All the Wrong Reasons Part 2

  • 2 months ago
All the Wrong Reasons Part 2
00:00We're not sharing?
00:04Why did I even ask? Of course we're not.
00:08I wasn't sure how comfortable you were, but I mean, if you'd like to, you know, live together...
00:14No, no, this is fine.
00:18I know this isn't, you know, what you're typically used to.
00:21No, this is great.
00:22I can hire decorators, refurnish, whatever you need.
00:26Justin, the room is fine as it is, okay? It's more than fine.
00:29Okay, in hindsight, we never really went over your compensation, so how does a weekly stipend of $10,000 sound?
00:37Do you think so little of me?
00:40Okay, name your price, then.
00:43Zero! Fuck your money, Justin, and fuck you if you think that's why I'm here!
00:47No, Andrea, that's not what I... No, I...
00:50Andrea, please just talk to me.
00:52Why do you think I need a stipend?
00:54When we met with my mother, I...
00:56So you agree with her? You think I'm a gold digger?
00:58No, I never said that.
00:59But you did.
01:00That's not what I meant. Okay, look, what happened with my mother, that's just the beginning.
01:05It's only gonna get worse, okay? I...
01:08I put you in a bad place.
01:10I know what I signed up for.
01:11I didn't.
01:14Or I did. I... I don't know. I know my family.
01:18Okay, I think you deserve to get something out of this.
01:23I was staying in a hotel. When you proposed, you gave me a place to stay.
01:28Do you need...
01:31You helped me, and the room was a nice plus, but I didn't expect anything in return.
01:38Andrea, you are unlike anyone I've ever met before.
01:43It's Andrea Adams now.
01:49It's Andrea Adams now.
01:54It's getting late. We should call it a day.
02:00There's one more thing I'd like to tell you.
02:03I never thought you were a gold digger. Ever.
02:07If I did, I wouldn't have proposed to you.
02:09I wonder...
02:10That said, I will spend my money on you, and you will accept it.
02:15This marriage may be built on false pretenses, but you are mine now.
02:20And I take care of what's mine.
02:23Get some rest.
02:40Sudden emergency. Didn't want to wake you up. I left breakfast in the fridge for you.
02:47Bon appétit.
02:52Bon appétit.
03:01Andrea, I'd hoped you'd be in.
03:07I'm so glad you agreed to join me for brunch.
03:09It's too bad Justin couldn't join us. He had to leave for some kind of emergency.
03:14Oh, I know. Since I cost it.
03:17That just means we get to know each other even better instead.
03:23Do you like it? It's Cartier, one-of-a-kind custom made. I'll give it to you.
03:27Oh, that's okay. That'll suit me. Plus, I'm happy with just this.
03:32How sweet.
03:34If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies' room. Would you mind watching my purse?
03:53What did I miss?
03:57Is something wrong?
03:58I apologize for the interruption, but I saw it all. This woman stole from me.
04:02I don't know what she's talking about. I didn't do anything.
04:05It's in her bag.
04:07Fine, I'll go ahead and look, but there's nothing...
04:13Looks like you can't just let anybody into your family.
04:19Thank you.
04:22You, you did this.
04:24Call the police. I want this thief arrested and charged immediately.
04:32Is that your wife?
04:33I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
04:35Tell your story to the judge!
04:41Let me go! Let me go!
04:42What's the meaning of this?
04:43Mr. Adams.
04:45Justin, please, you have to believe me. I didn't do anything.
04:48You made the call that this one stole from that one.
04:51Based on the value of the item taken, this one's going away for two years.
04:55There has to be camera footage.
04:57Why waste the officer's valuable time?
05:00The bracelet was in your purse, and we have an eyewitness who saw you do it.
05:03Yes, I saw her do it.
05:06So you see, it's a clear-cut case.
05:08You don't need to concern yourself with this low life, Mr. Adams.
05:12Considering this low life is my wife,
05:15maybe it would be wise for you to put a little more than minimal effort into your job.
05:20I apologize, sir.
05:22The video footage. I'd like to see it.
05:25If it is as this one says, then we should be able to see my wife's guilt clear as day.
05:32I lied. All of it's a lie. She bribed me to do it.
05:39It's not my fault! She bribed me!
05:42She's not the only one who should be in handcuffs.
05:44We already went over this. I was only prepaying for our meal with a generous tip.
05:49Besides, I look terrible in handcuffs.
05:51Are you the only person in your family who isn't terrible?
05:55You, of all people looking down on us, you're a nobody.
05:59No money, talent, or skills. No connections.
06:03You offer nothing. You're worthless.
06:05Shut your mouth.
06:09I'm sorry. It's just, it's no wonder Justin married me.
06:12Being rich makes you so shallow and miserable.
06:17You too will regret this. Just wait.
06:27You offer absolutely nothing. You're worthless.
06:31Here. I thought you might need that.
06:36Don't worry about my cousin. And don't let anything she says get to your head.
06:40I'm not. It's the opposite, actually.
06:44She's wrong about me. I do have something to offer you.
06:47I don't expect anything.
06:50Justin, do you remember what you said yesterday?
06:52It goes both ways. So, this is what I'm going to do.
06:56I'm going to make sure that you're happy.
07:00And how are you going to do that?
07:02Well, that's why I'm here, isn't it?
07:05To help you break off your arranged marriage.
07:07That way you can find that one person for yourself.
07:10The one who will make you happy.
07:12And what if that one person is you?
07:16Don't discount yourself so quickly.
07:21I don't understand why me.
07:24Why not you?
07:26If you're the person who makes me happy.
07:29We barely know each other.
07:31And that can be fixed.
07:50Did you hear? Grant got the boot.
07:52Any idea what happened?
08:00Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
08:02What for? Missing me too much?
08:05Troy, what are you doing here?
08:07I'm here to see my girlfriend.
08:09Which is you, by the way.
08:11Thanks for the clarification.
08:13I wasn't sure if you were talking about me or Kim.
08:15Andrea, I already told you.
08:17That doesn't count as cheating. It's your sister.
08:20It's basically the same thing as sleeping with you.
08:22You were the one who wouldn't put out.
08:24Look, I'm willing to put this all behind us.
08:27Look, Troy, I don't need you.
08:29Just like I don't need your forgiveness. We're over.
08:31Oh, you say that.
08:33But you're gonna come crawling back in no time.
08:35You won't find anyone else willing to put up with your sorry loser ass.
08:39Newsflash Troy already have.
08:41And he's way smarter, hotter, and richer than you'll ever be.
08:47Newsflash Troy already have.
08:49And he's way smarter, hotter, and richer than you'll ever be.
08:58God, I forgot how funny you can be sometimes.
09:01It's not a joke.
09:03Look, you can drop this BS attempt at making me jealous or whatever.
09:07I was already planning on taking you back.
09:09Come on, my car's over here.
09:11No, I'm not going anywhere with you.
09:15You stupid fucking...
09:18Okay, no more playing nice.
09:28What the hell do you want?
09:30For you to keep your filthy fucking hands off my wife.
09:39What the hell do you want?
09:41For you to keep your filthy fucking hands off my wife.
09:43Your wife?
09:45When? How?
09:49You whore, you...
09:53What did you fucking do to my wife?
09:56You can't fucking do this.
09:58Do you know who I am?
09:59Do you know who I am?
10:01She did not cheat on you. You're not worth the effort.
10:03Oh, fuck you both.
10:05If you touch her again, I will make sure you disappear.
10:09Now take this trash out of my sight.
10:13Are you okay?
10:15Fuck, I should have been here sooner.
10:17If you would have, my ex wouldn't have gotten punched twice.
10:26Try this one on next.
10:31Another Justin?
10:33I can fix the cardigan, Troy-Tor.
10:35I don't need an entire new wardrobe.
10:37No, we are burning anything that has the slightest reminder of your ex.
10:46You sound jealous.
10:48It's called possessive.
10:52You look very beautiful, by the way.
10:54You're exaggerating. I look silly.
10:57Excuse me, miss.
10:59I couldn't help but notice that you're trying on our most exclusive collection.
11:04Which means it has an equally exclusive price tag.
11:08Oh, I'm sorry. I could go take it off right now.
11:10How much?
11:11The dress?
11:14I understand if it's beyond your means.
11:18Justin Adams.
11:20Yeah, I will take one dress of each in her size and we'll have them delivered to my address.
11:27Tilda, your boss, she should know where it is.
11:32That's too much. You didn't have to go that far for me.
11:35Oh, you're not the only one that benefits out of this.
11:38I want to see you in each of these dresses.
11:42Are you sure you want to do this?
11:44Yeah, I decided I wanted to meet your family.
11:48Why am I guessing that that's really expensive?
11:50Because first impressions count.
12:01Do you know how much this dress costs?
12:10Do you know how long you've kept us waiting?
12:13You've made your poor little sister starve.
12:16Andrea, and who is this?
12:18I'm the reason that we're late.
12:20I was hoping this gift would make up for it.
12:23Thank you.
12:24Do you know how valuable our time is?
12:31What in the world is this?
12:33What in the world is this?
12:36Domaine Leroy...
12:40I've never heard of it.
12:41But it's cheap and gross.
12:43Just like anything else that has to do with Andrea.
12:46If only you felt that way last week when I found you in bed with...
12:48How dare you talk that way to your sister.
12:51And you.
12:52Take your bargain bin trash back.
12:55We don't want it.
12:57Alright, I will find something more suited to your...
13:02Don't bother.
13:03It's beyond your means.
13:05Andrea, why don't you introduce us?
13:12I'd like you to meet someone very special.
13:14This is...
13:15Some nobody.
13:20I'd like you to meet someone very special.
13:22This is...
13:23Some nobody.
13:24Well actually...
13:25Oh, come on.
13:26Obviously he's just some hobo that Andrea found on the street and cleaned up.
13:32Justin Adams is here?
13:35This is the first time I've been called a hobo.
13:37How much is she paying you?
13:39In what reality would I do that?
13:41Because you're bitter that Troy chose me over you.
13:44Oh, dear.
13:47Troy is a doctor at Mercy Medical.
13:49He's a smart man, so of course he'd choose my sweet angel.
13:53You two are going to be so good together.
13:55You are aware that you have two daughters?
13:58It's fine.
13:59Kimberly is my only daughter.
14:02That is my husband's bastard mistake he dragged into our marriage.
14:08That is my husband's bastard mistake he dragged into our marriage.
14:13Um, Andrea, why don't you and your friend order something?
14:16I'm not dining with some filthy vagrant.
14:19Don't worry, Mom.
14:20It looks like we're going to have a good time.
14:22I'm not dining with some filthy vagrant.
14:24Don't worry, Mom.
14:25It looks like the management is on their way to clean out the trash.
14:29My sincere apologies for the oversight.
14:31I've just been alerted to your situation.
14:34Because my meal is ruined.
14:35Not you.
14:38Please give us a moment while we prepare your usual table.
14:40Thank you.
14:41Usual table?
14:42He's some homeless nobody.
14:44Don't you know who this is?
14:46He's on his way out.
14:48My lovely date and I thought we were here to have dinner with her family.
14:51Apparently, we have different definitions of what that might mean.
14:57For you.
14:58My wife's mom didn't quite like it.
15:03For you.
15:04My wife's mom didn't quite like it.
15:10Please finish your meals and never come here again.
15:16Well, I wasn't going to come back anyway.
15:18This place has gone downhill.
15:20Now they let in just anybody.
15:22Sorry I'm late.
15:26What happened to your face?
15:28Oh, Andrea's new asshole husband happened.
15:31You know, I don't even care if he's an ultra-rich.
15:33I'm going to sue him.
15:35Andrea's married?
15:36And he's rich?
15:39That is a 2007 Jamal LeRoy Useni Grand Cru.
15:44It's worth at least $40,000.
15:46He just gave it to you.
15:51I sent you to separate my son and his whore.
15:55Explain this.
15:57In surprising news today, notoriously single billionaire bachelor Justin Adams
16:02was spotted with a female companion last evening,
16:05with some unverified sources claiming she is his wife.
16:08Details of the female companion have not been released,
16:11but as soon as we know, you'll know.
16:14I've already made the call to get this reporter fired.
16:16My team is working to quash the rumors and wipe any online mention.
16:20None of this would be necessary if you'd done your work properly.
16:24I apologize. It won't happen again.
16:26Tell me you have something else planned.
16:31Single billionaire bachelor Justin Adams
16:33was spotted with a female companion last evening.
16:36That's the same guy.
16:37Andrea married Justin Adams?
16:39How is this fucking fair?
16:41After I worked so hard to steal Troy from my bitch sister.
16:44Babe, don't forget. You still have me.
16:48Sorry, Mom. Andrea is really trash.
16:51What was that?
16:53There's got to be a way to steal Justin from her.
16:56I did it once. I can do it again.
16:58But how?
17:09I'm listening.
17:15If you're thinking for asking for money, don't bother.
17:18Andrea, Mom and Dad are fighting.
17:20It's bad. Your fault this happened.
17:22Mom, calm down. I think they're fighting about you.
17:25Okay, stay there. I'm on my way.
17:31I never touched your car.
17:33My car is total.
17:35We all know this is your fault this happened.
17:37Oh man, that was a good one.
17:41That's a good one.
17:48Where are they?
17:49Do it.
17:50Do what?
17:55Nighty night, bitch.
18:05Boss, the security team tailing your wife just called in.
18:08She's been kidnapped.
18:10They're in pursuit.
18:11Tell them to stay on her.
18:14What the fuck? You can't do this to me.
18:16This wasn't part of the deal I had with Samantha.
18:20You hit me.
18:22Hey, stop smacking the bitch around.
18:25It won't look like she offed herself if she's all fucked up.
18:28What? No.
18:30Well, our client said they need a scapegoat for when she disappears.
18:36And you're it.
18:37Find somewhere high, drop her off.
18:41No, please, no.
18:43Please, I'm sorry.
18:48Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but you messed with the wrong person.
18:52Be quiet so you're going to regret this.
18:55See, that's the thing.
18:57Our boss said we can do whatever we want with you as long as you're gone.
19:01So let's start the fun.
19:05Who the fuck?
19:06Touch her again and the next one won't miss.
19:10Hey, it's okay, it's okay.
19:13Okay, question them.
19:14Find out who's responsible for this.
19:16It's not necessary.
19:25Samantha's in custody.
19:28Samantha can't wriggle her way out of this one, can she?
19:32Samantha can't wriggle her way out of this one, can she?
19:35Well, in any other case, maybe.
19:40What happened to my cousin's wife is so unfortunate, but I had nothing to do with it.
19:44Well, unfortunately, Miss Kimberly Miller happens to disagree with you.
19:53So, Samantha's done for.
19:56This will be a big hit to my mother.
19:59She was like her rap.