:19:46No, you don't understand!
01:19:48Don't you even breathe!
01:19:50You got her D-dub?
01:19:55You stay on her, you keep her covered while I get the cuffs on her
01:20:14God damn it, D-dub!
01:20:17You stay right where you're at, young lady
01:20:19Don't you move, don't make me shoot you
01:20:25Hey! Stop!
01:20:27Don't you shoot!
01:20:29D-dub, where are you?
01:20:39D-dub, where you at?
01:21:24You stay right where you are
01:21:33Fuck you! Get away from me!
01:21:39Damn it, girl, don't you move.
01:21:51Right here.
01:21:54Foot up.
01:21:57Hands up.
01:22:04Deidre, come in.
01:22:11Come on in.
01:22:18Come on in.
01:22:26Deidre, come in.
01:22:33What you got, Lonnie?
01:22:38We're gonna need the state police up here and the medical examiner.
01:22:45Roger that.
01:22:47You okay up there?
01:22:49Soon as you can, Deidre.
01:22:55Yes, sir.
01:23:16Let's open your hands.
01:23:25You've got a lot of explaining to do.
01:23:29You might as well start at the beginning.
01:23:54What do you want me to do with all this stuff, Lonnie?
01:24:04Just leave it by the door.
01:24:06The sheriff's gonna send somebody over this afternoon to pick it up.
01:24:09All righty, then.
01:24:24All right.
01:24:54All right.
01:25:24All right.
01:25:54All right.
01:26:24All right.
