Code Lyoko Season 4 Episode 01

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00:00Here we are, going far, to save all that we love
00:19If we give all we've got, we will make it through
00:23Here we are, like a star, shining bright on your world
00:27Today, make evil go away
00:32Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all
00:35Code Lyoko, be there when you call
00:39Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall
00:43Code Lyoko, stronger after all
00:47I can't hear you very well, Mr. Dunbar. Are you trying to say that your son William has gone overseas to stay with you?
01:02And that he won't be attending classes here until you bring him home?
01:05Yes, that's correct, sir.
01:07I see. But it's quite surprising that he would leave without even bothering to tell any of us here.
01:13It was a very sudden decision. You know how youngsters can be at this age.
01:17I'm sure your own daughter Sissy is capable of doing the same thing.
01:21That's very possible, yes. But I didn't realize that you knew my daughter, and by her nickname as well.
01:29Uh, that is, well, actually, I don't really know her, obviously, but well, you see, William talks so much about her.
01:36It's always Sissy this and Sissy that, and so it's almost as if I really did know her.
01:41Ah, I didn't know that William was such a close friend of Elizabeth.
01:45Well, Sissy's a role model for William. An example. And how could it be otherwise? I mean, considering the sort of father that she has.
01:53Thank you, Mr. Dunbar. I was delighted to have this little chat with you, and please give William my best regards,
01:59and tell him that we hope he'll return to school very soon, and that he'll always be welcome.
02:03I will tell him. Goodbye, Mr. Delmas, and many thanks for your understanding.
02:07You're very welcome, sir.
02:11Phew. I guess I make a good grown-up.
02:14Yes, but now all we have to do is find William.
02:16You're right. We'd better get back to work.
02:23Piece of cake.
02:24Okay, so it worked with the principal, but what'll happen when William's real parents want to see their son?
02:29Hume is right, and I'm not so sure that voice synthesizer of yours is going to do the trick, Jeremy.
02:34Who knows? Maybe by then we'll have localized William.
02:37How are you going to do that?
02:38Thanks to the data we got from my father before he disappeared into the network,
02:41Jeremy and I have just about recreated Lyoko.
02:43You're recreating Lyoko?
02:45We may even be ready by tonight.
02:47That's right. In fact, Aelita and I have worked on it every night for the last week.
02:50Ah, so that's why you look like a couple of zombies, huh?
02:53And I thought that you looked like Rex because you weren't partying all night.
02:56I was getting jealous.
03:03Hi, Millie. Hi, Tamiya. You wouldn't mind if we sat here with you, would you?
03:12Are they still sulking? What do you think?
03:15Well, you did sneak out the bathroom window in the middle of an interview.
03:18And for ace reporters like them, that is pretty insulting.
03:21Being mad at me isn't as bad as their being really mad at each other.
03:25But how come?
03:26They had a massive argument over the newspaper, I think.
03:29You mean the Caddick News is folded for good? That's the best news I've heard in a while.
03:33No, it's not. How am I going to know who's going out with who now?
03:36I guess I'll have to console myself by watching Jim dancing to old disco music.
03:40He really...
03:41Well, personally, out of all of the seasons of the year, I like the spring best of all.
03:45I like summer best because it's nice and warm.
03:48Wait, I can't hear anything.
03:50Well, if you can't hear anything, then we should speak louder, shouldn't we?
03:54Dork, it's not you I want to listen to.
03:56Don't tell me you've been watching Paco the King of Disco again.
04:00I can't help myself. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I put the film on.
04:03I don't know why he's so ashamed that he used to be an actor.
04:06Most probably because the film was a flop.
04:10I don't see what makes their conversation more interesting than ours.
04:13Yeah, me neither.
04:15Well, I do, okay?
04:19Come in.
04:20You wanted to see me, huh, Sissy?
04:25What's she doing here?
04:26That's what I was going to say. What's she doing here?
04:29I thought it was me you wanted to see.
04:30Same here.
04:31Well, at least you agree on that.
04:34It's not much, but it's a pretty good start.
04:36And it's all thanks to me.
04:39Which is why, for the good of the Caddick News, I've decided to become the editor-in-chief.
04:45You've decided what?
04:46Who do you think you are?
04:47A daughter of the principal.
04:49The only person who can stop you from printing that poor excuse for a paper that you're so proud of.
04:56But you're not a real journalist.
04:57She's right. You don't even know the meaning of the word scoop.
05:00Wrong again, little ones.
05:01A scoop, huh? How about an enormous scoop?
05:08I'm all set.
05:11Here we go.
05:16I don't want to be a party pooper, but there doesn't seem to be very much happening.
05:21The data that my father transmitted wasn't enough.
05:23I guess we must have been really crazy to think that we could recreate Lyoko.
05:27Hey, wait. Look at that.
05:42That's incredible. It worked.
05:44I leave it to Jeremy. You guys are gods.
05:47Well, almost. But not quite.
05:53For the time being, all we've been able to recreate is Sector 5 of Lyoko.
05:56We've still got to work to create the other sectors.
05:59But we should be able to do that soon.
06:01Okay, but it can wait a night or two. You guys deserve a good night's sleep.
06:05Yes, Yumi's right, Jeremy.
06:06We're going to be needing every bit of our strength to look for William.
06:10We'll get started tomorrow.
06:11But... yeah.
06:13Well, all right.
06:16Hey, do you guys want to watch Paco, the King of Disco with me?
06:19It'll take your mind off things.
06:39Hey, what's this?
06:44No newspaper without much news?
06:49Let me see that.
06:51You promised not to tell anyone.
06:53And to think I actually trusted you.
06:55Jim, I didn't give your secret away, I swear.
06:59You must think I'm an imbecile.
07:03Do you know what Jim's going to do to me for this?
07:05No, but I can't wait to find out.
07:08And I'm sure that my readers are dimed in O2.
07:11Sissy, since when have you been involved with the Cadet News, huh?
07:15Ever since I made myself editor-in-chief.
07:17Oh, and since you're all together as usual,
07:20I'd like to ask Yumi a few questions for the next issue.
07:23What are you two waiting for? Come on, we're rolling!
07:26Well, Yumi, our readers would really like to know how you and William are getting along.
07:31William? Me and William? I don't know what you're talking about.
07:35Would you rather I ask the same question of William?
07:38He may not be as shy as you are.
07:40As a matter of fact, where is he? The last time I saw him was a week ago.
07:43He's gone abroad. His father called your father to tell him.
07:47Oh, how come you know that, huh?
07:50Are you talking about me?
07:54All I can remember is being virtualized on Lyoko and being captured by the Skiffozoa.
07:59It's a blank after that.
08:01That is till this morning when I woke up in the factory.
08:05Hey, what are you doing, Odd? You're hurting me.
08:07Just checking to make sure you're not one of XANA's ghosts.
08:10No danger of that. There isn't any activated tower on Lyoko.
08:13William couldn't have been sent by XANA.
08:15So you can stop pissing me off.
08:20Anyhow, you're just in time for a quiz in math.
08:23Timing, huh? I haven't studied at all.
08:25So, since when have you ever studied?
08:30The next problem is explaining William's sudden return to Delmas.
08:33Yeah, you said it.
08:35What I don't get is why, when Lyoko disappeared, William didn't fall into the digital sea.
08:39It's really weird.
08:41I'd love to know how he managed to escape.
08:46Who is it?
08:49Hi, Aelita. We're not disturbing you, I hope.
08:52We would really like to do a feature story on you for our next issue.
08:55It's true that we don't know a lot about you.
08:57Are you really Odd's cousin?
08:59And, well, is it really all that cold in Canada?
09:01And why did you suddenly come here in the middle of the year?
09:04Our readers are interested.
09:06Can't you let her study in peace, huh?
09:11All right, get going, all three of you. You've annoyed her enough.
09:14Oh, William, you came back! I thought you were overseas.
09:17Get going, I said.
09:19Okay, okay, we're out of here.
09:23Thanks, William. Without you, I'd have been Sissy's next victim.
09:26And that's even worse than...
09:28Than becoming a prisoner of XANA. Is that what you're saying?
09:33William only came back because of Aelita. That's a scoop, isn't it?
09:37I can't wait to tell the news to Jeremy and see what he has to say.
09:40No, hold on.
09:41There's no reason for him to know before our readers do.
09:43Once we've printed it, then we'll ask Jeremy what he thinks of it.
09:47William came to Aelita's room? You're kidding!
09:50Are you sure he did?
09:51We sure are. We were there. What do you think?
09:54Well, I think that...
09:56I know why.
09:57She's going to help him catch up on what he missed in math.
10:02Look, I'm sorry, but I've got to go now. I'll take a shower.
10:07Sissy, you want a scoop?
10:09A real one this time?
10:11Okay, here, I quit!
10:12So do I, sissy.
10:13But you couldn't possibly do that!
10:16What a bet!
10:27Yeah, Jeremy?
10:28Ulrich, there's something weird going on with William.
10:31Why? What's wrong?
10:33He left for the factory with Aelita.
10:35I picked up the signals of their cell phones. I'm pretty sure this is XANA's doing.
10:39What makes you think that?
10:40Just a hunch.
10:41It's strange that he escaped the digital sea.
10:43Meet you at the factory, okay?
10:45Right, no problem. You get Yumi, I'll clue Odd in.
10:48You mean he's not with you?
10:49Odd? No, as a matter of fact, I don't know where he is.
10:52Go on, keep trying. I'm sure you can do a lot better than that.
10:56You remember the scene, don't you?
10:58You told me that you've watched the film a dozen times, right?
11:01But Jim, I swear it's not my fault. I didn't tell anybody!
11:04You're going to continue until you know the steps by heart.
11:08Unless, of course, you'd like me to change your class instead.
11:14All your pals will be so sorry not to have you with them.
11:20Okay, okay, I get the picture, Jim.
11:25Odd was right, this film is incredibly funny.
11:31Oh no, just when I was trying to chill out.
11:38Oh no!
11:50Impossible to reach Odd, I've already tried three times.
11:52Yeah, I'll bet he's living it up somewhere, just when we need him.
12:07Oh no!
12:38They're not here.
12:40I can see that, they're in Sector 5.
12:42And I don't like that at all.
12:44Hurry, Ulrich. Head for the scanner room. I'm on my way.
12:47Keep trying to reach Odd.
12:49I'm really going to be needing him.
12:58That's better. Much, much better.
13:00Just a few more hours and you'll be all set.
13:03Oh no, where can Odd be, I wonder?
13:05I'm ready, Jeremy.
13:06Okay, I'll launch the procedure.
13:08Transfer Ulrich. Scanner, Ulrich.
13:17Ulrich, you've got to take the corridor right in front of you.
13:20Is there a key I've got to trip?
13:22No, when we recreated Sector 5, we got rid of that procedure.
13:25Okay, here I go.
13:26Better step on it while they're not too far away, Ulrich.
13:28Once you're in the core zone, I'll guide you.
13:31No, where am I?
13:33What's going on?
13:38William, where are you taking me?
13:41Let me go!
13:48And she came!
13:53So, having fun without me?
13:55No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:58So, having fun without inviting us?
14:01You sure have changed, haven't you?
14:07Be careful, Ulrich.
14:09XANA sent some creepers just behind you.
14:13Super smoke!
14:20I thought this was going to be easy.
14:27Aelita, can you hear me?
14:29Jeremy, what's going on?
14:31Be very careful, Aelita.
14:32William's coming after you.
14:35What's the matter with him?
14:37I have no idea.
14:38The tower in Sector 5 hasn't been activated,
14:40but it seems that William is under the control of XANA.
14:43You'd better get out of there fast, Aelita.
15:05Yumi, at last!
15:06Head for the scanner room, fast!
15:08Ulrich and Aelita really need your help.
15:10An odd?
15:11I've been trying to reach him.
15:12I don't know where he is.
15:19I can't take any more of this, honestly, Jim.
15:21Now that, my friend, is what you should have thought about
15:23before talking to the press.
15:26There he is!
15:27I told you I recognized the music!
15:29Just what are you doing up at this hour, all of you?
15:36You see, Jim, we just watched your disco film.
15:38It's incredible, too!
15:40You mean you liked it that much?
15:42It's a masterpiece.
15:43Would you give us your autograph, Jim?
15:46Yeah, why, sure.
15:47I'd be happy to, if that's what you want.
15:50Oh, no!
15:51Lola Keisha, is that right?
16:10There he is!
16:21No, Aelita, no!
16:25This isn't me!
16:40Ulrich, better make it snappy.
16:42William's taking Aelita straight to the dome area.
16:44I'm doing my best, Jeremy.
16:50Obviously, my best isn't good enough.
16:58I guess you could use some help.
16:59You guessed right.
17:00Let's go!
17:21On three, we attack.
17:23One, two, three!
17:35Let's get out of here.
17:38I didn't get here too late, I hope.
17:40Odd, it's about time.
17:42What were you doing, huh?
17:43I was taking a disco dancing class.
17:45Right, now get to the scanner room.
17:47You're going to go on a little trip.
18:32What's he trying to do now?
18:34What's going on, Jeremy?
18:35Looks as if William wants out of Sector 5.
18:38But I thought you hadn't managed to create any other sectors.
18:41That's what makes it so hard to understand.
18:43At the end of Sector 5, there's nothing except...
18:47the Digital Sea.
18:49If he jumps into it with Aelita,
18:51she'll be de-virtualized for good.
18:53Just like her father.
18:57Don't worry, Jeremy.
18:58We'll do all we can to stop him.
19:00But for that, we're going to need our vehicles.
19:03I'll see that you get them in no time flat.
19:29Better watch out, there are mines!
19:41You okay, Yumi?
19:42No problem.
19:43Ulrich, in front of you!
20:04Move it, Odd!
20:05They just went into the tunnel!
20:06No problem, Einstein!
20:28You have to stop William from jumping into the Digital Sea!
20:32I know, Jeremy, I'm on it!
20:50Yumi, no!
20:52Yumi, no!
21:13Move it!
21:16Move it!
21:37I hate to cut in, William,
21:38but Aelita has always preferred the company of a real gentleman.
21:43Blaze her out!
21:50Sorry, but I hate being tailgated.
22:04You think William's gone forever?
22:08I think he just went back to his new master,
22:16Why would William want to drag me into the Digital Sea?
22:19I don't get it.
22:20Well, I think it's part of XANA's new strategy,
22:22and so we've got to be very careful.
22:24William could come back at any time.
22:27And now we have to think up another excuse for his absence,
22:29and Delmas might not buy it this time.
22:31Hello, Jeremy.
22:32Hi, Jeremy.
22:35They don't hate you now?
22:36I guess they've found someone they can hate even more.
22:40They're kind of like us and William.
22:43Right on, Tim!
22:45It's incredible!
22:46Tim's become a real star!
22:48Mainly thanks to you, right on!
23:10You guys, great!
23:11Incredible presence!
23:12A real superstar!