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00:00:00AEW World Trials Champions, Killswitch, Nick Wade, Kristen Cage, The Patriarchy!
00:00:08Hi everybody, and welcome to another edition of AEW Collision!
00:00:14Tony Schiavone along with Nigel McGuinness coming to you from the Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
00:00:20And for the next two hours, the path to All-In London on August 25th continues here
00:00:27as we continue our Summer Series.
00:00:31Great crowd on hand, we have some great matches for you.
00:00:34We are starting out with the AEW Trials Champions, The Patriarchy,
00:00:40led of course by Kristen Cage along with young Nick Wade, Mother Wayne, and Killswitch.
00:00:47And tell me, Nigel McGuinness, why in the world is Kristen Cage carrying all three title belts?
00:00:54The mental general, Kristen Cage knows exactly what is right for The Patriarchy.
00:01:01He made good on his promise to hold gold again and reward his family for their belief in him.
00:01:13Sit down and shut your mouths while I conduct my business.
00:01:18Now Arlington, I'm going to keep this short and sweet for the simple reason that I hate it here
00:01:30and I have a private plane waiting to get me out of this hellhole.
00:01:37Now a couple short weeks ago, in this very ring, in this very arena,
00:01:44The Patriarchy did exactly what I said we would do.
00:01:50When we walked into this ring and we walked out as the brand new Trios Champions.
00:01:59I told you on my road back to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion,
00:02:06I was going to use the Trios Championships as a vehicle
00:02:11and I was going to use it as a gift to my family for showing their support to me over the past year.
00:02:20Now you losers might look at these objects around my waist and over my shoulder
00:02:25and think of them as, hey that's a pretty nice belt, or those are nice belts that you have.
00:02:32A belt holds up your pants, or in my case, a belt is used to discipline a naughty child.
00:02:41What you're looking at over my shoulder and around my waist is a title
00:02:46and until you realize that, you do not deserve to call yourself a champion.
00:02:54And I'm proud to say that my family has realized what these championship titles really mean.
00:03:04And in the spirit of my family growing with me, I'm going to do what I promised to do.
00:03:11I'm going to present The Patriarchy with their championship titles.
00:03:23First of all, to my son Nick Wayne,
00:03:28the apple of my eye, my boy.
00:03:32I am so proud of you Nick.
00:03:35The leaps and bounds that you've grown since you've been with me,
00:03:39I can't even wrap my brain around it.
00:03:42You are special, you are what I said you were from the very start, a prodigy.
00:03:49Such a prodigy that Nick Wayne has now become
00:03:55has now become
00:03:59the youngest champion in the history of AEW.
00:04:04Stand up and take notice of my son right now.
00:04:15Nick, other than me, I can't think of anybody that deserves this honor more than you.
00:04:21It gives me great pleasure to present you with your Trios championship title.
00:04:53Killswitch, you are what I've asked you to be.
00:04:57You are my finisher.
00:05:01You are the muscle.
00:05:03You are the man that does all the dirty work when it's needed.
00:05:10I want you to know how much I appreciate you
00:05:13and how The Patriarchy does not work without Killswitch.
00:05:23I just wanted to acknowledge you and let you know how much you mean to me.
00:05:38With that being said,
00:05:42you did not give birth to a prodigy.
00:05:47Are you freaking kidding me?
00:05:51Are you kidding me?
00:05:54Gave birth to the next best wrestler on this planet, other than Christian Cage.
00:06:00I cannot think of another person that deserves to be recognized as a Trios champion other than her.
00:06:08Now let this be a warning to any Trios faction in the back that has eyes.
00:06:17Hold on.
00:06:18Wait a second.
00:06:19I can't.
00:06:20Castle Black!
00:06:25The former Trios champions,
00:06:28Malakai and Brody coming out.
00:06:35Buddy Matthews, conspicuous by his absence, was injured.
00:06:41Yeah, he was attacked, if you recall, back in the middle of June.
00:06:45Backstage by The Patriarchy.
00:06:48So here comes the Castle Black now.
00:06:51One man down.
00:06:54I wonder if Mother Wayne with her Trios belt is going to get involved in this physicality if it happens.
00:07:02I can answer that no.
00:07:04This was a terrible thing to happen to Killswitch.
00:07:07And you've got to agree with that.
00:07:10Well, well, well.
00:07:15The House of Black, huh?
00:07:17The House of Black.
00:07:19Malakai Black and Jelly Roll.
00:07:26Now I know why you're out here, huh?
00:07:28You're out here to stake claim as the number one contenders for the Trios championships.
00:07:34But I told you before, you're not a Trio anymore.
00:07:39There's only two of you. You're a tag team.
00:07:41And after what we did to Buddy Matthews, you're not going to be a Trio for a long, long time.
00:07:48So as far as I'm concerned, that distinction of being the number one contender is null and void.
00:07:55You didn't come out here to challenge us for these Trios championships.
00:08:01You came out here because you look at Christian Cage.
00:08:06And you realize that everything I touch turns to gold, right?
00:08:12I heard the hype train about Malakai Black all these years.
00:08:17And maybe you just haven't lived up to it and that's on you.
00:08:20So you came out here looking for a little advice.
00:08:24Not just any advice.
00:08:26Maybe some fatherly advice.
00:08:29So my advice to you is this.
00:08:32You saw us walk through the Bang Bang Gang two weeks ago like a hot knife through butter.
00:08:38If we did that to the three of them, imagine what the three of us could do to the two of you.
00:08:46Just imagine.
00:08:48So what were you thinking, huh?
00:08:50Coming here with the two of you, with the three of us.
00:08:52What the hell were you thinking?
00:09:01And I have no idea, fans, what's happening here in the ring, obviously.
00:09:04It's very dark here in the eSports.
00:09:08Buddy Matthews has arrived.
00:09:12Get out of there.
00:09:14We have not seen Buddy once again until the attack back in the month of June.
00:09:20And they're chanting Buddy's name, the House of Black, back together again.
00:09:26How about that?
00:09:28And quickly, the Patriot League takes over.
00:09:32Oh boy.
00:09:34We're not done yet.
00:09:36Here comes the Bang Bang Gang.
00:09:38What am I doing out here?
00:09:40Well, you've got another team.
00:09:42Another former six-man or 12-man team.
00:09:47Another team.
00:09:49Another former six-man or trios champion.
00:09:51They had their opportunities already.
00:09:53The patriarchy sent them to the back.
00:09:57And Nick Lane is running up.
00:09:59Wait a minute, it's Kip Sabian.
00:10:03Kip Sabian.
00:10:07Oh, there'll be payback for that, young man.
00:10:09Well, it's payback for what they were saying about Kip's father.
00:10:11We have seen that.
00:10:13It's been well documented.
00:10:15The patriarch's son is in the ring all alone.
00:10:20And don't you love it?
00:10:23It's karma is what it is.
00:10:27Boom, two.
00:10:29Buddy Matthews and the big guy, Brody.
00:10:33Again, it's karma for what they had said, what they had done to Buddy Matthews.
00:10:40Look at the face.
00:10:42His father watching on.
00:10:45The pain of his son.
00:10:49Because she's his mother.
00:10:51I said he.
00:10:55And now the Hasselblad and the Bang Bang Gang.
00:10:57A little stare down going on.
00:10:59And there's your patriarch.
00:11:03Oh, my.
00:11:05Look at this.
00:11:07Who's going to get a title shot?
00:11:09A very, very disturbed and I would say afraid Christian Cage.
00:11:13That is not fear you are seeing.
00:11:18That is a commanding presence.
00:11:25There we go.
00:11:27Christian Cage escapes to higher ground.
00:11:30Well, many teams chasing the A.W. Trios Championship last week here on TNT on Metal Adults 11.
00:11:37With a battle for the vacator Ring of Honor Six-Man Tag Team Championship, Nigel.
00:11:41That's right. With the title suspended.
00:11:43It was the Texas Dream Team with Dustin Rhodes and Rosh Marshall.
00:11:47A little bit of help from their father, Kevin, who took it to the Undisputed Kingdom.
00:11:52Proving you don't mess with Texas.
00:11:54Delighting their hometown fans.
00:11:56This week on Ring of Honor TV, it was Dark Water who took aim at one third of the new champions.
00:12:02Were it not for the return of another proud Texan, Sammy Guevara.
00:12:06Things would have ended very differently.
00:12:08With that in mind, let's go now to Lexi Nair.
00:12:11Standing by.
00:12:17Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time.
00:12:20The new Ring of Honor Six-Man Tag Team Champions.
00:12:23The natural, Dustin Rhodes.
00:12:26Hey, Lexi.
00:12:27And the Von Ericks.
00:12:29Hey, Lexi.
00:12:30Guys, what an emotional and exciting week it has been.
00:12:34Talk to me about what these titles mean to you.
00:12:36Oh, you just said it.
00:12:38It has been a very emotional week.
00:12:40Emotional last couple weeks, man.
00:12:44I'm 55 years old.
00:12:46And to step in the ring one more time.
00:12:50With a family that I have watched since I was a child.
00:12:54And these new, young, up-and-comers.
00:12:57The Von Ericks, Marshall and Ross.
00:12:59With the tutelage of Kevin Von Erick.
00:13:02The stars aligned.
00:13:04The Rhodes, the Von Ericks, took it to them.
00:13:08We took it to their limit.
00:13:10And we had more heart.
00:13:12And now you're looking at Texas best right here.
00:13:16The Six-Man Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions.
00:13:19Tell them, boys.
00:13:21That's right.
00:13:2212 years in this business.
00:13:24And the fans don't see the gut-wrenching prayers.
00:13:28And the heartache, the peaks and valleys.
00:13:31But we're here now.
00:13:32And to have a payoff like that.
00:13:34With our brother Dustin and our father present.
00:13:37It was the greatest night of my career.
00:13:40You know, guys.
00:13:41I think we can all officially say.
00:13:43The Von Erick Rhodes Era has officially begun.
00:13:54Look, Dustin.
00:13:55I know we have a very long, long history.
00:13:58And you may not trust me.
00:14:00But, uh.
00:14:01Look, just hold on, Sammy.
00:14:03You know.
00:14:04You know this.
00:14:06Trust is earned.
00:14:10Well, I'm looking to earn it.
00:14:12For a long, long time I have been stuck in a vortex.
00:14:14And for the first time in five years.
00:14:16I can be my own man.
00:14:18Make my own decisions.
00:14:19And what I want is to earn your trust.
00:14:22And I want to team with you in Ring of Honor.
00:14:25And Von Erick, I'm looking at you guys.
00:14:28Right here.
00:14:29This is the four Texas legends.
00:14:31This is history right here.
00:14:33I want to team with all you guys.
00:14:35I want to earn all your trust.
00:14:37And team in AEW.
00:14:39What do you say?
00:14:49Well, the Ring of Honor.
00:14:51Six man tag team champs and Sammy Guevara.
00:14:53Four very proud Texans.
00:14:55Sammy looking to earn some trust.
00:14:57From the natural Dusty Rhodes.
00:14:59As we go back to the ring.
00:15:01The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:15:03With a 20 minute time limit.
00:15:05H-U-Z first.
00:15:07From Mexico City, Mexico.
00:15:13CMLL's world historic middleweight champion.
00:15:15Who ran into some problems recently.
00:15:17At Arena Mexico.
00:15:19I certainly did.
00:15:21As normally universally loved in Mexico.
00:15:23But if you can watch your screens here.
00:15:26Seemingly not by everyone.
00:15:28The Lucha Libre legend here.
00:15:30Suffering a vicious attack.
00:15:32Seemingly perhaps.
00:15:34By El Hijo de Mistico.
00:15:36Teaching the Lucha Libre legend.
00:15:38A lesson.
00:15:40From the learning tree himself.
00:15:42Chris Jericho.
00:15:44Who made a statement.
00:15:46In his own stomping grounds.
00:15:50That was a statement.
00:15:56And a tag team partner.
00:15:58From Teotihuacan, Mexico.
00:16:02Hologram back here on Galicia for you.
00:18:47It's hologram.
00:18:49It's Hologram.
00:18:51It's the first time in the last year of Professional Wrestling.
00:18:55Give a big thanks to Mike
00:19:00Dartmouth women's wrestler.
00:19:02Tomnol Shinn.
00:19:04Athletes in Aug.
00:19:09They are so successful.
00:19:15The historic middleweight champion of CMLL is Mystico,
00:19:19and that's a reign of almost six years.
00:19:22And there's a double-leg pick-up that time,
00:19:24and down goes Daivari quickly.
00:19:27Oligram, when he gets moving quickly from rope to rope,
00:19:31it is sensational, like right there.
00:19:33Big and quick.
00:19:34Big tears and a dropkick from close quarters that time.
00:19:39Able to extend those legs,
00:19:41even though he was very, very close to Daivari.
00:19:43Tried to avoid it and caught the dropkick
00:19:45in the midsection instead,
00:19:46perhaps knocking his wind out a little bit.
00:19:48Oh, always a risk when you wear a mask.
00:19:52Pulling on the mask and getting back into no man's land.
00:19:54Here's a double-team from the premier athletes,
00:19:57and a warning from referee Brandon Martinez.
00:20:01Those are real premier athletes, folks!
00:20:04Rare miscalculation from this young man.
00:20:07I think he was so happy
00:20:09that he was impressing his tag-team partner.
00:20:12Well, well, there you go.
00:20:13Make a tag now.
00:20:19Down goes Daivari.
00:20:22And a shot in the very, very solid midsection of Tony Nese.
00:20:27Oh, a backflip to get out of that.
00:20:31Textbook action.
00:20:32Oh, look at this.
00:20:34Wow, couldn't expect that.
00:20:36It's almost like a silly string
00:20:38that we see from private party, and the fans love it.
00:20:40And now Mistico, a kick to Daivari,
00:20:43walking the ropes to the top.
00:20:45Textbook again!
00:20:51From Mistico to pick up.
00:20:54Elevated double-drop kick,
00:20:56using his partner as the springboard.
00:20:59Well, maybe they're not done yet.
00:21:01Here they go.
00:21:06How about that?
00:21:08How about that, Nese?
00:21:10Completely fooling members of the Premier Athletes
00:21:13and Mark Sterling.
00:21:15And it's a chance of Lucha.
00:21:17Lucha ring out here in Arlington, Texas.
00:21:22Tell you, the duo of Mistico and Hologram
00:21:27are sensational fans.
00:21:29This match will continue in picture-in-picture.
00:21:32Stay with us.
00:21:41Adaptable eyes, versatile eye.
00:21:44How can you get back on offense,
00:21:46which is exactly what the Premier Athletes have done?
00:21:52They have right now. Let's see if it continues.
00:21:55Well, right now...
00:21:56You give them their due sometimes.
00:21:58You're still upset that they took
00:21:59all the doughnuts away from catering.
00:22:01Well, that's another story,
00:22:02but you know what upsets me about them is,
00:22:05one, is Mark Sterling.
00:22:09I mean, a good lawyer would not come out
00:22:11and run his mouth in front of the fans
00:22:13and disparage the fans, insult the Rügen fans.
00:22:18That's the perk of his job.
00:22:20And would not pull down on the opponent's throat
00:22:24like that across the middle of the ring.
00:22:26Maybe he's just stretching his arms a little bit.
00:22:29You have an excuse for everything.
00:22:31I should be able to agree.
00:22:33You should not.
00:22:39The fans once again watching internationally.
00:22:41We are so excited about this being the road,
00:22:43or I should say the path to All-In in London.
00:22:48And, of course, you can still join us live as an athlete.
00:22:51Of course, it will be on pay-per-view,
00:22:57There he goes again!
00:22:58I think he's massaging his neck.
00:23:01Well, whatever he's doing, it's working.
00:23:04Only got a one count that time.
00:23:06He is kind, isn't he?
00:23:08Thought maybe missed going to bad neck,
00:23:10gave him a little bit of a massage back there.
00:23:12You know, that's great. He's a lawyer.
00:23:13He's a mouthpiece.
00:23:16Have a good word. He might come over and help you, Tony.
00:23:18Yeah, please. I don't think you'll fear away
00:23:21from helping his team in the ring.
00:23:22But right now, the premier athletes
00:23:25have the number one spot in the All-In.
00:23:28Right now, the premier athletes have the number of Mistico
00:23:32and his partner on the outside, Hologram,
00:23:35who's trying to continue an undefeated mark
00:23:37here in his arrival in AEW.
00:23:39Oh, he's using the mask to take down Mistico.
00:23:48And see, Tony, I don't agree with turning your attention
00:23:51to the fans like this in the middle of a battle.
00:23:54See, listen to that. Look at this.
00:23:58I don't get it. That's what they're doing.
00:24:04This tag team battle continues here on The Collision.
00:24:08Tony and I were with you earlier in the day
00:24:10here on Saturday than normal.
00:24:12It's great to have you with us as we head not only to All-In,
00:24:15but head to a big, big night of Dynamite Live
00:24:18for Winston-Salem Wednesday night on TBS.
00:24:22We'll be talking about it a little bit more later on.
00:24:25There's a forearm shot from Tony Nese
00:24:29as Hologram takes a tumble to the floor.
00:24:32This long-time allegiance between Ari Daivari
00:24:35and Tony Nese has been so successful.
00:24:38They've been part of many exciting hours of TV.
00:24:41Double back elbow from Mistico.
00:24:45Mistico trying to get the fans to rally.
00:24:47He's a little bit wobbly himself,
00:24:48but he grabbed Tony Nese.
00:24:50Spaghetti legs for a second,
00:24:51but he's getting that adrenaline flowing now on Mistico.
00:24:54Another tiaras that time.
00:24:56Down goes Nese and out, a block.
00:24:59One of the most iconic and idolized
00:25:02superstars of his generation.
00:25:04Yeah, he is. That's one of the reasons why.
00:25:07Oh, but he's down. He's in trouble here.
00:25:08Both men are down.
00:25:10He's probably still suffering
00:25:12from that lesson from the learning tree.
00:25:15Well, I doubt that because that was back in the month of June.
00:25:18I'm sure he has bounced back from that.
00:25:20That was one hell of a beating, though, Tony.
00:25:22Well, it was. I agree with that.
00:25:24Both men are down. Who's going to make a tag?
00:25:26Willoughby, Mistico on the left.
00:25:29Now, Willoughby on the door and Smith-Ticot.
00:25:32Here's Hologram.
00:25:34Rapid fire kicks.
00:25:36A big spin kick to the back of the head.
00:25:38Tony Nese in.
00:25:43Hologram. Doing it over on his own.
00:25:47Up on top of the shoulders.
00:25:51Arm dragging down and out.
00:25:53Tony Nese, hammerlock, pick up.
00:25:57Face plant. One, two, no.
00:26:01And the match goes on.
00:26:03Wow, what a matchup, man.
00:26:07We've had a lot going on here,
00:26:08and we're only still in our first hour here on TNT.
00:26:15Hologram continues to impress there in Texas.
00:26:19Line tag has been made. Tony Nese is in.
00:26:21Hologram turns right around, keeps the attacks on.
00:26:25Oh, great move by Tony Nese and a pick up.
00:26:29Oh! One, two, yes.
00:26:33Mistico saw that, could have won the match,
00:26:35and he comes in for the save.
00:26:36Smart veteran move from Mistico who,
00:26:38nonetheless, sent back outside for his troubles.
00:26:43Mario Daivari, the crown prince of style,
00:26:48as he now has the advantage in the two-on-one situation
00:26:52against this young Lucha Libre star
00:26:55who is doing his best to stay alive.
00:27:01Called for it. Has he taken too long?
00:27:04Mark Sterling did his job.
00:27:06Got the attention of Hologram.
00:27:09Nailing Daivari.
00:27:10Well, momentarily, he had to finish.
00:27:13Oh, God!
00:27:15It was a spear, and Mark Sterling is done.
00:27:21Hologram's gonna get sued for that, Mark, my words.
00:27:25Well, Mark Sterling, you know, if you come to ringside,
00:27:29that could happen.
00:27:30Hologram! Hologram!
00:27:33They're chanting Hologram's name.
00:27:35Tony Nese is on, and with a thrust kick,
00:27:38sends Hologram down.
00:27:39Here comes Mistico!
00:27:41Missile drop kick.
00:27:48Trying to get the crowd behind him.
00:27:50Boy, these all four men have given it everything
00:27:54in this match that will keep him in touch with Neo.
00:27:58Spinning and taking both members
00:28:00of the premier athletes down, Nigel.
00:28:02Oh, as young Hologram looks to shock
00:28:07everyone in attendance again.
00:28:11He took Mistico down as well.
00:28:13He took everybody down.
00:28:14Mistico hit very hard.
00:28:18A-1! A-1! A-1! A-1!
00:28:22There's a chance of A.W. ring out here
00:28:24at the Esports Stadium.
00:28:29One, two, winner!
00:28:34Here are your winners, Mistico and Hologram!
00:28:39Great win for the duo here on Collision.
00:28:41On Wednesday, fans, Bryan Danielson
00:28:43will meet Jeff Jarrett live on Dynamite.
00:28:45Now, a week ago, Danielson,
00:28:47after being fired up by the last outlaw,
00:28:49made a shocking statement about Wembley to Swerve Strickland,
00:28:52and that led to this unusual confrontation backstage.
00:28:57I was crushed that I didn't win the Owen,
00:29:00but you overcame the odds that I didn't.
00:29:03Now you got Wembley in the crosshairs.
00:29:06Now, you can sit on the fence.
00:29:07Hell, it sounds like you've got one foot out the door.
00:29:10If you're gonna go all in, freaking go all in.
00:29:13Let's talk about promises.
00:29:14I promised my family I would stop wrestling full-time,
00:29:19but I have not won the A.W. championship yet.
00:29:25At Wembley Stadium, I will go all in.
00:29:29Let me make a promise to you.
00:29:31You will not be walking out of all-in as champion.
00:29:35Hell, after I'm done with you, you may never walk again.
00:29:39Swerve, I have one more promise.
00:29:42If I don't win the A.W. world championship,
00:29:47I will never wrestle again.
00:29:53That's exactly how you go all in.
00:29:56That's the American dragon.
00:29:58You want to see if I'm all in?
00:30:01Why don't you see if I'm all in next week?
00:30:22Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
00:30:25the Gladiator, Mariah May!
00:30:30How about what Jeff Jarrett wants out of that match
00:30:32coming up on Wednesday?
00:30:34You're not even paying attention to me, are you?
00:30:36What are you talking about?
00:30:38How can you talk about anything else?
00:30:40He wants... I don't believe it!
00:30:42Anything goes, no disqualification.
00:30:43We're not worthy!
00:30:45We are not worthy!
00:30:50Mariah May shows...
00:30:52Making her way to the broadcast position.
00:30:54Oh, are you going to ask her to say something now?
00:30:59Are you asking her to...
00:31:00You're going to ask her to talk, are you?
00:31:05Mariah May, this belt is not yours.
00:31:08Can I speak?
00:31:10I can speak?
00:31:11Yeah, you can speak.
00:31:12Can I speak?
00:31:13Yes, you can.
00:31:14Can I speak now, bitch?
00:31:15Oh, okay.
00:31:17All right.
00:31:18Can I speak?
00:31:19I would like to...
00:31:21Yes, you can speak.
00:31:23You want me to keep speaking?
00:31:24Yes, I do want you to.
00:31:25You want to do commentary?
00:31:26Yeah, I would...
00:31:28That's what I do.
00:31:29Stop shaking!
00:31:31I can't speak.
00:31:33The cow on the train.
00:31:34I had you delay this for a long time to speak.
00:31:37Okay, well, I think you need to...
00:31:40We've got a Tony Storm here.
00:31:42I just said you were going to do what?
00:31:47Oh, my God!
00:31:49Tony Storm did not go to the ring!
00:31:51She did not go to the ring, and now...
00:31:54Oh, the shoe from Mariah May
00:31:57on the top of the head of Tony Storm!
00:32:00The last time she opened her up,
00:32:01Christopher Daniels of A.W.
00:32:04Move out of the way.
00:32:05Go backstage with me.
00:32:06What's the matter with you?
00:32:07Are you trying to lose your title, sir?
00:32:09This is chaos.
00:32:10What is going on?
00:32:11Great job, Christopher Daniels.
00:32:13I'm not going to let you come out of here
00:32:14and come to commentary.
00:32:15No, no, back up, back up.
00:32:18Back up, we got to go backstage.
00:32:19We got to go backstage.
00:32:20He's almost stepping in the line.
00:32:23My God, Tony Storm!
00:32:26Timeless Tony Storm!
00:32:30Off of the station area, she is out of control!
00:32:33That's a cat fight.
00:32:35What type of battle will it be in Wembley
00:32:38when Tony Storm puts the world title up
00:32:41against Mariah May?
00:32:43Right now, Tony Storm is not thinking about the title.
00:32:45Tony Storm has lost her mind.
00:32:48She's gone full Norma Desmond.
00:32:52And Tony Storm's still got a man.
00:32:53Here comes the hands of the glamour.
00:32:58Tony Storm is absolutely out of control of it.
00:33:00Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:33:04Fans want to let them fight.
00:33:05Well, you can better believe on the 25th of August,
00:33:08they're going to fight.
00:33:09Type it for Wembley.
00:33:15Tony Storm's got to turn around.
00:33:16She's got a match-up here.
00:33:21And absolutely.
00:33:23Rache Chanel.
00:33:25Rache Chanel, competitor.
00:33:27Absolutely, she's taking the opportunity
00:33:29to attack the eight-time Wembley champion as The Glamour.
00:33:34She still looks glamorous.
00:33:36Well, she's going up against a self-proclaimed passionista.
00:33:41And Rache Chanel.
00:33:44Could be seeing an upset.
00:33:45And look at the smile on the face of The Glamour.
00:33:51The Glamour enjoying watching what Chanel is doing here,
00:33:56sending Tony Storm in.
00:33:58Tony Storm, pick up a Tony Storm.
00:34:01Title's Tony Storm.
00:34:03It's just absolutely...
00:34:06Look at this, they're doing all they can now
00:34:09to hold Mariah May back.
00:34:11Well, they better do, otherwise she's going to come down here
00:34:13and she's got a big Tony Storm tip.
00:34:17I think it's Tony Storm that's got the advantage tonight.
00:34:23Well, Mariah May's just trying to...
00:34:25She's trying to get Tony Storm to come back up
00:34:27and fight some more, it looks like.
00:34:29Just smiling and glaring at her.
00:34:31Tony Storm full-on drag twist.
00:34:33A kick to the midsection.
00:34:35Pick up Storm Zero.
00:34:36Storm Zero.
00:34:38One, two, three.
00:34:40Tony Storm wins again.
00:34:42And your winner,
00:34:43the AEW Women's World Champion,
00:34:46Timeless Tony Storm.
00:34:50And absolutely out of control, Timeless Tony Storm.
00:34:54And of course, Mariah May being held back
00:34:56by security on the rampway.
00:34:59Wednesday live on Dynamite,
00:35:00how Fletcher beats American champion MJF
00:35:03as Fletcher looks for some payback
00:35:05for his friend Will Ospreay.
00:35:08I first met Will Ospreay when I was 18 years old.
00:35:12So, of course, at first I was intimidated by Will.
00:35:14He was this big star.
00:35:15I was a skinny kid from Australia.
00:35:17I don't know why he took me under his wing.
00:35:19I am a better wrestler, but more importantly,
00:35:22a better man because of Will.
00:35:24Oh, you like Will Ospreay, huh?
00:35:26Oh, look at this.
00:35:27MJF with the attack, of course.
00:35:29Gutless coward.
00:35:32I know you said no more getting involved
00:35:34in Ospreay's business, but that is my brother.
00:35:37Max, allow me to reintroduce myself.
00:35:40I am your karma coming to bite you in the ass.
00:35:44You get down here so I can punch your face
00:35:46a couple more times.
00:35:47Nobody punches an American hero
00:35:50and gets away with it.
00:35:52Dynamite next week.
00:35:54I am going to break your neck,
00:35:57and there will only be one man to blame.
00:36:00All the things that Will Ospreay has done for me,
00:36:03the only thing I can do is promise
00:36:05that I will have his back till the day I die.
00:36:11Unfortunately, we're headed to Arena Mexico.
00:36:14I'm going to have to wrestle a luchador named Templario.
00:36:17I bet this entire place is made of asbestos.
00:36:19But the good news is, is I'm going to get to defend
00:36:21my great nation's honor with this championship.
00:36:24MJF, welcome to Arena Mexico.
00:36:26This is Arena Mexico.
00:36:28This is the most historic building in the world.
00:36:29It's gorgeous. It's an incredible place.
00:36:33Is it?
00:36:34I am an American hero!
00:36:37You guys are lucky.
00:36:38You guys are lucky to have me.
00:36:39I'm looking forward to beating Templario quickly.
00:36:42I am the American champion,
00:36:44and I hail from the only country that matters,
00:36:48the good old U.S. of A, baby!
00:36:50Back to the matter is, is by me coming here,
00:36:53I get to show you guys a superior culture
00:36:56and a superior athlete.
00:36:58And for that, you're welcome.
00:37:03That is no representation of an American hero,
00:37:06but he is still the American champion.
00:37:08It's MJF after last night.
00:37:10The following contest is scheduled for one fall
00:37:13in June 1st.
00:37:14Representing the John Cappos family
00:37:16from Sydney, Australia, weighing 239 pounds,
00:37:21Kyle Fletcher!
00:37:26Yes, Kyle Fletcher makes his way out
00:37:28for this next matchup.
00:37:30What a talented young man Kyle Fletcher is.
00:37:34Kyle Fletcher is and has grown under the guidance
00:37:38of the man to my left here, Don Callis.
00:37:41He's really come along under my tutelage, has he not?
00:37:44Yes, he has.
00:37:45At the start, he was what Dusty Rhodes used to say
00:37:47was a puppy with big paws.
00:37:50And he's really grown into it now.
00:37:52And look at him, 6'4", 230, looks fantastic.
00:37:56Got his work cut out for him tonight, though.
00:37:58Yeah, and as we found out yesterday on Rampage,
00:38:03you didn't want this matchup.
00:38:05No, Brian Cage is 280 pounds.
00:38:07He's a very dangerous million-dollar athlete
00:38:10with a 5-cent brain.
00:38:11Actually, a 5-cent brain is used to make change,
00:38:14more like a 2-cent brain.
00:38:17With that in mind, let's go back to Arcadiara.
00:38:19And his opponent, from Chico, California,
00:38:22weighing 274 pounds, The Machine, Brian Cage!
00:38:30Yesterday, Brian Cage had walked right onto the interview set
00:38:33where you and Kyle were talking about Will Ospreay
00:38:37and his friendship and MJF and what's
00:38:40going to happen on Wednesday.
00:38:42And you just told Cage, get out of here.
00:38:45And then you were very upset that he
00:38:46was kind of focused on Cage.
00:38:48He's an overgrown ignoramus.
00:38:52He's a visigoth.
00:38:53He has no class.
00:38:55He knows better than to come and interrupt
00:38:57one of our interview times.
00:38:59But he didn't anyway.
00:39:00And now he's going to pay the price, Nigel.
00:39:02Well, that's right.
00:39:03Sometimes you have to be taught a lesson.
00:39:07Like you were just taught a lesson by Mariah May, Tony.
00:39:10You should have seen it, Don.
00:39:11He was cowering like a small child,
00:39:14like a spooled baby.
00:39:17Yes, Miss May.
00:39:19Yeah, you didn't use the B-word then, did you?
00:39:22All right, it is time for this matchup.
00:39:24And for this young man, Kyle Fletcher,
00:39:29coming up in a mere four days, he's got a match with MJF.
00:39:35And you know, I think that that match was taken
00:39:38out of a lot of emotion.
00:39:40And I didn't recommend it.
00:39:41But having said that, now that we're doing it,
00:39:43imagine what the wrestling world will be talking about
00:39:46when Kyle Fletcher beats MJF.
00:39:48Yeah, well, let's see what's left of Kyle
00:39:50Fletcher after this matchup.
00:39:52I'm telling you, this is not the man
00:39:53you want to face in any scenario,
00:39:56much less leading into a big match with MJF.
00:39:59I don't recommend chopping a man with chests like Brian Cage.
00:40:04Now let's see what happens as Cage sends Fletcher in.
00:40:07Fletcher's so tall and rangy.
00:40:09Big back elbow, and Fletcher goes down hard.
00:40:12Kyle Fletcher reminds me of a young Barry Windham
00:40:15in terms of his build and his ability
00:40:18to move around that ring.
00:40:19That's a good analogy.
00:40:20And there's a big knee that time from Fletcher.
00:40:23Certainly is prodigious.
00:40:25He's more than earned his spot in the Don Carlos family.
00:40:28If I could talk for you, Don, he has certainly
00:40:30proven a gift year round after being born on Christmas Eve.
00:40:35Oh, my goodness.
00:40:37Nigel, as far as I'm concerned, you
00:40:38can say anything you want on behalf of the family.
00:40:41To me, you're the greatest color commentator
00:40:43in the history of the business right up there with me.
00:40:45Well, I appreciate that.
00:40:46You seem to agree with Pro Wrestling Illustrated.
00:40:49So certainly.
00:40:52I'm so honored to just be standing between you two men,
00:40:54to be honest with you.
00:40:55Maybe some of the greatness will rub off on you.
00:40:57Look at Brian Cage now resorting to dastardly tactics
00:41:01here against Kyle Fletcher.
00:41:03Brian Cage, a former FTW champion.
00:41:06His first arrival in AEW is back in 2020
00:41:09when he won our first casino ladder match.
00:41:15Fresh kick that time by Fletcher.
00:41:16Fletcher going to the top of the rampway now.
00:41:20Getting a hit of steam.
00:41:21Here he comes.
00:41:24And fans, this match continues.
00:41:26And picture in picture, stay with us.
00:41:31To have a size disadvantage like he has with Brian Cage,
00:41:35he usually has the size advantage.
00:41:36Cage is a physical freak.
00:41:39You know, momentum is mass times velocity.
00:41:44You're facing someone who's twice as big as you.
00:41:47You've got to move twice as fast.
00:41:49Kyle Fletcher, the former Ring of Honor television champion.
00:41:53Pick up in the grips of the big man.
00:41:56Here it goes.
00:41:58Death Valley driver that time.
00:42:13All right, Don Callis, your man is hurting here.
00:42:16Listen, Brian Cage, as I mentioned,
00:42:19very dangerous, very, very powerful.
00:42:22And it's not just the power, guys.
00:42:24It's the athleticism.
00:42:25He can do things that people his size should not be able to do.
00:42:29His problem has never been physical.
00:42:31His problem has been mental.
00:42:34He got into the muscle line twice
00:42:35and skipped the brain line up in heaven or wherever he came from.
00:42:39I get all those insults.
00:42:40You were in the back of both of those lines, Tony.
00:42:45That's because you were waiting in the donut line.
00:42:49No, please stop.
00:42:50What I'm saying is, regardless of what you think about his brains and his brawn,
00:42:55the fact is that he has taken apart your young man right here,
00:42:59four days removed from your young man at MJF,
00:43:03upholding the honor of his good friend, Will Ospreay.
00:43:06This really goes to the mindset of Kyle Fletcher.
00:43:10He has his match against MJF.
00:43:12Logic would dictate, Nigel and Tony, that you...
00:43:20We are back on AEW Collision.
00:43:23Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGinnis with you here at Esports Stadium
00:43:27in the Dallas Metroplex.
00:43:30Big machine Brian Cage with Kyle Fletcher up top.
00:43:35Oh, no, this doesn't look good.
00:43:38Oh, my God, he landed on his shoulder.
00:43:41One, two, no.
00:43:44That was horrifying right there, Nigel.
00:43:46You and I both winced because unlike Schiavone,
00:43:48we've actually been in the line of fire.
00:43:50No offense, Tony.
00:43:51Plenty of offense taken, and watch out.
00:43:54Brian Cage.
00:43:56Hoping for it.
00:43:57Yeah, the droop long.
00:43:59This move scares me.
00:44:01Oh, look at this.
00:44:02Rode him off.
00:44:03One, two, and no.
00:44:05Still didn't get it.
00:44:07Forearm shot.
00:44:10Thrust kick.
00:44:11Forearm shot.
00:44:14Cage poses in front of him and missed.
00:44:18Misses again.
00:44:19Fletcher, hammerlock, pick up.
00:44:21Look at this power by Fletcher.
00:44:24Big piledriver.
00:44:26One, two, three.
00:44:28Oh, Fletcher wins it.
00:44:30And a medal.
00:44:33Yes, please do.
00:44:34You've earned it.
00:44:37Good seeing you.
00:44:40God count us.
00:44:42Kyle Fletcher said he wanted a nice warmup
00:44:45for his match with MJF.
00:44:47It's Fletcher on Dynamite.
00:44:48A warmup.
00:44:49It was not.
00:44:51You are exactly right, Nigel McGuinness.
00:44:53It was not a warmup.
00:44:55It was a hell of a match.
00:44:59All right, let's go down to the ring as Kyle Fletcher
00:45:01has the microphone.
00:45:03Right now, I want to talk to one person,
00:45:06and one person only.
00:45:14I know you're sitting there watching.
00:45:16You've got nothing better to do.
00:45:17No friends, no family.
00:45:18Because you all know I'm the most self-centered son
00:45:21of a beach I've ever met.
00:45:25And I hope you're quaking in your boots right now.
00:45:27I hope your tummy's a little tingly.
00:45:29Because I just dropped a 300-pound monster on his neck.
00:45:33And you know if that happens to you Wednesday,
00:45:36maybe you don't go to Wembley.
00:45:41And that idea, oh, that fills me with so much joy, Maxwell,
00:45:45that I just have an idea.
00:45:49If you are the American hero you say you are,
00:45:53this Wednesday night you will put that American championship
00:45:56on the line.
00:46:00And then maybe I go to Wembley
00:46:03as the international champion
00:46:06and face off against my best friend Will Ospreay.
00:46:11So how about it, Max?
00:46:13Are you going to accept or are you a coward
00:46:16like we all think you are?
00:46:20Hey, Kyle Fletcher!
00:46:22Kyle Fletcher, I'm up here!
00:46:24Idiot, you sound stupid.
00:46:26You sound like a moron, okay?
00:46:28You know what I sound like?
00:46:29I sound like a perfect American.
00:46:32So let me explain something to you.
00:46:34You're just a typical foreign invader
00:46:37trying to steal things away from hard-working Americans like myself
00:46:40that you haven't earned.
00:46:42Buddy, there is a laundry list of guys in line in front of you
00:46:45that deserve a shot at the most coveted championship
00:46:48in all of professional wrestling.
00:46:51Not everybody gets to be famous like you
00:46:53just by riding Will Ospreay's coattails.
00:46:55Some of us actually become famous by beating Will Ospreay
00:46:59without breaking a sweat and getting an easy dub.
00:47:03But I wouldn't expect you to be able to do that, Coyle,
00:47:06because you're not an American hero such as myself.
00:47:09But I'll tell you what, I'm not just an American hero.
00:47:12I'm not just humble. I'm not just handsome.
00:47:14I'm also salt of the earth.
00:47:16So I'm going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime, Kyle Fletcher.
00:47:19Such a stupid accent.
00:47:21American accents are better.
00:47:23Here is the opportunity.
00:47:24I'm going to give you an eliminator match this upcoming Wednesday.
00:47:27Yeah, that's right. That's right.
00:47:29Meaning if you can pin or submit me on Wednesday night, Dynamite,
00:47:32in North Carolina in front of all those white trash redneck hicks,
00:47:36I'm willing to give you a shot
00:47:39at the almighty American championship the following week.
00:47:42But that's not going to happen, though, is it, Kyle?
00:47:45I'll tell you what's going to happen.
00:47:47Unlike you, I'm not an Australian barbarian.
00:47:49I'm a professional wrestler.
00:47:52I'm an American hero,
00:47:54and I'm going to teach you what real wrestling is all about.
00:47:58And for that lesson, my friend,
00:48:01you can thank me later.
00:48:07Well, MJF said we'll make it an eliminator match.
00:48:11And if Kyle Fletcher can win on Wednesday,
00:48:14he will get a shot at the American championship.
00:48:19I learned a long time ago that pain is just perception.
00:48:23When I'm hurting, I've got the biggest match in my career.
00:48:27It's serving me well right now.
00:48:29A lot of people think that they know what 100% is.
00:48:32100% is where 101% is not physically possible.
00:48:36I'm training for this at 100%.
00:48:40Sometimes people forget that he's an animal, that he's a killer.
00:48:43The switch is flipped.
00:48:45This is the most focused, the most driven,
00:48:47the most violent I've seen Brian Danielson.
00:48:49I'm pushing Wheeler every time that we train together.
00:48:52Go after the neck, go after the neck, go after the neck.
00:48:54Swerve Strickland is the most dangerous man in AEW.
00:48:57But if he knows my neck is hurt,
00:48:59like everyone knows my neck is hurt,
00:49:01he's going to go after it, and I've got to be prepared for it.
00:49:04And I'm his friend, I'm his training partner.
00:49:06You see what he's doing to me,
00:49:08you can't imagine what he's going to do to Swerve.
00:49:10Swerve's got his championship on the line.
00:49:12Swerve's got his championship on the line.
00:49:14Brian Danielson is putting his life on the line.
00:49:17If I don't win the AEW World Championship,
00:49:24I will never wrestle again.
00:49:30Brian Danielson is ready for All-In,
00:49:32but Swerve Strickland is not ready for the American Dragon.
00:49:36Swerve at All-In is the biggest match of my career.
00:49:40And I'm training like it.
00:49:45Jeff, this Wednesday on Dynamite,
00:49:47you're taking on Brian Danielson.
00:49:49I was there when this match was made.
00:49:50I think it was pretty unexpected.
00:49:51Ernest, can we just have a minute, please?
00:49:53Just a minute.
00:49:54Ernest, speaking of a minute, let me say it.
00:49:56If it wasn't for Hangman last week at Royal Rampage,
00:49:59then this man right here, Jeff Jarrett,
00:50:01would have a world title shot at Grand Slam right now.
00:50:03And if it wasn't for Hangman last month,
00:50:05you would have had a world title shot at All-In.
00:50:07That's right, that's a fact.
00:50:08You guys definitely need to do something
00:50:10about that insane, lunatic, butt-baroo wannabe cowboy.
00:50:14Calm down, calm down, guys.
00:50:17I didn't get what I wanted, and neither did Hangman.
00:50:20But the difference between the two of us is
00:50:22I'm gonna make the most of my situation.
00:50:26So Brian Danielson, I couldn't be more thrilled
00:50:30than to be a part of getting you ready for All-In.
00:50:34But you gotta get more than ready for All-In.
00:50:36You gotta get ready for Swerve.
00:50:38Now you know it, and I know it.
00:50:41Swerve is the most dangerous man in all of AEW.
00:50:45So if you're gonna get ready for Swerve,
00:50:47you better get ready for anything.
00:50:50So I've been thinking, Brian.
00:50:52This Wednesday, Winston-Salem Dynamite,
00:50:55why don't we take it back?
00:50:56Take it back to my old stomping grounds,
00:50:58where I broke in, Memphis, Tennessee.
00:51:01Yeah, Memphis, we were doing hardcore wrestling
00:51:04before it was even called hardcore wrestling.
00:51:07That's right, let's go no time limit,
00:51:09no disqualification, anything goes.
00:51:12What I'm trying to say, Brian, is
00:51:14there are no rules this Wednesday.
00:51:19Brian Danielson, I respect you as a wrestler,
00:51:24and I damn sure respect you as a man.
00:51:27But as the old song lyric goes,
00:51:30now you're on the fighting side of me.
00:51:35Brian, this Wednesday,
00:51:39I'm gonna introduce you to the last outlaw.
00:51:44And fans, Tony Conn has made it official,
00:51:46anything goes this coming Wednesday.
00:51:49Jeff Jarrett and Brian Danielson,
00:51:51and fans, we understand,
00:51:53live Wednesday in Winston-Salem,
00:51:55a special guest that night, Ricky Steamboat.
00:51:59As we go back to the ring...
00:52:00The following is a three-way contest,
00:52:02it's a 4-1 call.
00:52:04Introducing first, representing the Black Ribbon Combat Club,
00:52:07from Lucerne, Switzerland,
00:52:09weighing 232 pounds,
00:52:12Plato Castagnoli!
00:52:16A big three-way match, Nigel,
00:52:18with title implications here tonight in our first bout.
00:52:23That's right, the winner of this match
00:52:25will get a title opportunity
00:52:27for the Continental Championship
00:52:30currently held by Okada.
00:52:32And you want to talk about trust,
00:52:34Claudio Castagnoli is a man you can trust
00:52:37to continue to show his world-class ability.
00:52:41Recently took the A.W.F. World Champion
00:52:44Swerve Strickland to the limit.
00:52:46He said, I'm not a shiny new toy,
00:52:49I'm a wooden toy that you can't break.
00:52:52Unlike his BCC teammate, Brian Danielson,
00:52:55who's kind of like Humpty Dumpty.
00:52:58You don't stop, do you?
00:53:00You just do not stop.
00:53:03This is the 100th match in A.W. for Claudio Castagnoli,
00:53:06of which he's won 72 of them.
00:53:09But we've got three men, two more to come.
00:53:12Next, coming into the ring by Shane Taylor,
00:53:15he is the Ring of Honor pure champion,
00:53:18titleless title, Lee Moriarty!
00:53:24Well, if you believe in momentum,
00:53:28Lee Moriarty's got plenty of momentum.
00:53:31Recently becoming the Ring of Honor television champion,
00:53:35or the pure champion, I should say.
00:53:38And in doing so, Tony, taking the final title
00:53:42from the Blackpool Combat Club,
00:53:45away from Wheeler Yuta,
00:53:48who apparently may be considering leaving
00:53:50the Blackpool Combat Club now.
00:53:53Just what I heard.
00:53:55You're making this stuff up.
00:53:57I'm a broadcast journalist, Tony.
00:53:59I'm not giving away my sources.
00:54:04One more to go, and it's going back to the ring.
00:54:09And here's Arkeny one more time.
00:54:12They're coming from Kanagawa, Japan,
00:54:14weighing 220 pounds,
00:54:16the Stone Pit Bull Tomohiro Ishii!
00:54:22Remember, look at Lawrence.
00:54:26As tough as they come,
00:54:29a lot of neck strength.
00:54:32The Stone Pit Bull,
00:54:34originally trained by the Vegetables,
00:54:37The Stone Pit Bull,
00:54:39originally trained by the Vegetables Japanese legends
00:54:42Tenryu and Choshu.
00:54:45As I said, he is a very tough man to beat.
00:54:49Although Roderick Strong
00:54:51did a good job recently against him
00:54:54after calling him Lego Man, no less.
00:54:59It's disrespectful of you, Tony.
00:55:02Tomohiro Ishii.
00:55:03You should hear what he calls you.
00:55:06Here we go for this matchup.
00:55:08It's a three-way match.
00:55:11There you see the pure champion in Ring of Honor,
00:55:14Claudio Castagnoli and Tomohiro Ishii,
00:55:18who, by the way, is a former Ring of Honor television champion
00:55:21and had ten title reigns
00:55:24in New Japan Pro Wrestling in his career.
00:55:28Beat Roderick Strong for that Ring of Honor TV title.
00:55:32And, of course, this three-way contest,
00:55:36And, of course, this three-way contest,
00:55:37one full or submission to a finish.
00:55:40So you've got to be careful.
00:55:41You can't avoid the action too long.
00:55:43But look at Lee Moriarty.
00:55:45I've got to say, in my mind,
00:55:47I've got to say, in my mind,
00:55:48aside from myself,
00:55:49he's the greatest Ring of Honor pure champion of all time.
00:55:52he's the greatest Ring of Honor pure champion of all time.
00:55:53That's some pretty high accolades.
00:55:55It really is.
00:55:56And, by the way,
00:55:57you already touched on it.
00:55:59in a three-way match
00:56:00where a title shot is on the line.
00:56:03What type of strategy?
00:56:04I mean, for Lee Moriarty,
00:56:05I would think he needs to get back in the ring
00:56:07if he can as quickly as possible here.
00:56:08All you've got to do is make sure
00:56:10the other two people in this contest
00:56:12don't beat each other.
00:56:14So you just hang back
00:56:16wait for the first pinfall attempt,
00:56:17and you come.
00:56:19Well, you do that if you're Lee Moriarty.
00:56:21That's Tiger style.
00:56:23A shotgun dropkick
00:56:25connected on both men,
00:56:26and Moriarty now going right after him.
00:56:28He's seeing you here.
00:56:29Look at this.
00:56:30What a champion,
00:56:31and I'll tell you this much.
00:56:34After winning the Ring of Honor pure championship,
00:56:37I was here early today,
00:56:39and as soon as the building opened,
00:56:41Lee Moriarty was the first man in the ring to practice.
00:56:45I didn't see Wheeler Yuter in there.
00:56:47Because he's not booked here tonight.
00:56:50He's not here.
00:56:52All right, Tony,
00:56:53you can prove anything with facts.
00:56:54Okay, here's a pick up
00:56:58from Claudio Castagnoli
00:57:00coming in to pick up the pieces this time.
00:57:02And this, our opening bout,
00:57:04we've already heard from Christian Cage,
00:57:07who skedaddled when the heat got too much in the kitchen,
00:57:12so to speak.
00:57:13He made a technical restrict.
00:57:16And we still got top to bottom.
00:57:18A great program, again,
00:57:20as the path to all-in continues.
00:57:24Oh, beautiful transition,
00:57:26looking for rear naked choke.
00:57:28Moriarty is a master of submissions.
00:57:31One, two.
00:57:32Moriarty got a two count on Claudio.
00:57:34And Claudio now hits the ropes on the far side.
00:57:37How about that drop kick by Moriarty?
00:57:40Once again, we talk about momentum.
00:57:42There's no question that right now,
00:57:44Lee Moriarty's feeling good.
00:57:45He's got plenty of momentum.
00:57:46Hitting the ropes.
00:57:47Here he goes.
00:57:53And this match on collegiate continues
00:57:56in picture-in-picture.
00:57:58What a start from the new Ring of Honor
00:58:01pure champion Lee Moriarty.
00:58:04In my mind, this is Moriarty's match to lose, Tony.
00:58:09Well, if he can win it,
00:58:10he's gonna win it over two tremendous veterans.
00:58:16And look at the face of Claudio.
00:58:19Oh, a big forearm shot.
00:58:22By Claudio Castagnoli.
00:58:27A big shot.
00:58:28A stone pit bull.
00:58:30Laying it in to Castagnoli,
00:58:32who brings it right back.
00:58:34There is no question that Ishii
00:58:36is one of the most difficult men to hurt.
00:58:39It seems like he's always moving forward
00:58:42after his opponent.
00:58:43He's a masochist, Tony.
00:58:44He likes to be heard.
00:58:47Heard that about you?
00:58:48No, there's nothing.
00:58:49In a very different way.
00:58:53Forearm shot and Ishii.
00:58:56And now Claudio Castagnoli.
00:58:58As the battle goes on the outside,
00:59:01once again, this match to determine
00:59:05who will get a shot at the Continental Championship
00:59:07held by Kazuchika Okada,
00:59:11a member of the elite,
00:59:12and now Ishii chomping away here on Lee Moriarty.
00:59:16Come on!
00:59:21Strikes are coming in from every which way possible.
00:59:25The official, Stevon Smith,
00:59:27had better be careful he doesn't get chopped.
00:59:29As great as Lee Moriarty is,
00:59:31I don't think that he is the favorite
00:59:33in a chopping contest against Ishii
00:59:35and Claudio Castagnoli.
00:59:37Well, maybe not,
00:59:38but I guarantee it won't stay a chopping contest very long.
00:59:41Yeah, well, I would agree with that.
00:59:43And Ishii got rocked on that one by Moriarty.
00:59:47Take a look at what we're watching here on Collision.
00:59:51And fans, of course,
00:59:52our fans in London and the UK,
00:59:55don't forget it's August 25th.
00:59:57It's on a Sunday.
00:59:59It's all in at Wembley Stadium.
01:00:01Tickets at
01:00:07for you to join us for the biggest event in wrestling
01:00:10in its second year, all in.
01:00:13Watch the end of Brian Danielson's career as well.
01:00:16Oh, stop it, please.
01:00:17That's worth the price of admission alone.
01:00:20Brian has put it all on the line.
01:00:22We'll talk more about that a little bit later on.
01:00:40Tomohiro Ishii, Lee Moriarty,
01:00:42the pure champion of Ring of Honor,
01:00:44and Claudio Castagnoli,
01:00:46former Ring of Honor world champion,
01:00:48are battling it out here
01:00:50with the winner in this three-way match
01:00:52to go on to get a shot at the AEW Continental Championship.
01:01:01Welcome back to TNT.
01:01:02This three-way match here on Collision continues.
01:01:06And these three men are in the midst of a chop fest
01:01:09right now, Nigel.
01:01:10Watch out!
01:01:11Oh, backdrop drive up.
01:01:14Crossing spear out.
01:01:16Oh, wow, he just runs over,
01:01:18and Claudio will pick him up with a release German,
01:01:21but Ishii pops back up
01:01:23and a release of his own.
01:01:25And now Lee Moriarty.
01:01:27We go from a chubby contest
01:01:30to a German suplex contest.
01:01:35Now forearms.
01:01:37What a big lariat,
01:01:39as Claudio wipes him down.
01:01:41And the fans love it here.
01:01:43Our referee is Stephon Smith
01:01:45kicking it on all men here
01:01:48on Collision on this early Saturday evening.
01:01:52Fans will be talking about it a little more.
01:01:54We've got a tremendous
01:01:56AEW dynamite coming your way
01:01:58live from Winston-Salem, North Carolina,
01:02:018 o'clock Eastern on Wednesday night.
01:02:04Brian Dennis is going to get his mouth shut.
01:02:06Oh, please.
01:02:10Lee Moriarty down and out right now.
01:02:12It's here two men, a European uppercut by Claudio.
01:02:15He'll hit the ropes.
01:02:16Ishii was waiting on him.
01:02:19There you see the bottom of your screen.
01:02:20Moriarty quickly coming in.
01:02:22Look at this.
01:02:23Showing up.
01:02:24One, two, and almost winning it.
01:02:28Lee Moriarty is the MVP of this match, to my mind.
01:02:32Big pump kick.
01:02:33Sending Ishii out once again.
01:02:36Oh, no.
01:02:37Claudio catching up.
01:02:38He's got Moriarty in trouble.
01:02:40And he's got the giant swing on.
01:02:43And all the fans love this one.
01:02:45Timeout, timeout.
01:02:46Oh, come on.
01:02:47I know he meant to bring this up.
01:02:49But there's no timeout.
01:02:50But certainly Lee Moriarty would like one right now.
01:02:54And look at this.
01:02:56He's picking up speed with those revolutions.
01:02:59What amazes me, one of the things that amazes me,
01:03:03is that Claudio can even hold his balance
01:03:05after he drops his opponent from the giant swing.
01:03:09You see, Tony, it took a lot of energy out of Castagnoli.
01:03:12And he gets tripped up on the outside by Ishii,
01:03:15who's going to try to go back in
01:03:17and take advantage of the giant swing.
01:03:20No, he's got caught.
01:03:21Lee Moriarty, one, two.
01:03:24Lee Moriarty almost won it.
01:03:28A pump kick.
01:03:29Moriarty still dizzy, as you can see.
01:03:31And down goes Moriarty.
01:03:33Ishii with a cover.
01:03:34One, two.
01:03:36And Claudio.
01:03:37Well done, Claudio.
01:03:38Headbutt, moving Ishii out of the way.
01:03:41Maybe there's a spot for Claudio Castagnoli
01:03:44in Shane Taylor Promotions.
01:03:46Oh, he's certainly better than the BCC.
01:03:48With time, they disbanded.
01:03:50Brian Daggerston's made it clear
01:03:52he's got no interest in anybody else's career.
01:03:54Clearly no interest in his own career.
01:03:56The way he put it on the line against Wolf Strickland.
01:03:58You are unbelievable.
01:04:00I appreciate that.
01:04:01European uppercut by Claudio.
01:04:03Ishii back and forth.
01:04:05Left and right elbow shots.
01:04:07European uppercuts, left and right,
01:04:09here now by Castagnoli.
01:04:12A rising Inzaguri that time.
01:04:14And a roll-up.
01:04:15Here's a one, two, and oh.
01:04:18Only a two-count.
01:04:20Ducking is Lee Moriarty.
01:04:21Rolls up.
01:04:22Ishii, but no.
01:04:24Beautiful transition.
01:04:26Border City stretch.
01:04:27Got the Border City stretch on.
01:04:29How close is Ishii to the rope here?
01:04:32He's reaching with the right hand.
01:04:36He's close to tapping.
01:04:38I would agree.
01:04:39No, he rolls him up.
01:04:43Get out of there, Lee.
01:04:45Lee is out.
01:04:46He's up.
01:04:47Got the foot up.
01:04:48Claudio from the other side.
01:04:50He misses but connects.
01:04:52And here's Ishii and Claudio in the ring.
01:04:57Try maybe a brain buster that time.
01:05:02One, two.
01:05:04A pick-up by Claudio.
01:05:06The strength of Claudio.
01:05:10Face plant him and covers Lee.
01:05:12One, two.
01:05:14Oh, and a save.
01:05:15Well done, Ishii.
01:05:17Oh, the match continues.
01:05:20Well, whichever of these three's competitors move on to fight for the
01:05:24continental title against Okada.
01:05:27It's going to be a great matchup.
01:05:29Hit it this time.
01:05:30Sliding lariat but pulled out by Claudio.
01:05:35Claudio now.
01:05:37A flying European uppercut on Lee.
01:05:40One, two, three.
01:05:42Gets Claudio.
01:05:43Here is your winner, Claudio Castagnoli.
01:05:48A great matchup at the Continental Collision three-way match.
01:05:50And now for Claudio Castagnoli.
01:05:52He gets his shot at Kazuchika Okada and the Continental Championship.
01:06:00Well, as the stump pinball makes its way to the ring,
01:06:03and RLA spirit champion Lee Moriarty is being checked on by Shane Taylor.
01:06:08Reminder, coming up next, women's competition.
01:06:11Thunder Rosa takes on Taya Valkyrie.
01:06:14That's all next as we continue on TNT.
01:06:21This last Thursday on Ring of Honor,
01:06:23we saw the debut of the latest addition to Top Flight, Miss Layla Gray.
01:06:28Guys, walk me through how you all came together.
01:06:30Absolutely, Lexi.
01:06:31You see, when Top Flight rang my flight attendant call button, I stepped up.
01:06:36And together we are taking off and we are going straight to the top, baby.
01:06:41It's a pretty new look, but the goal is still the same.
01:06:44And that goal is just...
01:06:49Hey, Mason.
01:06:50What's that, Manson?
01:06:51I think I figured out what TSA stands for.
01:06:54And that is?
01:06:55Their style is ass.
01:06:59I mean, look at Layla Gray with her garish colors.
01:07:02And that little tie, what is it, a tie for ants?
01:07:06Top Flight, you like to fly, right?
01:07:08Well, we just flew in from Milan.
01:07:10Do you know where Milan is?
01:07:11What am I saying?
01:07:12Of course you don't.
01:07:13You probably think Milan is a cookie.
01:07:15You know what?
01:07:16You two interrupting us just put you a spot on our no-fly list.
01:07:19You know what that means?
01:07:21That means that don't fly.
01:07:24Well, you know what this means?
01:07:26It means this interview is over.
01:07:29This is our interview.
01:07:34Well, MXM, what in the world are they doing interrupting the interview
01:07:50and talking about style?
01:07:52Layla Gray's got plenty of style.
01:07:54Top Flight's got all kinds of style.
01:07:58Let's go to Arkansas.
01:07:59The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 20-minute time limit.
01:08:02Introducing first, from the graveyard of Tijuana, Mexico,
01:08:07the Man of the Matter, Thunder Rosa!
01:08:12A lot has happened over the last couple of weeks.
01:08:14Nigel McGuinness.
01:08:15Well, that's right.
01:08:16It wasn't long ago that the highly anticipated final chapter in the rivalry
01:08:20between Rosa and Diana Peraza.
01:08:23The gun that came off of the Lama Dash from the outside coming into play,
01:08:26but it was a giant bow carry.
01:08:28Getting involved specifically, handing Rosa the turnbuckle,
01:08:31getting a debauched Rosa to beat the victory and end the conflict.
01:08:35This took us to last week in the Battle of the Belts,
01:08:38where Lightning would have struck twice.
01:08:40Well, if not for Thunder Rosa, who wouldn't let it go.
01:08:44Battling all over the arena with Mera Mera,
01:08:48which brings us to tonight's matchup.
01:08:51What do you mean, wouldn't let it go?
01:08:53Do you blame her?
01:08:54Move on with your life, that's what I say, Tony.
01:08:59She needs therapy.
01:09:06And for a moment, a coming to the ring by Johnny TV,
01:09:09from Victoria, British Columbia,
01:09:12she is the main character,
01:09:15Tia Valkyrie!
01:09:18You know, we just saw the MXM Connection talk about style.
01:09:22Oh, yeah.
01:09:23I don't think there's any question,
01:09:24there's plenty of style with Johnny TV and Tia Valkyrie.
01:09:27You could learn a thing or two million from Johnny TV and Tia Valkyrie.
01:09:33Always TV ready.
01:09:37Valkyrie, the main squeeze of Johnny TV.
01:09:40They are a big hit in China,
01:09:43apparently, where they hand out pictures of the two of them together
01:09:46to try to increase the birth rate over there.
01:09:50That's what I hear.
01:09:51Where do you get your information from?
01:09:53Oh, I know, you make it up.
01:09:55I got it.
01:09:56Anyway, Tia Valkyrie, Thunder Rosa,
01:09:59this has been brewing now for a couple of weeks here.
01:10:01Thunder Rosa has got a short fuse,
01:10:05she's got a temper,
01:10:07but she is remaining pretty calm in the corner right now.
01:10:10But she's got not just a chip on her shoulder,
01:10:12she's got a whole bag of Doritos.
01:10:17Here we go.
01:10:18And she's not wasting any time.
01:10:20Going right after Tia Valkyrie.
01:10:24And now Mike Posey says,
01:10:26get back as Johnny TV tried to get...
01:10:29In effect did.
01:10:30And gave Tia Valkyrie the advantage here.
01:10:33Never turn your back on your opponent.
01:10:37Thunder Rosa, a veteran,
01:10:40former AEW Women's Champion,
01:10:42has been redoubtable in her quest
01:10:45to try to regain the title that she never lost
01:10:49and to relinquish it for a back injury.
01:10:55Of course, Tia Valkyrie trained in Canada,
01:10:57spent many, many years training
01:11:00and learning Lucha Libre maneuvers
01:11:02and submissions in Mexico.
01:11:05And it might come in handy here against Thunder Rosa.
01:11:08Spent a lot of time south of the border,
01:11:10to your point, collecting titles
01:11:12and dominating opponents here.
01:11:14Evidence of her dominating presence.
01:11:19Combination of speed, power and ability.
01:11:23Not to mention self-confidence.
01:11:25Absolutely, you can just see it,
01:11:26it emanates from her.
01:11:27Snap there over and a kick to the back.
01:11:30Look at this.
01:11:31There's confidence.
01:11:32Has not lost an ounce of it.
01:11:36A great showing against the AEW Women's Champion
01:11:39last week.
01:11:40Took it to timeless Toni Stoll.
01:11:44Right, right after...
01:11:47Right afterwards, she tried to help, of course.
01:11:49Diana Peraza once again.
01:11:52The knees that time from Thunder Rosa down
01:11:55and sending Tia Valkyrie to the center of the ring.
01:11:59Watch out!
01:12:00Sliding Lariat.
01:12:02Tia quickly comes out of that and rolls out of the way.
01:12:05Right to Johnny TV.
01:12:07This men's and women's division continues
01:12:09in picture-in-picture.
01:12:15Right now, Thunder Rosa was doing the smart thing,
01:12:19but boy, I thought she was gonna stay away from
01:12:22Tia Valkyrie on the outside.
01:12:24She takes the fight to the floor.
01:12:30Look at that.
01:12:31Thunder Rosa breaking up the happy couple.
01:12:34Is that what you call breaking up the happy couple?
01:12:36That's exactly what I call it.
01:12:38Tia Valkyrie went out there.
01:12:40A little bit of R&R with her husband
01:12:43to renew their vows, if you want to call it that.
01:12:46A little bit of R&R with her husband?
01:12:48Renew her vows?
01:12:50It's a damn wrestling match, Todd.
01:12:52What's wrong with you?
01:12:54Picture-in-picture break.
01:12:55That's a perfect time to renew your vows,
01:12:57were it not for this homewrecker.
01:12:59Tia Valkyrie.
01:13:00Tia Valkyrie.
01:13:01Tia Valkyrie.
01:13:02Were it not for this homewrecker, Thunder Rosa.
01:13:06You've really...
01:13:08You've really dropped off here.
01:13:10I mean, you've gone crazy tonight.
01:13:12And that's saying something for you.
01:13:14Watch out!
01:13:15Tia moved out of the way, but Thunder Rosa had to step ahead.
01:13:18But now she gets kicked in the side of the head.
01:13:21Oh, yeah!
01:13:25Look at that.
01:13:26Wrong smile on the face of Tia Valkyrie.
01:13:31Look at the symmetry on the face of Tia Valkyrie.
01:13:36She is just a genetic perfection.
01:13:40And now stopping the midsection of Thunder Rosa.
01:13:43And that may ring true throughout the match here.
01:13:47That may be a problem that Thunder Rosa is going to have
01:13:50the remainder of this match.
01:13:52Getting kicked in the gut repeatedly like that.
01:13:54Or maybe in the jaw with the leg,
01:13:58pulling on the arm.
01:14:01When it comes down to it, Tia...
01:14:02Oh, my God!
01:14:03Tia Valkyrie knows when you're down how to keep you down, doesn't she?
01:14:08She only has that ability.
01:14:11Use her strength and her power to her advantage.
01:14:16Face first.
01:14:23Leg drop on the midsection.
01:14:29Oh, my God!
01:14:34Back on collision on TNT.
01:14:35The bad blood between Tia Valkyrie and Thunder Rosa continues.
01:14:39Exploding right before our very eyes.
01:14:42Right now, Thunder Rosa's got the advantage.
01:14:44Forearm shots.
01:14:45Combination blows.
01:14:47Cover up, Tia. Cover up.
01:14:49She can't. She's going down.
01:14:52Oh, she's back up.
01:14:54Missed the larynx.
01:14:55Kick to the gut.
01:14:58And a dropkick from Thunder Rosa.
01:15:02Get out of there.
01:15:06Hitting the rope.
01:15:07Thunder Rosa.
01:15:08There it is.
01:15:09That running dropkick from Thunder Rosa.
01:15:13And now, here's a cover.
01:15:15One, two, two.
01:15:18Only the match goes on.
01:15:21Thunder Rosa has run 19 of her last 24 singles matches here in AEW.
01:15:25Trying to make it win number 20.
01:15:27Does she have the power, though, to get Valkyrie up?
01:15:31Valkyrie got a very wide vertical base that time to prevent that kick.
01:15:35Knee lift.
01:15:36Tia Valkyrie.
01:15:37To the...
01:15:39Thunder Rosa rolls her through.
01:15:41Stomps on the midsection.
01:15:44And a cover.
01:15:45One, two.
01:15:46And she didn't win it.
01:15:47But close.
01:15:49If that stomp was into the midsection or the upper midsections...
01:15:53Wait a minute.
01:15:54Wait a second.
01:15:57Johnny Chavis.
01:15:58Is pulling Tia out of the ring.
01:16:00Stand with your man.
01:16:05And is getting between himself and his...
01:16:09His wife and Thunder Rosa.
01:16:13I'll get out of the way if that's what you want.
01:16:17Oh, it was a ploy and it worked, didn't it?
01:16:20It sure did.
01:16:21You heard Johnny say, I'll get out of the way if you want.
01:16:24And then a spear from Tia Valkyrie down on the floor.
01:16:27You know, the phrase, as we see a cover here.
01:16:31One, two.
01:16:34Took it.
01:16:36It is the early bird that gets the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.
01:16:42Side of the head.
01:16:47Did you write that one down?
01:16:49Into the...
01:16:51What are you doing?
01:16:52Hit for his problems.
01:16:57Pick up Tia.
01:16:58No one kicks Tia Valkyrie's man down.
01:17:02Oh, yeah.
01:17:03She's ticked off.
01:17:04But, oh, Thunder Rosa rolls through.
01:17:08Going to punch on Tia Valkyrie.
01:17:12Tia Valkyrie.
01:17:13For the second time, Thunder Rosa wins.
01:17:16The winner, Thunder Rosa.
01:17:20And the second time, Thunder Rosa picking up the victory with that modified cobra clutch submission.
01:17:27I'm not here to waste no time.
01:17:31I got some business.
01:17:32And it's not over.
01:17:34Diora Burrasco, get your little ass over here.
01:17:39It doesn't matter which language she says.
01:17:43Oh, the virtuosa has arrived.
01:17:46Looking stunning.
01:17:47Thunder Rosa.
01:17:49What else could you possibly want from me?
01:17:53A congratulations, perhaps?
01:17:56Because you've won your last two singles matches?
01:17:59Well, congratulations.
01:18:01You're on what we'd call a winning streak.
01:18:04Just like I was when I beat you three times in a row.
01:18:10Ay, que chistosa.
01:18:12No es lo único de tramposa en español.
01:18:14You don't follow the rules.
01:18:15You do whatever you want.
01:18:17And in fact, you never truly beat me, Diora.
01:18:23I think the record books will show.
01:18:25Whether you like it or not, I've beaten you in a singles match.
01:18:29I've beaten you in a no disqualification match.
01:18:32And most recently, I've beaten you in a lumberjack match.
01:18:38How about here in Arlington, Texas?
01:18:41Next week, Diora Burrasco versus Thunder Rosa.
01:18:45Texas Bull Rope Match.
01:18:48How about that?
01:18:50Texas Bull Rope Match.
01:18:54A Texas Bull Rope Match.
01:18:58Between two of the top stars in the women's division and fans.
01:19:03Coming up next, our main event and in-man tag right here on Collision.
01:19:16Time for the main event on Collision.
01:19:19And with that, let's go to Arcadiara.
01:19:24Your Collision main event is an in-man tag team contest set for one fall.
01:19:30Introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, weighing 175 pounds,
01:19:36Darby Allin!
01:19:39Darby Allin!
01:19:42I think after what we saw on Wednesday night against Hank Van Denter Page,
01:19:47I think it's a fact now that Darby Allin is one of the most incredible performers
01:19:53I've ever been around in my life.
01:19:56His partner from Sandy Moore, Delaware, he's the ring of honor,
01:20:00world champion, Mark Briscoe!
01:20:05If you want to talk about Wednesday night, Mark Briscoe, the ring of honor pure champion,
01:20:09was pinned and defeated by one of his opponents here tonight,
01:20:13so that could play a big factor in the match.
01:20:15It really could.
01:20:25Their partners, from Nashville, North Carolina,
01:20:29Jeff Harwood and Cash Wheeler, FTR!
01:20:35And there's your first four-man team making their way to the ring.
01:20:41As you know, Mark Briscoe and Darby Allin were part of Team ADW
01:20:46in the win over Team Elite in Blood Guts back on the 24th.
01:20:53FTR wanted to be in that, of course, but that's Harwood.
01:20:57That problem wasn't medically cleared to wrestle.
01:21:00Well, that was their excuse, Tony.
01:21:02If you talk to the acclaimed, they would say that FTR,
01:21:06they're not loyal to AEW.
01:21:08They were afraid.
01:21:10Well, we heard the acclaimed say Wednesday they're going to be here tonight.
01:21:15Yeah, they said they'll be here looking for FTR.
01:21:19And with that in mind, let's go back to the ring one more time.
01:21:24And their opponents, the team of the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions,
01:21:30Mike Bennett and Matt Damon,
01:21:33Roderick Strong and The Beast, Mortos!
01:21:38And as you mentioned, Beast Mortos scored that big win just Wednesday,
01:21:43hitting Mark Briscoe in a trios match
01:21:48with Roderick Strong and Roos as his partner.
01:21:52And if you can do it once, you can certainly do it twice.
01:21:56The question is whether that pinfall might secure Beast Mortos
01:22:01a title opportunity in the future,
01:22:04as the Undisputed looking as confident, joyful as ever.
01:22:13Well, The Beast Mortos, we were marveled earlier tonight
01:22:17at Feast to Go and Hologram together, but
01:22:22The Beast Mortos
01:22:24really has been impressive in LA, hasn't he?
01:22:27Yes, he has.
01:22:28So Sneelers with Commander,
01:22:30that death before dishonor.
01:22:33Hologram, as you mentioned,
01:22:38picking up the victory against Mark Briscoe with Destination Hellhole.
01:22:43Sit down Tombstone, finishing maneuvering.
01:22:46You'd have to think if he can hit that on any four of his opponents tonight,
01:22:51he could get another huge victory to add to his resume.
01:22:57All right, Dax the Axe going to start things against
01:23:00former international champion Roderick Strong.
01:23:02Bell sounds, our eight-man tag is underway
01:23:05with four of the big stars, biggest stars we have here
01:23:08in all elite wrestling.
01:23:11Tried a single leg pickup and Dax goes to the top rope.
01:23:14Bryce Rinsberg is the referee in this matchup.
01:23:18Dax the Axe had better be careful about his back.
01:23:21You talk about the back injury.
01:23:23He's in there with the Messiah of the backbreaker.
01:23:25Absolutely, that's a good point.
01:23:28Side headlock takeover, take down by Dax.
01:23:34He has a little bit of kinesio tape on his lower back
01:23:37Trying to protect that injury.
01:23:40Make him earn it.
01:23:41Make him earn it, you hear. I think that was Taven.
01:23:47Calling out from the...his corner.
01:23:52That caught him in the shoulder area.
01:23:55And there's a knee to the midsection.
01:23:58Hammer throw into the other corner.
01:24:00Tried to toss him out, could not.
01:24:03Dax hits the near side ropes.
01:24:05Shoulder tackle.
01:24:08Very agile.
01:24:10Roderick Strong.
01:24:12And he goes down again.
01:24:15Dax, we know he can strike, but he's very swift as well.
01:24:19No wasted motion.
01:24:20And that goes to both tag team partners.
01:24:25FTR, Wheeler now in.
01:24:28And Nigel, let's remind the fans that Dynamite is coming up
01:24:31on Wednesday of course.
01:24:32It'll be from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
01:24:35Shibata, Brian Keith, the Bad Apple with a one-on-one.
01:24:39An American title eliminator match, MJF against Kyle Fletcher.
01:24:43And then Jeff Jarrett and Brian Danielson with anything goes.
01:24:47And Ricky Steamboat will be our special guest that night.
01:24:51As they chant Derby's name, Nigel, why would Jarrett
01:24:55want to throw the rule book out against Danielson?
01:24:58Well, we're going to have to see.
01:25:01Well, why wouldn't he?
01:25:03The way that Brian tried to front him out.
01:25:07I mean, what was Brian thinking?
01:25:09He's already not in the best of health.
01:25:11He's barely hanging together by a thread.
01:25:14And he challenges the last outlaw to a match
01:25:17who has now made it a no disqualification match.
01:25:22Chop that tag from Dax.
01:25:25Brian Danielson was never the smartest of people.
01:25:28But really...
01:25:32Leg drop that time.
01:25:34And a cover.
01:25:36One count that time.
01:25:38As you continue to rail against Brian Danielson.
01:25:41It begs a lot of questions, doesn't it?
01:25:43You know what?
01:25:45I think we can answer that by saying that Brian Danielson
01:25:48would never, ever back down from any type of fighting.
01:25:51You know that.
01:25:53Well, he may not, but if he doesn't win the title
01:25:55from Swerve Strickland, his career is over.
01:25:59He is done.
01:26:01And he'll finally have an excuse for the rest of his life
01:26:04why he can't ever face me again.
01:26:06You are out of your mind.
01:26:08But I think we all know that by now.
01:26:10Fans, a couple of reminders.
01:26:12AEW Dynamite celebrates its 5th anniversary in Pittsburgh
01:26:15Wednesday, October 2nd at the Peterson Event Center.
01:26:17We return to Toledo, Ohio for Collision
01:26:20as a tag is made to Matt Tabin.
01:26:22That'll be in Toledo at the Huntington Center
01:26:23on Thursday, October 3rd.
01:26:25The last time before Wrestle Dream,
01:26:27AEW Dynamite debuting in Spokane, Washington
01:26:30for Title Tuesday.
01:26:32That's on a Tuesday, October 8th at Spokane Arena.
01:26:34Presale begins this Wednesday for all three events.
01:26:37This Wednesday, August 7th.
01:26:39And that's, of course, for AEW Insiders.
01:26:41Then available to the general public
01:26:43this coming Friday, August 9th.
01:26:45If you're not an AEW Insider, go to
01:26:48Sign up now to get early presale access.
01:26:53A brain buster that time by Mark Briscoe.
01:26:56And now, working Tabin back to the corner
01:27:01and makes a tag.
01:27:03Finally in the wrong zip code now.
01:27:05Right open.
01:27:07And here comes Darby Allin.
01:27:09You talked about his match this week
01:27:11on Dynamite against Hangman Adam Page.
01:27:14Certainly proved he was resilient.
01:27:16But in my mind, Tony, and I wasn't there live,
01:27:19wasn't so much cover that Darby Allin won the match.
01:27:23I think it was Hangman Page who lost the match
01:27:26because he beat the living bejesus out of Darby Allin.
01:27:30Roll up one. Got a one count Darby.
01:27:32Hit the bottom rope for a springboard.
01:27:34One, two. And a two count that time.
01:27:36Darby Allin. Here's a roll up again.
01:27:38One, two.
01:27:40By winning the Royal Rampage a week ago
01:27:43does have secured himself a title shot
01:27:47on September 25th at Grand Slam
01:27:50at Arthur Ashe Stadium and live on TBS.
01:27:53And now the Beast Mortos is coming in.
01:27:56French off with that pin that he had on Wednesday.
01:28:02Side headlock here by Cash Wheeler.
01:28:05Beast Mortos, he is so strong and powerful.
01:28:08Shoots Cash Wheeler in.
01:28:10And a two as well. No question.
01:28:14Dax gets a headbutt.
01:28:17Darby Allin goes.
01:28:18Darby Allin goes.
01:28:20He went head first to the man.
01:28:23Mark Briscoe doesn't want any of Beast Mortos.
01:28:27I'm not so sure about that.
01:28:29I can tell you Mark Briscoe fears no man.
01:28:32And now you see Bryce Wentzberg trying to
01:28:35get between both men and get
01:28:38as the fans chant Mortos get
01:28:41Mark Briscoe back to the corner.
01:28:47Twice the very quick.
01:28:49Cash Wheeler three times ducks out of the way
01:28:52to land his own shots.
01:28:54Back body drop.
01:28:56And there goes Michael Bennett.
01:29:00And a knee that time.
01:29:02Here comes Roderick Strong.
01:29:04Wrong place for Cash to be in.
01:29:07But he's finding his way out of the corner.
01:29:10Knee to the back.
01:29:12Lower back pick up.
01:29:14Dropped him down and a drop kick.
01:29:17Low drop kick.
01:29:20And Cash Wheeler.
01:29:22Oh now we got three men
01:29:24hammering one Bryce Wentzberg
01:29:26trying to keep
01:29:28the other team in bed.
01:29:30It's broken down here on the floor.
01:29:32And this match
01:29:34on commencement
01:29:40It's all that Bryce Wentzberg
01:29:43trying to control things.
01:29:45I think we all knew that it would
01:29:47happen sooner or later in this matchup.
01:29:49We knew with the egos involved
01:29:51the personalities involved certainly
01:29:53was going to start to break down
01:29:55at one point.
01:29:57Right now Roderick Strong of the
01:29:59Undisputed Kingdom is trying to calm
01:30:01things down.
01:30:03Keep Wheeler over in his corner.
01:30:05Tag Team Wrestling 101
01:30:07draw a line between the neutral
01:30:11Keep your opponent in your half of the ring.
01:30:13That's what's coming into play here.
01:30:15Meanwhile as Bryce Wentzberg does
01:30:17his job to get Taven out.
01:30:19There you see a triple team in the
01:30:21corner choking Cash Wheeler.
01:30:24Tough job for a referee.
01:30:26It really is an eight man tag.
01:30:28It's tough enough in a
01:30:30trios match.
01:30:32A lot of people to watch.
01:30:34You really do have to have the
01:30:36proverbial eyes in the back of
01:30:38your head.
01:30:40Tag is made.
01:30:42I can't wait till we go to
01:30:46And Nigel I know you're going to
01:30:48show me around London.
01:30:50I appreciate that.
01:30:52You've already been so gracious.
01:30:54I know you've got a magic show
01:30:56coming up.
01:30:58It's just going to be a great
01:31:00Friday night.
01:31:02Tune in or else you're going to
01:31:04miss one of the greatest shows of
01:31:06all time.
01:31:08But right now it's Cash Wheeler
01:31:09look at the quickness of Cash
01:31:11Wheeler but Michael Bennett goes
01:31:13right back to the attack.
01:31:15Ray Buster and it was a good one
01:31:17in a cover one.
01:31:19One count only says Bryce
01:31:21Wentzberg as the match continues
01:31:23here on TNT.
01:31:25In comes Taven.
01:31:27Former Ring of Honor 2A
01:31:29champion cover.
01:31:31One two got a two count.
01:31:33Former Ring of Honor tag team
01:31:37Former Ring of Honor world
01:31:41Matt Taven has literally done it
01:31:44Won the title at Madison Square
01:31:48That's right.
01:31:50That was his night at Madison
01:31:52Square Garden.
01:31:54A couple of back elbows here by
01:31:56Cash Wheeler.
01:31:58Madison Square Garden Tony.
01:32:00As a matter of fact I was there
01:32:02that night.
01:32:03Is that right?
01:32:08Our 8 man tag team main event
01:32:10continues here on Collision.
01:32:12Tony and Nigel with you and it's
01:32:14been basically an even battle
01:32:16between these two teams.
01:32:18I don't know what you've been
01:32:22The Undisputed Kingdom have
01:32:24absolutely given it to Cash
01:32:26Wheeler who finally now is
01:32:28getting back.
01:32:30With a bulldog but Cash needs to
01:32:32make a tag.
01:32:34You see Darby, Mark Briscoe and
01:32:35Darby Axe encouraging Cash to
01:32:37make that tag.
01:32:39But he is in no man's land.
01:32:41And there goes Roderick Strong
01:32:43the veteran he is.
01:32:45He took all three men off the
01:32:49Smart move from the Messiah of
01:32:51the Backbreaker.
01:32:53And now.
01:32:55Did you see that?
01:32:57Mike Bennett sending Darby
01:33:01It was a Russian leg sweep off
01:33:03the apron to the floor.
01:33:05Mark Briscoe in, ducks out of
01:33:07the way of Roderick Strong and
01:33:09is taking off both men.
01:33:11A flurry of offense from Chicken.
01:33:13Watch for the feathers fly.
01:33:17Some redneck kung fu as we always
01:33:19like, always watch, always wait
01:33:23And a running move.
01:33:28To a neutral corner head first.
01:33:30Briscoe sends down Roderick
01:33:33Roderick Sponge the loss from
01:33:35Dynamite this week.
01:33:38Here goes Mark Briscoe.
01:33:40Flipping neckbreaker on
01:33:42Beast Mortos.
01:33:48Look into the skies.
01:33:50But hold on.
01:33:52And quickly Bennett and Mortos
01:33:54knew what was going on back to
01:33:56his feet.
01:33:58But eventually, yeah, someone's
01:34:00got to get to Mark Briscoe.
01:34:01But Mark Briscoe's in trouble
01:34:05And look at this.
01:34:07Looks like they were going to
01:34:09try maybe a proton pack.
01:34:11I'm not sure.
01:34:13But Ash Wheeler comes off with
01:34:15a larynx.
01:34:17Mike Bennett and Wheeler go to
01:34:19the floor here.
01:34:21Briscoe still the legal man.
01:34:23Pick up.
01:34:27Gut wrench, standing switch.
01:34:29Briscoe pushes Taven in.
01:34:31Pick up.
01:34:33Death Valley driver
01:34:39Going in for a little bit of
01:34:41Froggie Bo.
01:34:43Tag made instead.
01:34:45The legal man.
01:34:47I thought you were right there
01:34:50I thought it was going to be a
01:34:52Froggie Bo, but here comes
01:34:56What is this?
01:34:58Almost in a gory especial
01:34:59and now the Froggie Bo.
01:35:01There it is.
01:35:05A cover, one, two
01:35:07and a save by
01:35:09Roderick Strong.
01:35:13This now fully broken
01:35:16Decision still hangs in the
01:35:18Yeah, the end is still
01:35:20very unclear.
01:35:21Oh, wait a second.
01:35:22Look at this.
01:35:23Bismardo sending Mark Briscoe
01:35:24on the outside.
01:35:26Here goes the Bismardo.
01:35:29A tornado between the top
01:35:31and middle ropes.
01:35:33Meanwhile, Ben Taven
01:35:35connecting on Dax the Axe.
01:35:40Mortos will get a tag.
01:35:42Mortos really proving
01:35:44something here.
01:35:45No question,
01:35:46Mick Cannonball in the corner.
01:35:50His star is rising.
01:35:52He's in with some of the
01:35:53biggest stars in AEW
01:35:55and he's standing on his own.
01:35:57Connecting on Dax.
01:35:58One, two.
01:36:00No, Dax is out at two.
01:36:03And Mortos,
01:36:04look at this,
01:36:05he's not done.
01:36:06Slapping the life out of
01:36:07Dax the Axe.
01:36:09Yeah, Dax looks like
01:36:10he's almost out.
01:36:12Mortos drops him
01:36:13to make a tag
01:36:14and here
01:36:15is the former
01:36:16international champion
01:36:17Roderick Strong.
01:36:20This is the top guy.
01:36:22Are you kidding me?
01:36:24This is the top guy.
01:36:26What is he trying
01:36:27to prove here?
01:36:29I mean, it looks like
01:36:30Dax cannot even look.
01:36:31He can't even get up
01:36:32and now
01:36:33Roderick Strong
01:36:34just wants to toy
01:36:35and insult him
01:36:36which is the wrong
01:36:37thing to do.
01:36:38Well, possibly
01:36:39any time
01:36:40there's an ounce of
01:36:42back in the body
01:36:43of Dax the Axe.
01:36:44He's got a chance.
01:36:48Dax the Axe
01:36:50and Roderick both go down.
01:36:52Same maneuver.
01:36:53Both men down.
01:36:55And now
01:36:56who's going to make
01:36:57the tag first?
01:36:58Many of the partners
01:36:59teammates are on the floor.
01:37:01Let's see who can rise up
01:37:02and get the fresh tag.
01:37:04Well, what's Bennett
01:37:05got in mind?
01:37:06Well, Bennett's going
01:37:07all the way over.
01:37:09Bennett is in
01:37:10the other corner.
01:37:12Trying to prevent
01:37:13the tag.
01:37:14I guess so.
01:37:16Taven is in the corner
01:37:17as well.
01:37:19As Darby has been
01:37:20sent down.
01:37:21Well, Remsburg's
01:37:22really lost control
01:37:25Almost a death
01:37:27A running knee.
01:37:29Remsburg goes on
01:37:30the floor.
01:37:31Back inside.
01:37:34Knee strike that
01:37:36Pick up.
01:37:39The Beast Mordos
01:37:40gets the tag.
01:37:46Left blower
01:37:47into a cover.
01:37:48One, two.
01:37:50the match
01:37:51goes on.
01:37:53And now
01:37:55what would we do
01:37:56for Mordos' career
01:37:57if he could have
01:37:58a pitiful victory
01:37:59over one half
01:38:00of the
01:38:01former AEW
01:38:02World Tag Team
01:38:06Let's see
01:38:07what happens next.
01:38:09Do it.
01:38:12Just a right cross.
01:38:17Mordos says
01:38:18come on
01:38:19and ducks the axe.
01:38:21No question
01:38:22will oblige.
01:38:28Oh, man.
01:38:29Dax is getting
01:38:30the country beating.
01:38:33All these men
01:38:34are dense.
01:38:35Cannot make a
01:38:36cover though.
01:38:38Cannot make a
01:38:40He's reaching.
01:38:41Dax is
01:38:44In that corner
01:38:45right now.
01:38:46Darby Allin,
01:38:47the only man standing
01:38:50Tag is made.
01:38:51Darby Allin
01:38:53finally makes his
01:38:54way back in
01:38:58to the midsection.
01:38:59Darby Allin
01:39:00will face Jack Perry
01:39:01from Wembley.
01:39:04And he could
01:39:05go into the
01:39:06world title
01:39:08that he has earned
01:39:09at Grand Slam
01:39:10as the
01:39:11TNT champion.
01:39:14Big opportunities
01:39:15for Darby Allin
01:39:16but still
01:39:17in light of that
01:39:18though he clutches
01:39:19the win every time
01:39:20he goes into the
01:39:22An incredible
01:39:24Look at those
01:39:25rapid fire blows.
01:39:31Did not get the
01:39:33Forearm shot.
01:39:35Big kick.
01:39:36Bodies everywhere.
01:39:38Mordos and
01:39:39Mark Briscoe
01:39:40fight on the
01:39:42And boom,
01:39:43go down.
01:39:46Into the rope.
01:39:48Darby's in
01:39:49trouble here.
01:39:51Taven using the
01:39:52middle rope as a
01:39:55Running kick.
01:39:56A cover.
01:40:00Take a look.
01:40:01Take a look at
01:40:02Darby Allin's
01:40:04There's no one
01:40:05there to tag.
01:40:06He's on his own.
01:40:07He absolutely is.
01:40:08Right now it's
01:40:09three making
01:40:10four on one.
01:40:18Trying to get up.
01:40:21Roderick Strong
01:40:22pulled out.
01:40:24The Undisputed
01:40:25Kingdom still have
01:40:26two members left in.
01:40:27Bennett looking for
01:40:28the pile driver.
01:40:29He dropped Darby.
01:40:30It goes after
01:40:31Cash Wheeler.
01:40:32Apparently there's
01:40:34some bad blood
01:40:35between those two.
01:40:37Bennett had to know
01:40:38that Cash Wheeler
01:40:39come up.
01:40:43Darby Allin won
01:40:44the match on Wednesday.
01:40:45Who's going to win
01:40:47It's still very much
01:40:48in doubt.
01:40:50As Darby goes
01:40:51back to the corner.
01:40:52Got his feet up.
01:40:54Tag was made,
01:40:55I think.
01:40:56I'm not sure.
01:40:57I believe there was
01:40:58a blind tag.
01:41:00maybe not.
01:41:01I thought maybe
01:41:02that Dax got the tag in.
01:41:03I think perhaps he
01:41:04thought about tagging in
01:41:05but was too afraid.
01:41:11is still alive.
01:41:13Shotgun dropkick.
01:41:15You're talking about
01:41:16an eight man that's
01:41:17broken down.
01:41:18This thing is
01:41:19absolutely wild.
01:41:22Into the rope.
01:41:23Tumbling suicide
01:41:24on both ends.
01:41:27still prone on the
01:41:28top rope.
01:41:31Mark Briscoe
01:41:32goes tumbling through.
01:41:34This is chaotic.
01:41:37And now
01:41:39look at this.
01:41:41He's got Taven
01:41:45Big splash.
01:41:48from above.
01:41:52Darby Allin's gonna
01:41:53come off of the
01:41:54pop and run.
01:41:56What teamwork.
01:42:01Here are your winners,
01:42:02the team of
01:42:03Mark Briscoe,
01:42:04Darby Allin
01:42:06Team R.
01:42:09Hell of a minor match
01:42:10but I'm gonna call it
01:42:11like I see it, Tony.
01:42:12It took
01:42:13four men
01:42:15to beat Matt Taven.
01:42:17Well that's what you call
01:42:18teamwork, right?
01:42:20That's one way of
01:42:21looking at it.
01:42:23I know you would agree.
01:42:26Briscoe unable to get
01:42:27that victory back
01:42:28over Beast Mortos
01:42:29but nonetheless
01:42:30a successful
01:42:32for this new
01:42:34four man tag team
01:42:37I've said it
01:42:38more times
01:42:39than I need to
01:42:40but I love
01:42:41professional wrestling
01:42:45and on top of that
01:42:46I love
01:42:48This is the
01:42:50of AEW
01:42:51right here in this ring.
01:42:54we are the
01:42:55heart and soul
01:42:56of AEW
01:42:57whether it's
01:43:02Oh boy.
01:43:04They say they be here.
01:43:06Well here they are.
01:43:07They did not get involved
01:43:08in the match
01:43:09but they are
01:43:10coming out
01:43:12and they are going
01:43:13right towards
01:43:14Empty God.
01:43:15Cut that music.
01:43:16Cut that music.
01:43:21The heart and soul
01:43:23of AEW
01:43:29I don't think so.
01:43:30If you really love
01:43:33let me ask
01:43:34where were you
01:43:35last week
01:43:36when the best wrestler
01:43:38was in the
01:43:39blood and guts cage
01:43:40fighting against
01:43:41the elite?
01:43:44Where were you
01:43:46when the acclaimed
01:43:49were fighting against
01:43:50the young bucks
01:43:51when they were running
01:43:52this company
01:43:53into the ground?
01:43:54Your body
01:43:55can't hold up
01:43:56to the grind
01:43:57and let's face it
01:44:00are not good enough
01:44:01to be on the TV show
01:44:02without your little buddy
01:44:07So don't ever
01:44:08talk about us
01:44:09till you've done
01:44:10half of what
01:44:11we've done
01:44:12for AEW.
01:44:13I don't know
01:44:14what more we have
01:44:15to do
01:44:16to earn your respect
01:44:17because like Matt
01:44:19last week
01:44:21were giving
01:44:22our bodies
01:44:24for this company.
01:44:25I stabbed
01:44:26a man in the head
01:44:27with a pair
01:44:28of scissors
01:44:29so that you two
01:44:30have the opportunity
01:44:31to show up
01:44:32every single week
01:44:33to bitch
01:44:34and whine about
01:44:35your legacy
01:44:36and guys
01:44:38we don't give a
01:44:39s**t about your legacy.
01:44:44We care about
01:44:45building hours.
01:44:47The acclaimed
01:44:48are homegrown.
01:44:49The acclaimed
01:44:50are the heart
01:44:51and soul
01:44:52of AEW.
01:44:57the acclaimed.
01:45:01I'm gonna let
01:45:02you know
01:45:03that you do not
01:45:04get to cut the
01:45:06to face the
01:45:07young bucks
01:45:08for the tag team
01:45:10That belongs
01:45:11to us.
01:45:12No, no, no
01:45:13I'm speaking
01:45:16And the very
01:45:17last thing I have
01:45:18to say is
01:45:19just a friendly
01:45:21that the
01:45:29So if you
01:45:30two have a
01:45:31problem with that
01:45:32I suggest
01:45:33you nut up
01:45:35shut up.
01:45:39I'm surprised
01:45:40this is
01:45:41what they
01:45:44This is what
01:45:45the EVPs
01:45:47This is what
01:45:48the elite wants.
01:45:49What the
01:45:50young bucks
01:45:52So let's
01:45:53sow some
01:45:54unity here
01:45:56Come on now.
01:45:57We are
01:46:02Bristol doing
01:46:03the best he
01:46:05can to try to
01:46:08the tempers
01:46:13AEW here.
01:46:19offering the
01:46:21and they're
01:46:22not going to
01:46:23accept it.
01:46:24No white
01:46:25not bury
01:46:26in the
01:46:28Not right
01:46:29And they walk away from Dax and Cash.
01:46:33This is far from resolved.
01:46:36Well, fans, what a night we've got coming up on Wednesday night.
01:46:43Live from Winston-Salem and on TBS.
01:46:46Don't forget, it's going to be MJF against Hal Fletcher,
01:46:50Jeff Jarrett against Brian Danielson,
01:46:53and a whole lot more for Nigel and Tony.
01:46:55Good night, everybody.
