SEC or Big Ten aren't likely to pursue Florida State due to financial sense

  • 2 months ago
00:00Little bit of bad news for Florida State and good news if you're a Florida State hater like I am
00:06apparently reports are
00:09Big Ted and SEC not interested in the Florida State Seminoles
00:15So that means they are stuck in the ACC Dono
00:18You are the man that knows most about the ACC
00:22Can you please inform us what this means why didn't go through and how embarrassing this is for several fans?
00:28Also, it's a Brett McMurphy from Action Network who reported this who's this is a real reporter like he's he's a reputable reporter
00:35but the thing that I've noticed over the last several months on
00:39covering conference realignment is
00:42Ten different reporters some more reputable than others, but ten different porters will give you ten different scenarios
00:47It's like there's a lot of guessing that goes on
00:50There's a lot of clickbait that goes on and even if and I'm not doubting what McMurphy is saying here
00:56Because again, this is a good reporter and someone who I trust to give good information. He's not a troll
01:01He's not a burner account or something at the same time like
01:06While FSU and Clemson are still sorting out their legal issues like they're in court with multiple active lawsuits with the ACC
01:14It's not too surprising that the SEC and the Big Ten would deny interest to maybe avoid
01:20Tampering to say hey like, you know, we're we're gonna wait and see how the process plays out
01:25I could understand that but but Marcos if what you're saying in what McMurphy is saying is true that the SEC and the Big Ten
01:33Really because they both just expanded like the the Big Ten just added a bunch of you know
01:37Top schools from the PAC 12 the SEC just added, Texas and Oklahoma
01:42So if they're really not interested in expanding further, then you look at Florida State and Clemson say okay
01:47You guys are spending millions of dollars suing the ACC and you know
01:52Potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in exit fees and now your choices are staying in the ACC or going to the Big 12
01:59that would be an all-time backfire if if they can't get into one of those conferences Leroy we would and
02:07Here's what happens in normal situations
02:10You have a plan before you leave
02:13Right. It seemed like Florida State just said we got to get the hell out of here
02:17Yeah, and it was all of a sudden is when they didn't get in the playoff
02:21Now babies what I would have did was if I was the ACC I
02:27Would have got together with all the other teams and found a way to give them the money
02:32They would have received from going to the playoff and just gave Florida State the money and said here you go
02:39Right. Mm-hmm. I don't know a lot, but I don't know rich people to give away money. Well, and let me
02:44Here's the post it is. Well, and also there's something in the McMurphy tweet. That's kind of funny. So let me read the full
02:50Exposed he says big 10 SEC unlikely to add Florida State if it leaves ACC and ACC survives sources told
02:58Action Network big 10 and SEC don't want FSU because adding FSU doesn't make financial sense
03:04No desire to expand and quote. They've been a disruptive partner. The sources said now that's the interesting part of it
03:11So basically a conference may say look at how much Karen University over there is whining about their situation
03:17They're suing the conference. Maybe we don't want someone who lashes out that way, right?
03:23There you go
03:24Karma, I mean plus listen, I don't want to sound like
03:32This you know
03:34But the big 10 and SEC don't need anyone that's the thing right they don't them
03:40Yeah, so don't act like you're going to the table
03:44With a lot to offer and I think that's what
03:49The big 10 and SEC might be looking at is like, wait a minute
03:53You want to come with the big boys?
03:56Like we don't need you. We see also and I think you have to remember is so, you know
04:00The school's in the big 10 and in the SEC they get big
04:04Payouts for the TV deal like bigger than what the ACC teams get which is why Florida State wants to go there
04:09But if you add another team to the conference you have to split up
04:13You have to slice more pieces of the pie. Here's the other thing. There's a lot of teams joining these conferences without
04:19Getting TV money for the first couple years Cal and Stanford or getting a fraction SMU's not getting any money, right?
04:26Yeah, so so yeah, they just want to be a part of the big boy
04:31Conference, right? So Florida State as good as you have been
04:38Can't go into there making demands. No, so that might be the problem. They like look we rather not deal with it
04:44We don't need you when they probably also would want
04:46Their next partner if they leave the ACC to help them pay that buyout and maybe and the big 12 might be interested in doing
04:53That there has been some buzz about the big 12
04:55Maybe at which is not where they would want to go
04:58But the big 12 adding Florida State and Clemson because the big 12 is about to bring in private equity money like they're about to bring
05:04In like partners and all this capital so they might actually pay the buyout to bring them over
05:09Well, I mean, okay, then, you know
05:13Won't be long
05:14For Miami's over there. Yeah, probably not
05:19Wow, well it also if this is true again what McMurphy reported this actually I know a lot of Miami fans are like
05:26Oh, I wish we were doing something and suing the ACC. This makes me relieved that they're not because instead of
05:33Spending millions of dollars on this without having a place to go which might be what Florida State's doing right now
05:38I'd rather wait and see what happens right instead of spending millions of dollars in legal fees to take the ACC to court
05:44Let's see how this shakes out if the grant of rights is enforceable or not if they can get out where they can go
05:50Maybe Miami had the more responsible approach here. Now. Is this true? I
05:55Don't know enough about this, but I'll ask you to confirm it. Yeah
06:00They would have expanded last year if not for the ACC the playoff
06:06the playoff, uh, I
06:08Don't know. I heard that the ACC was they voted against it that voted against it and lo and behold
06:15Florida State didn't get in I
06:18You know what? I think I think you might have been right. I do recall something about that
06:22Yeah, yeah, and and listen the ACC is horribly run, but horribly wrong. Just yeah. Hey
06:28Yeah, that's grounds for just yeah, somebody got to get fired, yeah
06:34And you see here's what I love like you go in these rooms and you vote and you can just vote and say whatever you
06:43You don't have to
06:45defend your stance
06:47So for the people that run the ACC
06:51we as fans or
06:55Institutions or as these you should be able
06:59To know why you made that decision
07:03When everybody else in the country and because you're wanting to power five everybody has to agree
07:09Yeah, ACC Big Ten and Pac-12 voted against expanded college football crazy. Yeah
07:14I mean they weren't the only ones apparently, but you know more more play
07:18But obviously you can only make it so big but more more playoff teams make sense when you're not the top
07:24Conference because you have better chance to and the ACC does they guarantee a spot in the playoff because your conference champion is guaranteed a top
07:31Five seed so obviously you want more inclusion for the playoff so you can get more teams in
