En este fascinante programa, el equipo liderado por Zak Bagans se sumerge en el mundo de lo desconocido, visitando hogares de personas comunes que han experimentado actividad paranormal. A diferencia de la serie principal, aquí nos centramos en las historias personales de los residentes, quienes comparten sus experiencias inquietantes y aterradoras. Las investigaciones se llevan a cabo en entornos residenciales, donde el equipo utiliza equipos especializados para detectar presencias sobrenaturales y proporcionar apoyo a las familias afectadas.
A través de un enfoque educativo, exploramos no solo los fenómenos paranormales, sino también el impacto emocional que estos eventos pueden tener en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Cada episodio revela testimonios impactantes y las metodologías del equipo para investigar fenómenos inexplicables, creando un ambiente de tensión y curiosidad. Con cada visita, Zak Bagans y su equipo no solo buscan respuestas, sino que también ofrecen consuelo y soluciones a aquellos que viven con miedo en sus propios hogares.
Este programa es ideal para quienes están interesados en el paranormal y buscan comprender mejor las experiencias de quienes han vivido situaciones extraordinarias. La combinación de ciencia, testimonios y el trabajo del equipo permite a la audiencia involucrarse de manera única con las historias de cada hogar visitado.
Acompáñanos en esta travesía de descubrimiento y misterio, donde cada rincón de la casa podría ocultar secretos del más allá.
#Paranormal, #Investigaciones, #ZakBagans
actividad paranormal, Zak Bagans, fenómenos inexplicables, testimonios de residentes, investigaciones sobrenaturales, apoyo emocional, hogares comunes, experiencias paranormales, presencia sobrenatural, serie de misterio.
A través de un enfoque educativo, exploramos no solo los fenómenos paranormales, sino también el impacto emocional que estos eventos pueden tener en la vida cotidiana de las personas. Cada episodio revela testimonios impactantes y las metodologías del equipo para investigar fenómenos inexplicables, creando un ambiente de tensión y curiosidad. Con cada visita, Zak Bagans y su equipo no solo buscan respuestas, sino que también ofrecen consuelo y soluciones a aquellos que viven con miedo en sus propios hogares.
Este programa es ideal para quienes están interesados en el paranormal y buscan comprender mejor las experiencias de quienes han vivido situaciones extraordinarias. La combinación de ciencia, testimonios y el trabajo del equipo permite a la audiencia involucrarse de manera única con las historias de cada hogar visitado.
Acompáñanos en esta travesía de descubrimiento y misterio, donde cada rincón de la casa podría ocultar secretos del más allá.
#Paranormal, #Investigaciones, #ZakBagans
actividad paranormal, Zak Bagans, fenómenos inexplicables, testimonios de residentes, investigaciones sobrenaturales, apoyo emocional, hogares comunes, experiencias paranormales, presencia sobrenatural, serie de misterio.
00:00What would you say the level of urgency is it is a sense of gloom and doom I'm going to die
00:05So wait, wait, you got a constant of the two there are times where I almost feel like I've blacked out you did that
00:12We don't know really what else to do. Oh my god, you're like a scratch
00:17Guys I feel like I'm being electrocuted. We can't go on like this
00:35Right, this is an interesting case
00:37Let me call AJ. Is that a bill? Why is there an always the last one to chime in? What are you doing?
00:43Aaron Aaron, what are you doing?
00:47No, boy, I'm gonna take it and put it right here actually, you know, it's enough with all this energy is bad energy
00:54We deal with on these investigations and then we got to deal with these
00:58Horrific I wouldn't even call him dad jokes. I don't want to offend or put down dad's of the nation
01:03But that's it. This is what we have to put up with folks these jokes here. Don't talk
01:09All right, guys, so I'm gonna be sending you immediately to Texas
01:14This is the Eastburn family joy and Chelsea. They are a married couple
01:19There is a very evil energy that is invading their home
01:23It's really
01:25Affecting one of them very badly. Here's the submission video. Hey ghost adventures. This is joy and Chelsea
01:32We are reaching out to you because we need help
01:35We've lived in this house about three years
01:37We feel like we've been affected by something for the past two and a half years
01:42We've had a frame that flew across the room without explanation
01:46We've had all the kitchen cabinets in the kitchen open
01:50We come out from sleeping and they're all open. We definitely notice ourselves in this house
01:56I hate to say this, but we feel oppressed. There's a drastic difference between who we are in this house and when we're out
02:04We don't know really what else to do and we hope that we hear back
02:08Thank you. Thanks. There's a concern there that if this continues
02:13It can turn out severe
02:15Yeah, it is urgent, okay, okay
02:20Remember Aaron just like Peewee Herman said the stars at night are big and bright
02:27deep in the heart of Texas
02:30Travel safe. I'll talk to you soon
02:51That's active Zack. Hello. Where are you guys that right now? We're headed to the house
02:56Okay, you're gonna go somewhere else right now. Don't ask questions
03:00I'm gonna send you an address when you get there. I want you to call me back. Okay. All right
03:06I wonder what that's about. What another house?
03:10Is this it I think this is a house house right here
03:14Yeah, weird is like the front's not straight. Are those upside-down crosses? That's what the first thing I get. Yeah
03:23Whoa, dude, you just called right at the right time. We just walked up to the house
03:28Right at the right time we just walked up to the house
03:50On the property
03:58That's crazy
04:19So she could have brought this stuff back to here to the property
04:27Up their house, which is the house you're at right now and relocated it a couple miles
04:45Yeah, we noticed that yeah the angles are weird
05:13Realize how hard that is to move a house that size. Yeah, that's crazy. That's insane, dude
05:40Got it. Thank you
05:48What would you say the level of urgency is what's going on as far as I mean the TV turned off and I was standing
05:55About where Jay is standing just staring at the TV because I was watching some show and it just turned off this TV
06:00Yes, just now like 30 minutes ago
06:04That's a pretty common occurrence. It sounds like specifically this television and the one that we have in our pool room
06:09Got you. They tend to toggle back and forth and I'm getting goosebumps actually just talking about it on the right side of my face
06:20It's like when this happens do you get feelings is there anything else going on at the same time?
06:26The passion I'm having some panic issues past month to be honest debilitating panic attacks. I mean we've called 9-1-1 twice
06:33I've got someone here. He's experiencing tingling or left arm chest pain and so like she's gonna pass out
06:39Is she responding normally? She's freaking out. Okay, I'm sending the paramedics to help you now
06:45I'm home alone, and I don't even know how to explain
06:48I just feel like something comes over me and like I have to get up and move and I'm just freaked out as to why
06:52I keep feeling like this. Oh, wow, really? Yeah
06:58But does it happen after a paranormal experience or is it like I think that it all kind of ties together
07:03Do they just come out of nowhere? Yes, just in an instant. I'm not thinking through something. We don't have family turmoil
07:09Everyone loves each other
07:11There's no need and it is a sense of gloom and doom. I'm going to die
07:17Is it any specific room? Is it this room mainly or is it the kitchen mainly or your bedroom?
07:21I'm in the kitchen. The cabinets come completely open. Can we go in there and talk about this?
07:26This is the kitchen. We'll go to sleep with the kitchen like this everything closed and then I'll come out in the morning to make coffee and
07:35Nearly every cabinet is open to a perfect 90-degree angle and a couple of drawers
07:41the way that they were aligned was
07:44More disturbing than finding them open. I believe it was unlike anything I've ever seen
07:50Outside of a movie, I mean it's happened like five times now
07:54So I think at that point it's just you kind of get a sinking feeling in your stomach
07:59Was there a time when you first moved in that it wasn't happening where it was kind of just normal and peaceful or we've been
08:04Here for about three years
08:05She had a friend that passed away from breast cancer, which is about two years ago now
08:10It kind of started then shortly after that. She teaches yoga super early in the morning, which is not my life
08:16So I was still in bed and I heard this crash
08:18So I came out her friend had actually made a picture frame for her which sits on our mantel currently and that exact picture
08:25Was probably about 15 to 20 feet off of our mantel across the room. That was like the first that was the very first
08:32That was the first activity
08:33So at first I was kind of welcoming things to happen because I thought it was my best friend just saying hi
08:40There was maybe a 50-50 feeling here that maybe joy found comfort in that
08:45But then for me it was the act of it being thrown. I wasn't comfortable with that
08:57So wait, wait, you got a constant of a two
09:00That's probably just what it is because it hasn't moved off a 2.5, right?
09:04So that means this house is getting a lot of little energy. We have a transformer in our backyard
09:10There you go, there's an amplifier. Someone follow me with a camera real quick. We've heard that that can give them energy to do things
09:17Yeah, it's getting stronger out here. It sounds like there's a lot of things moving things like that
09:22What about you guys particularly have you noticed like a change in your relationship your behaviors?
09:284.5 now it's a 5. Do you feel like an element of danger or something's that it's affecting you?
09:34So there's there's a time a few months ago where nothing but rage
09:38I mean, I'm talking rage would come over me. I would see red
09:425.5 5.6 7 and that's not me. Yeah, and that's not us like as a couple. That's never been us 8
09:499 10 to 25 right here a foot away from it
09:54So just like most couples we bicker we have arguments we work through things together
09:58But it seems that whenever we go through those things in this house, we escalate things
10:04So fast it goes from 0 to 100
10:09It's different when we're out of this house
10:12I've taught myself now that if we get into some type of disagreement, I just need to leave take it out
10:17I know that I just need to leave
10:18There's been times where she's put herself in her office just so that we can be apart
10:23My rage has gotten so bad where I chose to try to break down that door with my hands
10:32Yeah, that's the door so we had a counter with covered up with a silly butterfly
10:37Oh, but can you see it? Oh right here. Yeah. Yeah, you did that
10:41I don't necessarily remember hitting that door. There are times where I almost feel like maybe I blacked out
10:49Have you ever done anything like that before living here?
10:52No, have you ever lost your temper to the point that you would punch a wall or a door?
10:56That's something I'm afraid that either we're gonna hurt each other or we're gonna hurt ourselves
11:04We had this really horrible smell like something was on fire and we we called the ambulance and the firefighters to come
11:13So we have this funny smell in our garage that could be like rubber burning or just weary
11:19We don't really know what to do. We always do recommend that you evacuate the house
11:38Think it's a good time for us to do what we're gonna do if it's okay with you
11:42we want to do some provocation to see if it is something evil and we're gonna light some Palo Santo wood and we're gonna
11:47Say a few things and we'll see if we get a response from that. Maybe something will happen in the house
11:52Because if we light Palo Santo and we start saying
11:56Spiritual things and you guys don't like it
11:59Then that's a huge clue the guys briefly step outside to retrieve their Palo Santo wood and when they return
12:06Chelsea has taken a turn for the worse
12:09Okay, I just feel sick. Oh
12:17She's all said not feeling good this happens a lot
12:20that's why we were just saying just the mention of what we said we were gonna do could cause Oh
12:25Could cause an adverse reaction. I like like a panic attack. I think really I
12:32Had extreme wave of nausea just I thought for sure I was going to get sick. I felt very disassociated
12:39Very dizzy with Chelsea's history of debilitating panic attacks and signs of dark oppression
12:46The guys are very concerned and immediately have her sit down so they can examine her further. Well, you're irritated
12:53What was going on? It was just an immediate just like I don't know that I want to do this
13:00I wanted to say something before I walked out of this house that I noticed your demeanor change and I don't think you realized it a
13:08Look that you gave me when I was looking for this
13:12For a split second you gave me this microaggression look and I was like, I have I have seen that look before
13:19Can you just look at joy for a second just look over at her
13:25What oh my god, does your neck hurt on that side look over again take a look
13:33It's an X
13:35I've never been scratched. We've never been bruised. We've never been physically harmed in this house
13:42That was a fight-or-flight moment for me and I had to leave
13:47Okay, he's gonna freak out all right, I gotta step out I can't I got it something that ain't right Wow
13:55It's stopping me from lighting this though. It's stopping me from what I need to do
14:03Soon as Chelsea enjoy leave for the night
14:06The guys review their footage to try to determine when exactly Chelsea was scratched and they make a disturbing
14:13Discovery of a different nature just before Chelsea's scratch appeared
14:18She used the bathroom and was out of view from any of our cameras
14:22The guys immediately call me to determine how to proceed. I know that we are a bit suspicious
14:28At this point about how this appeared after she left the bathroom
14:34Yeah, but I know some people when they are under a state of oppression or even possess
14:40There's a thing called stigmata where people will self-harm themselves
14:46self-mutilate themselves
14:47Who could something be kind of puppeteering her or influencing her to mark herself with a cross?
14:54Which is representative of Jesus and the torture device that he was nailed to I mean that was pretty severe looking on her neck
15:02Yeah, it was welted. Maybe she literally legitimately doesn't realize she's doing that and she doesn't remember doing that
15:09Doesn't recognize it as herself. There are times where I almost feel like maybe I've blacked out would this classify as a stigmata?
15:17It could be but she could also just be doing this to herself for what motive I have no idea
15:24But we don't know these people if you go either way right now
15:28depending on your
15:30Investigation. Yeah our follow-up analysis with her because we're gonna bring this up to her at the end
15:35But let's wipe your minds completely clean. Yeah, what just happened to investigate this house as we would have their investigation
15:44Scientifically, yeah
15:57Was right like we can't just go in this
16:00Thinking it's not haunted and we shouldn't go in there thinking is haunted at this point
16:03Like we honestly just don't know we don't I think personally we should go in there and try to either debunk their claims or
16:09Back up their claims, right? And I know one of their big claims is what the TV's turning on the TV
16:14So there's one in the living room. There's one in the bedroom and then there's one in here, right?
16:18So sometimes TV's like you use a remote and turn on one TV
16:22It might pick up the signal in another room for sure. So I say like we try that good idea
16:27Yeah, here's something to look for too. So TV remotes work with IR. Yes. Hey watch when I press it. Oh, yeah
16:34You see it, right? Totally. So you'll be able to see it too in the night vision like where the remotes hitting
16:41Okay, just keep an eye out for that. All right, ready?
16:44Right now I'm just going through with the thermal camera and I got the full spectrum on so you've got both. Okay, that's great
16:53So Jay obviously I turned on the TV in here did any other TVs turn on
17:01No, okay, let me see if this remote turns on her bedroom. I'll see you out here
17:07Yep, it did turn on in here
17:15So this remote turns on the TV in the bedroom and the front room and in here also, okay, listen
17:21I don't know about the TV the remote you have to be right directly in front of it to turn it on
17:26But the one remote turns on all three TVs
17:28So we weren't we weren't sure if we were going to be able to turn on the TV
17:32The one remote turns on all three TVs
17:35So we weren't really able to disprove or prove anything with that. It kind of left it inconclusive
17:42What I said earlier about the voltage in the house if there's a fluctuation
17:46That's too high or too low could have turned the TV on or off. We got a volt meter. It's right here
17:51It's plugged into the wall and you'll be able to see right now and it was 124 volts
17:57Which is within the range between 110 and 130, which is normal for a household
18:03So it's not that it's not a power surge. No, it's not a power surge and it's I don't think it's the remotes either
18:09So, how would the TVs be turning on?
18:13I don't know. I want to point something else out. We shut the Wi-Fi up
18:17So there is no controlling the home from outside the home
18:21Did you notice when the TV turned on it says can't connect the network right because we killed the network
18:25So that's gonna give us an honest investigation
18:27What's next J the office chair Chelsea's office has a chair that likes to move to the very corner of the room
18:34Like someone's in trouble like disciplinary
18:40Get up like you're going away see if it just naturally rolls right give it a little push one way or other see if like
18:46The floor is level. Do we have balls or anything? I do in my pocket. See if it's a level floor
18:50What do you think I have balls in right here. There's two balls get your balls. Oh my god
18:55Okay, so I do notice right now I'm gonna take the purse or the satchel, yeah, okay
19:01If that's always on though, it could affect the weight distribution with how it swings. Maybe try it both ways. Okay
19:06You want me sitting it? Yeah, okay
19:09Well, I do this like I would do it
19:13Wait, did you just do it like I would do it?
19:15Yeah, I'm gonna do it like I would do it. Okay, so I'm gonna do it like I would do it
19:20Okay, so I'm gonna do it like I would do it
19:23Or wait, did you just say working? Yeah, like I'm working he said working
19:36Chair is rotating right now. It's turning and
19:42It turned 90 degrees that's the purses on it
19:46Do a roll test
19:49Can you kind of see if i'm just gonna push it towards the corner ready, yeah
19:54This chair is not easy to roll it doesn't look like it rolls very hard
19:59Once again, we couldn't disprove
20:02But that also didn't prove that it happened. So we were stuck again
20:06Listen here spirits of this area
20:09See what i'm doing here
20:10if you make those light up remember that what they said during the interview that the chair would be in the corner like a
20:15Kid being punished or something. Yeah
20:17Well francis hackler was a school teacher in her missionary work in africa
20:22No, so if anybody could be doing that it could be her since she was an old school teacher
20:27Oh, wow, that's what teachers would do
20:29And if she came back with some sort of voodoo doll or something gave her a curse
20:33She would be stuck on the land probably maybe yeah
20:35Yeah, we found a picture of her handling these voodoo dolls that she brought back from south africa
20:41Does it seem like an innocent thing like I have a trinket? Yeah, I think it's innocent
20:45I don't think they were necessarily doing anything dark
20:48It could just be they're being cursed by taking it and kind of thinking of it as a joke or a toy
20:53Can you imagine I wonder if that's when like the buildings by that family started burning down or well?
20:58That was around the time when her father dropped dead in the field, too
21:02Oh my god, no way
21:06Francis hackler
21:07Are you on this property right now if you are?
21:11Can you give us some sort of sign that you can hear my voice and that you know that we're here
21:18I just got the chills in the garage
21:22The garage is a million degrees the balls aren't going up but the in here is going holy dude, I am guys get in here
21:29Someone just get in here. I just gotta get someone else to document this
21:33Holy I just had the chills just like I feel like i'm being electrocuted
21:37What dude look as soon as you said that this started doing it and I am like my body is like
21:43Like full of static, right? Wait, what's that?
21:47Right as billy said francis. Can you light these up at nerve center right in front of me?
21:51I have a box. It's called a quad splitter and it takes the four cameras that I watch and sends them to one television
21:56It's usually lit up green
21:58Solid green when it gets a signal and if it's not getting a signal, it's just a solid red
22:02This had all four lights just blinking crazy all red. I've never seen that in my entire time
22:08We've been using this system for probably almost 10 years now and it's never done that at all and the energy rush
22:14I just felt like too like my entire body like got like pins and needles static. Wait, wait, you're the one
22:21Yeah, you're the one that's talking about the history of her when you were about to talk. You started saying I call your name
22:27Francis if you're here light these up and this lit up
22:31Are you serious? I swear dude
22:33Well, it went to you because you're the one that broke the history on her, right? I acknowledged her at first. Yeah
22:39Yeah, you're the one that gave us the news of francis. So francis, are you doing that?
22:45Let's get some gear go in there investigate
22:51I've never seen this quad splitter do that. I've never seen it do that
22:54What outlet is it plugged into because billy was already on the trail of is the power inconsistent
23:00I suggested maybe we check it again. Here's another chance to debunk or prove what's going on
23:05Honestly felt like an electrical charge rushed through me right there crazy. Oh, 124 totally normal
23:14See these lights here in the green, right? That's how it should be exactly. It's fine
23:18So how weird is the timing on that then that you were reading it and then I said it and then it happened
23:24Jay, I think that you should read more stuff about her. Oh, you know what? I wanted to see
23:28I have a picture of her and the dolls. Okay. Yeah, let's see that. Show me that
23:36Bro where's that thing that jeff made that was like, well, what the what whoa
23:45Did you just see that what that thing just moved forward on its own are you serious swear to god it moved
23:52Hey, I caught the tail end of it
23:56But the cable didn't pick her picture. Yes, the cable didn't move down here. So it's not like the weight of the cable. No
24:04Do you understand he was trying to show me the picture over pulling up her picture and that started to happen and that thing
24:09I swear to god it went from here
24:12It went just like this slow no one was anywhere near the cables it was incredible the timing of it was just incredible
24:20Francis, can you do that again?
24:24Hang on i'll open the door see if I can hear anything
24:28All right, I was just about to zoom in on the picture you're going to show me of her holding the voodoo doll
24:33I didn't see it. I was I was looking at the gear if this is used for right spiritual like voodoo doll stuff
24:40That's not gonna be good. I looked at the cables under the table to see if like, you know, I was down there
24:44Did I pull something?
24:53And it's when I talked about her that thing freaked out
24:56Right, I bring up her picture that thing moves and honestly like the feeling like i'm not a big feeling guy
25:02Like honestly, I know you're not I get them. I know right acknowledge him, but like it doesn't happen often
25:07I swear to you like the feel like literally like
25:10Electric just like running through me like pure energy just like coming off of this
25:15All right, this one. We need you to turn that tv on. All right, we need you to do something in this house
25:22Open a cabinet if you're the spirit of this woman who just messed with jay
25:29Say your name on one of these cameras
25:31Hold on a second. I just want to try something
25:35I'm focusing on a picture of francis hackler holding the voodoo doll with her lady friends
25:41Francis hackler
25:42Are you the one turning this tv on with the tv on in the garage?
25:48It might not even be francis. If francis was cursed it could be whatever the evil entity that cursed her
25:55And when we talk about her when we show her picture it gets pissed off
25:59What just did my camera
26:01My infrared light just shut off. There's a full battery that just shut off
26:06Can you see that? It has a full battery. It just powered off when I said that
26:11Do you have the ability to shut different equipment off?
26:14Maybe you're not francis hackler
26:17Are you part of a voodoo curse show us what you can do?
26:22We are challenging you
26:28All right, let's keep going give me the recorder. All right, you go get the xls good idea give me the recorder
26:34I'm gonna go sit in the bedroom. Let's go in the bedroom
26:39Whoever is here. Can you just say your name?
26:44We understand that
26:46There's something here that haunts the land
26:49We understand that there's some coincidence of things. She said like the fire made it very coincidental
26:56Are we on to anything here?
27:11Hey, look, can you come and sit right here between lauren and I we just want some answers to help them out because
27:20Do you hear that
27:23Jen are you walking around?
27:29You heard it, right
27:31Aaron, I got really startled by what sounded like high heels or dress shoes on a floor. All right, we're gonna roll too
27:39Look, we just want help for them
27:41This is your property. We get it. There's some serious history here
27:45Am I right?
27:47We haven't gotten any evps at all nothing nothing out of all the evp sessions I did I think I did 10 of them
27:52We got nothing. I am almost done with xls. I've been in every room including the garage. No figures of any kind
27:59Let me just kind of spin around here
28:01So what's weird is like if there is a spirit here because jay had in a moment
28:05It's hyped now usually we go in and we're like, okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go
28:11Here so what's weird is like if there is a spirit here because jay had in a moment
28:16It's hyped now. Usually we can bring it and draw it out. So if that's the case and it is hidden
28:22Uh, dude, what's weird is I feel like there's someone behind me. Is there?
28:26Yeah, move out of the way. Let me shoot with the xls. You literally both looked up
28:30I felt it you both looked up right where I felt it. I that was weird step out of the way for a minute
28:36You guys both at the same time you admit you both looked up. Yeah, you both looked in the same spot
28:41It was weird if this place is haunted it's hiding so well, it is like
28:47And it showed up
28:50Uh, there's something it's a very strange figure it was like leaning on the couch and it was laying on the floor
28:57I did feel you behind me. That was weird hackler. Is this you?
29:03Mr. Hackler if you're here, could you stand next to aaron, please?
29:14I haven't seen a tv turn on I haven't seen anything move not a cabinet move that picture didn't fly off. Nothing's moving
29:21No moving weirdest thing was this thing blinking?
29:24And that moving when we were talking about francis and showing your picture and both times we were talking about francis, right?
29:31Hackler I mean, what was that?
29:33Sounded like it was in there. Did you hear that francis? It's every time. Oh, it's no it's the kitchen
29:38That came from the kitchen camera noise
29:41And both times we were talking about francis, right?
29:45Hackler, I mean, what was that?
29:47francis, right
29:49Hackler, I mean, what was that?
29:52It sounded like it was right there the first time underneath the tv right behind laura. Hey lauren go in the kitchen
30:05Something did make a noise in here you hear it
30:10Yeah, I heard something in the kitchen just as I came around the corner francis hackler
30:33It's way different in here alone talk to her lauren francis
30:42Do you like it better when just women are in here is that when you come out
30:47I can tell the energy shifted now
30:52Make another noise
30:54Could you open a cabinet for me?
31:00Okay, let's continue more equipment more questions. I'm going to do a quick sweep guys
31:13What was it during the walkthrough
31:26Would you like it a fill
31:30Free me
31:32This is free me
31:33the woman's voice
31:35I wasn't expecting it, but it had to do with francis a female voice came through the spirit box and said free me
31:41Just plain as day
31:43Miss hackler
31:46Would you like it a fill
31:53Free me
31:55This is free me. It's a woman's voice free me. That's what it sounded like, right?
32:00Right after I said, oh my god, would you like bill to do something?
32:03I was talking about doing the basalto wood in here and cleansing it and it goes free me
32:09What if francis is stuck here because of the voodoo doll?
32:14Well, I was about to talk about cleansing and she needs to be freed from the from the curse
32:19I thought the exact same thing you just said so we are talking to francis here
32:23Hey francis bill will do a cleansing to free try to help free you. We'll focus on you
32:29We'll focus specifically to free you if you are trapped
32:32Is that what you want?
32:35Hey guys, too
32:36Remember if chelsea did get scratched it was in the bathroom and that's also where she claimed she would see
32:43like a dead girl
32:46It's like I had this vision of this deceased girl like in this tub go go to the bathroom
32:53Are we onto something here?
32:59Are we getting close
33:01Francis are you showing yourself to chelsea in visions? Are you the dead girl?
33:08That's just a weird connection, I think that that makes sense here let me go in there for a second francis
33:17Speak to us
33:20I just had a spike
33:22Come on, you just talked there was a 2.8 spike just now. Whoa, it just got cold in here. Do you feel that?
33:29It's moving towards the bathroom
33:31I'm getting spikes guys francis. Are you in here?
33:36Focus all of your energy
33:39You look funny, yeah, you look funny. Do you hear that? Yeah
33:44That was the same girl's voice as you look funny francis. Are you in here?
33:49Focus all of your energy
33:52She's funny
33:55You look funny, yeah, you look funny. Do you hear that? Yeah
34:00A full sentence you look funny and obviously they were talking about aaron because wouldn't wouldn't be me
34:06I mean, obviously they know what they're talking about. They're talking about bill now, obviously I wasn't in there
34:10So it wasn't me clearly we all know who they're talking about
34:19Think we are talking to francis. I do too and I think she wants free
34:24So I went room to room just like I normally would for anybody and cleared the house if there are any evil spirits here
34:31Curses or other that are holding people tormenting people. I command that you leave at once
34:36You do not have power over francis hackler or any of their family members or their souls
34:43And they are free to go francis hackler if you're here now i'm telling you that you do not have to stay here you are free
34:57Hi chelsea, hi joy
34:59Hi. Hi
35:01Look, uh, this was a very serious case
35:04and I I don't think that we realized how serious it was until my team got to your house and
35:11You started opening up a little bit more about the things that are happening particularly with you chelsea
35:18We have to on our side approach every case
35:22relying on our evidence
35:23there's too many investigations and cases to count where we have dealt with crisis situations dealing with
35:31Demonic infestation things like that, but we never know what we're going to walk into because we've never met you before
35:38So before we give a diagnosis and say yeah, you got a bad non-human entity in your house that's causing this
35:44We like to be very methodical in our approach and then getting into what did we capture and what did my my team feel?
35:52We do have something that we need to talk about right off the bat
36:00During the initial arrival the investigation
36:04Chelsea I know that you you had a terrifying moment when a scratch appeared on your neck
36:09I'm gonna let billy take it from here because one of our cameras captured something that I just want to ask you a question about
36:18There was a moment where you you know, you had disappeared
36:21You went to the restroom or something
36:23I think all of us were wondering like you don't think she would have did that to herself
36:27Do you you know we had to weigh that out?
36:29I'm, like I don't think so because what I felt is that you guys are so genuine
36:33And that your situation is so dire and important that what why would someone jeopardize us coming all the way there to do all this?
36:41You know what i'm saying?
36:42Did we just lose them? They just hung up
36:46This is the first time in house calls history
36:49that two
36:51clients billy and I just
36:54addressing how this um scratch appeared on her neck
36:58We weren't going to be accusing her of doing that to herself
37:02We didn't get to that point yet
37:04But just by setting it up and saying that it was a suspicious moment and the timing of it
37:10It looks like they just didn't want to hear it or we must have hit a nerve and they disconnected from us
37:16It looks like they've turned their phones off. They will not
37:19Um get back on the zoom calls with us
37:23We just wanted to hear
37:25Their side of it, you know, I was going to ask them more. Do you remember this happening in the bathroom?
37:30Do you remember doing it to yourself sometimes when people are affected severely?
37:34They don't remember doing things like this to themselves
37:36I have a whole page of notes here to share with them of some interesting unexplained things that that we wanted to go over with them
37:44Including the history of the house, but I think at this moment billy, why don't you and I walk through the evidence?
37:50Yeah, because there's evidence you wanted to share it
37:52Yeah, I think I think it was what was strange is every time the team mentioned francis
37:57It seemed to always follow with some type of malfunction within our equipment
38:01Yes, and the first thing is is when francis was mentioned jay's splitter at nerve center started flashing and it does not do that
38:09I've never seen it do that. So it was very strange which the prelude to that was jay had chills
38:14He's like there's something here. I'm feeling this and then the splitter started going crazy francis hackler
38:20Can you give us some sort of sign that you can hear my voice and that you know that we're here? Whoa
38:27I just got the chills in the garage
38:29The balls aren't going off but the in here is going holy dude. I am guys
38:35Someone just get in here. I just got to get someone else to document this. Holy I feel like i'm being electrocuted
38:40Another time francis was mentioned and ir light went off. Yeah
38:45Francis hackler. Are you the one turning this tv on? It might not even be francis
39:01My infrared light just shut off there's a full battery
39:04And then we we started getting into some of our visual evidence
39:07We captured the xls figure that appeared by the couch and that's that zach
39:11That's after a full sweep of the house with nothing
39:14Until aaron felt it behind something behind him and I had him back up
39:20I said, well, let me shoot you and this figure is right there like aaron felt whatever that was, right?
39:25I felt it. You both looked up right where I felt it if this place is haunted. It's hiding so well. It is like
39:33And it showed up
39:35There was some very large claims as well about the cabinet doors opening tv's turning on and off lots of poltergeist type of
39:43Activity the remote camera moving. That was weird. We had no explanation for that moving. I have a picture of her and the dolls
39:50Okay. Yeah, let's see that
39:55Bro where's that thing that jeff made that was like whoa. Whoa. What the what whoa
40:03Did you see that what that thing just moved forward on its own
40:08And this is all evidence. We wanted to share with them. So right. I mean look we we read off the bat learned about their behaviors
40:15we learned about how chelsea is
40:17punching holes in walls
40:20That has become extremely violent. I don't know if this was another
40:25piece of of that behavior
40:28That we just witnessed and it's unfortunate but we felt like whatever energy is inside of here needed to be freed
40:34And this spirit box voice that we captured that said free me. Yeah was very interesting as well
40:45Oh my god, I was talking about doing the salt over here and cleansing it and it goes free me
40:51So we were I believe
40:54Interacting with a spirit on in this house
40:56But look, we don't we don't know what kind of effect and if it was affecting chelsea at all
41:01But by this behavior if it is something that's affecting her and making her do that or punch holes in walls or in this call
41:09She could still be being affected by that
41:12This case is uh, there's is not closed and it'll be our determination
41:17Whether or not we decide to open this back up in the future
41:20but as of now
41:22We are going to leave this case as it is as it was
41:25And that's it