Neighbours 9081 23rd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Neighbours 9081 23rd July 2024
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I've hired a manager for the day-to-day running of the hotel.
00:05And I've got an early meeting.
00:06Golf isn't a meeting, Brett.
00:08I really am sorry to hear about the church closing.
00:10And Nick's organised a furniture bazaar to raise funds for it.
00:13You haven't told anyone about my whole uni thing?
00:16Don't worry, I'm a vault.
00:18If Remy was pretending to be single, I would have lost it.
00:22Why did you let this go on for so long?
00:23I enjoyed it.
00:24In your dream life, me and Sadie, we don't exist.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:43You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59Become good friends
01:10Um, do you know where Andrew is?
01:12Oh, er...
01:13Because he's not answering his phone and I'm just...
01:15Yeah, I'm really worried.
01:16He's okay, he's at Lassiter's.
01:19Oh, well, do you know what room?
01:21I don't.
01:22Well, I know he probably asked you not to tell me, but...
01:26What are you doing here?
01:30I thought...
01:32Oh, I was...
01:42Oh, look who's finally out of her room!
01:45Can't possibly do any more prep than I already have.
01:48You've got this in the bag.
01:50What time's Toadie getting there tomorrow?
01:52Oh, um, he's actually not coming to court tomorrow.
01:56Wait, hang on, isn't this case like a really big deal?
01:59Yeah, it is, but Toadie's really busy, so I told him not to worry about it.
02:06Have you talked to Nick about the church fundraiser yet?
02:11Is that bad?
02:12Well, she kind of did do it for you, right?
02:15The question is, what was she hoping for in return?
02:18Are you open to something happening?
02:21Honestly, I'm still trying to get my head around her explanation.
02:24It sounded like she was really insecure at the time.
02:27Yeah, and what's going to be different in the future?
02:31You two are home late.
02:33Yeah, well, we've been celebrating.
02:35Booking's off at the vineyard.
02:36Oh, that's amazing!
02:43Hey, Andrew.
02:47Yeah, okay, thanks for letting me know.
02:51What's happened?
03:07So, are you ready to tell me what's going on?
03:13We had an argument.
03:17You didn't come home.
03:20I had to fight at the hotel and broke out just as I was about to clock off.
03:25I'm sorry that I didn't call you. There was just no time.
03:29You know, you don't need to explain.
03:32I should have thought it through before I raced down here and embarrassed you at work.
03:38You've done worse.
03:46I don't want to lose you, Andrew.
03:52I just don't think I'd be able to live with myself.
04:02I really don't think we should have this conversation right now.
04:09You're dead on your feet.
04:11And I have a ton of paperwork to get done before I'm allowed to leave.
04:17Do we really think we need to talk?
04:21Yeah, we will.
04:23We just both need some sleep.
04:29Are you going to come home?
04:45Come in. Yes, thank you for your patience while we get this sorted out.
04:49In the meantime, you can enjoy some complimentary snacks, food, anything that you might need.
04:53Yeah, I'm taking tea and coffee orders as well, guys, so let me know what you'd like.
04:58Hey. Hi.
05:00Okay, so the good news is nobody was hurt and nobody's making an official complaint to the police.
05:04Good. Yeah.
05:05Okay, just tell me how this happened.
05:07It was a booking error.
05:08Of two groups this size?
05:10Doug Baldry, the guy that Andrew took away, thought that his group was checking in at midnight tonight.
05:14And they're not?
05:15No. The other group was booked for check-in tonight.
05:17The two ladies started arguing and the next minute it got, like, really personal.
05:20And it was definitely our mistake?
05:23Doug's group do have a reservation for next month.
05:26Guess who took the booking?
05:30Great. Well, he better be working on a solution to fix this right now.
05:32That's the thing. He's not even here.
05:34What? He left early.
05:36Of course he did.
05:37But don't worry. We found rooms for the VIPs in every room and twin rooms for everybody else.
05:41We'll put them in their proper rooms tomorrow.
05:43Okay, great. Thank you.
05:45Is it alright if I go? I was supposed to be at the back lane bar like an hour ago.
05:50Yeah, thank you. Thank you for staying back.
05:53Brett, it's Krista.
05:54We've had an incident at the hotel and I need you to come back here ASAP.
06:02I'm still surprised Toadie's not going to be there.
06:04Yeah, me too. It's kind of unbelievable.
06:06Well, it's mostly my case. He was mainly going to come for moral support.
06:10I have got this.
06:12Hey, I need you to take Isla for me.
06:15Uh, where?
06:17Don't be smart. There's a gastro outbreak at childcare. I can't leave her there.
06:20Look, I'm really sorry, Nick, but something's gone down at the hotel and Krista's arse roll lands on deck.
06:25One of us needs to be at the vineyard. We're still in our trial period.
06:34I'm struggling to find someone to look after Isla today.
06:37Oh. Bring her to work.
06:39Would you be okay with that?
06:41Of course. It'd be nice to hang out, wouldn't it, Isla?
06:44Would Leo be cool?
06:46He's a single dad. He gets it.
06:49Well, if you're sure, then okay.
06:52Great, thank you.
06:59And whenever you're ready, there'll be a complimentary meal for you waiting over at the waterhole.
07:03Yeah, room 302 is ready for housekeeping.
07:05409 as well. Yes, thank you, Mina.
07:08That's all settled. I hope you enjoyed your stay.
07:14God, that's a lot of coffee.
07:16Yeah, I worked back, remember?
07:18And you went out afterwards.
07:20Okay, hello, judgment. I'm helping to fix Brett's mess, aren't I?
07:23No, I know, I know. Sorry, I do really appreciate it.
07:29Hey, was Baudry spelt double E or E-Y?
07:32Um, double E.
07:34Struck me last night. I think I knew that name from somewhere.
07:38No way.
07:40He's the lead writer at The Traveller's Owl.
07:43What, the travel review company? That's really big.
07:45Yeah, it's so big that if he leaves a bad rap, it could seriously harm the business.
08:23When you found out everything, I made a mess of trying to explain it.
08:27And, well, everything I was saying just kept coming out wrong.
08:33I didn't give you much of a chance.
08:36You know, the whole time that I was playing this other Wendy,
08:44never once did I question my life with you or Sadie.
08:51But you and I, we found each other and, you know, we had Sadie so young.
08:58So there's always been this part of me
09:00that wondered if I missed out on a pivotal part of being 20.
09:05And then when the uni kids, they mistook me for being this young and responsibility-free woman,
09:11yeah, I guess I just,
09:15I took the chance to see what it was like.
09:19But you know what I found?
09:22That that life, it's fun.
09:23But it does not hold a candle to the life that I've built with you.
09:39Why didn't you just tell us?
09:42I didn't think you'd understand.
09:45I didn't think you'd understand.
09:47Why didn't you just tell us?
09:51I didn't think you'd understand.
09:54I mean, I'm way too old to have these kind of insecurities, Andrew.
10:00But I love you so much.
10:04And I love our family.
10:08You just,
10:13you don't have to try so hard.
10:17The Wendy that I know and Sadie knows,
10:23she doesn't have to try and fit in.
10:26She's perfect just the way she is.
10:32Yeah, so I've zoned half the staff in here today and half the staff outside,
10:35just to kind of keep it seamless.
10:38Hi, Emma!
10:40Hey, are you sure this is the best place for her today?
10:43Childcare's out and Aaron and Byron, they're both working.
10:46I suggested that Nick bring her in.
10:48Yeah, but this is a really important event.
10:50Yeah, and between the three of us and our very capable staff, it'll go off without a hitch.
10:55I'm sorry, I'm just a bit stressed.
10:57Nick, I'll show you through the plans.
11:00So we've got prep, flour, arrangements.
11:08I'm late, I know, I'm sorry.
11:11It's fine, it's fine.
11:12Is everything okay?
11:14Yeah, just things came to a head between Andrew and I last night.
11:19How did it go?
11:21We managed to talk through it this morning.
11:25And I realised my biggest mistake was thinking that he wouldn't understand.
11:32But he did.
11:34After I finally managed to string the right words together.
11:38Wendy, that's, I'm really happy for you.
11:42Thanks, I'm happy for me too.
11:45I made the wrong move lying to my best friend.
11:48I'm just lucky that he's the amazing guy that he is.
11:59I've been meaning to thank you for the church fundraiser.
12:03Well, I didn't know you knew about that.
12:05It was good of you to try and help.
12:07Even if it didn't work out.
12:10It was, um, it was a lot of effort for you to go to.
12:14Oh, no, no.
12:16No, Toadie, he had all this furniture he needed gone in a hurry.
12:20And there was this local building that needed saving.
12:23So it just seemed obvious to put the two together.
12:28That's it?
12:30You weren't hoping for...
12:39Uh, thank you for having my back with Isla.
12:43No, of course. I mean, I know it's hard when childcare's closed and your mum's away, so.
12:47Yeah, just since David died.
12:51Yeah, that must have been really hard for you guys.
12:53I know I'm still dealing with it.
12:58Hey, if you ever need to talk, I'm here.
13:07Come draw with me.
13:10Is that okay?
13:12Yeah, go ahead.
13:14What are you drawing?
13:16Um, this is a flower.
13:19Oh, that's beautiful. And who's this?
13:24You've traced the fairy. What's her name?
13:27Double shot.
13:29Thanks, Haz.
13:30You're welcome.
13:32You look awful.
13:33You look awful.
13:35Why didn't you return any of my calls last night?
13:39I was asleep. My phone was off.
13:41Oh, good. Well, while you were sleeping, the rest of us were up all night trying to fix your mistake.
13:46Sorry, what mistake?
13:48You booked a group in for the wrong month.
13:50Guess what? They showed up last night and we didn't have any room for them.
13:55I must have put the dates in wrong.
13:57Oh, you think?
13:59So why weren't you on duty? You were rostered on to manage that check-in.
14:03You must know I had some hours in Luoweng, so I took them.
14:07How could you have any hours? You're never at the hotel.
14:11Just because I'm not always on site doesn't mean I'm not conducting hotel business.
14:15Doug Baldry is demanding we comp his group's entire stay.
14:18No, we can't absorb that.
14:23Are you coming?
14:38Isla, we don't throw.
14:41Hey, the shadow boss is here in five minutes. Why don't we go into my office, eh?
14:44Oh, that's a good idea. That'll be fun. We'll take all your crayons into the office.
14:52Okay, how about we go into the office now, and then later I can get you an ice cream, or we can go to the beach, hmm?
15:00Can Kiwi come?
15:01I don't know, honey.
15:03Oh, of course I can. I've been dying for a beach trip.
15:07All right, well, we'll do that, but how about first we go sit in my big, comfy office chair, and you can watch as much Bully as you want. Come on! Let's go!
15:17You are really saving me today.
15:19Oh, no, it's nothing. I'm just trying to make the situation work.
15:32Hey, I thought you were at work.
15:39Oh, yeah, I'm just about to head off. Are you going to work on the sunroom?
15:43Yeah. Yeah, I've got a spare couple of hours.
15:46Ooh, fancy a lunch date? I could soon buy that pie place you love.
15:49Ah, Bolognese pie. You know all my weaknesses.
15:53That I do. Ah, no, you said something about an off-site meeting, Ramon?
15:58Uh, yeah, um.
16:01Well, how about I just bring you a surprise home tonight then?
16:06There's no meeting. It's a class.
16:13Yeah, I enrolled in an IT course at Eden Hills a few weeks ago.
16:18Oh, that's great, babe.
16:20Oh, it's nothing.
16:22Why didn't you tell me about it?
16:24Because it's just for work, so it's not really a big deal.
16:28I'm actually just here because I forgot my uni bag, so I'm going to go or I'll be late.
16:34So I'll see you later.
16:36Okay, bye.
16:42And this is an oak chardonnay, which pairs perfectly with the oysters.
16:49Hey, I'm just here to grab Isla. I hear she's been pretty restless.
16:53Yeah, I'm quite impressed actually. She's done pretty well.
16:56Abby usually only lasts 15 minutes before she gets bored.
16:59Yeah, she takes after me. David was always good on his own.
17:03How's it going outside?
17:05Yeah, smooth sailing. Hey, thank you so much for coming. I'll go get her.
17:12Better hope their bus turns up or we're driving all these drunk people home.
17:20What's going on there?
17:21No idea, but I hope it lasts.
17:24This is the first time I've thought this partnership could actually work.
17:52What are you doing here?
17:54Supporting my wifey.
17:56Because apparently she needs some convincing that furthering her education isn't stupid and neither is she.
18:02You both know I'm not the brains of this relationship.
18:06I barely finished high school.
18:08So? Book smarts have got nothing to do with intelligence.
18:11They do here.
18:14Does this have anything to do with a milestone birthday coming up?
18:24You know, I'm about to turn 40. I thought I just would have achieved more by now.
18:28Hey, you have achieved plenty.
18:32And you've got so much more brilliance to come.
18:37You are a straight shooting lateral thinker who might finally start looking her age.
18:45If you need help...
18:46If you need help...
18:49I'm pretty good with flashcards.
18:54Okay, why don't you start by helping me prep for the class?
18:58I've been thinking, when can I get to know this wild Wendy?
19:04Well, you name a time because she's going to love you.
19:10It's a bad look for guests to have to move between venues.
19:13Third time to bore him or he has people in it.
19:15Brett, why are there guests wandering around the complex with hot food?
19:19It's temporary. I'm getting the rest of the meals sent to the ballroom.
19:22There's a conference in the ballroom.
19:23That's what I've been trying to tell him.
19:25Look, whatever you've got going on in the kitchen, just put a stop to it now.
19:29I'm about to go on lunch. I'll do it when I get back.
19:31Actually, you won't. You're fired.
19:36You can't do that. You haven't even given me a...
19:38Watch me.
19:42Someone pour the champagne because I just won my first court case.
19:46We already beat you to it.
19:48Thank you. And it seems like the event went well for you guys.
19:51It was a runaway success. Everyone loved it.
19:53Hey, you all start without me. I'm going to call Aaron and check in on Isla.
19:57Oh, make sure you tell her I'm looking forward to that beach trip.
20:00I will.
20:05To a day of wins.
20:06And to teamwork. It seems like you three have finally found your rhythm.
20:09We did.
20:12Excuse me.
20:16I saw that.
20:18Saw what?
20:19That look that you and Nick gave each other.
20:22No, it was a good day, that's all.
20:34Alright, Sam's on her way.
20:36Did you get hold of any casuals?
20:38No, no one's available.
20:40Great, Brett probably scared them off.
20:42Um, where's Brett?
20:44Two guests just got sent to the same solo room. They did not think it was cute.
20:47I fired him.
20:48Was that a good idea? We're already short-staffed.
20:51There you go.
20:52Mr Baldry.
20:53I've booked our group into another hotel.
20:55I need your incompetent staff to check us out immediately.
20:58Please, just wait a second. I can fix this.
21:00Actually, you can't.
21:01You better pray my editor doesn't ask for an article on the worst places to stay in Australia.
21:06Hey, you know what? This isn't even our-
21:09Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
21:13Hello, Krista.
21:18I see things are going well on your watch.
21:25Coming up on Neighbours.
21:27When will the sunroom be finished?
21:29I'm going to leave the rest of it to Cara to finish.
21:31Oh, you've been kicked off the job already.
21:34Can we make this work?
21:35You can understand why I'm concerned.
21:37Is Rhys concerned too?