The 730pm News of July 16, 2024

  • il y a 3 mois
The 7:30pm of July 16, 2024 on CRTV


00:00Tuesday, July 16, 2024, domestic waste in the city of Yaounde continued to grow as mountains
00:29on some roads, perturbing traffic, staring defiantly at those in charge to clear them
00:36with environmental and health hazards, while concrete solutions remain fleeting, begging
00:42for implementation. The newsroom revisits Cameroon's contribution to the successful
00:48implementation of the continental free trade area, but questions how much Cameroon is really
00:54gaining from the entire deal. Plus, follows Sierra TV's guide in the discovery of some of
01:00the most beautiful and historic sites of Cameroon. Today is a boat ride to the Jeppe Island
01:07in the Vuri estuary in the Littoral region. Those are our top stories. I am Benin Bumagana.
01:15This is the 730 news. The city of Yaounde remains helplessly trapped in mountainous
01:24heaps of refuse which are growing in size every day and may block main streets if those in charge
01:30continue watching unconcerned. A prime ministerial decree of 2023 ordered the Ministry of Finance
01:37to collect excise duties to be redistributed to municipal councils as part of funds
01:43for waste collection. The impact of this decree is still to be felt on the ground.
01:48In the meantime, the environmental and health hazards,
01:51these heaps of rubbish remain threatening. Alphonse Abongwa reports.
01:56A capital city submerged in garbage, Yaounde is gasping for breath. Sidewalks in the town
02:14have metamorphosed into waste disposal grounds and overwhelmed due to improper collection.
02:20Experts attribute the ill to multiple causes, amongst them demographic expansion.
02:27Yaounde is suffering from overpopulation because waste production is a function of the population.
02:34So when we know the waste produced per person, you can imagine why this waste generated in
02:39Yaounde is out of control. The incivility of the population. Instead of throwing on
02:47waterways, they should throw in the dustbins. When government pressed on the acceleration
02:54pedal of decentralization, it was hoped the waste disposal equation had found a solution.
03:00Municipal council executives say it is not yet part of their prerogatives.
03:07Till date, subdivisional councils are not implicated in the operations of waste collection
03:13and treatment. We think all actors should be involved in the chain, including the population.
03:21In 2023, a prime ministerial decree ordered the Ministry of Finance to collect yearly excise
03:28duties worth billions of CFA francs to be redistributed to municipalities as part of
03:34funds to address the waste management problem. This too is yet to swing from paper to reality.
03:40The excise duty is already there, but it needs to be transferred. These duties are paid directly
03:49and the collection is centralized at the level of the Ministry of Finance, which in turn has
03:54the responsibility to redistribute accordingly to councils. Experts say domestic waste constitutes
04:01gold mines which can be transformed through recycling to address other societal problems
04:07like energy deficits. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is working with regional
04:14and local authorities to provide some amount of solution to waste management in some cities.
04:19The ministry is proposing the proximity collection of waste, multiplication of garbage sites,
04:24and the sensitization of city dwellers on waste management. These proposals are only good on paper
04:31until they are effectively implemented. Joyce Kimbi Fawadju takes a further look at the solutions
04:36proposed by the Ministry of Urban Development.
04:42Monitoring compliance with sanitation and drainage standards, hygiene and sanitation,
04:46removal and treatment of household waste is one of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Housing
04:52and Urban Development in Cameroon. As solutions, it's envisaging proximity collection of household
04:58waste in cities and multiplying garbage disposal sites. Our new vision is to
05:06maybe move towards more and more door-to-door collecting. Actually we are looking forward
05:13on multiplying these sites, maybe for Yamundi you can have four sites, so that to shorten the
05:19distance between where garbage is produced and where you have to collect and go and keep them.
05:25The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development also ensures continuous capacity building of
05:30local authorities on waste management and organize annually cleanliness town contest.
05:36Five years now we have been launching every year competitions to
05:43in order to define the cleanest city in Cameroon. These are things that have changed the way people
05:51look in their environment. As concerns solution to the management of waste disposal in cities
05:57by officials of city councils, effort to get them speak failed. But all said, government annually
06:04subvent waste management in Cameroon to the tune of 12 billion CFA francs. This is done through the
06:10Ministry of Urban Development and it runs down to the councils. While waiting for a more committed
06:16action from those charged with solving this problem, therefore households can also repurpose
06:21their waste for other uses. Plastic bottles can be used for indoor farming, while organic wastes
06:27like cassava, plantain and pineapple skins can be recycled into ecological charcoal and biogas.
06:33Beatrice Ngum expatriates on other forms of waste management and transformation.
06:39From waste to money, these laborers of another kind have discovered the hidden treasure in trash.
06:46Daily, they comb through garbage separating organic from solid waste. Franklin Ngaling aka Mr. Green
06:55recycles plastic bottles. I have developed methods to transform plastic bottles into UPB
07:03tree nursery pots and UPB vertical gardens. These innovations are reducing plastic bottle pollution
07:12and old tires too. I have removed over 3,000 tires and used them to train young people
07:19in the construction of tire erosion embankments in my fore. The organic waste is used to produce
07:27biogas and ecological charcoal. The goal is to help housewives give value to their waste,
07:36let it be transformed to biogas. Producers of biogas mix the waste with water passing it through
07:44this pipe. After the decomposition process inside this drum, biogas is obtained for household use.
07:51Biogas does not smell, it resolves the problem of sanitation.
07:57For ecological charcoal, the arch obtained is molded into different shapes for cosmetics,
08:03building, cooking and farming purposes. After carbonization,
08:09carbon enzymes is obtained, watered and transformed to charcoal.
08:14To maintain a clean and healthy environment, experts in the domain say the population needs
08:21to be trained on how to handle their household waste and waste management initiatives encouraged.
08:29Let there be training therefore. On to another story, Cameroon's participation in the
08:34African continental free trade area has received commendable reactions from stakeholders but
08:40economists have remained skeptical about how much Cameroon can really profit with all.
08:45They argue that the inequality between production realities and market demands remains a challenge
08:51which needs to be addressed if local businesses must compete with goods and entrepreneurs from
08:56other parts of the continent. There is therefore an urgent need to create an enabling environment
09:02where small and medium-sized enterprises can have a greater beginning power.
09:06Clarice Areta can report that it begins with putting the right mechanisms in place.
09:13100 tons of aluminium bars from Cameroon to Algeria facilitated by the African continental
09:19free trade area. Without a doubt there is a ready market but then there can be no trade
09:24on competitive basis with just few quantities of goods to supply a vast commercial space.
09:30Another thing the government should do is to develop a strategic plan to develop the growth
09:35of small and medium-sized companies in Cameroon. One of the things the government needs to put in
09:39place is the legal framework. They need to put in place a legal framework for joint ventures
09:45between local manufacturers and their foreign partners. Cameroon's import export affair remains
09:50largely lopsided with more goods coming in than they go out. It is not only about local habits,
09:59you must know what the others need. This entails knowing foreign norms and standards,
10:04production costs are high, inflation is a problem, lack of modern equipment
10:08will prevent local companies from competing with others. SMEs make up more than 98 percent
10:16of the economy however barely 36 percent contributes to the gross domestic product.
10:21The government has to ensure that SMEs have access to finance. Like when we are talking
10:25about the free trade zone we are talking of large quantity so you cannot depend on your
10:30family to produce something that will supply the whole of Africa. It is very difficult for someone
10:35let's say producing tomatoes to transport that tomato to reach Douala before leaving the port
10:41to reach another country. Production challenges remain. The African continental free trade area
10:46is said to be the ideal opportunity to deal with them effectively. Experts insist though that
10:52political will must cooperate with development objectives to achieve results. The Speaker of
10:59the National Assembly Honourable Kavaye Gejubril has pledged the institution's unflinching support
11:05for the success of the omission of the newly elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly
11:10of La Francophonie Honourable Hilarie Eton. This was during an audience today in the course of which
11:17an account of the just ended 49th APF General Assembly in Montreal Canada. Esther Kimaha's details.
11:25Tasked to stir the affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie for the next two years
11:31Honourable Hilarie Eton holder of the most prestigious position of the consultative and
11:38legislative organ of French-speaking countries is in deep appreciation for his endorsement by Cameroon
11:44and its Parliament. The support of the House Speaker the right Honourable Kavaye Gejubril
11:50and the financial aid disbursed for the mission is unbounded. I would like first of all to thank
11:58the Almighty God arriving in Cameroon yesterday. The first thing I want to do is to see the
12:05President to resume what we did in Montreal after the election. So I come to meet the President
12:14to thank him. Patronized by the four regions of the Parliamentary Assembly
12:20of La Francophonie his vision is based on the values of the linguistic and cultural body. The
12:26first priority is the French language because the Francophonie is above all an organization
12:35linguistic and then we have the democracy. We have to involve the democracy in this
12:44space. Back to his homeland his major challenge remains consolidating peace in the Francophonie
12:50space and adapting to the technological changes of the time like artificial intelligence.
12:58The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Alamin Ousmane May today received in
13:03audience the Chairman and CEO of BGFE Bank Henry Oyima. During their meeting discussion centered
13:11around the bank's performance and its alignment with Cameroon's development priorities as well
13:16as strategic plans to expand the institution's foothold in Cameroon. Oyima also revealed that
13:22by December this year the bank's new headquarters in Yaoundé will be inaugurated to enable them
13:28strengthen their commitment to the nation's economic growth.
13:34The newly elected board of directors of the Cameroon Enterprises Group JECAM have been
13:39presented to the Minister of Labour and Social Security Grégoire Owona. During an audience in
13:44Yaoundé to strengthen the public and private dialogue the JECAM presented the board's program
13:50and route map of activities for the next four years. Here is an excerpt of JECAM's President
13:55Celestin Tawamba edited by Chelsea Kuwan. We came today to explain to the Minister our new board
14:06to explain our new program and expect that we have to change the dialogue between the private sector
14:17and the public sector. We have to take into account the proposal of a new organization
14:29in the strategy of our government. Across Cameroon and around the world you're watching
14:36the 7.30 news on the CRTV. In act two of our running series on holiday in a village we take
14:42you to meet a university student on vacation who is involved in palm wine tapping in the village of
14:48Zamangwe. Sinche Saptala tells us that a rich Landry Masena does not only collect the tap he
14:55also bottles and sells to locals. Here is her report. How about we change our usual morning
15:03coffee or tea for some freshly collected palm wine.
15:11At Tapa Landry is a university student whose holiday has been spent collecting the sap and
15:18selling to villagers. We sell a cup of palm wine at 200 francs. Five liters is sold at 2000 and 10
15:26liters for 4000 francs. In his backyard there are three or more palm trees over 20 years of age.
15:36It is on these trees that he learned from his father how to collect the best of the sweeter
15:41non-alcoholic beverage. To have good palm wine you need to trim the tree back at least three
15:52times a day. I wake up at 3 a.m to collect the first saps to sell at 6 a.m before the villagers
15:57go to their farms at 8 a.m. We go back to the trees at noon just to trim again.
16:07Based on our Tapa the seasons to affect the flow of the sap during the cold periods he is barely
16:13able to collect and sell six liters a day. Tapping is just one of the many activities
16:20occupying this university student on holidays. He assures us that though he is fond of the local
16:26wine he will hang up his calabash when lectures resume. On our page Cameroon my beautiful country
16:35today we take a boat ride to the island of Djebale on the Vuri River in Douala. There
16:41the kings of Douala signed a treaty of protectorate with German merchants in 1884.
16:46Djebale is known as the emirate island flamboyant jewel on the Vuri estuary.
16:53Let's follow our trip further to discover the island of legendary beauty.
16:58Welcome to Djebale, a remarkable fluvial island located in the Vuri estuary within
17:05the littoral region of Cameroon. Djebale boasts essential services including a health center
17:11and a public primary school. This site is pivotal for recruiting the Sawa's grand initiates
17:18closely tied to the Ongondo ceremony held annually on the Vuri river.
17:26All the Douala and Sawa chiefs come from everywhere to be in direct contact with their ancestors.
17:32After these rituals the Ongondo can be transported to the other side of the river for the grand
17:39ceremony. The island population predominantly indigenous relies on primary sector activities
17:48like fishing and agriculture for their livelihood. To meet their electricity needs the island has
17:53been equipped with a solar power station. Challenges faced by Djebale island residents
17:59include geographic isolation and limited access to mainland resources. Recent initiatives aimed
18:06at sustainable development and infrastructure improvement present promising opportunities
18:12for enhancing life standards and preserving cultural heritage. Djebale island stands
18:17as a testament to resilience community spirit and cultural heritage within Cameroon.
18:27Sons and daughters from Bambili in the northwest region resident in the United States of America
18:32have renewed their commitment to transform their village through the contribution to
18:37socio-economic development of the people. They renewed their commitment to the village during
18:42the visit of the traditional ruler his royal highness Afungchi of the third to Texas in the
18:48United States of America. Romeo Kenyi tells us the story. Bambili chief town of Tuba subdivision
18:56northwest region has also been hit hard by the social unrest in the northwest and southwest
19:02regions. With normalcy gradually returning its sons and daughters in the United States
19:08of America remain focused dragging home several development related projects.
19:26Enhanced development in the village. Meeting under the banner of the Bambili cultural and development
19:32association the august guest at the event his royal highness Afungchi the third tells
19:39Bekuda members to be peace crusaders ambassadors of social integration and cohesion. It is his
19:46maiden official visit to Texas.
19:58The Bambili indigenous also resolved to champion back to school campaigns
20:02in their village while some outstanding individuals receive traditional titles.
20:08The minister of arts and culture has received this Tuesday members of the organizing committee
20:18of the Festat 2024. Festat is the sixth edition of the Sao Kotoko people's festival of the far
20:27north region which is coming up sometime this year. Let's get details of that audience with
20:32Joyce Abigail Foshey. Beneath the Mandara mountains in the far north region of Cameroon
20:40lives the Sao and Kotoko tribes. These people are known for their special touch of culture
20:47and the way they uphold their traditional beliefs. The organization of the festival of arts and
20:52traditions of the Sao and Kotoko people in the months ahead at the national museum will be
20:58a beautiful opportunity for the people to discover and admire the artistic works of
21:03arts and culture from one of those areas in Cameroon that is hoisting the country's flag
21:08with pride at the international level in the domains of sculpture painting and culture.
21:14He put at our disposal all the technical directors and with them we'll try to have a
21:22big meeting with them in order to have a very big event. In order to ensure a huge free festival
21:29worthy of his style and color, Cameroon's minister of arts and culture Pierre Ismail Bidungkwad
21:35has put in place all the technical modalities to give the Festat 2024 festival the grandeur
21:42it truly deserves. Members of the scientific council of the Chantalbia international reference
21:49research center have reiterated the priority of the institution which is to consolidate strides
21:55made in the prevention of HIV and AIDS and the treatment of cancer. The president of the center
22:01Carlo Federico Perno chaired the deliberations in the presence of the director general of the
22:06research center professor Alexis Ndjolo. Imbile reports. It was with key research findings that
22:15members of the international scientific council of the Chantalbia reference research center gathered
22:20for their 20th ordinary session. An improvement of the screening system for HIV that has been
22:28put in place by the minister of health has been done thanks to the activity of the CRCB
22:35that have demonstrated the importance of the triple test to avoid too many false positive
22:42tests. Optimizing the treatment of cancers induced primarily by the human papilloma virus also remains
22:49a priority for the researchers. Some of these viruses are distributed here in Cameroon. I'm
22:55thinking about hepatitis B virus, papilloma virus, both we have a vaccine active against
23:03these two viruses but we have no evidence of which is the real prevalence of these viruses
23:09in in Cameroon. Knowing the prevalence of the type of viruses this will help in preventing
23:15the infections and optimizing the vaccine against these viruses. Major research projects including
23:22the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and AIDS in need of space and funding as well
23:29as human resources at the CIRCB which has so far this year produced 25 peer-reviewed scientific
23:36articles described as promising. A delegation of chiefs of Boya and Fako division headed by the
23:45president of the southwest of house of chiefs, chief Atem Ibako has encouraged the population
23:51to remain calm vigilant and to continue trusting in state institutions. The delegation of chiefs
23:57paid an on-the-spot evaluation visit to the palace which was brutally which was partially
24:02burnt down during the early hours of Monday July 15 2024 by unidentified attackers.
24:08Charles Abuno reports from CRTV Southwest in Boya.
24:15Calm has returned to Boasa village more than 24 hours after the fire incident at the chief's
24:23palace. A delegation of traditional rulers of Fako division have been to the palace to evaluate
24:30what has been destroyed by the fire incident. They discovered that a room and all its contents
24:36were destroyed by the flames. The delegation of traditional rulers was led by the president
24:43of the southwest regional house of chiefs. Whoever does not like the chieftaincy institution
24:50must leave violence come out in the day and tell us your reasons why you don't like the
24:59chieftaincy institution as part of the administration of Cameroon. The role that we chiefs play in making
25:07sure that there is peace there is development cannot be underestimated. An inhabitant of Boasa
25:16village revealed to the traditional rulers that the fire started around 2 a.m on Monday July the
25:2315th. If our colleagues slept in the palace it would have been a different story we are saying
25:29now. So we are saying that the people of Boasa should remain calm because the state is taking
25:34all necessary measures to make sure that the culprits would be put into book. Traditional
25:39rulers of Fako division have strongly condemned the attack and called on the population to stay calm.
25:48Let's talk sports where we continue our countdown to the olympic games in Paris
25:54which begins on the 26th of this month. Focus tonight is on one of team Cameroon's standard
25:59bearers Richelle Sopimbella who will compete in the women's plus 78 kilograms category in judo.
26:05She's currently training in Airmont outside Paris with other Cameroonian athletes to win
26:10a medal for Cameroon and confirm her status as African champion in her category. Details.
26:21From her humble beginnings to her present status as one of Africa's best in judo
26:27Anita Richelle Sopimbella competing in the women's plus 78 kilograms category has today
26:33seen her olympic dream transformed into an olympic reality.
26:38Ever since I qualified my objective remains to excel during the competition
26:43given my present training in France.
26:48This degree holder in industrial logistics never knows the dream of practicing judo but rather saw
26:54the discipline choose her. Judo is my life everything I have today is thanks to judo
27:01in terms of knowledge and relations. Since 2024 Anita Richelle Sopimbella has been consistent
27:09at the international scene backing home three gold medals from the Luanda Marrakesh and Cairo
27:15Opens respectively. Previously she was African vice champion in Casablanca in 2023 before
27:22confirming her status as African champion in Abidjan this year. When she wants it she surprises
27:29you she has some technical capabilities making her one of the rare athletes in the world to make
27:35shoulder movements. She will renewed with high level competitions in 2023 is looking forward
27:42to rising her name in gold in Paris and make her maiden olympic games participation memorable.
27:50The minister of sports and physical education professor Narcisse Mwele Kombi encouraged
27:54graduates of the national center of youth and sports synergies to continue using sports to
28:00consolidate national unity and peace as he presided over the diploma and attestation
28:05handing over ceremony to the 21st badge of the school in Garwa. Julius Neba reports from Garwa.
28:1413 of the synergies graduates of the 21st badge of sports and physical education instructors
28:19came from Bamenda, 24 from Betwa, 33 from Chang and 88 from Garwa making a total of 158 laureates
28:28from the national centers of youth and sports. The instructors highlighted that their recognition
28:33comes on the heels of an intensive two-year practical and theoretical training exercise
28:38that aimed at building their skills in communication human and social sciences
28:42and innovative sporting techniques to name but these handing over the diplomas and attestations
28:47to the laureates and we call on the professional conscience of the laureates because as the head
28:56of state president Paul Bier once said a nation that aspires to develop needs quality human
29:01resources who are apt health-wise and physically. After listening to the infrastructural
29:08logistic administrative and personnel challenges faced by the national centers of youth and sports
29:13outlined by the director of synergies Bamenda minister Nasis Melekumpi seized the opportunity
29:19to announce that in partnership with the French agency for development new and modern synergies
29:24infrastructures will be constructed particularly in Bamenda in the near future. The 19th batch of
29:31trainees at international war college in Younde have taken part in an awareness forum at the
29:36Camtel head office. The meeting seeks to strengthen collaboration between Camtel and the forces of law
29:41and order in the country. The deputy general manager Daniel Desiree Olay represented the
29:46general manager at the meeting. Maimon Njoya reports from CRTV center. In June 2023 the Cameroon
29:55telecommunications company Camtel offered technical expertise to the general delegation for national
30:03security to put in place a video surveillance command and control center to reinforce security
30:11in the country. 13 months later the collaboration between Camtel and security forces has been
30:18consistent and this justifies the awareness meeting with the 19th batch of trainee officers
30:25from Cameroon, Gabon and France of the international war college in Younde. They were led to Camtel's
30:33head office by their commander brigadier general Kavale who acknowledged the link between the
30:40telecommunications company and security forces which he said is pivotal in the drive to maintaining
30:48social stability and serenity. Amongst other topics discussed the deputy general manager of Camtel
30:55Daniel Desiree Olay evoked the role of the data center in Zamangwe which guarantees access to
31:03submarine cables and offers a qualitative solution to data processing. Mention was also made of
31:11Camtel's blue tech challenge which seeks to empower and bring to the limelight some youths who have
31:18promising technological projects. The meeting rounded off on a convivial note with trainee
31:24officers satisfied about all that has been said with prospects for a more acute collaboration.
31:34And it's not that we come to the end of the 7.30 news at 8.30 Roméo Tussauds will be coming up
31:39with the news in the French language. I'll see you tomorrow have a very wonderful evening. God bless you.