Pecado original Emitido en TV (24-07-24)

  • 2 months ago
Pecado original Emitido en TV (24-07-24)
00:00Dugan, I don't believe it.
00:25I told you I forgave you.
00:28I want us to be together... again.
00:33I've brought you here so you can see the owner of this ring.
01:28I shouldn't have kept you waiting.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:57Can you tell me what you're doing?
01:59Is this a joke?
02:00Why would I do it?
02:03Why are you so surprised?
02:05What did you expect after what you've done?
02:08But what have I done?
02:10What's with that laugh?
02:12Tell me what I've done.
02:14Don't play dumb, you know it perfectly well.
02:17Don't cut yourself.
02:19Now nothing prevents you from marrying Engin.
02:21You're free.
02:22What does Engin have to do with it?
02:24You don't care, do you?
02:25As long as he's rich, you don't care.
02:27Why are you so cruel?
02:30Ender, how could you do this to me?
02:32You're shameless.
02:35Damn you both!
02:37The wedding will take place tomorrow. You're invited.
02:49What a surprise.
02:51Intriguing the others seemed fun.
02:55Is it our fault for noticing?
02:58Now she won't waste time running to Engin like a schoolgirl.
03:03But this experience she's had today is a great lesson for her.
03:10Oh, Zeynep, I'm nervous.
03:12What do you think they're talking about?
03:14I don't know. It won't be long.
03:15Mrs. Asuman!
03:16What's going on?
03:17Mrs. Gildis!
03:18What's going on with her?
03:20Gildis, how's Dogan?
03:21Did something happen to him?
03:22I hope he got run over by a train.
03:24You look terrible.
03:25Get some water.
03:27Gildis, why are you so upset?
03:29Ender and Dogan are the culprits.
03:31What about them?
03:32They're getting married.
03:36That's crazy. Are you sure?
03:39He even bought her a engagement ring.
03:42How is that possible?
03:44Mom, I swear I've had a lot of hard times in my life,
03:47but I don't think any has been like this.
03:49They're shameless.
03:51This is all very strange.
03:52Didn't he tell you anything?
03:53What do you want me to say?
03:54He's shameless.
03:55He put the ring in front of my nose.
03:57Lord, give me patience.
03:58Zeynep, let's call the door.
04:00We have to do something.
04:01Mom, calm down, please.
04:03Didn't he give you any explanation?
04:05What explanation are you going to give me?
04:08They've done everything behind my back.
04:10My dear, may God help us.
04:14Janer and I are staying at a hotel tonight.
04:18Can you stay at my house?
04:20It's not necessary before the wedding.
04:22I prefer to enter that house as your wife.
04:26Whatever you say.
04:29By the way, what's going on with Hilal?
04:32It would be good if you knew.
04:34She's in Italy for work.
04:36I'll tell you when I get back.
04:40It will be a great surprise for her.
04:43She will bring us problems.
04:45Don't worry.
04:46She only wants my happiness.
04:49I'm sure she'll understand.
04:53Dear Dogan, if a woman's priority is the happiness of a man in his life,
05:01it can be very dangerous.
05:04I assure you that she will not respond to this news with maturity and understanding.
05:11Don't worry.
05:13It won't cause you any problems.
05:16We'll see.
05:25Dad, what's going on?
05:27Don't tell me. I think my car is coming.
05:31I have news for you.
05:34I prefer you to find out for me.
05:39Today I'm going to marry Ender.
05:49Did you hear me?
05:51We heard you.
05:53But we hope you say it's a joke.
05:55Dogan, are you delirious?
05:57I think you meant Jindis, right?
06:01It's Ender.
06:02Why is that?
06:03Why are you going to marry Ender?
06:05I marry because I want to.
06:11My treasure.
06:12Are you okay?
06:13How are you?
06:14Fine, I'm fine.
06:16I've been thinking a lot.
06:18I've been thinking about Ender, Dogan, and everything they've done to me.
06:22I won't cry for them. It's boring. It's not my thing.
06:25I'm so glad to hear that.
06:26I'm very proud of you. Very well thought out.
06:29But I've proposed that I cry for them.
06:31They'll pay for what they've done to me.
06:33And I won't have mercy. One by one and little by little.
06:36Can I know what you've decided?
06:38I'm going to get ready.
06:40We thought you were going to marry Ender.
06:43They said Ender and you are serious.
06:46Come on, they made it up. Don't listen to them.
06:48You'd better not marry for revenge, please.
06:51Why not?
06:52That's how he married Dogan.
06:54Mom, you've seen the result of that.
06:56Well, the argument is over.
06:58I'm going to get ready and look pretty.
07:01I'll attend my enemies' wedding with my best smile.
07:04Oh, my God.
07:05Don't worry, I'm not as stupid as to do anything to myself.
07:09But I'll destroy them. They'll find out.
07:15I don't like this at all.
07:20Ender, I know you very well and I don't trust you at all.
07:23Just two days ago you were a friend of Yildiz.
07:26And now you're going to marry her ex.
07:29You said it, dear.
07:31At least I'll marry her ex.
07:34You were with her husband when he was married to her.
07:38Have you forgotten?
07:45There's a difference.
07:47I loved him.
07:49Okay, maybe I love him too.
07:53Don't get it wrong.
07:56Don't get it wrong.
07:58I don't want to judge you.
08:00I just ask you to feel some empathy for me.
08:03Oh, no.
08:04I can't do that with you.
08:06Kunru, I'm not like Yildiz.
08:08I warn you that I don't compete with anyone.
08:11And I didn't come here to argue with you.
08:14You'll see how your father will be happy being by my side.
08:18And how his relationship with you will improve thanks to me.
08:22I can guarantee you that.
08:28You'll see.
08:32See you at the wedding.
08:39She's a psychopath.
08:52She's a psychopath.
09:22She's a psychopath.
09:52Does Mrs. Ender Celebi want Dogan Yildirim as her legitimate husband... sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty...
10:02...until death do them part?
10:05Yes, she does.
10:08Does Mrs. Ender Celebi want Dogan Yildirim as her legitimate husband... sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty...
10:18...until death do them part?
10:20Yes, she does.
10:22Yes, she does.
10:30And now, by the power vested in me...
10:34One moment.
10:40But what is she doing here?
10:44Now is the time to take a break from advertising.
10:49Yildiz, what is this?
10:51I don't care.
10:52I'm here to see your wife's face.
10:55I'd like to say a few words.
10:59Yildiz, I see you've decided to attend.
11:02But let's finish the ceremony, okay?
11:05Now please step aside.
11:07Years ago you told me something when I tried on a wedding dress, remember?
11:11How sorry I am, Yildiz. I've forgotten.
11:15This is fantastic.
11:16I'm a little loose in the back.
11:18I should tighten it.
11:22The bride has boarded the horse and is ready to ride.
11:26Excuse me.
11:27Waitress, can you come here for a moment?
11:29As they say in the movies, now no one can hear you.
11:34What do you want with that?
11:37Darling, I'm not here to congratulate you, of course.
11:40I admit it.
11:42It was a great plan.
11:44But it was the biggest mistake of your life, Yildiz.
11:48Excuse me, can you come here?
11:51Are you so afraid of me, Yildiz?
11:53I understand.
11:54I'm a very good person.
11:56But when I have to be bad, I do it wonderfully.
12:00And I swear I'll do my best so you won't forget it.
12:04I'll be as close to you as your breath.
12:07This is just the beginning, Yildiz.
12:12Let's see.
12:20It's better this way.
12:25Let me remind you.
12:30This is just the beginning.
12:36It's better this way.
12:46It's better this way.
12:51Amazing. She did it in front of everyone.
12:54She's brave.
12:59Yildiz has prepared herself for this moment.
13:02Well, let's see what's next.
13:04And your mother will be the next to act.
13:06No, no, no.
13:07Her way of protesting is not to come to the wedding.
13:10It's the best she can do.
13:11Please, sign here.
13:21Gilal has arrived. He's on his way.
13:24I was going to talk to her outside, but she insisted on coming here.
13:29Too bad. She'll be devastated.
13:32Ender, I want to talk to her alone.
13:34It's the least I can do.
13:37Of course, of course.
13:39Besides, I don't feel like going through the house.
13:42I'll be in our room, okay?
13:44Thank you.
13:51Engin, I'm sorry I didn't warn you.
13:56I'm glad to see you.
13:58I was going to call you.
14:00Are you okay?
14:01No, I'm not.
14:03Of course, I understand.
14:05Engin, I swear I don't know how to tell what's a lie and what's not.
14:09Can you tell me how this all started?
14:11Because I want to understand.
14:13Do you want to sit down?
14:15Nothing can surprise me.
14:17And even though I left Shock and Shock today, I want to hear your version.
14:20Tell me what you told them.
14:22Okay, no problem.
14:24Ender told me he was thinking about a future with me.
14:28I know that.
14:29But how could he make such a sudden change?
14:32Did he plan this to make Dogan marry her?
14:37Did they use it? Is that it?
14:39Yildiz, actually, I...
14:42The moment I saw you...
14:46I completely forgot about Ender.
14:49What do you mean?
14:54You're the person of my dreams.
14:56I know you don't feel the same, but I couldn't marry anyone else...
15:02In this situation.
15:05When I saw you...
15:07I don't know how to explain it.
15:09Time stopped.
15:12What is this about, Engin?
15:14I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
15:16You are...
15:18The woman I've always dreamed of.
15:21Did you tell Ender this, Engin?
15:23Yes, I told him.
15:24I can't believe it.
15:25If they got married today because they thought we were together, do you know that?
15:28No, you see, I only told Ender about my platonic feelings.
15:32I didn't say there was something between us, I swear.
15:35It's a nightmare.
15:37Believe me, I would never hurt you.
15:40I didn't tell him we were together.
15:42I didn't even say such a thing.
15:44I didn't say anything about us, nor did it cross my mind.
15:48I only told him about my feelings.
15:51They planned it and used you without your knowledge.
15:53You helped them, so thank you.
15:56Really, if this was because of me, I'll never forgive myself.
16:00It has nothing to do with you, okay? Forget it.
16:02So, what can I do for you?
16:05Don't do anything right now.
16:15How have you been?
16:16Enough, we've talked about that. Now tell me what's going on.
16:19What's going on? Tell me, please.
16:22Something has changed here during your absence.
16:28Gildis, right?
16:30She lied to you.
16:32And you believed everything she told you.
16:34It's not about Gildis.
16:37Today I married Ender.
16:44One moment.
16:49What did you say?
16:50I married Ender.
16:58Dogan, you've...
17:00You've lost your mind. What's going on?
17:03You've lost your mind. What's going on?
17:11I can't believe it.
17:13Is that why you sent me to Italy in such a hurry?
17:17To get rid of me?
17:19It's not that, Geralt. We...
17:21We only had a deal.
17:24We were together, Dogan.
17:26Was that also a deal?
17:29Okay, it's true that we had a deal.
17:31But I've never promised you anything.
17:33And to whom?
17:34Did you promise Ender?
17:37And what about Gildis?
17:40Gildis is over for good.
17:43God, Dogan!
17:46I'm going crazy.
17:48Tell me.
17:49What do you want by marrying Ender?
17:53You're not in love with her.
17:55If you wanted to marry a liar,
17:57why didn't you choose me instead of her?
18:05Has she threatened you?
18:09Do you think I'd let that affect me?
18:12This was my decision.
18:14How could you do that?
18:16How could you act without even considering me?
18:21Our engagement was fake and it's over.
18:23I'm willing for us to be together professionally.
18:27I don't care about that.
18:29I'm sorry, but I do.
18:31What about my feelings?
18:33I gave you my life.
18:35I'm very sorry.
18:37But you can't stay here.
18:39Now you're going to a hotel.
18:41I've booked a room for you.
18:43If you decide to work,
18:45I'll find you a house wherever you want.
18:48I understand.
18:50So it's over.
18:52I won't forget what you've done for me.
18:55Don't worry, Dogan.
18:57I won't forget what you've done for me either.
19:01I have to think.
19:02I'll tell you about the job tomorrow, okay?
19:05I don't want to hear your voice today.
19:20If he helps me and does what I ask, he'll be rich.
19:23Look, Doctor, I know he's got a lot on his plate.
19:26And he may soon be fired.
19:29What are you going to do?
19:31Mrs. Aguilar, what you ask for is risky.
19:35That's why I chose you, Doctor.
19:37You've done this before.
19:39You have nothing to lose. Am I wrong?
19:42That's right.
19:45I gave false information to the insurance company to select clients.
19:49I think that's a problem.
19:52And I'm offering you the big prize and an early retirement.
19:57Don't miss this opportunity.
19:59You'll regret it.
20:04Friends and family, I inform you that from today on,
20:07our campaign to mess with the immoral neighbors begins.
20:11Are you ready?
20:12We are ready.
20:13Please, Mom.
20:15Our mission is to cause chaos and neighborly controversy.
20:19What are we going to do with the rope to hang clothes, sister?
20:22Sadai will take care of it.
20:23Aisel, do what I've told you. You too.
20:26Let's go.
20:29Bravo, Aisel.
20:31Come, Mom.
20:35Yes, dear Asuman and her daughters will teach you what is good.
20:44What is this?
20:46What happened here?
20:48This looks like a neighborhood of kids.
20:50They must have changed the concept of decoration.
20:53Every day there is a new number.
20:55Let's ignore them, please.
20:57Yes, let's sit down.
21:13This is a joke.
21:15I think they've set up a barbecue.
21:18This is not funny.
21:20How are we going to have breakfast with all this noise?
21:22And with this smoke.
21:24It will be a barbecue.
21:25I can't see with the clothes hanging.
21:27I'm going to take a look.
21:44What's going on here?
21:45Do you want a sausage?
21:47I'm going to report you.
21:48Do it. It's my house and I can light the barbecue whenever I want.
21:51This is the culture you have.
21:53Make sausages on the grill, hang clothes.
21:56This is a shame.
21:57There's plenty of meat, Ender.
21:59I'll send you a plate.
22:00Don't look down on us.
22:03Enough nonsense.
22:04Emir, pick up this clothes, please.
22:07Okay, okay.
22:13Let's go.
22:35What's that?
22:36Does it look good on me?
22:39Thank you.
22:40I'll leave it here.
22:41I want you to give me my clothes right now.
22:43When you were busy seducing my ex,
22:45you left your clothes here.
22:47So we donated it to charity.
22:49What did you do?
22:50We donated it.
22:51But we can give you back the clothes we gave to Isel.
22:55It looks great on me.
22:56Give me back my things immediately.
22:58What's this, Gildis?
22:59A barbecue.
23:00At this time?
23:01We don't have a special time.
23:03There's a lot of smoke.
23:04I can't see anything.
23:05This is a shame.
23:06If you don't like it, you can leave my house whenever you want.
23:09We're not going anywhere, Gildis.
23:11You'll get tired of this.
23:13We're not moving from here.
23:15You should know that.
23:25I hope I'm not bothering you.
23:26Bothering me?
23:28I wasn't asking you.
23:33Gilal, is there a problem?
23:35No, on the contrary.
23:39I have good news.
23:43I'm pregnant.
24:06Don't blame me for your bad luck.
24:08Shut up and listen to me.
24:09I want you to find out where Gilal is taking Dogan.
24:12This is not a coincidence.
24:20Look here.
24:21The measurements are correct.
24:33How long?
24:34About three weeks.
24:35It's a recent pregnancy.
24:38When do I have to come back for another check-up?
24:41In a month.
24:42I'll take care of the appointments.
24:44You can choose the most convenient dates with your wife.
24:49He's not my husband.
24:51Doctor, do we have to buy vitamins or anything else?
24:56Any recommendations?
24:57I'll write it down now.
24:58Thank you.
25:09A month later.
25:18The doctor said I should rest.
25:21Are you going to stay here for nine months?
25:27We'll all be here together, like a big family.
25:31How nice.
25:32So you're going to have him?
25:34I'll have my baby.
25:36Dogan wants him too.
25:43I'm sorry, but I can't stay here.
26:06A month later.
26:24Where is that computer?
26:29Let's see.
26:31Gilal, Altinos, Gilal.
26:50Come in.
26:51I called you many times.
26:52What were you doing?
26:53I put the phone on silent.
26:54I was on a secret mission.
26:56I was worried about you.
26:58Tell me what happened.
26:59What have you found out?
27:00Don't ask me for anything else.
27:02I had to help a baby be born to get that report.
27:06What do you mean?
27:07I don't know how I'm going to forget what I've seen.
27:09What are you talking about?
27:10What baby?
27:11What birth?
27:12The porter's wife.
27:13But I don't want to talk about that.
27:15I'm traumatized.
27:16Although now I'm sure that mothers and doctors are angels in heaven.
27:21Have you found out anything?
27:22It's a lie.
27:23Gilal is not pregnant.
27:25I told you.
27:26I told you.
27:27I was sure.
27:28I have pictures of his history.
27:30Go tell Dogan.
27:32I won't tell him.
27:45Good morning.
27:50Good morning.
27:52How are you, Gilal?
27:53Don't you have nausea in the morning?
27:59Thank you for asking.
28:00Very kind.
28:02I'm sorry.
28:03I'd be more interested if you were really pregnant.
28:06You can't cheat with these tricks.
28:08I understand.
28:09You're trying to buy time.
28:11But I have information that you're not pregnant.
28:14I'm going to tell you what you're going to do.
28:17I'm going to tell you what you're going to do.
28:20I'm going to tell you what you're going to do.
28:23I'm going to tell you what you're going to do.
28:26I'm going to tell you what you're going to do.
28:32Dogan and I went to the doctor.
28:34Nobody cares what you say.
28:38You went to the doctor you were looking for, right?
28:41What was his name?
28:43Sezer, I think.
28:48Right now I have your report on my phone.
28:52And it says you're not pregnant.
29:02You'll regret this.
29:06I don't think so.
29:09Now listen to me, Gilal.
29:12You have two options.
29:14Either you tell Dogan voluntarily.
29:18Or you risk me showing him this.
29:22And if I show him this...
29:25He won't look you in the face again.
29:28But if you confess...
29:31Maybe you can ask him for more in the future.
29:36Okay, Ender.
29:37Let's make a deal.
29:39I swear we won't make a deal if you don't talk to him immediately.
29:44If you don't, he'll take you to another doctor.
29:47And there you'll be even more evident.
29:49Think about it.
29:51There's no rush.
29:52You have ten minutes.
30:07Damn you.
30:12You'll find out.
30:15Wait and you'll see.
30:17You'll see.
30:26Can we talk for a moment?
30:31Is something wrong?
30:46I went to the doctor this morning.
30:50I'm not pregnant.
30:53What are you saying?
30:55I wasn't pregnant.
30:57It was a mistake.
30:59It was just a small cyst.
31:02And now you expect me to believe that?
31:05What do you propose?
31:08I'm telling the truth.
31:10Call him if you want.
31:11I don't want to.
31:12I think you lied to me.
31:16I didn't lie to you.
31:18There was a mistake.
31:21You're like everyone else.
31:32I loved you so much.
31:34And I didn't want to lose you.
31:37Is that why you had to lie to me?
31:40I know you won't believe me.
31:42I don't believe you.
31:44Because you've left nothing to believe in.
31:47You know what?
31:49Believe me or not.
31:53Your end is a very evil woman.
32:00Ender doesn't make up a pregnancy.
32:05Get out of my house immediately.
32:32Just when I was about to finish my tea, my other enemy appeared.
32:39It's okay, Aisle.
32:40I have to talk to you.
32:42I know you're pregnant, but I don't care.
32:44Don't waste saliva on me.
32:45I didn't come for that.
32:46Besides, I'm not pregnant.
32:48What do you mean?
32:49I'm not.
32:50My thing with Duggan is over.
32:52So you lied and they caught you.
32:54What happened doesn't matter, Gildis.
32:56But why are you here? I don't understand.
32:58I came because I thought we had a common enemy.
33:02Ender also hurt you.
33:04Not as much as you, yes.
33:08I offer you that we join forces.
33:11To get revenge on Ender, I don't need you, much less.
33:15I know, I know, yes.
33:17But since we're both victims, I think we can join forces.
33:21Besides, two minds think better than one, right?
33:24Okay, and what can you do that I can't?
33:26Gildis, you're playing at a very low level.
33:29This can't be done by sending crowns home, for God's sake.
33:33Do you think that bothers him?
33:34He doesn't care.
33:36That was just the beginning.
33:38I haven't done everything I plan to do yet.
33:40This can't be done in the private sphere.
33:43We have to humiliate Ender outside, especially in his social circle.
33:48Go on.
33:50Ender cares a lot about his image, doesn't he?
33:54Especially his position in high society.
33:57Let's change that a bit.
33:59We have to lower his arrogance.
34:02I see you know her well.
34:06Girls, I have to tell you something.
34:12Good news.
34:14Gilal is gone.
34:16What do you mean?
34:17It's simple.
34:19He's gone.
34:20He opened the door and vanished.
34:23Gilal is no longer in our lives.
34:26If you say it with such joy, you're overdoing it.
34:28Oh, no, no, no, no.
34:30I have nothing to do with this.
34:34She herself confessed that she had lied and then...
34:39she disappeared.
34:41That was obvious.
34:43So she lied.
34:45That's right.
34:46Of course I knew it.
34:49And she was smart and she corrected her mistake.
34:52And what were you going to do next?
34:54Were you going to go around with a pillow on your stomach?
34:57How is my father?
34:59I haven't seen him yet.
35:01I know this from Gilal that I found him at the door.
35:05But let me tell you that your father will be relieved
35:09after getting rid of a great disaster.
35:13I'll see him now.
35:15I'll ask him and I'll tell you something.
35:17Leave him, I'll talk to him.
35:19Okay, as you wish.
35:36How are you?
35:39I'm fine, fine.
35:43Ender has seen Gilal go.
35:46I guess she wasn't pregnant.
35:48She said that and she left.
35:50How interesting, isn't it?
35:53Yesterday she comes and tells a lie and 24 hours later she confesses it.
35:57She didn't say it was a lie.
35:59She said there was a mistake.
36:01Yes, of course, it's an excuse.
36:03I guess she has given up.
36:05She can't continue with the plan she had devised.
36:08I wonder why we are surrounded by interested people.
36:12Everyone is looking for something.
36:14No one is sincere.
36:17That must be the curse of being rich and powerful.
36:20I don't know.
36:22Everyone around us wants to deceive us or keep our money.
36:26They think they are very smart, but they are idiots.
36:31Ender is like that too, you know?
36:33But I won't get into that, I don't want us to argue.
36:36I think it's fine.
36:38Go with Gilal.
36:40She defended you in court, she was by your side.
36:44And in the end, look how it ended.
36:47I think she did it to take revenge on Ender.
36:51Affection and love don't include revenge.
36:55Gilal didn't really love you.
36:58It was obvious that his ambition was first.
37:01All he wanted was our last name.
37:03The last name, Jildirim.
37:05I really hate that kind of people, I swear.
37:08From now on, when I meet someone, I'll never say my last name.
37:12I'll make up another one.
37:14I don't understand you.
37:15It's very simple.
37:17So you're going to deny your last name?
37:20Don't look at me like that, I'm right.
37:23If someone loves me for me, not for my last name,
37:27I'd tell you to do the same, but you don't have a choice.
37:31You love your last name too much.
37:35I'm telling the truth.
37:37You're so dumb.
37:39Don't worry about that.
37:45You'll see how right I am.
37:48I'll do it.
37:49Good idea.
37:51But she's too smart.
37:55She'll expect anything from you and me.
37:58And she'll be on guard.
37:59That's why we'll attack from a place she'd never expect.
38:03With an invitation, for example.
38:05That would have happened to me too.
38:07Lately, many invitations have arrived.
38:09We can choose one.
38:11Besides, we have to find someone who doesn't like anything
38:15and who can help us.
38:16Someone who has a previous aggravation.
38:19Then I can choose anyone from 2,000 people.
38:22There are many people who don't like Ender.
38:24Gildis, in that case, we have to take her to a nearby event
38:28and show her that she won't be safe out of the house either.
38:31Wait a minute.
38:34I started with the letter A, and I already have an enemy of Ender.
38:39On the first page.
38:50How's your father?
38:51Pretty good.
38:52I'm glad.
38:53I want to talk to him too.
38:55I'm worried.
38:56Don't hold back.
39:15How are you? I was worried.
39:19I'm working.
39:21Gilal has left.
39:24He's been protesting, but he hasn't surprised me.
39:28To me, frankly, he has surprised me.
39:31I didn't expect this.
39:32You're the one who surprises me.
39:34It's not normal for a woman like Gilal to have big dreams with you.
39:39After all, she's a low-class woman.
39:41Ender, I'm sure I don't want to talk about Gilal.
39:45The fact is, he's out of our lives.
39:49We've come out on top.
39:52Just one thing.
39:54Trust me.
39:56If I say something, I don't say it in vain.
39:59Trust my experience.
40:01I'm an expert in this class of women.
40:17Ender, it's Gidam.
40:20Gidam, what's up?
40:22How are you, my dear?
40:24Fine, thank you. We never see each other.
40:26Yes, it's been a while.
40:28We have to eat or have a coffee, dear.
40:31That would be great.
40:32By the way, I heard you married Dogan Jildirim.
40:37Yes, he is adorable.
40:39We are very happy. It was by surprise.
40:42I'm very happy, dear.
40:43Hey, I'll be brief.
40:44Our magazine is preparing the awards for Elegance.
40:47They are in two days.
40:49We will give the award to the most elegant woman of the year.
40:53The award is yours for sure.
40:55So if you have a situation that prevents you from coming,
40:58we will make a direct connection.
41:00Very good.
41:01Yes, I'll be there.
41:03You'll be there in two days, right?
41:05Yes, it's at Hotel Book, the same place as last year.
41:08All right, dear.
41:10I'll be there.
41:12Goodbye, dear.
41:13You heard her.
41:14I got married to Dogan and now you'll start coming to me little by little.
41:44But what are they doing now?
41:47This woman is going to turn my father into a media monkey.
41:52Even if they were Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,
41:55I don't understand why there is so much interest in them.
41:58We both know that Ender is good at summoning journalists.
42:04And now they are going to give her an award?
42:06She fixed it herself.
42:10What award do you want?
42:11You only have one mother.
42:12Give me a nice surprise.
42:14Mom, don't be ridiculous.
42:17Hi, girls.
42:20Thank you.
42:40Everyone thinks we make a great couple.
42:43That's because the birds of the same feather fly together.
42:47Right, dear?
43:04Dear friends, welcome everyone.
43:07Thank you very much for not leaving us alone on this beautiful night.
43:18I would like to start with the most important award of the gala.
43:21I invite the most elegant woman of the year to the stage.
43:25Let's give a round of applause to Gilbis Gilmas.
43:37Thank you.
44:08Thank you, dear.
44:16Good evening, everyone.
44:18I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have considered me worthy of this award.
44:22But above all, I want to say something to an old friend
44:25who has always supported me.
44:28You stole my husband, but you couldn't steal my award.
44:37You stole my husband, but you couldn't steal my award.
44:42Are you leaving already?
44:44Okay, we'll talk later.
44:47Kubru, this moment has reminded me of something.
44:50You too?
44:51This is a joke between us.
44:53I like to expose in public the people who betray me.
44:56That makes me feel good.
44:58What was I saying?
45:00I'm the most elegant, you've chosen well.
45:03I'm the most elegant, you've chosen well.
45:06That was very good.
45:08I felt great.
45:09The internet is crazy.
45:11Everyone talks about Ender and you.
45:14I don't like Gilal as a sin, but you have to admit that he uses his head.
45:18Yes, especially to do evil.
45:20Don't trust her a bit.
45:23The truth is that I want to talk to you about something else.
45:26I've taught Ender a lesson, but Dohan also counts.
45:30I want to bother him too.
45:32And that's where you come in.
45:35What are you going to do?
45:36I have an idea, but it's a job that requires sacrifice.
45:40Please don't be what I have in mind.
45:42I beg you, support me.
45:44Gildiz, does your idea have to do with Engin?
45:46Well, yes.
46:01Oh, Esgi, how are you?
46:03Fine, and you, how are you?
46:04Wonderful, today is the big day.
46:06What's going on?
46:07Oh, but you don't know.
46:09Well, don't tell me.
46:10Today is the commitment.
46:11What commitment?
46:12Mr. Engin comes to ask for a hand.
46:14Well, I have work, I can't entertain myself anymore.
46:18Mrs. Ender.
46:19What's going on?
46:20In the house next door, they have a party today.
46:23How do you know?
46:24Isel told me.
46:25Apparently, Mr. Engin is going to ask for a hand.
46:27Mr. Engin?
46:29Mr. Engin?
46:31Mr. Engin?
46:33Mr. Engin?
46:35Mr. Engin?
46:37Mr. Engin?
46:39Mr. Engin?
46:41Mr. Engin?
46:43Mr. Engin?
46:45Mr. Engin?
46:47Mr. Engin is going to ask for a hand.
46:53It's just what I said.
46:56And you say it will be tonight?
46:57Yes, ma'am, in the garden.
46:59I'll watch and tell you.
47:00Keep your eyes wide open and keep me informed, okay?
47:03Okay, ma'am.
47:18I have news.
47:23Engin and Gildis are getting engaged today.
47:29Why are you so surprised?
47:31has been planning this for a long time. Our marriage has been his excuse to speed it up.
47:37You wouldn't have believed his interpretation of the victim.
47:42Of course I didn't believe it, although I didn't expect it so quickly.
47:47Anyway, they're right there. Whatever happens, we'll see it with our own eyes.
47:54I hope you realize that we made the right decision.
47:58And you're still playing with me as if you were right. Anyway, oh, by the way, where's Hadan? She doesn't know yet, does she?
48:13No, she doesn't know yet.
48:15It will be too sudden for the poor woman. And does she already know that she is leaving this house?
48:22I'll tell her soon.
48:24See you later, Dogan.
48:28See you later.
48:34It's ok, darling, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon at 4. See you tomorrow.
48:42Hadan, where's Kumru?
48:44She's not at the gym. Is something wrong?
48:48No, nothing. I just wanted to talk to you for a moment.
48:50Ok, let's talk.
48:52Let's talk.
48:54Listen, I don't think it's appropriate for you to continue living here with us.
49:00Excuse me? What do you mean?
49:02I've rented a very nice house for you in this area. It will be better for you to live there from now on.
49:14It was Ender's decision. He kicked me out of this house.
49:18Not at all. This is the right thing to do.
49:22You don't have to live with Kumru because she's not 4 anymore.
49:26And on the other hand, no one wants to live in the same house as their husband's ex-wife.
49:34Well, does Kumru know about this? What does she say?
49:38Not yet.
49:42So you're kicking me out.
49:44I'm not kicking you out.
49:46You're going to live very well in a nice place.
49:49Dogan, you're kicking your daughter's mother out of your house for a woman you've been with for two days.
49:55Bravo! It wasn't enough for you to fire me.
49:58Hadan, let's not exaggerate. For there to be peace, it has to be like this.
50:04But you don't care about my peace at all.
50:06Get out. I'll take you home.
50:15Tell me.
50:16Your father kicked me out of the house.
50:19They kicked me out of here for Ender.
50:21First my car and then the house. What do they want from me? For me to die?
50:25Wait a minute. That can't happen.
50:27It has already happened.
50:28When your father sees a woman, his behavior changes. What happens?
50:32That Ender is now the queen and they get rid of me as soon as they can.
50:35I'll talk to him. Calm down.
50:37Kumru, what's the point of you talking? I'm already packing my things. Get in. You'll take me to my new home.
50:42He hasn't told me anything.
50:44Because the witch of Ender has eaten his brain.
50:47I can't believe it. I can't believe it.
50:49Now I'm not going to say anything to avoid problems. Take care of this when you get home.
50:54I'll take care of it. I'll do it.
51:08Is my father at home?
51:09He's inside.
51:13Whose brilliant idea was it to kick my mother out?
51:18Are you asking me for explanations?
51:20I'm asking you.
51:21Watch your tone of voice.
51:22You always have to be someone's satellite, don't you?
51:25At least consult me. The woman you've kicked out is my mother.
51:29Be reasonable. How dare you talk to me like that? You have your father in front of you.
51:34And you have your daughter in front of you.
51:36First the laws of Yildiz. What happens now? Are the rules of Ender?
51:41Look at me. I don't want to get angry with you.
51:44Really? I've suffered a lot of collateral damage.
51:47You married Yildiz and I didn't know.
51:49You brought Gilal here like you promised and again I didn't know.
51:54You decided to marry Ender and I didn't know either.
51:57You kicked my mother out of the house and as always I didn't know.
52:00Is there anything else I don't know, Dad?
52:02Don't overdo it.
52:04I don't want to see you. So out of my sight.
52:08Don't worry. You won't see me for a long time.
52:16I'm sick of this. This man doesn't even respect himself.
52:20Where are you going, darling?
52:22What about you?
52:27As if I cared.
52:30I'm sick of this. And he asks me where I'm going.
52:33All this is because of my father's coward.
52:36I'm sick of all of them. Damn it!
52:43What are you doing here? Where is your owner?
52:50Have you run away from home like me?
52:54Come, come, come. Don't be afraid.
52:57Come, come, come. I won't hurt you. Come.
53:00Let me see.
53:02Stop, stop, stop.
53:09Wait! Where are you going? Come!
53:25Yes, Aysel, put the gold tray aside.
53:30Now you'll see that I was right once again.
53:34Don't just stand there. Come join us.
53:37Gildis, now we're having coffee at our dock.
53:40Please, don't be offended.
53:42Hey, if it's because you don't want to give us gold, we don't really care.
53:46We don't expect it either.
53:48Gildis, congratulations. You've already got what you wanted.
53:51You're very kind, dear. Thank you.
53:53Well, he also speaks to you with his little bit of shame.
53:56Well, is it okay to talk?
53:58My future son-in-law is coming.
54:00It's true, Mom. I'm waiting.
54:02There he comes. He's already inside.
54:05We're impatient.
54:06What's going on?
54:08Dear, Gildis and Engin are taking the first step towards marriage right now.
54:52You're beautiful. I wish you a lot of happiness.
54:55Mom, help me.
54:57Give it to me.
54:58Here you go.
55:07I wish you happiness for the rest of your life.
55:26Thank you very much.
55:28I wish you a life full of happiness.
55:32It can't be.
55:33It can't be.
55:35Ander, you said Gildis was with Engin.
