Taskmaster AU S02E09 2024

  • 2 months ago
Taskmaster AU S02E09 2024

Taskmaster AU S02E10 >>> https://dai.ly/x92vaa8
00:38Hello and welcome to Taskmaster.
00:40I am Tom Gleeson and once a week
00:42I disrobe my cloak, descend from my
00:44lair and loudly squawk
00:46Caw! Caw! Caw!
00:48Upon which a team of minions
00:50assemble around me and we make
00:52a rip snorter of a TV show
00:54and when does that weekly time arrive?
00:56That time is now.
00:58Caw! Caw!
01:02Competing for my affection
01:04are five comedians I've been
01:06nourishing with grains and nuts
01:08chewed in my own mouth and spat into theirs.
01:10They are Anne Edmonds
01:14Jenny Tian
01:16Josh Thomas
01:18Lloyd Langford
01:20Phil Anderson
01:22And next to me
01:24the man who went to Questacon
01:26for schoolies
01:28It's Tom Cashman
01:32What's our
01:34prize task please? Our prize task
01:36tonight, an object
01:38they should adapt into a movie. Alright
01:40Why not give the multi-billion dollar
01:42streaming industry a few freebies?
01:44Josh, what have you brought in?
01:46I brought in this little duck
01:48and a boy
01:50that came to my show gave it to the sound
01:52technician to give to me. I don't really know
01:54why he thought I wanted the little duck
01:56but I thought it was really sweet that he gave me
01:58the little duck and I just thought he'd be really excited
02:00right now to see his little duck on the telly
02:02It's not an exact
02:04reaction to the prompt but you sort
02:06of, it's filmic. Okay
02:08You're essentially wanting to make a film about a tiny
02:10duck just because you forgot to say thanks
02:12This is for
02:14one person this bit
02:16It's for one person. I've made one person's
02:18day and night. I feel okay about it
02:20I agree with Josh. I think that
02:22duck could carry a film
02:26It's a shame it didn't carry this segment more
02:30Lloyd, what did you bring in?
02:32I have brought in
02:34a bedside
02:40That's not it
02:42A bedside table built
02:44by Jesus Christ
02:48I have it on good
02:50authority that before he got
02:52mixed up in all that other stuff
02:54he made
02:58table and so I
03:00thought you could follow
03:02you'd start off with Jesus, you know, young
03:04Jesus, teen Jesus
03:06Teen Jesus? Teen Jesus
03:08yeah, making the table
03:10and then you'd follow
03:12the table from 2000
03:14years ago through all the different owners
03:16and their lives as well
03:20It's just a bit tough because Jesus made the
03:22table and that feels like a real big peak
03:24and then what
03:26isn't it?
03:28That's the opening scene. That's like if Titanic
03:30sank in the first scene
03:32and then it's just shots of the
03:44So my film is kind of like a western
03:46and the main character is this
03:48that's a Nokia
03:50like it used
03:52to be Top Dog in town
03:54and it's like gone away and now
03:56it's back to avenge, like take
03:58the iPhone out and reinstate
04:00itself as like the Top Dog in town
04:02Yeah, it's a film called
04:06Nokia, he's back
04:08Beep, beep, beep
04:10Will, what did you bring in?
04:12For a big movie you've got to leverage off some
04:14pre-existing IP, that's what you've got
04:16to do in this modern day times to get a movie made
04:18so I kept it pretty simple
04:26I know you hate a pun
04:28and this has not been good for me
04:30and none of these prize tasks have gone
04:32well, so I thought I had to go an extra
04:34step, so I literally paid
04:36to get a movie poster commissioned
04:38to show you what the movie
04:40would look like
04:48So this movie re-establishes
04:50the patriarchy
04:52I'm into it
04:54I love it
04:56We're back
04:58What a great film
05:00Jenny? I was thinking about like
05:02all the things that get adapted these days
05:04comic books are very popular
05:06and a lot of them are featuring a lot of different types
05:08of representation at the moment, but there's still
05:10one type of representation that I've never seen
05:12on screen, so what I brought in
05:14is my own comic book that I've made myself
05:16using Microsoft Paint
05:18It is Eczema Girl
05:24Is this based on you?
05:28There was once a girl with eczema
05:30and she wished every day for her eczema to
05:32disappear until she realised
05:34it gave her the power of scratching
05:36dry surfaces
05:38One day her town is invaded
05:40by a big moist villain
05:42Gom Tleeson
05:44and she's scared by his wetness
05:46he's so undefeatable
05:48and just when all hope is lost she
05:50remembers he has a dry sense of humour
05:56and she defeats him with one big scratch
05:58and everyone cheers
06:02That looks like the storyboards for one of
06:04Will's shit sketches
06:08Oh mate, I would dream of that
06:12Oh well I'd better hand out some scores
06:14There's a lot there to play with
06:16I'm not sure I could watch 2000 years of just a book being put down
06:18on a bedside table
06:20So one point to Lloyd
06:22I'm going to say two points for The Tiny Duck
06:24You can't make a whole film about it just because Josh didn't say thank you
06:26So happy with that
06:28And then I'll give three points to Jenny
06:30I did like the concept
06:32And four points, of course you know, there's a film about Tetris
06:34You can have a film about Nokia
06:36But five points for Will
06:38because we've re-established the patriarchy
06:44All the good work done in the Barbie film
06:46has been undone
06:48Alright, I'm itching for a task
06:50Not as much as Jenny is, but let's do it all the same
06:52Okay, it's time to see it be up and down
06:54with some Up or Down
07:00Up or Down
07:08Hey Jenny
07:12Hi Lloyd
07:14How are you? I'm okay
07:16This is fun
07:18You think? I don't know
07:20Oh there's the task
07:22Make this balloon hover between the flugs the longest
07:24Already I don't understand it
07:26so that's a good start
07:28After the balloon is released
07:30you may not touch it
07:32Before the balloon is released
07:34you may not remove it from the crane
07:36Your attempt is over once the balloon
07:38floats above the flags
07:40or sinks below the lower flugs
07:42Longest balloon hover
07:44between the flags wins
07:46Your time starts now
07:48Make this balloon hover between the flags
07:50What does that mean?
07:52Oh there's
07:56So we have to make the balloon float
07:58without going up or down, pretty much
08:00Well this one seems pretty straightforward
08:02Should we get into it?
08:04Our first two hovercrafters are Josh and Lloyd
08:06So it just needs to hover
08:08So we want to keep it down
08:10The only way to really do that is to weigh it down
08:12But if you weigh it down too much it'll just fall
08:20Let's see what happens to the balloon now
08:22Straight up, we don't want that, we want it to dip
08:28This is fun
08:30This is fun, I like this actually
08:38It's still floating
08:40I think two and a quarter
08:44adhered to the skin of the balloon
08:46will keep it in between the flags
08:48Okay, you're happy with that?
08:50Yeah, I'm happy to release
08:52Anything you'd like to do in the next four minutes?
08:54Yeah, eat some goddamn marshmallows
09:00You better believe I'm going to start
09:02cranking my hog if that stays in between the flags
09:04That's what this is for, right?
09:06How much now?
09:08Twelve seconds
09:10Oh that's quite soon
09:12Any last words?
09:14Come on
09:16Well it's attached to the claw
09:18but the balloon isn't
09:20so I feel like I'm winning in a really big way
09:24No, that's not good at all
09:30That wasn't good at all
09:38That could have went better
09:40Thank you
09:46Josh, do you feel better having seen Lloyd's effort?
09:48I watched that and I thought
09:50I need to learn to believe in myself
09:52because sometimes things aren't
09:54as terrible as Lloyd
09:58Welcome to my life
10:02So Lloyd, you went with two and a half marshmallows
10:04If you had your time back
10:06how many would you put on?
10:08Two and a half sounds better
10:10but two and a half sounds good
10:12There are lots of tasks on this series
10:14where I think
10:16I'm so glad that's over
10:18and I never ever would like to
10:20think about it ever again
10:22I'd be well up for doing that
10:24for a full day
10:28Josh's balloon remained within the flags
10:30for 17.06 seconds
10:32That's ancient!
10:34That's gorgeous
10:36Lloyd's balloon stayed between the flags
10:38for 1.24 seconds
10:44Hey, you at home watching
10:46Sorry, but you've got a big chunk
10:48of food in your teeth
10:50It's spinach or something, it's gross
10:52We'll take a break and you go and get a toothpick
10:54and we'll see you after this
11:04Thank you
11:08Welcome back to Taskmaster
11:10We've just been doing a bit of television business stuff
11:12All perfectly normal
11:14Fill them in, please, clap man
11:18Our contestants have eight minutes to do whatever they want
11:20to a helium balloon before it is released
11:22by the claw. They have to make it stay
11:24between the flags for as long as possible
11:26So far Josh has managed to make it hover for 17 seconds
11:28and Lloyd also did the task
11:34Me and her trying to Hindenburg
11:36Here's Ann and Will
11:38I mean obviously the temptation
11:40is to suck the helium out of it and
11:42just talk like a
11:46but I won't do that
11:48If it was being held between two things
11:50would you consider that hovering or would it be being held
11:52between two things? Do you think that would be hovering?
11:54I don't know
11:56What's the definition of a hover? Up to the Taskmaster I guess
11:58That guy
12:04Do you know what I mean?
12:06How many minutes do I have left Tom? Two minutes left
12:08I'm just going to load this up I think with
12:10a bit more
12:14Maybe not, maybe that will balance out
12:16the rise
12:18I'm going to
12:20tape this
12:24That's it Tom
12:28It's hovering
12:34I win
12:36It's hovering
12:38You feel good about this? I feel really good
12:40You've locked into quite an effective strategy here
12:42This is some of the best hovering I've seen
12:44Can I touch it? No
12:50Before the balloon is released you may not remove it from the crane
12:52Now, did I remove it from the crane? Yeah
12:54Let's do what we're all here to do
13:00What a great task
13:02What a great task
13:04Absolutely loved it
13:06I think it's one of the best ones in the show so far
13:08What would you agree with that Tom?
13:10I'm really being mocked by the fact
13:12that this is hovering in front of me
13:14This is some of the greatest hovering
13:16of all time and I'm going to get
13:18nothing for this
13:20Look at this
13:22It's perfect
13:26Thanks Phil
13:28Do you think I won that one?
13:30Do you think I won that one?
13:32You disqualified yourself
13:34Thanks so much for having me
13:36Wonderful marshmallows
13:38Is this still the helium? I don't think so
13:46After Tom releases the balloon
13:48you may not touch the balloon
13:52Why don't you touch the balloon?
13:54I just keep undercutting myself
13:56I actually do a good job and then go
13:58and see if I can wreck it
14:00Can I say a theory?
14:02I think you wanted to talk like a chipmunk
14:04I did
14:06Perhaps consider for a moment
14:08that I am a comedian and there's a helium balloon
14:10I know we're on a show
14:12and it's a competition
14:14but at the end of the day I'm very
14:16honest to my craft
14:20I have to do the comedy that's in front of me
14:22So before the balloon is
14:24released you may not remove it from the
14:26crane. So what actually happened?
14:28It came out when I was
14:30fiddling with it
14:32And then you got to see just how beautifully it hovered after you failed
14:34It was honestly
14:36the best thing I did on the entire show
14:40Normally if you're disqualified from something
14:42you just leave in shame
14:44but I couldn't look away from how
14:46well I'd done. It was like
14:48perfectly weighted. It was in the middle
14:50It's probably still there
14:52Okay, one floater left
14:54Will she sink or swim?
14:56Or stay in the lab and do the task well or poorly?
14:58It's Jenny Tian
15:00Hey, this might be a really dumb
15:02question but can't I just like tie the string
15:04to like a chair or something and that would
15:06still count as a point?
15:08All the information you need is in the task
15:12Now I just gotta
15:14not mess this up
15:16I'm feeling quite good about this
15:18What are you thinking?
15:20I'm thinking I'm really
15:22really quite smart
15:24Oh really?
15:26Maybe this task is too simple
15:34Well that's looking pretty good to me
15:38Alright, anyone want some marshmallow?
15:40Do you like the pink ones better or the white ones better?
15:42They're the same to me
15:44But like it's got a flavour
15:48Marshmallow's not a flavour, it's an object
15:50You don't think these taste the same?
15:52I don't
15:54I'm sorry, you think these taste the same?
15:56How are you failing as you're succeeding?
16:00This is your best task yet
16:02Soak it in
16:10So Jenny, you showed a genuine moment of out of
16:12the box thinking, followed by
16:14Marshmallow's not a flavour, it's an object
16:18I mean, I'm not going to lie, I just thought
16:20this task was so easy
16:24I was like, this isn't going to air because it's so easy
16:26Everyone's obviously
16:28figured this out
16:30because it's so easy
16:32I was like, there's got to be
16:34more to it
16:36So then yeah, I just started
16:38offering Tom marshmallows and doing other things
16:40because frankly I got bored waiting
16:42for it as well
16:44It also does explain why Jenny came into my dressing room
16:46the other night and said, do you think there's a difference between
16:48pink marshmallows and white marshmallows?
16:52Well, what are the scores?
16:54Well, we left Jenny's balloon there overnight
16:56It was hovering for 18 hours and 21 minutes
17:02So what are the points for the task?
17:04Well, Will and Ann were DQ'd
17:06so they get 0, Lloyd gets 3, Josh 4
17:08and Jenny takes the task with 5 points
17:12Alright, and what about the episode
17:14scores so far?
17:16Well, with all the buoyancy of a beautiful red balloon
17:18Jenny has floated to the top with 8 points
17:22Okay, give me another
17:24of your little goodies there, boy
17:26It's our final team task of the season
17:44What do you think about this choice?
17:46You look different
17:48Let's have Tom have a look
17:50He looks dumb
17:52Oh my god, it's a working camera
17:54and it's
17:56already recording
17:58Oh, okay
18:00This is fun
18:02Create an authentic and heartwarming
18:04family home video
18:06Create an authentic and dysfunctional
18:08family home video
18:10You must film the video on this camera
18:12Most authentic family wins
18:14You have 30 minutes, your time starts now
18:16We need to be like
18:18a family unit, the three of us
18:20Dysfunctional family
18:22is the key word here
18:24We're overseas for a family reunion
18:26They were fighting in the military
18:28Oh, whoa
18:30I think Mummy's got a secret
18:34Okay, Mummy's got a secret
18:38And you've set up some
18:40genuine intrigue with Mummy's got a secret
18:44Did you, when they read the task and they read this first
18:46and it said heartwarming family, did you think me and you
18:48had both f***ed it again? Yes, I thought you had reading
18:50problems. I thought they read it and I thought
18:52No, me and Anne did dysfunctional
18:54Just to be clear, we want a heartwarming family
18:56story and that's what we're going to get from the discount
18:58Wiggles and we're also going to get a
19:00dysfunctional family story from the
19:02Premium Economy Hoolidoolies
19:04But what I'm judging you by is how
19:06authentic they are. Who's up first?
19:08Let's begin with our heartwarming family
19:10Here's Mother Jenny, Father Will
19:12and their beloved child Lloyd
19:16Another Christmas without
19:18Bloody Christmas day love
19:20Bloody Merry Bloody Christmas
19:22It's been years and years since we've seen
19:24our son Lloyd, I just, I miss him
19:26so much darling, I don't know what
19:28my life is without him
19:30Admit it darling, he's probably
19:32dead, he's probably bloody dead
19:34Oh, but darling, I didn't
19:36even get to hug him
19:38once in our entire lives
19:40You don't bloody hug
19:42boys love, I've always told you this
19:44You feed them bloody meatballs
19:46and turnips and they grow up to be
19:48proper bloody men
19:50You know, I don't know where you are in the world my son
19:52I just, I miss you so dearly
19:54and I just, I just
19:56I wish you were home and I wish I could
19:58give you a hug
20:00Darling, do you want to record a message
20:02for Lloyd as well?
20:04No, I don't bloody want to record
20:06a bloody message for Lloyd
20:12Private Lloyd reporting for
20:14Family Reunion Christmas
20:18Can it be?
20:22Is it you?
20:24Oh my god
20:26Oh my god
20:28Oh son
20:30Son, I'm making bloody
20:32Christmas meatballs
20:34and turnips, it's your bloody
20:36favourite son
20:38It's my favourite, you've made it and I feel
20:40I feel so emotional, I've been
20:42overseas on top secret duties
20:44for so long
20:46Well, I can't tell you
20:48everything. Tell us!
20:50Some of it is classified. Tell us what you've been through
20:52Your parents, you can tell us anything my boy
20:54But you know, Osama bin Laden
20:56Yeah, of course
21:00Oh you did that
21:02That was all me
21:04I was part of the
21:06SEAL team
21:08Oh my god
21:10Our boy Lloyd, my boy
21:12I would not be more proud of my son
21:14Keep it under your hat still
21:16It's classified
21:18Oh my goodness
21:20Son, son, I am so
21:24Come here
21:26I'm so proud of you
21:30We couldn't have hoped for a better person
21:32to kill Osama bin Laden
21:34That's the first time
21:36Dad has touched me, not in violence
21:44Thank you
21:46Lloyd, why did you
21:48want to make the story heartwarming by
21:50evoking the memory of 9-11
21:52by mentioning
21:54Osama bin Laden? Was it necessary
21:56to drag that into a comedy show?
21:58The narrative was the father and the son
22:00they'd never hugged, that was the
22:02story, so we were going to have this authentic Christmas
22:04reunion, they were going to hug for the first time
22:06and Lloyd just thought the thing that
22:08might spur that hug would be
22:10finding out that your son had murdered
22:12Osama bin Laden
22:14The hug that your character Will
22:16gave Lloyd, is that the hug that you would
22:18like to receive from your own father?
22:20Yes, and that's why it was so authentic
22:24What do you think he might be thinking? He's probably watching now
22:26He's not
22:30So Jenny, did you find it hard because
22:32you make a lot of videos on TikTok
22:34Was it difficult making something that long
22:36and in landscape mode?
22:38I was like
22:40seeing it and then I saw the red button
22:42and then the graininess and I was like, oh my god
22:44it looks exactly like one of those TikTok filters
22:50Alright, time for a short break, go give your boy
22:52a hug, would ya? It's not that hard
22:54See you soon
23:04Welcome back to Taskmaster, where we've all been
23:06having a little itch on Jenny's
23:10What else is happening?
23:12We're watching authentic family videos
23:14So far we've seen a heartwarming tribute to a soldier's
23:16return after slaying Osama bin Laden
23:18Next up
23:20it's the dysfunctional family, it's Mother Ann
23:22and her only son, Josh
23:26The thing is
23:28it's just give me two more days
23:30and we can run away together
23:32I know you're my boss and also
23:34my son's best friend's father
23:36but I love you
23:38I can't
23:40stay with Bruce, I can't
23:44That time him and Josh
23:46auditioned for Australian Idol
23:50the worst day of my life
23:52the humiliation, I've never recovered
23:54What? Mum?
23:56Oh, here she goes, look at her, look at her
23:58Josh, sweetie
24:00Tell him what you said
24:02Australian Idol
24:04You were wonderful
24:06You were the best one there, I don't know why they didn't
24:08put you through, Josh
24:10Give me the camera
24:14Give mummy the camera
24:16Give mummy the camera
24:18Give mummy the camera
24:20Give mummy the camera
24:24Give mummy the camera
24:42I'm Joshy
24:48I've killed my
24:50only son
24:52I'd go to a million Australian
24:54Idol auditions if I could just have my
24:56boy back
25:16It's just a lot to take in
25:18I like the Blair
25:20Witch vibes, I think they're very good
25:22So what was mummy's little secret?
25:24Was it that you actually think your
25:26son was not a good singer, the murder
25:28or the affair? The affair was the main
25:30secret, but yes that also
25:32I think he's not a good singer and then obviously
25:34yes, I've killed him
25:36Wait, you think that the affair's a worse
25:38secret than murdering
25:40me? Australia's
25:48What do you think about my tactic of mostly
25:50just putting Anne Edmonds in it?
25:52Oh, less Josh is always more enjoyable for me
25:54I thought the performance
25:56Anne was very authentic. Thank you, I have
25:58wanted to kill people before
26:00Feels like
26:02you didn't need to go too deep to find that emotion
26:04No, yeah, I've definitely got a violent
26:06streak and
26:08and I like to
26:10get it out. It was fun, I really enjoyed doing
26:12that. So I have to give out some
26:14scores. You do. It's pretty easy
26:16I mean I just love the chaotic energy of the
26:18premium economy
26:20hoolie doolies. I believed in Anne's
26:24Are you saying you don't think I could
26:26kill Osama Bin Laden?
26:28No, well I think the hug at the end
26:30was very authentic, but that was mostly
26:32due to the empty hole in the middle of Will Anderson's
26:34body that you're trying
26:36to fill. Well you could fill it with some points
26:42I must say
26:44they were very close. I think they were both great films
26:46so it's going to be 5-5, 4-4-4
26:50Very close
26:52Okay, let's have another task
26:54Okay, for this next one we're off to the pub
26:56or as I once heard the taskmaster refer to it
26:58under his breath, home
27:12Hi Josh
27:14What have we got here then?
27:16Is that an accent?
27:18Cockney British I think
27:20What have we got here then? A few chips and a bit of a beer?
27:26Win the pub quiz
27:28Tom will ask 10 questions. You must write down each
27:30answer on your whiteboard
27:32within 30 seconds of Tom asking
27:34No phones. Your time starts
27:36when Tom asks his first question
27:40That's a bit warmer than I'd like
27:42but that's okay
27:44A bit colder than I'd like
27:46so you know what?
27:48We've found a happy medium between
27:50Ask away my friend
27:54Alright well
27:56win a pub quiz sounds pretty easy
27:58I guess it's, oh actually
28:00was Lloyd missing? I didn't see Lloyd
28:02Didn't see Lloyd in that one. Yeah maybe it would help
28:04to see the task that Lloyd was given
28:10Write the pub quiz for the other
28:12comedians. Your quiz must have
28:1410 questions. Your quiz questions may not include
28:16any contestant's name
28:18Tom will give your quiz to the
28:20other four contestants. Will Anderson
28:22must win the quiz
28:24Jenny Tian must come second
28:26Josh Thomas must come third
28:28Ann Edmonds must lose the quiz
28:30I mean that would be straightforward
28:32If they end up in that order
28:34they will get 5 points and they will get 0
28:36If they come in any other order they will get
28:383 points and you will get 0
28:40You have 10 minutes, your time starts now
28:48So they all have to win the quiz
28:50in that order. Yep
28:52And then Lloyd will get 5
28:54But if it's in any other order
28:56the others get 3. And Lloyd gets nothing
28:58So it's all or nothing with this particular order
29:00for Lloyd. I feel like
29:02this task is impossible for me to win
29:06Not knowing Jenny very well at all
29:08and not knowing Josh well at all
29:10and not knowing Ann
29:12that well
29:18I think we just need to see this one
29:20Answering quiz questions as written by
29:22Lloyd Langford, here are Will, Jenny, Josh
29:24and Ann. Ready for your first question?
29:26Yes Tom. Which instrument did
29:28Miles Davis play?
29:30I'm going to go with piano. OK
29:32Trumpet. Ann wouldn't know that
29:34I don't reckon
29:36Sax. Will Anderson
29:38must win the quiz. What does
29:40he know about? I know where he lives
29:42Question 2. What day of the week
29:44is the Mullumbimby market on?
29:46What is that? There's some Saturday markets
29:48as well but mostly it's on a Friday
29:50Oh, he knows
29:52Tom Gleeson though right? What is
29:54Tom Gleeson's
29:56wife's name?
29:58I've met her. This is going to be
30:00so rude. Ah, Ellie
30:02I hope that's right, I really like her
30:04I can see her face, I can see her
30:06she's a really nice person. What an awful
30:08question. What is
30:10Tom Gleeson's
30:12waist size?
30:14Because Will knows about clothes. They're mates right?
30:16You try on each other's trousers, messing around
30:18So I'm going to say he's a 34 inch
30:20waist. OK
30:24Right, who was the most
30:26streamed artist
30:28on Spotify in
30:32I can't simultaneously come up with a question
30:34that Will is going to know
30:36Taylor Swift. Anne isn't. Shaking it up
30:38Jenny sort of does. Taylor Swift
30:40And Josh might. Taylor Swift
30:42And what decade was the Sydney Opera House
30:44built? 1920s
30:46Who directed
30:48The Godfather? Francis Ford
30:50Coppola. I know something, see
30:52What are the ingredients for Moscow Mule?
30:54Vodka, ginger beer and lime
30:56What did Steve Jobs
30:58die of?
31:00I don't have a clue
31:02Pancreatic cancer
31:06I've got one question left
31:08but we'll make it an interesting one
31:10On 9-11 which of the planned
31:12targets wasn't hit?
31:16They hit the Pentagon. Google it, there was
31:18definitely one that wasn't hit. They got it
31:20Oh they did, yeah
31:22Fair play
31:24It's too wishy-washy a question
31:26isn't it? You can't change it now. Final question
31:28On 9-11 which of the planned
31:30Are you sure?
31:32On 9-11
31:34We don't need to do this
31:36On 9-11 which of the planned
31:38targets wasn't hit?
31:40Did you come up with this? If I was planning
31:42to take down America, it would have been
31:44the White House. That's what you would do
31:46So I'm going to say President Bush
31:48Stop judging me, I can see you
31:50judging me. That's a man
31:52What could really shake America up
31:54at that time
31:56They got him with a plane. But they didn't
31:58They didn't get him
32:00Thank you Tom
32:08Lloyd, why do you keep dragging
32:109-11 into this comedy show?
32:12You keep dragging that misery right
32:14into the centre of this light-hearted show
32:16Tell me the theories you're always saying
32:18Bring it home
32:24I wish I could say that those
32:26last two tusks were filmed close together
32:28and it was just in my mind
32:30but that isn't true
32:34What I love is like the finally
32:36the revelation of what the theme
32:38of the questions was because
32:40on the day I was like, who came up with
32:42these questions?
32:44What moron
32:48So, did Lloyd achieve his goal?
32:50No, I know I didn't
32:54So just a reminder of the rankings we were looking for
32:56So we were looking for Will to win
32:58Jenny to come second, Josh to come third
33:00and Anne to come fourth
33:02Lloyd, back yourself, like ISIS
33:10Okay, so what order did they actually get?
33:12Jenny got two questions correct
33:14Will and Anne both got four questions correct
33:16and Josh was the winner of the quiz
33:18with five points
33:22So what are the scores?
33:24Lloyd was unsuccessful, so that means three points for Anne
33:26Jenny, Josh and Will
33:32Alright, time for some ads
33:34See if you can guess how many times Anne tries to
33:36casually drop my wife's actual name into conversation
33:38over the next five minutes
33:40See you back here soon
33:42Love you, Ellen
33:52Welcome back to Taskmaster
33:54and we're nearly at the end of our penultimate
33:56episode of season two
33:58and I still won't let this joker next to me
34:00look me in the eye
34:02Nor should you
34:04Call us academics because we're about to engage in a peer review
34:16Hi Jenny
34:20Hey Tom
34:24What are you doing lurking around the corridors?
34:26I think there's something in your locker
34:28Oh no
34:30I didn't even know I had a locker here
34:32Oh god
34:40Was that supposed to be scary?
34:44That's a bit wrong isn't it?
34:50Make a surprising appearance
34:52Most surprising appearance wins
34:54You have until the studio record of episode
34:58Your time starts now
35:02Up to you
35:06You mean I've got like days?
35:10Yeah, thanks lad
35:12Thank you
35:16Jenny I think it's a special skill to be
35:18confused by such a simple task
35:20But is it
35:22that simple? I don't think it was
35:24Wait, surely other people were
35:26confused? No
35:28We literally just
35:30watched footage of all of them not being confused
35:32Even me
35:34It was just a bit of humble homework
35:36wasn't it? A bit of a homework task
35:38That's right, it's up to them where or when they appear
35:40and how they capture that appearance
35:42Okay, who's first? He may be a catch but can he
35:44catch us off guard? It's Josh Thomas
35:46I could do it to Anne when she knows this challenge
35:48I could be in there
35:50Could you fit in there?
36:04It doesn't feel good
36:08Hi Tom, what are you doing
36:10lurking around the corridor?
36:12There's something in your locker right here
36:14What is it?
36:20That's a bit wrong isn't it? Is that surprising?
36:22It was a bit but did you expect me to have
36:24more of a reaction than that? Maybe
36:26Do you want me to do it again? No, it's okay
36:28No, don't do it again
36:36That was good
36:38It really terrified me
36:44That was great
36:46My finger was bleeding
36:48I showed you after, I was in the
36:50locker looking, I was holding the door
36:52and I was watching blood
36:54come out of my finger and then she said
36:56should I do it again and I thought
36:58I'm not going to make it
37:02I think it was a very effective surprise
37:04I was very surprised that you could fit in there
37:06They're very small lockers
37:08It got a great result though so you must be happy with that
37:10I'm happy, yeah
37:12That's a good, nice, solid start
37:14Another please
37:16Hopefully she doesn't knock her own
37:18socks off because not wearing socks can
37:20exacerbate eczema. It's Jenny Tian
37:22Okay, so I'm currently
37:24dressed as Lloyd Langford
37:26So I'm currently in Anne Edmonds
37:28field outfit
37:30and I'm Welsh
37:32and I'm going to give him
37:34a surprise appearance
37:36I am currently in Josh Thomas'
37:38outfit and
37:40I'm going to surprise him
37:42I am now in Will Anderson's outfit
37:44and I'm going to surprise him
37:48He's eaten like
37:50half the marshmallows in this
37:56Oh no, why?
38:14Oh hello
38:16How are you?
38:22Why are you dressed like me?
38:24You look good in that
38:26That's very naughty
38:28Are you in my outfit?
38:30Jenny, where did you get it from?
38:32You're a psycho. Get out of here!
38:34Oh, it's for the TikTok
38:36No, it's
38:38for episode 9, surprise
38:40appearance. Oh, it's for the show
38:48Did it feel good to finally film something properly?
38:50Do you feel like you're back to normal now?
38:52Yeah, 100% yes
38:54Okay, well I think that was pretty effective
38:56Got some great frights there
38:58Who's next? Will she take us aback
39:00or bring herself to the front? It's Anne Edmonds
39:02The human behaviour expert
39:04says it's one of the biggest signs
39:06you're micro-cheating on your partner
39:08She says hiding interactions with a colleague
39:10is also a red flag
39:12because it can erode trust in your personal relationship
39:14This behaviour expert
39:16obviously never been asked for an after work trick
39:18That's what's happened here
39:20So the extra froth on my latte
39:22that means nothing
39:24That's from the barista
39:26You might be having a micro-relationship
39:28with the barista
39:34I must admit
39:36for a while there I was thinking
39:38why are you making me watch the project?
39:40It's a wonderful show on this very network
39:42Um, no
39:46Wait, did that go to air?
39:50Did people see it when it went live to air?
39:52No, I don't think so, we missed it
39:54Nobody messaged you or anything?
39:56No, just, that's
39:58I might give you an idea of ratings
40:02Okay, one more
40:04Will this stunner have a shocker
40:06or will he stun and shock us? It's Lloyd Langford
40:32So that was at the Adelaide Fringe
40:34I'd just come off stage, you gave me a bit of a fright
40:38I'd been crouched down in that box
40:40that I found out was full of mouse shit
40:44Um, with an air horn and a wig on
40:46and then Tommy Little was backstage
40:48and was like, take your shirt off
40:52And I was like
40:54Which by the way is what Tommy Little says to everyone backstage
41:00It's a bit tricky for me, now it's hard to judge
41:02because for me that was a visceral reaction
41:04I thought I was about to die, I thought someone was going to jump up
41:06and like stab me and just as I was dying
41:08they just whisper into my ear, you're not Greg Davies
41:12Well you're not
41:14Oh, I've been killed by a nerd
41:16What's Reddit going to think?
41:20Okay, well we've got one more surprising appearance still to come
41:22but who will it be?
41:24I can't think of something that would be easier to deduce
41:28Come back after these advertisements to find out
41:39Hello, welcome back to Taskmaster
41:41Lester Ton, catch the people up
41:43Our comedians had more than a month to make a surprising appearance
41:45So far, Josh climbed out of a locker
41:47Ann went on the project
41:49Jenny did some TikTok-y stuff
41:51and Lloyd got in a dumpster
41:53We have one last comedian left
41:55and when we asked him before the show
41:57where his surprising appearance footage was
41:59he said he'd already sent it
42:01and we just needed to take a closer look
42:03So let's take a closer look
42:05Here is Will Anderson
42:22I could be in there
42:24Could you fit in there?
42:49So how did you get yourself into all those positions?
42:51Well, Jenny's surprised to me
42:53I only happened today
42:55so luckily I was already in that one
42:57Oh, so your justification was
42:59you were in that one
43:01Yeah, that was fine
43:03But the rest of them, it was a lot of planning
43:05One of them I had to travel back in time for
43:08Well, I have to score these, don't I?
43:10You do. Most surprising wins
43:12Well, I found Josh's the least surprising
43:14just because he jumped out of a locker
43:16he was standing at when you handed out the task
43:18Two points to Lloyd
43:20because I didn't find watching it surprising
43:22because I knew what was going to happen
43:26I was like, here we go
43:28Ann's going to get three points
43:30It was very surprising
43:32but the fact that I keep watching the project
43:34was even more surprising
43:36Five points to Jenny
43:38mostly because it's going to be a great TikTok video
43:40that's going to go viral
43:42and put this show on the map
43:44But five points to Will Anderson
43:46because I was genuinely surprised at the effort he went to
43:52OK, now how are those episode scores going?
43:54Continuing to appear at the top
43:56it's Jenny in the lead on 19 points
44:00Alright, get up on that stage
44:02for our final task of the show
44:07Alright, we've got some thongs
44:09and some barbecues
44:11This looks like some good old ochre fun
44:13Who's reading the task?
44:15Lloyd, if I could ask you to read this
44:17Toss the most thongs with the tongs
44:19onto your barbecue
44:21If at any point a golden thong
44:23is tossed with tongs
44:25onto another barbecue
44:27all the thongs on that barbecue will be cleared
44:29If you touch a thong with your hand
44:31at any point, you are disqualified
44:33All tossing must be done
44:35from your spot
44:37and you may not move your spot
44:39or your barbecue
44:41Especially you, Anne
44:43Most thongs remaining on a barbecue
44:45after 150 seconds wins
44:47Your time starts now
45:36Can I get my, can I get me some here?
45:38Can I get these?
45:40Yes, yes
45:50Josh has been disqualified
45:54You're touching them with your hands
45:56I thought we weren't allowed to touch them
45:58when we threw them
46:0630 seconds remaining
46:31Alright, time for a break
46:33We'll see you soon with the final scores
46:43Welcome back, did you miss us?
46:45Alright, Squire, what's happening?
46:46Well, we were just throwing some thongs
46:48with some tongs onto some barbecues
46:50and we're about to find out how each of our contestants did
46:53We know how one of our contestants did
46:55Thanks guys, thank you
46:57Okay, so how many thongs were thrown?
47:00So I can confirm Josh had 16 thongs
47:02but he touched way more, so that's irrelevant
47:05Will had 5 thongs on his barbecue
47:08and Lloyd and Jenny all had 9 thongs on their barbecue
47:16Which means they each get 5 points
47:18Will gets 2 and 0 for Josh
47:20But what does that mean if we don't know our episode winner?
47:23Tell us
47:24Turning Will into Ill by picking up the W this episode
47:27It's Jenny Tian on 24 points
47:30Alright, congratulations Jenny
47:33Go back up on stage and get ready to appear excited to get your crack
47:38But what does that do to our scores overall for the whole season?
47:42Well, Josh, Jenny and Will are trailing
47:44but out in front there's going to be an interesting ride home
47:46Lloyd is on 142 points
47:48and is out in front with 144
47:55That's it for our second to last episode of our season
47:58where, as always, we have learnt some things
48:00We learnt Mummy's secret and it was a doozy
48:04Lloyd has zero remorse when it comes to getting a laugh out of a historical tragedy
48:09But most of all we learnt that Jenny was the winner of our episode
48:13Join us again next week for our final episode
48:29Welcome to the grand finale of Taskmaster Australia Season 2
48:33By the end of this show we will have a series champion
48:37You don't even have a dad!
48:39I'm not going to hurt you
48:40I'm working so hard
48:41Is he Swedish?
48:43I feel despondent
48:44I've got to go big
48:45There we go
48:49What on earth was that?