AEW Dynamite July 17th 2024 250, Live, 7/17/24

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AEW Dynamite 250 Live 7/17/24 July 17th 2024 part1

AEW ,Dynamite ,250, Live, 7/17/24, July ,17th ,2024, part1

AEW Dynamite, 250 Live, 7/17/24 July ,17th 2024 part1
00:00It's Wednesday! You know what that means!
00:04The 250th installment of AEW Dynamite is coming to you live on TBS from the Arkansas State Capitol right here in Little Rock!
00:14Your opening contest set for a one-fall with a 16-minute time limit is for the AEW International Championship!
00:39Introducing first, the challenger, from Plainview, Long Island, New York, weighing 226 pounds, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, MJF!
00:54That was the voice of the Dappery Afro Duck, Justin Roberts. I'm Excalibur, joined by the Human Suplex Machine, Taz, and the great Tony Schiavone.
01:02And Tony, MJF, already seems to have raised the vitriol of the crowd here in Little Rock.
01:08Well, only thing you have to do is look at that scumbag, if I can use that term, and it would lay a... raise anybody's vitriol.
01:17But, buddy, what a way to start 250. How about tonight, guys?
01:26And his opponent, from Essex, England, weighing 220 pounds, he is the reigning and defending AEW International Champion, the Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay!
01:48Tony Schiavone, I completely agree, man, it is a great way to start 250. Absolutely, there should be a hell of a contest here for the International Championship.
01:57Well, top to bottom, we have a great card here tonight, Excalibur.
02:01We certainly do.
02:03Will Ospreay, MJF, kicking off our broadcast, still to come tonight, Mercedes Manet, the TBS Champion, puts her title on the line against the first ever...
02:14Excuse me, the second ever AEW Women's World Champion, Nyla Rose, and our main event task for the first time ever, Okada, Swerve, one-on-one.
02:24Cannot wait for that main event. It will be epic, as is this reaction for Ospreay Ospreay.
02:32Ospreay's arrival in AEW, that was such fanfare.
02:36I mean, yeah, we knew how great he was in New Japan, how great he's been around the world, but we were entertained from the moment he got here.
02:46He's an amazing athlete, and so is MJF.
02:50Well, Tony, we were entertained, but there was one person, importantly, one person that was not entertained, and it was the former AEW World Champion, MJF.
03:01He felt like Ospreay, an interloper, coming in here to steal the spotlight, to usurp all the hard work that MJF did as AEW World Champion.
03:10But that's no excuse for the despicable tactics of Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
03:15Yeah, taking out Daniel Garcia, putting Daniel Garcia on the shelf.
03:19And claiming it was the fans' fault.
03:22Yeah, that's bull. You know that's bull.
03:24Everything MJF does is bull.
03:27He's an incredible wrestler, bell to bell. There's no doubt about that.
03:31But he is a horrible human being.
03:34Well, he's definitely sketchy, there's no doubt about that.
03:36And MJF right there, right before these two men even touch.
03:40Smart, liking it out, it's a good move.
03:42Play a little head game with the champion.
03:45Hopping over the rail.
03:49Well, it is hot here, so it's very humid and muggy.
03:53That's a hell of a moment, right?
03:59I was scared he wasn't going to be able to rip that phone book the size of a sign.
04:03It does not surprise me that he would go into the stands and do what he did to the fans.
04:07Because, as you mentioned, he's blamed the fans for everything.
04:11Yeah, MJF claims that him showing his vulnerability, that opening up to not just Adam Cole last year.
04:20But opening up to the fans around the world of All Elite Wrestling.
04:25And them chanting for Samoa Joe in the match at World's End.
04:29That is why he chose to punish Daniel Garcia.
04:33That's why he chose to punish Danny Magic.
04:35And why he's choosing to punish Will Ospreay here tonight.
04:37Well, that's what he says, but it goes down to this.
04:40He is just not a good person.
04:41He never has been.
04:43He fooled us all.
04:44He's not going to fool us again.
04:45But right now, he's in the middle of a battle here.
04:48And you see this little bit of a game being played by Ospreay towards Max right now.
04:52Tony, I thought you were going to say that MJF is just an insecure little so-and-so.
04:57Yeah, I'll get to it.
04:59Well, he is a former AEW World Champion, so you've got to show some respect for MJF regarding that.
05:04No, he's got a hell of a run as that.
05:06And right now, he's dealing with one of the best in the world for the international title.
05:09MJF spent 406 days as AEW World Champion.
05:14Nice trip there by Ospreay.
05:15And Ospreay went for the hidden blade.
05:16MJF, I'm not sure if he avoided that intentionally or by accident.
05:20But nonetheless, both men trading some side headlock takedowns and head scissors and good quickness by both athletes.
05:27MJF has scouted this match quite well.
05:30You can see that.
05:31Ospreay coming back.
05:33Lance on his feet.
05:36Listen, guys.
05:37You're not.
05:38If you're Max, you are not going to match athleticism with the international champion.
05:43It's just not going to happen.
05:44So Max is going to have to be clever, but Ospreay has a lot of experience.
05:47It's going to be tough to swerve and play games with him.
05:50When I say swerve, I don't mean being a world champion.
05:53I mean being a little sideways.
05:55He loosens.
06:00Now a bit of a reset there.
06:01Colin Earle will tie up MJF.
06:03That's the oldest trick in the book.
06:04I've been watching that all my life as not only an announcer but as a fan.
06:08You've been alive for 106 years.
06:10That's right.
06:11But just ask MJF.
06:12He'll say he invented it.
06:15Well, you're right, Shivali.
06:17I mean, it is the oldest trick in the book.
06:18And once the referee had to look back because your hand on a lockup a lot of times is behind a man's head.
06:24And what a clothesline there over the top.
06:26Ospreay sending MJF to the floor.
06:31Ospreay needs to be careful.
06:33MJF trying to put some distance between himself and the champion.
06:36Watch out.
06:37Ospreay over the top.
06:39Landing on his feet.
06:42Now this guy here, the international champ Ospreay, he could come out of nowhere and hit you with something mid-air.
06:48He's quick.
06:49He's sudden.
06:50He's dangerous.
06:52And we talk about MJF, who's record-setting reign as AEW world champion.
06:56Ospreay accelerates in.
06:57High boot to the jaw.
06:59And now a suplex.
07:01Ospreay floating over.
07:03That old press.
07:04MJF kicks out.
07:06But in order to have that record-setting reign, he had to defend the title against Kenny Omega.
07:13As Ospreay, though, lining him up for the hidden blade.
07:15MJF again dropping to the mat to avoid Ospreay putting the ropes in between himself and Will Ospreay.
07:24Smart move by MJF.
07:26Say what you want to about him, and we've said a lot.
07:29MJF grabbing the trunks.
07:31Trunks of Ospreay dropping face-first to that middle turnbuckle.
07:34But, Taz, the point I was going to make is the closest analog to anybody that MJF has faced in any ring, AEW or else, otherwise, is Kenny Omega.
07:44And MJF was able to defeat Kenny Omega.
07:47And I get your drift.
07:48I mean, Kenny's an amazing performer, amazing pro wrestler.
07:52And there's a lot of similarities with Ospreay's style, in my opinion.
07:56So I get that.
07:57So Max having that win over Omega definitely could help him here.
08:00But this is smart right here by MJF.
08:04Get an armbar, traditional armbar, and ground the aerial assassination on him.
08:08Yeah, and of course, he loves to use that armbar to win his matches as well.
08:12Or that salt of the earth, the Fujiwara armbar.
08:15The Fujiwara armbar, absolutely.
08:17There's the hair pull this time by the challenger MJF.
08:20And we mentioned the great matches still to come on tonight's broadcast.
08:24Mercedes Manet putting the TBS Championship up for grabs against Nyla Rose,
08:29plus Swerve Strickland, Kazuchika Okada.
08:31One-on-one for the first time ever.
08:33And I understand, Tony, we will also hear from Mariah May after her shocking betrayal
08:38one week ago of Titus Tony Storm.
08:40That was an unbelievable way to end.
08:42No one expected that to happen.
08:44Tony Storm, I understand, needed some stitches as well.
08:47That was a brutal, unprovoked attack.
08:50Nice counter right there by Ospreay.
08:52And a nice counter by MJF.
08:54And another.
08:55Into the stutter!
08:57Great job.
08:58MJF, the cover, but Ospreay with the kickout.
09:01Clever student of the game is MJF.
09:03No matter if you hate the guy or like him, the guy studies the game.
09:06He understands the history of the game.
09:08He understands counter wrestling.
09:10Very great at that.
09:11And he's very well prepared, as you would agree, Charles, for this match.
09:15Yes, I know you forgot my name because I wasn't here last week.
09:18Because I wasn't allowed to come to work.
09:19That's right, we didn't mention that.
09:21No, we will.
09:22It's great to have you here, Taz.
09:23Thank you.
09:24Ospreay avoids the Heat Seeker, but MJF!
09:28Into the cutter over the ropes!
09:30And Ospreay with the kickout.
09:31Toughness right there by Ospreay.
09:33He's resilient.
09:34He's battle-tested.
09:35It's well documented.
09:37You look at Ospreay's history, especially for New Japan and the battles he's had.
09:41So it's tough to beat this cat.
09:44Yeah, Will Ospreay.
09:46Upon arriving here in AEW in a 14-match unbeaten streak in singles action,
09:53he captured the AEW International Championship.
09:57He challenged for the AEW World Championship.
10:01And now the commentary has MJF stunned back towards center.
10:04Ospreay connects with the elbow strike.
10:06Right on target.
10:09But Ospreay, down on his back, slow to capitalize.
10:15Now what happened that time?
10:16Is that still the remnants of what happened just moments ago?
10:18I mean, he's really slow to get up.
10:20Here's Ospreay.
10:21Sometimes it's tough to recover after some kind of hard offense.
10:24Let's take a look.
10:27Watch this fly and form of springboard.
10:29I mean, he landed it all full throttle right there at Excalibur.
10:33And MJF got caught flush.
10:34He gets caught flush once again.
10:36As we return to the live action inside the ring,
10:39Ospreay connecting with an elbow strike again.
10:41MJF bailing to the outside.
10:44Will Ospreay.
10:46And starts the case special for Will Ospreay.
10:52And Ospreay is still holding, as you can see, holding the side.
10:55But that was an absolutely spectacular move.
10:58Well, let's take a look at this, Shivani.
11:00Okay, so watch.
11:01Again, we talk about this man's athleticism.
11:04It's freaky scary.
11:06From this top view, it's a great view by our truck right there.
11:09Ospreay is just a freaking beast, dude.
11:11He's unreal.
11:12Imagine if you're MJF on the outside.
11:14You see Will Ospreay going to a handspring.
11:18He's not called the aerial assassin by accident.
11:20He can do just about anything right there.
11:22That's on his feet.
11:24And now shooting star.
11:25Press Ospreay.
11:28MJF kicks out.
11:29Ospreay immediately back to the ropes.
11:30This guy, it's unreal.
11:31Scott Twister.
11:32Press from the middle rope.
11:35MJF kicks out.
11:36And listen, the three of us and other commentators here at AEW have said in the past,
11:40this guy makes it look easy.
11:42Ospreay makes these athletic moves he does look easy.
11:45And it's not.
11:46He's going hit and blame here, guys.
11:47He wants to finish Maxwell right now.
11:49I don't blame him.
11:50And you're looking at a guy who's never lost on Dynamite in 9-0
11:54and singles records on Dynamite.
11:56Here it comes.
11:57Oh, oh, oh, oh.
11:59You know, I have to give MJF credit.
12:02Got him.
12:03It's a very effective counter.
12:05Ospreay can come at you from so many different angles as MJF has found out.
12:09You get out of bounds.
12:10You get out of bounds.
12:11It's like a runner back who's running the ball hard.
12:13He knows the safety's about to light him up.
12:15Get out of bounds.
12:16Don't take the hit.
12:17Maxwell's smart by getting out of bounds.
12:21Oh, now he's letting his temper carry him away here.
12:23I don't necessarily agree with this.
12:25Fans love seeing tables, I know, but.
12:29The timekeeper's tabled now.
12:32Going to give a little freedom here.
12:34This is for a championship.
12:35It's for the international title.
12:39Little Rock loves tables, I guess.
12:43As MJF, though, trying to crawl out of the range of the champion, Will Ospreay.
12:47Look at the face of Max, Tony.
12:48He looks like he's in deep.
12:50You know what?
12:51That's a fear.
12:52That's a fear face is what it is.
12:54Just think of all the vile things that MJF has said about Will Ospreay
12:58in the last few weeks.
12:59Not just Will Ospreay, but the entire AEW locker room at large.
13:02Everybody hates Max.
13:03That's true.
13:05And now I think Ospreay, I mean, he's fighting not just for himself.
13:09He needed that, Max.
13:10But for the entire locker room as MJF.
13:13Looking for the destroyer, but instead needed the midsection.
13:19Ospreay counters out.
13:20MJF goes over the top.
13:22He's grabbing that knee.
13:23Maxwell's grabbing that knee.
13:24Feigns the piledriver.
13:27Perfectly done.
13:30Ospreay able to kick out.
13:31The evidence, I think, right there that Max is playing possum for a second.
13:35Let's take a look at this piledriver here after Feign had injury.
13:39We saw it in the match with Roos on top of him a few weeks ago.
13:43We also saw it in the match at Forbidden Door.
13:45MJF and Hetch is zero.
13:46He used that tactic.
13:47Feigns the knee injury.
13:49The opponent shoots for a single, and MJF snaps off that piledriver.
13:53It's smart.
13:54It's just good mental wrestling.
13:55It really is.
13:56Some would say it's scummy, sneaky, whatever.
13:58You want to win the match.
13:59What about speaking of scummy?
14:01That's our brand.
14:02Chris Jericho, the learning tree.
14:04Here tonight, Dynamite 250.
14:07Mercedes Manet, the TBS Championship, the Open Challenge.
14:10Anybody but Britt Baker.
14:12It is Niall Rose stepping up to challenge the CEO.
14:16As we mentioned, we will hear from Mariah May here tonight after her shocking betrayal
14:21of titles to install the EW Women's World Champion.
14:24For the first time ever, our Dynamite 250 main event.
14:27Swerve Strickland, Kazuchika Okada.
14:30See right here, MJF focusing on that left leg, that knee.
14:34Working on it.
14:35And you see here, Ospreay trying to set some cross-faces.
14:38The way of MJF to break that hold.
14:41Yeah, one thing that Ospreay does not want to happen, he does not want his legs to go out, obviously.
14:46No, that's a huge part of his offense to your point, Shivani.
14:49I agree.
14:52The musculature on Ospreay's legs is so well-developed.
14:55It's not an easy task to take out his wheels.
14:59It's a good point, because Ospreay has some thick glutes and quads.
15:02You know, and his hamstrings, you know, his calves.
15:04He's got a whole lower leg.
15:05And like I said, his glutes, too.
15:06That's where your power comes from for a lot of guys.
15:09Mattie Jones over here.
15:11Glutes is like, you know, it's called your X.
15:14That's what that's called.
15:15A lot of people have big glutes.
15:18Look at this.
15:19Still working on the leg now.
15:20MJF trying to chop down Ospreay.
15:23Now could be thinking figure four leg lock.
15:26I wouldn't waste time here if I was Max.
15:28That's a good call.
15:29Good call, Taz.
15:30Looking around.
15:31Oh, look at this.
15:32Figure four.
15:33But look at Ospreay, though.
15:34Immediately grabbing.
15:35Well, he had the ankle of MJF to prevent him from completing the figure four.
15:39But instead, MJF now has a figure four cinched in.
15:43Tough hold to be in, guys.
15:44Look at this.
15:46It's a very painful hold.
15:48Especially when Ospreay went down.
15:52It was just a two count.
15:53But especially when MJF is pulling down on the toe of your boot like that.
15:56You pull on the toe down.
15:57You pull the toe down.
15:58The whole shin.
15:59Every muscle in the shin, your tibia bone gets stretched.
16:02I mean, it's tough.
16:03Your patella, the front of your knee.
16:04You know, that's what happens with a figure four.
16:10Cross turn.
16:12Ospreay trying to turn.
16:14I think he was going to get there.
16:15For people that don't realize.
16:16He's trying to turn over to alleviate the pain.
16:18And switch the pain towards the man applying the figure four.
16:23That's what you were going to say, right?
16:24It was.
16:25A little more eloquently than you.
16:26But you got there eventually.
16:29I mean, tonight.
16:31Look at this.
16:32The fans are with Ospreay.
16:33They're behind him.
16:34But can he make that turn?
16:35Yes, he can.
16:37Now the pressure on the knees of MJF.
16:41Only that.
16:42The ropes, though.
16:43Perhaps within arm's reach of the challenger.
16:46You can see that Ospreay has his arms pushing up on his arms.
16:50Elevating the position to put more pressure down on the knees of MJF.
16:54But MJF.
16:55Oh, wow.
16:56Cross the hips.
16:58And now reverse the pressure back down onto Ospreay's knees.
17:04What a tremendous opening match.
17:06And we're only in, what?
17:07Ten minutes in or so.
17:09It's incredible what they've gone through here.
17:13Back and forth battle.
17:14And crucially, right there, Taz, MJF elected not to go for the rope break.
17:20However, Will Ospreay did.
17:22And it's smart.
17:23It works.
17:24Right now, though, if you're MJF, I think you've got to.
17:27He's trying to catch his breath here for a sec.
17:30Which is tough.
17:31And it's hot.
17:32There's a lot of humidity here.
17:33But you've got to focus in and just stay on that leg.
17:35Any kind of intense offense to bust that knee off, right, I think is smart.
17:41I wouldn't go to the upper body, but you never know what Max is going to do.
17:44I say kudos to both guys.
17:46And I hate Max with a passion.
17:49Dislike maybe is a better word.
17:51But what a way to begin Dynamite 250.
17:54These two men just get Ospreay crumbled.
17:56Ospreay crumbled.
17:57You're right, man.
17:58And top to bottom, we've got a great program tonight, as you've seen.
18:02And look at that smile on his face.
18:04But here's the thing, though.
18:06I think Ospreay going for the rope break may kind of tip his hand a little bit to MJF.
18:12Maybe more damage done to the knees of Bill Ospreay by MJF.
18:16And Ospreay wanted to let off.
18:17That's a good call.
18:18Now, Ospreay just trying to, I don't know, just smack him.
18:21He's trying to get blood at that area.
18:23You know, to try to warm that area up a bit just so it doesn't knot up on him.
18:28Tighten up on him.
18:29What a shot right there by the challenger.
18:32Ah, the nails across the back.
18:34It always works.
18:35Shane's one of my favorites right now.
18:38And again, Ospreay running.
18:41Becoming an issue as referee Bryce Remsburg putting himself in between MJF.
18:46It's a big problem here for the champion, guys.
18:48I'm telling you.
18:49You see Ospreay pulling down that knee pad tab just to allow more blood to flow around that injury to Harry.
18:57And you heard Bryce Remsburg say, Are you okay?
18:59Can you continue?
19:00And he was shook off that time.
19:02Oh, look at that.
19:03That's the right thing.
19:04Like it or not, it's smart by Max.
19:06Stay on it.
19:07It is.
19:09MJF guys in the eyes of the AEW international champion.
19:13They're trying to capture that coveted AEW international title.
19:17You've got to stay on the champ, and the champ's always going to fight back.
19:21That's just who Ospreay is.
19:25Chop to the chest.
19:26But you see Ospreay very gingerly putting weight on that right leg.
19:31You can't get as much on the chop when you've got a bad wheel, Rob, because you need the base.
19:34Just a diving chop block to the front of the knee.
19:37MJF the cover.
19:38Ospreay, if you don't have that base and you hit a chop, a big part of the chop comes from your hips and your footwork.
19:45So if you can't base on one of your wheels, that chop's not going to be effective.
19:52And MJF stomping.
19:56He did that with the left knee after the chop block to the left knee, so he's going after both wheels of the international champion Will Ospreay here.
20:03And again, the rake of the back allowing all that sweat to start pouring into that scratched-up area.
20:12More of a distraction than anything, but Ospreay showing why he's such a highly regarded athlete.
20:20His perseverance on display.
20:22Again, it's also his resiliency on display.
20:25He understands this is a serious threat towards his championship here.
20:30MJF raking the eyes now.
20:33Hammer throw into the ropes.
20:35Ospreay ducks under.
20:37Both men, same idea.
20:39Both men crashing down hard.
20:41Full impact by both athletes.
20:43And again, right back to that knee.
20:45You see Will grabbing it.
20:50It's a tough situation for Will Ospreay to be in.
20:53As you guys mentioned, he's generating so much power for those strikes, those kicks from those legs.
20:57But also, the aerial offenses.
20:59MJF just goes knee to the inside knee.
21:04And now he's pulling a shot.
21:06Now maybe telegraphing it, though.
21:10Dog millionaire!
21:11Quick counter!
21:12Danger of calling your own spot.
21:13Oh, here comes the Ospreay.
21:15Here it comes!
21:16Ospreay off the line.
21:18What a connect!
21:20Now Max is near those ropes, though.
21:22But Ospreay cannot capitalize.
21:24Cannot make it to cover.
21:26But he's near the ropes.
21:27He's got to pull towards the middle, Will.
21:29And now, MJF taking himself out of play.
21:33Smart or not, a little smart.
21:34A little smart, Shabani.
21:35You're right.
21:36I mean, it's, like I said earlier, getting out of bounds.
21:41I think Ospreay, he needs that.
21:43He needs more time to get that knee back going.
21:46But the more time Ospreay takes to recover,
21:48likewise the more time MJF has to recover.
21:51It's a double-edged sword.
21:54There's not much movement in MJF.
21:57Now Ospreay could be looking for Ospreay off that middle turnbuckle.
22:07Again, a simple counter.
22:09MJF just flies backwards.
22:11Will Ospreay landing on that shoulder?
22:14Fans, we are going to have to keep an eye on this situation
22:17in our opening contest in picture-in-picture.
22:20MJF, Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship.
22:26We've been talking so much about the leg of Ospreay,
22:28I think you've got to worry now about that shoulder.
22:31Yeah, that's a problem.
22:33Oh, no!
22:34Well, Max saw the issue.
22:36He knows that Will landed on that apron hard.
22:38He knows he could have a separated shoulder.
22:41So what does he do?
22:42He goes right after him.
22:43And that's the thing with MJF,
22:44he can exploit any weakness he perceives in his opponent.
22:49Copy of a professional wrestler.
22:51You suck!
22:52You suck!
22:53You suck!
22:54You suck!
22:55You suck!
22:56You suck!
22:57You suck!
22:58You suck!
22:59You suck!
23:00You suck!
23:01Well, a little off saying what we're all thinking.
23:02Yeah, absolutely they are.
23:05I think that every time I look at him.
23:10Oh, you used to like him, Shivani.
23:12Well, okay, yeah.
23:14And I should have known.
23:16I should have known.
23:21I mean, he fooled us all, Taz.
23:23He didn't fool me, but I hear you.
23:26I know him.
23:27I know how he is.
23:32But he fooled most.
23:34And right now, he is not looking to win the popularity contest here
23:37in Little Rock, Mr. Shivani, if that is your real name.
23:41But here's the deal.
23:42I mean, he's spending so much time outside here.
23:44He's like, you know, stay on your man, right?
23:49Well, you know how MJF is.
23:51He's an arrogant guy.
23:52He gets very cocky.
23:53And once he feels like he's got control, he's going to shrug his stuff.
23:57That's how he's always been from day one with AEW.
24:00And he's smart here to get an arm bar.
24:02Right here to work on that arm now.
24:04So you've got Ospreay.
24:06His knee is banged up and his arm and shoulder is banged up.
24:14I don't think the ref saw that.
24:16Apparently not.
24:18But it looked like it.
24:19He doesn't think.
24:20The referee can warn him, J.F., with a hair pull.
24:23But that's about all he can do.
24:25Well, if he wanted, he could DQ him.
24:28But the ref's not going to do that.
24:30Not for a championship.
24:32Let's be honest.
24:33This is not going to happen.
24:34You want this match to roll here.
24:35People want to see this.
24:37And if I was the ref, I wouldn't DQ him for a hair pull.
24:40I'd warn him.
24:42And I agree.
24:43But what happens on the 5th?
24:44Then maybe that's a different story.
24:46And then what does Bryce Rinsburg know about hair anyway?
24:49That's a good point.
24:56AEW Dynamite live here on TBS.
24:59250th installment of Dynamite in the AEW International Championship.
25:03On the line in our opening contest.
25:05MJF, the challenger, has been targeting the arm of the champion.
25:09Will Ospreay.
25:10Over the last few minutes.
25:11And now shoulder breaker by MJF.
25:13That was nasty.
25:15MJF could be looking for the salt of the earth there.
25:17That Fujiwara arm bar test.
25:18Yes, that's exactly.
25:19There's a pump here.
25:20Going to half Nelson.
25:21But no.
25:22Made in Japan by MJF.
25:24To Ospreay.
25:26It's got to be a new move from MJF, right?
25:28Never seen him execute that one.
25:30I don't recall he has.
25:33But you got the champion right now whose knee is all screwed up.
25:37And as I said during the break.
25:38Now the shoulder is screwed up.
25:40From the missed offense that Ospreay landed.
25:43Crashed and burned on the apron.
25:45And Max has capitalized on that injury in the shoulder or upper arm.
25:48Yeah, very fitting that we just finished Shark Week on Discovery.
25:52Because Max is like the sharks.
25:54Smelling the blood and the water.
25:55But, you know, listen.
25:56Ospreay has been super active.
25:58And has been a fighting champion, to use that cliche.
26:00As you know, Max had a long layoff, per se.
26:03So, the moment this goes, it might favor Ospreay.
26:07But now, I don't know, man.
26:08Ospreay is banged up.
26:09Yeah, he is.
26:10And Max.
26:11I'm sorry.
26:12Max came back.
26:13And he comes through.
26:14The kick.
26:15You see, Max came back looking in great shape, though.
26:17I think we all got to agree.
26:19The time off, he worked very, very hard.
26:22Well, I mean, think about this, though.
26:23This is MJF's third match in six months.
26:30Ospreay's, I believe, 25th match in the last six months.
26:34And you see that corkscrew kick from Ospreay.
26:37But, most importantly, Taz.
26:39Ospreay, he had to plant on that block to land that corkscrew kick.
26:44And, again, instantly, Ospreay grabbing that shoulder.
26:49And now maintaining control of the wrist as Ospreay chopping down the challenger.
26:55Those knife edges.
26:59Ospreay, again.
27:03Firing it hard now.
27:05Good block.
27:07Pointed the shoulder.
27:08Excuse me.
27:09That handstand counter.
27:10It's the Enziguri.
27:11And now.
27:15MJF up.
27:16Just a little torture rack here.
27:19No spin timeout.
27:24Nice kick out there by the challenger.
27:26MJF big time kick out there.
27:29He almost got beat.
27:30These guys are going.
27:31They're close to 30 minutes here.
27:33Like I said, it's hot here.
27:35I'm saying it's very humid here.
27:37And it's this Little Rock area.
27:39They call this area here.
27:40So, it affects you.
27:43Well, it is the South.
27:44And it is very hot.
27:45It's been very hot in the South for a number of weeks now.
27:48I mean, it's hot in the South all the time.
27:51Not always.
27:52But, absolutely.
27:53Did I mention it's humid?
27:55The humidity is stifling.
27:56Makes it tough to breathe.
27:58And the thing is, Taz.
27:59I mean, in the humidity, the more you sweat.
28:01It doesn't necessarily evaporate that quickly.
28:04It doesn't cool your body down naturally.
28:06No, it doesn't.
28:08These two guys have just.
28:09They have not let up at all.
28:12And Osprey, like I said.
28:13The knee and that shoulder.
28:14You can see him grabbing that left wrist to keep his.
28:17Oh, there's that table that Osprey.
28:19The timekeeper's table that Osprey introduced earlier on.
28:23Max is like, I'm getting the hell out of Little Rock.
28:26Oh, come on now.
28:27Don't get it.
28:30This has got to be a stalling tactic from MJF.
28:32Because he knows if he gets countered out.
28:35Wouldn't it be great to have Osprey drag him down by his feet.
28:38Have his head bump on him.
28:39That's what you're going to say.
28:40Wouldn't it be great if we just let MJF leave the arena.
28:42We never have to see Max again.
28:43I don't think Max realized he'd be in the deep of waters that he's in against Osprey right now.
28:48Hence why he wants to leave.
28:51We never advise you to get involved.
28:54Get in between these two competitors.
28:57Yeah, but it's a dangerous place to be a girl.
28:59I get it.
29:00You're excited.
29:01The fans are into this.
29:02So am I.
29:04But man, you're right Excalibur.
29:10I get that.
29:12That was a great caution.
29:15I heard you say that many, many times.
29:18I heard you say that many, many times.
29:21Oh man, MJF is...
29:23And this is where, Taz, you alluded to it.
29:25This is a championship match.
29:27The referee using his discretion here.
29:30Doesn't want to count both men out.
29:33Wants to try his best to get the action back in the ring.
29:37And I personally have no problem with it.
29:39I mean, I really don't.
29:41I mean, I've been in championship matches myself where this has happened in matches I was in.
29:46Where you end up in the crowd fighting.
29:48I have no idea what's going on there.
29:49But I'll move on.
29:50The gentleman had a kangaroo picture.
29:51That's great.
29:57Oh, MJF though.
29:59What did he hit him in the face with?
30:00Was that someone's beer?
30:01I'm not sure what it was.
30:02But he caught Ospreay unawares.
30:04As Ospreay was coming down the steps.
30:08That's just a street fight out here in the audience.
30:11Yeah, he got hit with something.
30:12Yeah, a beverage of some sort.
30:13Threw it at the face of Will Ospreay.
30:16Might have been like some whiskey.
30:22Oh, no!
30:23That was Ken Jones!
30:28Well, you've got to say this is entertaining as hell.
30:32Again, 250 is off and running.
30:36I mean, again.
30:39Head on the back of Reitz-Ramsburg.
30:41Let him fight, dude.
30:42That's what you want to see.
30:47He saw the frustration visible on Reitz-Ramsburg.
30:53Well, it was a 10 count.
30:54It took 20 seconds in between each.
30:57People want to see the table.
30:58I want to see him throw MJF on the steel steps head first.
31:06It's his fault.
31:08He made us this way.
31:11This is dangerous here.
31:12This is Ospreay's wheelhouse, folks.
31:19Rolls off the table trying to take himself out of Ospreay's range.
31:22You know, because that table was up against the safety rail,
31:25that was a very, very small landing area for Will Ospreay.
31:29He would have made it work.
31:30This guy's an amazing athlete, as we pointed out.
31:33Aerial assassin.
31:34Oh, wait. MJF now.
31:36Two-stone piledriver.
31:37Ospreay reverses.
31:39Getting predicament.
31:40MJF reverses.
31:41Ospreay springs back.
31:44MJF kicking out.
31:45And now right hand ducked by Ospreay.
31:49Core cover on him.
31:50Takes right there right on top of your dome.
31:53And MJF is just dangling.
31:56Yeah, that'll definitely rock your spine.
31:59The bandera.
32:01The heel kick.
32:02Catching Ospreay flush on the jaw.
32:05Now, MJF, could he think of that Long Island sunrise?
32:09He connects!
32:10Ospreay is down!
32:11MJF covers!
32:14Ospreay with a kick out.
32:15Oh, my God.
32:16Perfectly done right there by Max.
32:19That preview sunrise, Long Island sunrise,
32:21Nassau County sunrise, whatever you want to call it.
32:24It was well done, but not enough to beat the international champion.
32:28Let's take a look at it again.
32:31I don't understand my new tongue.
32:32Watch this right here.
32:34Watch Ospreay push it on the head.
32:36Yeah, the crown of his head.
32:39Falling into perfect place for MJF to make the pinfall attack.
32:44And Ospreay's resilience and perseverance once again on display.
32:51But now MJF to the outside.
32:53There's the table that Ospreay, as we mentioned,
32:55introduced earlier into this match.
32:59Yeah, MJF is kind of...
33:01He's not really on this horse right here too quick,
33:03but it's tough.
33:04There's been a lot of time in this match thus far.
33:07This is not MJF's forte.
33:09That's right. I don't agree with this at all,
33:10but let's see if he can connect.
33:12MJF is an incredible athlete,
33:14but, well, there's different type of athletes.
33:16I don't think MJF's the guy who's going to fly too much.
33:22Well, the fans boo.
33:23Don't they want to see someone go to the table?
33:25But, again, MJF just took too much time, Taz, to get on top there.
33:29No, he did.
33:30I just think it's part of the rigors of this match
33:33and the battle this has been between these two guys.
33:36Yeah, it has been a hell of a battle.
33:38I mean, that past 30 minutes, just about here, I believe.
33:41MJF fighting into the arm,
33:44to the bicep of Will Ospreay.
33:47As Bryce Rainsworth trying to separate these two athletes,
33:49get this action back in the ring.
33:51Obviously, easier said than done for the official.
33:55And now mocking Daniel Garcia.
33:58Oh, for crying out loud.
34:02It has been mentioned that Daniel Garcia,
34:06by virtue of that second rope tombstone from MJF,
34:09still attempting to regain feeling
34:13in his fingers, in his extremities,
34:16dealing with a neck injury.
34:18That's going to take him a while to get back.
34:20No question.
34:21Obviously, we wish the best to Daniel Garcia in his recovery,
34:24and now MJF
34:27putting this,
34:28it's more of a scrap on the outside,
34:31not trying to beat Ospreay technically inside the ring.
34:37He's got him lined up, Matt's got him lined up,
34:38and he's coming in hot!
34:41Kick coming in hot, but
34:43he's able to boot, and now
34:46MJF standing
34:48on that replacement timekeeper's table.
34:51It's like,
34:52Chaz, it's like he draws from the fans' booze, right?
34:55I mean, he does.
34:56MJF feeds off of that.
34:58He's taking a little yuzu break there.
35:01That's wild up in there,
35:02right in the face of the doctor.
35:03I never liked that move either,
35:05so I don't blame him for that, doctor.
35:11we mentioned
35:12his schedule this year.
35:13This is only his third match
35:15in 2024.
35:18is 25th
35:20to, so to speak,
35:22as, you know, MJF.
35:24They're at security once again.
35:26Sending Ospreay,
35:27no, Ospreay!
35:31The barricade, but immediately Ospreay clutching that left knee.
35:33Yeah, and for that point, Shivani,
35:36you know, Ospreay cannot get Matt in the ring right now
35:38to capitalize on that.
35:40Normally, the Oscutter in the ring
35:42would mean that's over.
35:44At least it has
35:45most of the time for Will Ospreay.
35:47But with the damage to the shoulder of Ospreay,
35:49how effective was the Oscutter?
35:50Right, that's a good, great point.
35:53And also the hidden blade.
35:55You know, with that shoulder,
35:56can't recall if it's left or right.
35:58Is that the hidden blade?
35:59Right on.
36:00MJF, though,
36:02is thinking,
36:03no, not Ospreay.
36:04Oh, that counter, guys.
36:07Will Ospreay!
36:08The crossroads!
36:10Now the cover!
36:11Near-leg hop,
36:12MJF able to kick out.
36:16Didn't expect to see that crossroads.
36:17Well done right there,
36:18but excellent kick out
36:19by the challenger.
36:23MJF, oh, look at him.
36:24MJF pulling the...
36:25And now the fingers into the eyes,
36:27and a stop
36:29on that left arm
36:30of Will Ospreay.
36:31Well, it happened quick,
36:32but MJF pulled the ref in,
36:33and the ref could not see the eye poke.
36:35Now Ospreay
36:37hammer locks, like...
36:38MJF into the gate!
36:39The vicious champion!
36:41One, two, and three!
36:43No, Ospreay able to kick out.
36:45Amazing that Ospreay could kick out.
36:47I agree, guys,
36:48across the board,
36:49it was over.
36:51Yeah, he had him, man.
36:54He's got to rethink the things,
36:55and you can just see the face
36:56of MJF.
36:57Well, when you get in there with someone,
36:59and then you realize,
37:00you hear all the hype on someone,
37:01and how great someone's supposed to be,
37:03and he has a championship
37:04and all this jazz.
37:05Then you get in between the ropes
37:07with that guy,
37:08and then you have this epiphany.
37:10Okay, he's as advertised,
37:12and I think Max has realized
37:13it's not about Ospreay.
37:14Looking for the heat seeker
37:15once again, MJF.
37:16If you play impossible,
37:17you can never trust him.
37:18He really hurt.
37:19That's Ospreay.
37:21Springboard up, MJF.
37:23Self-preservation in mind,
37:24the dive to the ropes
37:25to disrupt the flight
37:26of the aerial assassin!
37:28The lariat of the ropes!
37:30Two, and Ospreay!
37:33Very narrowly kicked out.
37:34How tough is Ospreay
37:35on how to kick out.
37:37Because that was a hell of a
37:38pinning combination.
37:40Had the legs pulled back,
37:41had all the pressure
37:42on the shoulders of Ospreay,
37:45and he still got it.
37:46Listen, guys, you could tell.
37:47I mean, I could tell.
37:48I could feel it.
37:49Max is emptying the tank
37:51against a champion,
37:52against Ospreay,
37:53and it's not working.
37:54What are you doing now
37:55at this point?
37:57Well, you take it to the apron,
37:58which he's doing right now,
37:59thinking maybe
38:00Tombstone on the apron.
38:02Oh, my God.
38:04Yeah, MJF thinking
38:05Tombstone on the apron.
38:06He wants to do to Ospreay
38:07what he did to Daniel Garcia.
38:08No, no, no.
38:09Put Garcia out
38:10as you talked about
38:11for a long time!
38:12Oh, but look, MJF,
38:13he's clapping the boots together
38:14and might have saved
38:15his own career right there,
38:16to be honest.
38:18Ringing the bell
38:19of Will Ospreay,
38:20and now Ospreay, though,
38:21floats over,
38:22finds his footing.
38:23He's a German,
38:24but his shoulder gave out,
38:25but not Ospreay.
38:28Not slowing down.
38:29Great timing on the thrust kick.
38:31Will Ospreay.
38:32Whoa, whoa, whoa.
38:33Watch out.
38:34It's going to go
38:35Stiles Clash, I think, guys.
38:36Ospreay steps over.
38:38Stiles Clash
38:40on the apron!
38:41I've called that move a lot,
38:43and it's nasty,
38:44and if Ospreay can get
38:46matched to the ring,
38:47this match is over.
38:49Listen to the fans!
38:51My God!
38:52Got to get him in the ring,
38:53and now you've got to cover him,
38:54and it's done.
38:55Everyone is on their feet here
38:57in Little Rock Dynamite 250
38:59as Ospreay makes the crawl,
39:00makes the cover,
39:01and MJF makes the kickout.
39:03What a kickout,
39:04but not a lot of mustard
39:05behind the kickout,
39:06but it doesn't matter.
39:07It's a kickout.
39:09Look at him standing.
39:10I mean, these two guys
39:12have pushed each other to the limit,
39:14and you know,
39:15sometimes, Taz,
39:16in a match like this,
39:17it comes down to a mistake, right?
39:19Most of the times, yeah, it does.
39:21I mean, and the more exhaustion,
39:24the more fatigue and tired you get,
39:26the more chance there is
39:27to make an error.
39:29It's like any athlete.
39:32thinking powerbomb here, perhaps,
39:34but look, one arm!
39:36One arm from Ospreay!
39:38Yeah, he's really hurting.
39:39That left arm is really rough.
39:42Not without its cost!
39:43Was it enough?
39:44It was not!
39:45You saw what Ospreay did.
39:48He put his shoulder,
39:49put his body weight
39:50to try to pin MJF.
39:52Not enough.
39:53Well, fans, our opening contest tonight
39:55on Dynamite 250
39:57continues in picture-in-picture.
39:59Don't go anywhere!
40:08This is where
40:09all those hours
40:10in the gym,
40:11all those hours
40:12training in the ring,
40:14this is where it all counts.
40:17Were you honest?
40:18Did you finish
40:19every single workout?
40:20Did you go
40:21every single step
40:22of those miles?
40:23Okay, Ospreay
40:24wants to be checked out here.
40:31Try to listen in here, guys.
40:32Let's listen.
40:33It is a
40:34senior ringside physician,
40:36Dr. Michael Sampson,
40:38giving a consult to Will Ospreay.
40:42He's trying to make sure
40:43his arm is not completely numb.
40:47And here's the thing, Tess,
40:48we talked about this
40:49a little earlier.
40:53Ospreay needs this.
40:57He's got to be able
40:58to do it.
40:59He's got to be able
41:00to do it.
41:01He's got to be able
41:02to do it.
41:04If the doctor
41:05says Ospreay's able
41:06to continue, though,
41:07this gives Andrew F.
41:08some time to recover.
41:09It does, but
41:10the doctor has to do
41:11his job here.
41:12The referee and the doctor
41:13are doing the right thing.
41:14It's a full test here
41:15of the mobility
41:16and issues with that shoulder.
41:17If it's blown out,
41:18it's the end of the match.
41:23Oh, no!
41:24Oh, no!
41:25Wow, guys.
41:27I've had a doctor
41:28do that to my...
41:29And I...
41:30I mean, it gets you nauseous.
41:31That's how much pain it is.
41:32I've had that.
41:33When they pull it back in,
41:34man, it's rough.
41:37Shoulder out of socket.
41:38Resetting it there.
41:40As Ospreay...
41:43Back to his feet.
41:45A tough scene to observe,
41:46but will Ospreay
41:48still in this
41:49high-stakes championship match?
41:50I guess it was
41:51out of place,
41:52out of joint.
41:54I think it's very smart
41:55if, in fact,
41:56Max were just laying
41:57or taking a breather
41:58during that time
41:59and surprised,
42:00but smart.
42:04A short,
42:05a lot of kicks
42:06to the face
42:07of MJF.
42:08MJF up to his feet.
42:09Ospreay, a thrust kick
42:10puts him right back down.
42:11Those thrust kicks
42:12tonight for
42:14although just a few of them
42:15have been on target
42:16every time.
42:20But remember,
42:22the early goings
42:23of this match,
42:24MJF targeting the knees,
42:25the legs of Ospreay.
42:27Are those kicks
42:28coming in at 100 percent?
42:32And even though
42:33you pop your shoulder out,
42:34doctor puts it back in place,
42:35it still hurts.
42:37It doesn't just magically
42:38feel 100 percent.
42:42You see Ospreay
42:43holding that arm
42:44so close to his body.
42:45Yeah, that helps
42:46keep it,
42:47it's just less pain
42:48when you do that.
42:54This has been
42:55some battle here.
42:58We've got a battle.
42:59A battle between
43:00champion and challenger,
43:01but a battle against
43:02the elements,
43:03the humidity as well.
43:09live here tonight
43:10on TBS,
43:11Will Ospreay,
43:13the AEW
43:14International Championship
43:15hanging in the balance
43:16as MJF
43:17got in the eyes
43:18when Ospreay comes in
43:19and back elbow,
43:23Look at his back elbow there.
43:24Pretty good step too.
43:25During picture in picture,
43:26if Keishin missed it,
43:27Will Ospreay
43:28was being attended to
43:29by our ringside physician,
43:30Dr. Michael Sampson,
43:31who appeared
43:32to reset
43:33Will Ospreay's left shoulder
43:34to pull it back
43:35into socket.
43:36That's exactly what happened.
43:38Handle with the Oscutter
43:39here, guys.
43:42MJF counters.
43:43Great counter.
43:44Gonna get that
43:45tombstone he wanted earlier.
43:47center of the ring,
43:49power driver.
43:50MJF collapses
43:51into a guy
43:52and Ospreay
43:53with a kick out.
43:54So close
43:55for crowning
43:57Every time
43:58MJF hits one,
43:59I think of Garcia
44:00where Sam
44:01went off the ropes
44:02and won,
44:03but that was
44:04on target as well.
44:05Watch Ospreay,
44:06his shoulders here.
44:07I'm certain
44:08you saw
44:09the shoulder
44:10by Dr. Michael Sampson.
44:11Here it is.
44:12In the picture in picture
44:15And you heard
44:16the fall
44:17of Ospreay
44:18as his shoulder
44:19was pulled back
44:20into socket.
44:21Using that right arm,
44:22not the left arm.
44:23That was reset.
44:24The right arm
44:25was pulled back
44:26into socket.
44:27And he's got
44:28his elbow strike,
44:30MJF scoring
44:31with the tombstone
44:32power driver
44:33now retaking
44:34the advantage
44:35and he's got
44:36his own tape
44:37on the wrist tape
44:38around the throat.
44:39And this is
44:40the MJF
44:41we've known
44:42for years,
44:44That's not
44:45afraid to take
44:48One that Simone
44:49Jones knows
44:50very, very well
44:51as well.
44:52With that
44:53tape around
44:54on Max's face
44:55he realizes
44:56he might be
44:57back in the
44:58driver's seat
44:59there full throttle.
45:07Will Ospreay
45:09As we mentioned
45:10in picture in picture
45:11but it bears repeating
45:12this match.
45:13Not only a battle
45:16MJF and Will Ospreay
45:17champion and challenger
45:19but also
45:20it's a battle against
45:21the elements,
45:22the humidity,
45:23the environment.
45:24This match
45:26the more
45:27the humidity
45:28the environment
45:29becomes a factor.
45:31You can see how much
45:32sweat is coming off
45:33of both these athletes
45:34especially on MJF
45:36man we're
45:37just at that
45:3845 minute
45:39inch mark here
45:40and these guys
45:41are still battling
45:42so it's very difficult
45:43to do that.
45:47to the chest
45:48MJF hurting his back
45:49on those turnbuckles.
45:51Swing and a miss
45:52Ospreay on it.
45:54And it was the left arm
45:55chop that he blocked
45:56and then he wrenched
45:57the arm of Ospreay
45:58down and Ospreay
45:59went shoulder first
46:00into the mat.
46:01It was just one step
46:02ahead of Ospreay
46:03that was the challenge
46:04of MJF.
46:05Back drop.
46:06MJF awkward landing
46:07on the outside.
46:08That's how you're
46:09blowing me out.
46:10He also glanced
46:11off of that LED board
46:12and that's hard
46:13as the dickens.
46:15You know what I mean.
46:16You know what you mean.
46:17Here we go.
46:20face first
46:21for an acai moonsault
46:23that MJF
46:24anticipated and counted.
46:25That's why I'm the smartest
46:27in the entire world.
46:30The hidden blade.
46:32The smarts went up
46:33in his ass
46:34is what it did.
46:35That camera shot
46:36was great.
46:37Right on MJF's face
46:38and got rocked.
46:40That's why I'm the
46:41smartest wrestler.
46:43Ospreay coming out
46:44of the ring
46:45into your living room.
46:49Ospreay went to mat
46:50with the hidden blade
46:51but crucially
46:52Ospreay unable
46:53to capitalize
46:54once again.
46:55Bryce Ramsburg
46:56up to the 4
46:57on the 10 count.
47:01electing to return
47:02MJF to the ring.
47:04I don't know about that Taz.
47:06could have gotten the count out.
47:07Could have walked away
47:08with the victory.
47:09Could have, yeah.
47:10Uh oh.
47:13Forearm shiver
47:14right to the back of the head
47:15off the top.
47:16Ospreay covers
47:17the foreleg.
47:18Hold it.
47:20You know what Tony?
47:22I mean I mentioned Ospreay.
47:23He could have
47:24elected to take
47:25the count out victory back.
47:27That's not who Will Ospreay is.
47:28Of course it's not.
47:29And Taz
47:30here it is again man.
47:32You can't see it coming.
47:33Those hurt the worst.
47:34Look up.
47:36Big Robin
47:37flattened to a large headed
47:39on the porch of Long Island.
47:40Happened to me.
47:41I got hit in the back of the head
47:42with a bird.
47:43Was it human?
47:44It was very human.
47:47Tough landing there.
47:50gets his legs swept out
47:51from underneath him
47:52on the ropes.
47:53What's MJF thinking?
47:54What's he thinking?
47:57He's setting.
47:58I'm telling you.
47:59MJF's thinking right now.
48:00He's got something in mind.
48:03Work on running off the ropes.
48:04He was.
48:05But look at this.
48:06Ospreay with one arm.
48:07How the hell Ospreay's doing that?
48:08That's arm strength.
48:09That's core strength.
48:10Oh no.
48:11Oh my God.
48:12Oh my God.
48:13This is
48:14Everyone's on their feet
48:15on this one.
48:16Look out.
48:17This is an
48:18Styles Clash
48:19from Will Ospreay.
48:22for Try Not To Laugh.
48:23Gotta try to get that
48:24turn on him.
48:25Shoot a half or something.
48:26Get Max on his back.
48:28But in the ropes.
48:30Ospreay trying to pull
48:31MJF away.
48:34And MJF.
48:35Too close.
48:36That's smart.
48:37With good Max sets
48:38by MJF.
48:39He knew where he was
48:40even though
48:41he's beaten down.
48:42He's exhausted.
48:43Both these men.
48:44You can see it.
48:45Watch this.
48:46Off the top.
48:47That's Jones.
48:48Look at this.
48:49And he had him.
48:50If he could have just
48:51covered him sooner.
48:55Back in live action.
48:56Just grabbed the
48:57wrist of Ospreay.
48:58Dropped to the floor
48:59with the arm draped
49:00over the ropes.
49:01And now the
49:02heat seeker
49:03on the rack.
49:04I'm not sure
49:05if Ospreay's head
49:06hit the apron.
49:07But did you see
49:08there was a nasty torque
49:09of the neck of Ospreay.
49:10It was.
49:12Sometimes you don't have
49:13your head don't have to hit.
49:14And his shoulders all
49:15screwed up as we know.
49:16Guys I'm going to say it.
49:18Episode number 250.
49:20And I've been around
49:21for all of them.
49:22I've never.
49:25Seen a match this good.
49:27It's still the best
49:28match we've ever had.
49:31Well we've had a lot
49:32of great matches.
49:33Yes we have.
49:34Yes we have.
49:35This is up there.
49:36Now what the hell is this?
49:37I see Max.
49:38That's a great way
49:39to start.
49:40Dynamite 250.
49:41Max Cook.
49:42The cushion off
49:43the top turnbuckle
49:44so his foot don't slip
49:45off the cushion.
49:46Very smart by Max.
49:47He's going to fly man.
49:49Here's the change.
49:50Thrusting over on Ospreay.
49:55And it was insane.
49:56It was amazing
49:57and horrible
49:59for the body of Ospreay.
50:01Two men are pushing
50:02each other
50:03to the absolute limit.
50:04But Ted did you see
50:05how Ospreay's left arm
50:08was quaking.
50:10It was quaking right there
50:11before he let up
50:12that agonized scream.
50:13And the key
50:14in the replay
50:16the key is
50:17he took that cushion
50:18off the metal turnbuckle
50:20that connects the rope
50:21to the post.
50:23And what happens
50:24is your foot won't slip
50:25off that cushion.
50:27He's going off steel.
50:28That was smart by Max.
50:30MJF Will Ospreay fans
50:32this match for the
50:33A.W. International Championship
50:35will continue
50:36picture in picture.
50:37Come on together Will.
50:43If Will Ospreay can continue
50:44it's going to be
50:45an absolute miracle.
50:47Well right now
50:48both guys on the outside
50:50obviously MJF
50:51needs to do his best
50:52to get Ospreay
50:54back in that ring.
50:55He cannot win
50:56the international title
50:57on the outside.
50:58You've got to get him in the ring.
50:59I don't want to be
51:00Captain Obvious here
51:01but it's a fact.
51:02It bears repeating
51:03Ted this is under
51:04this match contested
51:05under A.W. rules.
51:06He's looking for the
51:07count out here guys.
51:08That's what he's looking for.
51:09I think MJF's just
51:10looking to escape.
51:11It may not even occur to him
51:12that the title can't change
51:13hands on a count out.
51:15Right and you're right
51:16he just wants to get out
51:17of here with a win.
51:19But you're right
51:20it's not going to
51:21go down the tunnel that way.
51:25Up to five now
51:29the grimace of pain
51:31etched all over the face
51:32of the A.W. International
51:37Now MJF
51:38now maybe the realization
51:39setting in
51:41or maybe just wanted to
51:42buy himself a little time.
51:44I think the latter.
51:45I mean listen guys
51:46we're at like 50 minutes here.
51:47I just
51:48this is tough.
51:49Do you understand me?
51:50I'm winning the belt.
51:52I'm winning the belt.
51:53Which would you
51:54with Ted
51:55this deep into a match
51:56would you waste time
51:57energy and screaming?
51:59That's what you're going to
52:00ask me right?
52:02Yeah I would not
52:03but I mean that's kind of
52:04what MJF is right?
52:05You're not
52:06well I don't know
52:07I mean
52:08but as the security guards
52:09last week in Calgary
52:10when they injected Tad's
52:11from the building
52:12was flipping out.
52:13Well I wasn't there.
52:15Both men are exhausted.
52:17They've put them
52:18each man through hell.
52:19I mean that's what's
52:20going on here
52:21for the International
52:23Oh just a nasty
52:24stomp to the
52:25ankle maybe the Achilles
52:29by MJF and
52:31at this point in the match
52:33take any advantage
52:34you can get I suppose.
52:35You gotta
52:36who cares man
52:37just if you could
52:38snap the guy's ankle
52:39do it.
52:40It sounds sick
52:41but you want to win.
52:43You want to win
52:45You do whatever you can
52:46to gain a championship
52:48or retain it
52:50you know if you're
52:51if you're
52:52if you're Oscar.
52:54And once again
52:56See I don't know
52:57what this accomplishes
52:58to be honest with you.
53:00I mean
53:01I get it
53:02he's injured him
53:03but what does
53:04biting the wrist
53:05or the hand
53:07I mean it hurts
53:08I got it
53:09but come on
53:10he's went
53:11just about to
53:12every body part
53:13to put pain on
53:15I get you drift
53:17but that's what he's trying
53:18he's trying to hurt
53:19every part of his body.
53:20But you know what that
53:21tells me actually
53:22just what I saw
53:23from Ospreay
53:24he's got feeling
53:25in that left arm.
53:26It might be
53:27it might be
53:28diminished feeling
53:29but he does have
53:30some feeling in that
53:31left arm.
53:33Of Will Ospreay.
53:41Our opening contest
53:42AEW Dynamite
53:46here live in
53:47Little Rock Arkansas
53:48MJF the challenger
53:50has the champion
53:51Will Ospreay
53:52in the abdominal stretch
53:53MJF has been punishing
53:54that left shoulder
53:55of Will Ospreay
53:56for the better part
53:57of this match
53:58and continues to do so
54:02still in this fight
54:03an amazing night
54:04an absolutely amazing
54:05night so far
54:06and I know
54:07they've gotta be spent
54:08you can see
54:09because hell I'm spent
54:10just watching and
54:11calling this thing
54:12who's gonna win it
54:13these men are over
54:1450 minutes
54:15and that abdominal stretch
54:16is brutal
54:17a tear apart
54:18your rotator cuff
54:19your AC joint
54:20tear your bicep
54:21Max again
54:22gonna use that top rope
54:23for some leverage
54:24at MJF
54:25his body
54:26and Will Ospreay's body
54:27had been obstructing
54:28the referee's vision
54:29but now gets caught
54:30wait a second
54:32well MJF
54:33is trying to plead his case
54:34nice counter with a hip toss
54:37but Ospreay
54:39we can only speculate
54:40Taz but from our vantage point
54:41seems like suffering
54:42some numbness
54:43in that left arm
54:45because he's not putting
54:46his left arm down
54:47on the mat to hold
54:48his weight up
54:49he's using his right arm
54:50now he's doing it
54:51a little
54:52small package
54:56breaks free
54:57telegraphed that
54:58Ospreay rolls
54:59him up
55:01kicking out again
55:02backslide here
55:03underneath the backslide
55:04from Ospreay
