Pokémon DP Galatic Battle Episode 01

  • 2 months ago


00:01Hello! Where does the time fly?
00:03So, how are you all doing?
00:05Great! We're all doing fine!
00:07It's been so long!
00:11Well, Grotto's looking especially healthy!
00:14Yeah, since Grotto evolved, he's been working harder in a brand new battling style!
00:18Okay, Grotto, return!
00:21Know what, Professor? Swinub evolved into Piloswine, too!
00:27Come on, Piloswine! Get off me, please!
00:29My Piloswine looks as healthy as Grotto!
00:31I think it's time for a poem!
00:33A toast! May good health be a sign of great success with Piloswine!
00:38Awesome! I can't believe you came up with a poem about my Piloswine and me just like that!
00:44After a bit of poetry, there's nothing like a bite of gateau!
00:50Hey, I had a thought!
00:52You're in Canalave City now, correct?
00:56You should try some old gateau from the Old Chateau!
00:59The Old Chateau?
01:00It's where they make a special type of gateau that's out of this world!
01:04I'll tell you, I've eaten almost every kind of gateau there is!
01:07Gateau aficionados call it the Mirage Gateau!
01:10Wow! I've gotta try that!
01:12Pika Pika!
01:13Yeah, me too!
01:14And it's made at the Old Chateau?
01:16Old gateau at the Old Chateau!
01:19See? The plain and simple fact is they make old gateau at the Old Chateau in Canalave City!
01:25Wait, hold on!
01:26I remember now!
01:28Here it is!
01:30That looks delicious!
01:31Pika Pika!
01:34Yum! Finally, one-time twerps have good taste!
01:37But with our sweet teeth, they have no right to good taste!
01:41Well, if we get to it first, there'll be nothing left for the twerps to taste!
01:51Sometimes it's hard to know
01:54Which way you're supposed to go
01:57But deep inside, you know you're strong
02:00If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong
02:03Stand up!
02:05For what is right
02:06Be brave
02:08Get ready to fight
02:09Hold on!
02:11We're friends for life
02:13And if we come together as one
02:16Complete the quest we've begun
02:19We will win the battle
02:22Dig Battle Pokemon!
02:24Pika Pika!
02:31Get your Rotom running!
02:37While waiting for the Canalave Gym Leader's return, our heroes contemplate sampling some delectable old gateau.
02:43But it appears they're not the only ones!
02:47Yummy stuff dead ahead!
02:49The good ol' chateau, home of the good ol' gateau!
02:53With nary a troubling trace of twerps!
02:55And by putting our tummies in gear, there won't be a trace of gateau for them!
02:59The early team catches the dream!
03:01Excellent scheme!
03:09The lack of busy bustle gives me pause.
03:12I've got a sinking feeling in my empty stomach they're closed.
03:15Sounds like a good deal to me!
03:17Soon as we claw our way in there!
03:20Ooh! Nice wordplay!
03:22And class play too!
03:23As long as everyone out there knows not to try this at home!
03:26Noted! Now for a scream test!
03:28Hello in there!
03:31It's just the gateau and us!
03:34Then no muss, no fuss!
03:37I like this! A self-sive and self-sive joint!
03:40Oh, sive!
03:46So feast your eyes on the lovely old chateau!
03:49Wow! So stately and pretty!
03:53So, let's check it out!
03:56Hey, you kids!
03:59You young people aren't planning a visit to the chateau now, are you?
04:02Yeah, that was the plan.
04:04Well, it's closed.
04:05You see, there was a storm that came through about a week ago and took out all the power lines.
04:09Yep, though I do expect we'll get the power up and running sometime today.
04:14But there are these rumors...
04:16What kind of rumors?
04:17The rumors of a ghost roaming the empty halls of this chateau!
04:21They're alive with shadows that seem like they're moaning,
04:24Give me more gateau!
04:26Of course, that's just a silly old rumor.
04:28Take it easy!
04:32That gateau is so good, even ghosts can't get enough of it.
04:35That's silly.
04:38Well, since we came all this way, we might as well have some too!
04:45Nary a gateau.
04:47Bless the spare cupboard!
04:49I'd be happy with a bagel.
04:51I'd be happy with a bagel wrapper.
04:57A candy bar with my name on it!
04:59And not theirs.
05:05I'll save it for later.
05:07Any luck looking?
05:14Chocolate is a girl's best friend.
05:21Now don't go anywhere, we've got a date.
05:33Wow, it's a single yummy cookie!
05:35With the emphasis on single.
05:39I'll just pack this away for later consumption.
05:50The agony of ending empty-handed.
05:52Shall we?
05:53Tis with a heavy heart we part.
05:55Even crooks need to know when to hold them or fold them.
05:57Then fold we will.
06:00You know, maybe we'll learn something from this.
06:02Win a few, lose a few.
06:04I can't believe we came up empty-gloved.
06:09Of course!
06:10I just remembered something I have to take care of.
06:13Now, whatever it is, I can take care of it.
06:15Hey, I'm the go-to Pokemon and you know it!
06:18You broke the store!
06:23My chocolate's gone!
06:25My bar's gone bye-bye!
06:27The old cookie crumbled!
06:30So, what's all this candy bar talk?
06:32A crumbled cookie, you say?
06:34Chocolate? What's the deal?
06:35None of your business! You just give me back my chocolate now!
06:38As soon as you give me back my candy bar!
06:42That's unique.
06:43A mobile refrigerator.
06:45Yeah, without wheels!
06:51That icebox is haunted!
06:53Haunting food, yes, but a spirit too!
06:55Stop sounding as dumb as you look!
07:03I look less dumb than you are!
07:09In here!
07:24Okay, where are we?
07:26A storage space of sorts.
07:28That's it! First there's no gateau, then we find a fridge with an attitude, so let's blow this nuthouse!
07:34Not a door with an attitude too!
07:36No genius, I'm kidding!
07:41I guess they really are closed.
07:43That means we all just made a long trip for nothing.
07:46Man, and I'm really hungry too.
07:54If no one's here, who opened the door?
07:57You don't think it could have been a ghost, do you?
07:59Don't be silly.
08:01You're right. It was probably the wind.
08:07Pikachu, wait!
08:23You can't just run into buildings like that!
08:29Did you see something in there?
08:36What's that?
08:37A microwave.
08:38But what's it doing here?
08:43Be careful! Don't break it!
08:46Check that out!
08:47Looks like some sort of generator, to make electricity when the power goes out.
09:09You okay?
09:11Whoa, what just happened?
09:25The power's back on!
09:27The better to see things!
09:29Well, does nothing for my tummy.
09:33Hey guys, check that!
09:35Okay, but check what?
09:36Over there, that door!
09:38The ghetto we've been groveling for!
09:46Welcome to the Old Chateau!
09:48Sounds like an automated announcement that kicked in when the power went back on.
09:52...making this hotel's world-famous Old Ghetto!
09:56Wow! We can make the ghetto ourselves!
09:59If anyone's got the recipe, they do.
10:03Great! Let's do it!
10:06Now for my secret weapon, Intriplicate!
10:09My claws!
10:10Yeah, I'm twice the hot foot.
10:13This display case is harder than dealing with either of you.
10:16We need a machine made out of this stuff.
10:18Try it again, for good luck. Where's that old elf plug?
10:26Ghetto Corner, what a kitchen!
10:29You'll find everything you need to make your ghetto!
10:33Wow! Now we've got the ingredients and the recipe!
10:37They're begging us to make the stuff!
10:39Now we'll all be able to try the Old Ghetto after all!
10:44This should be a lot of fun!
10:47Alright, just leave the prep to Old Brocco!
10:49Great! Guess Pikachu and I'll get some training in!
10:53Then Piplup and I will get in some work toward our next contest, right?
10:59Okay, Chimchar, we'll start with you first!
11:05Since we'll be up against Steel-type Pokemon at the Canalave Gym, this is your time to shine!
11:11Pikachu, I need you to scrimmage with Chimchar!
11:14Alright, Chimchar, you use Flamethrower and Pikachu, you'll dodge it!
11:23Chimchar, pay attention to how your opponent's moving!
11:34Chimchar, time out!
11:37Oh no! What have we done now?
11:52How do you upset a lawnmower?
12:08It's just a normal lawnmower! Spooky, huh?
12:15Now, Buneary, Dizzy Punch! Let's go!
12:21Awesome! Looking good!
12:27I don't remember a fan being there...
12:32Conserve energy!
12:34Alright, let's keep it going! Now, Piplup, use Bubble Beam!
12:50I'm sure I turned that fan off! I know it!
12:59Dawn! Hey, Dawn, what happened?
13:02Ash, there's this crazy fan!
13:07It wasn't a regular fan a second ago!
13:10Whoa, we were just getting chased around by a lawnmower!
13:14Remember what that construction worker told us?
13:17He told us there might be a ghost roaming around here!
13:21Gotta warn Brock!
13:29It's a lawnmower!
13:31Nah, it couldn't be!
13:48Well, I guess we're safe, at least for now.
13:51Don't forget Brock! He's down on the first floor all by himself!
13:54Let's try the back way!
13:57Where'd a washing machine come from?
14:11It's following us!
14:12Ash, look! An elevator!
14:32It's looking for us!
14:33Be careful, everybody!
14:42Looks like the coast is clear!
14:44We've gotta find Brock quick!
14:56The kitchen!
15:02You two look like you've seen a ghost!
15:04You don't know how right you are!
15:06That's just what we saw!
15:10Sounds to me like your imagination's at work.
15:13You're wrong! We're sure!
15:14We were chased by a ghost fan, and then a ghost washing machine!
15:17Let's get out of here quick!
15:19This is no time to leave, especially when the gateau is almost ready to eat!
15:26Presenting the famous old gateau!
15:35Hey, what's wrong?
15:38Look behind you, Brock!
15:42It's a fridge! What's your point?
16:06What is that?
16:07I don't know, but it's not very friendly!
16:19Pikachu, use Thunderbolt, quick!
16:23Piplup, Bubblebeam, let's go!
16:32Hold on!
16:33Rotom, the plasma Pokémon.
16:35Rotom plays practical jokes, which it carries out by embedding its plasma body in electronic devices.
16:40Devices? Like appliances?
16:42I wonder if everything that's been going on is the work of just that one Rotom, you know?
16:59Quick, up the stairs!
17:14Quick, outside!
17:23At least the old gateau is safe!
17:30Guess I've got no choice! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt, now!
17:35Pachirisu, discharge, quick!
17:47Pikachu, stay strong!
17:48You too, Pachirisu!
18:09Look, Rotom's awake!
18:12Hey, Rotom, why were you trying to scare us like that?
18:20Maybe Rotom was just trying to play with us, you think?
18:24Really? That's all it was?
18:32Rotom, what are you doing?
18:44Rotom, knock it off!
18:53I think Rotom doesn't know when to quit.
18:58What am I going to do about my hair?
19:01You, what about me?
19:04That's funny too, Brock!
19:05Oh yeah?
19:06Piplup! Piplup!
19:11All this time, still no gateau.
19:13Well, it's not for lack of effort.
19:15Someone else's now.
19:17You know, a magical incantation like Open Sesame would sure come in handy.
19:27Like that!
19:28A miracle!
19:29Yeah, who'd listen to Jessie?
19:32It's gateau-goaching time!
19:37Does this taste like wax to you too?
19:39These floor models are for external use only.
19:43Only food made for display.
19:45Blasting off would make our day.
19:51So this is the old gateau, huh?
19:53Yep, and it's still somehow in one piece.
19:55It looks yummy!
19:58On that note, let's dig in!
20:08It's delicious, and with the perfect touch of sweetness!
20:11It's awesome, with perfect texture!
20:14Wow, this stuff would make a grown man cry!
20:17Speaking of which, we should send some to Professor Oak!
20:20You're right!
20:22Go ahead, Pikachu, eat up!
20:24Because tomorrow, archery is starting in a big way!
20:29After their perilous encounter with the mischievous Rotom,
20:32our heroes have finally sampled some old gateau.
20:35And so, with lots of training and travel straight ahead,
20:38their journey continues!
20:51To be continued...