Gigglish Allsorts The Hamster 1994

  • 3 months ago


00:00Are you ready? Steady. One, two, three.
00:07Gigglish all sorts. What's happening today?
00:13Gigglish all sorts. Who's coming out to play?
00:19There's Jiffy and JJ and Bonzo and Box. Is everybody here?
00:24No, there's someone we forgot. Gigglish all sorts.
00:28Hey, Baldy. Is someone calling me?
00:31Are you ready? Steady. One, two, three.
00:34Gigglish all sorts.
00:42Bye-bye. Have a good holiday. And don't worry, I'll take good care of Wincy.
00:51Wincy? What a daft name for a mouse.
00:55She's not a mouse, she's a hamster. And she's called Wincy because she's a very good climber.
01:02After Incy Wincy, she climbed up the water spout, didn't she?
01:07Oh, Wincy's... Climber? Wow.
01:11Hey, tell you what. Shall we get Wincy something to climb?
01:14Yeah, absolutely.
01:16Oh, I know. There's a little ladder near Box's cupboard.
01:19Oh, Jiffy!
01:22Oh, sorry, JJ. I didn't see you there. I'll help you clear it up.
01:26No, Jiffy. I'll clear up this mess. I've got Miss Law coming in a minute for a lesson and I want the whole place clean and tidy.
01:31Well, can I help, JJ?
01:33Yes, Bonzo. You can take Jiffy outside.
01:36Oh, boring.
01:37Oh, is that all?
01:38And you can take that hamster with you too.
01:40Must I?
01:43Morning campers!
01:47And you can take Box out as well.
01:49Come on, Box.
01:51What did I do?
01:53What did I do?
01:55Come on, Jiffy.
01:56Oh, my nose.
01:57Oh, hurry up. She'll be here any minute.
01:59And you can take this with you.
02:05Oh, wait till I get my hands on you, Box. You squashed my nose.
02:09It's a big improvement.
02:10No, no, no. Come on.
02:12Stay here. Stay here.
02:14Come here, you.
02:16Stop it.
02:17You're making me dizzy.
02:21Oh, I feel sick.
02:24Oh, I don't feel too good myself.
02:27Well, here we are again.
02:30In the garden.
02:36Peace and quiet at last.
02:39Underground's the only safe place to be
02:42when those humans are let loose in the garden.
02:46Especially that one with the hat.
02:55And voila!
02:58The final touch.
03:01I suppose you think this is funny.
03:05Now, look. Wincy will come along the books there, you see.
03:08Over the brick, then through this tube,
03:12across the ruler, up the ladder
03:15and into the pile of straw.
03:17But, Jiffy, how are you going to get Wincy to do all this?
03:20Ah, now that is the old carrot and stick method.
03:24Only in this case we're using a nut.
03:29You're a nut.
03:32Now, look, what we do, we get Wincy out
03:34and I'll dangle the nut in front of her.
03:37And then she'll follow it and go across the obstacle course.
03:41You're a genius, Jiffy.
03:44Look, I'll get her out now.
03:47Come on, Wincy.
03:50There you go.
03:56Excuse me, is this the right place?
03:58I'm looking for Madam JJ, the music teacher.
04:02Madam JJ?
04:04Yes, you've come to the right place.
04:06Be quiet, Jiffy.
04:08Just ring the doorbell. She's expecting you.
04:10Oh, thank you, young man.
04:13Young man.
04:16Be quiet, Jiffy.
04:21Oh, hello. Miss La, do come in.
04:24Oh, thank you, thank you.
04:26But call me La-La.
04:28Miss La is so formal.
04:31That's right.
04:32What a charming house.
04:34What a charming place you have.
04:36Thank you.
04:37The piano is over there.
04:39Oh, the famous ticklish piano.
04:42How charming.
04:45I'm so happy to be here.
04:47I'm so happy.
04:49I'm so happy.
04:51Oh, there, there.
04:53Miss La, what's the matter?
04:55I've lost my beautiful voice.
04:57I can't reach the tippy-toppy notes.
05:00The tippy-toppy notes?
05:02No, tippy-toppy notes.
05:04You were my last chance.
05:06I have a concert tomorrow, and I need to reach my tippy-toppy notes.
05:10Oh, don't worry. I'm sure I can help.
05:13Let's get to work.
05:15Let's get to work.
05:20Will somebody move this ladder?
05:22Quiet, Box. We're trying to hear what's going on.
05:26It's very annoying.
05:28And itchy.
05:30Shush, Box. JJ's going to the piano now.
05:33But I'm going to sneeze.
05:44Oh, yucky, Box. That was horrible.
05:47Bless you, Box.
05:50Where's Wincy?
05:52Oh, no.
05:54She's gone.
05:59Sounds like chaos up there as usual.
06:03Don't panic. Don't panic.
06:05We must not panic.
06:07It's just a minor slip-up, so we really mustn't panic.
06:13Why, when I am working, do I never pull my weight?
06:16And why, when I should concentrate, do I get in such a state?
06:19I know I am responsible, intelligent and smart.
06:22But I'm distracted momentarily.
06:24My brain goes off so easily.
06:26My grin, it goes all cheesily.
06:28I laugh and skip, but then something's not right.
06:31I get a fright.
06:33And here we go again.
06:35Don't panic. Don't panic.
06:37No, no, we must not panic.
06:39It's just a minor slip-up, so we really mustn't panic.
06:46Why, when I am working, do I always fool around?
06:49And why, when I should concentrate, do I always act the clown?
06:52I know I should act proper, be sensible, be calm.
06:55But I'm distracted momentarily.
06:57My thoughts go off so easily.
06:59My grin, it goes all cheesily.
07:01I laugh and skip, but then something's not right.
07:04I get a fright.
07:06And here we go again.
07:08I can't find her.
07:10Let's panic. Let's panic.
07:12Yes, yes, yes, we must panic.
07:14It's just a major slip-up, so it's really time to panic.
07:19Oi! What about this ladder?
07:22What's happening?
07:24Where's the fire?
07:25Well done, you did it!
07:27I did, didn't I?
07:28Did what?
07:29I hit my tippy-top in this, and it's all thanks to you.
07:32Oh, it was nothing.
07:33No, not you.
07:36Oh, Wincy, you found her.
07:41Blimey, she is a good climber, ain't she?
07:46Help, help!
07:50That sounds like Box.
07:53Dear, oh, dear, I wonder what's happened now.
08:02I think I'll just go back to sleep and pretend I haven't heard.
08:13I'm in agony!
08:14Someone get this ladder off me nose!
08:19Don't you dare laugh!
08:29Don't you dare laugh!
