Adnkronos Q&A, come si cerca l’equilibrio vita-lavoro

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - ‘La cura delle persone’ è il titolo del nuovo appuntamento di Adnkronos Q&A, tenutosi a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma, in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Popolazione, con l’obiettivo di far crescere la consapevolezza su alcune tematiche cruciali come l’importanza del controllo familiare sulle nascite, la parità tra i sessi, il contrasto alla povertà, la salute durante la maternità e i diritti umani. Il dibattito è stato aperto da alcune interviste istituzionali per poi passare a una giornata di lavoro focalizzata su alcuni temi principali: il work life balance, la ricerca di un equilibrio, la parità di genere, il congedo parentale.


00:00The attention to people in the world of work must have a broad perspective, not only women and men, but also mothers, fathers, caregivers and diversity to include. In this sense, institutions and companies can do a lot.
00:18It has been discussed in the course of the new ADN Kronos Question and Answer appointment, the care of people on the occasion of the World Population Day.
00:28A working morning, the one held at the Palazzo dell'Informazione in Rome, focused on some main themes, the work-life balance, the search for a balance, gender equality and parental leave.
00:41Elion is a company that takes care of the well-being of people and with this policy of Fully Equal Parental Leave we want to promote gender equality.
00:52We want every employee, who is a parent and can live in their own family, to have the opportunity to experience parenthood.
01:01It is a policy that applies to fathers and mothers, in any type of family, in any type of child, arrives in the family, up to 26 weeks fully reimbursed, which can also be taken by both parents in the case in which both are Elion employees.
01:17To achieve optimal corporate welfare, it is necessary to achieve certain goals.
01:23I would say that we start from the quality of the work environment to reach training and re-qualification paths, to initiatives of integrated health care, complementary prevention, healthy lifestyle promotion.
01:37Attention from this point of view to the most fragile figures, to the disabled, to children, to women who tend to have more discontinuous careers, to the elderly and we talk a lot about silver economy in this sense.
01:51Welfare and work-life balance must now be aimed at achieving all these goals.
01:57For Merchitalia, the most important axis is the one made up of people. For this reason, the company is committed to the search for a work-life balance to measure for its employees.
02:09We at Merchitalia start a program called Merfertility, where 98% of our employees can benefit from help in the whole process of fertility for them and their families.
02:23This is an example of the commitment that we make to the development of people, to help people, our employees, in their personal life.
02:32Lundbeck Italy, on the one hand, is committed through culture to make its employees understand what it means to work in a serene climate, where it is possible to reconcile personal life with working life.
02:45On the other hand, we have projects that support people from a psychological point of view, by activating a psychological door that takes into account different issues, including the issue of parental age, the issue of organization of work,
03:01as well as a platform that we have launched this year on self-coaching, which transforms the skills of people who require an organization in the field of work,
03:15knowing how to transform what can be obstacles or difficulties or big changes that are there on a personal level, into opportunities to bring also in the field of work.
