Female Empowerment or Workplace Insanity?

  • 2 months ago

Today we analyze a viral video showcasing women in a skincare company participating in a circle chant that defines themselves in various ways, sparking differing reactions from men. The video prompts a discussion on women's marketing strategies aiming for inclusivity and fun, gender dynamics in the workplace, and the creation of female-led spaces. It also raises questions about individual agency in group settings and the impact of the women's consumer economy on business transactions. Overall, the video prompts reflection on gender roles, workplace behavior, and societal perceptions of empowerment and inclusivity.

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00:00All right, so this is a video it's kind of been in my head for a couple of days
00:04I just wanted to share with you this this is a video went pretty viral and I think it's a skin care company and the
00:11Women are in a circle doing these kinds of chants
00:16about themselves like this are defining themselves in some particular manner and
00:20So I would just play through it and people have been really
00:24Interested in this and I think for lots of good reasons and it really is quite fascinating
00:29So let's run through the video. It's for it's only 19 seconds, but it's 19 seconds of
00:35Intense girliness. All right, here we go
01:00Okay, so
01:03So the first the first woman is
01:06Gen Z bar cinema me that means that she's a Gen Z boss and she's wearing a miniskirt
01:10the second is
01:12This woman itty-bitty titties and a bob. I guess that's her hair and the third woman is
01:19five foot three and
01:23Secret product and a trench. I'm the trench coat. I guess I'm not sure what the secret product thing is
01:31New Frank green and a sneaky link. I don't know what a sneaky link is a Frank green
01:34I think is some kind of cup holder. I don't know why women really care about cup holders, but apparently they do
01:44Oh, yes fake ten hands and a hoop
01:47so why did the
01:50Context that this is very interesting. So
01:54It is
01:55The men are saying oh my gosh, this is so immature
01:57This is so like these women don't have useful jobs and so on
02:00But of course they are getting a lot of attention for this for their skincare
02:04company, but the interesting question for me is
02:09Why are men?
02:11Annoyed and why are women saying you know, why are men annoyed that women are just having fun women are happy
02:17They're having fun and that just bothers men. So what is it that bothers men as a whole?
02:23And what is it that women feel the need to defend as a whole now?
02:31I've worked in a wide variety of places, of course and
02:36It is incomprehensible to me that I would get together with male employees and we would do these
02:44Little chants and film it and so on
02:47And of course men are saying but but they're at work. This is unprofessional. It's like well
02:50If it's marketing then it is professional to
02:55Get the marketing out there and up in this kind of way
03:01It's interesting because
03:04It would never happen, I mean I worked in the software field so we've got a bunch of fairly dour
03:09Although sometimes fun-loving kind of coders. So getting them to do this would be
03:13Impossible like they just look at you like what the hell we here to work now again, but I worked in a technical field
03:19So this is a sort of fun lifestyle thing
03:22So the purpose of female marketing is to make you want to be in the group
03:28And so so the purpose of male marketing is to make you feel like you'd be in charge of the group or get the women
03:35Or whatever it is, right? But the purpose of female marketing is
03:39To make you want to be part of this group, right? This is all the high school stuff who's invited to the parties
03:44You know, you've got the cell phone thing now where everyone has every kid has to have a cell phone in order to be invited places
03:50So the purpose of female marketing is to make you want to be part of this group. And so the way that you market it is
03:56We are having so much fun, you know
03:59We're attractive and we're having so much fun and the boss is in on it too and having fun
04:04So it's not it's not hierarchical, right?
04:06So the women's have flattened the hierarchy, right men want the hierarchy
04:09We want to be at the top of the hierarchy the women want to flatten the hierarchy
04:13which is why it's interesting to see Gen Z boss and
04:17Many right. So so the first thing is it's a flattened hierarchy. And do you want to be part of this group? Well, they're
04:25There they have a miniskirt. They're attractive. They're having fun and
04:31You as a woman you'd want to be part of this group what I want to work here what I want to be part of
04:36this group and that's how marketing works on women, so I
04:40Understand from the male perspective. This is like well, that's not real work
04:44but the real work in terms of marketing is to make you feel a
04:48Part of the group and would you want to be in this group? And so they're all having fun
04:53They're all giving little definitions of themselves and so on. So
04:57That's sort of a gap in understanding between men and women
05:00Now the other thing that's interesting is when we go to I think she's an Asian woman
05:06So this itty-bitty titties in a bob, so she is grabbing her own breasts and talking about them in the workplace
05:14Well, this is a little incomprehensible to men
05:17Of course who've been told for decades and often savagely attacked or fired or ostracized or had their careers destroyed
05:25for having any conversations about sexuality and
05:30You know Raj in the zones like like breasts in the workplace
05:34So this woman is grabbing her own breasts and talking in the workplace about her own breasts
05:40Which is annoying for men
05:42I think because men have been hammered hard for decades lost careers lost income and
05:50so on for any hint of
05:52sexualized talk or actions
05:55in the workplace, right so
05:57For the four women the equivalent would be a man grabbing his genitals talking about the size of his penis
06:04right, and so the fact that the woman is in the workplace a grabbing her breasts and
06:11They're talking about them is a little confusing if not annoying for men as a whole so I sort of understand that perspective
06:20So it does seem a little manic to me. This is not particularly authentic does seem a little manic
06:26right this sort of dancing and hair flipping and so on seems a little manic and
06:31And the gestures are you know, they're
06:36And yeah, this woman in particular gets, you know quite
06:41Quite intense now the other thing too, of course, is that
06:47The fact that there are no men here and the women are having fun
06:50I understand the women's perspective is hey, what's wrong with the women having fun?
06:54Why are men so dour and so on?
06:56But the problem is of course that this has become a sort of very insular a circle so there aren't any men here
07:02Right. So so if there aren't any men here
07:05Where's the gender equality right these women aren't you know, nobody's criticizing these women and saying well, why where are the men working for you?
07:12Why is it all women and so on?
07:14I mean, I'm I guess they might say some minorities and so on and so the fact that women can create these companies and not hire
07:21Any men after women have been hammering men for gender equality is troubling, right?
07:26Is it gender equality you're looking for or is it just pro-women? Right? And so the fact that these women
07:32Aren't being criticized as a whole by other women by saying well, where are the men working here?
07:38Well, that's that's not that's not ideal
07:41Now, of course when we go back to the this lady itty-bitty titties and above we go back to this lady
07:49Well, I think what they're saying is well we can talk about this stuff and it's totally fine because there aren't any men here, right?
07:56So we can we can do this this dance we can you know, grab her boobs and so because there aren't any men here
08:02right, and so what this reminds men is that men could have you know, sort of more coarse or
08:11Physical conversations when there weren't any women around right?
08:14So so this all ended when women came into the workplace not that I'm saying it was great
08:18I'm just saying that this is what ended when women came into the workplace, which seems important
08:23And so women can have these kinds of frank
08:26obviously touch your boobs kind of conversations
08:30You can have these because there aren't
08:33Men around and men are saying well
08:35we used to have these spaces where we could talk frankly about things but women came in and now we can't and
08:40Nobody's saying this is and this is going to be
08:43Inappropriate like men aren't going to want to come into this workforce because of the way the women are behaving
08:48I mean, can you imagine a man?
08:50I mean if I was a man in this workplace and they said let's do this
08:53I'd be like, I know I that's not my kind of thing. This seems a bit undignified and and
08:59You know
08:59If you're a man in a circle with a woman grabbing her breasts and it's being filmed and talking about her breast size
09:05You're gonna feel distinctly uncomfortable, but the women have no problem with it
09:08Which means they don't have any problem with sexualized workplace conversations
09:11They just don't want to have those when there are men around and men have been saying that
09:16Women have caused censorship in the workplace for men, but women don't care
09:19But when men aren't around women talk like this
09:21So it is just a little annoying and the fact that this is so circular, right? In other words, this is instant
09:30So the women are having a blast which you know who cares about people having fun
09:35Good for them, right? But the women having a blast and
09:39There aren't any men around and this goes to men's secret fear that women enjoy life more without men around
09:48Now we can sort of go into whether this is true or false or whatever you want to call it
09:52but there is a pretty deep and powerful fear that men have that women prefer life without men around and
10:02This is one of the reasons why
10:05Sort of women off
10:07By themselves having fun is difficult for men now
10:10I mean, I'm not saying whether this is good or bad or right or wrong
10:14I'm just kind of identifying the the process
10:16So if women are having a blast without men around of course if you can imagine a man walks in on this and the women's
10:22fear the women's happiness and spontaneity and
10:25Dancing would be diminished. I would assume right and so they were women are having they can let their hair down
10:30They can talk frankly they can they can have fun
10:34More fun without men around that's kind of fearful for men because it's like, okay
10:38So what do we have to offer right and and that so if the women are this insular and having this much fun without any men
10:44Around then to men it provokes a deep insecurity, which is okay
10:49So women are having more fun without men around
10:51women are enjoying each other's company and enjoying the dancing and the silliness without men around and
10:58Therefore having men around is negative and that makes men feel
11:02Unneeded and insecure
11:03I mean the fact of course that the men built the building and the men built to the
11:08Office machinery and the men provide the air conditioning and electricity. That's fine
11:11You know, whatever I'm just but then of course when men say we want our own private spaces so we can enjoy ourselves
11:17Without the complexity and challenges of having women around that's considered misogynistic and sexist
11:23But when women say we want to have our own spaces and our own companies without men around so that we can enjoy ourselves
11:28Without the complications of men, well, that's that's fine, right? So when men want their own spaces that's misogynistic when women want their own spaces
11:36well, that's just
11:38That's that's fun and spontaneous and how dare you interfere with women's happiness again
11:42This is just this kind of double standard that just makes people a little a little twitchy and they are having fun
11:48And and I'm not you know, I'm obviously not saying that
11:55They've obviously done very good with regards to
11:59Marketing and all of that, but I think here's where the big issue is
12:03I think for a lot of men and of course, I don't want to speak for all men and I certainly these aren't all awesome for
12:10These aren't all my opinions or perspectives, but the women are having fun
12:14so the big question is for men the big question is and this has a lot to do with the political system and women's voting and
12:21And it's okay so in this office, let's say
12:26One of these women didn't want to participate, right? Let's say one of these women
12:32Didn't want to participate in this
12:36Dance and silliness and so on let's say that she's like, yeah, you know, I've got some work to do
12:47Sorry certainly we shouldn't be having all of this
12:51You know grabbing boobs and stuff like that. So
12:55If if one of these women were to say I don't want to do that what would happen, right?
13:00Are they free to not participate or is it just like yes, absolutely. We're all gonna do this together
13:06We're all gonna have a blast and maybe everybody was in the mood for it and everybody was just down with it
13:10Or maybe the people who didn't want to be part of this one were excluded and so on
13:14But are the women free to say no, I don't want to participate in this right this is a big question
13:21That's a big big
13:23question and I
13:26Don't know that they are and sort of this this group think and we're all going to vote for this candidate or we're all gonna
13:31Vote Democrats and of course for for men, you know these women. I don't know
13:35Honestly, I haven't been able to check in detail if they have rings or not. Maybe they do maybe they're married
13:40Maybe they're not but a single women
13:43Who have groupthink
13:45right single women who are not allowed to disagree single women with groupthink are
13:49Responsible for voting for more and more government and bigger and bigger government and they don't need no men and so on and there is of
13:56Course this whole economy that's out there. It's sort of like when I worked in the business world
14:00I really got introduced to the what's called the b2b business to business economy
14:04Which is a massive proportion of the economy that is not seen by the consumer
14:08So for men realizing that there's this whole economy out there
14:11Which is like women's skin care and so on and and these guys all make money and it's completely invisible to men and it's outside
14:19of the male purview and
14:21It's a whole sort of parallel economy just for women like like, you know, you go to the mall
14:25it's pretty obvious that there's a massive economy just there for women and
14:29a lot of the money that women spend in the economy comes from men either through
14:33Welfare or debt or the man's earning more than the woman and so he's giving her more money than she's giving him so to speak
14:40so there's this whole economy that runs off the excess of men that there are no men in and
14:46Again, that's just a little unsettling. So I think that there's a lot of complexity in this video
14:50I I love the fact that they're having fun
14:52I can understand why some men might have some trouble with it and
14:56I want to know what you think about this kind of thing. I'll put a link to the video below
15:00Let me know what you think, but yeah, I've been really thinking about this
15:02I think it's a very interesting phenomena free domain dot-com slash donate to help out the show. Thanks. Bye