I have had sex with many women. How to forget all that? || Acharya Prashant (2024)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 13.04.24, Vedanta Session, Greater Noida

What's wrong to have sex before marriage?
What if a boy or girl had sex before marriage?
Sex: Why Do People Place So Much Importance on It?
Both genders would suffer if this happens
This is why "equality" is a trap
How do you know this is true?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:06I've done things in the past which I'm not so proud of, mingling with some girls in sexual
00:12way and regretting it later.
00:15Such things can be taken back, and living with it knowing that the sexual energy has
00:20affected me in subtle ways, which I can very much feel.
00:25I don't know how to remove this sexual memory from my body.
00:29I tried searching online how to get rid of this memory, and my mind is occupied with
00:36it, and so is my body, I believe.
00:40I want to get rid of these essence that I have picked up.
00:44I'm aware of the changes in my body, and all I want to do is get rid of it.
00:50But what is sexual memory?
00:52What do you mean by that?
00:55Like fragrances, and the subtle changes that I feel that have changed ever since then.
01:04See, it requires you to be occupied in the same kind of patterns as before, right?
01:24If you live the same life as you were living hitherto, if you visit the same places, if
01:33you eat at the same places, then obviously all those things will return as nostalgia
01:42to you.
01:44You cannot be living the same kind of life and yet hope to not notice a missing part
02:00of that life.
02:03Sexual activity or relationships are not something that happen in vacuum.
02:14So you had a set of friends, you also had particular sartorial preferences, you also
02:23were spending time doing something like watching football, watching movies, visiting this place,
02:31doing this particular thing, and in the middle of all this and arising from all this and
02:41intermeshed with all this was the sexual aspect of life, right?
02:47Now that sexual aspect might have proven to bring sorrow to you, so you want to get rid
02:55of it.
02:56Something happens, you know, in these things there is a degree of fragility always present,
03:00so you now want to put it away, but you want to keep everything else intact.
03:07That's not going to happen.
03:08If everything else remains the same way it was, then this part of life too will cry to
03:16remain the same as it was.
03:22You cannot say, you know, I am still a lover of pizza, but I don't like cheese anymore.
03:35Every time they will serve you the pizza, you will be reminded of cheese.
03:40Fine, cheese might still be dispensable, but you cannot say, I am a lover of pizza, I continue
03:47to be a lover of pizza, but I don't want the bread anymore.
03:52Every time they will serve you pizza, sands, bread, you will clamor for bread.
04:04If you want to change something in life, really change something, you must change the
04:13centre itself, otherwise you are just inviting a sense of being torn.
04:27You visit the same club as you used to.
04:33The moment you reach there, they will say, well, sir, where is your partner?
04:40Stag entry not allowed.
04:41And the moment they will point at that, you will be reminded of something and you will
04:49start missing something, are you getting it?
04:57Then you will not be able to stand that loneliness for long.
05:05If you want to save your other patterns, you will be forced to bring in the missing part
05:15of the pattern as well.
05:19You cannot say, I want to drive the same car, but without one of the wheels.
05:26If you insist that you will drive the same car, you will have to bring back the wheel,
05:31maybe of a different brand, maybe from a different manufacturer, maybe with some other stripes
05:41and grooves and cuts, maybe alloy wheels this time, maybe something else, but the replacement
05:52would have to be found and that's no good.
05:56Essentially, you have restored the status quo.
06:03If the wheel has tormented you so much or if you have been able to see the futility
06:10of wheeling around, you will need to maybe change the vehicle itself.
06:19Are you please getting it?
06:22We tend to look at problems in fragments.
06:31We think relationship with one particular person is one particular problem, no.
06:38Any particular problem is always related to all the other problems that you have that
06:45applies to a person, that applies to humanity as a whole.
06:51But we do not want to disrupt the other problems because every problem to us is a pleasure
06:58giving pattern until it shows up for what it really is.
07:07So we remain enmeshed in problems and at one point in time, only one of the pattern appears
07:14as a problem.
07:15The other patterns appear as pleasures.
07:19So we don't want to disrupt them.
07:23Only the one particular pattern that has revealed itself as a problem, we want to do something
07:28about it.
07:29You cannot do anything about it.
07:33Not possible.
07:35All these problems are related to each other and lucky are those whose problems all together
07:44show up all at once.
07:47Unfortunately that does not happen with us.
07:51We are not lucky enough to be attacked by all problems together.
07:59In our life problems come one at a time.
08:04So we feel now at this moment there is only this particular problem and the other factors
08:10in life, the other things, other objects in life, they are all right.
08:14In fact, they are rather sources of pleasure.
08:16In fact, they are the bulwarks helping me to face this particular problem.
08:25So I have five friends, one of whom has turned into a problem lately.
08:32Who are the other four?
08:36These four, the other four are the one supporting me in facing the problem.
08:44These five together are not the problem.
08:47One of them is a problem and the other four are my support even as I face the problem.
08:56So you will cling even more to the other four.
08:59The fact is the five of them together are one thing.
09:05These five are not distinct at all.
09:10They are five manifestations of the same thing.
09:15What is that same thing?
09:16That same thing is called your choice because you are the one who chose all five of them.
09:24Each of them is an exhibition of your choice and therefore each of them is problematic
09:31because your choice is problematic.
09:33What is choice?
09:36When one's consciousness is not elevated enough or pure enough or sharp enough, then that
09:43lack of sharpness is displayed in hazy and harmful choices.
09:51The one who is making a harmful choice will make harmful choices in all matters, no?
09:57Or will he make a harmful choice only in one particular matter?
10:03I am asking.
10:04Please think of it.
10:06If I do not know how to choose, I will not be choosing a pair of shoes wisely.
10:10I will also not be choosing a handkerchief wisely.
10:14I will also not be choosing a job wisely.
10:18If I do not know how to drive, does it matter whether I drive to the left or to the right?
10:25If I drive to the left, I will be colliding.
10:27If I'll drive to the right, I'll again be banging into somebody.
10:34Because right or left, it's me at the center, at the wheel.
10:41But I think that probably I got hit only when I was driving to the left.
10:50Therefore it is the left direction that's inauspicious.
10:53Let me avoid left and drive only to the right.
10:59As if only one segment of life is a problem.
11:01No, the segment of life is not the problem.
11:04The center of life is the problem.
11:11That's why books like Gita help.
11:16They challenge the very center of life.
11:26In that case, how do I get rid of, like you gave an example of a pizza.
11:33What about the good things in it, like some vegetables?
11:38I can't just get rid of that, right?
11:41I might have to replace it.
11:43The good things there serve as convenient excuses for all the bad things.
11:54Good things are always needed so that we can sustain the bad things.
12:01Truth is always needed so that we can cover up the lies.
12:06Honesty is always needed so that we can be conveniently dishonest.
12:14Absolute dishonesty would absolutely fall.
12:19An absolute lie cannot stand.
12:24Therefore, some kind of seasoning of the truth is needed.
12:30Remember that goodness moderated is just a cover up for wickedness.
12:46If you really want good things, do not take them through a pizza.
12:53Good things are their own justification.
13:00Take them for what they are.
13:02You cannot take them as dressings or toppings upon a pizza.
13:08Good things must not be ordered to tail behind bad things.
13:16Good things should not be used as a cover up, as a foil.
13:23For bad things.
13:27If good things are really good, respect them for their own self.
13:38If there are olives there or something, why not just consume olives?
13:48Why do you need to have a pizza for the sake of olives?
13:57I have nothing against pizzas.
14:01Just because the example is stretching too far.
14:04I hope we are not taking this as some kind of judgment on pizza itself.
14:11I love pizzas.
14:13Do you think there is a way to rise beyond that in a most effective way?
14:20Although I do realize, as you said, that the problem,
14:25I could blame it on my situations and circumstances,
14:28but it arises really just in me.
14:31But how do I change myself?
14:34By seeing what you are doing.
14:37By seeing what you are doing.
14:42The action that brings sorrow must become the gateway to the actor.
14:52Ideally, every action should enable you to look at the actor.
14:57But if the action begets pleasure, you do not want to look at the actor.
15:03So when the action results in sorrow,
15:06it's an opportune time to look at the actor.
15:10Because the actor now is himself saying,
15:13come on, heal me, come on, help me, give me some remedy.
15:18So this is the right time to go to the actor and see,
15:21how are you, where have you been hurt, what happened really?
15:26See how you made those choices.
15:29And see that those choices are still continuously being made.
15:33That will help you avert further sorrow, rather further disasters.
15:41The center from which we made one bad choice
15:46is still active and is still choosing on our behalf.
15:52Which means more sorrow is just around the corner.
15:59That will also help you get rid of all the nostalgia and the memory and such things.
16:06Should I remember the road accident I had six months back?
16:11Or should I focus on averting the one waiting to happen six seconds later?
16:21I am rushing into a road roller.
16:24Should I focus on that?
16:27Or should I remain occupied thinking of the bad accident I had six months back?
16:38200 meters ahead of me is that road roller.
16:42And I am going to collide headlong.
16:46When you see that the real tragedy is not what happened in the future.
16:52The real tragedy is not what happened in the future.
16:55But what is going to happen just now.
16:59Not what happened in the past.
17:01But what is going to happen just now.
17:04Then there remains no incentive to keep clinging to the past.
17:11When you are thinking of all the sorrow of the past,
17:16you have a very solid assumption.
17:19The assumption is that sorrow lies in the past.
17:24And therefore, you are looking at the past and asking, you know, how do I get rid of it?
17:28How do I heal it?
17:30What if you come to learn that sorrow lies not so much in the past,
17:34but in the immediate present.
17:39That you are going to collide with that road roller right now.
17:42Would you still want to remember what happened 10 years back?
17:45All the nostalgia and all the memory and all those things will just vanish.
18:00Also, since we were on the topic of food,
18:05I have, this is a different question, is it fine for me to ask?
18:09Yeah, sure.
18:12So a lot around my society and my family,
18:17I see so many people are getting a lot of illnesses.
18:22Especially due to their diet.
18:24And obviously I follow all the things that you say.
18:28But I am an international student.
18:30So being in the United Kingdom, where I am right now,
18:35following such diets, even if I try to tell it to people,
18:38it doesn't really sit well with them.
18:40Often I do just focus on eating pure vegetarian.
18:45A lot of times, back in my family, a lot of people that are vegetarian
18:49get a lot of health reports where they have less B12
18:54or they got some kind of diseases or ailments
18:57because of not being properly nourished with the food that they consume.
19:04How do I manage it?
19:06Somewhere, I have heard that
19:10vegetarian diet is not sufficient for the minerals,
19:14the nutrition that I might require as a young man.
19:19You see, for that, there are research reports
19:23and qualified medical practitioners
19:26and there is a lot of scientific literature available on the net.
19:30You just need to go through all of that.
19:33When it comes to having the right
19:37minerals and vitamins and other things in the body,
19:44you know of smallpox and measles and such things, right?
19:48If you get smallpox one, you are unlikely to get it again.
19:54Because what has gone inside you as the virus
19:59provokes antibodies.
20:02So, you become immune.
20:05Now, that's one way of getting antibodies inside you.
20:11Get the virus itself, suffer and you will have antibodies.
20:17But is that what sane people do?
20:21Sane people just get factory made stuff
20:27and inject into their bodies.
20:29We call that vaccination.
20:35And you too have been vaccinated.
20:39Did your vaccine come or had to come
20:44compulsorily by violence, by killing a living being?
20:51Factory made, it's a chemical thing, it just comes in.
20:55What I mean to say is so much
20:58of the right things that we need on our body
21:03are anyway factory produced.
21:09And they need not have been factory produced.
21:11For example, think of the COVID disease.
21:17If you do get COVID,
21:20you are protected against, at least to some degree,
21:24you are protected against getting infected again.
21:28But is that the course you want to take?
21:31Do you say, let me get COVID once and once I get it,
21:33then again, I'm unlikely to get it.
21:35No, you don't.
21:36You instead rely on factories.
21:39And what do those factories produce?
21:42Something that ascertains your health.
21:46So, why can't you take factory made B12?
21:50If your vaccines are factory made
21:52and you have no problems taking those vaccines,
21:54why can't you take in factory made B12?
21:56What is this entire tamasha
22:01about vegetarian food lacking in B12?
22:07Go pop a pill.
22:10You take in so much
22:13that is anyway factory made.
22:16Modern life depends on factory products.
22:19Do you then say that everything has to be normal and natural?
22:22Do you then say?
22:23Then why do you insist in the case of B12?
22:26Let B12 come from the factories.
22:28What's the problem?
22:30Just as the vaccines come from factories.
22:34Even that which you call as natural comes from the factories.
22:37For example, powdered milk.
22:42Do you think that comes from a buffalo?
22:47Everything that you take in is anyway coming from a factory.
22:50Let B12 also come from a factory.
22:52No problem.
22:54Or will I say?
22:55No, no, no.
22:56B12 must be from a natural source.
22:58So, let me slaughter a few animals.
23:01Then even COVID should be from a natural source.
23:03Why do you use that vaccine?
23:05Let the natural virus infect you.
23:09Why do you take in any piece of medication?
23:16Let life be natural.
23:19Why should you even live in a house?
23:21Live on a tree?
23:23Let life be natural?
23:27Why should you brush your teeth?
23:30No natural being brushes teeth.
23:37Why should you get a haircut?
23:40Why should you use headphones?
23:41None of these are natural.
23:44Why should you be educated?
23:46Why should you marry?
23:47None of these are natural.
23:51To be human is to wisely transcend nature.
23:58And if you cannot transcend nature, you are an animal.
24:01I am not talking of violating nature.
24:04I am not talking of harming nature.
24:07I am not talking of exploiting nature.
24:10I am talking of wisely transcending nature.
24:13A human being by definition is one who can transcend nature.
24:17So use your factories to manufacture B12
24:21and take in the right dose.
24:22That's all.
24:25Just as
24:27tetanus, smallpox, diphtheria.
24:32You don't hear of them anymore, right?
24:37Because you took in something that was factory made.
24:40Even malaria.
24:41In the developed world.
24:42I don't think in the UK there are any cases of malaria since decades now.
24:47Or plague.
24:59If someone says, you know, but it is unnatural.
25:01You say, everything is unnatural.
25:03You know,
25:04If someone says, you know, but it is unnatural.
25:06You say, everything is unnatural.
25:09Even your moustache is unnatural.
25:12Which animal,
25:13which natural animal is seen to keep a proper beard or a moustache?
25:19Everything is unnatural.
25:21Language is unnatural.
25:22Think of it.
25:24Do you have language in the jungle?
25:26Even if they have,
25:27it is some kinds of primordial sounds.
25:31Computers are unnatural.
25:33Computers are unnatural.
25:35Clothes are unnatural.
25:40It's okay.
25:47Oh, well, you could also say that
25:49the technology we use is perhaps just part of nature itself.
25:54We just are able to manipulate them in the way that we want.
25:59Yes, you could say that.
26:00You could say that.
26:01But don't say manipulate
26:02and don't say we won't say.
26:04We are able to wisely use nature as a resource.
26:12To uplift ourselves.
26:14Not just to ingratiate ourselves.
26:19If we say we just want to use nature as per our desire,
26:23then that is what culminates in things like climate change
26:27and biodiversity depletion.
26:30Our relationship with nature, Prakriti,
26:35has to be very finely balanced
26:38and it must arise from our wisdom.
26:45Otherwise, what's the problem in just
26:47slaughtering everything that you can see?
26:53Yes, slaughter.
26:55And the justification is
26:57I want to.
26:58I want to.
27:02My want cannot be the justification.
27:07My wisdom is the driver.
27:15Yeah, that answers everything.
27:19Thank you.
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