3D Anaglyph | Alone In The Dark

  • 3 months ago
00:00I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:30doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:35doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:40doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:45doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:50doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:55doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm
00:58What do you make of it?
01:00It's nonsense, of course. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me.
01:04You see, it runs in my family.
01:08No, detective.
01:10Deteriorating melancholy.
01:13Practically every member of the Hartwood family is driven mad before they grow old.
01:23But Jeremy didn't kill himself.
01:25Is that why he's at your setup?
01:28Despite being convinced that he is truly possessed, he decided to put his last chips on Dr. Gray in a psychoanalysis,
01:35figuring he might stumble upon some cure.
01:42You mentioned the letter.
01:46I received a disturbing letter from Jeremy accusing the staff and all the other patients of being involved in some cult.
01:52And now they are also out to get him.
01:54Could it be real? Or is it all just in his head?
01:58It's a story he tells himself, Mr. Carnby.
02:01Anything to avoid the truth.
02:04Which is?
02:06That we're all terribly insignificant.
02:08That people mean so very little to one another.
02:11That there is no one out to get Jeremy Hartwood because he isn't worth getting.
02:15Here we are.
02:25My uncle's not well, Mr. Carnby. I want to make sure he's alright.
02:29Then what's my part in this? You couldn't get a cab?
02:33I just wouldn't feel safe going alone.
02:44Did you bring a gun?
02:46Yeah. You think it'll actually come to that?
02:49Did you bring a gun?
02:50Yeah. You think it'll actually come to that?
02:52No. But you might need to wave it around, depending on how agreeable the staff will be.
02:59What exactly are we going to do when we find Jeremy?
03:04I don't know. Let's just find him first.
03:19I don't know. Let's just find him first.
03:53Looks abandoned.
03:54Empty. There has to be someone around.
04:00Wait here. I'll go around back.
04:22What are you doing? Who are you?
04:25Whoa, pardon me, excuse me. My name is Edward Carnby, private investigator.
04:29I hope you don't mind we let ourselves inside.
04:32I do mind. This is private property. You can't just barge in here.
04:37I'm sorry about all this, but I'm looking for my uncle. It's urgent, and no one was answering the door.
04:42We can't hear you.
04:44But I'm looking for my uncle. It's urgent, and no one was answering the door.
04:48We can't hear you knocking anymore. None of us can.
04:52Who is your uncle, darling?
04:54Jeremy. Am I right? She has that Hartwood glue, doesn't she?
04:59That's right. I'm Emily Hartwood. I just came to make sure my uncle is all right.
05:04Well, he is unavailable right now. He will have to come back another day.
05:09Unavailable how? Is he sleeping? We can wait.
05:13He's lost.
05:15Don't I know you from somewhere?
05:17Who's your man again, Miss Hartwood?
05:20My name's Edward Carnby, private investigator.
05:25Enough! All of you, get back to your rooms. McCarthy, keep your eyes on the child.
05:31And you two, please leave immediately.
05:34Look, we're not here to cause any trouble. Just let us see the old man, satisfy the curiosity of my client here, and we'll be off.
05:42Jeremy has gone missing. There's no need to worry, but it might be some time before he turns up.
05:47The whole staff is looking for him.
05:50What? He ran off?
05:53I don't have time for any of this. Please, come back tomorrow.
05:57In that case, we'll just wait in his room. You don't mind, do you? It's upstairs, right?
06:01Wait! You can't!
06:03Don't worry. We'll be discreet.
06:05In the corridor. It's the first door on your left. I'll tell Dr. Gray you're here.
06:10Excellent. Thank you, madam.
06:34All right. Here we are.
06:36Let's look around. See if we can dig up any clues.
06:45Hey, you know anything about this? Looks like some sort of talisman.
06:49No, I don't. Help me out here, will you?
07:03I would have killed a guy to throw some of this stuff out.
07:06I'd be crazy too if I had this much junk lying around.
07:24Oh, wow. That's striking.
07:29I want to save this one.
07:54All right. Come on. I want to go see Dr. Gray.
08:02Come on, let's go.
08:04Yeah, I'm coming.
08:14Miss Hartwood?
08:33What the hell is going on?
08:36Where am I?
08:45I can't go that way.
08:53Let's go.
09:11Don't let them get inside, comrade. They're not the good kind.
09:16Who are you? Is this your store?
09:19There are no owners here. We're both strangers in Jeremy's story.
09:24Jeremy did this? How?
09:26The pact with the Dark Man. Jeremy wanted us, but we didn't thank much of it.
09:33I'm Detective Edward Carnby. I was hired by Jeremy's niece to find him.
09:37Oh, yeah? How much you paying?
09:42She's sure getting her money's worth tonight. Are you a thanking man, comrade?
09:47No, not if I can help it.
09:50You know, I think Jeremy's hiding in a way we can't find him. He has this juju necklace that guides him.
09:57The talisman?
09:59That's right. It's some magic charm he got for Miss Jackson down the street.
10:03The voodoo priestess?
10:05You know surprising things, comrade. Yeah, the Mama Loa. Here, take the key.
10:11I locked the gate to save her place from all the ghouls and goblins getting inside.
10:15Maybe if you go there, you can find some clues to show you the way.
10:19Thanks. I'll have a look.
10:25Detective, I was wondering when you were going to show up.
10:29Mrs. Thompson told me you were here. I understand you are working for Jeremy Hotwood's niece.
10:35Uh, yeah, I guess so. I mean, you're not wrong. We came here for her uncle.
10:42I just didn't expect... I didn't expect this. You are Dr. Gray, right?
10:47That's right. You don't happen to have some identification, detective.
10:52I'm not keen on having strangers prying into my business.
10:58Oh, Detective Edward Carnby, Decatur Street, New Orleans.
11:03Enjoying the view carré, detective?
11:06Those old French quarters, the voodoo people, the gangsters.
11:11I'm sure you live an exciting life.
11:14Well, it's not quite like the stories, Doc. Just trying to make a living.
11:18Aren't we all making a living?
11:21Well, welcome to DeSeto, detective. I hope your time here will be useful.
11:27Now, what can I do for you?
11:29Why don't you tell me where I can find Jeremy Hotwood?
11:32Why wouldn't that make for a short visit?
11:35I wish I could tell you, but I'm afraid I don't know.
11:39A drink, detective?
11:41Anything brandy.
11:43Oh, you do belong in the French quarters, detective.
11:47Armagnac or cognac?
11:49You know, just give me the cheap stuff. I'm not much of a connoisseur.
11:53Having low standards is not a virtue, detective.
11:57Let me see if I can broaden your perspective.
12:00What can you tell me about Jeremy?
12:03I wouldn't want to go into details about his condition.
12:06Condition? Doctor-patient confidentiality. I'm sure you understand.
12:12Sure. But he is crazy. And he's gone missing. Why?
12:18Here. Try this.
12:25Ooh, it's good. Got a bite?
12:28It's called a sidecar. The trick is not to be afraid of the tartness of the lemon.
12:33Then for goodness sake, don't overdo the triple sec.
12:39Okay, what can you tell me about Jeremy?
12:42Ah, well, let me think.
12:46He is an anxious man, constantly worried about events not presenting themselves according to his model of predestination.
12:53He complains about things not being carried out in the right order, and that something simply shouldn't be.
13:00Is any of this helpful to you?
13:03Not really. I was hoping for some direction, where to look next.
13:07I'm sorry. I have nothing for you then.
13:11You should talk to my orderlies. They have been looking for him for a while now.
13:16I'm sure they would appreciate your help.
13:19Yeah, I ran into Batiste earlier. Come to think of it, he might have given me a lead.
13:25Oh, excellent. So your investigation is already underway.
13:30I'm gonna go, but I'm sure we'll meet again.
13:34Looking forward to it. Safe returns.
13:57Detective Carnby, how did you... where did you go?
14:03I was just talking to Dr. Gray.
14:05You disappeared.
14:07No, it's not what you think. Have you... have you found anything strange going on here?
14:13Yes. Everyone is being incredibly evasive, and I can't figure out why.
14:18No, I mean something you can't explain. Paranormal, even.
14:25Detective, I really need you to get yourself together. I can't do this alone.
14:29Forget it. I'll figure it out.
14:35Do you want to come see Dr. Gray?
14:37No. I want to try something with his talisman. I think I can follow Jeremy to the place he mentioned in the book.
14:43What was the name? Do you remember something Spanish?
14:47Yeah, that's where I need to go.
14:50Detective, are you gonna be alright?
14:54Yeah, of course. Go talk to Dr. Gray. We'll rendezvous later.
15:06Sorry, Detective. Didn't mean to obstruct justice or anything.
15:14That's fine.
15:15You know, I'm kind of busy with my own case of a missing person. I was wondering if you've seen Grace, the girl by Yehi?
15:24Can't say that I have.
15:26Why are you asking?
15:27I'm looking for her.
15:29Is she in trouble?
15:30No, no, no, no. She's just hiding somewhere. We can't have a rascal like that running around unchecked at a time like this, you understand?
15:40Well, I haven't seen her.
15:41Well, let me know if you find her. I'll be around.
15:46I'll keep an eye out for your man, Jeremy.
15:51You scratch my back, Detective, and I'll scratch yours.
16:30What are you doing in my kitchen? I assure you.
16:42I'm sorry, I didn't-
16:43No, I promise you, Mr. Hartwood is nowhere near my kitchen and neither should you be.
16:47I didn't mean to-
16:48Don't make me kick you out of this house.
16:50Now get out!
17:00Get out!
17:30Don't come any closer. I'm armed.
17:43Get that thing out of my face.
17:45Who are you? And what are you doing here?
17:48I'm just a detective trying to find something called Tarawaya.
17:51You're after Jeremy too? Why?
17:55I'm working for his niece. She wants to make sure he's alright.
17:58He might be unharmed, but far from alright. He's a curse upon Desetto.
18:05Ah, here we go again.
18:26Oh, Christ in heaven.
18:51Detective Conbee. How good of you to come.
18:55Let me pour you a drink.
19:01What happened here? This place looks like it was hit by a bomb.
19:05Welcome to the Madhouse, Detective.
19:10Did the ceiling just collapse?
19:13I heard it was something in the attic. Something that was supposed to happen, but didn't.
19:19How that could have such consequences is beyond me.
19:25The truth is, I don't know why the room looks like this, but I bet your friend Jeremy does.
19:32You know where I could find him?
19:34Oh, somewhere in his past, I suppose. He keeps going on about that mysterious dark man.
19:42I think he is hiding from him. Or maybe he's with him. I can't really keep up.
19:52I don't worry much. Take a look around this room.
19:57You may think it looks spectacularly devastated, but I just think it's finally found its stride.
20:06It fits perfectly with the state of this place and its... loonies.
20:11The same goes for the nonsense with Jeremy.
20:14In my eyes, we've finally managed to match the wild ride inside all of us.
20:21Well, I'm happy you find the evening so harmonious.
20:24I hope you don't mind me setting things right. Jeremy's business, that is.
20:28This room looks beyond my capabilities.
20:31Good luck, detective. Hope to see you again soon.
20:36Yeah. Evening, miss.
21:01What do you got there? You drawing something?
21:27Nothing special. I'm just bored.
21:30Do I know you from somewhere?
21:33I remember you, Mr. Conbee.
21:36From where?
21:38Don't touch that.
21:41Cassandra wouldn't like it. She wouldn't like it at all.
21:45Do you know where she is?
21:47I'd rather not talk about it. It makes me upset. Besides, she'll be back after the Feast of St. John.
21:54You think?
21:56Yep. It's all on the page, Mr. Conbee.
22:01And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake.
22:05Some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
22:14All right.
22:17I'm gonna go now, if that's okay. I don't like to stay too long in the same place. Mr. McCoffey might find me.
22:28Does he mean to you?
22:30Not everyone needs to be saved, Mr. Conbee. You should know that by now.
22:55Please don't touch her.
23:03Jeremy, what are you doing here? Everyone's looking for you.
23:07I know. It's all a big mess. No one understands. I'm just trying to keep Eva with me. Just for a little while longer.
23:16You've got to come back with me. Your niece is waiting at Dorsetto.
23:20Emily? Why would you...
23:23My letter.
23:25I keep making it worse.
23:27What is going on, Jeremy? How is any of this happening?
23:31I made... I made a terrible promise with someone.
23:35The Dark Man. Who is he?
23:38No, no, no. Don't say his name. He can hear us. He's always listening.
23:50Jeremy, I need to understand what is going on.
23:55I promised him everything. When the sun rises, I'm chained in his sunken desert temple for an eternity.
24:07But at least the evil about to awaken in Dorsetto won't harm anyone outside of that gossip plane.
24:14You're acting crazy, Jeremy. I want to help.
24:18There's nothing you can do.
24:20Then what's all the business about Terrowea? Why did you want to go there?
24:23I can't go there. I'm not allowed.
24:26But you wanted to. Can I go? Tell me, will it help me to break your pact? Is there something there that would help?
24:36Why would you give me hope? That's so cruel.
24:40Okay, sounds like we're onto something here. What should I...
24:44Look out! Behind you!
24:47Run! Don't let it take you!
25:17I'm glad to see you made it. I had my doubts, but the hope you instilled has yet abandoned me.
25:39I guess this must be Terrowea. Who are you?
25:43My name is Juan Luis Jorge, and this is indeed the convent of Terrowea.
25:49You'll have to excuse me, but Jeremy never got your name.
25:54The name's Edward Carnby. I'm a private investigator. You're not a patient, are you?
25:59No. I'm the author of a book that Jeremy once found important.
26:04How does that work? Are you part of this memory as well? Is this even a memory?
26:09I think calling me a manifestation of Jeremy's subconscious would be more correct.
26:14And so is the convent of Terrowea. I'm a man Jeremy has never met, and we are in a place that he has never been.
26:22Okay. So you're here to guide me or something?
26:26I have no more purpose than you do. I simply am. I will happily help you, of course, if I'm able.
26:34If you're already somehow part of Jeremy, why did he want to come here? Isn't he sort of here already?
26:41Jeremy wanted to come here because it's a representation of his mind at peace.
26:46When Dr. Gray asks him to find his focus during his sessions, this far-flung convent is what Jeremy imagines.
26:54He is under the impression that if he could physically come here, he would reach a perfect equanimity, a spiritual apotheosis.
27:03I don't think it would work.
27:04Jeremy subconsciously knows it's just wishful thinking. He can't come here.
27:09Despite the pathways opened by the Dark Man between their settle and Jeremy's psyche, it's simply not possible.
27:17But I'm here.
27:18Indeed. It's a shame it's just another place for you, Detective. Otherwise, you could have become a Buddha.
27:27Always a bridesmaid, never a blushing bride. Am I right?
27:31Yes, I suppose so. You'll have to chase enlightenment elsewhere.
27:35So what's the next best thing? What can I do here?
27:39You should seek out the convent library and try to find the truth about Jeremy's relationship with the Dark Man.
27:46It's the sort of knowledge he represses and is unable to reflect on.
27:50Will it tell me how to break the pact?
27:52Perhaps. At least you'll have something to confront Jeremy with.
27:56Wait. Why can't you just tell me?
27:58I don't know such things. You'd be better off consulting the texts of Dr. Freud, if you want such answers.
28:05No thanks. I hate trinks.
28:08There is another thing you should know about the library. He is here as well.
28:16The Dark Man has been working his way through the texts for a long, long time.
28:21He's here? How am I supposed to get past him?
28:24Be careful, Detective.
28:27Oh, jeez. Just perfect.
28:49It was in the hot autumn that I went through the night with the restless crowds.
28:53He was a kind of itinerant showman who held forth in public halls and aroused widespread fear.
28:59The New Orleans address of the event is lost, but I remember distinctly the Prext shipping company pressing their contribution.
29:31What? What?
29:37I hope you found what you were looking for. I fear there is no good.
29:48I was so close. There must be something I can work with. Come on, Carmby. Think. Think!
29:58The shipping company. Prext. Right.
30:03Good luck, Detective.
30:20Well, thank God you're here, Detective. Sitting all alone in a place like this.
30:25I'd never live it down if the papers got wind of it.
30:31Hey. Ruth, right?
30:33Oh, don't pretend you don't know. I'm sure you have a whole file on me by now, Detective.
30:41I suppose we weren't formally introduced. I'm Ruth Talon. Miss Ruth Talon, in case you're wondering.
30:49Edward Carmby.
30:56You sure?
30:58I had too many already.
31:04Nice. It's good.
31:08I know. I have great taste, Detective.
31:14I heard you're trying to break Jeremy's promise to the Dark Man.
31:18Yeah. Do you know anything about that kind of stuff?
31:21No. But it makes you wonder. If he made a promise, can't he simply stand by his words?
31:34Look, I'm just trying to get Jeremy out of a bad deal, so he'll come back with us to New Orleans.
31:39Well, if all fails.
31:42What are you doing?
31:44It's a sign of submission to the Dark Man. I saw it in a dream once.
31:54You don't know the Prext shipping company by any chance?
31:58I do. They made big money during the war. Their waterfront office is just over there.
32:05How did you do that?
32:07Do what, Detective? Bonne chance.
32:13Hey, have you seen Emily Hartwood anywhere?
32:18Hey, have you seen Emily Hartwood anywhere?
32:21Are you trying to make me jealous, Detective? No, I haven't seen your doll anywhere.
32:48You want to tell me what this is all about?
32:51Welcome, Detective, to the greatest show this side of the Mississippi.
32:58Now the hotel, the Black Feral, the ancient magician who lived a thousand lives and wore a thousand masks.
33:09I can see why you settled on calling him the Dark Man. Saves your breath.
33:12I can see why you settled on calling him the Dark Man. Saves your breath.
33:18So, you got scared by a stage magician, and now he's living inside your head.
33:24You can mock me, Detective, but you would be the crazy one to think his presence can be ignored.
33:32Look where we are!
33:42We didn't get to finish our last conversation, did we? You were about to tell me how to break the contract with the Dark Man.
33:48No, we can't. If we try to lose on the world, so many innocent would die.
33:57But there is a way to break out of the deal.
34:01There is. He offered me a way out. Steps to take.
34:08What are they?
34:11You'll never find them. They're forever entombed in his sunken desert temple.
34:18Jeremy, I'm not your enemy. Tell me where to go. How do I find the temple?
34:23No, we can't. I have to make this sacrifice.
34:30God damn it, Jeremy. I'm gonna save you. Don't worry.
34:40Ah. Ah. Ah.
35:00Acknowledge psychological trauma, breakthrough barriers of self-deceit, temperamatic behavior.
35:07These are the Dark Man's tools. The contract.
35:37Hey. Hey, detective.
35:47What are you doing?
35:49I found something.
35:51Great. Was it alcohol?
35:54God, no. I just got the water.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:06The wind knocked out of me.
36:08I think I know how to break the contract with the Dark Man.
36:11What exactly does that mean?
36:13Everything going back to normal.
36:15All right. I found some more information on Dorsetto and the patients.
36:20There are some seriously strange things going on here.
36:23I'm pretty sure two of the patients are dead and maybe even the clerk.
36:27Oh, yeah. I kind of just gave up on worrying about that.
36:30Well, just keep your eyes open, I suppose.
36:33What were you doing again?
36:34Jeremy made a pact with the Dark Man to keep all the madness locked inside Dorsetto.
36:38All right.
36:40I'm going to break it. I just have to... Where is it? Where's the talisman?
36:44It's around your neck.
36:48I worry, detective.
36:50Don't. I'm fine.
36:52I worry that you're not much help on this case.
36:54At least you're a good distraction.
36:57Trust me. You're getting your money's worth.
37:00At this rate, I'm an absolute bargain.
37:31You don't need to know about all that.
37:38Just calm down. It ain't time yet.
37:41It hurts.
37:43As far as I can tell, Detective Convy seems to be solving problems, not causing them.
37:47Just be ready in case he starts anything.
38:01Detective Convy.
38:04Good to see you again.
38:06Solved your case yet?
38:08I'm trying.
38:10Hey, Grace. You okay?
38:12Oh, she is just peachy, detective.
38:16Are you looking forward to the Feast of St. John, Grace?
38:19I can't wait.
38:21Kids, ain't that great?
38:23What exactly are you planning for tonight?
38:26Oh, not much.
38:28We eat. We drink.
38:30We pay tribute to the wishing tree in the conservatory.
38:33The usual.
38:35Then why all the excitement?
38:38It's just something about tonight.
38:41Something that's different.
38:43I think we all feel it.
38:45Besides, we got ourselves some new words for the prayer, thanks to your buddy Jeremy.
38:51She'll come and turn the world inside out.
38:54And things will begin again.
38:55That sounds strangely threatening.
38:58You should come.
39:04God damn it, Grace. Stay put for once.
39:26We are here.
39:28We are prior.
39:30Are you ready to tell me what happened to you?
39:33A couple of ropes around my neck, and then I was strangled all the way from my body.
39:39Are you under any pressure, detective?
39:42Yes. No.
39:45I was supposed to die.
39:48What does that mean?
39:50That you were supposed to die.
39:53I'm the catalyst.
39:55I had to die to make the story real.
39:58That's what the story's really all about, isn't it, Jeremy?
40:02Thirty years ago, Frederic needed me to die.
40:06You're not making any sense, Jeremy.
40:11Find your focus.
40:14I cheated everyone.
40:16I didn't play my part.
40:19I escaped my doom.
40:20What does that mean?
40:22Again, find your focus.
40:25Hey, I'm right here. What the hell is going on?
40:27Everything is wrong. Nothing is in place.
40:30I'm right here!
40:32Calm down, Mr. Conbee. What do you want?
40:35Were you not talking to Jeremy right now?
40:40I haven't seen Jeremy all day.
40:43Are you all right, detective?
40:45No. Actually, I don't think so.
40:47I don't think so. Well, maybe.
40:50I'm gonna go look for Jeremy.
40:53Good. Let me know if you find him.
41:12I can't believe I didn't recognize you.
41:14I looked a little different back then, I suppose.
41:17Was any of this real?
41:19How do you mean?
41:21This day, just...
41:24So much is happening. I can't...
41:28I think I've lost my head.
41:34Do you need me to apologize?
41:38I mean...
41:39I mean...
41:43I am sorry.
41:47I don't think I need to begin to explain.
41:50You're just a kid, Grace. I'm really sorry.
41:52I didn't mean for it to happen.
41:54Lies. More lies.
41:57No, really.
41:59I thought I was being a good guy by handing you over to your mother.
42:01I didn't know. I couldn't have known that she wouldn't care about you.
42:10I don't know how this works.
42:12What is this for?
42:15Some form of admission of guilt.
42:19Maybe acceptance.
42:21That's what the Dark Man wants.
42:23I guess we just watch my father die again, then.
42:26You think he's alive?
42:28I know he is.
42:30He's down there, scared that he won't be able to get out.
42:33That he will drown with his daughter again.
42:35What are you saying?
42:37We gotta save him!
42:39Do it yourself. I'm down there with him, remember?
43:47My God, Carnby!
43:49Are you okay?
43:51Don't leave me alone.
43:53What the hell have you been doing?
43:55What's going on here?
43:57Look at this mess!
43:59I'm sorry, Mrs.
44:01Don't make me kick you out of this house! Now get out!
44:10Hey, Detective.
44:12Mr. Carnby.
44:14I'm really worried about you.
44:16I'm okay.
44:18I just need to catch my breath for a moment.
44:22This place...
44:26There are some very disturbed figures around here.
44:29And I don't think it's just the patients.
44:31I've been reading some things about how Grisetto has a deranging effect on people.
44:36I think it might explain...
44:41Just take it easy, okay?
44:43I'm gonna go find a way into Dr. Gray's apartment.
44:45I wanna know what he's hiding.
44:48Emily, don't worry.
44:50I think I'm close.
44:51I'm gonna set everything right.
44:53Just be careful.
45:04Am I glad to see you.
45:05Lock the door, will you?
45:06I don't think Dr. Gray would appreciate us snooping around.
45:10What's going on here?
45:12This feels so strange.
45:27Have you found anything?
45:31Yeah, I've seen some...
45:35Let me know if there is anything you want to talk about.
45:46You don't find this place...
45:51Drisetto is certainly one of the stranger places I've been to.
46:07Detective Convy?
46:09Who is this?
46:12Jeremy is with the Darkman.
46:15You can't save him.
46:18Well, I've done everything you wanted so far, and there's just one more thing on the list.
46:22I expect him to keep his promise and return Jeremy unharmed.
46:27Get out, detective.
46:29While you still can.
46:31Get out, detective.
46:33While you still can.
48:00No, Jeremy.
48:13I did everything.
48:15Aren't you happy?
48:17Stupid charlatan.
48:19What more do you want from me?
48:21You want me to lose my mind?
48:24Home alone!
48:35What were you thinking, compadre?
49:02You're awake?
49:04You are awake.
49:07Mr. Convy's up.
49:09Hey, buddy.
49:11I thought you'd be knocked out for the rest of the night.
49:14Come on out and join us, will you?
49:16I'll save you some gumbo.
49:19Good to have you back.
49:21You gave us all a good scare.
49:23I'm glad you're all right.
49:25I'm glad you're all right.
49:27I'm glad you're all right.
49:29I'm glad you're all right.
49:30I'm glad you're all right.
49:32I'm glad you're all right.
49:34What happened?
49:36You had a sucker last night.
49:38Well, if it isn't the hero of the day.
49:40How are you feeling, detective?
49:42Never better.
49:44How about you two?
49:46Hey, Jeremy, I didn't do too much damage, did I?
49:51Things are fine.
49:53Very quiet.
49:56What's up with him?
50:00Despite you having the finesse of a one-eyed butcher, you managed to lobotomize dear Jeremy.
50:07I did what?
50:09It's actually quite impressive. It's not like I hadn't considered it myself.
50:13I just wish Jeremy could have been helped without reducing his personality to that of an oyster.
50:19But... he's gonna live.
50:22Of course. As long as someone keeps feeding him, he'll outlive the best of us.
50:31Does she still want to take Jeremy away from Dorsetto?
50:35I will have to insist that you do. This is not that kind of institution.
50:44Jeremy, hang on for a little longer, okay? We'll be going back to New Orleans soon.
50:50Oh, good. I do so miss the city lights.
51:00That is one impressive tree.
51:03More impressive than you could ever imagine.
51:13So how does this all work? You dance around chanting? For the ritual, I mean?
51:19Stay and find out, detective. It might just do you good.
51:24You haven't seen Emily, have you?
51:27No, detective. I haven't.
51:40Hey, kid. What are you up to?
51:43Preparing for the ceremony. I don't want to disappoint Mother.
51:48What's your part in this?
51:50I'm the cabaret saint, Korn. It's very important. Only I can settle our debt.
52:02You know, I had my doubts, but you are in the right place, Grace.
52:07I think you might be right... for once.
52:10Everyone knows what to do. Y'all know the new words.
52:13Mrs. Thompson, we talked about this. I'm not sure everyone is comfortable...
52:19Doctor, I insist. This is important. We've waited for so long, Doctor.
52:25Let's just go with the old song. Not every change is an improvement.
52:29Boss, this is not a good idea.
52:32I don't know what you're talking about.
52:35Come on, Doctor. Let's just go with the old song. Not every change is an improvement.
52:40Boss, good or bad, we need to move forward.
52:43All in, Doc. Let's bet it all.
52:46But we don't know what we're dealing with.
52:48It'll be okay, Doctor. Better even.
52:53The Black Goat of the Woods
53:02Ever there praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods!
53:07Hear us, brother, and take pity on us! Take pity on us!
53:12Ever there praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods!
53:17Ever there praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods!
53:22Hear us, brother, and take pity on us! Take pity on us!
53:27Ever there praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods!
53:32Hear us, brother, and take pity on us!
53:37Accept our sacrifice!
53:43Are you crazy?
54:02Detective, get my uncle out of here.
54:06Jeremy, come with me! Get over here!
54:14Jeremy, come with me! Jeremy, come here!
54:19No! There has to be another way!
54:23We're doomed!
54:36Oh, come on!
55:05The Black Goat of the Woods
55:36What the hell was that?
55:39I tried to tell you. There was so much evidence.
55:42Their devotion to the Black Goat was like nothing I've ever seen before.
55:46I felt so dumb believing any of it, but I'm glad I did.
55:51Are you okay?
55:54Everything is out of order.
55:56I don't know what's going on.
55:58I don't know what's going on.
56:00I don't know what's going on.
56:03Everything is out of order.
56:05This isn't the way the story goes.
56:08I shouldn't be alive.
56:11Yeah, well, you're welcome, buddy.
56:17How are you doing, sweetie?
56:21I kind of like it. You ruined everything, but I'm not mad.
56:33All right, you ready to head back to New Orleans?
56:36Come on, Jeremy. We're leaving.
56:39Can I come?
56:41I thought you said you didn't need saving.
56:44Don't leave her. She's important.
56:47Of course we're taking her with us.
57:02I'm sorry.
57:32They want accountability. They want the credibility.
57:34Convincingly unwilling to put in the f***ing hours.
57:37It takes to get some power. Throw me f***ing sour.
57:40Take a cold shower. Scream until you're louder.
57:43Work until you're prouder. And f*** all the doubters.
57:46They're just young downers.
57:48I swear to God they don't let me down.
57:51I always fought just to wear the crown.
57:54I'm f***ed off at these f***ing clowns.
57:57Hoover up top, they deserve an ounce.
58:00It's only worth it if you work for it.
58:02It's only worth it if you work for it.
58:05I won't stop till they hear me now.
58:08I won't stop till I wear the crown.