
  • 3 months ago


00:00What's up Wolfpack Fam it's your boy Kid back at it again
00:13Hope you're doing well continuing my journey of men behaving badly with my boys Gary and Tony and
00:19We'll see what adventures lie on this week's episode
00:21I got to stay tuned to find out though ladies and gentlemen if you are new or recurrent ladies and gentlemen
00:27I gotta say something. Okay. Hold on a second before we start this thing snacks. It's not included. Damn it
00:31You got to bring your own. Don't forget to Like comment subscribe
00:34It is absolutely free to do shout out to the patch as well links are in the description section
00:38If you're curious for all that that is just another way of helping out the channel
00:41And you can also help out the channel simply by just liking and commenting and subscribing. So let's get this journey started
00:47I want to see what's happening on today's episode
00:50Freaking go snacks not included. Damn it. Bring your own man. Let's get it
01:55Is it me or is it a little bit smoky in there
01:59Okay, have you noticed when you fry things some things go all stiff and some things go all floppy
02:08Whereas when you freeze things they all go stiff
02:13And if you leave things out in a room like bread that goes stiff, too
02:19stiffness interesting
02:22Did you have that chin yesterday, huh?
02:25Sorry, I'm not being rude, but you do seem to be becoming a little bit roly-poly
02:30A touch of the podge Meister a bit of a fatster
02:38Bad news dear mr. Strang
02:41Unfortunately, I into a heavy work schedule. My client Kylie Minogue is unable to meet you and your friend Tony for a doughnut
02:55Oh my god extra flavor
03:02You know, you always said you only had a couple hundred pound yeah, well don't get me wrong mate, but you're a bit of a lying bastard, aren't you?
03:22Gary you know, you always said you only had a couple hundred pound. Yeah. Well, don't get me wrong mate
03:27But you're a bit of a lying bastard, aren't you?
03:32That is private
03:3533,000 pounds from I've been thrifty
03:39So have I how come I've only got six pound forty
03:43Well, that's a nice little nest egg, isn't it? No, it isn't. I'm on thirty three thousand pounds like you
03:51Want to be able to walk into a shop feeling like a king
03:56I've had a steady job for 15 years Tony. How many jobs have you had in that time?
04:03Experience than you at jobs. I should be getting paid more and my auntie left me some but well, you see that's not fair
04:11When people die, they should leave their money to the poor and needy people like me
04:15You don't even know where the next pair of pants is coming from
04:25And don't tell Dorothy I've got any money in the bank
04:28Why not because I wanted to keep taking me as I am just a really nice simple bloke simple
04:44Eating a lot. I think you're putting a weight
04:50What he said he's just got pudgy bones I've just got pudgy bones
04:57Yeah, I am not so that'll be 14 pounds rent, please
05:04That's 14 more pounds for me. I'll just put that with the rest of my money over here
05:13Game ruins friendships
05:28Six pounds, please
05:31That's all right, I can pay that out of the 14 pounds I've just won leaving me eight pounds spending money
05:39You really are looking a bit chubby no, it's the light in here we all look fat
05:47If Kate Moss was playing with us right now, we'd be saying come on, it's your go fatty Moss
05:52Roll the dice with your chubby fingers. Try not to knock anything over with your chunky great arms
05:58Now well, I was it now in the Monopoly game. Oh, I hate this game
06:03Why it's so mean-spirited isn't I'm in the object is to make everybody else bankrupt. Oh
06:11Think it'd be good if there was a game where the winner would say the person who helped the most old ladies across the street
06:16Or what gave the most money to charity?
06:27Much of your thirty three thousand pounds. Are you going to give?
06:33That's private
06:36Only told Dorothy snitch me and Deb's great and everyone at the corner shop. They all seemed interested
06:45We think it's great that you've got money we just think you could spend it a little more
06:50Creatively. Yeah, I spend literally thousands of pounds of cash every week
06:57You got no car. No hobbies. You've got no other friends to spend your money on I got Clive
07:05Clive isn't a friend. He's a worm
07:10You cut your own hair you buy all your clothes at Tim's trouser warehouse
07:16You buy five pairs of socks for a pound. You've never bought any nice things. I
07:21Bet Terry wait spent more than you in his hostage years
07:25My nice things
07:27Like the lager jam you sent away for that sort of thing. I've never seen you give any money to charity
07:32Wow, let's be honest two of us actually does
07:41Well, you bought a poppy in 1989. You make me iron it every year
07:47What Tony's my charity isn't he never pays me any rent? I'm wanting a one-man shelter group here
07:52I could get a grant from the council for my work with Tony
07:58I'll give some money to charity right bloody now
08:03Yeah, Gary you have some rent in your dreams chunky
08:10See what they're trying to raise money for new operating tables at the hospital
08:14I've got a form here. All you've got to do is fill in your credit card details fine
08:19How much you gonna give oh, let's not muck about I reckon I could stretch to a whole table how much they cost these days
08:255,000 pounds
08:32Well, why don't we just give him our table
08:36No, no, these are special adjustable tables, yeah, that's adjustable you just got to put a phone book under one of the legs
08:42It's it's not very interesting is it really an operating table why don't I just give him a big bag of cotton balls or something
08:50Don't want to give any of your money to help you fill it in put what you like
09:01I don't trust her
09:06Thanks, so what did you put down?
09:10Five thousand pounds you said that'd be fine. Is it? All right? It's fine fine
09:14So I'll see they get this first thing tomorrow morning then yep
09:20Oh boy
09:55It all white out five hundred fifty five
10:30What are you doing in my bag
10:34I think you'd feel a lot more relaxed if you didn't have my rape alarm in your mouth
10:42You rest on a bit love I'll take this in the other room and quiet it down now
10:55Thanks for the money Gary it'll make you feel good about yourself. Yeah
11:03Don't speak to the manager of credit card payments, please. Yes, I'll hold oh
11:08It's always bloody green sleeves, isn't it?
11:11Yes, bloody green sleeves
11:14What is?
11:16When they put you on hold
11:18Banks, they make two billion pounds a minute you think they could splash out in a bit of Pavarotti
11:22But I'll know they'd rather get some tone-deaf eight-year-old shut in a small room with a crappy little electric organ
11:28And you've got something on your mind flexible bloody friend mine knob
11:34Hello, yes, I I recently filled in one of your lovely forms to make a charitable donation, which is very me
11:41I just wondered if I might make a slight alteration to the amount
11:46Why not?
11:48Well, it wasn't my fault. My secretary did it. Yes, I probably will be sacking her actually
11:59It's all right
12:02Are you honestly saying oh you are
12:06Right. Well, look listen, why don't we settle this quietly? I'll bung you half a monkey
12:09You get yourself a nice frock or something not happy doing that. Okay. Okay fine. Yep. Bye. Bye
12:15What's the matter nothing is personal is it connected with the 33,000 pounds you've got lying around your bank
12:24Tony rang us
12:27Yes, yes, I'll hold oh what a surprise green sleeves what a musical bloody treat
12:37Sorry is my head swiveling or something
12:40You said you had to have a bigger pay rise than us because you didn't have any money
12:43You said you were gonna have to take a part-time job as a nanny to make ends meet
12:49Yes, hello, I'd like to report a stolen credit card, please I need to stop all payments immediately
12:55She's gone to get a form
12:57You didn't buy us Christmas presents because you said you needed the money to buy a loaf of bread for Christmas Day
13:03And a sausage for Boxing Day
13:05Rick yes. Well, I was lying
13:09Yes, the name's Gary Strang
13:11Now, I don't know exactly how it went missing
13:13But I did brush against a nurse outside the local hospital and I think my wallet may have gone missing then
13:19Yep, but five foot two
13:21dark hair
13:37Fuck is that?
14:16Did not
14:23Oh, yeah, I
14:27Wanted to apologize for going on yesterday about you putting on weight
14:31it's horrible when men do it to women and
14:35Well, I shouldn't
14:38Don't worry about me. I'm just doing a bit of fine-tuning to me muscles, you know
14:46Where did you get it from Oh Ken the landlord down at the crown
14:50Do you know when he was at school they used to call him fat Ken
14:54No wonder people spend their lives feeling obsessed about their weight kids can be so cruel. No, this was the teachers
15:04But it was good because another really fat kid called Ken joined the school
15:09So Ken became known as not as fat as really fat Ken Ken
15:16Quite a range the hip thigh and ass diet
15:22It's like the hip and thigh diet and it's more about
15:26That is a feminist issue
15:29Hey lardy the new lads
15:33I'm not on a diet Ken left me by mistake. He's been on this binge diet cycle for years
15:39Mainly binge, you know just wanted me to show him some exercises, you know to sort of firm him up
15:46Oh my god
15:49Tony why don't you admit you're on a diet? I think more of you to be honest. I'm on a diet
15:57So ashamed about admitting it
16:00Thanks for girls. What?
16:02Girls, they're not
16:05Where do you find you put the weight on it's just here on me, Tony
16:09It's hard to shift, isn't it? Yeah problem areas
16:12You know with me it goes straight to my bottom
16:19We I
16:21Only put weight on because I'm trying to live
16:25To an impossible role model imposed on a society geared blindly to youthfulness
16:30So it's nothing to do with a big greasy breakfast then
16:35So if I lose me good will you sleep with me
16:39No, Tony be a really good incentive for me
16:43Go on top and everything
16:46Makes no difference killing me man, okay
16:50So which diet you're gonna go on?
16:52Well, I was thinking about the cod liver oil diet, but I just realized that well that would make me vomit
16:58So I thought I'd try that one
17:01The lager diet
17:04Rise, you know Tony having one thing in your diet really isn't very healthy. Yeah. I know it's okay because you're allowed to smoke as well
17:20There no expense
17:31Tony are you sure that you don't want some? Yeah. Yeah
17:36How's your diet going mate? It's brilliant. You know, I really don't feel hungry at all
17:43So, um, how long has it been Tony
17:48One hour 18 minutes
17:53You've got a little bit of dribble coming out of here
17:58Look if it doesn't work, I'm sure Gary would be glad to pay for you to go to a health farm out of his vast
18:03personal fortune
18:06Yeah, well I was thinking that you could buy me a van like the one I used to have you know
18:11Only this one wouldn't explode so much
18:14Or an enormous drum. I've always wanted an enormous drum to hit
18:21Who told you
18:24No, I won't buy you anything
18:29Um Gary guess who I got a phone call from this afternoon
18:35the actor Christopher Timothy
18:41The police
18:44The pop group
18:47Know the law enforcement group, right?
18:51They told me that you'd rang them and said that I'd stolen your credit card
18:55No, no, no, no what I actually said was that I've got
18:59Here's your checkbook
19:01Write a check for 5,000 pounds, please
19:04And if I don't you'll never never have sex with you again, that's right
19:10Please don't 5,000
19:22Gary do you want to buy Clive a dog?
19:26No, it doesn't
19:29Thank you, so that's the name you're going under these days is it Zsa Zsa Gabor
19:41He's fucked
19:46That's intimidating
19:48To that cardigan deliberately
19:53Strang no, you cannot have any money. I've told you and the same goes for dad
20:08Yes, I've had a request from my friend who runs the dorking ramblers
20:13She says the society is going to go under unless they have some funds
20:17Immediately no, am I so horrible that that's all I mean to people now just a walking wallet. Yes
20:24It's still the same old Gary the same old cheery anecdotes the same old smiley personality
20:33You cannot have a dinghy
20:36Yes, Marjorie knows an elderly lady whose fence
20:44Enough of this
20:57Very hungry
21:07Must be strong
21:17Oh my god
21:28Fatty sure, it's gonna make a massive difference
22:46What else what else
23:46Think through that slice out
24:07I'll spend all my money. Well done me. No, you just like me again. Yeah
24:23Dorothy come downstairs. I want something to show you
24:28Now it's got nothing to do with my genitals this time it's like for you and Deborah
24:45Need your money's left then no mate, it's all gone because when all is said and done what does money get you actually
24:53actually a
24:54Good time personal dignity mobility and lots of shallow but attractive young chicks
25:01There is that
25:03Hello girls
25:05I've spent all my money. Wait, you see what I've got you. I
25:09Can see you're on the bits of stale pizza diet
25:14These were really expensive
25:19And as one for you
25:22And as one for my mate
25:25I'm fake presumably. No, they've all got certificates and you got an extra one for being my
25:36Now go on it's not an easy job, I know that
25:43Feel terrible now
25:45well, you spent 15 years in a job you hate and
25:49Saved up all your money and now
25:52Well, I've spent it all now
25:54You never get the balance quite, right? Do you?
26:05Yeah three Oh chance I'm nervous
26:19It's not just for Monopoly or does it work in real life too
26:23It's just monopoly
26:29You see
26:31The thing about the human body is as we know is that it is a temple. Yeah
26:39It's just that my temple seems to have grown into a slightly larger temple
26:45with a big wobbly dome
26:49Always learn nonsense talked about fat in there
26:52I mean nobody ever went up to Winston Churchill and said a Winnie
26:57You can't lead Great Britain into victory in the Second World War because you're a bit of a chubber
27:04Excuse me, mr. Meatloaf. You seem to be carrying a few extra pounds around
27:09I'm afraid you can make no more hit records until you can squeeze into some smaller denim
27:13Do you want another oyster? Oh, thanks mate. I disagree with me. No, we don't
27:53What's it like to be poor then
27:56You know a good thing about giving five grand to the hospital is I've done my bit and I owe me own operating table
28:05So I could be sat in a pub with my mates like I said, well, let's go sit around my operating table
28:11We'll all go around and and all the physicians over there in the middle of an operation a head operation
28:17Yeah, or an operation to remove an unexplained vegetable from a human aperture. Yeah
28:25Excuse me, man
28:26My mates want to sit around me operating table and have a nice chat and all the medical people would leave
28:35Thanks for me watch mate, I'm really touched you're making me blush
28:42They are all fakes though, aren't they? Of course they are
28:47How did you tell oh mine's going backwards
28:52Yeah, some pick yourself another
28:56Have this one. This one's good because this one has got 21 jewels. Huh? What's that for then? No idea
29:04So you've got almost all your money left over then yeah
29:14How many?
29:15Standard cans of lager would that buy that in the offy if you think I'm gonna fritter away my hard-earned about
29:29I'll pick some up in the morning
30:02Dope episode man, Gary got his watch is probably from Del Boy. Ladies and gentlemen, we got to talk about it
30:09Hold on a second. Give me a minute. Thank you guys if you made it this far. This was a
30:13amazing episode
30:15Ladies and gentlemen, probably the only thing disappointing about this episode was that Kylie Minogue is not gonna meet these guys for a fucking donut
30:23God, damn it. Kylie. God damn it. Kyle. I blame their whatever a freaking agent was whoever the hell that was shit
30:30dope episode
30:32From start to finish man a lot of crazy things happening on this episode, but boy my boy
30:39Packing a few pounds and shit and you know
30:43Everyone who gains weight it definitely goes to different places you got Deb showing her goods
30:49where the you know the pounds go to it's definitely in the right spot and
30:54You got Tony that you know, it's going in the tummy right there and that shit was looking
31:00I'm sorry guys
31:01It was making me laugh because I felt like I was watching almost a scene from
31:04Aliens and some shit cuz that shit was looking like that was going to burst and just pop out
31:10You know one of these xenomorphs or some shit. So I'm staring at that shit Tony
31:17Absolutely stellar performances brilliant performances by these guys man. These guys are so damn funny. Um, you know, listen Gary
31:27On the record, you know, we love the dude. He's so funny, but he is two things. Okay
31:33My man, this is definitely a fucking liar in countless instances countless occasions and two
31:39He definitely comes off as a cheapskate, you know
31:42He has that quality there and boy, you know with all the lies that he has done man
31:48And you progressively seen, you know, George and Anthea, you know looking kind of bummy
31:54You know holes in there, you know cardigans or their sweaters and you know, you feel bad for them
32:00I almost nearly felt so bad in the moment when
32:04Gary's calling essentially, I guess the credit card place to report that it's stolen and
32:11He's like, yeah, I got a fire my you know, my secretary and she's like, oh no
32:18For her man, I love Georgia and at the event they crack me up
32:22But yeah, I like that they stick together and you need to stick together
32:26When you're dealing with someone like Gary man, you know, cuz I got it best character
32:31But he is a prick in a lot of instances, you know
32:34I've said it thousands of times probably prick and he's so fucking funny man. This show is great
32:40but yeah seeing Gary be a cheapskate essentially and
32:46You know that when Dorothy's putting the pressure to put you know to you know, fill it in
32:53You know
32:53She's putting the top amount there and you just see the worry and Gary's face the concern and shit
33:00You knew you felt like man. He's gonna go through some crazy extreme lengths to
33:06Get out of that scenario there and he did not disappoint there man, but man great episode
33:14Tony with the workout regimen there. Oh, no
33:19Just absolutely funny, you know him going back and forth throughout the room
33:24You know grabbing on to try to do a pull-up and you know breaking half the place and stuff
33:30You know checking his tummy
33:32Man, these guys I'm sorry. Did Deborah Deborah and Gary actually even
33:39Even Dorothy made notice of him kind of getting a little bit chubby man. It's poking at him
33:45You know and it was I felt bad for him and stuff like that
33:49Listen, we all go through phases you pick up a couple pounds. It's happened to me on vacations
33:53I feel like that, you know, it's natural you go on vacation
33:56You might gain a couple of pounds and you gotta work that shit off
33:59You know, you're looking at your stomach and you're like damn man. So I listen totally relatable, you know
34:06a couple of years back now was probably at some of my heaviest and you know over the course of time had to
34:13Do what this guy was afraid to say back for girls, you know, he was like right for girls
34:19You know, he was so afraid to say it
34:23Sometimes you got to take matters into your own hands and stuff and you know
34:27You have to do some drastic changes. Nothing happens without a drastic change there that pizza bit eating that pizza
34:34I don't know what the time frame is because I mean like to me the way I look at it
34:38Well, they just had pizza the other day that shit is can't be that bad the next day
34:43I've had frozen pizza the next day from a fridge and shit, but I guess the extra stuff that's on top of it
34:49You know, listen, he was defeated, you know to hold out however long it was an hour or whatever
34:57Struggling struggle is real man. The struggle is real so
35:02Joyable episode
35:03You know lovable funny moments again, you know this whole bit with Gary going through these extreme lengths and then you feel a little bit
35:12gutted, you know for auntie and George because you we get that glimpse of how many instances he has
35:20Complained about you know, he's not doesn't have any money, right?
35:24He's making up all these crazy fucking lies for them
35:27How long that shit's been going on since he's been working for quite some time there
35:31but man when Tony
35:33Looked at that money man, and you could see the cha-ching
35:36It's crazy though, because when you have a lot of money, everybody's coming out of the woodworks
35:42Asking you hey, you know, I got this new project. I'm doing here
35:46I got this new startup business or or you know, I need this thing
35:50Everybody starts coming out when they know you got something. So just seeing everybody I think was Clive on the phone asking
35:57He needs you know, this this and that you know was funny then his parents his mom and dad
36:04So typical Gary love his character, this was a stellar episode. Um, I was a little
36:13With the was it the oyster bit? That's just I'm not a fan of that type of shit
36:18So I got a little grossed out and shit if there's any
36:22Significant extra meaning behind why they were cracking the hell up in that moment
36:27Please fill me in if there's just oysters some shit to it. Just let me know in the comments down below, but regardless
36:34fab episode
36:36amazing series plenty of laughs
36:39Great characters, you know the list goes on and on memorable moments here, and I feel like this was another banger episode
36:46I won't say with this monopoly shit, man
36:48I said it before because other shows have had monopoly in and that shit ruins friendships
36:54Okay, people take that game way too
36:57Serious, there's you know them playing a little bit on that, you know having a drink on the side there. What's cool, man?
37:04We love these guys relationship and Gary buying these watches again. He got that shit probably from Del Boy
37:10You know Del Boy gave him the hookup. He got a lot of watches there
37:14Tony you want a different one you got the 27 shit, whatever the fuck that shit was funny as hell
37:19Oh, yeah, that's it ladies and gentlemen enough of my yapping. I still love this show. I'm happy to be watching the show I
37:26Thank the community every freaking day that you guys suggest shows for me sketches music etc, etc
37:33Thanks so much. You know we can't get to everything
37:37In a quick manner you know shows take time, but you know I just thank you for guys for accompanying me on my journey
37:42I appreciate those that like and comment and subscribe
37:46You know turn on that notification, but all those things are above and beyond
37:50And absolutely free to do tell your friends share it whatever you want to do
37:55Thank you so much and also shout out to the patrons as well. Thanks for your support links are always in the description section
38:00That's another way of helping out the channel. We will see you on the next one more men behaving badly
38:05Adventures coming your way man. Oh man Gary and Tony man
38:10Hell of a job on this episode let me know your thoughts in the comments down below
38:13Have a great rest of your day, and thanks for kicking it. See you soon peace