مسلسل القروية الجميلة,مسلسل تركي,مسلسلات تركية,القروية الجميلة,القروية الجميلة الحلقة الاخيرة,مسلسلات تركية قروية,دبلجة عربية,مسلسلات تركية قروية 2024,مسلسلات تركية مترجمة,مسلسلات تركية قروية كوميدية,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,مسلسلات قروية تركية 2024,مسلسل,مسلسلات تركية ريفية,مسلسلات تركيه قرويه,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 1,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 2,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 3,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 4,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 5
مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي مدبلج بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات,عميلة سرية مسلسل هندي,60 سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة
مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي مدبلج بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات,عميلة سرية مسلسل هندي,60 سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00Hey, I don't see Jaya anywhere.
00:03Do you know where she is?
00:05And this Vibhda Vaiju.
00:08She's standing with Rana at the veneration.
00:11What does she think?
00:12Will she be able to replace Jaya?
00:16Vaiju is at the veneration?
00:18Yes. She's standing with him with a plate of rice.
00:21I hope I didn't lock Jaya in that room
00:23instead of Vaiju by mistake.
00:25What happened?
00:28I'll be right back, Deo.
01:40Jaya, please open your eyes.
01:45Someone get some water.
01:57Breathe slowly.
02:06Are you okay?
02:11But what happened?
02:13How did you lock yourself in the room?
02:17I don't know.
02:22I went to the room to lock it.
02:25But the moment I came out, I couldn't open the door.
02:31It felt so strange.
02:33It felt as if you had gone very far away from me.
02:39I couldn't hear your voice.
02:42I'm so sorry.
02:44I couldn't hear your voice.
02:46It was so loud outside.
02:48I still couldn't hear your voice.
02:50I'm so sorry.
02:53And this door...
02:55Who must have locked it from the outside?
03:00The door didn't lock on its own.
03:04So who locked the door?
03:10Who locked the door?
03:13How would I know?
03:14I'm asking you, who locked the door?
03:19Uncle Jaikant did it.
03:25Uncle Jaikant did it.
03:31What are you saying?
03:34He's just a kid. I don't know what you're saying.
03:38But are you sure you saw Uncle Jaikant lock the door?
03:46Arhan, don't say such things.
03:49This isn't a game.
03:51I play games on my phone.
03:54Uncle Jaikant was talking on the phone
03:56and he locked the door.
04:10Why are you all looking at me like that?
04:14Oh my God!
04:15How dare you?
04:21How dare you?
04:24Jaikant, answer me.
04:25Why did you lock Jaya up in the room?
04:31Jaikant, are you okay?
04:33I didn't do it on purpose.
04:35There's a wedding going on at home.
04:38There was a ritual going on. So many people had come.
04:40Money, jewellery, everything was lying around.
04:42Before the ritual started, I thought I'll lock all the rooms.
04:44That's why I locked the door.
04:47I didn't know Jaya was inside.
04:51He did everything by mistake.
04:55I hope he didn't do it on purpose.
04:57And Jaya isn't Jaikant's enemy.
05:02But everyone can see who he's holding a grudge against.
05:09My son's hand touched Goddess's idol.
05:13Everyone in the house was shocked.
05:16And this girl is openly being a goon in the house where the ritual is going on.
05:20No one is looking at her.
05:23She took the plate of the ritual and stood with Rana in place of Jaya.
05:26No one said anything.
05:31And everyone can see my son's mistake.
05:33That was a misunderstanding.
05:36I didn't take the plate of the ritual on purpose.
05:39The priest gave me the plate and...
05:41Jai Hind!
05:42Jai Hind!
05:44I'll never take your place on purpose.
05:47Sister, calm down.
05:50You don't have to say anything.
05:54I know it's not true.
05:58By the grace of the priest, Jaya is fine.
06:01That's enough.
06:05Come on, let's perform the ritual.
06:08Come, I'll join you.
06:13You wait here.
06:15You asked me to lock Jai in the room.
06:19You accused me of taking his place on purpose.
06:23How can you even think that I'll hurt myself to get something?
06:29You've said a lot of things till now.
06:31You've hurt me a lot.
06:33But now, that's it.
06:35I'll never forget what you've said today.
06:39I'm so sorry, sister.
06:43Actually, you're the reason for everything that's going wrong in my life.
06:46In fact, since I've met you, everything is going wrong in my life.
06:51Actually, you're the biggest mistake of my life
06:53which I'm unable to rectify even if I want to.
06:57And when I've said so much to you,
06:59why are you still here?
07:01Why don't you leave?
07:03But you're right.
07:05Out of the last 20 mistakes, this one wasn't yours.
07:09I'm so sorry for that.
07:51Jaikant, have you lost your mind?
07:53Why did you lock Jaya in the room?
07:54Why would I lock Jaya in the room?
07:56I went to lock up Vaiju
07:57because of whom I get insulted in this house all the time.
08:03Mom, I'm telling you the truth.
08:05I'm the one who gets hit more than the temple bell.
08:08And I don't understand one thing.
08:09What sin have I committed
08:11that everyone is after me?
08:14Look, Jaikant.
08:15The thing is
08:17that aunt can never see her son Rana's mistakes
08:20or shortcomings.
08:24Although, Rana is not an ordinary groom.
08:26His shortcomings and deeds will be exposed at some point or the other.
08:30Mom, I swear.
08:33The day I get hold of Rana's secret,
08:36I'll show Rana and his mother
08:40their place.
08:51Actually, you're the biggest mistake of my life
08:53which I'm unable to fix even if I want to.
08:56And when I've told you so much,
08:58why are you still here?
09:00Why don't you leave?
09:03Look, I've downloaded a new game for you.
09:06How is it?
09:07Is it good?
09:08You'll be able to play it.
09:11Do you like it?
09:14Go and play.
09:15Extra time today.
09:34Why aren't you asleep yet?
09:37Are you playing games at this hour?
09:39Dad said that you can play.
09:43Dad asked you to play games at this hour?
09:45Ragini, you broke my promise again.
09:50You said that you'll talk to me today.
09:54I've been waiting for 50 years.
09:55I've been waiting for you to talk to me.
09:57I've been waiting for you to talk to me.
09:59I've been waiting for you to talk to me.
10:01It's a loan of 50 lakhs.
10:03I've received 50 calls since morning.
10:05Do you know how much your husband has been insulted because of you?
10:10This won't do, right?
10:13But what will I tell my parents?
10:18What will I tell them that you lost 50 lakhs on cricket?
10:23Ragini, you're so selfish.
10:26I pray that no one gets a wife like you.
10:29Good wives get their husbands from the God of death.
10:32But you're not able to make an excuse for me.
10:36These people are spending a lot of money on their son's wedding.
10:39Why should I remain thirsty?
10:43Arhan, listen.
10:47We're going to have a lot of fun tomorrow.
10:50But you'll keep sleeping.
10:51Is that okay?
10:53No, right?
10:54You want to have fun, right?
10:55Then go to sleep. Come on.
10:59It's not like that, Mr. Sandeep.
11:02It is like that, Ragini.
11:05You're not taking this situation seriously.
11:08Neither are you taking your husband seriously.
11:14Good and bad couples are always together.
11:16So, you should also feel a little sad.
11:43Let me handle this.
11:45Thank you.
11:57Do you need anything?
12:00What are you doing down there?
12:04I dropped my earrings.
12:07I was looking for them.
12:09You must have dropped your earrings.
12:13Good night.
12:15Good night.
12:16Go to sleep.
12:18Say good night.
12:19Good night.
12:24Good night.
12:38Arhan, come here.
12:42Do you want a sandwich?
12:43Uncle, give him a sandwich.
12:46Give me one too.
12:47Hey, Ragini.
12:49What happened, dear?
12:51Are you not feeling well?
12:52Are you okay?
12:56I must have picked up something during the veneration.
13:00I have a stomach ache. Nothing else.
13:01Wait a minute. I'll get the medicine for you.
13:05Sir, I got it for you.
13:08Ragini, how are you?
13:10Take the medicine.
13:13Sir, now you should also learn how to be a good husband.
13:16It's time.
13:25You should do the work before applying henna.
13:28Otherwise, you will end up with the same result.
13:32There is something that is troubling Ragini.
13:35But why isn't she able to tell anyone?
13:39Hello, ladies.
13:41I have hired a henna artist from Mumbai.
13:44All of you select the design.
13:46Everything should be super duper in Raj's work.
13:50No bad vibes.
13:52Do you know?
13:54Ragini's henna was the darkest color in Ragini's wedding.
13:58That's why Mr. Sandeep loves Ragini so much.
14:01Yes, ma'am.
14:02He keeps her so happy.
14:09You also see.
14:10If you choose any design, we will remove it.
14:13Yes, this...
14:15Hey, are you a crazy girl?
14:18You are doing this deliberately, right?
14:21Or are you a fool?
14:22Hey, super duper.
14:23I am a fool.
14:25Actually, when there is a wedding in our village
14:28we don't order henna from the market.
14:31We go to the jungle.
14:32We avoid the thorns of the henna
14:34and pick the best leaves.
14:37And then we pound it like this.
14:41Hey, ma'am.
14:43You will pound Raj's head until the henna is applied.
14:47Tell me more.
14:50We make a paste of it.
14:51And apply the henna paste to the bride.
14:54We believe that the one who doesn't lose the color of the henna
14:58the one who has applied the henna in his name
15:00he will never lose his companion for life.
15:08So, ma'am.
15:10You will make the same henna for me, right?
15:22Please, ma'am.
15:30I will definitely make it.
15:32Anything for my Jai.
15:53Hey, sir.
15:56Mr. Rohini.
15:58Did you go out?
15:59I went to Ragini's in-laws' house.
16:01To invite them for Ranvijay's wedding.
16:05How is everyone?
16:06Is everything fine there?
16:08Everything is fine.
16:10In a loud voice.
16:12They were talking about Ragini's shortcomings.
16:15Sandeep and Ragini's relationship
16:17is only because of the in-laws.
16:22Otherwise, everything is fine.
16:24Why do you think that Ragini's in-laws are wrong?
16:28Maybe Ragini is wrong.
16:34Why do you think that Ragini is wrong?
16:38Why do her in-laws expect everything from Ragini?
16:42The world belongs to both husband and wife.
16:45So, both of them should take care of it together.
16:48That's what I don't understand, ma'am.
16:51Such in-laws only consider their daughter as their daughter.
16:55She lives as a stranger's daughter for the rest of her life.
16:59All their love and justice is for their daughter.
17:04Maybe Ragini makes mistakes.
17:08Because she is also a human being.
17:20Dear, what happened?
17:22Hey, how much did you get hurt?
17:25Be careful.
17:27Look, he got hurt while grinding the henna.
17:33Shagun was grinding the henna for Jaya.
17:37Mom, I have told you so many times.
17:39Why do you make Vaichu work?
17:41He is a guest.
17:45He will handle it.
17:46Dear, he is not making this henna for the guests.
17:49Anyway, Jaya wanted Vaichu to grind her henna.
17:56I will go and apply some ice.
18:25Vaichu the great.
18:31Do you want honey?
18:33I'm here for you.
18:34I'll go and get some honey for you.
18:36Pure honey.
18:38If you want mehendi, I'll grind it for you.
18:41If you want food, I'll make it. I'm here for you.
18:43I'll make it for you.
18:45Whoever wants anything in this house,
18:48I'm there for them.
18:51But I don't understand one thing.
18:54You do all this to win my family's heart, right?
18:58That's what you want, right?
19:01Are you done?
19:03I was grinding the mehendi for my sister's happiness.
19:06Because she asked me to.
19:08And secondly,
19:09let alone your family's heart,
19:11I want to win them completely.
19:14But I'm the one who has to lose.
19:17What do you mean?
19:20I mean,
19:22in a marital home,
19:24even if it's the daughter's fault,
19:25the entire family supports her.
19:29And no one stands with her.
19:33And I'm not even the daughter-in-law of this family.
19:38I'm just the sister of the future daughter-in-law.
19:41You said,
19:43no matter what happens,
19:44my family will believe whatever I say.
19:48But what difference does it make if I do anything?
19:52You know,
19:53you're always afraid that
19:55no one will find out about our marriage.
19:59I should be afraid.
20:02If they find out, they'll blame me.
20:05They'll hate me.
20:07You're the beloved son of this family.
20:11No one will say anything to you.
20:12But I...
20:14I'll lose all the love and respect I'll get from this family.
20:19And you won't be able to understand its pain.
20:23And you always keep saying,
20:25my family, my family.
20:27I have some connection with them.
20:31But I don't want to lose my family.
20:37They left me after I left home.
20:43After mother left, Mr. Basundhara
20:46gave me his blessing.
20:48He loved me like a mother.
20:50He did everything to make Jaiyu come to his senses.
20:54And cheating him,
20:56creating hatred in his heart for me,
20:58it will be like losing my family.
21:02And do you have any idea
21:06how big his pain will be?
21:20It's time for you to leave, Baiju.
21:23I will go.
21:25A married woman doesn't go to her in-laws' house just for money.
21:28How can I break the honor of the rituals connected to my land?
21:32I'm a farmer.
21:34If I stay quiet, I'm the earth.
21:36If I raise my head, I'm the sky.
21:39I won't let the vermilion and the nuptial chain be tarnished.
21:42I'll erase this fear forever.
21:44I'll tell everyone the truth
21:48about our marriage.