Speed Racer The Next Generation Episode 01

  • 2 months ago


00:00Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels. He's a demon and he's gonna be chasin' after someone.
00:11Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:41Cosmic Racer, Cosmic Racer, Cosmic Racer Go!
01:11Cosmic Racer, Cosmic Racer, Cosmic Racer Go!
01:41You're X, aren't you? I've seen you race like a motorcycle.
01:47Oops, sorry.
01:50I saw you at Daytona, well, on TV, not actually at the track. You're great. Seriously, dude, get in. We're gonna be late.
02:01Cool it, Annalise. What's your name?
02:04Like Speed Racer? Yeah, right.
02:09Well, actually...
02:10You're joking.
02:11No, it really is.
02:12Speed, huh? Let's see if he's as fast as the real Speed Racer.
02:23Go, Speed, go!
02:39Excuse me. Excuse me. A little help, please. Excuse me. I don't understand your message right now. Can you tell me? I'm new here. Can you tell me how to get to...
02:50The Headmaster's office is in the Turismo building. Just head south 500 feet and then turn 30 degrees north for 200 feet and then make a sharp right.
02:58Wait, couldn't I just head up that path?
03:01Sure, if you don't mind going eight seconds out of your way.
03:05Um, thanks. I'm Speed.
03:08Wait, did you say your name was Speed? Like Speed Racer?
03:11Uh, yeah.
03:12Wow, you shouldn't be teased at all with that name. Good luck. By the way, have you seen a monkey around here?
03:18No, but I'll keep an eye out.
03:21Oh, man, you made me late for physics.
03:23Wait, what's your name?
03:25Lucy! Don't forget the 30 degree turn!
03:37Headmaster Spridle, I'm...
03:38Speed, welcome to the Academy. Have a seat, son.
03:41Thank you, sir.
03:43So tell me, Speed, why are you here?
03:46Every year a few hopeful racers step through that door. Many of them don't make it past the first week. What makes you any different?
03:53Well, I want to be the best, sir. The best in the world.
03:57Why? Because you were saddled with the name of the world's most famous racer? Or are you in this for money and fame?
04:05No, sir. I just love to drive. I'm pretty good behind the wheel. Just watch me when I get on the track.
04:11Pretty good doesn't last long around here. To succeed, you'll need skill, determination, and if you're lucky, some good friends to help you out.
04:19This is your dorm room key for the Grand Prix building. Drop your things off and get ready for the qualifying race.
04:24Qualifying race? I thought...
04:26You thought you'd walk on the track with no questions asked?
04:29No, but, I mean, I'm here to race.
04:32These are real racers, our top students. Maybe you'll be on there someday. Maybe not.
04:40Sorry to disturb you, Headmaster, but we just got a complaint from Lucy that Kona's monkey, Chim-Chim, just stole her book bag again.
04:47Tell security to find it.
04:49Yes, sir.
04:50So what kind of car are you racing today?
04:53Uh, actually...
04:55Sir, the guards had it cornered, but it stole one of their shoes and ran off.
04:59That's it. Tell them I'm coming over. I'm sorry I have to cut this short. Get yourself sorted out and I'll see you at the track. Good luck, son.
05:07Thank you, sir.
05:22You're the new guy, right? I'm Connor. What's your name?
05:30Speed? Like Speed Racer?
05:33No way! That's so cool. I'm a huge Speed fan. I mean, fan of THE Speed Racer, not you, so don't creep out.
05:39Hey, I have the same racing bandana as you. Speed Racer had one, too. He's the man.
05:45Nobody knows more about Speed Racer or the Mach 5 than I do. I could literally take it apart and put it back together blindfolded.
05:51Well, I could if it still existed, but I've managed to recreate a small-scale model.
05:56That's cool. And really small.
05:58Did you know that Max is Speed Racer's son?
06:00Did you know that you ask a lot of questions?
06:02Have you ever met him?
06:03I met him when I... wait, who? X or Speed Racer?
06:07X, of course. Speed Racer's been missing for years.
06:10Uh, yeah, I met X.
06:11He's great. Not as good as Speed Racer, but better than anyone else at school. I guess you want to be a racer, too, huh?
06:17Sure. It's all I ever wanted to do. Sprydle said I was supposed to be getting ready for my qualifier.
06:21I crashed on my qualifier. Boom! I singed my eyebrows off.
06:26I'm a terrible racer, but I'm one great mechanic. That's the only reason I'm still here. So I bet you've got a real slick car, right?
06:32I don't have a ride.
06:34What? How can you attend a racing academy without a race car? That's crazy.
06:38Long story. Doesn't the school supply cars or anything?
06:42No, but you have to race. All the new students have to race to sort out their skill levels, ranking, and class placement.
06:47I know. Headmaster Sprydle told me.
06:49Seriously, how can you not have a car?
06:52I don't know.
06:53You sound stressed, man. Do you want to hold my Speed Racer doll?
06:57No, thanks.
06:58Don't worry. He just doesn't know you yet.
07:02Connor, that ridiculous monkey of yours stole my book bag again. Where is he?
07:07I don't know. I swear.
07:08I think Sprydle is out looking for it.
07:10It's you again.
07:11And you again. Welcome to my new home. At least it will be once I unpack.
07:15Here's some advice. Always put your socks in the top drawer. Then your shirts. Then pants. Then...
07:21Great, Lucy. Are you going to tell him how to breathe next?
07:23You be quiet. I'm not talking to you until you get my book bag back.
07:27Could you two argue later, after I find a car?
07:30I have an idea.
07:33Wait! I'm coming!
07:37There he is.
07:52Don't think I'm weird, but sometimes I sneak out here at night and ask him for advice.
07:57Okay, that sounds weird when I say it out loud.
07:59Yeah, it does.
08:02He's really not that tall, by the way.
08:04Good to know.
08:05You know he's Headmaster Sprydle's older brother, right?
08:07Connor's talking to that stupid statue again.
08:10Stupid? You called Speed Racer stupid?
08:13Oh, man. That's it. I'm gonna...
08:16You're gonna do what?
08:18I'm going to think very bad thoughts about both of you,
08:21then head over to the track and watch my friend Speed here win his first race.
08:24Are you joking? This lame noob win? No way.
08:28We'll see.
08:29You got about as much chance to win as that dumb statue.
08:35Stop throwing rocks at me, jerkus.
08:37I didn't. Look.
08:41Told you to quit it.
08:42Ow, ow. Hey, I'm sorry.
08:44Wow. That was like watching two hamsters discuss geography.
08:48Come on. Everything here moves fast.
08:50You gotta keep up or you'll spend your first year eating dust.
08:53I'll be fine. Just get me a car.
08:56Oh, we'll get you a car, but don't expect much.
09:06There she is. Your car.
09:08Wow. That's the ugliest car I've ever seen.
09:12Maybe so, but I'm psyched she's mine.
09:15She'll run, but for how long? I have no clue.
09:20I probably won't need that.
09:22Let me just get my super glue.
09:27Where you are? Where's my book bag?
09:30Hey, the monkey.
09:31Jim Jim, give her the bag.
09:42My algebra homework better be in here or I'm making you into a calculator.
09:48Speed, say hello to Jim Jim.
09:50Uh, hey, Jim Jim.
09:53Quick question. Why do you have a robot monkey?
09:56I made him. I wanted a real monkey, but I'm allergic to most mammals.
10:00Enough monkey talk. Speed needs to think about the race.
10:03Remember to watch out for X. They put him on the track to give the new kids a hard time.
10:07I know. How great is that?
10:10Me and X at the same academy.
10:12I don't care if he gives me a hard time. We'll be racing together.
10:16You really are a fan. Were your parents into racing?
10:18I'm... I don't know my parents.
10:23I grew up in an orphanage.
10:24The only thing I know about my family is that my father left me this and the red bandana.
10:28They were given to me before I left.
10:30Why don't we save story time for later?
10:32You three are supposed to be at the track.
10:34Hello, Professor Aniskoff.
10:36I take it this young man is Speed.
10:38Yes, sir. That's me.
10:40Speed, this is Professor Aniskoff. He's the school's offensive driving instructor.
10:44Where is your vehicle, young man?
10:46Right here, I guess.
10:49How nice for you.
10:50I guess so. If it runs.
10:52Oh, she'll run all right.
10:55I suggest you get moving.
11:08I know the intake valve is clogged.
11:11Jim Jim, put the wing nut back on the air filter.
11:14No, you can't eat it.
11:17I know it tastes good.
11:34Look, it's Speed Bump.
11:37Go, Speed, go!
11:39This is gonna be classic. Look at that junker.
11:51I don't know how long he'll run, so you better hurry.
11:53Thanks, Connor.
12:08Come on!
12:16X, my boy. How are you?
12:18I'm good, Mr. Zazek.
12:19I've asked you a million times to call me Zile.
12:22Stan? Nacho!
12:25A man in your position deserves respect, Mr. Zazek.
12:28After all, you built this track.
12:30I didn't build it, X. I had it built for me.
12:34Besides, you're in the Mutual Admiration Club now.
12:39If you say so, sir. Thanks.
12:41No, thank you for making these races so exciting.
12:48It's the reason I give so much to this school.
12:51Hey, Dad, everyone knows X is great, but the race is about to start.
12:55Maybe you should go to your private box now.
12:58Ah, excellent. Thank you, honey.
13:00Come along, Stan.
13:02Get out there and show those new students what racing is all about, X.
13:06Only the strongest drivers deserve to race on my track.
13:11Ladies and gentlemen, introducing your newest students!
13:16Hailing from New York, our sister's brother, Judy Pullman!
13:19From Ohio, we have Patrick Webb!
13:21From Ireland, Ed Sean McManus!
13:24From Canada, Darwin Zilver!
13:26From parts unknown...
13:28Is this race really called Speed Racer?
13:30Okay. From parts unknown, Speed!
13:35And setting the pace for our new students,
13:37the son of the legendary Speed Racer, X!
13:49Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world's most advanced race track facility,
13:53known simply as The Track.
13:55For some of you, this is your first chance to race here.
13:59If you lose focus for a second, then you will fail.
14:04Good luck to you all!
14:07Speed Racer
14:16Speed Racer
14:24Speed Racer
14:37Speed Racer
14:56Speed Racer
15:06Speed Racer
15:16Speed Racer
15:26Speed Racer
15:36Speed Racer
15:46Speed Racer
15:48Speed Racer
16:04Speed Racer
16:15Speed Racer
16:18Speed Racer
16:49Speed Racer
16:59Speed Racer
17:02Speed Racer
17:16Speed Racer
17:28Speed Racer
17:31Speed Racer
18:02Speed Racer
18:04Yeah, he's Speed Racer.
18:06Exactly. And you're not.
18:10That was amazing!
18:13I don't know about amazing.
18:14You cut the turns on the outside instead of the inside,
18:16and driving backwards is crazy and dangerous and...
18:20Take it easy, Lucy. It's only his first race.
18:23Good race.
18:25But I can still make you better.
18:27Thanks, I guess?
18:31He'll need a lot of work.
18:33He clearly has Speed Racer envy.
18:35And we all know how dangerous that can be.
18:38Yes, but you'll remember that Speed Racer was a few years older than that young man
18:42when he first used the 180 reverse thrust.
18:45He could have injured the other students with that ridiculous maneuver.
18:48Considering his car was coming apart at the seams,
18:51I think he did what was necessary to win the race.
18:53Are you showing him special treatment
18:55simply because he shares the same name as your beloved brother?
18:59I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
19:04Professor Nguyen is the coolest.
19:06I mean, she knows everything there is to know about defensive driving.
19:09Hence the reason she's the defensive driving teacher.
19:11Is she like that Aniskov guy?
19:13No, she's totally nice.
19:15Unlike Professor Aniskov, who has off-road rage.
19:23Good afternoon, class.
19:25For you new students, I'm Professor Nguyen.
19:28I'll be your defensive driving teacher.
19:30You'll notice we have some of our second- and third-year students with us.
19:34They're here as teacher's aides, so show them due respect.
19:38I'm sure many of you witnessed our new student Speed's race this morning,
19:42and in particular, the 180 reverse thrust.
19:46The signature move of the school's founder.
19:50Speed, do you want to tell us where you learned that move?
19:53He doesn't know. Isn't that right?
19:55I just reacted to the situation.
19:57Yeah, right.
19:58It's going to take a lot more than one fancy move to beat me, newbie.
20:01All right, then. Let's get started.
20:04We are going to talk about skid control today.
20:10Our car situation is still a major problem.
20:12Yeah, but what are we going to do about it?
20:14I'm too wiped out to think about that right now.
20:16I'm just running on instinct.
20:18Instinct can only get you so far in a race, Speed.
20:23Of course, without a car, you're not going to get much of an education.
20:26I was thinking the same thing, sir.
20:28Well, then, come with me.
20:34Normally, I wouldn't do this, Speed,
20:36but you impressed me with your performance today.
20:38I'm expecting great things from you.
20:40Don't let me down.
20:42I won't.
20:52Be careful in there, boys.
20:53Be careful in there, boys.
20:54Lucy, I expect you to keep them out of trouble.
20:56I will, sir.
21:12Don't you think it's kind of weird?
21:15What do you mean, what?
21:16The key, the bandana, Speed Racer's signature move.
21:19Three coincidences in a row?
21:21You're crazy.
21:22They sell these Speed Racer bandanas all over the place.
21:29What's that?
21:33Okay, that's weird.
21:35Your key is humming and glowing.
21:46It's a three-dimensional holographic projection.
21:51It's some kind of map.
21:52See the red markings?
22:02Connor, help me with this.
22:10What's wrong with you?
22:12I wish I knew.
22:18Say, guys.
22:25No way!
22:28That's part of the Mach 5.
22:31Speed Racer's car.
22:52It's a three-dimensional holographic projection.
22:54It's some kind of map.
22:55See the red markings?
22:56No way!
22:57That's part of the Mach 5.
22:59Speed Racer's car.
23:00Say, guys.
23:02No way!
23:04Speed Racer's car.
23:05Say, guys.
23:07No way!
23:09Speed Racer's car.
23:10Say, guys.
23:12No way!
23:14Speed Racer's car.
23:15Say, guys.
23:17No way!
23:19Speed Racer's car.
23:20Say, guys.
23:22No way!
23:24Speed Racer's car.
23:25Say, guys.
23:27No way!
23:29Speed Racer's car.
23:30Say, guys.
23:32No way!
23:34Speed Racer's car.
23:35Say, guys.
23:37No way!
23:39Speed Racer's car.
23:40Say, guys.
23:42No way!
23:44Speed Racer's car.
23:45Say, guys.
23:47No way!
