All the Wrong Reasons Part 3

  • 2 months ago
All the Wrong Reasons Part 3
00:00hand. So that means we have some room to breathe. Justin. Fuck. When you didn't call me back or
00:09answer any of my calls I thought I lost you and that terrified me more than anything.
00:14But you didn't lose me you did the opposite you saved me.
00:22I didn't think my family would go this far. We'll be better prepared next time. No,
00:27there won't be a next time. I'm not going to put you in harm's way again.
00:34I'd like a divorce.
00:38I would like a divorce. What? Call my lawyers first thing in the morning. No, what about the
00:43arranged marriage that hasn't been called off? You need me. I'll think of something else. I should
00:48have done that from the start instead of dragging you into this. No, Justin look me in the eyes
00:52damn it. Look me in the face and tell me that after everything that we went through everything
00:57that I felt was for nothing. Tell me you don't want me. I can't.
01:09I don't know what I'm doing. Whatever it is you're doing don't stop.
01:39Promise you'll marry me one day Justin.
01:49Justin watch out. Adrienne no.
01:57A memory. Why now after so long?
02:01Justin. It's just a bad dream. Go back to sleep.
02:18I couldn't protect her back then. I won't make the same mistake with you.
02:23Andrea there you are. You left without saying anything yesterday and you weren't
02:27answering your texts or calls. I'm sorry for worrying you yesterday just got so crazy.
02:34I'm sure most of you have been curious about who will take on the editor-in-chief role after
02:39Brent's sudden departure. I think one of us is going to get it. Today I'm pleased to provide
02:44an update. I'd like all of us to welcome to the studio our new editor-in-chief.
02:49Today I'm pleased to provide an update. I'd like all of us to welcome a new edition
02:53who has joined us under special circumstances.
03:00What is Christine Adams doing here? I'd like to introduce Giselle Laurent
03:05your new chief editor. And my soon-to-be daughter-in-law.
03:19I'm guessing this meeting isn't about the magazine. Andrea Miller. I'd say it's a pleasure
03:25meeting you but that'd be a lie. It's Andrea Adams. Don't you dare pass yourself off as in
03:31Adams. Your son married me so like it or not I am one. I don't know if you've been informed
03:39but Justin is officially off the market unless Christine has some secret love child stashed away.
03:45You insolent little bitch. It's doubtful that you'll become her daughter-in-law anytime soon.
03:52Honestly you're not missing out on much. Christine. Mother. There's no need to
04:02dirty your hands with such filth. Allow me. Of course. What an incredible daughter you are already.
04:16I don't understand why you're here or what you're trying to gain. It's simple. I want Justin Adams.
04:25What a beautiful man. His wealth, his bearing and power. I'll have it all. You're delusional.
04:35Delusion is believing in the unreal. I'm a Laurent and I always get what I want.
04:46Is this a joke? Did you think you could hide your son's marriage from us forever?
04:53Marriages aren't permanent. They can be undone. No. The Adams family clearly did not uphold their
05:00part of the agreement. Our attorneys will be in touch tomorrow with a list of assets you have
05:06forfeited. Please let's talk this over. Giselle we are leaving immediately. I'll still marry him.
05:14What? My mom. Isn't this what you adopted me for? To replace your real daughter and marry
05:20Justin Adams? I spent years preparing for this. Please let me try to convince him. If that's your
05:28wish. It is. Once I marry Justin no one will ever look down on me again. It won't even matter if
05:35that fucking bitch Adrienne the real Laurent Harris is found. But first I have to take care of you.
05:45But first I have to take care of you. By what? Threatening to fire me? Do what you want but I'm
05:51not leaving Justin. You really think he'll stay with you? When he could have someone like me?
05:56Someone his equal? Yes.
06:07Arrange a driver for me immediately.
06:12Listen I didn't realize it wasn't safe for work. No I don't care if it was an accident. Boss we're
06:18having a situation. Is it important enough to interrupt my meeting? Well you look even better
06:25in person. She says she's Giselle Laurent. Your future wife. And if you don't stop touching me you
06:31are the future of nothing. You're too late. I'm already married. Your mother told me all about
06:39that. So you know this is a waste of time? Yes I suppose so. My family's lawyers could be seizing
06:47all your businesses and assets as we speak. Don't you know? I hold your future in my hand.
06:54Tell your lawyers to go ahead. Money is cheap. My relationship? My freedom? That isn't. I escort
07:00this woman out of my office. You're so faithful to her but is the opposite true too? She's cheating
07:05on you. I don't want to hear this right now. Even when the evidence is obvious she's meeting him
07:09right now. What do you know Giselle?
07:30Mark Harris is that you? Hey Andrea. I haven't seen you since Emerson. How are you? How are you doing?
07:36It's been quite a while hasn't it? Half now half later after the job is done.
07:49I'm fine with water. We should be celebrating our reunion. I am celebrating.
07:59Well I didn't get a chance to tell you this earlier but uh
08:03you look really good. What happened to that shy mousy girl back in comms 204 huh?
08:08A lot including getting married. I see that but he's not here right now. I am. Stop. No.
08:19What the hell is going on? Stop. What the hell is going on here? We should just come clean. Let's
08:27let's tell him the truth. Tell him. There's nothing to come clean about. If you won't tell
08:31him then I will. We've been seeing each other for weeks. Justin please you have to believe me.
08:37Tell Giselle. No I've been set up you have to believe me. You miserable goddamn waste of space.
08:44I regret every second that I spent with to think I'd be so stupid to fall for your
08:49bullshit and your lies. Giselle take your trash and get out of here.
08:54Are you okay? For a second I thought this is your choice. You'll pick her a nobody over me.
09:04I am the heiress to the Laurent family. It's not even a question.
09:12Giselle? I have never been so humiliated in my life. Your son chose that no-name whore over me.
09:22There is a limit to my patience. Don't be so hasty dear. There are other avenues we can take.
09:29Right. I can't give up because of a small setback. Nothing worth having comes easy.
09:36What did you have in mind?
09:40Hello. I need a word with you. No we have nothing to discuss. Even if it's important
09:46information regarding my son. You have five minutes. You match my son and how stubborn and
09:57headstrong he is. I can tell you care for him. Love him even greatly. Of course I do. I'm his wife.
10:06It's just so unfortunate that he'll never feel the same way about you.
10:11Okay now you're talking crazy. I don't know why. Did he ever tell you about the girl from his past?
10:16The girl he fell in love with instantly? Justin swore he'd find and marry her someday.
10:22Adrienne, it's you. I can't believe I found you. I've been looking for you for so long.
10:29Adrienne. Honestly, I knew he would fight the arrangements with the Laurents
10:34given how determined my boy can be.
10:37But then you came along. He called me Adrienne once. He confused me for her. Goodness, dear.
10:45That's even worse than I thought. Can't you see? You're her substitute and you know what happens
10:53to substitutes when the real thing comes back, don't you?
10:59Andrea. Justin, tell me who exactly is Adrienne. Who told you that name? Does it matter? Yes,
11:07because whoever said it clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.
11:10Just tell me. You look hungry. Let me go make you some dinner. No, I don't care about food. Just tell me.
11:16Just tell me. You look hungry. Let me go make you some dinner. No, I don't care about food. Just tell me.
11:32Why is this so important to you? Because you called me her name
11:35and I need to know if I'm nothing more than a substitute or a placeholder.
11:42Because I'm an idiot who's falling in love with you.
11:47No, don't you dare use my feelings against me like that. I'm not. If the next words out of your
12:00mouth aren't about Adrienne, I will walk through that door and you will never see me again.
12:07I got lost in the woods. I was like 10 and that's when I met Adrienne. I think she was lost too,
12:15but she found me and she saved me. Justin, watch out! I went to go get help and when I
12:23came back with everybody, she was gone.
12:35I owe her everything and I've been looking for her so that I can repay everything that I owe her, but
12:43I thought I was in love with her. Thought? Thought?
12:53And I met you.
12:59I know I called you by her name the first time we met and I'm so glad you're not her.
13:06Why? Because I was in love with a memory.
13:12I was in love with the idea of a person, but you are so much more than that. I am in love
13:21with you and I am yours completely and utterly. Prove it.
13:40You sure you want to do this? Once you do, there's no going back. As if I'd want to go back.
13:50Mr. Adams, who is this woman in your life? How do you feel?
13:55Allow me to introduce my stunning wife, Andrea Adams.
14:04Mrs. Adams, what's it like to be married to Justin Adams?
14:14Why didn't you tell me you're married to billionaire Justin Adams?
14:18Okay. Okay, fine. I get it. But at least tell me what's up with Giselle going around saying
14:22that she's his fiance. You. My office now. No. I am your superior. I order you to. Not anymore.
14:36It's not even about Justin anymore. I will ruin your life, bitch.
14:52Sure you don't want a jacket? It's not going to be that cold out tonight.
14:58When you're certain they're gone.