• 5 months ago


00:00what's up wolfpack fam it's your boy kid back at it again hope you're doing well
00:14continuing my journey of people just do nothing with my boy grinding beats what
00:18shenanigans what adventures lie on this week's episode I got a stay tuned to
00:23find out but ladies and gentlemen snacks it's not included damn it you got to get
00:27your own go get up if you fancy a cuppa go get your cuppa you know you want some
00:32coffee whatever you need to kick it with me yeah let's do this okay ladies and
00:38gentlemen I'm ready I'm amped up I'm always hyped to see another episode so
00:41let's get this party started let's get it snacks not included let's freakin go
00:48listen you could go get a cowboy builder yeah yeah come and just completely mess
00:52it up I know how to soundproof you know I'd rather get used to it for free there
00:55we go you get what you pay for exactly that literally cost hundreds of pounds
00:59right there we go use some of this is very good for soundproofing looks like
01:03candy floss isn't it there we go perfect is that new is that no it's really old
01:08I found it in some bins but it's still good can you believe you threw this out
01:10yeah it smells kind of mad though yeah it'll dry out and it'll be fine right
01:14there we go so what does corrupt need you know we need a full studio rewamp
01:19you know called FM they had the dream studio for us it was a bit quite high
01:25tech but now we're going one better we're taking corrupted to the future
01:29let's be careful it's quite toxic this thing yeah this is really going on my
01:34throat hmm like my eyes thing there we go don't worry about lovely oh that's
01:40it Andy Peters together it's looking sick in
01:45it's like nobody about it you sure you want this one yeah the big one yeah the
01:54big one yeah Oh taking the telly with him what are we gonna watch I think
02:03that's pretty much it yeah Craig it's gonna say goodbye to your room or now
02:08let's just go yeah yeah okay being brave give me a hug at least
02:13because we're not gonna see you for three years that way serious are you
02:16dumb I'm not just staying there for you I nearly shat myself so much yeah so
02:28much yeah I mean I've had him for a bit longer so I'm more ready for him to go
02:35yeah I haven't had him for enough he's taken before we really had our our time
02:39in it he's not dying come Craig sir crack on we need to get on the m25 for
02:46traffic starts building up I'm not going the m25 I was it what route we
02:50going then can we stop at services I love services
02:53they're like 45 minutes for it hey bye you're going let's go did you bring
03:03crisps just show me the new roundhouse kitchen come on then we need to go
03:17baby just showing us well she's showing us karate are you giving her a lift
03:26oh yeah oh great so I got a walk to work well you can take him if you want
03:30I'm banned from driving what you don't even have a license okay so you can
03:35drive a car without a license can you dig well no no well I'm banned from
03:38driving then what do you want to talk to me about anyway because you put me in a
03:42foul mode all right no we can just talk about later yeah and I've got to pick
03:50the right time to tell him because I know he's not gonna be happy about the
03:52move just got to do it so gently just sort of like one word at a time sort of
03:57thing let him take it all in and slowly and then you know because it takes me
04:00while to realize what's going on and then once he does he will kick off I'm
04:04going back to bed then see you in a bit yeah all right shall we do it yes yes
04:15all right there we go but in there you're gonna finish the wall as well
04:22today you're gonna finish the wall the wall yeah that's done mate it's
04:28beautiful yeah plug that in right it's been installed yeah I'll come to the
04:35world wide web world internet internet welcome to the internet yeah okay first
04:43thing we need to do is to create a password okay so create a way just say
04:49any word basically okay all right sick
04:57can be anything I know this choice now in it like any word corrupt FM all one
05:09word uh that's three words in it fuck um that's a drawing board what about just
05:18corrupt corrupt yeah yes bang that in oh it says it needs a number fuck's
05:25sake um like literally any I know Shep's Lee but not many words have numbers
05:49ain't you ain't you coming you notice that Carly think she's above you what
05:55I'm just saying she thinks she's better than you she's in the car and stuff and
06:00you know now she's just walking off without you hmm it's just something to
06:05think about all right yes we can hear you Carly you don't need to shout yeah I
06:13think angel be right about the move I mean she'll miss her little friends from
06:16school or whatever which I'm thinking about you know it's a good mom so what
06:20I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sabotage our friendships as much as possible
06:25Carly can you stop that please you actually put the age at risk by making a
06:29do karate when she's not properly warmed up kind of friend does that angel hmm
06:34this is actually what I mean
06:37oh are you ready for this yeah a proper proper change okay you're gonna love it
06:50ready yeah what's that green shit green screen
07:02okay I'll get it now Hollywood movie sort of shit yeah I'm the main actor
07:07exactly yeah we check this out look at the laptop yeah there's more and because
07:10it's green screen I can change this to any background I want to jump in this is
07:14the future sexy Sunset it's going for a walk it's really hot here the future of
07:23radio is connecting with the people through internet but everyone in the
07:30world is watching this right now really it's a broadcasting world jump on jump
07:34on sometimes it's good to keep up with the time so more people could hear you
07:38you know I mean let more people in on my talent fags oh this is fucking sick
07:47you need Center Park all this lecture stuff so bollocks in it really it's just
07:57a front cover up what really goes down just bear sex really I'd love to stay
08:05and watch you smash bear brads whoa Oh Kevin really wanted to go off at
08:10university I think it's a bit of a rites of passage thing as a stepdad you know
08:15the only thing is he hasn't got a car so he's just getting driven to a gun by
08:19Craig and then he's getting the train back by himself oh before we go and let
08:24me give you these just so they don't embarrass you
08:27check these out condoms they're your mom's favorite yeah I don't go bareback
08:38anymore after the whole Robin incident
08:44I've got shower gel yeah is that this yeah mint and tea tree good still Joe in
08:50it yeah I'll be right we've been told I got a face for a joke now finally
08:59everyone's gonna say lucky them I what I'm coming in boys I see give me a
09:05countdown give me a count that three two one
09:13it's the same grinder here to get you I'm push up and push up your lights are
09:19calling beginning I'll be the bad boy fighter and it's the same grinder
09:24suppose the mic and the lights are lyrically I'll get your iPod you looked
09:28into the sounds and the sights of the legendary corrupt FM 108.9 I listen boys
09:33right now 14 people are watching across the globe
09:38mind blowing double figures at least there's probably people in the room with
09:41them as well so we're looking at triple 17 18 only 20s I've got you lying out
09:46like a fish tank yeah yeah so it's like see everywhere fish everywhere I'm on
09:53the water yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got some I got some towel blocks
10:01gangster I've got sick have a look have a look that's what you're doing that's our
10:07blocking fight all right okay I've got lots of stuff here to scroll through I
10:10got beach stock image read man
10:40I mean dress up as well you know yeah oh well this is our dress up sometimes a
10:45sexy kebab shop man who gives you food poisoning and must be part of the Uber
10:49driver oh yeah Uber driver with a low rating who takes wrong turn and he must
10:52also be punished a legal immigrant who gets caught and he needs to be punished
10:58yeah basically always ends up with me having very painful punishment sex
11:10that's fine you know maybe just don't bring it to work please stay in your
11:15little cages oh wow so this is your floor yeah I'll see you there oh wow
11:30yeah this is it's a bit of you this in it bigger than y'all nice I just bring
11:39the milkshake stuff yeah yeah still bulking what course you going leisure
11:44and tourism sick what's that like how to chill out on holiday properly yeah well
11:49if it was that it'd be fine on this it's really nice to see him take a bit of
11:55responsibility for himself pretty good do you want to try going away getting a
12:03job eventually well yeah he's growing up it's been a beautiful thing watching
12:09Craig blossom into a man is like watching a flower blossom in the summer
12:13do you know I mean no I don't you are literally gonna have sex there what
12:20imagine that that's crazy today
12:26all right emotional times in it just saying emotional times oh yeah yeah yeah
12:39I suppose it is yeah no all seem nice though yeah yeah no really nice I think
12:45my son Craig's taking a bit of a liking to your door yeah yeah yeah yeah he's a
12:55big lad but he he goes hell for leather like he'll make sure she has a good time
13:06before he comes yeah yeah or dad man yeah cool I'm Kevin by the way nice one
13:21he gonna smash his daughter really calm down please the angel watch out this is
13:30what I told you she's a psychopath look at her you all right yeah yeah no I'm
13:35fine you sure yeah just I don't know you should be friends at Carly anymore what
13:41what's wrong with Carly shit I tell you what's wrong with her she's um I don't
13:47know she's I don't need a reason to I'm a mom that's the reason go for her face
13:53the face is the weakest points angel hit her harder angel hit her harder yeah I
14:03can see yeah I can see yeah yeah yeah yeah do a middle finger do a middle
14:17finger Craig's here he's loving it yeah getting shout outs as well no I'm just telling Craig's
14:34getting a shout out yeah all right mate speak to you later great timing that isn't it because
14:42now you can hear my voice and see my face even when I'm far away yeah all right yeah
14:50Kevin's definitely gonna miss Craig yeah he's really gonna miss him you know Craig's actually
14:55being pretty relaxed about the whole thing but Kevin's a lot more needy at the moment the other
15:00day I caught him stealing one of Craig's t-shirts out of the washing because he said he wanted to
15:04still be able to smell him damn
15:23fast right fast right beautiful what are the comments there inspire me all right okay so
15:30there's three comments yeah uh first one is from Daniel and he just says hi oh very classic
15:36I know someone's with Daniel yeah um so yeah I'll tag Daniel I'll seize ya okay who's next
15:43next one oh it's Daniel again this time he's gone for hello
15:48Daniel mate let everyone else get bloody word in hys mate thank you
15:52oh my god yeah look at this one from Lucas it says love from Denmark Denmark where even is that
16:00there is no limit to corrupt we'd have talked about being a desert with nothing yeah we'd still
16:05transmit to the masses literally brother like right actually who'd be listening in the desert
16:10though you still get people in the desert just because all the camels in that oh yeah oh and
16:14Mad Max is loaded out there exactly so well they will be exactly once they've heard it yeah okay
16:21it's a Nordic country and a sovereign state the southernmost of the Scandinavian nation right
16:28southern most because I wasn't sure it was uh one of the northern most ones or yeah that's
16:32confusing very much boys we've gone worldwide yeah we've gone we've gone wider I can't believe
16:37we've gone global again yeah this is it go on fucking Denmark first and then Spain
16:46Spain bars inside the rest of the world but yeah definitely put Spain on the list
16:50this is great there you are girls
17:00when are you going Essex don't know yet what Essex aren't you moving angel what'd I tell you
17:07it's a secret and great now everyone knows because Carly can't keep her big fat mouth shut
17:11damn wait so you're moving to Essex yeah
17:20it seems bombed out a lot of time with angel uh yeah I don't know I mean it's nice for angel to
17:26have a friend you know and I approve of that friend so you know it's not one of her annoying
17:30friends yeah no it's good that she's got a friend with a car because a lot of her friends can't drive
17:34it can I just chat to you outside for a second
17:44he's pretty upset what's going on obviously I was going to tell you but I haven't told
17:49grinder yet so I can't just go around telling everyone else can I yeah but I need to know
17:52I'll tell the crew locked in locked on yeah make sure you get your comments in and that
17:58beep all the beats are up yeah fuck your case that yes ah yes man check this
18:05it's green it's sick in it that's green and then but wait look at this
18:12look around it's not just a blanket look yeah it's green blanket but look on the computer
18:17that's actually not there that's a normal green like this there's nothing look at that yeah but
18:20look at him it's all right no but look up again nothing that's different it's different but then
18:25look down there yeah because why what's in the background steve's no the line that the curtain
18:30so if I did on that but here it's a rave fucking mind blank jesus all right guys you comment a lot
18:37okay um it says this is shit oh what there's always going to be negative
18:44unknown user pussy lucky for him then I declined some mixes in that so no then it's probably your
18:51fault and they're probably oh wait it's another one not coming okay go oh god well you know what
18:57I think it's spam let's not read this out no don't don't don't don't go on the show
19:02shit I'm shit yeah I'm shit well then I'm not doing this anymore and you fucked it for everyone
19:07Tony please brother I'm fine with criticism because I there's no need for someone to criticize me
19:13because I know I'm doing right do you know I'm saying so if someone tries to say shit then
19:19they can fuck off at my face you know I mean tell them grinder
19:23you're definitely not shit so shut up steve your opinion means nothing
19:28why why do you keep asking there's nothing wrong with me so why would I care
19:35yeah if you think I'm shit then this is fantasy then we see you shit
19:38your opinion means nothing why why do you keep asking
19:43there's nothing wrong with me so why would I care
19:47yeah if you think I'm shit then this is fantasy then we see you shit
19:51what uh what backdrop do I don't worry about it yeah don't worry about it peanut dust well just
19:56saying a bit of subliminal advertising that's not subliminal that's across the whole screen
20:00no wonder we're getting shit comments left right and center
20:09martin hello hey you're going down to the car yes all right to get a few more bits
20:14i'm craig's dad yeah nice to meet you you should meet craig craig come here oh oh my god
20:21how you doing yeah emily nice to meet you oh connection there so yeah
20:26are you settling in good yeah just unpacking yeah you should see his telly it's massive
20:31show the telly well they can get to know get to know each other yeah no go have a look it's
20:35really their own time maybe you've got a flat screen in your room no no do you like tv or
20:40yeah yeah yeah well he's got a free view built in it's 48 inch yeah well you're not far from
20:46each other no no roomies cool maybe neighbors but you've been into the uh kitchen yet
20:52no we need to explore so yeah let's go let's go with that let's go come on well come on then
20:56yeah come on i told you i'm sick of this wingman boys
21:05you don't have to come all the way with us no we don't mind
21:10you all right
21:17i was gonna yeah i was gonna tell you
21:22is it okay to keep secrets well yeah i mean sometimes you keep a secret to actually
21:29protect someone from the truth you know sometimes it's better to live you know in
21:33ignorance and actually know what's really going on and have your heart broken
21:37fuck that fucking prick make me smoke all off and everything i'm gonna get you a little beer as
21:41well that'll cheer you up you don't think i'm shit do you know can you reply on that yeah
21:48but you can use the camera okay all right cool right like a fucking man
21:58jesus stevie can i just have a quick chink wank with you
22:02oh yeah yeah no come here come here i just want to ask you a question really um
22:08first of all i want to come clean and tell you that giza and the picture that was me
22:13okay no no and i wanted to ask you what do you think of karen like
22:17do you think she's good for me carol uh
22:21i don't know if it works it works you know i mean because it works it's all
22:25different strokes listen the thing is yeah she does a lot of stuff to me in the bedroom
22:29she's very dominating yeah really it's very painful she does a lot of kind of like gagging
22:33oh god liquid and spitting what's with all the spitting these days
22:38you know i mean no i don't i mean hot shit normal people do that i don't think so
22:45no what should i do
22:50uh carry on i'm doing it i don't know this is why i stay clear of all the all the sex stuff
22:56because it's it's it's all got sort of a bit weird you've got the right idea okay
23:02the last thing you ever do yeah keep it in your gym jams okay
23:05is evil okay thanks for the chat that's weird
23:15we said you will get salked no slapped for fuck's sake
23:24okay guys just quickly this is craigsham i've labeled it uh so please don't touch it i've also
23:31labeled his shelf so there shouldn't be any confusion all right it's interesting
23:40what about the house meeting what house meeting i've called a house meeting at eight o'clock so
23:44we can have a few drinks get to know each other break the ice oh mate i'd love to go uni now
23:49it's sick there's bear chicks yeah there's bear weed and you don't even have to do the work
23:55anymore i thought you had to read books apparently on the internet you can just
24:01read a little paragraph and that's it standard boom they've shortened the books now yeah because
24:07people don't even like books you can even get an all like a book where bray reads it to you like
24:12so you can literally just kick back like a bifter and does the coursework writes itself just go
24:18just get embarrassed oh god doesn't want his old man embarrassing him see you guys later yeah
24:24enjoy it oh well safe
24:36craig can i get a lift to the station okay
24:42what background is it we've got war we've got war background
24:45sick don't point a gun at me hey stay down in the trenches
24:49it's bollywood
24:5930 people are watching though right now that's amazing
25:01dk you should join in man this is jokes no i love that's fake i'm gonna put my face on that
25:07he's got a good point it is a bit bait that's that's why the whole vibe's been off actually
25:12let's just put it back to how it was before what but we got so many people watching though
25:16they're not they're the shit ones so it doesn't care i think yeah as musical artists we give fans
25:22a little bit too much credit yeah because like listeners shouldn't have voices that's why they're
25:27called listeners wow that's that's my clever that's it yeah that's it so much fun doing
25:34that's it that's it now he's he's he said it and he's right decoys announced it and that's
25:40exactly what i've been thinking yeah it's it's brought out the worst in all you lot yeah
25:45fucking i've never seen fantasy be so arrogant and sadly we've got to get rid of the webcam
25:49that's that do you think it's weird that our speakers are called speakers no i don't think
25:55i'm just stop interrupting yeah she ain't even got mouths but donny it's modern though everyone's
26:00using this you know i mean it's the future mate like it's live streaming like the cam girls they
26:05use it all right so what you're saying is you want me to fucking put a bikini on start shoving
26:11shit on my ass only for everyone to not appreciate me and be disrespecting me in the comments
26:16not happening yeah i don't want to do that either this is sticky vicky
26:20promise good glad we cleared that up good
26:26just get careful with it just in case actually me fucking get rid of this fucking shit
26:31oh my god come on come on let's get rid of it it's good it's fun like last night
26:42and there you have it corrupt fm officially broken the internet
26:46good to be back to the old school isn't it a weird vibe isn't it
26:51good night
26:57it's normally craig sitting there with his headset on
27:03yeah i'm gonna miss craig
27:08i miss him just like being there like it's just his his presence he's so warm
27:15like physically warm as well like
27:20i guess i know angel who are you talking to i better not be carly
27:29so decoy knows about essex now and obviously i've told angel and she was a bit sad but she's 10 so
27:34she's always upset about something also it's great to tell angel first because her and grinder often
27:39think the same way about stuff so it's sort of like she was the practice run and now it's time
27:43for the real one grinder let's see you comment now you little prick it's gonna go well yeah
27:49comments yeah comments yeah fuck the internet
27:55do you have any rules in the bedroom no pain no gain you know i'm saying that's carol always
28:00says that to me no pain no gain yeah as you scream to go yeah she gags mama shut up you
28:05piece of shit and it's all part of our foreplay it's love yeah yeah what do you think your uber
28:12has arrived holy fuck bro it's too big open your mouth
28:24that's what she said another absolute banger episode ladies and gentlemen a lot to talk about
28:31man hold on a second thank you if you made it this far thanks for rocking with me ladies and
28:36gentlemen my crew my crew um ladies and gentlemen man my crew went worldwide they were thriving man
28:44they were getting the numbers people interacting comments left and right uh you know hi and hello
28:52and you know listen those things mean a lot okay so uh i can relate and then he got and then they
28:58got the your shit you know you got the shit comments there and that struck a chord with my
29:04boy uh you know he started not feeling it anymore man but they were going worldwide they got denmark
29:11in the building they're watching them he's like where the fuck is that where that where the hell
29:15is that shit they googling that shit um so that was a funny moment but man what a thriller what a
29:21banger of an episode man this crew stay putting out the fire there we did love um the little green
29:28screen uh bit there you know keeping the vibes up um yeah you got to change up it you know you
29:34got to make it fresh you got to make it you know have a be a vibe so uh you know i think they had
29:39they had a lot of interesting backgrounds there and i'm happy yeah i'm happy for my boy shabbat
29:46okay you know listen he is into some crazy ass shit listen that is a lady with a lot a lot of
29:52experience and she is into things she's definitely dominating my boy shabbat like he has never been
30:00dominated before putting things in mouth putting things getting into some crazy ass positions but
30:06he by far has some of the best scenes uh by far man um that scene right there takes the cake at
30:14least on this episode when they would go they were changing through on the on the laptop they changing
30:21the scenes you know clicky clicky and then you see shabbat in some compromising uh positions i
30:28don't know bdsm shit uh you know gag shit you know there's all some crazy ass shit so to see that
30:34was hilarious uh one of the best scenes here and again this is why he steals the show he's in such
30:41great scenes uh that you ain't gonna never forget and again we've been rocking with this character
30:46we've been rooting for him to you know find essentially i don't know yet if it counts yet
30:51but the love of his life you know to get this love of his life and you know she's one interesting lady
30:56she has always been a trip she's always been a vibe very vocal so obviously her dominating is
31:04going to be second nature to her so that whole relationship i'm all for it as far as seeing it
31:10you know develop uh seeing it happen seeing it unravel uh you know he's a uber driver he was uh
31:16you know all these things that she said that he plays this uh role you know this role thing uh um
31:23role play there we go role playing and yeah the shit listen he's spicing up his life so
31:28uh comp compromising position excuse me um kind of staring at that shit all these guys
31:34we're just laughing at it i just you just couldn't couldn't help but just laugh at that
31:40scenario that was a trip that was a ball again one of the best scenes we've seen on this show
31:45uh and this is going to be up there as one of one of the uh best moments so um happy for him
31:53but now things that we've been seeing for quite some time ladies and gentlemen that angel you know
32:02mish decoy grinder you know you got this this uh i guess this i was gonna say a triangle but
32:10it's more you know it's a square you know uh because you got a lot of parties involved here
32:15you know and obviously you know things it's crazy here you heard the thing that misha was saying
32:21about secrets and protecting people and obviously again we all think decoy her and then um little
32:31angel you know what i mean um being born and shit like that because again she definitely uh she
32:37ain't grinding this kid so uh yeah this is some crazy ass shit that she's keeping i my mind is
32:43still blowing on this shit and i'm married so you know this whole big secret again angel now knows
32:52and you could see the look of disgust um sadness uh you know every word imaginable that decoy is
33:02experiencing hurt i guess you can say because if they're going to move out if this is to happen
33:08this is you know he's not going to spend time with angel and shit like that he has a very tight-knit
33:12relationship with angel i dare say might even have a stronger relationship than grinder has with with
33:19uh you know with angel so uh yeah you can see how distraught he is i can only imagine the news when
33:26you know she finally i guess breaks it down to him because she's she iced it um she essentially
33:33was breaking the ice with angel to kind of get practice or soften the blow i guess you can say
33:40before the main the main event you know this is like this is like a boxing you know a heavyweight
33:47bout that's going to be happening and i feel like he's going to be like godzilla or some shit
33:51and he's gonna uh you know have a blast rays about to charge up he's about to go super sane
33:58and i'm i'm hoping she finally is going to say you know uh yo listen we're going to be moving
34:03what's going to happen with this scenario please do not say anything ladies and gentlemen don't say
34:07shit uh we have to you know stay tuned to find out to see how all these things develop but
34:12yeah this episode was a banger um she buds uh redecorating the place uh you know you got the
34:20peanut dust background and shit and obviously he's mentioned that uh you know early on into
34:24the beginning of the series uh one and shit so uh cool to see that uh reference shit again but um
34:31yeah this was a great episode i mean this was what can we say you know we we've fallen in love with
34:37how cool this show is the beats there uh my boy let's speak of beats for a second man you know for
34:46stepdad you know to to craig my boy craig and craig is living his best life he's about to go
34:52to uni or he's he's there now but you know he was before they went you could see how attached beats
35:00is to you know my boy craig and shit like that he's gonna miss him he heard the things that uh
35:05you know rose said um about you know that he wanted to take the shirt out of the the wash
35:11or whatever you know have something that smells like him the chair is there he's saying it so
35:16that shit is hitting him hard so again he is already a a great man a great friend uh i would
35:23say great husband to uh you know you know great partner with uh um with roche excuse me great
35:29partner and and um you know he's a great dad i mean you know he's looking out for my boy craig
35:36and you know and he he has to strap up ladies and gentlemen he doesn't want another one he doesn't
35:41want another robin uh so that cracked me up him embarrassing him here son uh you know i got the
35:48condoms and shit for you just rolling them out this is the one we use with your mom and shit
35:52damn oh my god and great moments here this was a great moment here when beats uh is waiting
36:01outside he's checking out the bed craig this is where you're gonna be getting you know you're
36:05gonna be shagging a lot of ladies here you're gonna get a lot of play time here while you're
36:10out in uni and that's shit like that happens constantly in uni i mean there's some learning
36:16to be done in uh uni and um you know he sees this pretty lady you know and um he's thinking
36:24for his boy craig and he's like you know i think you know he's good they gotta get along right man
36:30how crazy he's saying this shit hey he fancies your daughter sir you know whatever the guy's
36:36name was uh um fancies your daughter you know hey i got the big tv got that 48 inch you got
36:44that big tv come on in come watch some shit so i loved how he's he's he is essentially a wing
36:51a wingman um for you know uh for craig in that scenario there but definitely obviously embarrassing
36:58his you know obviously embarrassing the shit out of him again got parents uh you know uh they have
37:05put you into positions where you are get embarrassed in school and shit like that uh i remember my mom
37:12going to one of my parent teacher conferences and she embarrassed the shit out of me there
37:16were a couple of i didn't i didn't go it was just their parents go and um she oh i didn't
37:23go i didn't go she went i i didn't feel like going i was like fuck that shit uh you know so
37:29she met a couple of the girls that were like in some of my classes and shit and she started
37:34telling embarrassing shit and i was like then the next day they coming up rolling up on me like
37:39your mom's so nice she told me this this what one dream was i'm like what the fuck man so you
37:46know parents always gonna be busting your flavor uh and i'll never forget that shit but it makes
37:50me laugh now when you look back at it but yeah again ladies and gentlemen this show freaking
37:55rocks the the energy the vibes grinder being amazing uh to uh you know him getting upset
38:01and pouty and bitching and shit letting the comments get to you um that's the shit that
38:07comes with content creation uh yeah comments you know sometimes people are like that so i can kind
38:13of relay i ain't gonna be crying over uh no comments or anything like that you get old uh
38:18as you get older um you just don't got time for all that shit you know you just keep it moving
38:23you block it you silence it uh you know or and sometimes no response is the best response so uh
38:29you know he was he was in his feelings on this episode uh you know we've been creating content
38:33for quite some time not just youtube but you know twitch for so we've seen a little bit of
38:38everything to experience a little bit of everything it rarely will take me back uh you know i'm like
38:43oh my god you know what i mean but now we just laugh about it um and i think that's the best way
38:48you just keep it moving so hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode as you can see i can keep
38:52yapping on this show but it's another banger episode the cast is phenomenal looking forward
38:57to seeing some more episodes don't forget to like comment subscribe it is absolutely free to do
39:03shout out to the patches as well thank you for your support links are always in the description
39:07section if you're curious for all that that is just another way of helping out the channel
39:10but you're also going to help out the channel simply subscribing liking commenting sharing
39:15telling your friends etc etc so thank you guys thanks for rocking me we'll see you soon be safe
39:19be well and have a good rest of the week peace