All the Wrong Reasons Part 1

  • 2 months ago
All the Wrong Reasons Part 1
00:00What are you doing this week, sex clown?
00:02I've never, you know, done it.
00:04You got till tomorrow.
00:06Just pick a guy. All I have to do is sleep with him.
00:10Have you considered asking me?
00:14He and his family own half of the nation's media industry.
00:17I need you to marry me.
00:19You need valid justification to break off your engagement.
00:23His wealth, his daring, his power. I'll have it all.
00:27But Justin is officially off the market.
00:29You're some nobody.
00:31That is my wife you are addressing.
00:34And I take care of what's mine.
00:38Do you think your relationship with my son will actually last?
00:43Tell me. You don't want me.
00:51I don't know what I'm doing.
00:52Whatever it is you're doing, don't stop.
01:00Just pick a guy. Any guy.
01:03All I have to do is sleep with him.
01:14Let's see what I'm working with.
01:30No, just no.
01:45He's so far out of my league. It's not even funny.
02:00Looks like another admirer of yours, bossman.
02:03Want me to intercept?
02:05No, just lighter.
02:10Hi, can I join you?
02:13Let's see what this one's game is.
02:16Gold digging commencing in three, two, one.
02:21So, you come here often?
02:24Me? Not Justin?
02:26What the hell?
02:29Okay, I know that this is going to sound totally crazy,
02:32but you're the most approachable guy here and I'm out of options.
02:36Actually, pretend that I didn't just blurt all that out.
02:40Now that I've got a better look at her,
02:42why does she seem so familiar?
02:45Can I buy you a drink?
02:47I promise I'm less crazier than I sound, I think.
02:53Promise you'll marry me one day, Justin?
03:03I need you to come with me.
03:08What's your problem?
03:10Just because you're super hot doesn't give you the right to drag strangers into dark corners.
03:14Adrienne, it's you.
03:17I can't believe I found you. I've been looking for you for so long.
03:20That's not my name because I clearly have no idea who you are.
03:25Oh, fuck.
03:27I'm sorry, it's just you remind me so much of her.
03:31And even if she's not, there's something about this woman.
03:36Look, I'm sorry about your friend, okay?
03:39But I'm working on a very tight schedule,
03:41so I'm going to go back in there and I'm going to continue talking to your friend.
03:44I was supposed to buy him a drink.
03:46There's no point buying him a drink.
03:50He's gay.
03:52Shit, shit, shit, shit. I needed Larry.
03:55For what? For what?
03:58I'm a columnist.
04:02You're doing this week's sex column.
04:04I don't know if I'm the best candidate for this exactly.
04:07I've never, you know, done it.
04:11Sounds like a you problem. Better figure it out soon. You got till tomorrow.
04:17That's why I needed Larry. Now I have to settle for asking armpit guy.
04:21Oh, have you considered asking me?
04:27Okay, Jason.
04:31Justin, you're clear what you're agreeing to, right?
04:35Actually, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
04:38I've never been interested in anyone since Adrian.
04:42I'll just wing it.
04:46You need something for your column.
04:48My sex columns. That means we need to...
04:52I need to...
04:54You're really okay with this?
04:57Wow. Okay.
05:00Where do we start?
05:03Wow. Okay. Where do we start?
05:06You are going to seduce me.
05:09Okay. Can I buy you a drink?
05:12No. We're past that. Try again.
05:15Okay. Do you want to...
05:18You know?
05:22No, that's a little too far in the other direction. And it's too direct.
05:26I thought I like direct.
05:28Well, yeah, if you're propositioning, man.
05:31Seduction is very different.
05:34You have to think of seduction as a game.
05:37The goal is to get the other person addicted to you.
05:43You want their every thought,
05:46every action, every breath
05:50to be consumed by you.
05:53And then you fade away.
05:56And you leave them craving more.
05:59I thought I was supposed to be seducing you.
06:03You are.
06:10You are.
06:13You are.
06:19Ignore that. That's...
06:21You should probably get that one if it's important.
06:25Okay. I will be right back.
06:28And then we will continue this.
06:36This better be urgent.
06:44Let's go.
06:52Andrea Miller. Works for Blush Magazine.
07:02I've had it with you. Get over here.
07:04Pack your things and get out of my house this instant.
07:14You did this!
07:15Mom says I get to use your bedroom as my second.
07:18Sleeping with my boyfriend isn't enough for you?
07:20You better grab whatever's important.
07:22Mom's going to throw out anything you leave behind.
07:41Adrian Laurent.
07:43Who's that?
07:50What is this shit?
07:52My column. You don't know what it took just to get this much.
07:57Aren't you even going to look at it?
07:59Don't you get it, Andrea? It doesn't matter if you complete your column.
08:03Excuse me?
08:06Look, I kind of sort of need a reason to fire you since I promised someone your job.
08:10What? When? Who?
08:16Do I get the job, baby?
08:18In a sec, baby.
08:20What the actual fuck?
08:23You can't do this.
08:25I'm editor-in-chief, means I call the shots.
08:27Authority is so sexy.
08:30Is she even qualified?
08:33You qualified, huh?
08:35Of course I'm qualified.
08:37How hard is it to be an editor?
08:41Do you see this?
08:43What are you trying to say?
08:45Are you calling me a whore?
08:47I'll need you to clean out your desk immediately.
08:49No, you can't do this. You're chief editor, but there's someone higher.
08:52I've run this magazine for years.
08:54And since Mr. Head Honcho never shows his smug mug around,
08:57that means I basically own the place.
08:59So go ahead, report me. See what happens.
09:03Report what, exactly?
09:05Mr. Adams.
09:07Report what, exactly?
09:09Mr. Adams.
09:12This looks like an interesting conversation.
09:14I wouldn't want to interrupt this. Continue.
09:16What are you doing here?
09:18What is he doing here? Don't you recognize him?
09:20That's Justin Adams.
09:22He and his family own practically half of the nation's media industry.
09:25And I own this company, contrary to what some people might think.
09:31Get out.
09:33What about my new job?
09:37Someone want to tell me what's happening around here?
09:40You're chief editor, right?
09:42Hmm. Report.
09:44I was about to fire this woman for her insubordination and incompetence, Mr. Adams.
09:48She's also chronically dishonest. You can't believe anything she says.
09:53Wait, what? Brent's the liar.
09:55Go on.
09:57Ms. Miller begged to write the seduction column.
09:59But then she mucked it up and turned it into subpar work.
10:01That is really interesting, because I was actually helping Ms. Miller write it last night.
10:06So, are you calling me incompetent?
10:09Last night?
10:11That means he's kidding, right? You and him?
10:14You didn't have to come find me at my work.
10:16It would have been easier if you gave me your number.
10:18Andrea, darling, you know I've always been your fan, right?
10:21You're worse than trash.
10:23Brad, is it?
10:25Brent, Ms. Adams.
10:26Brent, yeah, I don't think you can run my magazine.
10:29Or any of them, for that matter.
10:33You're done.
10:34This is just a misunderstanding.
10:35Get rid of him, please.
10:37Goodbye, Brad. Have a good day, Larry.
10:41Thank you.
10:42If it weren't for you, I'd be done for.
10:44I wouldn't say thanks just yet. I need a favor from you.
10:47Okay. You help me, I help you.
10:50I need you to marry me.
10:53Wait, what?
10:55I need you to marry me.
11:01Okay, no. This is unacceptable.
11:03You can't just spring a fiancé on me out of nowhere, Mom.
11:06In truth, your grandfather made the agreements around the time you were born.
11:10Okay, so why am I just now hearing about them?
11:13Honestly, I had hoped everyone would forget and this entire thing would blow over.
11:18Sadly, that's not the case.
11:20Okay. Well, the answer is no.
11:23Are you still mooning on about that Adrienne girl?
11:27You know we found no traces of her after.
11:30I still think she's a figment of your imagination.
11:33Okay, this is not about her. This is about an engagement that I want no part of.
11:37I'm sorry, but you can call the other family and tell them to break it off.
11:42It's the Laurent family. Do you know how enmeshed in their businesses we are?
11:47It'll ruin us if we renege on our end.
11:50Not without good reason.
11:53So what if I had a good reason?
11:57Do you need valid justification to break off your engagement?
12:00Yeah. And a marriage is a pretty good one.
12:02We would have to play the parts, though.
12:04You know, you'd move in together, do all of that kind of stuff.
12:09I do need somewhere to stay, okay?
12:12You could pick any other woman, though. Why me?
12:16It can only be you.
12:18So, what do you say?
12:33So, this is it. We're married.
12:37Yeah. Sorry, it's probably not what you imagined.
12:41No, this is fine.
12:44My sister Kimberly was the one that dreamt of extravagant weddings.
12:48Me, not so much.
12:50Honestly, Mom and Kim kept telling me I'd die an old spinster.
12:53So, this is fine. This is great, actually.
12:56What's next on the schedule?
12:58Sorry, the paperwork got a bit exciting.
13:00Sorry, the paperwork got a bit exciting in there, so it didn't cross my mind.
13:07It's gorgeous.
13:09It's yours.
13:20It suits you.
13:24Shit. Sorry.
13:26We have to go.
13:28Go? Go where?
13:29To see my mother.
13:43There you are.
13:45Do you know how long you kept me waiting?
13:48She's in planning mode.
13:50Planning for what, exactly?
13:52Your wedding, of course.
13:54With you marrying the Laurent girl, it's going to be the event of the century.
13:58Yeah, well, save your energy, Mom.
14:00I'm already married.
14:03What did you say?
14:05Figured it wouldn't be right to tell you over the phone, Mom.
14:09This is Andrea, my wife.
14:12Are you pregnant?
14:13No, no, it's not like that.
14:14Then what is it?
14:16What's the reason you would marry this without letting your own family know?
14:21Because of love.
14:23That's it?
14:24Justin kept our relationship and marriage private for my sake
14:27because I didn't know how well I would do with the press.
14:30What a sensible young woman.
14:32Dear, I'd like to get to know my daughter-in-law.
14:35Your cousin Samantha can show you the new Monet piece I acquired.
14:40Sure, Mom.
14:50Okay, you can stop pretending now.
14:53I'm on to your scheme with my son.
15:00Okay, you can stop pretending now.
15:02I'm on to your scheme with my son.
15:04Excuse me?
15:06Don't play stupid with me, girl.
15:08I know you're kind.
15:10I know this is all a ploy for my family's wealth.
15:13You think I'm some kind of gold digger?
15:15Aren't you?
15:16I care about Justin.
15:17Our relationship is genuine.
15:19In the off chance you're not some thieving hussy,
15:22do you think your relationship with my son will actually last?
15:27You have nothing in common.
15:30He's grown up with it all.
15:32The best tutors.
15:34The best schools.
15:36The best connections.
15:38The best everything.
15:40And you?
15:42You're some nobody.
15:46You might as well be a different species.
15:50That's why we arranged his marriage to someone with pedigree.
15:54Someone who's equal.
15:56He'll appreciate me for it later.
16:09Twenty million.
16:11I added extra out of gratitude.
16:13Thanks to you, we might put off the scandal that would ruin everything.
16:19Take it.
16:20And never come near my son again.
16:29See, darling?
16:31This is what you married.
16:40See, darling?
16:42This is who you married.
16:44Just another hussy.
16:46After our wealth.
16:50This is what I think about your wealth.
16:54I didn't marry your son for money then, and I'm not leaving your son for money now.
16:58You say that your son has everything, but that's a lie.
17:01The arranged marriage, this?
17:03You know what? Justin had a choice.
17:05And honestly, if that's what separates people like you and me,
17:08I'm happy to be just the way that I am.
17:10You outrageous little...
17:11Is that?
17:12That is my wife you are addressing.
17:15That is my wife you are addressing.
17:18Mom, we are done with the games and the schemes,
17:22and especially the wedding planning.
17:24Unless you would like to marry the Laurence yourself.
17:28Andrew, I think it's time we go home.
17:33Yeah. Home.
17:36That little bitch should have taken the check.
17:39Samantha, I won't have her ruining my son or our family.
17:46I can count on you.
17:49Yes, Aunt Christine.
17:58You were great.
17:59You were great.
18:04You were great in there.
18:06Never seen someone stand up to my mom like that.
18:09It's nothing like my family.
18:13You know, I haven't met them. When's a good time?
18:15We convinced your mom to break off the engagement, okay?
18:18So, there's no need that we need to continue this, do we?
18:21I don't think she's going to change her mind that fast.
18:24I mean, not until the Laurence call it off on their end.
18:26So, you're going to have to stay married to me for a bit longer.
18:30What a shame.
18:31Don't worry. You're going to make out like a bandit during the divorce.
18:45Is that what he thinks of me? That I'm doing this for his money?
18:55You spoke with the new investigator? Annie Lee?
18:58As usual, no.
19:00Man, I would skin our father if he was still alive.
19:04We should be focused on finding my daughter,
19:06not some arranged marriage with no bride.
19:09Can we not just tell the Addams the truth
19:12that Adrian went missing for nearly two decades?
19:14No, we're stuck. It's that one blasted clause.
19:19In the case the arrangement fails,
19:21the responsible party will be severely penalized.
19:23How severely?
19:24Nearly everything. It'll ruin us.
19:28I won't let it get to that, though.
19:30I have certain contingencies in place.
19:45Home sweet home.
19:53All right.
19:55So, this is where you'll be staying.