Two Y generation dreamers meet and begin dating through false pretenses but when their lies catch up with them HD ( Comedy, Drama, Romance )

  • 2 months ago
Two Y generation dreamers meet and begin dating through false pretenses but when their lies catch up with them HD ( Comedy, Drama, Romance )
00:00:00♪ When the red lights and the big lights hit your face
00:00:07♪ And you take me on a joyride back to your place
00:00:12♪ We don't need nobody
00:00:17♪ We don't need nobody
00:00:20You can't greet each day with negative energy and expect positive results,
00:00:32so start positive and stay positive.
00:00:35It's going to be a great day. Say it and mean it.
00:00:39Today's gonna be a great day.
00:00:42It's been clinically proven that exercise increases energy and libido, improves health
00:00:50and enhances self-esteem.
00:00:51Look good, feel good.
00:00:53So you asked me to take you to work and you're doing Jane Fonda.
00:00:57No, no, no, no, not this.
00:01:00We're going to be late.
00:01:01Let's go.
00:01:03What time is it?
00:01:04Oh, crap.
00:01:05What happened to push-ups?
00:01:06No excuses, no exceptions.
00:01:15Stop being a spectator and get into the game.
00:01:18Want to attract high-caliber mates?
00:01:20You'll need low body fat and high endurance, both in and out of the bedroom.
00:01:24Winners look good.
00:01:28Oh, sod off.
00:01:41Chapter two, dressing for success.
00:01:44If you want to attract successful people, you need to dress the part.
00:01:48Dress like you're as successful as you one day hope to become.
00:01:51Sloppy slouches never end up as supermodels, do they?
00:01:55It's different, Jessica.
00:01:56What about Jonah Hill and Donald Trump?
00:01:58Wait a second.
00:01:59Who are you calling Jessica?
00:02:00Don't tell me you're still reading that girly crap.
00:02:02No, I'm just thinking out loud.
00:02:06Oh, God, what is that?
00:02:08Oh, God.
00:02:09It's confidence.
00:02:11You need a lot of confidence to wear that cat piss.
00:02:12Where'd you get it?
00:02:13At the dollar store?
00:02:14I can't do it this morning.
00:02:16I can't.
00:02:17I was thinking, you need to do a little spring cleaning around here.
00:02:20I mean, seriously, what the hell is that?
00:02:22No, what are you doing?
00:02:23Grandma gives me one every year.
00:02:24You don't want to hurt Grandma's feelings, but you should shove that into a drawer fast.
00:02:27Thank you.
00:02:28Look, are you taking me?
00:02:29Or am I Ubering?
00:02:30Like, what am I doing?
00:02:31Excuse me.
00:02:32What are you doing with a piggy collection?
00:02:33I need a boost this morning.
00:02:34Let's go.
00:02:35Let's go.
00:02:37What's happening this morning?
00:02:39Uh, Sasha?
00:02:41Can I write to a closet again?
00:02:45My Chanel is your Chanel.
00:02:47Especially if you don't throw Elvis out the window.
00:02:51Did he poop on the tree zone again?
00:02:54In your suitcase.
00:02:55But you know what?
00:02:56It's only because he trusts you.
00:02:57Because he doesn't just poop anywhere, do you?
00:02:59No, you don't.
00:03:00Oh, my God.
00:03:05Oh, I really need to get my Uber.
00:03:08Devon's hardly around, and I like having you here.
00:03:11So does Elvis, apparently.
00:03:14Now that you are broken up, I want you to focus on your goals, your dreams,
00:03:19and achieve them.
00:03:21Right now, all I want to do is achieve looking as good as you in one of your Chanel dresses.
00:03:26Good luck with that.
00:03:29Want to marry up?
00:03:30Don't dress down.
00:03:31Want to climb the corporate ladder all the way to the top?
00:03:34Then dress like you're already there.
00:03:41You are the master of your own fate.
00:03:43So be punctual, be diligent, be efficient,
00:03:48and you will accomplish all of your goals.
00:03:50Hello, Linda.
00:03:51How's it going?
00:03:52Hello, Andy.
00:03:53You're late.
00:04:00You know, it is the 21st century.
00:04:03There's some exciting new products called razors and ironing boards.
00:04:07You should give them a try.
00:04:09Good one, boss.
00:04:11I mean, I sacrificed underwear today, you know?
00:04:15In efforts not to be late.
00:04:18I'm going commando.
00:04:21You're disgusting.
00:04:24You're right. Clearly TMI.
00:04:28The toilet in the executive washroom is clogged.
00:04:32I'd like you to take care of that after you clock in.
00:04:42That's not my job description.
00:04:44Can't be an institute?
00:04:45Oh, they can.
00:04:46But you will.
00:04:48Call it your penance for your allergy to being punctual.
00:04:54You see, one of the perks of having a high-level job like mine
00:04:57is it gives me the right to be capricious.
00:04:59I'm sorry, Andy.
00:05:01That may be a big word for you.
00:05:03You know what that means?
00:05:07It's 8.02 in the morning.
00:05:10I'm not going to let you ruin my day.
00:05:13You think that I'm going to capriciously clean that toilet?
00:05:17So sad.
00:05:18Yes, I do.
00:05:19And if you have a problem with that,
00:05:21why don't you take it up with our boss, Mr. Warren?
00:05:23We all know the reason why he feels he has to tolerate you.
00:05:28So, go ahead.
00:05:30And take care of that dump, Andy.
00:05:32Ooh, ooh.
00:05:35That will be your new nickname.
00:05:38It's perfect, because it's dumb and D, I squeeze it...
00:05:41I wasn't finished with you.
00:05:42Welcome to the Ravel.
00:05:44Not everyone will like you.
00:05:46Not everyone will want you to succeed.
00:05:48Life doesn't always give you what you want,
00:05:50but it does equip you with what you need to learn.
00:06:37Want to take over the world?
00:06:40You better own it first.
00:06:41The world is yours.
00:06:42Say it loud.
00:06:43The world is mine.
00:06:48The world is mine.
00:06:51The world is mine.
00:06:52Really? Is it?
00:06:54Could afford me.
00:06:55You're on your way.
00:06:57You're on the path.
00:06:58You're getting closer every day.
00:07:00I have to believe you can get what you want.
00:07:01The world is mine.
00:07:05You sure you don't want a copy of this book?
00:07:09I'm telling you, you want to work here forever,
00:07:10this book will impact your life.
00:07:12Right now, I am hoping that a margarita will impact my living.
00:07:15Mm-hmm. I love you.
00:07:16I love you, too.
00:07:18Night, Mama.
00:07:19Night, baby.
00:07:23In a rat race like this,
00:07:25you have to be the strongest and the fastest rat
00:07:27if you want to get the cheese
00:07:29that's waiting on the other side of that finish line.
00:07:39And that is why we are all here
00:07:41to do the best we can
00:07:43to make the most of who we are
00:07:45to win the race
00:07:47and to win the game.
00:07:49Thank you.
00:07:51Thank you.
00:08:00You're so much prettier in person.
00:08:02Well, that's a little bit absurd, actually.
00:08:04Thank you. You have great taste.
00:08:06And I love your accent.
00:08:08I'm Hayley. H-A-Y-L-E-Y.
00:08:11I'm actually, um...
00:08:12I'm thinking about writing a book myself.
00:08:14Oh, awesome. What about?
00:08:16Oh, I don't know.
00:08:18I don't know what my story is yet.
00:08:20Why don't you get out there and find out?
00:08:22And when you have a book signing, I'll be front and center. Deal?
00:08:24Deal. Yes.
00:08:26Can I shake your hand?
00:08:27Yes. Nice to meet you.
00:08:28Lovely to meet you. Thank you.
00:08:30Good luck to you.
00:08:37Wow. You are prettier in person.
00:08:39Oh, you can tell with those shades on, huh?
00:08:41Oh, yeah.
00:08:48Oh, you have beautiful eyes.
00:08:50You should use them.
00:08:52You can stitch up that shirt.
00:08:54You're better than that.
00:08:58Thank you.
00:09:00Thank you.
00:09:02Thank you.
00:09:04Want more, and you'll get more.
00:09:06Ask for more, and you'll receive more.
00:09:08You want to be rich? Be rich.
00:09:10You want to be successful? Be successful.
00:09:12You are made of unrealized greatness.
00:09:14Believe it.
00:09:18Can I ask you to fix my shirt?
00:09:27Hi, mamita.
00:09:29You're dreaming.
00:09:32Okay. Rich.
00:09:36Handsome. Funny.
00:09:38Under 35.
00:09:40With an IQ over 125.
00:09:42Mamita, that's like an anomaly.
00:09:44That sounds like a place in Italy.
00:09:46It does, yeah.
00:09:48I love the pizza in Anomaly.
00:09:52That's not found in nature, okay?
00:09:54That's like a nudist
00:09:56that you really want to see naked.
00:10:01Any man like that
00:10:03is going to stray
00:10:05or he's gay.
00:10:07That rhymes.
00:10:09Oh, it does. Well done.
00:10:11Exhibit A. Joey.
00:10:15What are we talking about?
00:10:17We do not say his name aloud, do we?
00:10:19Sorry. Please, don't get violent.
00:10:23Exhibit A. He whose name
00:10:25we do not say out loud.
00:10:27Thank you.
00:10:29He had a nice butt.
00:10:31He did have a nice butt.
00:10:33He was successful.
00:10:35What did he do?
00:10:37Sleep with a Hooters waitress.
00:10:39Okay. First off,
00:10:41Hooters has lovely chicken wings.
00:10:43Second of all, maybe he did not
00:10:45mean to sleep with her.
00:10:47Sure, honey.
00:10:49And listen, I don't like cocaine.
00:10:51I just like the way it smells.
00:10:53Look, I don't want to settle.
00:10:55Everyone settles.
00:10:58Two varying degrees.
00:11:00People, actual
00:11:02living, breathing,
00:11:04human people,
00:11:06will never live up to the fantasy.
00:11:10Like Taylor Swift. Never.
00:11:16Thank you for doing my nails, though.
00:11:18They look pretty.
00:11:20I want to look really good for when I
00:11:22drop off me a Spanish or a Scottish
00:11:24to do my head in. She's driving me crazy.
00:11:26You need to slap that bitch.
00:11:28I do. I do need to smack her.
00:11:30Like a huge one.
00:11:32All five fingers.
00:11:46Watch where you're going.
00:11:48Are you serious?
00:11:55I'm looking for my clothes.
00:11:59We have a bulletin over there with today's post.
00:12:01Do you have a meeting room?
00:12:03I don't know where I found that out.
00:12:05Do you know your colleague's name?
00:12:07Brother Deville.
00:12:09Are you British?
00:12:11You're a smart one.
00:12:13Let me guess. Kate or Diana?
00:12:17On my name?
00:12:19No. Why?
00:12:21You look like royalty or
00:12:24a beautiful princess.
00:12:28I'm Hayley.
00:12:30Princess Hayley.
00:12:32I'm Andy.
00:12:34I've got to go.
00:12:36Wait. You're leaving?
00:12:38I don't think I can face the world without you.
00:12:40I think you underestimate yourself.
00:12:42I'd love to see you again.
00:12:44Find me and you never know.
00:12:54You're late.
00:12:56What happened?
00:12:58I know. I'm so sorry.
00:13:00The bloody traffic was awful.
00:13:02I nearly broke my heel.
00:13:04I tore my roof. It's just a bad morning.
00:13:06Are you okay?
00:13:08Thank you for asking that.
00:13:10If I'm honest,
00:13:12I'm really missing my ex.
00:13:14I stupidly went onto Instagram
00:13:16and I saw him with his new girlfriend
00:13:18and that was just really...
00:13:20I don't actually care.
00:13:22Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:13:24Make sure this never happens again. Got it?
00:13:26I'm sorry. I did ask them to get...
00:13:28No, you don't ask.
00:13:30You demand what you need
00:13:32and you make them give it to you.
00:13:34And by the way, you represent my spa
00:13:36and I looked better during my first labour
00:13:38than you look right now.
00:13:40Go fix your face.
00:13:42You should be nicer as a mother.
00:13:52Sleeves rolled up.
00:13:54Still unshaven.
00:13:56And what were you doing flirting with a guest?
00:13:58I wasn't flirting with a...
00:14:00And she wasn't even a guest.
00:14:02Everyone who walks through that door
00:14:04is a guest.
00:14:06Listen here,
00:14:08dump D.
00:14:10Did you enjoy cleaning the toilets
00:14:12the other day?
00:14:14Because I've got
00:14:16a lot more jobs just like that
00:14:18waiting for you.
00:14:21Do you got it?
00:14:23Got it.
00:14:35Not going to ruin my day.
00:14:43Mr. Warren.
00:14:45Playing with Kevin's computer again, hmm?
00:14:47It's a beautiful day out, isn't it?
00:14:51You know your father hired me
00:14:53when I was 20 years old, right?
00:14:55When I got here from Denmark, right?
00:14:57Yeah, I've heard the story
00:14:59a few times.
00:15:01You had no shoes.
00:15:03You used to put your used gum in water
00:15:05and then take it out when you wanted to chew it.
00:15:09Your father was like a brother to me.
00:15:11If it wasn't for him,
00:15:13I wouldn't have been able to move up
00:15:16from the mail room
00:15:18to be the eventual CEO
00:15:20of the Imperial Hotel Group.
00:15:22When he passed, he made me promise
00:15:24to look after the hotels
00:15:26and look after you.
00:15:28Only you and I know of this promise.
00:15:30And I think you've done
00:15:32pretty well on both of them.
00:15:36I've done tremendously well
00:15:38at running this hotel.
00:15:40We've turned a profit
00:15:42every year I've been at the helm.
00:15:45We have 49 hotels in 37 countries.
00:15:47It's amazing.
00:15:49And, Mr. Warren,
00:15:51I have an idea for the...
00:15:53But I failed you.
00:15:55I see a lot of potential in you,
00:15:57but you get in your own way.
00:15:59You lack discipline.
00:16:01You lack focus.
00:16:05The list goes on.
00:16:07Look, that's not entirely true.
00:16:09These are facts, not open for debate.
00:16:11I'm bored.
00:16:14I need more to do.
00:16:16I need more responsibility
00:16:18and I'm very capable of having it.
00:16:20I agree, so I'm going to try to motivate you.
00:16:24Uh, what exactly does that mean?
00:16:26I'm going away for four weeks to Sri Lanka
00:16:28with my wife on a yoga retreat.
00:16:30She thinks I work too hard
00:16:32and so she's worried.
00:16:34Ever since I had that heartburn last year
00:16:36she thought it was a heart attack.
00:16:38She hasn't been able to move on
00:16:40and she's on a spiritual retreat.
00:16:42Vegan, possibly nudist,
00:16:44and I just hope I still have the tree-hugging days in me.
00:16:46I'm there.
00:16:48I would love to go with you guys.
00:16:50I want you to be in charge of this office while I'm gone.
00:16:52You're a free spirit,
00:16:54I'm a free spirit,
00:16:56and I think you can handle it.
00:16:58Plus, I don't really trust Kevin.
00:17:02Wait, so you're...
00:17:04asking me to run this hotel?
00:17:06Would you sign Kevin in, please?
00:17:10Sir, I...
00:17:12Don't speak.
00:17:16Yes, sir.
00:17:18While I'm gone, Mr. Palazzo
00:17:20will be my personal bridge
00:17:22between Sri Lanka and New York.
00:17:26Mr. Warren, um,
00:17:28Dumpty is not qualified...
00:17:30That's Mr. Palazzo to you.
00:17:32Mr. Warren,
00:17:34Mr. Palazzo is not qualified
00:17:36to run a mile around a high school track.
00:17:38He's not qualified to run a taco stand,
00:17:40to run a fever,
00:17:42to run a mock, no offense.
00:17:44I am not interested in your perspective on this,
00:17:46Mr. Hargrove.
00:17:48For the next month,
00:17:50Mr. Palazzo will no longer be working for you.
00:17:52You two will work together.
00:17:54Mr. Warren...
00:17:56Is that understood?
00:17:58Mr. Warren, I cannot stress what a bad idea...
00:18:00Is that understood?
00:18:04Yes, sir.
00:18:16You will have access to the corporate account,
00:18:18which you will only use for corporate affairs.
00:18:20Is that understood?
00:18:22You will have access to the company card,
00:18:24which you will only use for company matters.
00:18:26Is that understood?
00:18:30You will work out of my office,
00:18:32and I will not be making any decisions,
00:18:34major or minor.
00:18:36Is that understood?
00:18:40This is your opportunity to show I should take you seriously, Andy.
00:18:42Is that understood?
00:18:46Mr. Hargrove,
00:18:48Mr. Palazzo,
00:18:50make it work.
00:18:54To you both.
00:18:58Mr. Warren...
00:19:00Mr. Warren...
00:19:02Look, before you go,
00:19:06I just want to say thank you.
00:19:10And I know if my dad were here too,
00:19:14he'd say thank you as well.
00:19:16You're welcome, Andy.
00:19:18I'm not going to let you down.
00:19:20I am counting on that.
00:19:28Thank you.
00:19:36I'm so sorry.
00:19:38Don't be. It happens.
00:19:40I'm sorry I have to do this.
00:19:42It's just our policy.
00:19:48You know, actually,
00:19:50we're having a recession special.
00:19:52One free drink for every declined credit card.
00:19:54Thank you.
00:19:58It's actually my reversory.
00:20:00I thought I've heard it all,
00:20:02but what's a reversory?
00:20:04It should have been my anniversary.
00:20:06But it's not.
00:20:08Because my ex decided
00:20:10to go to Hooters, get a plate of hot wings
00:20:12and a slutty waitress on the side.
00:20:14I'm sorry, hon.
00:20:16I'm just going to down this.
00:20:18Please don't judge me.
00:20:20It's a British thing.
00:20:22Thank you.
00:20:28That would be great.
00:20:32I'm contemplating bankruptcy.
00:20:36Seriously, all my cards are maxed out.
00:20:40Well, let's see
00:20:42what Miss Jessica
00:20:44Benedetto has to say
00:20:46about filing Chapter 11, shall we?
00:20:50Let's see here.
00:20:52Never date down.
00:20:54Blah, blah, blah.
00:20:56In any capacity, if you do,
00:20:58he or she will bring you down.
00:21:00Down to their financial class,
00:21:02down to their stage of emotional development,
00:21:04down to their lack of confidence.
00:21:06Wow, Jesus.
00:21:08What is her next book going to say?
00:21:10Men are like coffee and chocolate
00:21:12and they taste better rich?
00:21:14I mean, what's the plan here?
00:21:16You're going to find some sugar daddy
00:21:18with a lot of confidence
00:21:20and an amazing emotional development?
00:21:22Yeah, why not?
00:21:24Oh, because, I don't know,
00:21:26what about, like, chemistry and passion and love?
00:21:28Ugh, stop it.
00:21:30Oh, sorry, Miss Shallow.
00:21:32Yeah, I forgot.
00:21:34What was the plan again?
00:21:36Climbing social status,
00:21:38seven-figure bank account,
00:21:40house in the Hamptons,
00:21:42and then, wait, um,
00:21:44what's the other thing I'm forgetting?
00:21:48I've always wanted a private jet.
00:21:50Is that too much to ask?
00:21:52Why don't you start with something smaller?
00:21:54Like, stop spending
00:21:56and start thinking.
00:21:58Stop washing hair and put that MBA to use.
00:22:00Do a project that you love.
00:22:02Like, write that book
00:22:04you're always talking about.
00:22:06And you want to find your own place
00:22:08and you want your career to take off
00:22:10and despite what rich boy,
00:22:12rich girl says,
00:22:14you, my dear,
00:22:16want to fall in love.
00:22:20I cannot believe nobody ever taught you how to tie a tie.
00:22:22I feel like
00:22:26Just relax, okay? I'm not trying to bone you.
00:22:32What the heck is that?
00:22:34Is that what I think it is?
00:22:36Do you know how many times I've applied for one of those?
00:22:38Even I don't make enough money for that.
00:22:40You're like a millionaire.
00:22:42I'm apparently not millionaire enough.
00:22:44What the hell are you doing with it?
00:22:46It's a company card. I use it for company expenses.
00:22:48That's very admirable of you.
00:22:50Don't Andy it up.
00:22:52What the hell is this?
00:22:54I thought I was the only one man enough to get a Manny Patty.
00:22:56Why are you always just grabbing stuff?
00:22:58It's something that my future wife
00:23:00dropped at the hotel.
00:23:02Your future wife? Really?
00:23:04Have you even taken her out?
00:23:06Not yet.
00:23:08Uh-huh. So you're stalking her.
00:23:10By stalking her.
00:23:12No, by politely courting her.
00:23:16How does one politely court another exactly?
00:23:24This isn't the 80s, kid.
00:23:26Come on.
00:23:28These days we need a little more than flowers.
00:23:30Like a limousine or a nice dinner.
00:23:32Maybe a show.
00:23:34Really? Really.
00:23:36Uh, I can't.
00:23:40You can.
00:23:42I shouldn't.
00:23:44But you will.
00:24:04Not here.
00:24:06You're right there. I can see it.
00:24:12Uh, maybe you can help me out.
00:24:14I'm looking for Haley. Is she here?
00:24:18Excuse me.
00:24:20Oh, no. Do your thing.
00:24:22Uh, Haley's in our office.
00:24:28You can take a seat. She'll be with you shortly.
00:24:30Oh, okay. Thanks.
00:24:32She loves you.
00:24:36Um, excuse me?
00:24:38Sorry, nothing.
00:24:40You can just...
00:24:42You gonna go have a seat?
00:24:44This is stupid.
00:24:46I'm sorry.
00:24:48What was that?
00:24:50Nothing. I'm talking on the phone.
00:24:54Oh. Sorry.
00:24:56What the heck are you doing?
00:24:58I got the ice cream man.
00:25:00Is he sitting down?
00:25:02No, he's break dancing.
00:25:06Yes, he is sitting down.
00:25:08That was a mean thing to do.
00:25:10I have a favor to ask you.
00:25:12Could you, um...
00:25:14Absolutely not.
00:25:16No, I don't.
00:25:24So, I can't do two.
00:25:26Can we move it to three?
00:25:28Also, Mr. Johnson wants to invest
00:25:30in one of your new business ventures.
00:25:32Fine, but if he wants a meeting,
00:25:34you must tell him that it's a minimum investment
00:25:36of 100K to get me out to lunch.
00:25:38I'm just not doing it anymore.
00:25:40Do we have any messages?
00:25:42No, Your Highness.
00:25:44Delia, what are you wearing?
00:25:46We have a dress code here.
00:25:48Please observe it.
00:25:50There's a gentleman.
00:25:56You found me.
00:25:58Oh, I'm very resourceful.
00:26:00Thank you.
00:26:02Mind me if I name again?
00:26:06And these are for you.
00:26:08Oh, what are these?
00:26:12Flowers? I've heard of those.
00:26:14Tom, um, I hope you don't mind me
00:26:16coming to see you at work like this.
00:26:20What exactly do you do around here?
00:26:22Um, just some consulting
00:26:24here and there at the other Midtown affiliates.
00:26:26You know, amongst other things.
00:26:30Oh, I have a job that's
00:26:32got way too many titles and hyphens
00:26:34to fit on a business card, so...
00:26:36You impressed?
00:26:40When asking someone out to dinner...
00:26:42So you're feeling spontaneous?
00:26:44Confidence is key.
00:26:48Dictate the situation and don't hesitate.
00:26:50I want you to meet me
00:26:52at 6 o'clock for
00:26:54a gorgeous sunset
00:26:56and, you know,
00:26:58never-ending laughter and maybe
00:27:00some dinner.
00:27:02You are in control.
00:27:04You are in demand.
00:27:06I'm not sure if I can do that. Let me just check my...
00:27:08Yeah, I can. Good.
00:27:10Did you even check?
00:27:12Yeah, yeah. Weird that you didn't see it.
00:27:14No, we're fine. Um, so, good.
00:27:16See you later. See you later.
00:27:18Um, you are late. Someone needs their hair washed.
00:27:22What the hell is going on?
00:27:24Go ahead.
00:27:30So, what does he do?
00:27:32I think he's some sort of
00:27:34hotel executive.
00:27:36Oh, well, that sounds too good to be true.
00:27:38Ugh, so are his eyes.
00:27:40When you see them, you just want to take a skinny dip in them.
00:27:42Easy, Tigress.
00:27:46Um, there may also be, like,
00:27:48one teeny-tiny
00:27:50other problem.
00:27:52He might have a slightly skewed
00:27:54perception of what I actually do
00:27:56for a living. You have got to own it.
00:27:58Own your status.
00:28:00No, I know, but Jessica says
00:28:02to get success, you have to exude success.
00:28:06You hate the book,
00:28:08don't you?
00:28:10We're not going to talk about that, are we?
00:28:12No, we're not. We're not going to talk about that at all
00:28:14because we don't care.
00:28:18That's looking pretty good.
00:28:20Just a little bit messier on the top right there.
00:28:22Yeah, yeah, yeah, like that.
00:28:24That's perfect. Okay, so where were we?
00:28:26She's beautiful, she's successful.
00:28:28Ugh, she's
00:28:30incredible, and her accent
00:28:32is so adorable. She's tomorrow
00:28:34instead of tomorrow. She's cute.
00:28:36She's beautiful.
00:28:38Yeah, I think we covered the beautiful thing.
00:28:40Listen, this is starting to sound a little too good to be true,
00:28:42so cool your jets there, okay?
00:28:44There's a little confidence for you.
00:28:46Use good wine terminology
00:28:48to handle conversations.
00:28:50Oaky, creamy, and buttery.
00:28:52It shows that you know your vines.
00:28:54It's hard.
00:28:56Love it.
00:28:58It's round,
00:29:00velvety textured.
00:29:04Courtesy of the chef.
00:29:06Enjoy. Thank you.
00:29:08Wow, look at that.
00:29:12I don't think you eat those.
00:29:14Yeah, they're edible.
00:29:16No, I don't think they are.
00:29:18They look good.
00:29:20Wow, look at that bar.
00:29:24You know, I'm really
00:29:26happy that, um, that you
00:29:28found me as fast as you did.
00:29:30Yeah, I can be
00:29:34I do have one thing, though.
00:29:36It's kind of a little rule of mine.
00:29:38I don't like to mix work with my personal life.
00:29:40I like to keep work as work,
00:29:42and my personal life is my personal life.
00:29:44Yeah, I know. I'm the same way.
00:29:46Oh, really? Yeah. I mean,
00:29:48running a hotel is tough.
00:29:50Yeah, I bet.
00:29:52So let's do that. Let's make a deal.
00:29:54No shop talk
00:29:56while we're together.
00:29:58That is quite a commitment
00:30:00after knowing me for hardly any time at all.
00:30:02Yeah, well, like I said,
00:30:04I can be... Tenacious.
00:30:06Yeah, I got it.
00:30:18Have I told you how pretty you look?
00:30:20And if I say
00:30:22your body's amazing, would you hold it against me?
00:30:26I, uh...
00:30:28That is, uh, that is smooth.
00:30:30Snuck it right in there.
00:30:32Did you research that? Did you Google it?
00:30:34I did. Yeah. You did?
00:30:36I went cube, functional,
00:30:38pickup. That's what you typed in?
00:30:40Yeah. Can I tell you what I'm thinking about?
00:30:48A little bit closer than that.
00:30:50The maitre d' is really freaking me out.
00:30:56Shoo, shoo.
00:30:58It's not hard to fall.
00:31:04It's too easy to break.
00:31:06So I'll keep on
00:31:10that you're not
00:31:12perfect for me
00:31:14as long as it takes.
00:31:18It's not all
00:31:20my fault.
00:31:24I know you feel
00:31:26the same.
00:31:28But we can't be
00:31:30the just friends
00:31:32we've just been
00:31:34trying to be.
00:31:46I would invite
00:31:48you up, but...
00:31:52I gave up being a slut
00:31:54for Lent.
00:31:56Oh, so
00:31:58you're not a slut and
00:32:00you honor Lent?
00:32:04Thank you for wasting my time. Have a good night.
00:32:08I'm kidding.
00:32:10No, you know I would.
00:32:12I just have an early meeting tomorrow.
00:32:14That's fine. No, me too.
00:32:16I gotta go. Be straight back to the office to handle a few things.
00:32:20So, until
00:32:22next time? Yes.
00:32:24Until the next time.
00:32:32Good night,
00:32:38Good night, Farida.
00:32:58You see?
00:33:00That's what I'm talking about. That looks sharp.
00:33:02Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna explain
00:33:04the charges as a hotel expense, but...
00:33:06Are you kidding me? These are clothes for meetings.
00:33:08And as Mr. Warren's personal liaison,
00:33:10it is important for you to look good.
00:33:12You're right.
00:33:14I mean,
00:33:16you like this girl, don't you?
00:33:18Yeah. She's incredible.
00:33:20Oh, and I have an amazing
00:33:22idea for the second date, by the way.
00:33:26Like a high-class criminal.
00:33:28Not exactly the look
00:33:30I was going for, but, hell,
00:33:32I will take it. Oh.
00:33:34I set up the meeting at the bank
00:33:36to air my idea. Get out of here.
00:33:38Come on, come on. Give me a hug.
00:33:40Come on. All right, all right.
00:33:46You're out of your mind.
00:33:48No. Keith Moon is better than John Bottom.
00:33:50John Bottom was incredible. Are you kidding me?
00:33:52Every time you see him live, you just...
00:33:54you just feel it.
00:33:58This is so beautiful.
00:34:00Thank you for bringing me out here.
00:34:04I have a surprise for you.
00:34:06I've already had a surprise. The yacht.
00:34:08That's right.
00:34:10Clothes on. Okay.
00:34:18Can I open them?
00:34:52I've been talking shit all night
00:34:54And climbed the roof
00:34:56And watched the world we set on fire
00:34:58Break the rules
00:35:00And looked for things
00:35:02We shouldn't find
00:35:08Cause lately
00:35:12I've been going crazy
00:35:16I think this might have saved me
00:35:18I think this might have saved me
00:35:22Exactly what I needed
00:35:26I need it tonight
00:35:36I need it tonight
00:35:42Exactly what I needed
00:35:44I need it tonight
00:35:50I didn't know you could do that.
00:35:52That was amazing.
00:35:56I got it for you.
00:35:58Did you really?
00:36:00Thank you.
00:36:44I'm not using him.
00:36:48Not for the nine-course meals,
00:36:50limo, yacht.
00:36:52All right.
00:36:54Well, when you put it like that,
00:36:56you have a fair point.
00:37:00Sash, I really like him.
00:37:02You do, don't you?
00:37:06That's why I can't tell him the truth.
00:37:10I can't tell him the truth yet.
00:37:12It's not real until you do.
00:37:14You know that, right?
00:37:18Oh, my God, what
00:37:22to the Haley I know, huh?
00:37:24The one who's a force of nature,
00:37:26who's tough and strong and confident,
00:37:28student, body present, and never
00:37:30earned less than a B in her life, huh?
00:37:32Where'd she go?
00:37:34Cause the Haley I know
00:37:36would never lie about who she is,
00:37:38about her status,
00:37:40or how hard she works for her dreams.
00:37:42Baby girl, you
00:37:44have got too much going on inside.
00:37:46You're better than this.
00:37:50I just don't know anymore.
00:37:52Oh, my God. Still, you got a little
00:37:54banged up and bruised. We all do.
00:37:58I haven't gotten laid
00:38:00in months.
00:38:02Well, there is that.
00:38:06I'm gonna keep going.
00:38:08No, I'm not.
00:38:12Good luck with that.
00:38:20that's basically it.
00:38:22All I need is a start-up capital.
00:38:24To cover what, exactly?
00:38:26Well, I need
00:38:28an architect, for one.
00:38:32you don't have the money
00:38:34to build the hotel.
00:38:36Well, no. I mean,
00:38:38I need to build the model first.
00:38:40And you would
00:38:42use the model to...
00:38:44Show the investors what the hotel might look like,
00:38:46you know, so they'll invest in the build.
00:38:48A bigger model?
00:38:52You know?
00:38:54And I need money for market analysis
00:38:56and to put the prospectus together
00:38:58and, I mean...
00:39:00Couldn't you sort of do all this yourself?
00:39:04Well, I mean,
00:39:06maybe if I had a computer.
00:39:08A computer?
00:39:10You know,
00:39:12and then, in theory,
00:39:14I could do some of those things.
00:39:16Actually, heck, I could do all those things.
00:39:18This is true.
00:39:22who doesn't have a computer?
00:39:26main problem, Mr. Palazzo,
00:39:30Oh, you can call me Andy.
00:39:32We're past that point, right?
00:39:34I can call you Tom.
00:39:38Your main problem,
00:39:42is that you don't have any
00:39:44assets, liability
00:39:46and collateral, and
00:39:48it would be impossible for us to give you a loan.
00:39:50Find someone to
00:39:52bankroll your startup capital
00:39:54and get you going.
00:39:56Thanks for coming in.
00:39:58When you say
00:40:04Thanks for coming in.
00:40:08Thank you.
00:40:10I'm gonna go ahead and take a pen.
00:40:12Look, the answer is no, okay?
00:40:14Why not?
00:40:16Because I don't invest in friends' businesses.
00:40:18I mean, eventually the friendship will suffer
00:40:20and the business will fail.
00:40:22My business is not gonna fail.
00:40:24Why don't you ask Mr. Warner?
00:40:26It's Mr. Warren,
00:40:28and no,
00:40:30he's already done way too much for me already.
00:40:32You got nothing to lose.
00:40:34Besides, he might like it.
00:40:36I mean, it's a good idea.
00:40:38It's just all about the presentation.
00:40:40I'll tell you what I will do.
00:40:42I've got the complete Adobe suite.
00:40:44Photoshop, Illustrator, everything you need
00:40:46to make a kick-ass presentation.
00:40:48I'll help you with that. You can use my computer.
00:40:50Computer? I want you to invest in the company.
00:40:52I want your money.
00:40:54It's not gonna happen, okay?
00:40:56Oh, how's Holly doing?
00:40:58It's Haley.
00:41:00She's good.
00:41:02You guys done the Macarena?
00:41:06Really? There must be some kind of record for you.
00:41:08No, it's just...
00:41:10It's different with this one, man.
00:41:12And it's a mutual thing.
00:41:14There's no rush.
00:41:16You must really like this girl.
00:41:18Yeah. All right, really, it's killing me.
00:41:20I'm dying.
00:41:22You got plans for Saturday?
00:41:26I got a couple tickets for the opera. You can have them.
00:41:28The opera?
00:41:30Yeah, the opera. Trust me, one night at the Met,
00:41:32and you'll get laid.
00:41:34The opera.
00:41:36What? All right, forget it.
00:41:38No, no, no, I'll take it.
00:41:40I'm gonna give them to someone else.
00:41:42I trust you. I just... The opera?
00:41:44That's what's gonna turn around?
00:41:46That will close the deal.
00:41:48Yes, I'm heading to the caterer right now.
00:41:50I'm taking the corporate limo.
00:42:15The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:42:17a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:42:19And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:42:21unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:42:23try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:42:49The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:42:51a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:42:53And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:42:55unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:42:57try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:42:59And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:43:01unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:43:03try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:43:05The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:43:07a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:43:09And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:43:11unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:43:13try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:43:15The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:43:17a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:43:19And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:43:21unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:43:23try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:43:25The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:43:27a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:43:29And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:43:31unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:43:33try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:43:35The opera is a cultural benchmark,
00:43:37a sophisticated and elegant affair.
00:43:39And although it can be emotionally overwhelming,
00:43:41unlike a wide receiver in the end zone,
00:43:43try and pretend like you've been there before.
00:43:45【Donna singing in Italian】
00:43:47【Donna singing in Italian】
00:44:03That's kind of cute.
00:44:11You show some D
00:44:13Oh, uh, Joy Gunn, market of Moongdong, Yusosamdi.
00:44:18Well, listen, $40 million, that's a lot of renminbis,
00:44:24so let's just not screw this up.
00:44:28Yeah, how, how, how?
00:44:31Sai-shen, okay.
00:44:34Um, okay, sorry.
00:44:38Um, hi.
00:44:39You must be Andy.
00:44:41Hi, yeah, how are you?
00:44:44Um, I know we, we just met,
00:44:46and it's not my place to criticize,
00:44:48but your Cantonese is bad.
00:44:50Mm, well, then it was a good thing
00:44:52I was speaking Mandarin, isn't it?
00:44:54I was, yeah, it was special.
00:44:58So, how was the opera for the first time?
00:45:03This season.
00:45:06First season.
00:45:08It's brilliant, if anything.
00:45:12Yeah, not as good as the Zeffiretti production.
00:45:16So, last year?
00:45:17The Zeffiretti.
00:45:18Right, yes.
00:45:19Yeah, I, I love Zeffiretti.
00:45:21You do?
00:45:22It's amazing.
00:45:24You too.
00:45:26Yeah, especially, um, La Bahama.
00:45:28La Bahama is just...
00:45:29It's stunning.
00:45:31Yeah, absolutely.
00:45:32It's my favorite.
00:45:36I don't mean to disturb you, but, you know,
00:45:38business call, what do you do exactly?
00:45:41Oh, um, a hedge fund manager.
00:45:44Oh, so you, you handle, like, investments with, you know,
00:45:50with other people's money in different fields.
00:45:54Yes, I do.
00:45:55Uh, primarily, uh, high-risk VCs.
00:45:58You know, uh, thinking outside the box type stuff.
00:46:00A lot of it very cutting edge.
00:46:02It's not safe, so that is what makes it fun.
00:46:05I've heard.
00:46:06She's important.
00:46:09Um, and you, Andy, what exactly do you do?
00:46:15Oh, um, hotel business.
00:46:18It's, it's, well, it's, I don't want, it's a lot.
00:46:22I mean, maybe if we, you know, talk later,
00:46:24I can give you more details.
00:46:26Um, it's just, yeah, hotel business.
00:46:29Okay, well, I, I'm bushed, so we'll talk later
00:46:34about that hotel business.
00:46:36And you guys just, um, enjoy yourselves,
00:46:41because I'm gonna, I'm gonna sleep in your bedroom,
00:46:43if that's okay.
00:46:44That's fine.
00:46:45Anything that you need is more than okay for, with me.
00:46:50Because you just want me to get back on your feet.
00:46:51Yes, okay, got it.
00:46:52Yes, uh-huh.
00:46:53Thank you.
00:46:54Okay, and, uh, yeah, you kids need anything,
00:46:56just help yourselves.
00:47:00Did she just say that we can have whatever we want
00:47:03in your house?
00:47:05Did she?
00:47:08I don't know.
00:47:09I sense if he was really, really strange,
00:47:11might find it funny.
00:47:18I gotta come clean.
00:47:30I've never been to the opera.
00:47:33Oh, my gosh, it's not,
00:47:34it's not what I thought you were gonna say.
00:47:40Okay, but I actually do have something serious
00:47:42to tell you, though.
00:47:44Um, I feel like I've been a little bit misleading
00:47:47about something.
00:47:49I don't know who Zeferetti is,
00:47:51and I've never heard of him before,
00:47:52and I don't know if that's his name.
00:47:54Me either.
00:47:56No, I just told you that I, no.
00:47:58Is the Le Bahamothish,
00:48:00is the Bahamothish a real thing?
00:48:03I don't know.
00:48:04I thought you knew what that was.
00:48:05It probably is.
00:48:06Where's the bathroom?
00:48:09It's, it's down the, uh, down there to the right.
00:48:15Yeah, yeah, good.
00:48:34I like this girl.
00:48:39I really like this girl.
00:48:44Don't let me down.
00:48:52I was gonna go get us a drink.
00:49:07Good morning.
00:49:09Sorry, did I wake you?
00:49:15How come Sasha's in all these photos
00:49:17and you're in none of them?
00:49:21Uh, that's just, it really, um,
00:49:24it's a weird thing.
00:49:25I just, I don't like posing for photos, like, at all.
00:49:29So she just, she just stands in for me.
00:49:34So these are your parents?
00:49:37Yep. Yep.
00:49:40You don't want anything like it.
00:49:44That's just so weird.
00:49:46I think I look like, um, my grandfather George.
00:49:50God rest his soul.
00:49:52So then this must be your husband.
00:49:56No, no.
00:49:58That's, um, that's, that's Devin.
00:50:00He's, um, he's away on business, so,
00:50:05but you'll meet him.
00:50:10Do you plan on keeping me around for a while?
00:50:13Uh, maybe.
00:50:16All right.
00:50:21Uh, it's a call week from Italy.
00:50:25I gotta take this.
00:50:27I'll be right back.
00:50:41Mr. Warren.
00:50:42How are you, sir?
00:50:43Are you in the bathroom?
00:50:45Uh, well, hey, I'm at the gym.
00:50:49Um, on the way to work.
00:50:51I don't really care where you are.
00:50:53I'm worried.
00:50:54I've been doing the downward dog all morning,
00:50:56and all I can think about is you
00:50:57and why I haven't heard from you in two days.
00:50:59Anything I should know about?
00:51:01Um, no, sir.
00:51:02Everything is, it feels great.
00:51:07Have you heard from Roman about the acquisitions?
00:51:09No, sir.
00:51:10But I've reached out multiple times.
00:51:13Well, light some fire on his ass.
00:51:15Let's get this thing moving.
00:51:24Is everything okay?
00:51:26Uh, yeah.
00:51:30Everything's, everything's good.
00:51:35I just had to iron out a few wrinkles
00:51:37on a hotel acquisition.
00:51:38Okay, just acquire a hotel?
00:51:41I have this idea.
00:51:44Where I want to create hotels
00:51:46that are more like apartments.
00:51:49You know, instead of hotel rooms
00:51:51where the interior, the decor is casual,
00:51:55and instead of room service,
00:51:57you're having a fridge in your place
00:51:59with beer and Hot Pockets
00:52:02and stuff like that.
00:52:04And the staff, they're all your friends,
00:52:06and they're dressed in street clothes
00:52:08instead of bellhop uniforms,
00:52:09and it's just a cool, casual place
00:52:13that feels like home.
00:52:14But it just happens to be a hotel.
00:52:19I'm gonna call it Crash Band.
00:52:23It's a bad idea.
00:52:26It actually reminds me a little bit
00:52:27of something that I'm working on.
00:52:32I want to open up a full-service spa salon
00:52:36that's more social.
00:52:39When you say full-service...
00:52:42Shut up.
00:52:45Seriously, you know, like,
00:52:47when you go to get your hair done
00:52:48or whatever it is,
00:52:49everyone's chatting and they're gossiping,
00:52:51and it's, like, communal,
00:52:52but when you go to a spa,
00:52:53it's like to get a body scrub or a massage.
00:52:56It's just so isolated.
00:52:58So I want to combine them both.
00:53:00I want to have, like, a bar and a buffet
00:53:02and, I don't know,
00:53:03just make it, like,
00:53:04a more social experience, I guess.
00:53:06Kind of like kids, but for women.
00:53:09So what are you gonna call it?
00:53:11Community Zen.
00:53:15I don't know.
00:53:16Do you think I'm crazy?
00:53:19I think you're zensational.
00:53:23You see what I did there?
00:53:25Yeah, that's very clever.
00:53:31I'm afraid of you.
00:53:38Because if you're falling for me half
00:53:41as hard as I'm falling for you,
00:53:43then we're in big trouble.
00:53:56I gotta go.
00:53:58I want to stay.
00:54:00Trust me, I will stay.
00:54:04Go acquire hotel.
00:54:11Do you have any plans tomorrow?
00:54:13Yeah, something in mind?
00:54:18I want to take you somewhere
00:54:20that requires skill.
00:54:25We'll see if you're up to par.
00:54:41Oh, good morning, princess.
00:54:45Details, details, details,
00:54:47because, like, Grandpa George, really?
00:54:49What was I supposed to do?
00:54:51I'm not in any of the photos.
00:54:52Well, whose fault is that?
00:54:53Well, we did not think that through.
00:54:54I did not think that through.
00:54:57So, did we, um,
00:54:58did we give the American a good wank?
00:55:00Stop it.
00:55:01Did we?
00:55:03Come on, spill it.
00:55:07It was amazing.
00:55:09It was amazing.
00:55:10It was amazing.
00:55:11We were amazing.
00:55:12I mean, the whole thing was just really amazing
00:55:15in, like, a lot of ways.
00:55:16Was it amazing?
00:55:17It was amazing.
00:55:18Yeah, I'm getting there.
00:55:19You know, last night with the opera talk?
00:55:21Yeah, it was his first time working.
00:55:23Oh, really?
00:55:25La bohama, my ass.
00:55:31You're smitten.
00:55:32I am.
00:55:33Mm, that initial little pitter-patter of feelings
00:55:36that if we could just bottle up and sell,
00:55:38we would be millionaires.
00:55:43Oh, I'm pathetic, though, aren't I?
00:55:44No, not exactly pathetic.
00:55:46You're at the intersection of pathetic and cute.
00:55:50And I'm happy for you.
00:55:51But you do know that he thinks he's dating
00:55:54the owner and boss of a series of spas?
00:55:57I know.
00:55:58What am I gonna do?
00:56:00You gotta tell him.
00:56:01I can't.
00:56:02You gotta just spit it out.
00:56:04Every pun intended.
00:56:06Oh, my God.
00:56:08Oh, you ridiculous, petulant little child.
00:56:11God, whatever.
00:56:12It's your life.
00:56:13I'm gonna make us some tea.
00:56:16And you're gonna wash the sheets.
00:56:19No, seriously, wash the sheets.
00:56:21I'll wash the sheets?
00:56:24Here it comes.
00:56:28Okay, you gotta keep your eye on the ball.
00:56:30That's all I know what to tell you.
00:56:32Hey, I got an idea.
00:56:34Why don't you guys come and hang with us
00:56:35at the beach house this weekend?
00:56:39Check in with Haley.
00:56:40See if she's down with it.
00:56:41Yeah, but what about Ava?
00:56:43I mean, does she know what's going on?
00:56:47If we go, then, I mean, you both are gonna have to...
00:56:49Lie about your professional life?
00:56:50Look, I don't think she's gonna do that,
00:56:52but I'll make sure she keeps her mouth shut.
00:56:55Thanks, man.
00:56:58You're not so great at this.
00:57:00Give me one more.
00:57:03Yeah, let's go do a little putt-putt golf.
00:57:05Come on, babe Ruth.
00:57:07I hate you.
00:57:08I hate you.
00:57:17Real skill, huh?
00:57:18Oh, yes.
00:57:20Hi, two for mini golf?
00:57:21Yes, please.
00:57:28Learn to golf, and to golf well.
00:57:31Wait, did you just quite...
00:57:34Oh, never mind.
00:57:36Here's your scorecard.
00:57:37Thank you.
00:57:38You guys are so cute.
00:57:39Oh, I appreciate that.
00:57:40Thank you.
00:57:41You're cute.
00:57:42You're cute.
00:57:45Yes, Mr. Jumpty.
00:57:52So, you can take it.
00:57:56So, what you're gonna do...
00:57:58Is you are going to move your arms...
00:58:01And your shoulders...
00:58:04Like a pendulum.
00:58:11Okay, you got it.
00:58:12Just watch and learn.
00:58:18Okay, um...
00:58:19Yeah, I learned how to play golf...
00:58:21Before you discovered pocket golf.
00:58:23Just be grateful we're not on a real golf course...
00:58:25Because then I'd, um...
00:58:26I'd really embarrass you.
00:58:30Uh, we could...
00:58:31Yeah, you'll be fine.
00:58:32Thank you.
00:58:33Thank you.
00:58:43Thank you.
00:58:46There's no way this is right.
00:58:49Well, with the nine mulligans I gave you...
00:58:51And the penalty strokes that I did not add...
00:58:53Because you thought that getting your ball lost...
00:58:55In the windmill was penalty enough...
00:58:57All of that is correct.
00:59:01That it is.
00:59:08I just don't think I've ever been so thoroughly...
00:59:10Emasculated in my entire life.
00:59:13I'm sorry.
00:59:14You're not sorry?
00:59:20What are you doing tomorrow?
00:59:21Nothing, I thought I'd move around.
00:59:26Because maybe I want to see you.
00:59:28Take you somewhere.
00:59:31Definitely not mini-golf.
00:59:33Yeah, we won't do mini-golf anymore.
00:59:35Never again.
00:59:36No, it didn't make you look good.
00:59:39It's messed up.
00:59:53How are we doing?
00:59:54Fine, what do you have?
00:59:56Uh, this just came up from legal.
00:59:58They said everything is copacetic,
01:00:00but Mr. Warren would feel better if...
01:00:02Yeah, yeah, I'll take a look, thank you.
01:00:07Anything else?
01:00:11I want to talk to you about an idea that I've been working on.
01:00:14An idea?
01:00:20It's a new hotel chain.
01:00:23Do you know how much effort it takes
01:00:25to make a proposal for a new hotel chain?
01:00:27To even build one?
01:00:28I, I, I do.
01:00:30And, but this is...
01:00:32This is great.
01:00:35Everyone knows Mr. Warren sees something in you
01:00:37that no one else sees.
01:00:40But that'll take you so far.
01:00:42It got you in this conversation.
01:00:44But it'll all do diligence.
01:00:46You gotta start hustling.
01:00:48This is how far you're gonna get.
01:00:53Goodbye, Andy.
01:00:55Goodbye, Andy.
01:01:00Um, Mia?
01:01:03I was just wondering if you could give me some advice.
01:01:08I have this idea about starting up a spa.
01:01:11Like yours.
01:01:14Well, this should be interesting.
01:01:16Go on.
01:01:17No, not, I mean, vastly different to yours.
01:01:20Like, considerably different to yours.
01:01:22But I was just...
01:01:24How did you start this place up?
01:01:26Like, did you get an LLC?
01:01:28Where did you get the startup funds for it?
01:01:30Who was in...
01:01:31You do realize you're asking your current boss
01:01:33how to start a business that will directly compete with hers.
01:01:36Oh, no, no.
01:01:37Oh, no, it's just a, it's just a hypothetical.
01:01:39It's not...
01:01:40Should I start looking for your replacement?
01:01:43No, definitely not.
01:01:44Because I'm asking for the future.
01:01:46Like a galaxy far away.
01:01:48Not now.
01:01:49Is what I'm saying.
01:01:50Like, not now.
01:01:51At all.
01:01:52So, I really appreciate the advice.
01:01:54Have a lovely weekend.
01:01:57Just not now.
01:02:05I hope you guys are ready for an amazing weekend at the beach.
01:02:08Andy, thanks for the limo.
01:02:10No, no, no, it's the least that we can do.
01:02:12Honey, did I tell you?
01:02:13Andy's company's picking up the limo ride for him.
01:02:15Isn't that a personal expense, though?
01:02:17Are your shareholders okay with that?
01:02:18How many shareholders is it, Dad?
01:02:20Honey, we don't want to talk about this boring stuff
01:02:22when there's a lot of expensive champagne to be drinking.
01:02:24Yeah, but no champagne, no shop talk.
01:02:28Let's just sit back and enjoy the ride.
01:02:30Okay, okay.
01:02:46Come on in, make yourselves at home.
01:02:51Wow, this is your house?
01:02:53Well, technically, it's our house.
01:02:56Well, these houses do got some.
01:02:58So, what do you guys want to do?
01:03:00I want to get some sun.
01:03:01Oh, yeah, you could use a little sun on that pasty white butter.
01:03:05Wow, that looks amazing.
01:03:07Listen, why don't you guys just chill out a little bit,
01:03:08and we're going on some dinner, okay?
01:03:10And I have an idea for tomorrow, so let's go talk.
01:03:31This guy, right?
01:03:34What, what, what? You know what.
01:03:36You're smitten over her.
01:03:38Not that I blame you. She's adorable.
01:03:41You'll fall for this girl.
01:03:43Fall in this past tense.
01:03:46Yeah, that was fast.
01:03:47I know, I'm so...
01:03:49Somebody's a little pee-whipped.
01:03:51Right, Mr. Pee-whipped over here.
01:03:53We got Mr. Pee-whipped.
01:03:55It's the accent. It's priceless.
01:03:57No, it's just...
01:03:59She's everything I want to be.
01:04:01What, like fraud and a liar?
01:04:04Come on, I'm just saying.
01:04:05When are you going to tell her the truth?
01:04:06I don't know.
01:04:08I mean, maybe when I feel like I'm not going to lose her
01:04:10when she finds out.
01:04:11You'll never know until you tell her the truth.
01:04:14You're not the first guy to do something stupid.
01:04:16Because you want to impress a girl.
01:04:18What are you talking about?
01:04:20Was she looking at me?
01:04:32Andy, what is going on?
01:04:34I have left you over 20 messages.
01:04:35Call me immediately.
01:04:51Deep down in the jungle
01:04:54Where the wild grass grows high
01:04:56Where life is a miracle
01:04:58And they never really ask why
01:05:00Can I get a ride down there
01:05:02Need a bit of action, I know
01:05:04Take me to the danger
01:05:06Show me how the party goes
01:05:09You have come too far
01:05:12Away from home
01:05:15I can't believe you're talking to a detective
01:05:17You've had a few drinks.
01:05:18We're going to have a good time.
01:05:19Thank God you've had drinks.
01:05:21You okay with this?
01:05:23Are you kidding?
01:05:24This is awesome.
01:05:25Come on, let's go.
01:05:26Let's go.
01:05:27Come on.
01:05:28Shake it up into the night
01:05:32Shake it up into the night
01:05:35Time to dance my life away
01:05:39Shake it up into the night
01:05:43Remember the days I prayed for what I have now
01:05:47Ivy league love, friends, dreams and cocktail
01:05:51Sharing the milestones, the good times and the best times
01:05:54What's in us is stronger than what's there to defeat us
01:05:58Oh, we only get one chance at this single life
01:06:05Oh, chase after your dreams till you feel alive
01:06:17Honey, come on, we're home.
01:06:22Hey, we're going to step out, guys.
01:06:25This is us.
01:06:27Had a great time.
01:06:28Had a great time.
01:06:29Have fun.
01:06:30Thanks for everything, buddy.
01:06:32Thank you again.
01:06:33Good night.
01:06:34Good night.
01:06:35Good night.
01:06:37Good night.
01:06:38Good night.
01:06:51I don't want this weekend to end.
01:06:57It doesn't have to.
01:07:03Have you ever had a Neapolitan orgasm?
01:07:07It's always been on my to-do list.
01:07:10Well, some would call it Italian food.
01:07:15Yeah, I'd like to do that.
01:07:21Take us to Patsy's.
01:07:24I miss you
01:07:29More and more
01:07:42Italian orgasm of the soul indeed.
01:07:45Oh, but it's not Italian.
01:07:47It's, um...
01:07:48Tony, will you remind her what this is?
01:07:52It's Neapolitan.
01:07:54Chef Boyardee in a can is Italian food.
01:07:59Sal isn't with us this evening.
01:08:01However, I would like to present to you both a copy of his latest book.
01:08:05May our recipes become your family dinners.
01:08:11It's so nice of you. Thank you.
01:08:16Get it?
01:08:17I crack myself up.
01:08:21Selfless communal property.
01:08:28Come here.
01:08:33Thank you.
01:08:35For dinner.
01:08:36And for this weekend.
01:08:40Okay, I'm gonna go use the ladies. I'll be right back.
01:08:48Tony, can I get the check, please?
01:08:54Here you go, my friend.
01:09:06I am sorry, but...
01:09:10I'm assuming this meal has nothing to do with official hotel business.
01:09:15Am I wrong in that assumption?
01:09:17What are you doing here?
01:09:19Just making sure Mr. Warren knows that you are not to be trusted.
01:09:23Now, you would never use the company credit card, would you?
01:09:28Oh, I'm so sorry. That was a mistake.
01:09:32I'm gonna go ahead and leave cash. Thanks.
01:09:36Give my regards to your girlfriend.
01:09:39And I hope you brought enough cash.
01:09:43I can't wait for Mr. Warren to come home.
01:09:47Limos, yachts, expensive dinners.
01:09:52Dumpty dumpty.
01:09:54The point is, you're in a lot of trouble!
01:10:06You okay?
01:10:07Yeah, everything's fine.
01:10:08Are we good? We set?
01:10:10Yeah, I just...
01:10:11Why don't you meet me in the limo?
01:10:14I want to do one more thing.
01:10:19Don't forget that.
01:10:20I'm not going to.
01:10:55Take us home.
01:11:06Thank you for dinner.
01:11:08You're welcome.
01:11:09I'm sorry.
01:11:19Good morning.
01:11:20We should talk.
01:11:21Not a good day for you, Dumpty.
01:11:24I just got off a Skype call with Mr. Warren.
01:11:26And Gina, up in accounting.
01:11:29All those expenses that you've rung up.
01:11:35What are you doing?
01:11:36I'm trying to whistle.
01:11:37That's not a whistle.
01:11:38It's a point.
01:11:40The card, please.
01:11:46Thank you.
01:11:47Mr. Warren would like you to go home.
01:11:50And he will deal with you when he returns.
01:11:53Kevin, you're not...
01:11:54I don't want to hear it.
01:11:57You can't fire me.
01:11:58That's correct.
01:12:00But I can suspend you.
01:12:01And that's what I'm doing right now.
01:12:03Do it just because I...
01:12:04Just because!
01:12:07Corporate fraud is not a just because.
01:12:11You have always been a world-class slacker.
01:12:14But congratulations.
01:12:16You have just graduated to an epic screw-up.
01:12:20And a criminal.
01:12:22If it was up to me, I would send you to jail today.
01:12:26But Mr. Warren insisted that he takes care of it himself.
01:12:30But don't fret, Dumpty.
01:12:32We'll survive just fine without the lackluster services of our hotel greeter.
01:12:39A hotel greeter?
01:12:41Oh, yes.
01:12:43And a bad one at that.
01:12:46What's he talking about, Andy?
01:12:48Nothing. He's just...
01:12:50You told me you were the manager.
01:12:51He did?
01:12:53Oh, that's funny.
01:12:57That's funny.
01:13:00Because I'm the manager.
01:13:06Is that true?
01:13:14Are you lying to me?
01:13:23Haley, wait!
01:13:24Don't touch me!
01:13:28I'm sorry, but...
01:13:30You've got to let me explain.
01:13:32Explain what?
01:13:34Explain what, Andy?
01:13:36Every single moment that you and I have spent together has been a lie.
01:13:41I wanted to tell you the truth, but...
01:13:44But I thought you would leave me.
01:13:47Okay, I thought that...
01:13:48You're the one, Andy!
01:13:50You're this insanely beautiful, successful businesswoman, and I'm a loser.
01:13:57Okay, tell me you didn't fall in love with my Amex card.
01:14:01Tell me that you fell in love with the schmuck who cries like an infant at the opera and accidentally eats flowers.
01:14:08Tell me that you don't care that I'm a flat-broke greeter who lives in a 200-square-foot apartment.
01:14:16I know you would never lie, and I would never stoop this low, but I didn't think that you would fall for me if I...
01:14:24If I wasn't as successful as you were.
01:14:30And that was wrong.
01:14:33But I am in love with you.
01:14:41I don't know you.
01:14:44Andy, come on.
01:15:15Just to impress.
01:15:25It's gonna be a great day.
01:15:27It's gonna be a great day.
01:15:29It's gonna be a great day.
01:15:31It's gonna be a great day.
01:15:59It's gonna be a great day.
01:16:29It's gonna be a great day.
01:17:42Hey, what's going on?
01:17:43Who are you?
01:17:45I'm the guy whose door you knocked on.
01:17:48I'm Andy.
01:17:50I'm looking for... for Haley.
01:17:53She lives here.
01:17:55Yeah, I guess you could say that.
01:17:57But, uh, she went out with Sasha.
01:17:59She's not here right now.
01:18:03I'm sorry.
01:18:04I recognize you.
01:18:06You're the guy from the pictures in her room.
01:18:10I'm Devin.
01:18:12Oh, I know exactly...
01:18:14All right, cool.
01:18:15I know who you are.
01:18:16Uh, she's gonna be back in a little bit.
01:18:18You wanna come in?
01:18:21Come on in, man.
01:18:22Come in.
01:18:26So, it's poker night.
01:18:29Make yourself comfortable.
01:18:30Have a seat.
01:18:31Ooh, um, I don't wanna talk.
01:18:35Come on.
01:18:36This is, uh, Doc Topito Bashful and Grumpy.
01:18:39Why do I gotta be Topito?
01:18:41Because you look like a Mexican.
01:18:43That's a little racist.
01:18:44That's a little racist.
01:18:45This is, uh, Haley's friend.
01:18:49Nice shirt, man.
01:18:50Who's Andy?
01:18:52Who lives in Sasha's closet?
01:18:53Uh, let's be nice, all right?
01:18:55Helping out a friend?
01:18:56Thank you.
01:18:57All right.
01:18:59Um, why did he just, uh...
01:19:01A little banged up.
01:19:02He knows what he says half the time.
01:19:03Don't worry about it.
01:19:05All right.
01:19:06Did we?
01:19:07Uh, can we smoke in here?
01:19:10I told you that, like, a couple minutes ago.
01:19:11You want Sasha to freak?
01:19:12Well, how am I supposed to play poker and drink without smoking?
01:19:15My apartment, my rules.
01:19:20What do you mean?
01:19:21So, with Haley, I think that maybe if you just give it a little bit of time...
01:19:24Honestly, this sucks.
01:19:26Next time, we're not gonna play at your place,
01:19:28because this is like a nunnery.
01:19:31This is like...
01:19:32He keeps saying your place, and...
01:19:34This is a place where nuns are made.
01:19:36Don't worry about it.
01:19:37First of all, it's also where he met his ex-wife and buys his weed,
01:19:41so there we go, right?
01:19:43All right, who's up?
01:19:45Uh, I'm gonna throw up.
01:19:47Oh, dude, dude, dude.
01:19:48Dude, dude, dude.
01:19:49Right through the hallway, first door on the right.
01:19:53See, it wasn't so bad.
01:19:54I mean, the drinks were really good.
01:19:56Hey, babe.
01:19:57Hey, honey.
01:19:58We have a guest.
01:19:59So, what exactly did you mean when you said that this is your house?
01:20:09So, what do you mean you live here?
01:20:12Okay, this is when you spit back.
01:20:22It's theirs, okay?
01:20:24I haven't been entirely honest with you, either.
01:20:30Why would you tell me that this is your...
01:20:32This was your place set up?
01:20:36It means I don't exactly have my own place right now.
01:20:48And I'm not the consultant.
01:20:51I'm a shampoo girl.
01:20:56And a failure, and now a fraud.
01:21:01So, that's good.
01:21:05Oh, um, poker game over.
01:21:10I'm sorry.
01:21:11No worries, no worries.
01:21:12You'll clean it up.
01:21:13I'm sorry.
01:21:14I think it might be time to leave, Andy.
01:21:15Yeah, I'm, uh, sorry.
01:21:19We were just lying to each other, and you know what?
01:21:28I wanted to love you.
01:21:32I still want to love you.
01:21:33Maybe one day we can, but...
01:21:39Not until we find the courage to love ourselves as we are.
01:21:47It's not someone else.
01:21:53This is embarrassing.
01:21:57I'm gonna go.
01:22:11Look, it's not the end of the world, right?
01:22:15I was probably gonna get fired from my job,
01:22:17and I just lost a girl that I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with,
01:22:20but it doesn't feel like the end.
01:22:22Well, my point is, she's never gonna see you again.
01:22:27Blake, that's my point.
01:22:28No, I'm agreeing with your point.
01:22:30I'm just saying, she's not gonna see you again because you lied to her.
01:22:37So you don't need to be embarrassed that you threw up at her friend's house.
01:22:39That's not the reason it didn't work out.
01:22:41You are just a huge help.
01:22:42Look, I've always...
01:22:43Do you even want to see this chick again?
01:22:44You don't even know her.
01:22:50I just really thought I loved her, man.
01:22:53Is that you loved her, or you loved the idea?
01:22:55I don't know. Whatever it is, I miss it.
01:23:00I just wish I would've never read that damn book.
01:23:03What book?
01:23:05Sasha, I think there was something real there.
01:23:07Sasha, I think there was something real there.
01:23:12Under the lies and all that deception and everything we both did,
01:23:18I think it was real. I...
01:23:22Oh, God, I must be crazy.
01:23:25Yes, you are.
01:23:28But so was he.
01:23:29And maybe you both being crazy is why you're perfect for each other.
01:23:34If we were perfect for each other, we wouldn't have lied, though.
01:23:38Well, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself.
01:23:41You were just...
01:23:43following instructions.
01:23:50I think my copy was broken.
01:23:54Is there security?
01:23:55No, no, no.
01:23:57Don't worry.
01:23:58Don't worry. I'm leaving.
01:23:59Thank you for nothing.
01:24:02I'm... I'm so sorry.
01:24:04That may have been my fault.
01:24:05You don't know me. I'm Hayley. Hi.
01:24:08I met you at a book signing a few months ago, and...
01:24:12Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was me.
01:24:16Do you know him?
01:24:17I do.
01:24:18He's my ex.
01:24:20Oh, well, your ex didn't like my book very much.
01:24:22He burned it, dumped it on my desk, and told me it was broken.
01:24:26Your book?
01:24:27It was.
01:24:28It was.
01:24:30I see that. Sorry, again.
01:24:33We've both been reading your book,
01:24:36and following your advice.
01:24:38We did do that,
01:24:39where we sort of... we projected to be successful,
01:24:42like we wanted to be, but we're not really.
01:24:45And we're lying.
01:24:46You read it wrong.
01:24:48It's project success in business, not in love.
01:24:55Is there any way you want to go get a drink?
01:24:57I'd love to just talk to you and maybe get some advice.
01:25:01You know what? I could use a drink.
01:25:05Yes, and the first one's on me.
01:25:06Thank you, because I'm broke.
01:25:27I don't care that you spent $20,000 of the company's money.
01:25:32I don't care that you committed what amounts to corporate fraud.
01:25:38What I do care about is that I gave you an opportunity and you squandered it.
01:25:43What I do care about is that I saw a potential in you that was never really there.
01:25:46What I care about is that I wasted 15 years on you.
01:25:53You have to find a way to help yourself.
01:25:56Help yourself grow. I can no longer help you.
01:26:03You're fired.
01:26:05See yourself out.
01:26:07Sir, I...
01:26:09I understand.
01:26:11I would fire me, too.
01:26:18I am incredibly grateful for everything that you've done for me.
01:26:24Well, there's...
01:26:26nothing I can say...
01:26:29to let you know how sorry I am that I've let you down and let myself down.
01:26:35I've got work to do.
01:26:39I'm coming back.
01:26:42But I'm not coming back as your clerk.
01:26:46I'm going to come back as your partner.
01:26:49I'm going to come back as your partner.
01:26:56And I'm going to show you.
01:26:57I'm going to show you.
01:27:17Grandma, you are a lifesaver.
01:27:30I'm Hayley. Nice to meet you both.
01:27:41Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:27:57Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:02Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:07Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:12Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:17Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:22Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:26Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:31Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:36Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:41Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:46Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:51Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:28:56Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:29:01Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:29:06Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:29:11Okay, so my idea is to combine a spa and a salon.
01:29:16It's a day, it's a day, it's a day, and then I'll stay.
01:29:21Man, I've been working on that thing for eight months.
01:29:24Listen, Crash Pad is a great idea.
01:29:29Now that it's out of my hands, all I can think about is her.
01:29:36It's been inspiring watching you work on something so hard.
01:29:40And listen, good things happen to good people, right?
01:29:43I mean, you keep your heart in the right place, you're going to get everything.
01:29:46You'll get the girl and the job.
01:29:48You deserve it.
01:29:52Thanks, man.
01:30:17What are you doing here, Andy?
01:30:20I would love to see Mr. Warren.
01:30:24Come in.
01:30:33Make yourself comfortable, and, um, I'll go grab him.
01:30:39Listen, don't tell him that I'm telling you this,
01:30:42but he really wanted you to come visit for Christmas.
01:30:46We both did.
01:30:51I'm sorry I missed it.
01:30:54Go ahead, go sit down.
01:31:18What was that?
01:31:20How are you, sir?
01:31:34That, um...
01:31:36Spit it out, Andy.
01:31:38It's your 50th hotel.
01:31:41And it's my first.
01:31:43Of many.
01:31:45I have no time for games.
01:31:47Yeah, I understand.
01:31:49I'm not here to play games.
01:31:54Sit down.
01:32:09Mr. Warren, I need to apologize.
01:32:12I know that you're sorry, Andy.
01:32:14You don't need to apologize.
01:32:16I do.
01:32:20I mean, you've been incredibly gracious to my family,
01:32:26and I've been like a second father.
01:32:38You deserve more respect and more gratitude
01:32:44than I obviously can give to you.
01:32:48And I'm just...
01:32:50I appreciate that, Andy. Thank you.
01:32:55Now shut the hell up and show me what's in this case.
01:33:00I'd like to present to you...
01:33:04Crashpad Incorporated.
01:33:07By Andrew Palazzo.
01:33:14And look, I mean, the projected revenue for the first quarter is there,
01:33:17and, you know, if you flip here...
01:33:19Actually, sorry.
01:33:23Oh, wait.
01:33:25There's more.
01:33:27I'd like you to take a stroll.
01:33:31Take a stroll.
01:33:34To the hotel.
01:33:38I've created an idea to make a hotel feel like home.
01:33:46Like an apartment.
01:33:48The interior, it's casual, it's friendly, it's affordable, it's...
01:33:54I mean, we have the staff that dresses in street clothes
01:33:57rather than bellhop uniforms,
01:34:00and the refrigerators are filled with beer
01:34:03and hot pockets if they want, and...
01:34:07I want a home away from home, and that's...
01:34:12That's the Crashpad.
01:34:14I put my heart into this, Mr. Warren,
01:34:16and I just... I feel like it can work.
01:34:19And, I mean, I...
01:34:24Uh, no, I'm...
01:34:32I'm off.
01:34:49A home away from home.
01:34:57It's very, very risky.
01:34:58No, Mr. Warren, I...
01:35:03It's also brilliant.
01:35:07The hotel VCs are tight-asses.
01:35:09They don't like to stray too far off the comfort zones,
01:35:11so if this is gonna happen, it has to be outside the box,
01:35:14and best is with balls.
01:35:21Mr. Warren, if you...
01:35:24Sebastian, if we're gonna be business partners,
01:35:27it's gotta be on a first-name basis.
01:35:29Sir, I...
01:35:31Great. Thank you.
01:35:37Here we are to the first step.
01:35:41To the first step.
01:35:45Remind me again what the next step is?
01:35:49We find a company to partner with.
01:35:52Someone who will be the perfect fit for the spot.
01:35:56Well, aren't you happy?
01:35:59No, I am.
01:36:01I just miss him.
01:36:03So call him.
01:36:05No, I can't.
01:36:07I gotta straighten myself out first.
01:36:10If it's meant to be, we'll find each other again,
01:36:13but this takes priority.
01:36:16Pick one.
01:36:22Nice suit.
01:36:26Thank you.
01:36:28Dude, you fart.
01:36:33That was mean.
01:36:35I'm sorry.
01:36:36I'm nervous.
01:37:16Hey, babe.
01:37:19I'm stuck in conditioner.
01:37:23Yes, it's riveting.
01:37:33Oh, my God, Christian!
01:37:34They said yes!
01:37:35They said yes!
01:37:36They said yes!
01:37:37Mom, stop!
01:37:38They said yes!
01:37:39Oh, my God, it hurts!
01:37:40What is going on with the screaming?
01:37:41What is happening?
01:37:42They said yes!
01:37:43I don't care who said yes to what.
01:37:45Your behavior is completely unacceptable.
01:37:47You know what, Mia?
01:37:49Blow it out of your ass.
01:37:52Shove it in your face.
01:37:53I'm out, bitches!
01:37:56They said yes!
01:38:14So, construction starts when?
01:38:16A few months from now.
01:38:18Tonight is just a groundbreaking party.
01:38:20You know, a chance for everyone to meet each other.
01:38:22I cannot believe that this is happening.
01:38:24Well, I can.
01:38:26Because you deserve it.
01:38:31My pleasure.
01:38:33I can't see.
01:38:34I know. Good, good, good.
01:38:35Right here.
01:38:38right here.
01:38:41It's beautiful.
01:38:43That's because it's yours.
01:38:46Thank you.
01:38:53What's this hotel called?
01:38:55What is this hotel called?
01:38:57You know, that is a really...
01:38:59That's a really good question.
01:39:01You know, I thought I had answered that.
01:39:03You know what? You did.
01:39:06I'm gonna go find some more liquid food.
01:39:08Thanks, Sasha.
01:39:09You're welcome.
01:39:15What? You don't remember the name?
01:39:22How did you do this?
01:39:25With a lot of help.
01:39:27Some good advice and some bad.
01:39:30And Mr. Warren.
01:39:32We like Mr. Warren.
01:39:34We like Mr. Warren.
01:39:37When I found out we were gonna have the space for a spa,
01:39:41I knew a little someone that had some wonderful ideas,
01:39:44just hadn't got the opportunities yet.
01:39:52It was true.
01:39:59When you said...
01:40:02that everything we ever had together was a lie,
01:40:04that wasn't true either, because...
01:40:07the moment...
01:40:09you came through those doors...
01:40:13I fell in love with you.
01:40:18I know I did something very stupid.
01:40:20Shut up and kiss me.
01:40:33Shouldn't we crashpad?
