The Clinic - Femme Fatales

  • 3 months ago
Given only three months to live, an unsuspecting man is persuaded by his doctor and girlfriend to seek experimental treatment at a clinic in Mexico.
00:21good morning say hi
00:25getting better every minute
00:27Round the bones of my fingers.
00:33Tough love.
00:37Tough love.
00:41Tough love.
00:46Tough love.
00:50Tough love.
00:51Tough love.
00:57Hey, hey, hey.
00:59You're in your youth.
01:01You were a white dove.
01:03I wore a boxing glove.
01:05Brown hair, brown hair.
01:07You fell off your skis.
01:09So beautiful.
01:14And keeping it all in.
01:18Tough love.
01:21Tough love.
01:27What is it?
01:30I'm fine.
01:37What's wrong?
01:40What's wrong?
01:41What is it?
01:45Are you...
01:49Can you hear me?
02:06I've got my eye on you.
02:10I've got my eye on you.
02:15Animal, do you too?
02:18You're fooling around.
02:20Getting blood on my shoes.
02:32I've set my sights on you.
02:36I've set my sights on you.
02:41For another bite or two.
02:44So don't look around.
02:46I've got nothing to lose.
03:14Everyone wants to believe that they are going to live forever.
03:18That tremor in their heart,
03:20the few extra pounds added over the holidays,
03:23and the labored breathing after a morning run are all...
03:26perfectly normal.
03:29But what happens when you find out that you're going to die?
03:32You die.
03:33You die.
03:34You die.
03:35You die.
03:36You die.
03:37You die.
03:38You die.
03:39You die.
03:40You die.
03:41You die.
03:42But what happens when you find out they're not?
03:44What happens when you realize the life that you've been leading
03:47has an expiration date?
03:50What would you do to change that?
03:54Would you make the same choice that Logan Cale's about to make?
03:57And at what price?
04:05Sorry to keep you waiting.
04:13I'm afraid we have the blood work we've been waiting on.
04:17The suspense is killing me, Doc.
04:19You have an acute case of porphyria.
04:23I, uh...
04:24It's an inherited disorder.
04:27The body overproduces porphyrin,
04:30which explains the pain and then the seizures.
04:33So what's the treatment?
04:36You don't understand, Logan.
04:39If only we had discovered it earlier.
04:45You said three months.
04:47Logan, we don't know that for sure.
04:49Doc said it's probably hereditary.
04:51Well, there's no way we could have known.
04:53What we could have done is hire that detective.
04:55So you're blaming me now because we didn't find your birth parents?
04:59Not you.
05:02I just wish I would have done something when I had the chance.
05:05Maybe I could have prevented this had I known.
05:08What's done is done.
05:10It's the now we've got to deal with.
05:12Not for long.
05:22What about that clinic in Mexico the doctor told us about?
05:26He said there might be a cure, a new treatment.
05:28It's not even legal.
05:30I don't want to spend my last few months chasing some miracle cure.
05:33I want to spend them with you.
05:35I want that, too, but what if there's a chance?
05:37There is no chance. There is no cure!
05:46I'm sorry.
05:49I didn't mean it.
05:56Logan, what is it?
05:58Oh, Logan!
06:01Logan, can you hear me?
06:16Where am I?
06:18I feel so weak.
06:20You had a seizure.
06:22It's really serious.
06:24I called the paramedics.
06:28Where am I, Jess?
06:30You're in the clinic, Mr. Kale.
06:34Jess, I told you I didn't...
06:36Your girlfriend did the right thing.
06:38I've seen several cases like yours.
06:40I've cured them all.
06:41Well, why aren't you practicing in the States?
06:43I did, but it takes the FDA years to approve the experimental drugs that we use here.
06:49You're, of course, welcome to leave at any time, but I encourage you to stay.
06:53It's entirely up to you.
06:55Please let me know what you decide.
07:01I'm so sorry.
07:03I didn't know what to do.
07:06I don't want to lose you.
07:08Okay, I'll stay for now.
07:13I gotta go.
07:15What? Where are you going?
07:16Well, normally they don't allow visitors.
07:19I'll be back.
07:21I promise.
07:39New guy.
07:41I'm Doug.
07:43I'm Logan.
07:45You'll feel better soon.
07:47I can't feel worse, that's for sure.
07:49We got a sympathy case.
07:51Code four.
07:55What do you prescribe, Dr. Doug?
07:57The Grand Tour.
07:59The Grand Tour.
08:01That sounds serious.
08:03Trust me.
08:06I'm a doctor.
08:08Actually, he just wants his house.
08:13I don't need the chair.
08:15Oh, we got a bravery case.
08:17Code three.
08:23Wow, you look like shit.
08:25Thank you.
08:27The Grand Tour is beautiful.
08:31Yeah, they're everywhere.
08:34So keep your hands out of your pants.
08:38Almost everywhere.
08:45They try to keep us amused.
08:47Since we can't go anywhere.
08:54A clinic with armed guards?
08:57It's Mexico.
08:59What do you expect?
09:01Of course, sometimes Xbox and ping-pong don't cut it.
09:06So we create our own entertainment.
09:11Jake, I'll kick your ass again.
09:14I'm giving the Grand Tour here.
09:16This is an unofficial tour.
09:19You remember how I said there were cameras everywhere?
09:22Not quite true.
09:24Fuck you.
09:28Good manners cost nothing, you know.
09:30Like my mom used to say.
09:32You're a wise lady. I'd like to meet her one day.
09:35She's not my birth mother, but she's the one who raised me.
09:41You were adopted?
09:44So what if I was adopted?
09:48You and everybody else, pal.
09:51Pretty much everybody in here.
09:53You get them talking, they were adopted.
09:57That's weird, right?
10:00Is that some kind of alarm?
10:02I don't know.
10:04I don't know.
10:06I don't know.
10:08I don't know.
10:11Is that some kind of alarm?
10:15It's fresh meat. For the special work.
10:18We're not so fresh meat.
10:21That looks like crap.
10:23If she's sick like us, I'd better help her with that.
10:26And there's my future baby mama.
10:28Howdy, Nurse Connor.
10:30She's a sweetheart.
10:35Mr. Cale.
10:38It's time for your treatment.
10:40What's the treatment?
10:42You'll be sedated for the procedure.
10:45Treatment isn't dangerous, is it, Doc?
10:47Less than the alternative.
10:50No treatment.
10:52When you wake up, you'll feel better than you do now.
10:55And when you walk out of here, you'll be completely cured.
10:59Trust me.
11:01Whoa, what are you...
11:27How long have I been out?
11:29Five hours.
11:31How do you feel?
11:34Whatever they're doing, it works.
11:39Where's the chow?
11:41Should have at least waited until I'm dead.
11:43You didn't bring any food with you.
11:46I gotta keep my strength up.
11:48For what?
11:50Pretend sex with Nurse Connor?
11:52The ice cream, really.
11:54Hey, opposites attract, right?
11:56So how long has this fantasy sex been going on for?
11:59Oh, a couple weeks.
12:01I was, uh, stir-crazy.
12:04Feeling better.
12:06Thought I'd hightail it out of here to Guadalajara.
12:10But then...
12:12I couldn't sleep.
12:14I heard whispering from the corridor.
12:19And then...
12:21She came in.
12:25She didn't say anything.
12:27Every night around midnight.
12:29I swear.
12:31She is insatiable.
12:39She can't get enough, which is fine by me,
12:41because I can't get enough either.
12:43She is like the goddess of carnal desire,
12:46and I just worship at her altar.
12:49I just worship at her altar.
13:33If you'll excuse me,
13:35a nurse is calling 9-1-stud.
13:44He's got to be delusional, right?
13:46Don't know.
13:48I don't believe anything around here.
13:51It gets pretty boring.
13:53Probably for the staff, too.
13:55She must be really fucking bored.
14:01You got a girlfriend, right?
14:05Just checking.
14:09I should probably go.
14:12The guards actually check on us around here.
14:16Is this a clinic or a prison?
14:37Dear Jessica,
14:39Week 6 and I'm feeling much better.
14:42Whatever this cure is,
14:44I shouldn't make it legal like now.
14:47There's some cool people here.
14:49I've made friends, but I miss you, Jess.
14:52And I'm feeling so much better
14:54that I've decided it's time for me to come home.
14:57It's time for us to be together again.
15:00It's been too long.
15:02Love, Logan.
15:05Six weeks and Jessica hasn't written me back.
15:09Not once.
15:11Probably just writing you a long letter.
15:14It'll be war and peace.
15:16I got to get out of here for a couple days.
15:19See her.
15:21She's a lucky girl.
15:24I hope she knows that.
15:35It's just for a couple days.
15:38You know, Logan,
15:40you're at a very critical point in your treatment.
15:45I just need to see her, know she's okay.
15:48Now I'm getting better.
15:50I want her to know I'm going to be around for the long haul.
15:53Sweet, but I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave right now.
15:56It's such a crucial juncture in your treatment.
15:59I'm sorry.
16:01I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave right now.
16:03It's such a crucial juncture in your treatment.
16:10But what if she came here?
16:13I thought you didn't allow visitors.
16:15Rules are made to be broken.
16:27Logan, this way.
16:29Are you a visitor?
16:31I'd love to meet her.
16:33I love just the size of the competition.
16:35Maybe later. Can you step in for me?
16:45So good to see you.
16:47You too, Logan.
16:49You look better.
16:52I got to get out of here.
16:55Hey, Vince, have you seen Grace?
16:58Yeah. Checked the supply closet.
17:01I'm serious. Her room is empty.
17:03All her stuff's gone. Everything.
17:06Maybe she was discharged.
17:09She would have told us if she were leaving.
17:12You're getting the treatment you need.
17:14What treatment? We don't even know what it is.
17:16Get me out of here today, now.
17:18I just need a break, that's all.
17:21I came to tell you something.
17:24Something you're not going to like.
17:28I'm sorry.
17:44Sector 1 is secure. Out.
17:59How'd the family reunion go?
18:01She dumped me. Or another guy.
18:04I'm sorry. Really.
18:07I'm going to sleep, Lins.
18:09Don't be lame. Come on.
18:12Let's go spy on Doug.
18:14See if he's really doing the mattress mambo with Nurse Nasty.
18:17Trust me, he isn't.
18:20I'm going to check on him.
18:23If I find him jerking off, I'm going to kill him.
18:29Come on.
18:43I was about to give up on you.
18:59Hey, Doctor, where's Doug?
19:04I discharged him last night.
19:17We were assured she would not have to see him.
19:20She cannot be further distressed in her condition.
19:23We'll have them both back.
19:26We'll have them both back for surgery, Dr. Chandler.
19:51No cameras. We can talk.
19:54We can talk.
19:55All of Doug's stuff is gone. Like he was never even here.
19:59Now Doug.
20:02And that's not the first to go missing.
20:04Two new patients arrived today.
20:07An old man.
20:08An old lady.
20:09Every time a patient arrives, one of us goes home.
20:13And I'm afraid...
20:15What if it's us this time?
20:17I think you're being paranoid, Lins.
20:19Then when I...
20:20When we're stuck at the edge of our charts...
20:22Back when we were first curious what the treatment was...
20:24What was in him?
20:27It was all about my lungs.
20:30And Doug?
20:31He was just about his kidneys.
20:33We're supposed to have proveria.
20:36So why was there nothing?
20:39About neuropathy.
20:40Hemoglobin counts.
20:43We have to get out of this clinic.
20:46What about the treatments?
20:48I'm willing to take more chances.
20:50And you should too.
20:55Please come with me.
21:02I'm gonna...
21:05I wanted to do that since the first day you came here.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:19This is crazy.
21:50Promise me...
21:53Promise me that we're gonna get out of here together.
22:19Oh, no...
23:03Schedule Lindsey Brickman and Logan Kell for extra treatment today.
23:20Is something wrong, Lindsey?
23:22I'm just looking forward to going home.
23:25And being cured.
23:27Like Doug.
23:30Very soon.
23:49Get her to the O.R. and prep her for surgery stout.
24:20Get her to the O.R. and prep her for surgery stout.
24:31She's awake!
24:32Stop her! Stop her!
24:34Stop her!
24:48Wait! Where are you going?
25:30What the hell is this place?
25:32This isn't a clinic.
25:35In there!
26:04They were gonna kill me.
26:07I'm glad we don't need your brain.
26:10Dr. Chandler.
26:12What are you doing here?
26:14They're killing us.
26:15For spare parts.
26:17Bravo, my dear.
26:21I was never sick, was I?
26:23Just a little arsenic poisoning.
26:25To induce the pathology.
26:28Why are you doing this?
26:30What do you think?
26:34From who?
26:36Your mother, Logan.
26:37My mother's dead.
26:39No, boy.
26:40Your real mother.
26:42We're getting out of here, Lins.
26:54Your mother's a very sick woman.
26:58Back off! I'll blow his head off!
27:00She gave you life, Logan.
27:04Now she needs it back.
27:06Fuck you! All of you!
27:09I'm not gonna let you walk out of here with the merchandise.
27:13But you can't walk without it.
27:16Please help me, please help me.
27:18They're gonna kill me.
27:21Don't, Logan.
27:22Let's just go.
27:24Please, Logan, please.
27:26They forced me to, Logan.
27:29I love you.
27:31I'm sorry, Lins.
27:32I can't.
27:35Don't hurt her.
27:39Let her go.
27:46Aw, Logan.
27:49Haven't you guessed who's poisoning you?
28:05I'm sorry.
28:19I thought you loved me.
28:26But I will say this for you.
28:29You have a very good heart.
28:35They say home is where the heart is.
28:37And unfortunately for Logan Cale,
28:39this was all too true.
28:41Proving you can truly buy anything for the right price.
28:44And if there's a moral to tonight's story
28:46and you find yourself sick and bedridden
28:48and might need to resort to desperate measures for a cure,
28:51I make this very humble suggestion.
28:53Get a second opinion.
29:04A little time
29:09Give up an inch to grab a mile
29:16Follow along to lead the way
