Emmerdale 23rd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Emmerdale 23rd July 2024
00:00Hi, it's Belle. Can't come to the farm right now, I'm waiting for a message.
00:12Hey. Something up?
00:13Yeah, just trying to get hold of our Belle. Unless I saw her and Tom going off in his
00:17car the other day.
00:18Well, they probably decided to go away last minute. People do that. Not farmers, admittedly.
00:26That's a good thing, surely. I mean, you agreed when I said that they probably needed
00:30some time out.
00:31Well, they probably saw an email meant for Tom from some vets in Wales offering him a
00:37second interview. They're not moving.
00:40Well, just ask Belle about it.
00:42Well, that's why I'm trying to get hold of her. Tried ringing Tom, but he's out of signal.
00:49Well, they're probably not even awake yet if they are away. It's not the first day of
00:53school holidays for them, is it? Jammy devils.
00:55Don't you think it's a bit weird them just getting off without saying anything?
00:59Oh, yeah, I suppose she could have given you a heads up that she was going away, but she
01:03is a big girl. Anyway, she'll be fine, I'm sure. Don't worry. See you.
01:12Chas, hi. Hi, come in.
01:17Didn't expect such a cheery welcome. Probably just glad I'm not Ella, right?
01:24Listen, Chas, I... I owe you an apology for you finding out like that.
01:31No need. I mean, granted, it was a bit of a shock, but probably a bigger one for you,
01:38I'm guessing.
01:46How are you feeling?
01:48Er, yeah, like I'm slowly drowning. That, and just wondering, why me?
01:57I'd say that was pretty understandable.
01:59I mean, how am I supposed to get my head around any of this? It's not just the emotional minefield
02:06of being a dad again after Leanna, but it's doing it all with her. And I've told her we're
02:12over for good. I mean, there's no chance of us ever getting back together. I can barely
02:17bring myself to look at her, truth be told.
02:20Apart from you are going to have to deal with this at some point. You know, have that conversation.
02:24Well, I will not be the one instigating it. I mean, Ella's the one that lied. Keeps throwing
02:31curveballs at me. And that's stopped me from, you know, getting on with my life.
02:39Only it's not just about you two now, is it?
02:48Belle, it's me. Again. Look, I'm sorry for the chuckle of the messages, but you need
02:54to call me when you get this, OK? Just want to know you're alright.
02:58Hey! There you are. I'm going to bring you up a bacon butty and a cup of tea, see how
03:02you're doing.
03:03I keep reliving Liam's horror when I told him. There's no way he's ever going to change
03:07his mind.
03:08Well, not until the shock's worn off, maybe. You never know, he might come round to the
03:13That's never going to happen, Mandy.
03:14You don't know that.
03:15Yes, I do.
03:17Anyway, right, Rona's messaged me about this girly brunch thingy. I'm just what you need,
03:21don't you fancy that?
03:22Girls as in who, exactly?
03:24Susie, Vanessa, Leila, Rona, me and...
03:29What, you can't keep hiding upstairs on your own feeling lousy?
03:33Yeah, I can. Besides, it's not as if I haven't got enough to be thinking about. I need to
03:38work out how to get me act together with a baby on the way, especially seeing as I'm
03:41going to be doing it on my own.
03:43Right. So you keep it then?
03:46Well, Liam might be appalled by the idea, but it doesn't mean that I can't want this,
03:50does it?
03:51Course it doesn't.
03:52Only, the more I think about it, the more I think I can do this. Good things don't happen
03:58to me, Mandy, like ever.
04:01Well, I'm really pleased for you.
04:03Thanks. Who knows, this could be my fresh start, eh? A chance to finally get something
04:12Raising a child when life's normal is hard enough, right? But this, I mean, I'm barely
04:19going to stand a chance.
04:20Well, that depends where you stand on redemption.
04:24I haven't even touched on the fact that I hardly know her, not really, or what people
04:30are going to think if I could somehow see a way to stand by her, or my reputation as
04:35a doctor.
04:38Losing Lianna was the worst thing that ever happened to me. The idea of being that vulnerable
04:46again, but only this time in the worst possible circumstances, I mean, it terrifies me.
04:54Yeah, but you could, if you needed to. Me having Eve after losing Grace is proof of
05:02You and Paddy chose to have Eve. Me and Ella, let's face it, it couldn't be more one-sided.
05:10She had no right to do this. You know, she said she was on the pill. Well, how do I know
05:19she didn't plan this? Do it on purpose?
05:22No, you can't. Not completely. Listen, Liam, only you are where you are, OK? And unfortunately
05:32for you, you're a decent bloke who gives folk a chance. And I know that because I've met
05:38plenty of men who don't even come close to you.
05:42I'm also aware that this situation with Ella, it probably rules me out of other relationships.
05:59I don't suppose you've got any brilliant wisdom as to what to do now, only I literally
06:05haven't the foggiest.
06:08Well, I guess some things you just have to work out on your Todd, eh? I'm so sorry, Liam.
06:24Myra boss is not afraid to muck in.
06:27Well, management. Cleaning tables. Doing the everyday stuff.
06:31Only cos Amy's late. I've got much more important stuff that I should be doing.
06:35All right. I was going to ask you to have a word with Charity. She's just sat there
06:39texting whilst I'm off in a buffing, lugging beer crates around.
06:42How is that my problem?
06:44All right, I'll take it back.
06:51I just wondered if I could have a word. Somewhere quiet.
06:57So long as it doesn't take too long.
07:05They're not in.
07:07They've gone away for a couple of days.
07:10Having said that, if you're casing the joint, they've just gone for a dog walk with Rebecca in a bit.
07:14It's my fault for calling unannounced. I'll give Bella Ring a range another time.
07:18Well, you can try and get hold of her, but I've been trying since yesterday.
07:21I see.
07:22Sorry, who are you, by the way?
07:24Just a friend.
07:25Oh, right. Which friend? What's your name?
07:29Ah. She hadn't mentioned you.
07:31I'm Charity. Sorry, I'm her cousin.
07:35I've actually been a bit worried about her, if I'm honest.
07:38Actually, I fibbed before. I'm Belle's care coordinator from the community mental health team.
07:44Why? What's happened?
07:46Look, you need to tell me. I'm family.
07:48Belle missed her routine appointment recently. I haven't heard from her, so I just wanted to check she was okay.
07:53You mean you also think something weird's going on?
07:56With Tom, I mean.
07:59Don't worry.
08:01Don't worry, I'm sure you can't breach patient confidentiality.
08:06But judging by your expression, you don't need to.
08:16What are you grinning at?
08:18Just like that you live here now.
08:20Still no other person to use the bathroom, though, right? I've been waiting for a wee for flipping ages.
08:24Ignore her. She's cheesed off with life, not you.
08:26The only reason I took so long is because I was busy wiping everything down from her mega shower.
08:31She's well messy, your sister, isn't she?
08:33For someone who used to clean for a living, yeah, unusually so.
08:37I can't hear you, you know.
08:38Not saying anything I wouldn't say to your face.
08:40Hey, everyone okay?
08:42Yeah, just living the house share dream with Trace, aren't we, Suz?
08:46Yeah, and loving every second.
08:48You do know these walls are paper thin, right?
08:50I thought we were meeting at the pub?
08:52Yeah, we were, but I need to see Mandy about something.
08:54I'm not sure if she's going to make it to the lunch.
08:56Oh, that's a shame.
08:59She just feels bad leaving Ella.
09:01Oh, do not tell me Ella's coming.
09:03No, but we have given her a job, so we need to give her a fair chance, like I told you.
09:08Maybe I've decided I can't.
09:09Right, so come on, pub, now, before we all uninvite you.
09:23Thought you'd finished your deliveries by now.
09:26I have.
09:27I just go to the shop, then need to get the boys from Mattie's,
09:31run Kel to the trampoline park.
09:33That's before I take Isaac to the opticians, pick Frankie up for Nate,
09:37and still run a farm on the side.
09:39Thanks for your concern, though.
09:42Oh, best leave you to your hectic day, then.
09:45Right, sorry.
09:47Was that Belle's mental health worker?
09:50Yes, Rachel.
09:52Apparently Belle missed her last appointment,
09:54and she didn't text her phone to say why.
09:57It did sound like her.
09:58That's exactly what I thought,
10:00which confirms what I said yesterday.
10:02There's something dodgy here, Cain.
10:04Right, we don't know that for sure.
10:06Well, why haven't we heard from her?
10:07She hasn't checked her messages for zonks.
10:09Who ignores the phone these days?
10:11Apart from you, because you're miserable and you don't like anyone, but she does.
10:15So what are we going to do about it?
10:16I don't know!
10:19Right, OK.
10:20We'll get hold of this vets in Wales that Tom's got the interview for,
10:25phone them, and we'll see what's going on.
10:28Or we stop fannying around and find out for ourselves.
10:31What are you doing?
10:32I'm breaking in.
10:33And I'm having a poke around.
10:35I'm not waiting any longer.
10:36I've got a really crappy feeling about this, Cain.
10:38Are you daft or what?
10:39You're not stopping me.
10:40I wasn't going to...
10:41Whoa, whoa, whoa!
10:44I don't know why he's got a camera there.
10:48Fine. Fair point. We'll go round the back.
10:50But do you know what? That's another thing.
10:52What is it with these flaming cameras anyway?
10:54It's not like we're living in inner-city Dodgeville.
10:56It's weird, Cain, isn't it? Weird.
10:58Just like him.
11:00So come on then, Houdini.
11:02Or are we just going to stand there?
11:21Right, so...
11:23I just thought it was best to talk to you face-to-face
11:27about me returning to work.
11:32What's there to talk about?
11:34You tell me when you're coming back and I'll add you to the rota.
11:39Well, maybe we could do alternate shifts
11:41so we're not working together,
11:43where the rota allows, obviously.
11:45That's a bit OTT, isn't it?
11:47We just need to be grown-ups.
11:49Well, I just thought it'd be more professional
11:51and I thought the staff would really appreciate
11:53not being caught wrapping our domestications, Shane.
11:59You left me, OK?
12:01I mean, you chose this and...
12:04Now you want me to jump through hoops
12:07and then bend over backwards to organise some impossible rota
12:10just so that you don't feel uncomfortable?
12:13I just thought it was for the best.
12:15I'll leave it with you.
12:19Oh, I thought that I would take Archie out this afternoon.
12:23Oh, right, OK.
12:25I'm going to finish work early so we can go to the cinema, maybe.
12:28Yeah, Gabby's taking him out with Dottie and Thomas.
12:31I'm not sure what time they're going to be back.
12:33Right, well, I'm sure you could ring her
12:36and find out what the plans are.
12:38He is my son.
12:40Yeah, I can do that.
12:42I'll let you know what she says.
12:45Bye, Jay.
12:49Right, I make it just turned midday, so...
12:52Are we going in?
12:54Yep, to the minute. Let's crack on.
12:56Do you know, I read something the other day
12:59about how many people are injured by champagne cocks.
13:03Shame we didn't invite Ella after all that.
13:07Right, that's the last time I'll be slating her.
13:09Oi! You're staying without me?
13:11Oh, you made it, Mandy.
13:13Go on.
13:15So, Rona, are you going to show us your new tattoo, or...?
13:19I forgot about that.
13:21Sorry, but I'm going to need a little bit more fizz for that to happen.
13:24And if she chickens out, I'll draw it for you,
13:26cos I got a good butch at the time,
13:28before she hugged this random bouncer
13:30and tripped over an empty crystal like it.
13:32That's such a liar!
13:34Ladies, are we all having the bottomless brunch?
13:36Yeah, reckon so. Well, everyone but Leila.
13:38And mocktails for me too.
13:40I'll chuck in a few quid for this.
13:42We'll have a different menu later.
13:44Really? I thought you said you didn't have any more clients waiting for the rest of the day.
13:46No, I've typed these new promos,
13:48so someone might call last minute.
13:50Don't get too bottled.
13:59Get a load of this.
14:02Door and window sensors everywhere.
14:04Who does that?
14:05Well, Tom, I'm guessing.
14:07It's not through the flipping keel, is it?
14:09I mean, we are in their house.
14:11Why? What does he need them for?
14:13Well, I don't know, but it doesn't make me feel very good.
14:15I mean, do you think he's on there now?
14:17Doesn't look like it. Lights are off.
14:19Well, then that's a bit weird, don't you think?
14:20That's when people need surveillance stuff, when people are away.
14:22Well, usually, yeah.
14:23Come on, have you had any luck?
14:25Well, I don't really know what I'm looking for, to be honest.
14:27Well, anything that mentions Wales, for starters.
14:29OK, well, I kind of figured that out, thank you, Sherlock.
14:31Crack codes and all, do you?
14:33Right, quit griping and just keep looking.
14:35Well, maybe stop shouting and letting the whole village know we're in here.
14:47What's that?
14:49It's a little notebook listing everything that they spend, by the looks of it.
14:54It's all written down.
14:56And it's not just bills and stuff.
14:59Look at this.
15:01Take-out coffees, bunch of flowers, birthday cards.
15:04Well, that's a bit much.
15:06It's not like Tom doesn't earn a decent crust.
15:08No, I know.
15:10This isn't Belle's writing, you know.
15:14Do you reckon he's quizzing her on every penny she spends?
15:17It's not like she's a shopaholic and needs raining, then, is it?
15:23Why do I get the feeling he's running the whole show here?
15:29Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot to say
15:31that it'll be Frankie's granny Moira picking her up today.
15:34Yeah, no, she knows that.
15:37OK, thank you.
15:39Great, bye. Bye.
15:41Off to try and creep round Liam, are you?
15:43Well, you do realise it won't take a doctor long
15:45to figure out you're not really pregnant.
15:47What a massively bright idea on reflection that was, eh?
15:51Trace? Ordered another round.
15:53Seen what you wanted to drink.
15:55Everything all right here?
15:57Not really. Tracy thinks I'm lying about being pregnant,
16:00but I couldn't do that.
16:02We all know what you could do.
16:04Shut up a minute, Trace. Have you spoken to Liam?
16:06I spoke to him just yesterday when he told me where to go.
16:08I was just on my way round there now when Tracy started on me.
16:11Well, can you blame me for sticking up for the poor bloke?
16:13I mean, after the run of bad luck he's had,
16:15the last thing he needs is her, right?
16:18She's got a point.
16:20He's a good man and he's been through a lot.
16:22People round here are going to look out for him.
16:24Most of all me.
16:26Yeah, which is why I need to speak to him and explain.
16:29Make him see that I haven't done this on purpose.
16:31I'm not trying to trap him.
16:33Stop him from thinking the worst of me, basically.
16:35Bit late for that.
16:37Look, whatever's going on, just be honest with him, OK?
16:41It's the least he deserves.
16:53Oh, my God.
16:55What is it?
16:57You want to see what Tom forks out for a haircut?
17:00Someone's taken the mickey there.
17:05Hang on, there's an address.
17:07For a cottage in Pembroke.
17:09Isn't that where that fence was?
17:11What do we do?
17:13What do you mean, what do we do?
17:15We take a trip there now is what we do.
17:17Hope we're barking at the wrong tree and we find Belle sat in the sunshine
17:20having a lollipop, enjoying her jollies.
17:22And if she is, how do we explain why we're there?
17:24I don't know, but I'd rather be wrong and look like a pair of idiots
17:27than be right and do nothing.
17:31Is that a phone?
17:36It's Belle's.
17:38Rachel called her.
17:42Why leave your phone if you're going away?
17:44I don't know. Maybe cos she couldn't find it.
17:47Maybe cos Tom hid it in there on purpose.
17:49You still don't think we should take that trip?
17:55Liam, please!
17:57I know you're in there, I heard you move.
18:01Liam, I'm begging you.
18:03I didn't do this deliberately.
18:05I'm not trying to trick you or hurt you.
18:10It was a massive shock to me as well.
18:13I just...
18:15We need to be able to talk about this like grown-ups, don't we?
18:22Aw, you know we should do this every week.
18:25Eh? Why don't we?
18:27Oh, because some of us aren't self-employed
18:30and can naff off work when we fancy a fancy brunch every Tuesday.
18:34Wow, you're a bucket of cold water.
18:37Right, who wants the bill now you're all done?
18:39Er, let me see. No-one.
18:41That part's fine.
18:49Sorry, er, no-one.
18:51That part's not compulsory, is it?
18:53Oh, give us a ear.
18:55I'm guessing everyone's happy to split it six ways.
18:58I'll just stick us three on my card, we'll sort it out later, yeah?
19:01Hang on, I've only had a cheese butty and a glass of fizz.
19:03I mean, I don't think it's fair if we all pay it the same.
19:05It's just easier that way, isn't it? Masks my headache.
19:07I tend to just round things up.
19:09Oh, you do, do you? Remind me not to let you do my waging.
19:11Don't see what the big deal is, man, do you?
19:13I'm happy to split it, I don't even have a drink.
19:17OK, who's going first?
19:19You know what, I'm just going to pay for what I've had.
19:21Is that OK?
19:22Er, yeah, course, whatever, Mandy.
19:24Stick a hundred on there, will you, love? Thanks.
19:32Lovely. That's all gone through.
19:34Cheers. Er, Rona?
19:35Yeah, thanks.
19:37Didn't know if you'd offer to pay for your new bestie.
19:41What? Mandy?
19:44Vanessa Woodfield? Are you jealous?
19:47No. Although you have been doing loads with her.
19:50Plus, you never got a tattoo when you were out with me.
19:52Probably because you look out for me and stop you from doing ridiculous things.
19:55Hey, you'll always be my number one, OK?
19:59You know way too much not to be.
20:01And because I love you.
20:03It doesn't hurt to hear it sometimes.
20:06Right, I need another week.
20:08Told you, you shouldn't have broke the seal.
20:10Ella, come with you.
20:11Actually, yeah, I need to do this.
20:14Yeah, give me a minute, I'm just looking for a business card.
20:16Do you do that, then?
20:17What, a girly lunch?
20:18Don't take her vow, it's allowed.
20:19Don't you worry about that, you just press your buttons.
20:21Listen, sorry, all that stuff before about the bill.
20:24I mean, is everything OK? Money-wise, I mean.
20:27It's fine, I just wasn't up for subsidising their boozy lunch, you know.
20:31Didn't want to get fleeced.
20:54What the hell?
21:03This is Belle's jumper.
21:05What is that?
21:07Is that blood?
21:10Where is she?
21:12Whatever he's done, he's a dead man.