As Time Goes By S6/E7 'A Surprise For Jean' Geoffrey Palmer • Judi Dench

  • 3 months ago


00:00You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental
00:23things of life as time goes by.
00:41I'd like to go out.
00:44What, now?
00:46No, not now, more often.
00:49We went out today?
00:51That was to the cooker showroom.
00:54That doesn't count.
00:56I mean to dinner, things like that.
00:59We went out for a curry last week?
01:01That wasn't last week, it was a month ago.
01:04Are you sure?
01:05Well, five weeks ago to be precise.
01:07As long ago as that?
01:09Well, weeks just fly by, don't they?
01:11Yes, and they all seem to run into one, not the days, the evenings.
01:16I mean, we have dinner, we watch television, we go to bed.
01:19We could always try it in reverse order.
01:25Ignore me, I'm just having a moan.
01:29Fair enough.
01:30Well, I didn't mean ignore me.
01:33Then why say it?
01:35Well, I was hoping, obviously hopelessly, that you'd press me on the subject.
01:41Don't feel you have to.
01:42Well, I obviously have to.
01:45No, now you're only pressing me on the subject because I asked you to.
01:49I'm in a no-win situation.
01:50Oh, sorry.
01:52Ignore me.
01:56I was joking.
01:59You're bored, that's what you're saying.
02:01Not with you.
02:02Well, I'm the one you watch television with.
02:04It's just that there don't seem to be any surprises lately.
02:07I see.
02:09And would you...
02:11Would I what?
02:12I was going to say, would you like a surprise?
02:14Oh, la la.
02:15Yeah, I know.
02:16As a matter of fact, I would.
02:17But if you ask me when, I'll kick you out of bed.
02:19No, I wasn't going to.
02:22some time.
02:24Times, actually.
02:34Why on earth did you do that?
02:36I thought I'd just get the first surprise out of the way
02:38so you didn't have to wait around for it to happen.
02:40It wasn't the sort of thing I had in mind.
02:43I realise that.
02:44I can't come up with it on the spur of the moment.
02:46I will think of something,
02:47but I don't honestly consider myself a very surprising sort of person.
02:51Well, when we were in Los Angeles, you disarmed a crazed writer.
02:54I call that surprising.
02:56It's hardly the sort of situation that's likely to repeat itself, is it?
02:59Not unless we find the Crazed Writers Club and go there a lot, no.
03:05Oh, don't look like that.
03:07I was just thinking, that's all.
03:09Well, I don't want you to, really.
03:11It'd be such a strain with you trying to think of a surprise
03:14and me wondering when you will and what it will be.
03:17Is it really five weeks since I took you out for that curry?
03:20It's five weeks and two days, actually.
03:23I'll take you out to dinner tomorrow.
03:25Oh, good.
03:26Yeah, but where would you...? No.
03:28And we won't have a curry either.
03:30We'll go somewhere where we've never been before.
03:34Oh, it's Thursday tomorrow. I can't.
03:37Why not?
03:38It's something I want to watch on television.
03:47What's the joke?
03:49We heard you scream last night.
03:52We're not asking why.
03:54Well, if you must know, Lionel was giving me a surprise.
03:59Was he?
04:00Not that kind of surprise.
04:02He suddenly roared and I screamed, that's all.
04:04He hasn't taken to roaring, has he?
04:07No, of course he hasn't.
04:08Well, why did he do it?
04:10Well, why did he do it?
04:11Well, because...
04:12because I told him that life seemed a bit saney recently,
04:15a bit flat, and a surprise now and then wouldn't come amiss.
04:18And Lionel roaring wasn't quite what you had in mind?
04:20Well, he was joking.
04:22But I wish I hadn't mentioned the word surprise.
04:24It's like saying to somebody,
04:25tickle me when I least expect it.
04:27It's a strain on both of you.
04:29You mean Lionel planning a surprise,
04:31knowing that you know he's planning a surprise?
04:33And me knowing he knows, yes.
04:36Oh, I'll put him off the idea.
04:37I'll tell him it was just a mood.
04:39It wasn't, though, was it?
04:41Well, I love Lionel dearly,
04:43but he's turning into a slippers and pike man a little early, that's all.
04:47Take a lover.
04:48No, I'm saving that for a really rainy day.
04:53Shouldn't you two be off at work?
04:54Why don't you come in with us?
04:56What for?
04:57In your advisory capacity.
04:59What would you want me to advise you about?
05:02Well, there's always something.
05:04Yeah, of course there is.
05:05Lots of things.
05:06Off you go.
05:08Perhaps it was just a mood.
05:11See you tonight, then.
05:12All right, bye.
05:17was Lionel ever a surprising sort of chap?
05:22He had his moments.
05:27Morning, you two.
05:39I just got roared at.
05:41Well, they heard me scream and I told them why.
05:44Stay there, I'll get it.
05:47Would you like to go to the Imperial War Museum?
05:49The Imperial War Museum?
05:53Well, have a look round.
05:55It's all tanks and things.
05:57It's just a thought.
05:58Lionel, forget I ever said the word surprise.
06:02If I were planning a surprise,
06:04I hope I'd come up with somewhere a little more inventive than the Imperial War Museum.
06:09Victoria and Albert Museum.
06:11Look, let's just forget surprises altogether, shall we?
06:14Yes, probably best.
06:16So are you going?
06:18The Imperial War Museum.
06:21I might say hello to the tanks and things.
06:23Don't stand still too long, they might take you for an exhibit.
06:27Subbleton, Middlesex Regiment, Korean War.
06:30Slightly the worse for wear.
06:32I think you're lovely.
06:33Takes all sorts.
06:35Well, off you go, then.
06:36I haven't had my breakfast yet.
06:38Oh, no.
06:40Well, what would you like?
06:42I don't really know, let me think.
06:45Eggs and bacon, I'll have eggs and bacon.
06:51Lucky you turned up, Lye.
06:52There was no-one in.
06:53Another minute, you'd have missed me.
06:56Go on, Strewth.
06:58So why does a guy go to the Imperial War Museum?
07:01Call it a whim, I'm at a funny age.
07:04So, what was it like?
07:06Quite remarkable.
07:09Yes, really.
07:11Sit down, Alastair.
07:13Can I get you something to drink?
07:15Slim Min, please, Lye.
07:17Slim Min.
07:20Oh, note from Jean, funny place to leave it.
07:23You found it?
07:25Gone shipping.
07:26No, that can't be right, gone shopping.
07:29You found the note, you old boozer.
07:31Love Jean.
07:32I had a quick sushi with Judy at lunchtime.
07:34Did you really?
07:35Which is why I wanted to talk to you.
07:38You're not persuading me to eat raw fish?
07:41No, no, no, no.
07:43The roaring in the night.
07:46Why is what I do in the night suddenly everybody's business?
07:49I want to help.
07:51It's not like snoring, I don't do it when I'm asleep.
07:53No, no, no, not the roaring.
07:55The root cause.
07:57You and Jean were talking about how life's becoming a tad predictable at the moment.
08:01Is our bedroom bugged?
08:03Judy told me.
08:04Remind me to have a word with her about discretion.
08:06She has your welfare at heart, mate, and so do I.
08:09Look, I know this is all very well intentioned, but I don't need help.
08:13Jean told me this morning it was just a mood.
08:16And the word surprise is currently out of circulation.
08:20Why do you keep making those noises?
08:22Because you are committing the ultimate sin.
08:24You are believing her.
08:27She's an honest person.
08:28Hey, I know that.
08:29On a scale of 1 to 10 for honesty, the lady rates 11.
08:32But she is lying.
08:35This is taken from the Alistair Deacon Guide to Understanding Women, is it?
08:39A slim volume.
08:40I don't pretend to understand women, but I am familiar with the please don't do that syndrome.
08:45I bet you are.
08:46Lie, please.
08:47All right.
08:48And what is this please don't do that syndrome?
08:51Let's see.
08:54You're out shopping with your lady, right?
08:56And she falls in love with a piece of jewellery, right?
08:59Now, this is some lady.
09:00So you offered a buy for her, right?
09:05Bear with me, lie, please.
09:07And what does she say?
09:12All right.
09:13She probably says it's very expensive, you shouldn't.
09:17She says it's far too expensive, you mustn't.
09:20Does she mean it?
09:21Look, this is all just so much psycho babble.
09:23Does she mean it?
09:24I don't even know the woman.
09:26Does Jean mean it when she says no surprises?
09:30If I'd come back a minute later, I'd have missed you.
09:33And we'd have been too late.
09:35Too late for what?
09:39Are you back?
09:40In here.
09:41Oh, how are the tanks and things?
09:43Oh, hello, Alistair.
09:44Hey, those ain't Tesco's.
09:46No, well, I bought a dress and then I bought another.
09:48I didn't intend to, but I liked one, then I liked another.
09:51Then I thought, why not? And I bought them both.
09:53Ridiculously expensive.
09:57What was that look for?
09:59Look? I didn't do a look.
10:01Women do buy dresses.
10:02I didn't say a thing.
10:04Well, I'm getting up to try them on. I hope I still like them.
10:08Well, what was that look for?
10:11Because that is the I don't know why I bought two dresses syndrome.
10:15That means...
10:16I know that one.
10:17She is bored.
10:18So it has to be surprise time.
10:21Perhaps you're right.
10:22But I'm not clanking down the road in a suit of armour.
10:26Of course not.
10:27You are taking her to Barbados.
10:30Barbados? When?
10:32How about tomorrow?
10:38Could we do that?
10:39I'll fix everything.
10:40And remember, not a word to Jean until the very moment before you leave.
10:47Bye, then.
10:50I'll see you later.
10:53Now, that one I like. You look sensational.
10:56This is what I came in in.
11:00You look sensational anyway.
11:02Thank you.
11:03You're coming back later?
11:04Oh, yes, yes.
11:05Just a few things to tidy up.
11:07Have you and Lyle been doing housework?
11:11Nice one, nice one.
11:13Well, must run. Places to go, faces to talk to. Ciao.
11:19I like them both.
11:22The dresses.
11:23Oh, good.
11:25You look a bit peculiar.
11:27Thank you.
11:28What did Alistair want?
11:29Oh, this and that.
11:31Well, you know Alistair.
11:32He says he's coming back later?
11:35What for?
11:36Oh, this and that. Would you like a drink?
11:39No, this and that what?
11:41This and that what?
11:44Well, actually, he's trying to persuade me to write another book.
11:48Oh, what did you say?
11:49No, I said no.
11:51So why is he coming back later?
11:53To try again, I suppose.
11:55Perhaps he thinks that the longer the day goes on, the weaker my resistance gets.
12:00Well, perhaps he does.
12:02I brought a handbag, too.
12:04Did you? Good.
12:05Well, I don't need another handbag.
12:07Then why did you...
12:08Well, it doesn't matter, does it? You can never have too many handbags.
12:12That was said with great authority.
12:14You still look a bit peculiar. Are you sure that everything's all right?
12:17Yes. Fine, really.
12:19There are the girls.
12:21Why the excitement?
12:22Oh. Well, it's always nice to see them, isn't it?
12:28Not in there. I want to talk to you.
12:33Where are you going?
12:34Uh, we decided to cook the dinner.
12:37Oh, that's nice.
12:39Is it a bit early?
12:41Um, yes, I suppose it is.
12:44I'll go up and get changed, then.
12:48Yes, I'll go up and get changed as well.
12:53Where are you going?
12:56I'm going up to get changed as well.
12:58Why are you coming?
12:59Well, if everyone's getting changed, I don't want to be left out.
13:07I know. It's ridiculous, isn't it?
13:08I think it's really romantic.
13:10Two weeks in Barbados.
13:12It had to be these two weeks, you see.
13:14Alastair said it's the only time the villa's free.
13:16I'm glad you said yes.
13:17Yeah. So am I, I think.
13:19What about packing?
13:21Oh, it doesn't take me long.
13:22I meant, do you?
13:24You can't just wake a woman up and say
13:26you've got half an hour to pack for a fortnight's holiday.
13:29Can't you?
13:30No, of course you can't.
13:31Mum would go to pieces. She'd pack all the wrong stuff.
13:34Then you'd be off on the wrong foot right away.
13:36All right, I'll sneak upstairs and pack a case for her later.
13:42Not a bad idea, is it?
13:44That's a terrible idea.
13:45You wouldn't know what to pack.
13:47No, you're right.
13:49Women always talk about little tops when they go on holiday.
13:52Well, you two could do it. You know the sort of stuff she'd take.
13:55Yeah, yeah, we could.
13:56But how would we pack a case with her in the house?
13:59She'd be bound to hear us upstairs.
14:01Oh, look, why don't I just tell her now?
14:03No, no, don't give up now.
14:05What do we do, then?
14:06Think of something.
14:12Oh, how's the dinner going?
14:14Oh, very well.
14:15You never did change.
14:17Didn't I?
14:18No, you just sat on the bed and talked to me while I changed.
14:21I don't really know why I went up there in the first place.
14:24What shall we go out to eat this evening?
14:27All the girls are cooking dinner.
14:30Yes, I know, but it's nothing very exciting.
14:33I want an exciting dinner.
14:35I don't know. Um, break the mould a bit, I suppose.
14:42Now, we had this conversation last night.
14:44You asked me if I'd like to go out to dinner tonight and I said no, thank you.
14:47Why are you asking me again?
14:49Women have been known to change their minds.
14:51I told you there was something I wanted to watch on television.
14:54Well, that serial thing.
14:56No, it's not a serial thing, it's a cereal.
14:59I couldn't work out who was who.
15:01Well, I'm not surprised, you slept through most of the first episode.
15:04They're sure to repeat it.
15:06Well, let's go out to dinner tomorrow.
15:07No, we can't.
15:10Well, um...
15:13We could, yes.
15:15Well, make your mind up.
15:17I have.
15:18Tomorrow we shall have dinner somewhere where we've never had dinner before.
15:22And that's a promise.
15:23Oh, all right.
15:26Right then.
15:28Come on, I'll go and get the sprouts on.
15:31They never give them long enough.
15:33I'll get it.
15:34Oh, if that's Alistair, stand firm about another book.
15:39It doesn't matter.
15:44We are all systems go.
15:46Tickets, travellers' checks and I've arranged for a car to pick you up in Bridgetown.
15:50I'm very grateful, Alistair.
15:52Hey, my pleasure.
15:54What are you two whispering about?
15:56It's a surprise.
16:01For Judy.
16:03Oh, how lovely.
16:04Well, come in.
16:05I'll just see to the sprouts.
16:10Well, sit down, Alistair.
16:12What's the surprise for Judy?
16:16Oh, that.
16:18I'm planning to fly out of Paris.
16:20For lunch.
16:26Oh, how lovely.
16:29Oh, I wish...
16:32You wish what?
16:33Forget it.
16:37Did I hear Lye say sprouts?
16:40He and the girls are cooking dinner.
16:42Well, stay and have some if you're not doing anything.
16:44Oh, I'd like that.
16:47Are you sure there'll be enough?
16:48Oh, yes.
16:49When Lionel cooks, there's always more than enough.
16:51He tends to think in army portions.
16:54Good old Lye.
16:58Alistair, do me a favour.
17:00Leave him alone.
17:07Well, he's happy.
17:08He's perfectly content as he is.
17:10I hate to admit this, but I'm not following you.
17:12Well, don't pester him to write another book.
17:15I'm not.
17:16Well, what about this morning I asked Lionel why you came
17:18and he said you were trying to get him to write another book.
17:21Oh, that.
17:22Oh, that.
17:24That wasn't pestering.
17:26That was just a gentle nudge.
17:28Well, no more nudging then, however gentle.
17:31You've got it.
17:32So when are you telling Judy about Paris?
17:35Oh, er, tomorrow.
17:37Surprises are always best left till the very last moment.
17:43I suppose so.
17:46Mum must be getting old if she'd rather stay in
17:49and watch a serial on television than go out to dinner.
17:52Well, I did my best.
17:54Is it a loud serial?
17:56I don't think it can be. It sent me to sleep.
17:59Well, this packing.
18:01I suppose we could try tiptoeing about upstairs,
18:03but if it's one of those quiet programmes...
18:06You should have warned me, Lye.
18:08What about?
18:09My cover story for being here earlier.
18:12It's all right. I managed to squeeze out of it
18:14and I'm staying to dinner.
18:17You can rush into my arms if you like.
18:19Solve our problems and we just might.
18:21Name the problems, name the problems.
18:23We wanted Mum out of the house
18:25so we could do her packing for tomorrow.
18:27She wants to watch television.
18:29Hmm, I see.
18:30I shall need a second or two on this one.
18:32As long as that.
18:34Don't be sarcastic, Lionel.
18:36We can't think of anything.
18:37I can.
18:38Give up on the whole idea of secret packing and tell Jean now.
18:41Hold everything.
18:42I'm about to be brilliant.
18:45Is Jean a heavy sleeper?
18:47We can't bang about and pack a suitcase with her in the same room.
18:51What if it weren't in the same room?
18:53How would we get all the clothes out of her wardrobe?
18:55No, I mean, what if Jean doesn't sleep in her own room tonight?
18:59Just how do we manage that?
19:00Wait till she's asleep and dump her on the landing?
19:05Something a little more subtle, I think.
19:08Haven't thought of it yet.
19:23It was quiet, wasn't it?
19:25What, quiet as in boring?
19:27No, quiet as in not having a lot of noise in it.
19:33What a funny thing to say.
19:35I think the sister with the limp is at the bottom of it.
19:38Of course she was and she couldn't get up and down the stairs in time.
19:41Maybe it's a fake limp.
19:43Maybe she fell off a horse when she was five.
19:47Last week.
19:49Well, I didn't watch it last week.
19:51Well, don't jump to conclusions about fake limps, then.
19:55What's Lar and Alistair doing?
19:57They're having quality guy time in the kitchen.
19:59Oh, my God.
20:01Oh, what is it?
20:02Could somebody lend me a hand? Alistair's fallen over.
20:05Is he hurt?
20:06Well, the stake he's in, he's feeling no pain whatsoever.
20:09Please release me, let me go
20:13For I don't...
20:18Have I shrunk?
20:20Or have you all got very tall?
20:24Alistair Deacon, you're drunk.
20:26I've shrunk.
20:28And I'm drunk as a skunk.
20:30This is your fault.
20:31I'm not his father. He was fine when he was sitting down.
20:34He's sitting down now.
20:35I'm not a skunk.
20:37I'm a mole, and I live in a hole.
20:39Right, let's get him up. Come on.
20:41Up and away in my...
20:45...beautiful world.
20:47What are we going to do?
20:48Go back to your driver and just take him upstairs and put him to bed?
20:51So very well.
20:52Come on, Mr Mole.
20:53No, no, no, no, please.
20:57This is guy stuff.
20:58It's all right, I can manage.
21:00I wish you were my father, Lydon.
21:04Just keep walking.
21:06Comrades, comrades, ever since we were boys.
21:10Sharing in life's sorrow, sharing in life's joy.
21:13You're overacting.
21:15Sharing in life's sorrow, sharing in life's joy.
21:20I can't understand it.
21:22He only had two glasses of wine at dinner.
21:24I know.
21:25But they polished off another two bottles while we were watching that serial.
21:28Why? Why would they do that?
21:30Boys will be boys, I suppose.
21:32And so will grown men sometimes.
21:34But Lionel seems perfectly all right.
21:36Well, you've tasted his chilli con carne.
21:38He's got guts of iron.
21:40Sleeping like a baby.
21:41Well, I'm not a bit surprised.
21:43Whose room's he in? Sandy's or Judy's?
21:48Well, I didn't want to barge about in the girls' rooms.
21:50Where are we going to sleep?
21:51Oh, well, that's not a problem. You both have my room.
21:53I'll sleep in with Sandy.
21:55It's a single bed.
21:56We'll manage.
21:57Well, I'm talking about us.
21:58Well, we can squeeze in.
22:00If you're really worried, I can always sleep on the floor.
22:02And get that martyred look.
22:03No, thank you.
22:04Oh, we'll manage.
22:06Oh, it's just all so silly.
22:12It worked.
22:13Now, you'll get Mum off to sleep as soon as possible, won't you?
22:19What do you expect me to do, sing her a lullaby?
22:22Just knock on our door when she's asleep.
22:25Oh, for goodness sake, don't fall asleep yourself.
22:28I suppose this is all worth it.
22:30Do you want a punch on the nose?
22:32Two punches on the nose.
22:33Of course it's worth it.
23:01You were a long time.
23:03She won't go to sleep.
23:04Right, let's get packing.
23:06I'd better come with you.
23:09You're a dying breed, love.
23:11Look, you get back to bed with Mum, just in case she stirs.
23:14I just hope she doesn't spread after us.
23:16I'll never be able to get back in a bed again.
23:19Now, is this a fantasy?
23:22Or is this a fantasy?
23:24Well, if it is, it's a very peculiar one.
23:26What, two beautiful women creeping into my room in the middle of the night?
23:29And packing a suitcase.
23:30Takes all sorts, I suppose.
23:34Let me do that.
23:38It's heavier than it looks.
23:39Oh, come on, Samson.
23:40There must be something in it.
23:46There must be something in it.
23:50It's all right.
23:52I tell you, I heard a thump.
23:54You imagined it.
23:55Quick, lights.
23:56Shut the door.
24:04Let's just go back to bed.
24:05Not so loud.
24:14Look, he's fallen out of bed.
24:16That's all right, come on.
24:17No, we can't just leave him like that.
24:20Well, if we wake him up, he might start singing again.
24:23Well, he's sound asleep.
24:25Yes, well, come on.
24:26Come on.
24:27Oh, Daniel.
24:31All clear.
24:32All right, let's ride our luck and get cracking.
24:36Hang on a minute.
24:37We've got to give Mum a minute to get back to sleep first.
24:47Might as well have a lie down while we're waiting.
24:52They'll be on their way by now.
24:54I'll never forget Mum's face when Lionel told her.
24:56Thanks, Alastair.
24:57Hey, I got the fantasy of two beautiful women creeping into my room
25:00in the middle of the night and packing a suitcase.
25:02What more could a guy ask for?
25:04That's the front door.
25:05Oh, no.
25:12I double-checked everything.
25:14I know you did, Alastair, but I didn't.
25:16It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known.
25:18Known what?
25:19My passport's out of date.
25:24Well, it's the last time I ever tried to arrange a surprise.
25:27You did brilliantly.
25:29You all did brilliantly.
25:31Never mind sounds totally inadequate.
25:33Never mind.
25:35Don't unpack.
25:36You are leaving for Barbados tomorrow.
25:38How? We can't.
25:39If Sandy and I stand in line at the passport office all day,
25:42we'll come home with a new one.
25:43I make a few calls, change the travel and ticket arrangements.
25:46And you've got all day to make sure we pack the right things.
25:49And we get some sleep tonight.
25:51OK, troops, move out.
25:52Oh, how lovely.
25:54They're good kids.
25:57From where I stand, yes.
25:59Talking of kids,
26:01I've got another surprise for you.
26:03You're not pregnant.
26:07I was going to wait till we got to Barbados,
26:10but I don't want to save it till then.
26:12Well, what is it?
26:13The Imperial War Museum.
26:15What about it?
26:16Well, they had a BFPO exhibition on it.
26:19Is that a tank?
26:21No, it's not a tank.
26:22British Forces Post Office.
26:25Letters home from the front to wives and sweethearts.
26:28Well, sorry, but I don't... I...
26:33The letter?
26:36There it was, all faded in a glass case.
26:39A letter from 2nd Lieutenant Hardcastle
26:42to Nurse Jean Pargeter.
26:44Posted in Korea.
26:46But it never arrived.
26:48How could it have ended up in the Imperial War Museum?
26:50I haven't the faintest idea.
26:52Well, we've got to see it.
26:53It's all right.
26:54They've photocopied it for me.
27:04Sorry it's a bit late.
27:07My darling Jean.
27:18What's that word?
27:21Uh, miracle.
27:30If I'd have got that.
27:32No ifs.
27:34Oh, it's a beautiful letter, Lionel.
27:38You really did love me.
27:41I still do.
27:45This is for you.
28:15It's still the same old story
28:17A fight for love and glory
28:20A case of do or die
28:26The world will always welcome lovers
28:32As time goes by
28:45As time goes by
28:54As time goes by
29:04As time goes by
