Salus tv n. 30 del 24 luglio 2024

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Davanzo della Comasin, con il tele-supporto all’allattamento al seno + 25% del tasso a 3 mesi dal parto, ed effetto dura fino a 6 mesi

Italia Longeva, al via la nona edizione degli Stati Generali dell’Assistenza a lungo termine

Bassi livelli di albumina nel sangue predicono rischio morte. Lo studio

Dalla Pharmatech Academy di Scampia giovani specializzati in farmaci Rna

Allarme interferenti endocrini, influiscono sulla crescita di statura dei bambini, specie nei primi 1000 giorni di vita


00:00In this number, in advance of the Comasin, with tele-support for breastfeeding plus 25% of the 3-month delivery tax and long-term effect up to 6 months.
00:22Italia Longeva launches the ninth edition of the General States of Long-Term Support.
00:29Low blood albumin levels predict the risk of death.
00:34And again, from the Pharmatec Academy of Scampia, young people specialized in RNA drugs.
00:42Endocrine interference alarms influence the growth of children's stature, especially in the first 1,000 days of life.
00:52A 25% increase in the 3-month delivery tax, thanks to tele-support and parents, compared to standard assistance.
01:06And the positive effect can also last up to 6 months.
01:09This is the main data from a recent study conducted by SIN, the Italian Society of Neonatology, on a champion of nurses and doctors of Italian neonatology.
01:18Which has shown how, despite being more difficult, communication between health workers and mothers, and tele-support for breastfeeding, is appreciated by families.
01:26Also allowing a clear participation of parents in greater measure, compared to usual consultations in presence.
01:31Moreover, the development of telecommunications in the last 150 years has been impressive, both in terms of devices and connectivity.
01:39During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine has increased enormously.
01:44Based on this experience, SIN has made and distributed a position statement on tele-support for breastfeeding.
01:50Coordinated by Dr. Riccardo D'Avanzo, President of the Italian Society of Neonatology Breastfeeding Commission.
01:56Telemedicine is a way to support breastfeeding remotely.
02:04Especially in the first three months of life, when doubts about the ability to meet the nutritional needs of the child are greater.
02:15But good words are not enough, we must also try to understand when it is an unmotivated fear, or when the child has little milk available.
02:31The criteria that mothers set for health workers are the most varied and different.
02:39From the behavior of the child, from the crying of the child, from the shortening of time between one breastfeeding and the other.
02:47In reality, growth is the criteria that informs us the most about the fact that milk production is going well and that the child is growing properly.
03:03Despite the fact that in 2022 legislative decrees on telemedicine were issued and that the PNRR itself recognizes telemedicine as a central role in the reorganization of health care,
03:13the experiences of telehealth after the pandemic, in the absence of a specific project, unfortunately stopped in most health care institutions,
03:23not knowing the great value that the World Health Organization attributes to preventive interventions in the area of infant maternal health.
03:30The WHO suggests exclusively breastfeeding for six months if the mother and the child want it and if the child grows properly.
03:40But it is in the first weeks of life that this help is needed.
03:46A help that can be in presence, but sometimes the hospital is not able to give an appointment in the short term for problems that the mother often perceives as serious or urgent.
04:09Let's say that simple vocal telephone contacts can represent a filter to decide which families to connect with a video call or a computer connection.
04:34Sometimes, however, even though telehealth is effective in maintaining breastfeeding, especially in the first months of life, sometimes the problem is not solved.
04:47And these can then be the women who will be brought to the hospital in person.
04:57The increase in the life expectancy and therefore of the elderly population poses the country system in the face of a growing need for prevention, health and assistance services.
05:11These themes were dedicated to the ninth edition of the General States of Long-Term Care, Long-Term Care 9, the annual meeting of Italia Longeva, which brings together actors who at various levels are engaged in programming and managing assistance for the elderly.
05:27Particularly central in the fact of prevention is the vaccination coverage.
05:31At the moment, the vaccination calendar includes, in all Italian regions, the seasonal anti-influenza vaccination, the pneumococcal vaccination and the Zoster vaccination, in addition to the annual call for COVID-19.
05:51These vaccinations are recommended for the elderly and are also recommended for the so-called fragile, that is, those categories of chronic diseases that can be more than 65 years old, but also less, which are a particular risk category to counteract those diseases and suffer the worst damage.
06:15A recommended vaccination coverage is able to offer benefits not only in terms of health, but also from a socioeconomic point of view.
06:23The achievement of minimum or optimal vaccination coverage would allow the system lower social costs for about 3 billion and a profit, therefore, of resources in terms of tax revenue of just over 500 million euros and a recovery of lost value of production, therefore of internal products, of about 10 billion.
06:49The President of Citi, who expressed her ambition for the future, was also present at the two-day Longeva in Italy.
06:55I believe that the ambition is to increase vaccination coverage. There are ways, the problem is complex, but the solutions are simple, if we want. It is enough to put them together and it is enough that there is an absolute synergy between political decision-makers, scientific societies, health professionals and the population.
07:26A joint research conducted at the University of Sapienza in Rome, in collaboration with IRCS Neuromedica di Pozzigli, Mediterranea Cardiocentro di Napoli and Università Lume Giuseppe De Gennaro di Casa Massimo in the province of Bari, has highlighted a significant association between hypoalbuminemia, i.e. low levels of albumin in the blood, and an increase in the risk of mortality for each cause, also for school diseases and cancer.
07:50In particular in the over-65s. The research, published in the scientific journal E-Clinical Medicine Lancet, has been conducted on the basis of data collected since March 2005 on 25,000 residents in Molise participating in the epidemiological study Molisani. The aim is to know the environmental and genetic factors at the basis of cardiovascular and tumoral diseases.
08:10But why albumin? We asked Augusto di Castelnuovo, from the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of IRCS Neuromedica di Pozzigli, province of Sermia.
08:17Albumin is a circulating protein, which plays an important role in various processes and, among other things, it also has antioxidant properties. Low levels of albumin are known to be related to a series of pathologies, but one of the characteristics of our study is to have checked all these conditions.
08:38In particular, subjects with a personal history of cardiovascular, tumoral or renal pathologies, hepatic or acute inflammation in act, were excluded from the study.
08:55The population analyzed consists of 18,000 individuals of the Molisani project, followed by a follow-up of 13 years, during which about 1,400 fatal events have been recorded.
09:10The population was divided according to the levels of albumin and it was observed that those who had a level of albumin below a solid of 35 grams per liter went against a mortality rate of more than 60%.
09:31The association was particularly evident in the group subjects, where the death rate increases by 80%.
09:37The study therefore provides a reference value that can better guide the doctor in the interpretation of albumin measurement.
09:44The solid of 35 grams per liter could be easily used to identify subjects at risk of low levels of albumin and the absence of pathologies that determine it.
09:59There are 28 students of the Pharmatech Academy, the first Italian Academy of Pharmacy of the University of Estonia in Naples, Federico II, entirely supported by the National Research Center for the Development of Hygienic Therapy and Pharmacy with RNA Technology,
10:22which has thus given way to a new generation of professionals ready to work in key areas of research and pharmaceutical production.
10:32The National Research Center is one of the five national centers funded by the European Union with the funds of the PNRR and has allocated more than 2 million euros to the project.
10:42In short, a challenge that Italy certainly cannot lose.
10:46An important challenge, a challenge that looks at economic development, looks at the training of young people, also looks at health, because the fall of a national center like ours is not only to grow the country as a competence, as an economic capacity, but also and above all to give a perspective of care.
11:07And so, on the occasion of the Graduation Day, the day the young people received their diploma in the headquarters of SCAMPIA of the Ateneo Federiciano, we learned how one of the realities considered as an excellence of Southern Italy becomes operational.
11:25Well, there are quite broad profiles. One of the comments we had from the companies is that they present a 360-degree training on a whole series of aspects that are normally little considered, little touched in master's courses.
11:42In particular, from a disciplinary point of view, they clearly have a training with respect to the new frontier of drugs, which is precisely that of RNA drugs and gene therapy, but they also have a solid preparation on all aspects of regulatory, regulatory, but also of practices that characterize the work in the company, such as the design of experiments, risk assessment, risk management.
12:12These are all aspects that are normally little cultivated in master's courses, which give a basic preparation, but which are extremely important in the procedures of business work, both in the field of research and production.
12:25It is a new challenge. Each new academy is a new challenge. This is new, combining the challenge of the new academy, the challenge of the PNRR and the challenge of SCAMPIA.
12:35These are three challenges all together. Today we have this first graduation day, which for us is an important moment.
12:44The academy represents a huge opportunity for young Italian talents and researchers.
12:50To be in my territory and therefore to have the opportunity to do an academy, which is the first academy in Italy, of pharma, right here in my country, has made me proud, because finally you do something in my territory, but above all to see personality, but above all other students who have come from other regions, even someone from the north, to come to Naples to study is really a pride.
13:13In the meantime, a new edition of the academy is underway, with a band aimed at a maximum of 40 new graduate students, always in STEM disciplines, for which it is possible to apply until September 4, 2024. The entire course of the course is covered by study bags.
13:37Various chemical substances widely spread in the environment, known as endocrine interferences, are able to negatively affect the physical, psychological and intellectual development of the human body, altering some physiological functions.
13:51And this especially if you come into contact with them in the first thousand days of life, that is from the beginning of pregnancy to the completion of the second year of age.
13:58In particular, as Sergio Bernasconi, professor of Pediatrics, already director of the Pediatric Clinics of the University of Modena and Parma, has underlined, during the recent symposium on the medicine of systems held at the University of the South of Milan and promoted by GUNA, a Milanese pharmaceutical company specialized in the production of low-dose medicines,
14:14these substances can play an active role in the development and growth of a child. This is an element of very recent studies that is rapidly expanding.
14:24But what are these endocrine interferences? We asked Professor Bernasconi himself.
14:28They are chemical substances of industrial production, practically ubiquitous, because they are present in plastic, they are present in building materials, they are present in cosmetics, they are practically present in everything we are in contact with in everyday life.
14:44We have been studying them for years, we know that they can certainly determine various problems, particularly in the child and during the first thousand days of life.
14:56This is the most delicate moment, so the discussion is not only about the small child, but it is also about the mother during pregnancy.
15:05They are substances that, as we know, can affect fertility, they can also affect a long-distance disease, such as cardiovascular disease, long-distance from birth.
15:16They can affect the neuropsychological development of the child.
15:21And if so far there had not been safe data on growth, in this sense something is changing.
15:26We must have scientific elements that tell us that they interfere with one of the fundamental systems that regulate natural growth, the so-called IGF-1 growth hormone system.
15:38And we now have data, both in the laboratory and live, on the animal of the experiment, which tells us that in fact many of these interferences can block this type of system.
15:49So we are also evaluating it from a clinical point of view, in a particular way, in what we know to be the most delicate, most important moment, which is that of the first thousand days of life.
16:02But what role does system medicine play in this type of study in the pediatric field?
16:06This is explained by Alessandro Pizzoccaro, president and founder of GUNA.
16:09It is very important because it explains well how the pathologies that are characteristic of children also depend more and more on the situation related to the environment.
16:24Not only related to the environment, but also related to interpersonal relationships between children and parents.
16:31So it perfectly fits into the scope of what system medicine maintains in itself, which is that there is a whole interrelation between pathologies, or even in the prevention of pathologies, and a more complex relationship between the patient and the rest of the environment.
16:49This was our last news. To contact us you can write to Thank you for following us and see you next time.
