Sueños de libertad Cap 139 (09-09-24)

  • 2 days ago
00:07Spare us
00:09Separate saber por que les has arruinado la compra
00:13Contesta me
00:15Solo son negocios y todo lo que se sobre ellos lo aprendió de del mejor maestro no me vengas ahora con esas
00:21Yo nunca les habría hecho algo tan rastro a tus primos nunca
00:26Si lo único que querían era abrir un balneario por el amor de dios padre que lo de las aguas termales no es más que una
00:31Tapadera para hacernos la competencia es que no lo ve hacernos la competencia la competencia
00:36Pero que tienen de especiales esas aguas termales has estado investigando o son suposiciones tuyas no me ha hecho falta
00:41Investigar nada si tienen tanto interés por algo será eso tú no lo sabes
00:45No todo el mundo se mueve por la rabia por el rencor como tú
00:48No se confunda padre conozco bien a mis ovejas y sé que joaquín lleva tiempo queriendo apuñalarme por la espalda no digas tonterías
00:54Tanto él como su hermano llevan años deslumbrándose por nuestra empresa porque no les queda otra
00:59además luis no sabe hacer otra cosa que perfumes y en dos días estaría creando colonias y jaboncitos para ese balneario y a eso se
01:05Le llama competencia que competencia si lo hubiéramos hecho en sintonía sería hasta beneficioso para nosotros
01:12en sintonía
01:14despierta ya padre si lo llevaban tan en secreto es porque querían romper para siempre con nuestra familia
01:22Dime una cosa
01:25Con qué dinero has comprado esas tierras
01:43Joaquín como ha ido con los de la reina pues cómo va a ir cuando jesús está de por medio fatal
01:49pero de verdad estaba detrás tu primo de la sociedad de málaga gemma ese desgraciado está en todas partes
01:54madre que lo parió y cómo se ha enterado de que andaba es detrás de esas tierras no lo sé no lo sé no lo sé
01:59pero ha dejado bien claro que los merino
02:01no vamos a hacer sombra los de la reina ni con este proyecto ni con ningún otro pero cree que queréis competir con ellos eso
02:07no tiene sentido es absurdo tú crees que eso le importa a jesús gemma
02:11comprar esas tierras es la manera perfecta para humillarnos maldito sea y que ha dicho tu tío damián porque me niego a pensar que con
02:17lo mucho que quiere a tu madre
02:19Estuviera al tanto de todo no sabía nada ni él ni mis primos pero ya te aseguro yo que ninguno de ellos ha salido en tromba
02:25a defendernos pero qué desagradecidos de verdad
02:29porque siempre tenemos que perder los mismos que nos dejen vivir en paz por dios no habrá paz gemma no habrá paz mientras jesús esté
02:35de por medio
02:37con la atención que habíamos puesto para que la noticia no saliera de casa es que no lo entiendo no lo entiendo no sé no lo
02:42sé ese miserable nos ha tenido que espiar de alguna manera él o alguien de su cuerda
02:50Que no puede ser isabel
02:53isabel que gemma ser isabel pues pues de verdad mira que me lo advertiste
02:58pues con razón ayer no quería saber nada de mí
03:01pero tú le has contado algo no claro que no no le he dicho nada te lo juro pero lo que sí que he hecho es
03:06abrirle las puertas de nuestra casa de mi vida un momento un momento gemma un momento ella ha visto algún documento del proyecto
03:12no lo sé pero blanco y en botella
03:14Primero fingió que no tenía a nadie que yo era su única amiga y después justo cuando alguien compra las tierras
03:19pues si te he visto no me acuerdo si es que
03:22y tú me lo dijiste de verdad si es que me
03:24advertiste de verdad es que parezco tonta parezco tonta porque todo el mundo me acaba engañando no lo entiendo tranquila
03:30tranquila de acuerdo tú no sabías nada no es culpa tuya
03:33esa mala pícora nos ha engañado a todos
03:35lo siento lo siento
03:38No pasa
03:41Brasos a de dinero de tu primo valentín
03:49Y que ha sido hecho
03:55Es quitas las tierras
03:58y lo haces encima con el mismo dinero que le robaste a esa familia padre
04:03deje de dramatizar todo y escúcheme bien sé que ahora puede parecer una jugada salvaje
04:09Pero lo aseguro que ya tiene un problema menos del que preocuparse aquí el que me da problemas eres tú no ellos ellos querían traicionarnos
04:16Ese proyecto el diseño gerbasio a sus espaldas su gran amigo su socio el que también intentó irse a floral
04:23él quería traicionarle sus hijos nos habrían hecho lo mismo
04:27Si de verdad no hubiera una doble intención en sus actos nos habrían hecho partícipes de ese proyecto desde un principio como la familia que
04:33somos no creen
04:35Y en cuanto al dinero del desgraciado de valentín ya no existen esas pruebas ya está un problema menos contento
04:43Padre hecho lo mejor para esta empresa una vez más y lo sabe
04:49Digna no me lo va a perdonar nunca
04:52digna también se la quería colar está en el ajo con sus queridos hijos
04:55además tanto le preocupa lo que piense esa amargada no consiento que hables así de tu tío
05:01Lleva muchos años sufriendo
05:04Y seguro que veía en ese balneario un buen futuro para su familia
05:09Si usted cree que va a formar parte de ese futuro es más ingenua de lo que pensaba
05:14padre sé que ahora puede resultar doloroso pero créame con el tiempo me lo agradecerá
05:23Pero cómo puede estar tan lleno de odio y rencor
05:27Jesús otra vez quien si no
05:31Qué ha hecho esta vez pues provocar un enfrentamiento absurdo con mis primos por una compraventa de unas tierras
05:38No respeta nada ni a nadie
05:43Y no te da miedo que tú
05:46Qué que tú seas la siguiente
05:51Yo bueno tú nosotras
05:54Es que pasa si hace publicar las fotografías que nos hicieron no creo que llegue a tanto ya me tiene donde quería
06:02Y qué más puedo hacer le quito las fotos la rompo al día siguiente aparecería con diez copias más
06:10No lo sé marta lo que veo es que así no podemos seguir
06:17He estado pensando y
06:20Creo que tú y yo deberíamos dar un paso adelante
06:24Adelante no entiendo tengo un plan
06:28Que igual es arriesgado pero más arriesgado es quedarnos con los brazos cruzados
06:35Vente conmigo a barcelona
06:45Y las blusas
06:48Bueno no te preocupes y en la que sigo yo seleccionando en la ropita ya está todo limpito
06:53Es seleccionado unos cuantos pares de zapatos y ya está preparado el material escolar para cuando empiece las clases
07:02No sé qué voy a hacer sin ella
07:04lo que vamos a hacer todos
07:07echarla mucho de menos
07:09y esperar que tenga su primer fin de semana libre para poder verla
07:14Me ha dicho que quiere llevarse todas sus muñecas
07:17No te preocupes
07:18hablaré con ella
07:20Elegiríamos dos o tres para que se sienta más acompañada sobre todos los primeros días lo va a pasar mal
07:28Es un tesoro no
07:30Ella es un tesoro nuestro tesoro
07:36Bueno voy a seguir gracias
07:46Damián puedes esperar un momento claro quiero hablar contigo
07:54Marta le he estado dando vueltas y vueltas y creo que es lo mejor para las dos y qué pasa con tu padre
08:01hasta hoy pensaba que que no era negociable separarte de él ya lo sé pero si ha sido él que me ha terminado de convencer
08:08y se quiere sacrificar y venir conmigo pero yo esto no lo puedo permitir
08:12pero si tú te vienes conmigo
08:14Todo sería tan diferente
08:18No sé qué decirte dime que sí
08:20dime que sí aquí no estamos a salvo
08:23y menos tú que si sigues destacando en la empresa tu hermano puede utilizar las fotografías para hundirte y quitarte de en medio
08:29no se atrevería claro que se atrevería si tú misma lo acabas de decir
08:33que a tu hermano no le importa nada ni nadie
08:36te tiene completamente a su merced
08:39Tú de verdad quieres pasarte el resto de tu vida pendiente de lo que haga o lo que deje de hacer tu hermano
08:45mi amor no te lo mereces
08:49Si tienes razón
08:53Qué hago entonces lo dejo todo la empresa la familia
08:56mi padre no lo va a permitir tu padre está aterrorizado igual que el mío
09:01pero yo lo tengo todo pensado
09:05Porque no le propones ampliar y gestionar la tienda de barcelona
09:09yo trabajaría en otro sitio para no levantar sospechas
09:13yo y marta viviríamos juntas en el mismo piso te das cuenta seríamos amigas de cara a la galería pero la intimidad
09:20vivir juntas
09:22es lo que siempre hemos soñado
09:25claro que sí
09:27no podemos esperar nada mejor en un país como este
09:30la ley es la ley no el que nos pese
09:33así podríamos empezar de cero y
09:36Y estar lejos de quien nos quiere tan mal eso es
09:40tu hermano ya no sería una amenaza
09:43y tú y yo podríamos estar juntas todo el tiempo que quisiéramos
09:46sin obligaciones
09:50Quizá tú puedas dejarlo todo de golpe no sé si es mi caso
09:57Déjame pensarlo quiero decir que hay cosas que hay que pensar también con la cabeza no sólo con el corazón
10:22No te voy a robar mucho tiempo no voy a seguir en esta casa
10:27Antes de tomar una decisión no voy a seguir trabajando en esta casa
10:32mañana despediré a julia y luego me despediré de la casa
10:35es una decisión que me ha costado mucho tomar claro porque no es la decisión correcta no no no
10:41las cosas han ido demasiado lejos yo no puedo seguir trabajando aquí
10:44escúchame de nada después de la última apuñalada trapera de tu hijo
10:48yo no puedo estar aquí sirviéndole café como si no hubiera pasado nada en serio te vas a ir así después de tantos años
10:54te vas a ir así después de tantos años si muchos años y muchas afrentas pero después de lo de las tierras
11:01es de la gota que ha colmado el vaso
11:04Pero dina escúchame
11:07entiendo que estés disgustada pero qué vas a hacer de qué vas a vivir de mi trabajo como hasta ahora no sabes que no se
11:12me caen los anillos no diga no por favor no digas eso tú no estás hecha para pasar por eso
11:17no me puedo creer que esas tierras no se pare no es sólo por las tierras damián
11:22El desprecio infinito que tu hijo jesús siente por nuestra familia
11:27hace que le pueda vender el alma al mismísimo diablo para hacernos daño y convencerte a ti para justificarlo eso jamás yo nunca os
11:34perjudicaría al contrario haría lo que fuera por ti
11:40Me vas a dejar muy solo dina por favor
11:46No puedo más no digas eso
11:48Sé que has tenido una vida difícil pero a pesar de todas las adversidades has estado siempre ahí cuidando de tus hijos
11:55de los míos
11:57cuidándome a mí ya cuidándonos a todos en la casa si he estado muchos años
12:01pero eso estoy agotada tú no puedes irte dina tú no eres el corazón y el alma de esta casa
12:08piensa en todos los que te queremos
12:11Que va a ser de marta y de andrés y de begoña
12:18Piensa en julia
12:21De verdad quieres que cuando vuelva del internado no te encuentre en casa
12:27Ella es la que me rompe el corazón
12:32No puedo pensarlo
12:35Pero no me queda otra salida no dejes que jesús se salga con la suya no le des esa satisfacción
12:42él es el único que sale ganando si te marchas todos los demás perdemos
12:47Y perdemos mucho
12:50Danos la oportunidad a seguir queriendo te lo pido por favor
12:56Dime que te lo pensarás
13:31Es ocupado no para ti nunca pasa
13:37Han llegado los resultados de los nuevos análisis
13:40Sí y estoy más o menos igual que hace tres semanas
13:43Les has comentado de tus problemas de visión y los dolores de cabeza
13:47si mamá
13:50Y te han dado algo para remediar lo
13:53Las mismas pastillas que estoy tomando ahora con una dosis un poco más alta
14:00Tampoco se puede hacer mucho más marta
14:04Cuéntame alguna novedad sobre el miserable de tu hermano y esas condenadas fotos pues no no hay ninguna novedad
14:10Y fina la verdad es que está temorizada
14:14Y si te soy sincero yo también
14:17no es para menos
14:19Ella está decidida a irse a barcelona para quitárselo de encima para siempre
14:26Al final ese desgraciado va a conseguir separados
14:30Precisamente para eso fina me ha propuesto que me vaya con ella a barcelona
14:34Le he dicho que no por supuesto
14:37Porque no
14:39A mí me parece lo mejor salir de aquí y libraros de las garras de tu hermano
14:45No me voy a ir a ningún sitio
14:47Marta y serías libres
14:50No puedo
14:53Siéntate por favor
15:01Marta si fina sigue aquí va a estar siempre en peligro
15:07Deberías cuidar de ella y lo haré
15:10Cuando cuando pueda
15:15Que te lo impide
15:18No estoy dispuesta a perder todo el prestigio que he ganado con tantos años trabajando en la empresa
15:23está la familia estás tú
15:28Te hice una promesa y voy a cumplirla marta no no me niego
15:34Es mi decisión
15:36Marta por favor escúchame
15:38Tienes toda la vida por delante
15:40Y la enorme fortuna de haber encontrado a la compañera perfecta para vivirla por favor aprovechalo
15:47Voy a estar a tu lado hasta el final
15:50Y no porque nadie me obligue
15:52Sino porque quiero hacerlo
15:54Marta no
15:56Jaime escucha
15:58Amo a Fina
16:00Es una de las personas más importantes de mi vida
16:03Pero tú también
16:07No voy a permitir que mi enfermedad te condicione
16:09Quiero estar a tu lado
16:13Quiero poder mantener mi integridad
16:15Y mi promesa a pesar de las circunstancias
16:20Está decidido
16:23Mi sitio está aquí contigo
16:26No me voy a ir a ninguna parte
16:28¿Está claro?
16:30Pues si está claro entonces me vuelvo a la tienda
16:33Te veo luego
17:27Pues lo que te decía
17:30Es que Claudia está muy bajita con lo de Mateo
17:33Así que he pensado que nos podemos ir a tomar algo a Toledo
17:35Al café este nuevo que ha abierto en la mila
17:38¿Qué? ¿Te apetece?
17:41Pues mira Carmen sí
17:43Sí porque a mí también me vendría bien airearme un poco
17:53Yo no quiero atosigarte
17:56Sé que no quieres hablar de este tema pero te lo tengo que preguntar
18:00¿Qué pasa con lo de Barcelona?
18:06Pues que yo creo que al final será lo mejor
18:09Por eso le he propuesto a Marta que venga conmigo
18:13Me va a dar mucha pena que te vaya
18:15Hay amiga y yo
18:18Pero bueno sabiendo que vas a acompañarme quedo más tranquila
18:22Es que esto ya aquí no se aguanta por ningún lado Fina
18:25Ya lo sé ya lo sé Carmen si es que yo pienso lo mismo que tú
18:27Pero Marta no lo ve tan claro
18:30Bueno es que Marta es la jefa de la tienda
18:33Y está casada
18:35Ya Carmen pero
18:37No sé
18:39Me esperaba otra respuesta la verdad
18:41Dale tiempo
18:43Las dos habéis luchado mucho por lo vuestro
18:46Estoy segura de que está una boda con vosotras
18:49A ver
18:52¿Cómo va el pedido para la boda?
18:54Bien doña Marta ya está lista
18:57Para que lo recojan
19:01¿Qué digo yo? ¿Qué detalles no?
19:03Que la novia quiera repartir estuches a todas sus invitadas
19:06Es lo que tiene tener posibles
19:09Fina ¿Me acompañas al almacén?
19:24Vaya veo que él ha terminado su jornada laboral
19:27Perdona pero tengo un poco de prisa
19:31¿Cómo has sido capaz de hacerme algo así?
19:33No sé de qué me estás hablando
19:35Que te dejes de hacer la mosquita muerta conmigo
19:39Sí tú
19:41Vaya te felicito
19:43Has clavado tu papel de pobrecita y sin amigos
19:45Para que te abriera las puertas de mi casa para espiarme
19:47¿Para espiarte?
19:49¿Pero de dónde has sacado eso?
19:51Dime una cosa
19:53¿Lo de engañarme fue idea tuya?
19:55¿O sigues a ordenar de Jesús?
19:57No sé de qué viene todo esto
19:59No claro
20:01No claro tú sigue, sigue con tu teatro
20:03¿Cómo fue la cosa?
20:05¿Me escuchaste decir que los meninos teníamos un negocio entre manos
20:07Y te faltó tiempo para ir corriendo a tu jefe
20:09Para colgarte la medallita delante suyo
20:11¿Fue así?
20:13Te juro que no sabía nada de ningún negocio hasta que tú misma me lo dijiste ayer
20:15Que eres una mentirosa
20:17Y te has cargado de un plumazo
20:19El sueño de toda una familia
20:22Espero que al menos te hayan pagado bien
20:24Porque para mí has quedado retratada como lo que eres
20:26Una fulana rastrera de la peor caloña
20:28Mira basta
20:30Esto es demasiado
20:32No, lo que es demasiado
20:34Es que tú te aproveches de la buena voluntad de la gente para medrar
20:36Que eso es de carroñeros Isabel
20:38Te estás equivocando conmigo
20:40No, lo que estoy es muy decepcionada contigo
20:42Ni siquiera te tembló el alma
20:44Para engañar a una amiga
20:46¿Has acabado ya?
20:48¿O vas a hacer una hoguera y me vas a quemar aquí mismo?
20:50¿En qué momento decidí acercarme a ti?
20:52Me arrepiento de haberte regalado ese perfume
20:54De cada café, de cada paseo
20:56De todo me arrepiento
20:58Estaba preocupada por ti, ¿sabes?
21:00Yo solo quería hacer todo lo posible
21:02Para que tú pudieras dejar atrás esa triste vida
21:04Pero claro, imagino
21:06Que te hubieras quedado sin dinero
21:08Y te hubieras quedado sin dinero
21:10Y te hubieras quedado sin dinero
21:12Y te hubieras quedado sin dinero
21:14Y te habías quitado esa triste vida
21:16cuando te…?
21:18¿Cómo había que quitarte la triste vida?
21:20Pero claro, imagino
21:22Que ni siquiera eso era verdad, ¿no?
21:24Ahora que te has quedado a gusto
21:26Solo te pido una cosa
21:28Que me dejes disfrutar de mis horas fuera del trabajo
21:34Tú dime una cosa antes de que empiece a olvidarte
21:39El día que te presentaste en mi casa
21:41Con una tarta
21:43What else is there?
21:46Say what you want, I'm already sentenced.
21:49So stay with the doubt and leave me alone for once.
21:55Very well.
21:58Enjoy your hours away from work and your miserable life.
22:04But you're going to pay me.
22:07Me and my whole family.
22:25Right now I can't go to Barcelona with you.
22:28It has nothing to do with what I feel for you.
22:31It's just that...
22:32It's just that you're afraid to start from scratch with me.
22:37It's because of Jaime.
22:39He's very sick.
22:41What do you mean he's sick?
22:43Very bad.
22:46And you're telling me now?
22:48I wish I could have told you before.
22:51No one in the family knows and I promised to keep quiet.
22:56I also promised to accompany him until the end.
23:00I see.
23:04You didn't hear me.
23:06Jaime is very sick.
23:07Do you know what's going on, Marta?
23:08My father is also very sick.
23:11What do you mean by that?
23:13I want to say that I'm very sorry if Jaime is sick.
23:15I'm really sorry.
23:16But I see him attending to patients day in and day out.
23:19So no one would say it.
23:20Do you want me to have a sign in front of him saying,
23:22Oh, I'm dying?
23:23My father has that sign.
23:24He has it in front of him and with big letters.
23:27And if I have to go to Barcelona,
23:28I have to give up being with him for as little time as he has left of life.
23:34I don't know, I don't have the feeling that Jaime is on his deathbed.
23:37To be honest.
23:39Do you think I'm making this up?
23:44I know perfectly well how hard it has been for you to work
23:46for the reputation you have in the company.
23:48And how hard it has been for you to get the respect you have for your family.
23:51Because that's what you've done all these years.
23:56And I can understand that it's very hard for you to leave it behind.
23:59But right now I need you to be very honest with me.
24:02Right now the one who can't believe what she hears is me.
24:04I'm telling you that I understand you.
24:06I understand that it's hard for you to leave everything behind.
24:09But I need you to be very honest with me and very clear.
24:12Because you know what, Marta?
24:13Because I'm willing to leave everything for you.
24:15I'm absolutely willing.
24:16But what about you?
24:17What about you?
24:18Are you willing to leave everything behind?
24:21And come with me to try to be happy with the person who really loves you?
24:26Go back to the store right now because I don't even know what to answer you.
24:28I know what it is.
24:29It's clear that you don't want to listen to me or understand me.
24:31You don't understand me.
24:37It's clear that you don't want to listen to me or understand me.
24:40It's clear that you don't want to listen to me or understand me.
24:52What's so funny?
24:54Do you know that soaps were made with olive oil?
24:58I've spent all day talking about each product's properties.
25:01I see.
25:02But you know that not all olives can be used.
25:04It seems like there's a brand called Acituna Picual,
25:06which is very acidic,
25:07and people don't usually use it to make soaps.
25:10Anything around here, partner?
25:11I want another glass of wine.
25:13I'll get another one, Gaspar.
25:14We've had a problem this afternoon at the store.
25:16My goodness, I had a hard time at the end.
25:19Here you go, Chando.
25:22Well, what I'm telling you, Carmen,
25:23is that the truth about soaps is that it's a whole world.
25:26So you're applying yourself, huh?
25:28Well, when I'm head of the store, I'll ask you for inspiration.
25:34Head of the store.
25:36What's up?
25:38You're wearing a new uniform and everything.
25:40One of those jackets that Mrs. Marta wears.
25:42That way, everyone would know who's in charge here.
25:44Yeah, right.
25:45I'd do the shifts,
25:47visit the different sales points,
25:49deal with suppliers,
25:50put on the wig to my liking.
25:52I've got good hands for that.
25:53Mrs. Marta knows.
25:54Yes, yes.
25:55You'd be the queen of La Colonia, no doubt.
25:58But, well,
25:59do you think what I'm saying is nonsense?
26:01No, no, Carmen, it's not nonsense.
26:03But, well, I see...
26:04it's quite difficult for you to get it, right?
26:07And why?
26:09A woman, because after all,
26:10it's Mrs. Marta who's in charge of that function in the store.
26:13Well, but...
26:14who knows,
26:15maybe Mrs. Marta
26:16has to be absent,
26:18and the store needs a captain, right?
26:20It's a good thing you wouldn't come to our little flat.
26:24Well, yes, dreaming is free,
26:25but the flat isn't.
26:27I know, son, but my salary is going up.
26:29Between that and tightening the belt a little bit,
26:31in a year we'll have the entrance to the flat.
26:34It would be wonderful, but...
26:35it's impossible.
26:36Oh, it's true, son.
26:37Don't be cynical.
26:38No, no, I'm not cynical.
26:39I'm a woman, I'm realistic.
26:40Mrs. Marta is Don Damián's daughter.
26:42And that woman doesn't leave a job
26:43or a place to go to the bathroom.
26:44Well, everything is possible in this life.
26:48the wine.
26:55Well, Carmen,
26:56the important thing here is that Braulio retires.
26:58And I'm studying hard
26:59to be a soap master.
27:02And that's not a dream.
27:04But if Joaquín kicked you in the ass
27:05when you told him that Poco Mai is sending you to Alcazar...
27:08But that doesn't mean he's going to give me up.
27:10In fact, tomorrow I'm meeting Braulio and José Manuel
27:12so they can kick me out.
27:14Come on,
27:15don't be shy to learn the trade.
27:18Carmen, I'm telling you that in two days
27:19I'll have the job.
27:21And in three, we're giving the entrance to the flat.
27:24Trust me, woman.
27:25We're going to go
27:26with confidence.
27:27We won't give up.
27:29We'll see what happens with you.
27:30Come on.
27:31Leave me alone.
27:32I can dream whatever I want.
27:38Oh, I wanted to see you.
27:40Don't give me that face
27:41like you're a baby.
27:43What's the matter, Carmen?
27:44Did you know that Lami
27:45opened a café in Toledo?
27:47Oh, yes, yes.
27:48I've been told it's one of the best.
27:51Well, get ready.
27:52When we're done there,
27:53we're going.
27:54You and me.
27:55But, Carmen, I...
27:56No buts, no buts.
27:57I don't want to hear you whine.
27:58See you at eight at the door of La Colonia.
28:13Oh, my God, it's raining.
28:16And what do you say?
28:19Let it go through his head.
28:21Whatever it is,
28:22he won't get that wretch
28:23to sell him the land,
28:25not even paying more for them.
28:26I see.
28:28Well, with his bread,
28:29he'll eat them all.
28:32I, Digna,
28:34I'm very sorry.
28:37I don't know if you know
28:39that I was the one
28:40who inadvertently
28:41brought the enemy into the house.
28:42I know.
28:43Luis told me.
28:44It doesn't matter.
28:46You've sinned out of trust.
28:48And in this house,
28:49we all sin a little bit.
28:51The truth is,
28:52that dead fly of Isabel's
28:53has been well played on me.
29:00Oh, my God.
29:07Hi, honey.
29:09How was your day?
29:10Well, imagine that
29:12we finally got home.
29:15Well, I know it doesn't help much,
29:16but I've told Isabel
29:17about the forties.
29:18No, Gemma.
29:19Well, you know how I am.
29:20I couldn't resist.
29:21So what?
29:22Hasn't she lost her face of shame?
29:24Well, no,
29:25because she must have it
29:26from cement.
29:27The witch
29:28didn't want to acknowledge anything.
29:30Forget about her.
29:31It's better to keep her away from those people.
29:32Excuse me for interrupting.
29:36Have you noticed this?
29:38Mother, what does she do
29:39with the valerian papers?
29:40Yes, it's wet paper.
29:42Do you remember the topographer
29:43who signs it?
29:45What are you doing here?
29:46Aren't you going to have dinner?
29:49I'm very tired.
29:51I'm not surprised.
29:53It's been a long day.
29:57Tell me how tired you are
29:58and I'll leave you alone.
30:01I'm also very tired.
30:03I'm going to bed.
30:05Good night.
30:06Good night.
30:08Good night.
30:10Good night.
30:11Good night.
30:12Good night.
30:14I'm a little sad, to be honest.
30:20Because you almost ruined
30:21the dinner with Miranda
30:22because you were so scared.
30:26I'm very sorry.
30:29I didn't want to choose my brother.
30:32And if I stay there one more second,
30:35we'll end up breaking up.
30:38Everything was going so well
30:39until that moment.
30:42It's certain that after leaving me
30:43everything was going so well.
30:45It was obvious that you had
30:46everything under control.
30:49Everything under control
30:50except for my husband.
30:52I didn't want to ruin
30:53the great job you were doing.
30:56You say it at the right time.
30:58Your brother will be whatever he is,
30:59but you've congratulated me
31:00on the first one.
31:02I haven't had a chance to do it.
31:04It's been a very complicated day.
31:13Let's start again.
31:14From the beginning.
31:18Medio Garcés.
31:20He was a good friend of ours.
31:22He was here working for a while.
31:24He was in charge of the new bridge
31:26and then he was also involved
31:27in the expansion of the factory.
31:29Oh, really?
31:31You can't remember him.
31:33It was your internship time.
31:34But Joaquín did see him several times.
31:36Do you remember that he came
31:37to have dinner at home?
31:38A thin, elegant man
31:39with a mustache.
31:41Don't you remember?
31:44No, no.
31:45It's normal.
31:46This was more than 20 years ago.
31:48This project
31:49must have been done
31:50at that time.
31:52I don't understand
31:53why they didn't tell me.
31:55Mother, maybe it's simply
31:56because for Father
31:57this wasn't as important
31:58as we think.
32:00No, I don't think so.
32:02If you look closely,
32:04they've studied
32:05every detail.
32:08I think we should get in touch
32:09with Mario.
32:10Why, Mother?
32:12What do you mean?
32:14What do I mean?
32:16As a topographer,
32:17I'm sure he found
32:18several land options
32:19with sources
32:20for the spa.
32:21I don't think so.
32:23Besides, what do we know
32:24about that man?
32:25He's not even alive.
32:26Yes, Mother.
32:27I think Luis is right.
32:29It's not worth it
32:30to get excited.
32:31Especially after
32:32what we've been through.
32:33You really don't want
32:34to try?
32:35He can give us information.
32:37Mother, I don't think
32:38we should get obsessed
32:39with this.
32:40Of course,
32:41it's not good for me.
32:43Especially after
32:44everything that's happened.
32:46I totally agree.
32:48We'll find
32:49another business idea
32:50that suits us better.
32:54if you don't see it that way,
32:58we should
33:00let it be.
33:07I'll serve dinner.
33:18I'm sorry
33:19I've behaved like this
33:20with that spectacular meal
33:21that was smoothing out.
33:24You didn't deserve it.
33:27You know how complicated
33:28things are
33:29in the family.
33:31I apologize.
33:34Apologies accepted.
33:36As always.
33:40thanks to your
33:43and charisma,
33:44the negotiations with Miranda
33:45are more than smooth.
33:47And that little bird
33:48has informed you very well.
33:53You're the ambassador
33:54that every company
33:55would like to have.
34:02and also beautiful.
34:06I've forgiven you.
34:08You don't need to give me
34:09any more.
34:18So this kiss
34:19is the kiss of peace.
34:24Of peace and love.
34:26I'm glad.
34:28And I apologize again.
34:31You know that carrying
34:32the queen's name
34:34sometimes weighs
34:35more than it should.
34:37Well, that crown
34:38doesn't weigh that much to me.
34:40And you see
34:41that I carry it with ease.
34:50We just need to conquer
34:51lands in the north.
34:53In the north?
34:57Do you remember your promise
34:58to go to Olite?
35:02Now we are the family
35:03of Queen Duque.
35:07And we deserve to find
35:08our own space.
35:09Don't you think?
35:10I love you.
35:34Oh my God,
35:35it's going to rain.
35:36Yes, yes.
35:37It looks like it's going to rain
35:38all night long.
35:39Don't let it rain,
35:40or I'll have to leave
35:41the happy colony forever.
35:48I'll keep this girl.
35:50I'll keep her.
35:51When she comes to the store,
35:52I won't let her pass
35:53without knocking on the door.
35:54Like she did to you.
35:55It's a perfumery, Carlos.
35:57It's not a coffee shop.
35:58Of course we have to let her in.
36:00And with all the money
36:01she spends every time she comes.
36:03Everything she has is rich,
36:04she has it for free.
36:05Leave them alone, girls.
36:06Do you really want me
36:07to take you to that
36:08fancy coffee shop?
36:09But I'll have to get used to
36:10being treated like this
36:11because I'm a single mother.
36:12Claudia, you haven't done anything wrong.
36:14So, keep your head high,
36:15and if it's too much for you,
36:16go to Botalco.
36:17No, Carmen.
36:18I'll have to get used to
36:19being punished for not being married.
36:21Well, whoever does that,
36:22let them be punished.
36:23And not Botalco, precisely.
36:25I'm so angry
36:26that you can't be there
36:27enjoying a coffee
36:28and a good afternoon.
36:30And then,
36:31going out to dance.
36:32Us going out to dance without you?
36:34Come on, don't even dream about it.
36:36I don't want you to pay
36:37just for sinners.
36:38But what sin, girl?
36:39I'm sick of telling you
36:40that you haven't committed any sin.
36:42Do you know who hasn't committed any sin?
36:44The boy I have in here.
36:46And in the end,
36:47he'll end up paying for the duck.
36:51Come on,
36:52let's go somewhere
36:54to have a drink.
36:55There's still time.
36:56No, Claudia.
36:57We're not going anywhere without you.
37:00Look, with the one who's falling,
37:02the best we can do
37:03is stay here,
37:04get a manicure,
37:05and take care of the clients for a while.
37:08and the first one is on me.
37:09That's it.
37:10No, girl, really,
37:12I'd rather go to sleep.
37:16then both of you go to bed.
37:20I'm not in the mood
37:21to throw rockets either.
37:24then both of you go.
37:26Or I'm going home.
37:28Tomorrow will be another day.
37:33Good night.
37:36Oh, Lili.
37:37Do you want me to see you tomorrow?
37:51Come here, come on.
37:58Listen to me.
37:59Don't let anyone ruin your life.
38:03Much less ruin that beautiful smile you have.
38:08Come on.
38:19Where do you think you're going?
38:22I'm going to take advantage of the little time I have left with Julia.
38:24And you have to go without a shirt?
38:27Did you really think I was going to sleep with you?
38:31From now on,
38:32I'm going to make my own decisions.
38:34Look, do whatever you want.
38:36I've had a very hard day
38:37to start arguing with a crazy woman now.
38:40Well, mine has gone pretty well.
38:42Do you know why?
38:44I don't know why, but I can imagine it.
38:46Because I've managed to ruin it for you.
38:49You're changing again.
38:51Don't you see your mother around here?
38:52Oh, yes, look at the ceiling.
38:58You've had a lot of trouble with your cousins, haven't you?
39:01Who told them it was you who bought the land?
39:04Were you spying on us?
39:07I've learned from the best.
39:08For treating me like a woman.
39:10I treat you as you deserve.
39:15I can't believe it was you.
39:17And be aware,
39:18so that your cousins know how bad you are.
39:20Oh, no.
39:21They already knew.
39:22They all know what you're like, Jesus.
39:23You're a disgrace!
39:25Since the day I married you, they are.
39:27Don't play with me.
39:29Don't play with me because I don't play with you.
39:32You scare me.
39:33What are you going to do?
39:35Drug me?
39:36Shoot me?
39:37Go ahead.
39:38Fill my body with marathons.
39:40So that your whole family knows how savage you are.
39:43Julia, honey, open up.
39:47I know you're upset with me, but I've done everything I could.
39:51I promise.
39:54Please, let's make the most of our little time together.
39:57I'm dying to see you.
39:59I love you.
40:00I love you so much.
40:02I love you.
40:03I love you.
40:04I love you.
40:05I love you.
40:06I love you.
40:07I love you.
40:08I love you.
40:09I love you.
40:10I love you.
40:11I'm dying to see you, aren't you?
40:19Get some rest, honey.
40:21I love you.
40:30I'm sorry.
40:32I'm so sorry.
40:36It's not your fault.
40:38I couldn't keep our secret.
40:41I know Dad wants me to leave.
40:47I'm going to miss you so much.
40:52I have to try to convince him to let me stay.
40:56I've tried everything, but there's no way.
40:59I'm going to make it.
41:00You'll see.
41:01I hope so.
41:03For now, the only thing we can do is make the most of our little time together.
41:09Do you want me to tell you a story while you sleep?
41:13I just want you to sleep with me.
41:17Of course, honey.
41:18Of course.
41:19Let's go.
41:34What is he doing here?
41:37Would you like some tea?
41:38Yes, thank you.
41:49Hasn't anyone ever told you how rude it is to be so meticulous?
41:52Well, this time I'm glad I got into trouble where I wasn't supposed to.
41:56Are you still thinking about that friend of your husband's?
42:01And guess what?
42:02I found out that tomorrow he's giving a lecture at the official school of topographers.
42:08And he's going to see him?
42:09I'm thinking about it, Gemma.
42:12They told me over the phone that he's already retired, but that he's part of the school board.
42:17At least we know he's not dead.
42:20Does he really want to go on that trip?
42:23Because his children don't want to contact him.
42:27Really, I think he's wrong.
42:29He's just going to stir things up and get angry about the land.
42:33What do you want me to tell you?
42:35I can't stand the idea that my nephew is going out with his girlfriend.
42:38He has every reason to be so angry.
42:41But if his children have decided that it is better to leave the subject alone, it must be for a reason.
42:45Because they are very disappointed.
42:47No, of course not.
42:49He's just going to see him, and since he's there, you ask him if it helps him find another land where to build the swimming pool, right?
42:55But why are you so surprised by what I'm going to do?
42:58You are also one of those women who have to say yes and not no.
43:04I'm not going to say no.
43:07Gemma, we risk being able to set up our own business.
43:12We have to do everything possible, as far as we can.
43:16I agree with you, but even if those lands are as close as possible, they will be other lands, other numbers, other problems.
43:23That's why I'm going to Madrid to talk to someone who knows much more than us.
43:26With someone who hasn't seen you in 20 years, and who probably doesn't even remember you.
43:31Yes, that may happen.
43:34But I have to try.
43:37Yes, I understand you.
43:39And I would do the same as you, if you already know me.
43:42But really, this has been a big blow for everyone.
43:46Maybe I should rest a little, and with time ...
43:51Maybe you're right.
43:54Maybe it's good to rest a little, and give it time.
44:50What's the matter?
44:58What's the matter?
45:00Why is there so much news for us to see at this time?
45:05I wanted to make sure you had five minutes to talk about your sister.
45:12No, thank you. I've had enough for today.
45:15What I'm going to tell you is worth a drink.
45:24What's wrong with my sister now?
45:28I convinced Marta to go to Barcelona with Fina and take care of the store there.
45:35Are you serious?
45:38You already have a free pass at the factory.
45:43Deep down, I admire you, Jaime.
45:45I'm fascinated by your temperament,
45:47to let your wife do whatever she wants with another woman.
45:52It's not temperance, Jesus.
45:54It's respect.
45:58And to accept reality and people as they are.
46:03Well, if it's a consolation, I don't think there's any normal marriage.
46:07As you can imagine, I also have some problems with Begoña.
46:12Drugging your wife to keep her under control
46:15I don't think it's the best way to solve problems.
46:20You're right.
46:21But that's history.
46:23I've decided to focus our relationship in a very different way, like you do.
46:27And while you invite your wife to leave,
46:30I invite mine to stay.
46:35Invite your wife to stay.
46:39That's what I call being benevolent to oneself.
46:44You have a very particular vision of Jesus' reality.
46:48I would even dare to say an optimistic point.
46:53It's what happens when the people we love force us to act in desperation.
46:59We become predators.
47:03Have you ever done something like that for love?
47:08For love, I'm capable of doing many things.
47:11I assure you.
47:15maybe we're not that different.
47:23I'm not like you.
47:25Are you crazy? Look at what you've done to me.
47:27I'm not like you.
47:29You've made that clear.
47:31I'm going to clean myself.
47:33I'm not like you.
47:35Can you hear me?
47:37I'm not like you.
47:40I'm not like you.
47:45I am.
