Aventuras bíblicas 5 . Josué e a batalha de Jericó

  • yesterday


00:08A maior das aventuras.
00:10Histórias da vida.
00:16Josué e a Batalha de Jericó.
00:32Versão Brasileira.
00:34DPI Rio.
00:44Quem eram aquelas figuras?
00:46Eu sei lá, mas até não descobrirmos onde estamos,
00:49é melhor ficarmos longe de todos.
00:51O que lhe pareciam ser?
00:53Pelas roupas, eu acho que devem ser de alguma tribo da costa.
00:56Como os hititas?
00:58Ou os evitas, gregaxitas, israelitas, chilitas,
01:02talvez até adamitas.
01:04E se fossem artistas, fetichistas, parasitas ou paraquedistas?
01:09Ou isso.
01:11Enfim, eu diria que voltamos no mínimo a mil anos antes de Cristo.
01:14Estou voltando!
01:20Pouca cobertura. Melhor nos separarmos.
01:30Estavam observando da colina, capitão.
01:32Havia seguramente gente se movendo por aqui.
01:35Espiões israelitas, saiam!
01:41Espiões israelitas, saiam!
01:56Há apenas um garoto.
01:58Procurem os outros.
02:02Lá estão eles! Atrás deles!
02:16Espiões israelitas!
02:18Nós nos cercamos pelo rio!
02:20Não temos escolha. Vamos embora.
02:22Pobre morte.
02:25Poderíamos ajudá-los só se ficarmos livres.
02:44Foi por pouco.
02:46O fato é que conseguimos fugir.
02:49Ah, ah.
02:56Levem o garoto para a cidade.
02:58Encontraram os outros espiões?
03:00Nós os seguimos até o rio. Devem ter se afogado.
03:05Vocês desculpem o mal entendido.
03:07Mas nós, israelitas, temos que desconfiar de espiões.
03:10Quem eram aqueles outros soldados?
03:12Cananeus de Jericó.
03:14O que significa que logo irão se juntar ao seu amigo.
03:17Porque hoje marcharemos contra Jericó e a capturaremos.
03:21É mesmo uma boa nova!
03:23Ah, se ao menos Moisés estivesse vivo.
03:26Mas temos outro grande líder.
03:28Escolhido pelo próprio Moisés.
03:32Filhos de Israel.
03:34Por 40 anos estivemos vagando pelo deserto.
03:37Aqueles sofrimentos agora são do passado.
03:40Porque hoje, como o senhor prometeu,
03:42finalmente cruzaremos o rio Jordão e entraremos na terra prometida.
03:47Vocês, sacerdotes, homens de Levi, nos guiarão.
03:51Vocês levarão a Arca da Aliança indo à frente do nosso povo.
03:56Lá está ela. A Arca contendo os 10 mandamentos.
03:59Não é emocionante.
04:01Mas por que enviá-la à frente e sem nenhum soldado?
04:04Pode ser capturada.
04:06Josué nos disse que o senhor mandou que assim fizesse.
04:09Carregada como ela está, eles não vão conseguir cruzar o rio.
04:14Os israelitas foram vistos na margem oposta. Estão marchando para cá.
04:17Ótimo. Escolher a pior época possível.
04:20A enchente vai exterminá-los.
04:22E poderemos acabar facilmente com os que tiverem a má sorte de não se afogar.
04:29O que é isso?
04:31O que é isso?
04:33O que é isso?
04:35O que é isso?
04:38Olhe! Lá estão eles.
04:40Apenas quatro homens. E nem mesmo são soldados.
04:43Que caixa é aquela? O que conduzem?
04:46Avançam com coragem.
04:48Então parem, quando chegarem à correnteza.
04:50Correnteza! Mas com uma carga daquela jamais conseguirão.
04:56O nível da água está baixando.
04:58O rio está secando. Eles nem estão se molhando.
05:01É uma coisa passageira.
05:03Vocês vão ver, as águas subirão a qualquer momento.
05:05They will come at any moment and all of them will die.
05:08My men are ready.
05:10Make them pass when the river is completely dry.
05:14It's like the Red Sea separated by Moses.
05:17Captain, the river is gone.
05:21The Red Sea
05:33Did you see?
05:34Didn't I tell you they would make it?
05:36Wait, Moke. A great help is on its way.
05:40Right. Next stop, Jericho.
05:48Did you see? The Israelis crossed the river.
05:51They are on their way here.
05:53They can cross as many rivers as they want.
05:56They will never cross these walls.
05:59Let's go back to work.
06:01It's really the Promised Land.
06:04Look at it. So green and fertile.
06:07Our families will grow strong and healthy here.
06:10How much is left for Jericho?
06:12We just have to cross those hills, about five kilometers.
06:15Then your soldiers will get there at any moment.
06:17And we can plant cereals and raise cattle.
06:20Simeon, what about Jericho?
06:23Well, the fact is that we had orders not to continue.
06:26What? They're not going to Jericho?
06:29Joshua decreed that first the priests will need time to perform their rituals.
06:34After which we must celebrate our Passover.
06:37Bread without yeast must be prepared.
06:40We must be ready to march in three or four days.
06:43Three or four days?
06:46Why aren't they coming?
06:48They crossed the river three days ago.
06:51So, Captain?
06:53One of our spies has just returned from the Israeli camp.
06:56And yes, and in what direction will they attack?
06:59Sir, they are not marching.
07:01He said they stopped for a special ritual called Passover.
07:05And what kind of ritual is that?
07:07Well, they eat bread without yeast.
07:13What kind of warriors are they?
07:16They cross the mighty Jordan River and then stop to eat bread?
07:23Look, I'm sorry, Simeon.
07:25Can you tell us if the order to march has arrived?
07:27No, it hasn't.
07:29Poor Mokke.
07:31If only he knew we were on our way.
07:34Maybe Hebron can help.
07:36I was in the city with the spies.
07:38I knew them well.
07:40There is a way to send a message.
07:43By a woman named Haab, who lives in a house on the wall.
07:47She is a friend of Israel.
07:48It was she who lowered a rope through her window so that I could escape.
07:54How did we get in touch with her?
07:56She promised to be at the window every third year if we needed her.
08:00I'll take you there.
08:02That's her house.
08:03Now I'll leave you.
08:05Two is less than three.
08:09Use this.
08:10It will pass through one of ours.
08:12Good luck.
08:25My aim is no longer the same.
08:49I understand.
08:50I'll try to find the boy and tell him you're coming.
08:53To keep him hopeful.
08:54We'll be in that shepherd's hut.
08:56Do it with a mirror.
08:57A reflection.
08:58You didn't find him.
08:59Two, you found him.
09:00Three, he's fine.
09:01And when will the Israelites attack?
09:03I would like to know.
09:09My army is ready.
09:11We have reached the promised land.
09:17Are you one of our soldiers or an enemy of Israel?
09:20No, because I am here as the captain of the angels of the Lord.
09:25I am your servant.
09:26What do you want me to do?
09:30We receive our orders.
09:32And this morning we march against Jericho.
09:36Take the Ark of the Covenant and have seven priests
09:39carrying trumpets in front of it.
09:42Then march around the city with the guard going forward.
09:45I order all of you
09:47that during the whole march
09:49do not shout war.
09:51Do not raise your voices.
09:53Do not say a word.
09:55After going around the city once,
09:57we will return to the camp.
09:59He said that we will return to the camp.
10:03And that's all?
10:05Let's go with that.
10:07No sign of the Israelites?
10:10Maybe the vision of a man like you has them running away.
10:15Do you impress all the ladies like that?
10:19Your friends say that there is hope.
10:22They will soon arrive with the Israelites.
10:25Something did not work.
10:27Look there.
10:28I saw a reflection.
10:32Now her message.
10:37She saw a morgue.
10:39And he is fine.
10:41So we feel better.
10:49So they come?
10:51And my men are ready.
10:58Why are they quiet?
11:00And what do they take in that litter?
11:02I do not know, sir.
11:04It's what they took in the front when the king came.
11:07And what do they take in the back?
11:09I do not know, sir.
11:11It's what they took in the back when the king came.
11:14I do not know, sir.
11:16It's what they took in the front when the river stopped.
11:19Sorcery, magic, whatever it is.
11:22They can not go beyond stone walls.
11:30They're just walking.
11:32It looks like only one stop.
11:37Oh, if only the road was within reach of our spears.
11:40Sir, look.
11:41They are returning to the camp.
11:43A retreat?
11:45Before they go to battle?
11:47Our walls intimidated them.
11:49They did not make any war cry.
11:51They just blew those damn trumpets.
11:57One stop.
11:59That's all it was.
12:00A musical stop.
12:02Tomorrow, Simeon, order your men to do exactly the same.
12:06We are at war, Simeon.
12:09We are sowing uncertainties.
12:12We are at war in their minds.
12:15Then we make war in their minds.
12:18And in the meantime, they quickly lose mine.
12:42What are they doing now?
12:47They circled the city once and again returned to the camp.
12:51Sir, a suggestion.
12:52Our spies made this map of the Israeli camp.
12:55We can attack them.
12:56But that may be what they are attracting us to do.
12:59Abandon the safety of our walls.
13:01But they may be thinking that we will not attack.
13:04But they may also be thinking that we are thinking,
13:07that they will be thinking, that we will not be thinking,
13:10that we will not be thinking, that we will not be thinking.
13:28Beric, look up there.
13:30Isn't that Moky?
13:41Watch out.
13:52They saw us.
13:54Look, they do that in all the movies.
13:57It's a shame they lose him.
13:59But to be honest, it didn't make sense.
14:02It's a hard way to get correspondence.
14:05What did he write?
14:07The music is beautiful.
14:09But when is his day?
14:11That's what I'd like to know.
14:14Sorry, our friend Injericó sent us this.
14:18And it looks like there's a map behind it.
14:22A drawing of our camp.
14:24They're probably going to attack us.
14:26It's better to move quickly.
14:28We will continue as I ordered, Simeon.
14:31Learn to trust and use the greatest strength of man,
14:35which is not the vigor of the arm, but the faith in the Lord.
14:39But, sir...
14:40Be patient.
14:42Other battles will cry for your weapons,
14:44but Jericó will be conquered without it.
15:58THE END
16:21Your wait is over, Simeon.
16:23We will not lose a man, not even one.
16:27This was foretold by the angel of the Lord.
16:30In the days that passed, my orders were those of the Lord.
16:34And he will certainly take care of us tomorrow before Jericó.
16:37We are in his hands.
16:39It will be done at his will.
16:44Did you hear the news?
16:45Isn't it great?
16:46Maybe not so much for your good friend.
16:49But what if the city is captured?
16:51The problem is that in a fortress,
16:54the defenders sometimes get rid of the prisoners
16:58when the attack begins.
17:00That's what they'll do.
17:02We should go in there tonight and get Mok.
17:15Can we hide here tonight?
17:17I'm in danger.
17:18The king is so nervous that he has soldiers
17:20peeping everywhere all the time.
17:22But maybe they can hide among the fire from the ceiling.
17:26Do you really think the Israelites tomorrow
17:28will do more than parade?
17:30Something tells me they will do much more.
17:35Children of Israel, today Jericó will be ours.
17:39Today we will encircle the city seven times.
17:44So under my command, shout out loud.
17:47Shout with all your might.
17:50Shout for the glory of the Lord,
17:53because he said he will give you the city.
18:05But no death.
18:06I hope nothing happens.
18:08Wait, there he is.
18:09It's him.
18:10Always the last one in line when the work is done.
18:12Let's follow him.
18:13Don't spill so much.
18:16When Mok goes down the stairs, we'll catch him.
18:19And hurry, because we'll only have one chance.
18:22Why don't they play a different song?
18:25How many days have they been doing this?
18:27Twenty, thirty?
18:28Sir, this is the seventh day.
18:31It seems they will do this forever.
18:34Every day the same.
18:36Something different today.
18:37They're circling for the second time.
18:39They've never done this before.
18:40It could mean an attack.
18:42Alert the men.
18:43And tell the spearmen to target those trumpeters first.
18:57Hey, come back here.
19:01The Israeli prisoner escaped.
19:13What's going on?
19:14The prisoner escaped.
19:15Find him! Do something!
19:18There are soldiers everywhere.
19:19They can't hide here.
19:21Where can we go?
19:23They can hide in the cave below the city,
19:25where the underground runs.
19:27They'll raise the fence on the corner of the street
19:29and they'll find a way down.
19:31Let's go!
19:43Let's go!
20:01I'm getting dizzy.
20:03How many rounds have they done so far?
20:05Almost seven, sir.
20:08Go after them.
20:10I'll be back.
20:11If you run away,
20:12you'll have the archers on the walls to finish them off.
20:21They stopped.
20:22Have your men ready for the attack.
20:27Let's go!
20:28End of the line.
20:30It's not a good word.
20:34What now?
20:35The board.
20:36What board?
20:37We just passed it.
20:38Maybe we can surf on it.
20:56When I give the order, shout!
20:58Shout for the glory of the Lord!
21:06Let's go!
21:36Let's go!
22:06Let's go!
22:36Let's go!
22:58Let's go.
22:59I don't think they need more of us around here.
23:02The Lord saved Rahab and all her family
23:05because she helped the men that Joshua sent.
23:08And the Lord gave Israel all the land
23:11that he had sworn to give to his ancestors
23:14and kept all the promises he made to the people of Israel.
23:31The End
