Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (204) Typhoid Fever at Stormy Point

  • 2 months ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.
The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous
00:15trails, fighting the many enemies of nature.
00:19This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:23Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain
00:30Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:42Sometimes doctors pick strange places to practice.
00:45For instance, there's that young Dr. Bruce Hummer, who has his office in the village
00:50of Storm Point.
00:51Storm Point, of course, is located way up in the Dexter Mountains, way out in the middle
00:56of nowhere.
00:58In many respects, the people of Storm Point are very superstitious and backward.
01:03They live isolated from the world except during the midsummer months when the ice and snow
01:07is melted enough to allow free travel.
01:10This fellow Bruce went to Storm Point right after he left medical school.
01:15It's been very difficult for him most of the time.
01:17He's had to battle the villagers.
01:20They think he's harming them more than helping them with his newfangled methods.
01:24After all, you don't go from sulfur and molasses to penicillin without some objection being
01:30Now, Dr. Bruce is paying a brief visit to the town of Knotty Pine.
01:34In fact, he's just on his way over to see Bill and the rest of the fellows.
01:38Bill, Stumpy, Gray Wolf, and Henry are relaxing a bit at headquarters, and I mean relaxing.
01:45Honestly, every time Stumpy gets in where it's warm, he falls asleep.
01:52He hit not in long that time.
01:54Boy, he sure can saw wood.
01:56Listen to him.
01:58I wonder if I should get him a bale of hay so he can feed his nightmare, huh?
02:03Let the old-timer sleep, fellas.
02:05When you get his age, you'll sleep in the warm air too.
02:10Well, I must say, I've never seen the rangers looking so comfortable.
02:15Bruce Hummer!
02:16Bruce, how are you?
02:17It's been a long time since we've seen you.
02:20Hello, fellas.
02:21Sure good to see you.
02:22How are things up in Storm Point?
02:24Oh, okay, I guess.
02:26Are you in town for long, Bruce?
02:28I'll be here for a couple of days, Gray Wolf.
02:31I've come to get medical supplies and equipment before the pass gets completely filled with snow.
02:37That could happen plenty soon now.
02:39Say, looks like Stumpy's pretty busy there in the easy chair.
02:45He's got 10 or 12 cords of wood sawed by now, Bruce.
02:49He's been at it ever since he came in.
02:53Say, listen, fellas, I've got to run downtown and drop off my orders for supplies.
02:59It'll take them a day or so to get things together and packed.
03:03I'll be back in about an hour, okay?
03:05Sure thing.
03:06Then we'll all go over to the house and have a real chin-fest.
03:09Little does Bruce know that he left Storm Point at the wrong time.
03:13Let's take a quick trip up into the Dexter Mountains.
03:17Mayor, I think we ought to stand for that young fella.
03:21They've discovered another case of sickness in the village.
03:24I know, John, and this is getting mighty serious.
03:27Why he had to go off at the wrong time is more than I'll ever know.
03:31Well, I don't know.
03:32He told me he was sick.
03:33Well, I don't know.
03:34He told me he was sick.
03:35Well, I don't know.
03:36He told me he was sick.
03:37Well, I don't know.
03:38Well, I don't know.
03:39He told me he could do much good for this sick, him and his new-fangled ways of treating sickness.
03:44Oscar's got a point there, Mayor.
03:46The problem is we don't know what this sickness is.
03:50Maybe that young doctor of ours could tell us that much,
03:53and then Miss Jay and the other women folk could cure it with their way of doing things.
03:57Well, as far as I'm concerned, the old way is the best way.
04:01Women folk could do better than Dr. Bruce does.
04:04Why, when I wrenched my back, he stuck me under some machine, turned a couple of buttons,
04:11and then turned the buttons again later on and told me I'd feel better.
04:16You know how I got cured?
04:18Well, when I got home, the missus rubbed goose grease and turpentine in my back.
04:22That's what fixed me up.
04:24Well, I think we're getting off the subject, Oscar.
04:27We've got five cases of serious sickness here.
04:30What are we going to do about it?
04:32I suppose we ought to try to get a hold of Dr. Bruce.
04:36This might be some new disease.
04:38Well, it seems to me, John, that we've had nothing but new diseases since Dr. Bruce came here.
04:44And I think Miss Jane and the womenfolk would do just as well without him.
04:47I agree, Mayor.
04:49But just the same, I think I'd better go to the weather station and have them radio Knotty Pine.
04:54Yes, John, I suppose you'd better do that.
05:03Oh, man.
05:07Bruce should be through in half an hour.
05:09Then we can go home.
05:11I'm getting hungry.
05:12I guess I am too, pal.
05:14Talk about supper making mouth water.
05:16Me too, sonny.
05:18Oh, Stumpy, did you finally wake up?
05:20How long did you say before Bruce comes back?
05:24How'd you know he was here?
05:26I thought you were asleep, and here you were pretending.
05:30You fellas were getting such a bang out of hearing me snore, I hated to wake up and disappoint you.
05:36Stumpy, you old fox.
05:38Hey, Bill, the radio call light is flashing.
05:41Oh, thanks, Henry.
05:43I wonder who's calling.
05:45Must be one of the fire towers.
05:46Who else could it be?
05:48Maybe a ranger has heard her sick.
05:52Weather station over.
05:54Hmm, something about a weather station.
05:56Well, then it's not one of our boys.
05:58He'll call again.
05:59Storm Point Weather Station calling Bill Jefferson.
06:01Come in, Bill. Over.
06:03Maybe somebody wants Bruce.
06:04We'll find out.
06:06Bill calling Storm Point Weather Station.
06:08Bill Jefferson calling Storm Point Weather Station.
06:13Thank the Lord we got you, Bill.
06:15Is Dr. Bruce and Noddy behind? Over.
06:18Bruce left our office about 35 minutes ago.
06:22You find him and tell him he's got to come here right away.
06:25Five cases of an unknown sickness have broken out here. Over.
06:29I'm sure we can find him, all right.
06:31He's probably at the medical supply house.
06:34Tell the people in the village we'll get him up there as quick as possible.
06:55You fellas wait in the car.
06:57I'll run in and tell Bruce the news.
07:00Oh, Henry, call the airport and reserve a helicopter for us.
07:03Okay, Bill.
07:11Oh, can I help you, Ranger?
07:13Yes, is Dr. Bruce Hummer here?
07:15Oh, he was here, Ranger, but he left about 10 minutes ago.
07:18Know where he went?
07:19Yeah, he went either to the Main Street Apothecary or Hudson's Pharmacy.
07:24He's after a new drug that we don't stock and both of those places have it shipped in special.
07:28I see. Which one do you think he went to first?
07:31I wouldn't know, sir. Dr. Hummer didn't say.
07:33You have the phone numbers handy?
07:35Yeah, it'll take just a minute to look them up.
07:37Okay, will you call both pharmacies and ask if he's been there?
07:41Tell him to stay where he is and we'll drive to both and catch him there.
07:44I'll be glad to, Ranger.
07:55The Main Street Apothecary is at 3rd and Main, isn't it, Bill?
07:58Yes, Bill. Step on it, but watch the intersections.
08:03Hey, that car coming against us! Got a doctor's sign on it!
08:08Maybe that Bruce, he have that kind of car.
08:11Yeah, it is Bruce. I can tell from here.
08:13I'll try to throw the light on him. Maybe he'll stop.
08:16No, it did not work. He not know it for him.
08:19Henry, turn the car around and chase him.
08:22I'll stop the traffic with the spotlight.
08:28Hey, don't run over the curbs, honey! You'll break the wheel off!
08:34Henry, catch Bruce in the next two blocks.
08:37We're halfway to the Copter Airport from here.
08:44He sees us, Henry. He's pulling over.
08:53I'll get him, fellas.
08:57Were you trying to flash me down before, Bill?
08:59Yes, Bruce. It's an emergency.
09:01We got a radio call from Storm Point that five cases of a strange sickness have broken out there.
09:07They want you to come back right away.
09:09Sounds like an epidemic.
09:11Trouble is, it'll take me a whole day to drive back, even if the roads are okay in the mountains.
09:16I've got a helicopter waiting for us, Bruce.
09:18Well, the fellas finally have Dr. Bruce on his way.
09:21But let's find out what's happening at Storm Point.
09:24The mayor is talking to Miss Jane.
09:26She's a kindly lady who spends most of her time caring for the sick in a thousand and one ways.
09:32For the first time in a long time, she's going to be a doctor.
09:36She's going to be a doctor.
09:38She's going to be a doctor.
09:40She's going to be a doctor.
09:42She's going to be a doctor.
09:44She's going to be a doctor.
09:46She's going to be a doctor.
09:48For the unselfish service, she's loved by all of the villagers.
09:51Adults and small fry alike.
09:54Well, how are things coming along, Miss Jane?
09:56Not too good, mayor.
09:58My homemade remedies just don't seem to help this time.
10:02The Burgesses have two down in their family with this strange sickness.
10:06That makes seven now.
10:07Oh, I do wish Dr. Bruce would come back.
10:11He probably won't come.
10:12He's having too good a time in Knotty Pine.
10:15Besides, he probably won't be much help.
10:18Now, Mayor, I don't think Dr. Bruce went there for a good time at all.
10:23I know that most of the folks resent his new ideas.
10:26Why, he even scolded me several times for taking medicine into my hands, but...
10:30Yes, yes, I know.
10:32He's just as much as laughed the time Cy spit a chicken in half and put it over his son's rattlesnake bite.
10:38But after all, Mayor, he is a doctor.
10:41And didn't he come here to Stormpoint to help us?
10:43Maybe so. But when we need him, he isn't here.
10:46He went to get medical supplies, not a pleasure trip.
10:50Don't worry so much, Mayor. He'll get here as soon as he can.
11:05We'll be over Stormpoint in a few minutes, Bruce.
11:07Ah, good.
11:08I don't know if I'll be able to land, though.
11:11You won't be able to land.
11:13Why, Bill?
11:14Look down below.
11:15Hey, there's fog down there.
11:18Now, how do you suppose the fog got in the valley?
11:21Well, warm air must have been carried over the mountains and down into the valley.
11:25And the cold air above is like a blanket over it.
11:28But... but sure you're not going to turn back now, Bill.
11:32Not if I can help it, Bruce.
11:34There's one possibility of getting through that soup.
11:37Perhaps the boys at the weather station can talk us in.
11:50You think you can talk us in, Neil?
11:52I want to try it, Bill. I've got enough wire and my mic to stand outside.
11:56Let me go out and find out if I can hear you.
11:58Okay, Neil. I won't start in until you say so.
12:02I'm going outside now.
12:03I won't be able to hear you on the receiver when I'm out.
12:06Any instructions you want me to give you?
12:08You'll be able to hear the motors, all right.
12:10But I'm turning on the landing lights, too.
12:13If you can't see the landing lights over you, then we're fogged in silent.
12:18Okay, Bill. Stand by.
12:26Okay, Bill. I'm ready. I can hear you faintly.
12:29Here goes, fellas. I'm going in.
12:33Take it easy, sonny. Those rocks are pretty hard down there.
12:37Can't see your lights, Bill, but you're getting closer.
12:40Keep right on your present course.
12:42Boy, I sure hope he's got his hearing aid tuned to the right beamer.
12:46We'll be buzzard bait for sure.
12:48You're much closer now, Bill.
12:50I still can't see your lights yet.
12:52Can you drop down some more?
12:54I hope so, Neil, because we're coming down anyway.
12:59Well, we haven't hit anything yet.
13:01You're okay. Drop down some more.
13:03You'll be able to see your land right here on the street.
13:05All right, Neil. Here goes.
13:12Hey, Bill, I can see the street below us.
13:15Boy, that Neil can sure talk a street.
13:19I'm sure he's got his hearing aid tuned to the right beamer.
13:23I can see the street below us.
13:25Boy, that Neil can sure talk a straight beam.
13:38Neil, that was a terrific job. Thanks a lot.
13:41You'd better give me a sedative now, Doc.
13:43Now that it's over, I'm scared enough to have a nervous breakdown.
13:46And, Bill, don't ever ask me to do that again.
13:50Here come the villagers, Bruce.
13:52They seem pretty excited.
13:54All right, quiet. Quiet.
13:57Quiet, please. Quiet, please, everyone.
14:00Now, let's get control of ourselves.
14:04Mayor, do you know who the sick people are?
14:08I got the list right here, Doctor.
14:10It's in the order that they took sick.
14:12I want to see these people right away.
14:14Who's first on the list, Mayor?
14:16The Clift family.
14:18Mrs. and two children are sick.
14:20All right. The Clift family first.
14:23Let's go.
14:35Henry, you know where my office is, don't you?
14:38Oh, I sure do, Bruce. Can I get something for you?
14:41Yes. In the back room are some quarantine signs.
14:46Bring as many signs as you can carry that have typhoid fever on them.
14:51Typhoid fever?
14:53That's what it is.
14:55And I must say we never had sicknesses like this until you came here, Doctor.
15:01Yes, you did, Mayor.
15:02Before I came here, people just died.
15:05Nobody knew why.
15:07Now we do.
15:08Now we do.
15:09And we can stop it if we get it in time.
15:11Yeah, how do you expect to stop it?
15:13By the use of vaccine, Doctor, Mayor.
15:15Yeah, some more of that Newfangled treatment, eh?
15:18Well, it may be Newfangled to you, Mayor,
15:21but it saved the lives of countless thousands.
15:24And it'll save the lives of your villagers.
15:27Bill, will you have somebody go after vaccine?
15:31They've got plenty of knotty pine.
15:32Right away, Bruce.
15:34Stumpy, Graywolf,
15:36you fellas take off in the copter and get what Bruce wants.
15:40And also pick up the medical supplies he ordered if they're ready.
15:44We'll get them and be back plenty quick.
15:46Tell Neil to be ready to talk us in again if this fog ain't gone.
15:52Miss Jane, you've been very helpful.
15:56I'd suggest you get some rest before you come down with this, too.
15:59I don't need a rest, Doctor.
16:01Ah, but you do.
16:02Oh, please don't send me away, Doctor Bruce.
16:05I can be more helpful to you now.
16:08Well, all right.
16:11Let's go to the next house.
16:14Bill, will you and Henry see that those quarantine signs get nailed to the doors?
16:19Better give me the list so we can follow along.
16:22If you need help, Bruce, just holler.
16:23I will.
16:24And watch for signs of hysteria among the villagers.
16:27Everybody's got to keep calm in a situation like this.
16:31Or there's no telling where it might end.
16:45Well, that family's all right now.
16:49Mayor, Miss Jane, you've got to get some sleep.
16:53I'll call you if any more cases break out.
16:55All right, Doctor.
16:57Now you be sure and call me now.
16:58I'll be angry if you don't.
17:00I'll do that, Miss Jane.
17:02Good night.
17:03Good night, Doctor.
17:05Good night, Miss Jane.
17:09There, my friends, goes an angel in disguise.
17:13For years, he's ministered to the sick in this town.
17:16Never once thought of compensation.
17:19Typhoid fever is awfully miserable stuff, isn't it, Bruce?
17:23Yes, Bill.
17:25Not only can it make you miserable, but it can kill.
17:29I get the chill just thinking about those poor, suffering patients of yours.
17:34They'll be on the mend shortly, Henry.
17:36I got here just in time.
17:39Bruce, do you run into lots of resistance here?
17:42No, I don't.
17:44I got here just in time.
17:46Bruce, do you run into lots of resistance here with your modern methods of practicing?
17:51You're thinking about the mayor's remarks?
17:54I thought so.
17:55Yes, Bill, the people here are resistant to modern medicine.
17:59Part of it is from superstition,
18:02and the rest from being shut off from the rest of the world two-thirds of the year.
18:07Miss Jane is my strongest supporter,
18:10and sometimes, well, even she reverts back to the primitive.
18:15I sensed that was about what was going on.
18:18Well, there's nothing we can do about it tonight.
18:21Hey, here comes Stephanie Graywolf.
18:23Yeah, and the fog's lifted.
18:25They'll be able to land all right.
18:26Oh, wonderful.
18:28Now we're prepared for anything that comes.
18:30After the fellows get here, we'll put on the feed bag and, well, then get some sleep.
18:35That sounds like an excellent idea.
18:37All in favor say aye.
18:47How's the Perkins baby look, Dr. Bruce?
18:50He is much improved today, Miss Jane.
18:59Those youngsters don't sound like they're sick, Bruce.
19:03Well, if they are, they're the healthiest sick youngsters I've ever treated.
19:08Well, let's go on to the next house.
19:15Mrs. Clift can be up and around in two days, Miss Jane.
19:19Nothing strenuous, mind you.
19:21Just sitting around the house.
19:23That's wonderful news, Doctor.
19:25I'll keep an eye on her so she won't overdo.
19:33Bill, good news.
19:35I think the epidemic is over.
19:37We've got a new case in ten days.
19:39That's a real morale booster, Bruce.
19:41I guess now we can go back to Knotty Pine.
19:44You're welcome to stay.
19:46Let's go back to the office and talk.
19:58My old bones sure appreciate finding a chair.
20:02We go pretty hard for several days now.
20:05I'll have you know it's been ten whole days, Sonny.
20:08I'm too beat to care whether it's ten or a thousand.
20:11I'll get the coffee pot humming in a few minutes, fellas.
20:14Sure nice to have your company.
20:16We're glad to have been able to help, Bruce.
20:18I'll say. It's been a real experience.
20:20You're going to get some more experience, I'm thinking.
20:23What do you mean, Stumpy?
20:25Well, the way the mayor's galloping up the walk, you'd think a grizzly bear was chasing him.
20:30Looks like more trouble to me.
20:33Hey, Dr. Bruce.
20:35Three more cases of typhoid fever have broken out.
20:38Let's go, fellas.
20:47Bill, let's hustle off down the street.
20:50I don't want anyone to hear what I'm saying.
20:52Okay, Bruce. Come along, Henry.
20:54Go ahead. I'll catch up.
20:58What's on your mind, Bruce?
21:00Did you notice anything strange about these three cases, Bill?
21:06No, I can't say that I did, Bruce.
21:09However, I'm not a doctor.
21:11Here, hold my bag a while, will you?
21:13I want to show you something on paper.
21:18Now, look here.
21:21I've drawn a rough map of the village.
21:25Where I'm putting the X marks is where the ten cases of typhoid fever have broken out.
21:32Say, they're pretty well spread out, aren't they?
21:35I'd say they cover the whole town.
21:37That's just the point, Bill.
21:39You mean because they're spread out, this makes a different pattern than most epidemics?
21:44This is not an epidemic, Bill.
21:47Are you joking, Bruce?
21:48No, not in the least.
21:50I think somebody's carrying the fever wherever they go and contact people.
21:55Bruce, that's terrible.
21:57That means some one person is responsible.
22:01Someone who's carrying the bacteria in their body and contaminating everything they touch.
22:08How can you be sure, Bruce?
22:10Bill, epidemics aren't sporadic like this.
22:14They start in a limited area and then spread out.
22:17These cases are already spotted all over the physical area of Storm Point.
22:22I see what you mean.
22:24How are we going to find out who it is?
22:28It's got to be very carefully done.
22:31But I think we can get all of you rangers to make a survey of the homes where the fever's broken out.
22:37Why do you suppose those rangers are going around and taking all the names of everybody who's been inside the sick homes, Mayor?
22:52Man, I wish I knew, John.
22:54It's some more of that fool doctor's work.
22:57Maybe we ought to stop him.
22:59Man, I've been thinking about that, Oscar.
23:01Pretty soon I'm going to put my thoughts into action.
23:04And we'll clamp down on this fella.
23:16Well, let's add up the score, fellas.
23:19All right, spread out the papers so we can look at the names.
23:24Now what?
23:26Our job, of course, is to see if we can find the same name on more than one piece of paper.
23:33I see Mayor's name on two pieces of paper.
23:36I hear John's on two.
23:38Oscar's on four of them.
23:40But there doesn't seem to be any of them on the whole lot.
23:44Bill, what are you thinking about?
23:48You aren't paying much attention.
23:50Bruce, what would a throat culture of the person who is carrying this disease show?
23:56Why, if we took the culture from the tonsils, it would show active typhoid fever bacteria.
24:02And can you see those bacteria through a microscope when they're placed on a slide?
24:06Yes, you can.
24:08We can do better than that.
24:10We can project upon a screen a picture of those bacteria magnified millions of times.
24:14You mean so that hundreds of people in an auditorium can see them?
24:18Yes, that's what I mean.
24:19That's wonderful.
24:21Let's get some cultures from the throats of these folks listed.
24:24Have the Mayor call all the townspeople together tonight in the Village Hall at 7.30.
24:30We may have something to show them.
24:45It looks like everybody in town's here except the sick, Bill.
24:50You got the projector all set up for these slides, Bruce?
24:52All set, Bill, whenever you're ready.
24:56Well, folks, probably all of you are wondering just why we asked you to come here tonight.
25:04That's right, Ranger.
25:05There's no need for alarm, but there are some things you should know, and this is the time for you to find out.
25:11All right, sure. What's that?
25:13Whether you know it or not, the village of Stormpoint is in a very dangerous spot.
25:18There's a severe epidemic of typhoid fever waiting to break out among you at any time.
25:24Fortunately, through the efforts of this young doctor of yours, Dr. Bruce Hummer, that epidemic has been held in check.
25:33The doctor states that all the typhoid fever cases broken out so far in Stormpoint have resulted from one person carrying this disease to many others,
25:44and yet not himself being affected.
25:49Now, this kind of thing is well known to medical science.
25:53Our job is to find out who was responsible, and today we found out.
26:01Now we want you to find out also, and we're going to do it by means of pictures.
26:07Pictures of the actual typhoid fever bacteria.
26:11First, as found in the throats of one of your townspeople, now lying dreadfully ill.
26:17Then a picture of the same deadly bacteria as found in the throat of the one who was innocently carrying the same deadly germ.
26:28Now the first picture I want to show you is a laboratory culture of the typhoid fever.
26:35The next picture is of the culture taken from the throat of the carrier.
26:40This person is in this room now.
26:47Oh, they're the same.
26:49I can tell by your reaction that you will recognize both cultures as the same.
26:54Am I right?
26:56Who is the person, Bill?
26:58Who is the person, Bill?
27:00Yes, we have a right to know, even if it's me.
27:03That person has to be taken away. He's a menace to the whole village.
27:07Now will you tell us who this person is?
27:11The person carrying typhoid fever bacteria is a wonderful friend to all of you.
27:18It's Miss Jane.
27:21This is certainly a surprise to me, but I'll be glad to go to a hospital.
27:26No, no, we can't take her away.
27:29Listen, folks. Listen.
27:31Listen, everyone. Listen. Listen.
27:33Please, please don't feel I'll be harmed.
27:36I'm sure that Dr. Hummer and Ranger Bill know best.
27:51Well, Miss Jane, how do you like Naughty Pine Hospital?
27:55It's fine, Bill. It's just like a vacation.
27:58I don't feel sick at all.
28:00It's hard to believe I make everybody else sick.
28:02Well, you won't anymore, Miss Jane.
28:05Lab tests are beginning to show negative.
28:07Now, that's wonderful news, Bruce.
28:09And Miss Jane, pretty soon you and Dr. Bruce can be back at your favorite job of helping others.
28:15Better than that, Bill.
28:17There's no more typhoid fever in Storm Point.
28:20The town folks have come to realize what Dr. Bruce has done for them.
28:25Bill, how did you know Miss Jane was the carrier?
28:30Well, because she was the only one not mentioned on the lists, Bruce.
28:34Yet I knew she'd been in all the infected homes because of her kind ways of helping others.
28:41The thing was, nobody we talked to seemed to count her as a visitor.
28:46She was more like a member of the family or an old friend.
28:49And she was the obvious one because her name was conspicuous by its absence.
28:55And that's the greatest tribute Miss Jane could ever receive.
29:09Well, who would have guessed that Miss Jane was making everybody sick that came close to her?
29:15Thanks to Bill and his rangers, Miss Jane can go back to helping others without being dangerous to them.
29:21See you next week for more adventure with...
29:24Ranger Bill!
