All american bikini car wash comedy movie

  • 2 months ago
When a student's professor offers him a chance to save his failing grades by running a car wash, he takes on more than he can handle when his friends convince him to hire attractive women in bikinis to wash the cars.
00:00:30Don't need to fit into anything.
00:00:33Turn your finger, baby, baby.
00:00:35Come on, take a look.
00:00:37Oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:00:38Tell me what you see.
00:00:40Tell me what you see.
00:00:42Come on, take a look.
00:00:44Turn your finger, baby, baby.
00:00:45Tell me what you see.
00:00:47Turn your finger, baby, baby.
00:00:49Come on, take a look.
00:00:51Oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:00:52Tell me what you see.
00:00:54Tell me what you see.
00:00:56Come on, take a look.
00:00:58Turn your finger, baby, baby.
00:00:59Tell me what you see.
00:01:01Tell me, baby, baby.
00:01:03Trying to be like you.
00:01:06I got a different point of view.
00:01:09I've learned that running a business ain't easy.
00:01:12And if anyone tells you otherwise,
00:01:14they're just lying to you.
00:01:16And running a bikini car wash?
00:01:18Well, as glamorous as that might sound.
00:01:25I'll admit, it's pretty glamorous,
00:01:27But, it wasn't always like this.
00:01:33I like you.
00:01:34You're a fun guy, you're super nice.
00:01:37But yeah, sometimes it makes me think
00:01:39you're not that into me.
00:01:40No, no, no, I'm totally into you.
00:01:42What's my major?
00:01:48I mean, it's art history.
00:01:52One night stands are fun and all,
00:01:53but the guy one night standing has to be able
00:01:56to focus on me.
00:01:58Otherwise, I could just go home and vibrate.
00:02:01I just got a new toy, actually.
00:02:03Um, I'm gonna go home.
00:02:06Oh, I should've done that first.
00:02:08Do you have any batteries?
00:02:13Yo, Jack, you get any tonight?
00:02:16Kinda, sorta.
00:02:18Nice, man.
00:02:19Gotta tell me your secret sometime.
00:02:21Level 36, man.
00:02:27Hey, Jack, uh, party's wrappin' up, man.
00:02:30Where's Theresa?
00:02:31Uh, she left.
00:02:34Well, you wanna have a threesome with us?
00:02:35Oh, ew.
00:02:37Just lookin' out for my boy.
00:02:38So sweet of you.
00:02:40Just gonna grab a beer.
00:02:45We should play a game.
00:02:46Let's play cowboys and naked chicks.
00:02:49Does it involve boobies?
00:02:50Of course it involves boobies.
00:02:52I like it.
00:02:54Oh, hey, Brittany.
00:02:56Jack, guess what?
00:02:57I just interviewed Tracy.
00:02:59Seems she dropped you like a bad habit.
00:03:03Wait, hold up, what'd she say?
00:03:04Um, spoiler alert.
00:03:06Okay, okay, can we keep my love life
00:03:08out of your documentary, please?
00:03:09I don't think I can.
00:03:11So, does that mean you couldn't get it up?
00:03:14No, it was up, it was up just fine.
00:03:16It was, well, next time I have sex, you wanna film it?
00:03:19I'm not making that kind of film.
00:03:21I'll just interview Vex.
00:03:23I think he's a bit busy.
00:03:25Our fliers!
00:03:26Get out of here!
00:03:27Oh, hey, Britt.
00:03:29Either of you got handcuffs?
00:03:32Oh, you were about ready to tell me what Tracy said.
00:03:33Nice try.
00:03:39What happened?
00:03:40My boyfriend, ex-boyfriend.
00:03:41What did he do now?
00:03:43Is everything okay?
00:03:44He screwed his masseuse, again.
00:03:47Jack, can I crash here for like a day or two?
00:03:50I'll pay you.
00:03:54Yeah, the couch is available.
00:03:56You can sleep there, a bunch of space.
00:04:00I'm gonna go make sure she's okay.
00:04:05Poor Amanda.
00:04:07Well, she's like totally in love with Tori, it's obvious.
00:04:10I didn't know that Amanda was into-
00:04:11It's obvious, Jack.
00:04:13I didn't know that she liked-
00:04:14It's obvious.
00:04:18Wanna grab a beer?
00:04:27Well, you got some good footage?
00:04:32Yeah, I think so.
00:04:39You okay?
00:04:41Oh, me?
00:04:43Sorry, I zoned.
00:04:45For you.
00:04:47Ugh, light beer.
00:04:49Hey, Brit, did you get me dancing
00:04:51with those cutie patooties from the football team?
00:04:53You mean the basketball team?
00:04:55Whatever, they were hot.
00:04:58No, I didn't.
00:04:59Battery was low.
00:05:01Aw, that's a shame.
00:05:04Jack, come hang out with me.
00:05:06Oh, I can't, actually.
00:05:08I've gotta clean the place,
00:05:09because I'm actually renting this from my dad,
00:05:11so I can't just go out and play.
00:05:13It looks fine.
00:05:15Come dance with me.
00:05:16Another time.
00:05:17Another time, I promise.
00:05:18Yay, I'll remember that.
00:05:28You hanging out tomorrow?
00:05:30Yeah, yeah, should be.
00:05:31Cool, I'll text you.
00:05:37Oh, yeah, I'm singing!
00:05:39I'm singing!
00:05:40I'm singing!
00:05:41I'm singing!
00:05:42Oh, yeah, sing what your mama gave you, baby!
00:05:46Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:05:48Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:06:15Gotta collect rent.
00:06:18Oh, I'm a wee bit short.
00:06:21How much?
00:06:22Like, sorta. All of it.
00:06:25You're at the casino again.
00:06:27Dude, we talked about this.
00:06:29No, I'm good for it, I swear.
00:06:31All right, man.
00:06:32Thanks. Love you.
00:06:36Oh, I was just collecting rent.
00:06:39Um, can I give it to you Friday?
00:06:41My financial aid fell through, and I can't even pay my last payment.
00:06:46Which means I might not even graduate.
00:06:49Shit, that sucks.
00:06:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
00:06:53Hey, uh, are you and Tori...
00:06:58Shit, my dad.
00:07:04Oh, Jack here.
00:07:06I'm here, I'm here. Thanks, Tori.
00:07:08Jack here.
00:07:09I'm here, I'm here. Thanks, Tori.
00:07:11Hey, I'll see you later in class.
00:07:16You didn't return my calls.
00:07:18Just stopping by to make sure you didn't burn down the joint.
00:07:22Not at all. Still here, not burning.
00:07:25So, um, is she living here?
00:07:28Tori? No, not at all.
00:07:30Your mother and I didn't get this place for you so you can have all your friends living here.
00:07:34No, no, no, no, no, no. We just, um, I just had a little gathering last night.
00:07:39Painting, painting party.
00:07:41Nice, you painted. Can I see?
00:07:44Yeah, soon. It's not done yet.
00:07:48Okay, sure.
00:07:50Yeah, so Tori just, you know, she stayed over last night because she wasn't feeling well.
00:07:54Must be the paint fumes.
00:07:56You know what? I think you're right.
00:07:58Yeah, I think it was the fumes, yeah.
00:08:01Oh, man, do I have the beer shits.
00:08:04Oh, hey, Mr. Miller.
00:08:09He stayed over, too, because fumes.
00:08:15You know, Jack, we only expect the best from you.
00:08:18And anything less is, well, less.
00:08:23And not acceptable.
00:08:26If you find out you're screwing up or using this as a party house,
00:08:30you can say goodbye to the skate shop, the house, the car, all of it.
00:08:38You do want the skate shop, right?
00:08:41And any other stuff, too.
00:08:44Good. That's my boy.
00:08:46I'm your boy.
00:08:47I'll call you later.
00:08:49Awesome, Dad. Thanks.
00:08:51Next time, answer my call.
00:08:58Bye, Dad.
00:09:25I'm in real business.
00:09:27I don't think I'm ready for all that.
00:09:29You've spent the last four years getting ready.
00:09:32Oh, come on, Professor. There's got to be another way.
00:09:34Look, I'll retake my final.
00:09:36Not an option.
00:09:38I got to be honest.
00:09:40This whole semester, it seemed like you were coasting.
00:09:42Your colon cancer awareness campaign?
00:09:45I thought we had a good campaign.
00:09:47Got anal?
00:09:49It was catchy.
00:09:50Listen, the only reason I'm offering you this is that your father and I go back pretty far.
00:09:55And he has a good mind for business.
00:09:57I thought you might, too.
00:09:59Maybe that gene skipped me.
00:10:01Or I'm adopted.
00:10:03Frank the manager's taking another job, so it works out perfectly.
00:10:06Look, I don't know shit about car washes.
00:10:08Run it for a week.
00:10:10Show a profit.
00:10:12Do that.
00:10:13You pass.
00:10:44I would give my firstborn child to caress that ass.
00:10:48You would give up a tiny, beautiful newborn baby.
00:10:51I think I would.
00:10:54So, does your dad know that you lost your job yet?
00:11:00Does he know you're renting out rooms to your friends to pay for your rent?
00:11:04No, not at all.
00:11:06And get this, I got a 24 on my final.
00:11:09Wow, that's fantastically awful.
00:11:15Just look at Tori for a sec.
00:11:17That should make you feel better.
00:11:24No, I still feel like a loser.
00:11:27Yeah, me too. I swear that would work.
00:11:30You know my dad's deal, man.
00:11:32All I have to do is just pass my business classes and he gives me the cash for the skate shop.
00:11:36Yeah, I know. You've been talking about it for years.
00:11:38But what if you open it in a bomb, dude?
00:11:40Maybe just go work for him. It'd probably be easier.
00:11:42I don't know. My professor made me an offer.
00:11:45Low job?
00:11:47It's worth it, though, if you really want the grade.
00:11:49No, dumbass. Not a blow job.
00:11:53If I show him that I can run a business successfully, for a week he'll give me the credit I need to pass.
00:11:58What kind of business?
00:12:00Car wash.
00:12:06It's Big Tony and Bobby Bullets.
00:12:08Those are their real names?
00:12:09Vex, my man. How the hell are ya?
00:12:11Yeah, Vex. How the fuck are ya?
00:12:17Aren't you guys from here? You sound like you just fell out of a Scorsese movie.
00:12:21Hey, I'll cut you for that, you know?
00:12:22No, Bobby, relax. It really wasn't that bad of a criticism, you know?
00:12:26He did say Scorsese, huh?
00:12:28Listen, you ain't gotta be from New York to be New York.
00:12:32I think you do.
00:12:33You know, Vex, Paulie is awaiting his payment.
00:12:36And it's our job to collect.
00:12:39Pay it back, guys. Relax.
00:12:41Paulie ain't one for relax.
00:12:43Nah, Paulie don't do that shit.
00:12:44You know, Paulie, he prefers to break people's arms.
00:12:47Nah, necks!
00:12:48That don't make Paulie a priority, huh?
00:12:50You see, Paulie lent you the cash.
00:12:53Now it's your job to pay it back.
00:12:55Why, fucking simple.
00:12:57And if that don't work out, well,
00:12:59the things that are attached to your body, they start breaking.
00:13:04This is very painful.
00:13:05I told him I'd have it this week.
00:13:07You better.
00:13:08Or snap!
00:13:11End of the week, bitch.
00:13:12End of the week, bitch!
00:13:13Or snap!
00:13:14End of the week.
00:13:17Yo, damn, baby,
00:13:18you got a whole lot of junk up in that trunk.
00:13:20What do you say I pull up that bump and smack down?
00:13:24Let's get out of here, Tony.
00:13:30Dude, it was a sure thing.
00:13:32Famous last words.
00:13:35So what are we gonna do now?
00:13:37You gonna help me with the car wash?
00:13:39Oh, sure.
00:13:40But hey, I don't work for less than 30 bucks an hour.
00:13:41You know, a man's gotta have his principles.
00:13:42Ten bucks an hour.
00:13:44Fuck principles.
00:13:45I'm in.
00:13:48Dude, we should hire Tori, too.
00:13:50Then we get some mad business.
00:13:51Oh, sure, yeah.
00:13:52Why don't we just open up a bikini car wash?
00:13:54That's a brilliant idea.
00:13:56That was a joke.
00:13:57Oh, think about it, man.
00:13:58It can't miss.
00:13:59We'd be printing money.
00:14:00Vex, I'm not running a bikini car wash, man.
00:14:03It's, like, seedy.
00:14:05But highly profitable, and I can help.
00:14:08Dude, we got a hot chick.
00:14:10Imagine her, like, soaping up your car.
00:14:12Maybe she winks at you, she blows you a kiss.
00:14:15You achieve what?
00:14:17Absolutely, but there's more than that to running a business.
00:14:20Uh, we got it all figured out, Marvin.
00:14:23Um, you got the numbers figured out?
00:14:25Yeah, Jack's a numbers whiz.
00:14:29We might need help with the numbers.
00:14:31It's not exactly the kind of business my dad would be cool with, you know.
00:14:36And the professor?
00:14:37I don't think he wants me turning his little car wash into something out of a porno.
00:14:40I'm so in!
00:14:41Me too!
00:14:42Uh, who said you could join the team?
00:14:44It'll be just like senior year, when we ruled Liberty High.
00:14:47Uh, it's a little different than student government, bro.
00:14:50Do you even remember high school?
00:14:51You know, considering you were stoned half the time.
00:14:54Oh, I think it was more than half.
00:14:56It doesn't even matter.
00:14:57Like, I didn't agree to this, so...
00:14:58But if you do, I can make sure we actually make a profit.
00:15:01Which is the whole point, correct?
00:15:04I sure as shit need the cash, and Jack needs the grade.
00:15:06Cool down, guys.
00:15:07Alright, this is my mess.
00:15:08I make the decisions.
00:15:09So you're in too.
00:15:12No, I didn't say that.
00:15:13Then what are your other options?
00:15:15You know, we've got less than a week, and you've got no money.
00:15:16You know, what else is there?
00:15:17I mean, a lemonade stand?
00:15:18Come on, let me hear your ideas.
00:15:20I thought so.
00:15:21Think about it, man.
00:15:22Hot chicks, sexy bikinis.
00:15:24It can't miss.
00:15:25There's no guarantee that...
00:15:26I'll quote my calculations.
00:15:27It will be a tremendous success.
00:15:29I mean, it would be nice if it worked.
00:15:30We could run specials.
00:15:32Buy five washes.
00:15:33Get one free.
00:15:34Theme days.
00:15:35Hot nursing.
00:15:36And I'll do it for free.
00:15:38Help me get her.
00:15:41Dude, get in line.
00:15:43Only a special kind of guy goes balls deep with Tori.
00:15:45Why don't you try with someone like Amanda?
00:15:47Amanda is totally into Tori.
00:15:50I just mean someone more realistic and less...
00:15:54Oh my god.
00:15:55Wouldn't it be funny if he lost Tori to a girl?
00:15:58It would be uproarious!
00:16:00It's just that...
00:16:01You guys always get the girls, you know?
00:16:03And I'm just...
00:16:06I should be proud right now,
00:16:07but I don't want to think about you alone in your room
00:16:09next time I'm banging.
00:16:10Come on, Jack.
00:16:11Let's help this bastard get laid.
00:16:13Ah, damn it.
00:16:14I got myself into this mess, didn't I?
00:16:18This could be your chance.
00:16:19You know, my bro graduated with a degree in engineering,
00:16:21and now he's flipping burgers.
00:16:23It's shit out there, man.
00:16:24Us millennials?
00:16:25We're screwed.
00:16:26Like, if you join the team,
00:16:27I cannot guarantee you're gonna land her.
00:16:29Just guarantee that you'll try.
00:16:32The millennials.
00:16:38That's the spirit!
00:16:41Can one of you boys help rub some oil on me?
00:16:49Uh, hey.
00:16:50So, Tori...
00:16:52I've got a possible...
00:16:54Business proposition for you.
00:17:00What do you think of this blue?
00:17:02I love it.
00:17:03What about these bottoms?
00:17:05I know they go with these, too.
00:17:08What about this one?
00:17:09That one's cute.
00:17:10I like the prototypes.
00:17:13I want to go to the beach,
00:17:14and I'll freeze there,
00:17:15and still be fluffy.
00:17:17This must be what heaven looks like.
00:17:20I don't think there are girls
00:17:21in bikinis in heaven, Becks.
00:17:24Hey, Marvin.
00:17:25Big favor.
00:17:26Shut the fuck up.
00:17:27Shut him up.
00:17:32Is this too skimpy?
00:17:37Oh, hell yeah!
00:17:47For the record,
00:17:48this is gonna be fucking awesome.
00:18:24Holy shit!
00:18:25Dude, we got one!
00:18:27Hey, welcome.
00:18:28How can we help you?
00:18:29I want a car wash.
00:18:36Hey, baby.
00:18:37Did you want the standard wash,
00:18:39the premium,
00:18:40or the happy ending
00:18:41please-come-all-over-me rubdown?
00:18:43I'll take the last one.
00:18:44Please pull it around,
00:18:47and then you enter
00:18:49through the rear.
00:18:50Yes, ma'am.
00:18:56Oh, my God.
00:18:59Oh, my God.
00:19:04Oh, my God.
00:19:08I just can't, I just can't.
00:19:14It's my sister.
00:19:19It's hard to explain it, right?
00:19:21It seemed like from the beginning
00:19:22it was overnight.
00:19:23It seemed like I liked winning
00:19:25♪ Yeah, that's how I fight, Rocky ♪
00:19:27♪ Please believe it, yeah, it's me, baby ♪
00:19:29♪ Still the same, but a lot can change lately ♪
00:19:32♪ Get your Google on, I made a lot of change lately, ain't we? ♪
00:19:36♪ On it like a sauce or something, y'all ain't seen it ♪
00:19:39♪ We just started stuntin', made a whole lot of somethin' ♪
00:19:42♪ From a lot of nothin', they said that he never would've ♪
00:19:45♪ Met you nothin', I guess I never did it ♪
00:19:47♪ Made you think it was funny, I said it, then I did it ♪
00:19:50♪ You can't take it from me, I'm laughin' all the way to France ♪
00:19:54♪ Might do some house, we make the people dance ♪
00:19:57♪ Might lose her vows quick, watch me do it with no hands ♪
00:20:00♪ I can't explain, don't even ask, I just can't explain it to you ♪
00:20:06♪ You know, I just can't, I just can't, I can't explain it to you ♪
00:20:12I've got plenty of life to live, but it's safe to say that this'll be the best job I'll
00:20:39ever have.
00:20:40No doubt, dude.
00:20:41And with any luck, word of mouth will spread.
00:20:44Yeah, everyone's gonna know about this bikini car wash.
00:20:46Hey, guys.
00:20:48Brit, you totally missed the grand opening of Jack's bikini car wash.
00:20:51That's cause I wasn't aware Jack had started his own business.
00:20:54Oh, it's no big deal.
00:20:55It's just for my business class.
00:20:57The whole bikini aspect is just a marketing thing.
00:21:01Yeah, right.
00:21:02The important thing is just running the business.
00:21:05Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.
00:21:07My bad.
00:21:08So you have girls in bikinis washing cars?
00:21:11Uh, yeah, Brit.
00:21:12It's a bikini car wash.
00:21:14You can't not have girls in bikinis.
00:21:16You know, Jack, we're probably the only bikini car wash in the whole zip code, if not the
00:21:20whole fucking state.
00:21:21We're pioneers, bro.
00:21:22It's inspiring.
00:21:24Just like Lewis and Clark.
00:21:25Wait till the girls in my film class hear about this.
00:21:27Oh, no, I don't know about that.
00:21:29Oh, can I be in it?
00:21:31Oh, you should totally put me in it, too.
00:21:32People love looking at this fucking face.
00:21:33I'll start filming tomorrow.
00:21:34No, no, you know, I'd have to get permission.
00:21:37And there's forms to fill out?
00:21:38Don't worry, Jack.
00:21:39I'll just blur out the name when I edit it.
00:21:42You know, and the customers.
00:21:43Yeah, I'll just shoot around them or blur them out, too.
00:22:02I'm just making a pop tart.
00:22:05Hey, Amanda, stop apologizing.
00:22:07I know, I know.
00:22:08Hey, I'm sorry for blowing you off last night.
00:22:10I just have a lot going on.
00:22:12Yeah, I totally understand.
00:22:14My ex is just like, I mean, look at this body.
00:22:17Would you go anywhere else?
00:22:20No, I would never go anywhere else ever.
00:22:24Like, like if I were him.
00:22:27And my lips.
00:22:28I mean, these are just the perfect lips to kiss with.
00:22:32Yeah, pretty perfect lips.
00:22:35Yeah, yours are nice, too.
00:22:37No, they're not.
00:22:39You know, if you dress a little different, more confident, and a little sexier, I think you'd get more guys' attention.
00:22:51What are you doing?
00:22:52Let me see your stomach.
00:22:57Anyways, thank you.
00:23:06You're pop-tart.
00:23:07Oh, yeah.
00:23:08Is it cool if I crash with you?
00:23:10The couch smells like puke and chips.
00:23:15I mean, yeah.
00:23:16Sure, whatever.
00:23:18You're the best, Amanda.
00:23:25I love the party!
00:23:29It's pretty nice.
00:23:36Hey, guys, just real quick.
00:23:38I just wanted to thank everyone for today.
00:23:40You guys were great.
00:23:42I've got to run this thing for a week.
00:23:44So, if you guys can help out for a few more days, that would be awesome.
00:23:47No, I can't.
00:23:48I got an internship.
00:23:49My friend Mia might be able to help.
00:23:51She's super cute.
00:23:52Super cute is a great quality.
00:23:55I had fun, but I'm beat.
00:23:58Well, you know, once we actually get a rhythm going, I'm sure we can work more efficiently, guys.
00:24:02I've done some calculations, and if we're busy as my numbers suggest we may indeed be,
00:24:06anyone working as a bikini person could bring home at least 200 bucks a day, maybe more,
00:24:12depending on weather concerns and, of course, traffic.
00:24:15Shut up, Marvin.
00:24:17I did get some nice tips.
00:24:19You know, the pizza place is really flexible.
00:24:21I can still be cashier.
00:24:23I win.
00:24:24I don't mind showing off my girl.
00:24:26Uh, your girls?
00:24:28Those girls.
00:24:30I'm a big fan of those girls.
00:24:32But do the girls really need to be out at the moment?
00:24:34Yes, they do.
00:24:36You want to touch them, Britt?
00:24:38They're all natural.
00:24:40Well, not really.
00:24:42No, thanks.
00:24:43I'm good.
00:24:44Yeah, maybe we should just, you know, just...
00:24:45Sure thing, Chad.
00:24:47Don't want to offend anyone.
00:24:49Oh, you're not offending me.
00:24:50You just don't need to fling them around.
00:24:52Okay, Bratney.
00:24:54Hey, no fighting, girls, unless it involves mud wrestling or nudity.
00:24:57Or both.
00:24:59Hey, Jack.
00:25:01This is gonna be awesome.
00:25:05All right, well, we got some interviews coming in today,
00:25:07but I've got inventory supplies with Marvin,
00:25:09so can you handle them?
00:25:11No problemo.
00:25:15Be professional.
00:25:30I'm gonna need to see you in a bikini.
00:25:40Is this better?
00:25:44Please tell your parents I said thank you.
00:25:49Experience, work history, blah, blah, blah.
00:25:52What are your best assets?
00:25:54Do these count?
00:25:56Yeah, those count.
00:25:58Those count?
00:26:02Yeah, you know, great resume, we'll call you.
00:26:07Oh, fuck, yeah.
00:26:09When can you start?
00:26:12Let it go, man. I miss anything?
00:26:22Holy shit.
00:26:28April told me about the job.
00:26:30Here's my resume.
00:26:34You heard right.
00:26:36What are some of your qualifications?
00:26:39I'm an excellent customer service provider,
00:26:42and I'll pretty much do anything
00:26:44to make sure the customer is extremely satisfied.
00:26:48You're hired.
00:26:50Yes, please.
00:26:52Great, can you tell us about some of the other positions you've held?
00:26:58I've been in a lot of different positions.
00:27:01Awesome, what are some of your faves?
00:27:04Are you flirting with me?
00:27:06You're making me blush, honey.
00:27:08No, no, no, he means jobs.
00:27:10No, I meant positions.
00:27:12I've had a lot of experience in a lot of different positions,
00:27:16and I'm very flexible.
00:27:20Flexibility is a huge plus.
00:27:22Here, come on.
00:27:25I've been under the table.
00:27:27As in?
00:27:28No, Vex, off the books, man.
00:27:30I know what under the table means.
00:27:33Mia, look, wow, this all sounds great.
00:27:36It does, really.
00:27:38But see, I'm not solely looking for sex appeal.
00:27:41I am.
00:27:43Did I mention my friend Neil owns an exotic car dealership?
00:27:46I'm sure I could persuade him
00:27:48to bring his cars here for washing and detailing.
00:27:51Okay, now she hired.
00:27:53Welcome to the team, Mia.
00:27:55Haze it up, haze, haze.
00:27:58Hey, Marvin.
00:28:11Step by step
00:28:14Feet by feet keeping tight
00:28:18You won't make it out alive
00:28:22If you think you cannot run me
00:28:29Oh, I, I wanna run you
00:28:37You think you're faster than me
00:28:39You think you're harder than me
00:28:42You won't break me down
00:28:50If you think you cannot run me
00:28:59Dave's still on this joint?
00:29:01Who's Dave?
00:29:02Dave Dugan.
00:29:03Or as I like to finally refer to him,
00:29:04I jilted old Dave.
00:29:05Nobody really thinks that's funny, Bobby.
00:29:07I meant to tell you that.
00:29:09Yeah, like I give a flying fuck.
00:29:10Some people call him the professor.
00:29:12That's because he's a professor.
00:29:14Anyways, yeah, he owns the space.
00:29:15So you're the new manager of this fine establishment?
00:29:19Good enough.
00:29:20We'd like to wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.
00:29:23Oh, cool, thanks.
00:29:25I was being facetious.
00:29:27FYI, I kind of like nerdy girls.
00:29:29FYI, you're nowhere near my type.
00:29:31Enough, Bobby.
00:29:33We'd like to make a withdrawal.
00:29:35Of what? I don't understand.
00:29:37Money, smart guy! You fail out of college or something?
00:29:40Actually, that's kind of funny.
00:29:41And no, it ain't, and we don't care.
00:29:44We truly don't give anywhere close to a shit regarding your situation.
00:29:48I'll make it simple.
00:29:50Dildo Dave.
00:29:53The professor and all the local joints pay us a small weekly fee,
00:29:58and we make sure nothing bad happens to their businesses.
00:30:02It's a car wash, man. What could happen?
00:30:04Oh, it could explode.
00:30:06Yeah, it definitely could explode.
00:30:12There's nothing explosive here.
00:30:14You never know.
00:30:16Actually, I do.
00:30:18We're just here to offer protection. That's all.
00:30:23Yeah, I'm gonna call the police.
00:30:27You put that stapler near my face, I'll break your boss's windpipe.
00:30:31It's cool, it's cool, man. It's fine.
00:30:32The money, or I break your nose, then your hands, and something else randomly.
00:30:39How much?
00:30:40The usual.
00:30:42I don't know the usual.
00:30:44Jack, today's numbers look great.
00:30:52I think the usual has just increased.
00:31:01How much did they get?
00:31:03More than I wanted to part with.
00:31:05How do we make it back?
00:31:07Hard work.
00:31:09I hate that idea.
00:31:11Any other options?
00:31:14Guys, you've gotta see this.
00:31:29I hear your girls do a good job.
00:31:30You did?
00:31:31Uh, you heard right.
00:31:32What kind of package would you like?
00:31:34The works.
00:31:35For girls?
00:31:36Good choice.
00:31:38I hope so.
00:31:44This is awesome!
00:31:45Hey, I told you, Mia was a good project.
00:31:47Chill, man. We need to be careful, alright? This is high-end here.
00:31:50High-end people have high-end friends, which means more Ferraris.
00:31:54Yes, Vex.
00:31:55More Ferraris. So be super careful.
00:31:58Of course.
00:32:03You winnin', baby.
00:32:06Yeah, um, I don't know about them over there. We let them lose.
00:32:11We're gonna get him with this one, P.
00:32:13Y'all know what we came to do, man.
00:32:15We came to win.
00:32:19All I know is win.
00:32:22All I do is win.
00:32:25All I know is win.
00:32:28They told me if you're not first, you're last, so go in.
00:32:33All I do is win.
00:32:36All I know is win.
00:32:40They told me if you're not first, you're last, so go in.
00:32:43In, in, in.
00:32:45Then I'ma go again, again.
00:32:47Jenny, we gon' follow up with them.
00:32:49Her and her friends and her just kicked in.
00:32:52Amsterdam, roaming back to Berlin.
00:32:55Lean, lean.
00:32:56I told you we would win, win, win.
00:32:59Whoa, feet on the ground.
00:33:01Oh, yeah.
00:33:03What up until then?
00:33:04Michael hit me so hard.
00:33:07Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:33:08Head wash only.
00:33:23Oh, my God.
00:33:26I did it.
00:33:29All I do is win.
00:33:32All I know is win.
00:33:35They told me if you're not first, you're last, so go in.
00:33:38In, in, in.
00:33:40All I do is win.
00:33:43All I know is win.
00:33:46They told me if you're not first, you're last, so go in.
00:33:50That's how we know, baby.
00:33:52Hey, nice job.
00:33:54I like this place.
00:33:55Perhaps I'll recommend my friends.
00:33:57Oh, we definitely appreciate it for us.
00:33:59Hey, and next time, let her climb on the hood.
00:34:06Do you know what to do?
00:34:10You just wait.
00:34:12I want to be him when I grow up.
00:34:20Oh, hey, what's up, Kelda?
00:34:21Just wanted to ask you something.
00:34:25I think it would really help and get us a lot of business
00:34:30if we really push the envelope on the sexiness thing.
00:34:33I mean, I'll talk to Jack, but I'm not sure how sexy he'd want to go, though.
00:34:37I'm a really sexual person, so I can be as sexual as you want me to be.
00:34:45Because, you know, I'm a pretty sexual person myself.
00:34:51Are you?
00:34:52Well, yeah, I mean, Vex does rhyme with...
00:34:55I know what it rhymes with.
00:34:57So, show me, baby.
00:35:04Hey, Marcy, Sarah, my little sister's got a lemonade stand. Nice.
00:35:08Buy some lemonade.
00:35:09Oh, hell yeah. I mean, heck yes. Please.
00:35:13Jack, buddy, can you spot me?
00:35:16The lemonades are on me.
00:35:17Three bucks and you can't break anything over 20.
00:35:20There you go.
00:35:21Thanks. We made nine dollars now.
00:35:23Well, Sarah...
00:35:24We might sell other stuff, too, in case people get sick of lemonade.
00:35:27Like orange juice and milk.
00:35:29Ew, not milk, Sarah. That's disgusting.
00:35:31But maybe orange juice.
00:35:32And if you refer someone, you get a coupon for a free lemonade.
00:35:36That's a pretty good deal.
00:35:38Hey, everyone.
00:35:39I was going to stop by today for that rent check.
00:35:41Oh, I've got it right here, so no need.
00:35:44And the girls wanted to see what their big brother was up to.
00:35:46No, we didn't.
00:35:47Daddy said, let's see what kind of trouble you're getting into.
00:35:50Oh, Marcy.
00:35:52Did you finish painting?
00:35:53Painting? Like Jack would paint.
00:35:55Wow, this is some good lemonade.
00:35:59Good evening.
00:36:02Your mother and I don't appreciate you trashing the house.
00:36:04Not everyone gets an opportunity like this.
00:36:06Well, Jack did just start a business.
00:36:08A business?
00:36:10What is it?
00:36:11It's not going to be like that business project you did with the banana donut, is it?
00:36:15No, a banana donut.
00:36:16That was a tasty failure.
00:36:18No, no, Dad. It's nothing like that.
00:36:20I'm just, uh, just helping someone out.
00:36:22It's no big deal.
00:36:23It's only temporary.
00:36:24Oh, I see.
00:36:26Is it a real business?
00:36:27Yeah, it is.
00:36:28Daddy says the only way to make money is to be evil and ruthless.
00:36:33No, he said ruthless.
00:36:34You're an idiot.
00:36:35Girls, that's enough.
00:36:39I'm going to stop by in a few days.
00:36:41The house better be in good shape.
00:36:43Painted or not.
00:36:45Yeah, yeah, of course.
00:36:49Let's get you girls some lunch.
00:36:50But what if somebody wants lemonade?
00:36:52They'll be okay for a few minutes.
00:36:54Well, good luck with your business, girls.
00:36:57Whoa, harsh.
00:37:00Sorry, did I say too much in front of your dad?
00:37:02You were in a jam.
00:37:03Yeah, you were totally jammed.
00:37:05You should just tell him the truth.
00:37:07My parents don't know shit about me, and that's for their protection.
00:37:10So I should tell him that I might fail the only class he wants me to pass,
00:37:13that I got fired from the job I was supposed to keep to pay rent,
00:37:17and that I run a bikini car wash.
00:37:19That truth rocks.
00:37:20My opinion.
00:37:21Maybe not all the truth,
00:37:23but I have to admit this will be great for the movie.
00:37:26Built-in drama.
00:37:27Just pass the popcorn.
00:37:35Sorry, I get nervous in front of the camera.
00:37:37Can we try again?
00:37:38Yeah, I'll just keep rolling.
00:37:40Okay, for real this time.
00:37:42So, why I became a bikini girl.
00:37:46It's all about Benjamins, baby.
00:37:48Kelly, this is my interview.
00:37:51But I do love the Benjamins.
00:37:53I know.
00:38:23I love you.
00:38:24I love you.
00:38:25I love you.
00:38:26I love you.
00:38:27I love you.
00:38:28I love you.
00:38:29I love you.
00:38:30I love you.
00:38:31I love you.
00:38:32I love you.
00:38:33I love you.
00:38:34I love you.
00:38:35I love you.
00:38:36I love you.
00:38:37I love you.
00:38:38I love you.
00:38:39I love you.
00:38:40I love you.
00:38:41I love you.
00:38:42I love you.
00:38:43I love you.
00:38:44I love you.
00:38:45I love you.
00:38:46I love you.
00:38:47I love you.
00:38:48I love you.
00:38:49I love you.
00:38:50I love you.
00:38:51I love you.
00:38:52I love you.
00:38:53Best Rub Downtown.
00:38:55100 percent hand wash.
00:39:07Best Rub Downtown.
00:39:19Let's rock, girl, let's rock!
00:39:21Let's rock!
00:39:22Let's rock!
00:39:23Let's rock!
00:39:24Let's rock!
00:39:25Let's rock!
00:39:26Let's rock!
00:39:27Let's rock!
00:39:28Let's rock!
00:39:29Let's rock!
00:39:30Let's rock!
00:39:31Let's rock!
00:39:32Let's rock!
00:39:33Let's rock!
00:39:34Let's rock!
00:39:35Let's rock!
00:39:36Let's rock!
00:39:37Let's rock!
00:39:38Let's rock!
00:39:39Let's rock!
00:39:40Let's rock!
00:39:41Let's rock!
00:39:42Let's rock!
00:39:43Let's rock!
00:39:44Let's rock!
00:39:45Let's rock!
00:39:46Let's rock!
00:39:47Let's rock!
00:39:48Let's rock!
00:39:49Let's rock!
00:39:50Let's rock!
00:40:11You're not involved in the rave.
00:40:15I was just trying to be funny.
00:40:16Okay, dudes.
00:40:17Oh yeah, oh yeah, making it rain, oh oh oh
00:40:21Okay, can I have everyone's attention, please?
00:40:25Let me just say that I am very drunk
00:40:30But also on Jack's behalf, I just want to say that we are off to a really good start, motherfuckers!
00:40:40Anyone drinks to drink?
00:40:42I got rum
00:40:44I'll grab a glass
00:41:00I'd give these glasses, but I'm a little buzzed at the moment
00:41:10Aw, you're so sweet, like a candy cane
00:41:15Actually, they're minty, not really sweet
00:41:19Sweet to me would be like a little lollipop or something with a higher sugar content
00:41:25But a candy cane, nice, thanks
00:41:32Tori, can I ask you a question?
00:41:37Yeah, you just did, silly
00:41:45I got the rum!
00:41:57OMG, this one guy was so totally getting off when I was washing his windshield
00:42:02He even had it out
00:42:04You, it?
00:42:05Yeah, that should be extra, right?
00:42:08Can I talk to you for a sec, alone?
00:42:15I'm a little concerned
00:42:19I think there's a line that you don't want to cross with the car wash
00:42:22I mean, Kelly's nipples did more washing than her hands
00:42:25Oh, well, that's part of the deluxe wash
00:42:27Oh, is it? I didn't know that
00:42:30Sure, or you can go with just the nipple wash by itself, but it's a better value if you go deluxe
00:42:35Now I see, then the nips are fine
00:42:38No, you're right, I'll talk to them
00:42:41We shouldn't have the nipples out
00:42:43I'm just looking out for you
00:42:52Just looking out for you, too?
00:42:54I wouldn't want you falling down and breaking that pretty little, uh, camera
00:43:00Yeah, that'd be awful
00:43:04You know, you're doing a really nice job with the car wash, even though I wasn't exactly sold on it
00:43:08Well, that makes two of us
00:43:10Seems like the girls are into it, too
00:43:12My film might actually turn out better than I thought
00:43:15That is, if the girls in my class don't steal my footage and burn it
00:43:18That wouldn't be so bad, would it?
00:43:20Kidding, kidding, kidding
00:43:22I'm sure you've probably got enough car wash footage, though, right?
00:43:26I could use more footage, unless you don't want me around
00:43:30No, no, no, that's not what I meant
00:43:32No, I totally want you
00:43:35Around, around, you know what I mean
00:43:40I'll be around
00:43:44Hey, guys
00:43:46Am I interrupting?
00:43:48Uh, actually
00:43:50I need another beer
00:43:53Wow, someone has a bug up her ass
00:43:56Nope, I don't think she has any bugs up her ass
00:43:58Or anywhere else
00:44:00You're the boss
00:44:02And a really good one
00:44:04Well, I don't know about that
00:44:06If it wasn't for your creativity, none of it would have worked
00:44:09I didn't really do that much
00:44:11Aw, you're being modest
00:44:13But I was thinking that maybe we should tone down some of the sexy stuff
00:44:19Why would we want to do that?
00:44:21I mean, I want the business to be successful, of course
00:44:24But, you know, just not with all the nudity
00:44:28What's wrong with a little nudity?
00:44:34In the right context
00:44:36Is this the right context?
00:44:41Uh, yeah, sure
00:44:43But, you know, the car wash isn't really the place
00:44:46But you know I'm all about customer satisfaction
00:44:51Customer satisfaction is critical
00:44:53Aw, Jack, you're blushing
00:44:57Am I?
00:44:59Just one more button
00:45:11Jack, you can't feel a girl up and leave her hanging
00:45:15It's not polite
00:45:17Am I right, Britt?
00:45:19I didn't, I wasn't, I wouldn't
00:45:21I'll see you guys tomorrow
00:45:22But Britt, look, but we're celebrating
00:45:25Then celebrate
00:45:27I'm tired
00:45:28You may want to put those away
00:45:32Yeah, I'm going to go back to the party
00:45:42That's what I'm talking about
00:45:44So all I was saying before is that we just need to be careful about going too far
00:45:47But going too far is too much fun
00:45:51Especially when Tori has a few drinks in her
00:45:54Put on a show for us, Tori
00:45:56Go Tori, go Tori, go Tori
00:46:02Is this too much?
00:46:03Keep going
00:46:12You've got the poor kid speechless
00:46:14Give him a lap dance
00:46:16Hell yeah
00:46:18Sit down
00:46:31Careful Margaret, you might hurt someone with that thing
00:46:55Come out, we're having so much fun
00:46:58I'm tired
00:47:00And you're drunk
00:47:01I'm not even that drunk
00:47:04Okay, maybe I'm a little half drunk
00:47:08You're such a good friend
00:47:11Thanks friend
00:47:12Yeah, you should be a bikini girl
00:47:15I do not have the body for that
00:47:18Come here
00:47:19Tori, what are you doing?
00:47:22One, two, three
00:47:26What are you doing?
00:47:35Tori, what are you doing?
00:47:37Come on, let me see you
00:47:39Come on
00:47:47Why are you seeing anyone?
00:47:49Are you a good kisser?
00:47:51I don't know
00:47:53I haven't really had much practice
00:47:55That's crazy, you're such a cute girl
00:47:58Come on, lick your lips for me
00:48:06Again, but with more tongue
00:48:25You were right, you were right
00:48:28Yeah, that was perfect
00:48:31You were so good
00:48:35I love you so much
00:48:44Damn it
00:48:55I love you
00:49:25I love you
00:49:31I love you so much
00:49:37I love you so much
00:49:39I love you
00:49:55I love you
00:50:16So lovely
00:50:18Good job
00:50:21Hey Marvin
00:50:23Hey Mia
00:50:24Could I ask you for some advice?
00:50:27Yeah, sure, what's up?
00:50:28Okay, um
00:50:30I have this friend who really likes this girl
00:50:32And wants to ask her out
00:50:34But he's a bit apprehensive
00:50:36That's pretty normal
00:50:37Is he cute?
00:50:38Well, uh
00:50:39I'm not sure I want to categorize his appearance
00:50:41But let's just say he's no stud muffin
00:50:44Does he have a personality?
00:50:45Is he funny?
00:50:47Girls like funny
00:50:49Funny can be pretty hot
00:50:51Like jokes?
00:50:55Put it this way
00:50:56The guys I date are cute
00:50:58But they're also funny
00:50:59The last guy I dated was about a seven
00:51:01But he had a great personality
00:51:03Which made him a nine
00:51:04Gosh, uh
00:51:06I didn't know girls rated guys
00:51:08Of course we do
00:51:10So tell your friend
00:51:11That a little bit of humor goes a long way
00:51:14And good luck
00:51:22Spicy, spicy chicken
00:51:23I don't know what's going on
00:51:24So let's call our names and play with the titties
00:51:25Because these
00:51:26No, these kind of things
00:51:27You see about once in a lifetime
00:51:28You're kidding me
00:51:29No, can't look
00:51:30Hey, shitbag
00:51:31Bobby, easy
00:51:32Fellas, I got the dough
00:51:34Yeah, you better have
00:51:37What'd I do?
00:51:38You never stop
00:51:39Stop what?
00:51:40You're like an earworm
00:51:41An earworm?
00:51:42Just nattering
00:51:43Day in, day out
00:51:44No, I
00:51:45You never shut up
00:51:46I swear
00:51:47I can't even think when I'm around you
00:51:48Hey, what the fuck is an earwig?
00:51:50Forget it
00:51:54Uh, here it is
00:52:14Yeah, five
00:52:18I was looking forward to breaking both your arms
00:52:21And beating you with them
00:52:23Lucky prick
00:52:25Uh, hey, uh
00:52:26Can I get a receipt?
00:52:29This guy
00:52:32How about this?
00:52:33I'll give you a
00:52:34Get the fuck out of here
00:52:35That works
00:52:44I'm trying not to talk
00:52:46But you know
00:52:47I really don't think I talk all that much to begin with
00:52:49And when I do
00:52:50It's because I got something to say
00:52:51Or to state my opinion
00:52:52And you know what?
00:52:53Given the freedoms we have in this country
00:52:54God help me
00:52:55You can't leave me
00:52:56You can't go
00:53:05Hey, Marvin
00:53:06Um, Tori
00:53:08Do you know how to spot a blind guy at a nudist colony?
00:53:14Uh, it's not hard
00:53:17Get it?
00:53:22What's the difference between love
00:53:24True love
00:53:25And showing off?
00:53:29And gargling
00:53:32That's disgusting
00:53:33I gotta get back to work
00:53:37Maybe it's my delivery
00:53:40What do you think, Martin?
00:53:48Stop bombing Vanessa's shoes
00:53:52Uh, bikini car wash
00:53:55Jack the exploiter
00:53:56He's so proud
00:53:57Come on, Britt
00:53:58You know I'm not trying to do that
00:53:59I'm just busting your stones
00:54:03Nobody's forcing us to work there
00:54:04We're getting paid
00:54:05And it's fun
00:54:07And I can make a few bucks
00:54:09Maybe we're exploiting the guys
00:54:11Who are willing to pay way too much
00:54:13To have their cars washed
00:54:14Uh, you're preaching to the choir, Vanessa
00:54:16Oh, Vex agrees with me
00:54:18Maybe I am wrong
00:54:20Forget everything I said
00:54:21I'll just upload these for you
00:54:23Thanks, Britt
00:54:24You rock
00:54:25See you guys tomorrow
00:54:31Vanessa likes the bikini car wash
00:54:33Oh, shut it
00:54:34Hey, who's ready to go in the pool?
00:54:38No, stop!
00:54:40No, don't!
00:54:46All right, ladies
00:54:47So we're offering detailing now
00:54:49So just make sure to take a look
00:54:50At the new price list I handed out
00:54:52Plus we're offering referral coupons
00:54:53These are really good ideas, Jack
00:54:55Great, great
00:54:56Oh, Marvin got us a great deal on sealant
00:54:58So we can offer that now
00:55:00Try to get the customers to upgrade
00:55:02You know, it'll make us and you all more money
00:55:05I like the sound of that
00:55:06We'll get them to upgrade
00:55:07Just remember
00:55:10Not slutty
00:55:16I'm not changing anything
00:55:18We want to give the customers
00:55:19A reason to come back, right?
00:55:21Well, yeah, of course
00:55:22But Jack's like
00:55:23Jack's doing this for his stupid class
00:55:25He doesn't know what's best
00:55:26I think he's doing a really nice job
00:55:28The customers will come back for us
00:55:30Not for sealant
00:55:31Without us, there's nothing
00:55:33So let's give them a reason to come back
00:55:48Oh, my God
00:56:19Oh, my God
00:56:20Oh, my God
00:56:21Oh, my God
00:56:22Oh, my God
00:56:23Oh, my God
00:56:24Oh, my God
00:56:25Oh, my God
00:56:26Oh, my God
00:56:27Oh, my God
00:56:28Oh, my God
00:56:29Oh, my God
00:56:30Oh, my God
00:56:31Oh, my God
00:56:32Oh, my God
00:56:33Oh, my God
00:56:34Oh, my God
00:56:35Oh, my God
00:56:36Oh, my God
00:56:37Oh, my God
00:56:38Oh, my God
00:56:39Oh, my God
00:56:40Oh, my God
00:56:41Oh, my God
00:56:42Oh, my God
00:56:43Oh, my God
00:56:44Oh, my God
00:56:45Oh, my God
00:56:46Oh, my God
00:56:47Oh, my God
00:56:48Oh, my God
00:56:49Oh, my God
00:56:50Oh, my God
00:56:51Oh, my God
00:56:52Oh, my God
00:56:53Oh, my God
00:56:54Oh, my God
00:56:55Oh, my God
00:56:56Oh, my God
00:56:57Oh, my God
00:56:58Oh, my God
00:56:59Oh, my God
00:57:00Oh, my God
00:57:01Oh, my God
00:57:02Oh, my God
00:57:03Oh, my God
00:57:04Oh, my God
00:57:05Oh, my God
00:57:06Oh, my God
00:57:07Oh, my God
00:57:08Oh, my God
00:57:09Oh, my God
00:57:10Oh, my God
00:57:11Oh, my God
00:57:12Oh, my God
00:57:13Oh, my God
00:57:14Oh, my God
00:57:15Oh, my God
00:57:16Oh, my God
00:57:17Oh, my God
00:57:18Oh, my God
00:57:19Oh, my God
00:57:20Oh, my God
00:57:21Oh, my God
00:57:22Oh, my God
00:57:23Oh, my God
00:57:24Oh, my God
00:57:25Oh, my God
00:57:26Oh, my God
00:57:27Oh, my God
00:57:28Oh, my God
00:57:29Oh, my God
00:57:30Oh, my God
00:57:31Oh, my God
00:57:32Oh, my God
00:57:33Oh, my God
00:57:34Oh, my God
00:57:35Oh, my God
00:57:36Oh, my God
00:57:37Oh, my God
00:57:38Oh, my God
00:57:39Oh, my God
00:57:40Oh, my God
00:57:41Oh, my God
00:57:42Oh, my God
00:57:43Oh, my God
00:57:44Oh, my God
00:57:45I'm screwed now they're working together what am I gonna do just talk to her and
00:58:11ask her out I tried telling her some jokes oh jokes how'd that go it didn't
00:58:19you guys were right she's in a league of her own
00:58:23Marvin look they're all in leagues of their own all right you just gotta
00:58:26figure out which approach works best easier said than done think of it like a
00:58:30computer program you're trying to figure out like coding yes exactly so talking to
00:58:37a girl is like building a website okay fuck the coding thing look just talk to
00:58:48her ask her out okay um but what if she says no Marvin look if she says yes and
00:58:55great if not then just move on to someone else all right cuz look Marvin
00:59:01you're a smart motherfucker and some chicks they dig smart motherfuckers yeah
00:59:07I am a smart motherfucker damn right you are I got this damn right you do yeah
00:59:13so you really think he has a chance with Tori he needed a boost I'm just afraid
00:59:26he'll get his hopes up you know yeah but I mean you know what else should he do
00:59:30nothing I mean in high school I wasn't all that smooth remember it was Vex that
00:59:35gave me the boost I needed Megan Tucci I remember but she said no yep but it
00:59:41made it easier to ask out the next girl who also said no no she said hell no but
00:59:47uh eventually one said yes I like that you really want to help them I'll admit
00:59:54it's kind of sexy you think oh just one second
01:00:02okay good car wash thank you for calling
01:00:08busy very actually really just making a few twerks tweaks I'm making just
01:00:18trying to jump-start business that's all terrific I'm interested in hearing about
01:00:22these tweaks oh I'm sure you'll be impressed
01:00:28I'm screwed pretty much
01:00:40hi hi Marvin did you want to ask me something you're just gonna stare at me
01:00:48yeah I was um are you busy like later mm-hmm don't know depends why well I was
01:00:57wondering if you want to go out with me or something me go out with you yeah I
01:01:07know I'm not the typical kind of guy you go for but but I am a nice guy and I'm
01:01:13fun as hell anyway I'm not gonna beg there are lots of girls in the world
01:01:20who'd love to go out with me but I'm asking you I'll think about it
01:01:30she said she'll think about it I'm so glad Jack pumped me up by the way why
01:01:49aren't you and Jack together don't mean to cry oh um I don't know I mean we've
01:01:57always just been friends I don't think he's into me like that oh all guys are
01:02:03into girls like that it's a well-known fact you see are you the dating expert
01:02:07now well I've researched a dating scene ever since I had puberty and just
01:02:11because I'm normally scared the opposite sex I've learned quite a few things
01:02:15regarding relationships at least in theory in theory I've got the charge to
01:02:21prove it guess who just asked me out Marvin yeah it's a good idea getting
01:02:34back at my ex don't you think going out with a guy like Marvin I know your ex
01:02:38was a real asshole I'm man I just remember cheating on you I know he's
01:02:43pretty dumb well you should hang out with us
01:02:55hey Mia said you wanted to talk yeah I need you to tone things down all right
01:03:04but X said it was okay X look he's not running this thing I am okay if if you
01:03:16can't follow the rules I won't be able to have you on for the last few days of
01:03:19this I'm doing it because of my girl cuz you're getting breast implants no not
01:03:25those girls my daughter her dad is a Debbie I had no idea sorry I'm sorry I
01:03:36should have told you look everyone has stuff going on all right just just play
01:03:43it cool you know don't cross the line I've got a lot riding on this I just I
01:03:48just don't want to blow it okay thank you
01:04:06hey bro you told the girls it was okay to sex it up out there you know I didn't
01:04:12want that man my grade and everything is on the line here was Kelly's idea really
01:04:18when did you talk to her about it I don't know you know the other night
01:04:21before or after you had sex I didn't say we had sex before no I mean I was
01:04:29stressed about cash and Marvin said that sex lowers your blood pressure so that's
01:04:33why I did it you know for health reasons oh you had sex with her for your health
01:04:37yeah and you're blaming Marvin now Vex I'm supposed to be in charge here man
01:04:44you went behind my back I didn't think it was that big a deal you're gonna can
01:04:48me are you I don't know man I gotta think about
01:04:54stupid fucking penis hey hey so did you fire Vex he's refusing to get drunk no
01:05:04that'd be ruthless or is it heartless not sure ask your sisters so does the
01:05:16inventor of easy corn think running a business is harder than he thought it'd
01:05:19be first of all easy corn could be hit if marketed well dude it's corn baggie
01:05:25it's the perfect snack come on and now a bikini car wash my ideas are just ahead
01:05:30of their time sure that's what it is my dad's gonna kill me probably but fuck it
01:05:39you know you're not your dad and I didn't think a bikini car wash was the
01:05:45best plan but you know what it works and it's helping everyone yeah and save
01:05:51Vex from getting his legs broken can Vex be saved it's weird and I never
01:05:58thought I'd say it easy corn but your bikini car wash is actually doing some
01:06:02good girls in my class would kill me for saying that well look if they do just
01:06:12make sure to film it
01:07:04you think she's with her ex yeah probably she's anything about going out
01:07:10with me no why do we like her is she even our type is it just because she's
01:07:22hot if she went for me you'll only be temporary I know that I even calculated
01:07:29the chance that she was actually into me and it was infinitesimally small mmm I
01:07:34probably have the same chance no I calculated yours too it was marginally
01:07:40higher and how did you calculate that exactly charts and graphs mainly up it's
01:07:44very complicated I didn't know she's in the girls too but uh I can't say I blame
01:07:52her you look magnificent in a bikini that must be the booze talking nope I
01:07:57have a very high alcohol tolerance well it was fun but it's just not really my
01:08:03thing just did it for her dumb right not at all I don't dress up nice for
01:08:11just anyone except for like a prom date or something like that you know I think
01:08:15it nicer it's a lot different than a bikini my yeah I guess you look
01:08:21fantastic now too not just in a bikini I just never noticed before not sure why
01:08:33if I were Tori I'd totally be into you if I were her
01:09:04I'm gonna
01:09:11hey look like you were having fun no it was nothing where were you my exes he's
01:09:20such an ass I told him that Marvin asked me out and he just got all mad but it's
01:09:26whatever I really love the stress on you hmm I told you they had really nice
01:09:38legs you feel nice baby
01:09:42are you drunk already a teeny bit I just don't think you're my type
01:09:56to you where were we um well we were sitting on the couch and there was
01:10:11I just walk away like that I affirmative
01:10:20so many miles I've climbed I've fallen behind but what about Tori she's not our
01:10:42hey Bernie hey look I'm sorry if I was mopey and lame last night you were mopey
01:10:53and super lame and well I thought about what you said the other day and I've
01:11:00got to come clean to my dad and professor it's it's really my only
01:11:03option ooh you're gonna have to let me film that so Jack what makes a
01:11:11successful business hard work good work ethic hard work you said that already
01:11:28yo Jack hey bro uh do you got a sec
01:11:35sure so I just want to say that uh I'm sorry for going behind your back you
01:11:45know I really do want this to succeed and not just for me and the fact that I
01:11:49can basically like look at boobies all day but because you're my best friend you
01:11:56know and you know I think you're a kick-ass boss thanks man you just don't
01:12:02want to be kicked out of the house yeah that too and the boobies
01:12:11sorry about that it's cool but I do have to tell you something okay shoot what
01:12:18the hell man I paid my dad oh I'm not here for your dad I quit Paulie's gang
01:12:22but I'm out of money so I'm here to take yours where do you keep the cash bitch
01:12:25we just made a deposit bullshit dude why don't you just like rob a gas I know
01:12:29you guys got it here somewhere he ain't got no money man that's bullshit and
01:12:33don't make fun of my accent never quit a job without a backup plan this is my
01:12:39backup plan a very good one even a retail job will be something like a
01:12:43stock boy yes you do have to recall true and the customers are I'm not working
01:12:47fucking retail they're just trying to help man you shut your mouth dickbag
01:12:51why don't you let them well there's no such a retail you condescending tone
01:12:55you're friggin dream I wasn't condescending fine they fired me all
01:12:59right you're happy they said I was being too temperamental which is bullshit I
01:13:03mean yeah I like to kick shit and blow things up every once in a while but
01:13:05considering my upbringing I'm pretty fucking low-key low-key all right that's
01:13:21I will kick your ass
01:13:41now listen you spaghetti loving ass this is Jack's business not yours so the
01:13:47money he makes is his got it got it that was close oh my balls are on fire
01:14:03you're pretty good Bobby it felt good I thought maybe in the middle it was a bit
01:14:07much oh no it was just guys guys what's going on oh they hurt Bobby is in my
01:14:13theater class and this was my improv final it felt pretty good do you know
01:14:17yeah I can actually taste the pain so you're not a mobster guy well a little
01:14:22bit on the side I'd rather be an actor I'm trying to get out of the mob is big
01:14:26Tony though whoo he's the real deal he scares me honestly well you scared us
01:14:32ah thanks it's a compliment truly is can I make it up to you though I feel
01:14:36terrible honestly yeah and your balls dude two things number one get Paulie
01:14:43off of our ass I'll see what I can do I can't promise anything but some guys
01:14:47just did open a strip club next to his bar so they're gonna want to start with
01:14:50some protection yeah it could explode you never know yeah what's the second
01:15:09that's a pretty good freaking idea exploiting both sexes very smart it's
01:15:16just balance like adding orange juice to a lemonade stand
01:15:20Vex suit up yes sir
01:15:36hello hey you were pretty brave with that mob guy oh you mean the part-time
01:15:54mob guy student actor playing a stereotypical mob guy you didn't know
01:15:59it wasn't a big deal so you and Amanda yeah
01:16:10would you ever have gone out with me anyway Marvin trust me you don't need
01:16:19the drama besides you guys make a really cute couple just don't tell her any
01:16:24deal and how about you my ex wanted to get back together I said no thanks he's
01:16:33not my type and you're gonna be okay yeah I just need to be alone for a while
01:16:40you know maybe like a day or two
01:17:13how fast does thing go zero to 69 in ten seconds flat
01:17:20Oh, pain in my ass.
01:17:36Wait till his mother sees this shit.
01:17:40Are you fucking kidding me?
01:17:45Made it into a goddamn dormitory.
01:17:54Kelly, you can't do that. He's an old guy. You could kill him.
01:17:57I'm fine.
01:17:58Oh, Jack, come on.
01:18:00Wait till you see the tip I get.
01:18:01Look, I know you're doing this for your daughter and all, but this is not how I want my business to run.
01:18:06Oh, did you actually believe me?
01:18:10So you lied?
01:18:11Come on, Jack. Don't be such a prude.
01:18:13You need me shaking my ass at the customers because that's what makes them happy.
01:18:17She's right.
01:18:18Wait a minute, Jack. Your dad is here.
01:18:23There's no Jack working here. Never has been. Thank you. Come again.
01:18:30Don't dad me. What the hell is going on? This is the business?
01:18:34It's just, you know...
01:18:36And I was at the house, too.
01:18:38Hey, my car's still very dirty.
01:18:42One second, Dad. We're gonna need another bikini roll.
01:18:46Kelly, you can flag cars.
01:18:48But, Jack...
01:18:49It's either that or nothing.
01:18:51I'll flag.
01:18:55So, how'd you know I was here?
01:18:58Oh, shit.
01:19:00I can explain, Professor.
01:19:03Please do.
01:19:04I'm just trying to figure out where to begin.
01:19:07You lost your job, so instead of finding something else, you had some students rent some rooms.
01:19:12To cover your rent.
01:19:15But I can get them to leave if that's what you want.
01:19:19But just so you know, they're not just random students. They're actually my friends.
01:19:23Yo, Ferrari guy's on the phone. He wants another wash, and he's got all these buddies at a car club.
01:19:27They want a wash, too.
01:19:28Talk about this later, please.
01:19:29So, am I getting a car wash today?
01:19:42Your housing situation, that's one thing.
01:19:46But this? How did you end up here? You said you were doing well.
01:19:50Dad, I failed my business final, and I didn't do so well on a couple of other projects.
01:19:56Can I just say, though, that the chocolate-covered sausage may not be for everyone, but I thought it was inspired.
01:20:01Thanks, Brent.
01:20:02Jack, I gave you a chance. I did it for your dad.
01:20:06And this? This is what you did with it? A bikini car wash?
01:20:11I'm sure you can understand the professor's concerns, Jack.
01:20:15Yeah, he looks pretty pissed.
01:20:18Oh, he is.
01:20:19This isn't what I had in mind.
01:20:21I analyzed your sales history, and this week, we brought in more money than your last three months combined.
01:20:26That's gotta count for something.
01:20:28Hey, I just gotta say, this is easily the best job I've ever had.
01:20:32I usually want to quit after, like, two minutes, but it's not like that here.
01:20:35Yeah, and I was able to pay for classes so I could continue going to school.
01:20:39And I got the best car wash ever!
01:20:42Get out!
01:20:44And I got laid!
01:20:46Which is a miracle, honestly.
01:20:48But probably not the best time for that announcement, buddy.
01:20:51Admittedly, it does look like they kicked up the sales a notch.
01:20:54Sales are impressive.
01:20:56But using a bikini's in what way?
01:20:58Uh, it's called marketing, sir.
01:21:00Plus, I mean, never said we couldn't do it this way.
01:21:07Is that Bobby?
01:21:09Hey, build on Dave!
01:21:10Bobby Bullets.
01:21:12Yeah, he works here now.
01:21:13And by the way, Jack was able to stop the extortion that was going on here from those mob weirdos that you somehow failed to mention.
01:21:20Imagine the headlines if one of your students was hurt because of that.
01:21:23Oh, um, I didn't know they were due this week.
01:21:26Regardless, they won't be bothering you any longer.
01:21:28Because Jack handled it.
01:21:30We handled it.
01:21:32Considering none of us knew anything about running a car wash, I'd say we kicked ass.
01:21:36I know that some of my projects this semester may have been lacking.
01:21:40Hey, long live Bannoneye.
01:21:42But, you know, I'd have to say that this should be considered a success.
01:21:46So, if this doesn't work out, maybe I'll open my own little bikini car wash and bring all my friends with me.
01:21:51That's my boss!
01:21:54A plus?
01:21:56Not quite.
01:21:58But it'll be good enough for you to barely pass.
01:22:01Yes! I barely passed!
01:22:05So that's what we're paying for college for.
01:22:07So you can barely pass.
01:22:09Oh, Dad, no, no, no.
01:22:11I took on a challenge and we made it work.
01:22:13That was the assignment.
01:22:15Grades are just letters and numbers.
01:22:17But this place...
01:22:19To me, this is what defines success or not.
01:22:23And the fact that we have shitloads of customers here and more on the way, I think that speaks for itself.
01:22:29Oh, boy.
01:22:31I'm gonna have to sell this to your mother, you know.
01:22:34Can I film that?
01:22:38So that's it. Your extra credit's done.
01:22:40You guys can go.
01:22:42But we've got more cars coming.
01:22:44Yeah, car club folks. And tons more later this afternoon.
01:22:47Well, we wouldn't want to lose business now, would we?
01:22:50All right, we got a big order coming in, guys. All hands on deck.
01:22:54Kelly, too. We're gonna need her.
01:22:56Jack, I liked that you rose to the challenge.
01:22:59You know what impressed me?
01:23:01When you didn't fire that gal.
01:23:03That would have been the easier way out.
01:23:05She's a hard worker. Just...
01:23:07Needs a little guidance.
01:23:09Don't we all?
01:23:27Oh, shit.
01:23:29Here we go.
01:23:33Oh, my God.
01:23:35Oh, my God.
01:23:37Oh, my God.
01:23:39Oh, shit.
01:23:41Oh, my God.
01:23:43Oh, my God.
01:23:45Oh, my God.
01:23:47Oh, my God.
01:23:49Oh, my God.
01:23:51Oh, my God.
01:23:53Oh, my God.
01:23:55So, I wanted to ask you something.
01:23:58No, Jack, I am not gonna join the Bikini Girl car wash.
01:24:01Are you sure?
01:24:03Because there's a hot pink bikini out there somewhere with your name on it.
01:24:06No, uh...
01:24:08I was just thinking that maybe if you weren't...
01:24:13You know...
01:24:19Will you go out with me?
01:24:22Like a date?
01:24:24Exactly like a date.
01:24:26I don't know if I can go out with the subject of my film.
01:24:29I thought you were just filming that for all your feminist friends
01:24:32so they can hunt me down.
01:24:34When I started, it was about college life,
01:24:37but then it changed.
01:24:39I decided to make it about...
01:24:41Hey, we got another Ferrari coming in.
01:24:44Can you use some help, bro?
01:24:49The story of a dorky but kind of cute guy
01:24:52trying to open a business and making it work?
01:24:57I guess.
01:25:06Hey, maybe we can use easy corn in your film,
01:25:09a little product placement, you know?
01:25:11Um, no.
01:25:13No? Okay.
01:25:23Yeah! Whoo!
01:25:31So that's how I started my business.
01:25:34Our business.
01:25:36Because it's not just me.
01:25:39It's these awesome people around me that made it work.
01:25:43And yeah, the bikinis help.
01:25:46I got a sexy pair of heels
01:25:49and I'm feeling so superior.
01:26:00It's elastic,
01:26:02dressed up to the nines.
01:26:05The street is a catwalk.
01:26:09Feeling good and so sublime.
01:26:13I see the people as they go.
01:26:16We don't walk, we glide.
01:26:22So what's the secret to running a successful business?
01:26:26Hard work and determination.
01:26:28And boobies.
01:26:30Shake that booty, shake, shake that booty.
01:26:32Oh yeah, oh yeah.
01:26:35And balls.
01:26:37And accurate calculations.
01:26:39The girls!
01:26:41Another secret to a successful business?
01:26:44Easy corn, bano nuts, corno macabre.
01:26:47The threat of violence.
01:26:50Running a business takes a lot of things,
01:26:52but principally, honesty.
01:26:57How about the guns?
01:26:58Um, probably me.
01:27:04Tori, I swear to God, she digs me.
01:27:06Wait, what was the question?
01:27:08I think you know my answer.
01:27:09It starts with a B.
01:27:12Dedication, probably.
01:27:16What is that?
01:27:17Martin wants to answer the questions too.
01:27:20Focus and guts.
01:27:22And it rhymes with newbies.
01:27:24It's all about the Benjamins, baby.
01:27:27As stated in my class,
01:27:2950% of small businesses fail in the first year.
01:27:32And with these three monkeys running it,
01:27:34it'll definitely fall in that category.
01:27:37Wait, what's your answer, Britt?
01:27:40I'm the interviewer here.
01:27:41Oh, no you don't.
01:28:11I've got you spinning, your words are slipping
01:28:16Your heart is racing and your eyes locked right onto mine
01:28:19You think you're winning, but what you're feeling
01:28:22Is a bit confusing, just come along for a ride
01:28:28I've got you speechless for a little bit
01:28:32You're feeling helpless a little bit
01:28:35For tonight, waiting for the mood to be right
01:28:38You're feeling speechless, speechless
01:28:42I've got you moving, everybody's grooving
01:28:45And the spotlight's on me
01:28:47And you're begging for more
01:28:49So then come with me, the night is ending
01:28:52But we're just starting, so come along for the ride
