Rote Rosen Folge 1192

  • 3 months ago
00:00You can't let yourself go like that.
00:03Because you have an important task.
00:06What is it?
00:07Your life.
00:08And you can only tackle that if you straighten up.
00:11Show your attitude for the hearing and the trial.
00:14I don't believe that.
00:16Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Lüneburg?
00:19Because I never knew that until yesterday.
00:21Ella, I...
00:24I'm not going on a trip.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:47This is my life
00:51This is the way to find my own
00:55This is my life
00:56This is my life
00:59This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on
01:06I'm rolling on
01:16Are you crazy?
01:17I only decided to go to India because you said you'd visit me.
01:21And now you're changing your mind?
01:23I don't like it either.
01:24What's the problem?
01:25Torben, give her the money.
01:27No, that's not the point.
01:28Dr. Thies offered me to participate in a super interesting project.
01:33And you're suggesting this super interesting project to me?
01:36You don't understand me.
01:37I understand that you don't have time to visit me in India.
01:41That's what it's all about, isn't it?
01:44Isn't it?
01:47You know what?
01:48Just go.
01:54I'm sorry.
02:06The tea will do him good.
02:13Mrs. Stein, you didn't say you had to go to jail.
02:19But if I do, I don't know if I'll make it.
02:22And if you don't?
02:25Where should I go then?
02:26Maybe to Berlin, to your friends.
02:30My only friend is Nicole, and she turned away from me.
02:34I disappointed her too much, I put her in a prison.
02:37She didn't forgive me.
02:40And she's right about that.
02:41People are willing to forgive.
02:44You just have to take the first step.
02:46But how?
02:47But you've already started.
02:50You told the truth in the last second in front of the court.
02:56Maybe that was a mistake.
02:58What you did was very brave.
03:01But I have no perspective at all.
03:04And what about your dream of a ballet school?
03:11Who will give a playful, convicted woman a credit for it?
03:15And Philippe doesn't help me anymore either.
03:21Okay, then we'll do it the other way around.
03:23Yes, thank you.
03:25That was the police officer, he still needs your husband's death certificate.
03:29Oh, I forgot to give it to him.
03:31Getting married is quite a paper war.
03:33Yes, but it's worth it.
03:39Is coffee still there?
03:41I just made a fresh one.
03:44I saw Bradjan leave, he didn't look particularly happy.
03:48Ask me, what do I look like?
03:52What happened?
03:54He changed his mind.
03:56Suddenly he won't visit me in India.
04:01Oh, Ella, I'm sorry. And why?
04:03Because of some super interesting project.
04:06It's stupid.
04:10You know how ambitious Bradjan is.
04:12Maybe you should try to approach him again and find a solution to the problem.
04:17That's out of the question.
04:18If I do, he'll approach me.
04:20Like this.
04:24Keep knotting.
04:42I can't do it.
04:51It's stuck.
04:52What's wrong with this...
05:03The previous owner only cleaned the car nicely.
05:07But that doesn't change the fact that the car has a flaw.
05:12Maybe we should pour cold water into the radiator.
05:16Something's wrong with the engine.
05:18Besides, the car doesn't pull properly.
05:20Well, that's true.
05:22And now?
05:25What now?
05:27Our trip to the Müritz.
05:30I see black.
05:32The pharmaceutical historian meeting starts tomorrow.
05:37You know what?
05:38I'll call the workshop.
05:41All right.
05:44I don't know if they have an appointment this short.
05:50Just for the future.
05:56You only buy cars after a previous test drive.
06:01I'm sorry.
06:04Next time I'll know.
06:16Mr. Albers, can you tell me why we have a fridge...
06:19...when it's empty and only cools itself?
06:21I'm sorry, I have other worries.
06:23Still the Spanish riding in the neck?
06:25It's Argentinian riders.
06:27Besides, I looked closely.
06:29Ah, there it is.
06:31Who of my breeders has emigrated into the competition network.
06:36It's exclusively breeders who do their business outside of Europe.
06:40And? Does that make you smarter?
06:42Well, I talked to some of them...
06:44...and asked them for the reason for their change.
06:46What excuses did they give you?
06:48No excuses.
06:49All of them unanimously agreed...
06:51...that for them the competition network in Asia and America... better positioned than mine.
06:59And what if the sheik wants to sell your network to Argentina?
07:03The Gauchos can offer millions.
07:05I'll never sell my baby.
07:07I'll continue to develop our software for America and Asia...
07:11...and then Argentina will have a cold wind in its face.
07:15They have a summer down there.
07:17Very funny.
07:19No, I'm serious.
07:20You should still talk to the sheik.
07:22Not that he's already in Buenos Aires negotiating with the Argentinians.
07:26He can't do anything without me.
07:28Besides, he's been hunting falcons for two days now.
07:31That's a good hobby.
07:40I'm coming.
07:42I'm coming.
07:47Yes, please.
07:50What a surprise!
07:51Yes, tell me, my boy, you're here.
07:54Why didn't you call and tell me?
07:58How long are you staying, child?
08:00Thank you, Mom, I'm fine.
08:02Yes, please, where is your luggage?
08:04I left it with the three kings.
08:06I didn't want to cause you any trouble.
08:08I'm asking you for trouble?
08:11You look pale.
08:12Do I have to worry?
08:14A little cold on the way.
08:16Almost over.
08:17I've already been to Dr. Thies.
08:19Then I'm reassured.
08:20I brought you some pralines.
08:25Tell me, how does it feel to be the head of the board?
08:30The air at the top is thinner.
08:32But the view is clearer.
08:35Hear, hear.
08:36Oh, sorry.
08:38It's my driver.
08:39I have a meeting in Hannover.
08:46Yes, I'm coming.
08:48Oh, sorry.
08:49Second cell phone.
08:51Why do you need two cell phones?
08:54Brussels economy.
08:56Hi, Gordon.
08:59I call you back in a minute.
09:02I don't recognize you at all.
09:04Your son is still in the tailor's suit.
09:08He sat on the lamppost as a baby and looked completely different.
09:13But I would like to deepen the conversation.
09:15But at the moment it's bad.
09:17We'll have a nice dajiling when I have time.
09:21Tell me, have you already congratulated Anne on the election to the mayor?
09:26No, but ...
09:27Thomas, please.
09:28You absolutely have to do that.
09:30It's part of the job, yes?
09:32Yes, Mom.
09:33Some things never change.
09:35Yes, please.
09:36Someone has to make sure that you don't lose your ground.
09:43Bye, my boy.
09:47Two cell phones, really.
09:50Well, only the people of Brussels can afford them.
09:57Don't you think that's a bit too pompous?
10:02Listen, you're the new old Lüneburg mayor.
10:06Strauss should look representative.
10:10By the way, I signed the contract yesterday.
10:13Oh, congratulations.
10:15Then the long-standing negotiations with Mr. Flickenschild are finally over.
10:20I am now a participant and have a right to speak in all matters.
10:24I could, for example, make sure that the new hotel is called Three Queens or Waldorf Merloria.
10:30You're crazy.
10:32I'm just not quite sure about the layout yet.
10:35What kind of hotel would suit you?
10:38What do you mean?
10:39Well, business, sport or family-friendly.
10:44So, in fact, there are too few hotels in Lüneburg that offer rooms for families?
10:48That's my opinion.
10:50You should definitely talk to Mr. Flickenschild about that before you...
10:54I don't believe it.
10:56Don't you want to say hello to your little brother?
10:59At least I made you the hotel owner with my little financial trick.
11:04The foundation walls are not even standing yet.
11:06Wait, is this the bouquet for the entrance hall?
11:08No, this is for the new and old mayor of Lüneburg.
11:14Hello, Anne.
11:15Hello, Vince.
11:16Your victory has spread all the way to Holland.
11:21Thank you.
11:24I have to go now.
11:26Take care.
11:29Hey, little brother!
11:33Oh, beautiful!
11:38Tell me, what are you doing here?
11:40Come, slowly.
11:41Slowly, slowly.
11:43I need a coffee first.
11:44You'll get it.
11:47Thank you.
12:00I hope this state official doesn't want more papers from us.
12:03I don't have any more.
12:07Then I'll prepare the wedding dinner for us.
12:09With pleasure.
12:10Will you help me?
12:14Yes, of course.
12:18A motorhome?
12:20I was lucky.
12:21It's almost as good as a motorcycle.
12:22Well, if the vehicle would run perfectly, it would be even better.
12:25Tell me, since I just met you,
12:27can you take a look at the engine?
12:29I didn't get an appointment in the workshop.
12:31And we want to go to the Müritz tomorrow.
12:33Mrs. Rose, I'm sorry.
12:34I just wanted to pick up a few documents.
12:36I have to go back to the office right away.
12:37Too bad.
12:38Then nothing will come of our trip.
12:40I'm sorry.
12:41See you later.
12:42See you later.
12:46Erika, Erika.
12:48Do you always have to be so blue-eyed?
13:02I can't believe you're here in Lüneburg.
13:06You have to look to the right.
13:08Hey, you haven't called in a long time.
13:10Yes, and I think you know why.
13:12You did business with my ex,
13:14which I had to find out about in five corners.
13:17And don't forget that,
13:18just because you lent me 200,000 euros.
13:23Okay, you can throw an ash on his head.
13:25It's already ready.
13:27The whole bucket.
13:29Yes, Vince.
13:31Yes, Antique is and remains a bastard.
13:34First he lied to me and cheated on me,
13:36because of which he gets divorced.
13:38Then he uses the internet and your pseudonym
13:40to get back at me,
13:41and now he's also torpedoing my tulip business.
13:44I'm sorry, I didn't know my deal with Jan was so bad.
13:48Then next time,
13:49think of the wounded heart of your sister,
13:51and not just the money.
13:53Hey, I promise.
13:57And to calm you down,
13:58I only bought the tulips of the third choice.
14:02At the sports prize, you know.
14:04And what did you do with them?
14:06I sold them at the fair,
14:07because I needed flowers very quickly.
14:09You're unbelievable.
14:12You trade with everything you get
14:14and still do a good business with it.
14:16Yes, it is.
14:18So, now tell me about your hotel.
14:20First I want to know why you're here.
14:22Oh, I already said that.
14:23To apologize to my sister.
14:30By the way, I live in the Hotel Three Kings.
14:33This is the hotel of my business partner,
14:35Gunther Flickenschild.
14:38I'm looking forward to meeting him.
14:41Tell me, do you have a nice dress?
14:43Why, don't you like my jeans?
14:45I want you to really go all out tonight.
14:48A potential business partner of mine
14:50sent me cards for the Hamburg State Supermarket.
14:52So I'm supposed to be spoiled and bored
14:54so you can do business at the bar?
14:56That's typical again.
15:00are you ready for it or not?
15:10now I have a few minutes.
15:12What's up?
15:13Don't you have to be at the office?
15:14Yes, I'm on my way to an appointment.
15:15I just wanted to tell you
15:17my boss thinks my new ideas are great.
15:19Oh, that's great!
15:20I'm proud of you.
15:21Because only satisfied employees are effective employees.
15:24This costume party by Ella at the university
15:26that my fantasies have already really inspired.
15:30Yes, if it was your fantasy.
15:32Hey, hey, hey, what's that supposed to mean?
15:34I'm just saying,
15:35there were also Mick and Lars.
15:38So, to your reassurance,
15:39the two of them claim it was my imagination.
15:43It was my handiwork on the notes.
15:45And what did your boss say?
15:47Well, the mosquito burning factor
15:49seemed to have really impressed him.
15:51That's a great word.
15:52The film was really worth it.
15:54Hey, I can be genius even without alcohol.
15:57I know that.
15:59So, I have to go to my patient now.
16:01See you later at the Rosenhaus.
16:03Rumor has it there's salmon.
16:08Sorry, Ben.
16:09Will we see each other at dinner?
16:10I don't think so.
16:12Trouble in paradise?
16:14Ella's mad at me
16:15because I'm taking part in the new database for her diseases
16:18and that's why I can't visit her in India.
16:20Beretta's new project, right?
16:23And you can't understand Ella?
16:24Yes, I can.
16:25She doesn't understand me.
16:26I understand.
16:30Mrs. van Loon?
16:32A guest in the Three Kings ordered a bouquet of flowers.
16:38Here you are.
16:39Thank you. Goodbye.
16:41One moment, Mr. Eckart.
16:44Aren't you actually a trainee in the Three Kings?
16:51However, I'm also the assistant of the repairman at the hotel renovation.
16:55And what do you qualify for?
16:58My studies at BWL in the evening school
17:00and the trust of the repairman in my skills.
17:03Isn't that a bit too much for you?
17:05Evening school, trainee, assistant
17:07and all the trust that's put into you?
17:11To be honest, Mr. Eckart,
17:12I think you're overwhelmed with this task
17:14and I'll tell the repairman exactly the same,
17:16as long as I feel like it.
17:20Thank you. Goodbye.
17:26Oh, God, oh, God.
17:27Oh, my God.
17:28What's going on with Mr. Eckart?
17:30The top cards are at the evening cash register.
17:34Aunt Erika!
17:35What are you doing here?
17:36Why didn't you tell me?
17:38How are you, my boy?
17:39Very well.
17:41I hope so, too.
17:43Is something wrong?
17:45I have a little problem with a pretty big car.
17:48Aunt Erika bought a motorhome
17:50without doing a test drive beforehand.
17:53A motorhome?
17:54Well, if there's nothing else to do,
17:56come with me.
17:57Hello, am I a Dutchman?
17:59Oh, heaven sent you.
18:02But it could also be a motor damage.
18:04Okay, come on.
18:05I'll see what I can do.
18:06But I can't get my fingers dirty too much.
18:08Mel and I are going to the opera tonight, to Hamburg.
18:11Don Giovanni.
18:13That fits.
18:14Just like his Casanova.
18:23So, Mrs. Hansen.
18:24The blood test didn't show anything serious.
18:28You have a mild anemia.
18:29That means less red blood cells than normal.
18:32That's why I feel so sluggish.
18:35I'll prescribe you an iron supplement.
18:39And please take a lot of vitamin C
18:42and eat a lot of meat.
18:44Like bloody steaks?
18:47And don't eat too much meat.
18:51Like bloody steaks?
18:55Liver and blood sausage would be better.
18:57But red peppers, pumpkin seeds,
18:59and freshly squeezed orange juice will do too.
19:01So you can put that on the menu
19:03when we eat at the next Rosenhaus.
19:06Oh, tempting.
19:07Here you go.
19:09Thank you.
19:10Mrs. Dr. Thies, I have another question.
19:13Yes, please ask.
19:14It's not about me,
19:17but about a friend who's your patient,
19:20Mrs. Stein.
19:21You know I'm subject to medical confidentiality.
19:23Of course,
19:24but I don't know who to turn to.
19:27Your husband is the wrong person to talk to, isn't he?
19:31You're right about that, yes.
19:33What's the problem?
19:35I met you today,
19:37and you seemed very angry.
19:39Do you have any idea how I can help you?
19:43Mrs. Stein needs a new challenge.
19:45She needs a goal.
19:48She wanted to start this ballet school in Berlin,
19:51but now she's running out of courage.
19:53Yes, but for such a big project,
19:55she needs a lot of strength.
19:56And she only gets that when she does the therapy.
20:00The drive for it can only come from herself, though.
20:03Good advice doesn't help.
20:05I see.
20:06Well, thank you for your advice.
20:09You're welcome.
20:10We'll see each other later at the Rosenhaus.
20:13but today without blood sausage and pork liver.
20:16Oh, yes, please.
20:33I brought you something from Sweden.
20:36Hey, that smells good.
20:38What's in there?
20:42I love Zimtschnecken.
20:44I'll get you a tea, we'll clean them up in a minute.
20:50How was Stockholm?
20:52Were you able to do anything because of the opera?
20:54Oh, I talked to the people in charge.
20:57But they didn't want to settle down yet.
20:59Now we just have to wait.
21:00And drink tea.
21:03To your opera sculpture.
21:12Did you go shopping in Stockholm?
21:15For the wedding.
21:17Something new, something blue.
21:19I didn't feel like it.
21:21After all the unrest in the last few weeks,
21:23I'm not sure if I want to marry all this brimborium.
21:27But isn't that part of it?
21:29I don't know.
21:32Do you want to be my witness?
21:34I don't think you have anything to do with all this brimborium.
21:37Then I'll just ask someone else.
21:40And I'll support you.
21:42But only on one condition.
21:44I'll take care of the wedding dress.
21:47You might not see it, but I have a little hand for it.
21:50But not a dress made of real tulips or anything like that.
21:54No, no.
21:55I already have an idea.
22:02What kind of crazy year was that?
22:06Henriette's dismemberment.
22:09The prison.
22:10The trial.
22:13Fortunately, it's all over.
22:16Bad memories can't be easily forgotten.
22:19Well, it takes time.
22:22Distraction is always good.
22:24The wedding preparations are just right.
22:27I'm not in the mood for a wedding at all.
22:29I just want Philipp and I to be together.
22:32I don't care about anything else.
22:34And I want to eat more cinnamon.
22:37But I still have to go over some topics yesterday.
22:39Oh, you poor thing.
22:40Besides, otherwise I won't fit into my dress afterwards.
22:43Oh, I haven't told you that yet.
22:46My brother Vincent is there.
22:47We're going to the opera later.
22:49I didn't even know you liked opera.
22:51I don't either.
22:53But Vincent wants to open up a business field again.
22:56And I'm supposed to put on my best dress.
22:58Well, maybe I'll just take off my shirt.
23:01Or I'll just put on my shirt.
23:07My mother told me that you want to build a new hotel in Lüneburg.
23:11Then she certainly told you who my new business partner is.
23:15Mrs. van Loon.
23:19Yes, I can imagine how exhausting the negotiations were.
23:22Yes, exhausting.
23:24It's exactly the category of woman I would never get involved with.
23:27Excuse me, we don't have anything in private.
23:29Neither private nor professional.
23:31Unfortunately, it didn't go any other way.
23:33The property on which the hotel is to be built belongs to you.
23:36Oh, then I wish you a successful business relationship.
23:39Thank you, me too.
23:43Mr. Flickenschild, do you have a moment?
23:46Excuse me, a moment.
23:47No problem.
23:50Eckart, what's up?
23:52I just talked to Mrs. van Loon.
23:54Obviously, she has something against me.
23:56Excuse me?
23:57She thinks I'm not qualified enough to take care of the new building as an assistant.
24:01That's my decision.
24:03It just sounded different to her.
24:05You don't have to worry about your job.
24:07And Mrs. van Loon?
24:08I will talk to her.
24:10Thank you.
24:13Sorry for the interruption.
24:15Here I am again.
24:17Yes, with my new business partner.
24:19Mrs. Category exhausting.
24:21Well, that can be more exciting.
24:26I'll see you later.
24:33Oh, that looks like work.
24:36Yes, I'm in the archives and I've been working on the first years since the hospital was founded.
24:41That's totally interesting.
24:43It says here that in 1921 a boy with bleeding and eczema was allowed.
24:49These are the symptoms of Wiscott-Albridge,
24:51although the picture of the disease of Dr. Wiscott was only described in 1936.
24:55I knew you were the right person for this job.
25:01Do you have a schedule in mind?
25:05I would proceed as chronologically as you do.
25:07No, no, I mean my work here.
25:09Oh, I see.
25:10Well, I thought you work a few hours a week until the exam at your fellow student.
25:14You do the rest afterwards.
25:16You still have a lot of time between the colleague and the start of your studies.
25:19I didn't mean the work itself.
25:22It's just that...
25:24I promised Ella that I would visit her in India during my time here.
25:27You won't be able to do both.
25:29Yes, I know that.
25:30Your project is excellent for me.
25:32And that's why Ella is pretty angry with me.
25:34Talk to her again.
25:36And explain to her how important this is to you.
25:39She will understand.
25:41I'm definitely happy when you're there.
25:47Anyway, Achim and I have become a couple after a few detours.
25:51What detours?
25:53Do you have a rag for me?
25:55A rag? Wait.
25:56Achim has been hanging on his ex-wife for a long time. Is he okay?
26:00But now we're very happy.
26:02I'm happy for you.
26:05Is there a brush, by any chance?
26:06Yes, yes. Will you be able to do it?
26:08Looks pretty good.
26:10Something like this?
26:12Oh, that would be wonderful.
26:14Achim got really upset that I just bought this motorhome like that.
26:20And when you get it in motion,
26:22the peace and harmony in the house of Meisner-Rose is restored.
26:26Our family is not so good with harmony at the moment.
26:30Anne and Merle worry me a lot.
26:34And you?
26:36Do you have a girlfriend too?
26:37Nothing fixed.
26:39But that doesn't bother me at all.
26:42So, did I see that right? Anne is pregnant?
26:46Yes, you did.
26:48But you and Torben don't want children.
26:50Yes. Torben and Anne are not together anymore.
26:54And who is the father?
26:58Torben has a new girlfriend now.
27:00A very pleasant person.
27:02But Anne and Torben still want to raise the child together.
27:07Unconventional, but why not?
27:09And what about Merle?
27:12Merle. The separation from Jan Diek was very difficult for her.
27:16Yes, Jan Diek is a jerk.
27:20A scoundrel.
27:22At least you got a decent man, Aunt Erika.
27:29Everything back in order.
27:32And what was it about?
27:33The distributor cap and spark plugs.
27:36So that's why it was stuttering like that, yes?
27:38Yes, I cleaned it up again. Now it should be like new again.
27:41Oh, thank you.
27:43Could you do a test drive with me so that Achim doesn't complain again?
27:48Yes, gladly.
28:03Mrs. Janssen.
28:04Oh, Mr. Eckhart.
28:05Hello. On time for the 5 o'clock tea in Salto?
28:08Love-won rituals.
28:11I should get myself some freshly squeezed orange juice.
28:16That would be healthier.
28:18Mr. Albers would definitely do that for you.
28:20Absolutely. How are you, Mr. Eckhart?
28:22Excellent. The training is going well, and I'm working closely with Mr. Flickenschütz.
28:26Yes, bravo!
28:28Well, after a few setbacks.
28:30Yes, you have experienced terrible things.
28:32The terrible deeds of Mr. Landau.
28:35Yes, the work at the casino was actually quite okay until...
28:38Until he almost shot you.
28:40Fortunately, it wasn't quite as bad again.
28:42I mean, Mrs. Stein was even more affected by Mr. Landau.
28:45The way he incited her game addiction.
28:47Yes, I noticed it live. I couldn't even do anything.
28:50I mean, of course, it wasn't okay what Mrs. Stein did with Ella's mother.
28:54But somehow I feel sorry for her.
28:56Yes, in the end, she is a person who has dealt with the deepest despair.
29:00I would like to help her so much.
29:03Hello, Mrs. Janssen.
29:04Oh, Mr. Eckhart.
29:06Mr. Peters is urgently looking for someone to teach him waltz.
29:09If possible, get his daughter married as soon as possible.
29:11Maybe you can ask Mr. Michael from the local dance school.
29:15I will.
29:16Mrs. Janssen.
29:18Excuse me, I don't want to interfere, but...
29:21As far as the waltz is concerned, maybe I could help you.
29:42Hello, Mrs. Stein.
29:43Mick Eckhart here from the Three Kings.
29:46What can I do for you?
29:48Well, it's like this.
29:49One of our guests needs dance lessons for a wedding.
29:53Pretty fast and urgent.
29:55I thought of you spontaneously.
29:57You used to be a dancer.
30:00I don't think I'm the right one for that.
30:02Wedding dances are not part of my repertoire.
30:05Well, talk to her.
30:06Don't give up so quickly.
30:08Don't give up.
30:09It's just about a waltz.
30:11Mr. Peters is the bride's father and he has to dance with his daughter.
30:15Of course, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of the whole wedding company.
30:18I'm sorry, but I don't have time.
30:21Mrs. Stein, I'm sure you'd have fun too.
30:25I mean, dancing is something wonderful.
30:30You want ballet school?
30:38Are you still there?
30:40Oh, yes.
30:41Yes, of course.
30:42Mr. Peters would also like to dance ballet.
30:44No, no.
30:45I mean, of course.
30:47You also dance ballet.
30:49And Mr. Peters would be incredibly happy to be taught by a professional dancer.
30:54Mrs. Stein, please.
30:56You are my last hope.
30:59Please tell her.
31:02I'll see what I can do.
31:05I'll get in touch with you, okay?
31:07Thank you, Mrs. Stein.
31:08Thank you very much.
31:15Mrs. van Loon.
31:16Do you have a minute?
31:18Oh, Mr. Business Partner.
31:20Always for you.
31:21Two more.
31:22What's up?
31:23We have...
31:29As I hear, you have reservations against my assistant, Mr. Eckert?
31:33To be honest, yes.
31:35Mr. Eckert is certainly not the first to come up with this job,
31:39but he is proven to be skilled, clever and absolutely trustworthy.
31:43And I would like to give him this chance.
31:45Nice, but I think he is overwhelmed with this task.
31:50Did he make a mistake?
31:51No, but a hotel renovation is not a walk.
31:55You need an assistant with a certain experience.
31:59That's what those who have so much experience in this field say.
32:03Mr. Eckert is and remains my assistant, and that's enough.
32:30Then we can start.
32:31Oh, how nice.
32:32It looks delicious.
32:33Oh, great.
32:35So, real gravid salmon from Stockholm.
32:36What did I tell you?
32:37I'll take the first one and give it to everyone.
32:38Mrs. Rose, I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
32:39I was really busy.
32:40Not so bad.
32:41There was a savior in need.
32:42My nephew, Vincent.
32:43Oh, is that Arne's brother?
32:44May I?
33:00That's not Arne's brother, but Merle's.
33:01Erika's family, though, are clearly more complicated
33:04than Erika's in the British Duke's Institution.
33:07That's not true.
33:11What's simple is that I have two sisters.
33:12One is the mother of Vincent and Merle,
33:14the other is Arne's mother.
33:16Not easy.
33:17So you nephew could help?
33:20The wagon is leaving.
33:23I'm really looking forward to the testing day.
33:25Oh, my God, that's impossible.
33:28Thank you.
33:29You're so quiet.
33:31I'm enjoying the food.
33:34Where's Rajan?
33:36He's probably busy with some medical file.
33:38It's more important to him than visiting me in India.
33:41Rajan is really working hard right now.
33:43For example, he has a file on...
33:46Do you know why the Gravetlax is called Gravetlax?
33:49I have no idea, but I've always wanted to know.
33:52Gravet sounds like digging or digging out, doesn't it?
33:56Back in the day, in Sweden, the salmon was taken out,
33:59rubbed in with a pinch of salt, sugar and dill,
34:03and then buried in earth holes, so they could last longer.
34:07Is that why you dug them out today?
34:10Don't worry, today you store Gravetlax in refrigerators.
34:13Whether it's Gravet or not, I really like it.
34:16Thank you.
34:17Me too.
34:18Oh, excuse me.
34:28Katja Meissner?
34:34Oh, that's a surprise.
34:38No, no, I'm happy, yes.
34:41Yes, I'll get in touch with you in a few days.
34:43Thank you.
34:52That was the Kunstakademie Dresden.
34:54They offered me a teaching position.
34:57That's wonderful.
34:58That's good news.
35:00Dresden is a beautiful city.
35:02Yes, we could come and visit with the motorcycle.
35:05The Kunstakademie is a very renowned institute.
35:09Aren't you happy?
35:12And what will you do?
35:14Und was wird aus Stockholm?
35:21Und erledigt.
35:23Oh, entschuldige, Thomas.
35:26Kein Problem, ich war in der Zwischenzeit nicht untätig.
35:28Alles geklärt mit Merle?
35:30Mehr als geklärt.
35:32Die Geschäftspartnerschaft mit der Frau ist eine Herausforderung.
35:35Kategorie anstrengend, hm?
35:38Kategorie wahnsinnig.
35:41Aber erzähl mir lieber von Brüssel, damit ich auf andere Gedanken komme.
35:45Was soll ich sagen?
35:46Ich bin Leiter des Referats für Europäische Regional- und Strukturpolitik.
35:49Siehst gut aus.
35:50Steht dir gut.
35:52Viel Arbeit?
35:54Ja, viele Sitzungen, viele Akten, viele Überstunden.
35:56Viele Bekannte?
35:58Brüssel hat durchaus attraktive Frauen.
36:00Besonders die Italienerin.
36:02Kategorie anstrengend?
36:04Kategorie vielbeschäftigt.
36:06Und du?
36:07Auch immer noch solo?
36:09Ja, nach der Trennung von Caroline habe ich mich erst mal mit Arbeit eingedeckt.
36:12Also langweilig wird es mir auch nicht.
36:15Das ist mein Stichwort.
36:16Ich habe noch einen Termin im Rathaus.
36:19Mit Anne?
36:21Der neuen Oberbürgermeisterin.
36:24Nicht nur das, sie ist auch...
36:25Schwanger, ich weiß.
36:31Ich bin gespannt, wie es ist, sie zu sehen.
36:34Schließlich war das mal unser gemeinsamer Traum, ein Kind zu bekommen.
36:54Hier bist du.
37:01Alles in Ordnung?
37:03Entschuldige, ich wollte ein bisschen allein sein.
37:06Sind die Gäste schon weg?
37:08Nachdem sie die gesamte schwedische Mandeltorte aufgegessen haben.
37:13Du denkst über Dresden nach, hm?
37:16Du weißt nicht, wie du dich entscheiden sollst.
37:21Es ist eben nicht Stockholm.
37:23Ich hatte mir das so schön vorgestellt.
37:25Wir beide in unserem Häuschen auf den Scheren.
37:29Aber vor allem bin ich Künstlerin, weißt du?
37:31Ich will was mit diesen Händen schaffen, nicht leeren.
37:34Das liegt mir einfach nicht.
37:35Woher willst du denn das wissen?
37:36Du hast es doch noch nie gemacht.
37:39Komm, ich weiß schon, was dieser Auftrag an der Oper auf der Elm bedeutet, aber...
37:47Es ist ja noch gar nicht sicher mit Stockholm.
37:49Aber die Kunstakademie in Dresden will natürlich eine rasche Antwort.
37:53Ja, und was ist, wenn du jetzt erst mal nach Dresden gehst
37:55und mal schaust, was sich dort ergibt?
37:57Danach kannst du ja immer noch nach Schweden gehen,
37:59mit oder ohne den Auftrag an der Oper.
38:01Ich will aber diese Skulptur in Stockholm machen.
38:05Das ist es, was mich dahin zieht, verstehst du?
38:07Klar verstehe ich dich.
38:12Und was ist mit dir?
38:15Was möchtest du?
38:16Hast du dich schon entschieden?
38:18Schreiben oder doch lieber weiter Rechtsprechen?
38:21Na, weißt du, die Sache mit dem Buch, die reizt mich schon ungemein.
38:26Ich hab ganz oft während meiner Arbeit als Jurist gedacht,
38:28Mensch, schreib das auf, sieh zu, dass das nicht vergessen wird.
38:31Aber ganz ehrlich, mir ist vollkommen egal, was wir machen.
38:34Hauptsache, wir beide sind zusammen.
38:38Ich möchte die Entscheidung für Dresden einfach noch ein bisschen hinaus schieben.
38:41So lange, bis sich Stockholm entschieden hat.
38:43Schieb hinaus, was du willst.
38:45Nur unsere Hochzeit nicht.
39:01Hallo, Thomas.
39:03Hallo, Anne.
39:05Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Wiederwahl.
39:07Und dazu natürlich auch.
39:11Ja, es lässt sich inzwischen nicht mehr verbergen.
39:14Steht dir übrigens ausgezeichnet.
39:20Und? Läuft alles rund für dich in Brüssel?
39:24Wie gefällt es dir als Mitbereiterin?
39:27Kann ich klagen.
39:29Obwohl natürlich alles viel bürokratischer ist.
39:32Als ehemaliger Steuerberater dürfte das doch für dich kein Problem sein.
39:36Ja, Brüssel ist schon ein anderes Kaliber.
39:39Übrigens bin ich auch zuständig für die wirtschaftliche Förderung
39:41der ehemaligen Zonenrandgebiete des Landes Niedersachsen.
39:44Und entsetzt, was an Fördermitteln herumliegt, nur weil keine sie abruft.
39:48Was? Wie kann das denn angehen?
39:50Die meisten öffentlichen Projekte, die wir in Deutschland veranstalten,
39:53beklagen sich doch über zu wenig Zuschüsse.
39:56Ein klares Informationsdefizit, das ich beheben werde.
39:59Warum fängst du denn nicht gleich hier damit an?
40:01Wir könnten nachher eine Informationsveranstaltung organisieren
40:04für die mittelständischen Betriebe.
40:06Und du erklärst ihnen dann gleich, wie man die Fördergelder abruft.
40:09Komm, das sollten wir unbedingt besprechen.
40:11Ja, ich schau gleich mal in meinem Terminkalender.
40:15Gerard, oui, dis-moi.
40:17Oui, oui.
40:33Hast du einen Moment Zeit für mich?
40:35Du siehst doch, ich bin beschäftigt.
40:38Ich kann dir helfen.
40:45Ella, ich wollte dir nur erklären, warum ich mich für die Mitarbeit bei Frau Dr. Thies entschieden habe.
40:49Ich habe da die Möglichkeit, an einem guten und sinnvollen Projekt teilzunehmen.
40:51Wir erfassen alle Fälle von degenerativen Erbkrankheiten, die es je in Lüneburg gab.
40:56Und diese Datenbank ist wichtiger als unsere Beziehung?
40:59Natürlich nicht. Unsere Beziehung stelle ich überhaupt nicht infrage.
41:03Ella, du bist meine große Liebe.
41:05Ach ja?
41:07Aber du hast keine Zeit, deine große Liebe in Indien besuchen zu kommen
41:10und diese Datenbank vielleicht mal ein paar Wochen allein zu lassen?
41:14Nein, weil es genau die Zeit ist, an der ich am meisten daran arbeiten werde.
41:21Außerdem werde ich die ganze Zeit zu Hause sitzen und warten, dass du aus der Uni kommst.
41:25Das wusstest du doch vorher schon und da hat es dir auch nichts ausgemacht.
41:30Ella, hast du eine Ahnung, wie wertvoll so eine Datenbank sein kann?
41:34Für Leute, die an einer erblich bedingten Krankheit leiden.
41:36Stimmt, du rettest lieber die Welt, als dich um mich zu kümmern.
41:39Ella, du weißt, dass das nicht so ist.
41:41Ich weiß, dass ich tagelang mit mir gerungen habe,
41:43bevor ich mich dazu entschieden habe, nach Indien zu gehen.
41:46Weil ich unsere Beziehung nicht kaputt machen wollte.
41:48Aber du setzt dich einfach so aufs Spiel für eine Datenbank!
41:57Besser, wir reden später noch einmal.
42:07Anne und ich hatten wirklich ein großartiges Gespräch.
42:10Wir werden den Lüneburger Mittelstand so richtig auf Trab bringen.
42:13Und zwar mit einem Informationsabend,
42:16den wir ganz groß aufziehen.
42:19Es ist wirklich absurd, wie viele EU-Mittel hier herumliegen,
42:23nur weil keiner von ihnen weiß.
42:29Na dann, Giovanni, kannst du losgehen?
42:32Du siehst toll aus.
42:40Ist alles in Ordnung?
42:43Ach nichts, dachte nur.
42:47Wo waren wir stehen geblieben?
43:03So, jetzt bin ich ja mal gespannt.
43:06Der Motor läuft wie geschmiert.
43:12Na bitte!
43:14Ich sag doch, es mussten lediglich die Zündkerzen gewichselt werden.
43:20Du, sag mal, wenn der Wagen läuft,
43:25dann könnten wir doch eigentlich jetzt sofort losfahren.
43:29Was? Um diese Uhrzeit?
43:32Noch bis an die Müritz?
43:34Ja, aber dann könnte ich morgen früh gleich den Vortrag
43:36zur Verwendung von Blutegeln im Mittelalter führen.
43:39Ach, Riemen, aus dem Alter bin ich wirklich raus,
43:42hier die Nächte durchzufahren. Nein, nein, nein.
43:45Du musst dich schon entscheiden.
43:47Entweder du verzichtest auf die Blutegel oder auf mich.
43:53Na ja, in drei Tagen bin ich ja wieder da.
44:00Lass uns morgen ganz in Ruhe losfahren.
44:03So ist es.
44:07Ein Zimmer mit Auslöser, ja? Alles klar.
44:10Herr Peters, das Allerwichtigste ist die Haltung.
44:13Dann kann Ihnen überhaupt nichts mehr passieren.
44:15Zeigen Sie allen, wie gut Sie sind,
44:17und Ihre Tochter wird stolz auf Sie sein.
44:19Ich wünsche Ihnen einen wundervollen Abend.
44:21Dankeschön, Frau Stein. Wiederschauen.
44:25Und, wird Herr Peters eine flotte Sohle aufs Parkett legen?
44:28Ich denke, ja.
44:30Vielen Dank nochmal, dass Sie zugesagt haben.
44:32Sie haben mir einen großen Gefallen getan.
44:34Mir hat es großen Spaß gemacht.
44:40Ich wollte mich nochmal für die Vermittlung bei Ihnen bedanken.
44:43Ich habe zu danken.
44:45Ich wünsche Ihnen auch einen schönen Abend.
44:47Den hatte ich schon.
45:07Ähm, alles okay?
45:09Nein, nichts ist okay.
45:11Oder wie würdest du es finden, wenn du ein Jahr nach Indien gehst
45:14und Britta dich nicht besuchen will?
45:16Ähm, okay.
45:18Kannst du deinen Ratschlag überhaupt nicht verstehen?
45:21Nein, überhaupt nicht!
45:23Ja, ich meine ja nur.
45:25Hau einfach ab, okay?
45:27Ja, also wenn ich dir irgendwie helfen kann...
45:30Okay, du kannst mir bei einer Übung assistieren.
45:33Okay, gut.
45:34Was soll ich machen?
45:36Stell dich so in Kampfstellung.
45:42Mehr hast du nicht drauf?
45:49Alles okay?
45:51Ja, ja, alles okay.
45:53Alles okay.
45:58Jedenfalls kann im Vergleich zu manch anderem EU-Mitgliedsland
46:01der Etat von Niedersachsen als hoch angesehen werden.
46:06Ja, das kann ich mir vorstellen.
46:09Tut mir leid, ich bin müde.
46:11Ich muss ins Bett, ich habe morgen einen Termin in Hannover.
46:14Gute Nacht, Gunter.
46:16Nacht, Thomas.
46:18Herr Flickenschild.
46:20Ich wollte Ihnen nur kurz sagen,
46:22dass Herr Peters von der Tanzstunde bei Frau Stein begeistert war.
46:25Das ist ja wundervoll.
46:27Sehr gut, sehr gut.
46:29Ihnen liebes, mein Schatzchen.
46:33Weißt du eigentlich, dass du die schönste Frau in der ganzen Oper warst?
46:38Ich liebe dich.
46:58Deswegen sollten wir vorerst den Schein wahren
47:01und Ihnen in dem Glauben lassen, dass wir seine Vorschläge umsetzen.
47:04Ich bitte Sie, darüber vorläufiges Stillschwein zu bewahren.
47:07Was läuft denn da für eine Nummer?
47:09Um Himmels Willen, nein.
47:11Ich werde doch keine alte Liebe wieder aufwärmen.
47:13Das mit Anne wäre viel zu kompliziert.
47:17Und jetzt wisch dir den Lippenstift aus dem Gesicht
47:20und dann kann ich dich auch wieder ernst nehmen.
47:22Ich finde es einfach schlimm, dass sie das nicht versteht.
47:24Soll ich dir mal sagen, was ich alles schlimm finde?
47:28Warum bist du so egoistisch?
47:30Es geht um unsere Beziehung.