Muppets tonight! - 04. John Goodman

  • 2 months ago


00:00What now?
00:01Yes, exactly, what now?
00:04John, are you ready to start the show?
00:06Can we do something for you before that?
00:08No, thank you. I couldn't do it any better.
00:11I've done so much lately.
00:13If I didn't have this wonderful quiet show in front of me,
00:15we'd go crazy.
00:16And I'll throw a quiet ball or cliffhanger at you.
00:18You promised me.
00:20It stays that way.
00:21I don't know what could go wrong.
00:23Oh, magic candle.
00:25Let's play with it.
00:26Get away from the wires.
00:27Have you gone mad?
00:29I got an electric shock.
00:30Yes, and both fell dead.
00:32Thank you for keeping your bacon rinds from rotting.
00:35Oh, thank you, Mr. Goodman.
00:37With rinds we couldn't get naked in the dirt anymore.
00:40All right, I did it.
00:42The Swabian legs are a bit stupid.
00:45Oh, he speaks the language of our ancestors.
00:48Oh, great.
00:49We're waving at you, you big, little Swabian.
00:52We're waving at you.
00:53We had to take the legs.
00:55Come on, John, I'll show you the studio in the meantime.
00:58We're the first two boys in Mr. Goodman's cult,
01:00because he showed himself to us.
01:02Exactly, if it weren't for him, we'd be living magic candles now.
01:06Oh, yes, show me, show me.
01:08Mon maimique.
01:10What was that?
01:11Smells like...
01:12fried bacon.
01:14Yes, and how.
01:15I don't want it.
01:17Me neither.
01:19And today on Muppets Tonight, the guest star is John Goodman.
01:28If you're completely drunk, there's salvation in sight.
01:31Because what everyone needs, our show plays for them.
01:34And it's already going on, and you ask how it's going.
01:37Everyone participates, as you can see, at Muppets Tonight.
01:41It's a chaos and a catastrophe.
01:43You don't see it.
01:44And the good taste of the Hungarians.
01:46The show is explosive and crazy anyway.
01:50Here at Muppets Tonight.
01:58When will it finally start?
02:00Where will it stay?
02:02We are the Muppets.
02:04We are the Muppets.
02:05We are the Muppets Tonight.
02:14And here is the guest star of this great show, Clifford.
02:17Yes, here I am.
02:19Hello, good evening.
02:20Good evening and welcome to Muppets Tonight.
02:23The show about all the families around the world saying...
02:27Oh, I get it.
02:28They make fun of you all and...
02:32Oh, forget it.
02:34It doesn't matter.
02:35We are very excited anyway.
02:37Because our guest star today is Mr. Don Goodman.
02:42But before we warm up, here comes our very personal,
02:46mysterious vet, Dr. Phil Van Noiter.
02:50And here, another episode of our show,
02:53Laboratory of the Devil.
02:57Oh, you!
02:58I scared you, didn't I?
03:00Yes, I'm glad.
03:02I'm Dr. Phil Van Noiter, your...
03:05...dear harmless animal.
03:08Oh, will you stop that?
03:10And welcome, as you already heard,
03:12to Laboratory of the Devil.
03:15What's that?
03:18Every week, Malsch and I get overhauled by thousands of letters.
03:24Malsch, are you okay?
03:25Oh, there you are.
03:26What is it?
03:27That's all?
03:29Two letters?
03:30That's all?
03:33You must have confused the others.
03:38Well, whatever.
03:40One of these letters fascinated me.
03:44Dear Dr. Phil,
03:46you are, as we heard, the husband of Malsch's sister,
03:49the very attractive Composter Haufen.
03:51Where did you meet?
03:53Tell us about it in a song,
03:55preferably by Thomas Dolby.
03:57Well, if I remember correctly,
04:00it was around that time.
04:04As a hopeful student,
04:06I prepared for my exams as a vet
04:09at a venerable university,
04:11when I met the beautiful Composter there.
04:15It was like that, I swear.
04:18She was the first hot flower.
04:22So deep, like a thousand seas.
04:26So sweet and full of harmony,
04:29dazzling in history.
04:32But zero A, ouch!
04:34But what would have been more important to us?
04:36Yes, zero A in biology.
04:40Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm!
04:42Oh, ouch!
04:43Are you crazy, Composter?
04:45Keep going!
04:46When I look at her in the dance,
04:49she speaks only of history, history.
04:51Yes, that's how it was.
04:56Magic and magic,
04:58of genius.
05:00She speaks only of history, history.
05:02No need for biology,
05:04just take care of your health.
05:08Stay there, Composter!
05:10He won't hurt you!
05:16Oh, I love this happy ending!
05:18Me too! And what is it now?
05:19Nothing at all!
05:20Nothing at all?
05:21Give him my sign,
05:22he should say the next number right away!
05:24North Africa, 1943.
05:26General Montgomery's desert rats
05:28are in a trap behind the enemy lines.
05:30Watch the following,
05:32the true story of the rat patrol.
05:36That doesn't look good, men.
05:38The enemy cheese has surrounded us.
05:41Yes, sir!
05:42No, no, no, I meant...
05:45No, no, no, I meant these stinkers!
05:48And if one of you
05:49takes off his socks now,
05:50I'll turn him into a snail!
05:52Were you just talking about snails?
05:54Yes, the line!
05:55Hey, Sergeant!
05:56Enemy cheese in the warehouse!
05:57Don't shoot me!
05:58Don't shoot!
05:59I'm Swiss, we're neutral!
06:01I want to bring an army knife
06:03and a bank account to this man.
06:05Do you have any use for it?
06:07Get out of my sight,
06:08or I'll shoot a few more holes
06:10in your fondue face.
06:12You're so black-bellied!
06:13Hey, why are you all pushing me?
06:15I can't wait to get out of here.
06:17Me neither.
06:18Hey, Indian!
06:19Yes, what's up, Sarge?
06:20What will you do
06:21when you get out of here?
06:22Oh, I know exactly what I'll do.
06:23Then, uh,
06:24then I'll grill my girlfriend, Jill,
06:26and when I'm done with her,
06:27I'll get married
06:28and have a nice, juicy date.
06:30You obviously didn't pick
06:31the psychiatrist I recommended.
06:32Yes, I did.
06:33He was very tasty.
06:37then we'll continue
06:38to be very careful.
06:39Then I'll get you out of here
06:40in one piece.
06:42Grenade attack!
06:49Everyone's safe?
06:51except for Indiana.
06:55you promised me
06:56you'd get out of here in one piece.
06:58I must have been
06:59lying next to her.
07:01And don't worry.
07:02I'll notify your girlfriend, Jill.
07:05Oh, forget Jill.
07:06Better notify the steak.
07:08Don't tell him, uh,
07:09no, uh,
07:10I can't think of a steak joke right now, guys.
07:14It won't help.
07:15We'll get out of here
07:16and make a quick process
07:17with the cheese.
07:18Because of Indiana?
07:20because of the steak.
07:21And if I don't get that,
07:22then at least I'll want cheese.
07:33Well done, rats.
07:34Please get ready
07:35for incredible discovery.
07:36Come on, come on.
07:40You guys are great.
07:41You have to admit that.
07:42Except for the cheese.
07:44But we'll stay in touch, men.
07:46We are.
07:47We want to be of service
07:48to you as your slaves.
07:50Oh, no, thank you.
07:51I'm way too tired.
07:52I just want to go
07:53to my wardrobe
07:54and relax.
07:56Then we could bathe you
07:57in precious oils.
07:59You have the choice.
08:00Diesel oil or diesel oil.
08:02Um, okay.
08:04If you want to help me,
08:05you can iron my uniform.
08:07But by hand, please.
08:11Iron, iron, iron, iron.
08:15Stop it.
08:16Stop it.
08:18But you need our help.
08:20you keep forgetting things.
08:21Like this, for example.
08:22Oh, you idiot.
08:23That's a sharp grenade.
08:24That's a sharp grenade.
08:25That's a sharp grenade.
08:26That's a sharp grenade.
08:31It's not that relaxing here.
08:34And now it's time
08:35for Gonzo's and Rizzo's
08:37incredible discoveries.
08:41Yes, here we are
08:42and welcome to the show.
08:43I am the maker
08:44of the great Gonzo
08:45and here we have
08:46my assistant,
08:47the humble Rizzo.
08:48Are you ready, Rizzo?
08:50Actually, I still don't know
08:51exactly what we're doing.
08:53The first incredible discovery
08:54of the evening
08:55you can make
08:56by sticking your nose
08:57into an electric pencil tip.
09:01Keep quiet, Rizzo.
09:03Man, that hurts.
09:05You have to admit
09:06that this is
09:07an incredible discovery.
09:08But if you want to see
09:09a really incredible discovery...
09:11I'm not sure
09:12I want to.
09:13...then be careful.
09:14If Rizzo now
09:15puts these electric eagles
09:16in his pants...
09:18That hurts, doesn't it?
09:19No, that's
09:20a rather pleasant feeling.
09:21Until the pocket money
09:22comes to a short circuit.
09:24Then it hurts.
09:28Not bad.
09:29An incredible discovery.
09:31You're already doing things, Gonzo.
09:33And now we come
09:34to our last
09:35incredible discovery.
09:36Yes, if you play
09:37catch with a pine cone...
09:40That hurts.
09:43I also made
09:44an incredible discovery.
09:46And that would be?
09:47If you watch this show...
09:49That hurts.
09:51That hurts.
09:55And here's
09:56a new exciting episode
09:57from Fairytale Act X.
10:00Hüttenkäse A.D.
10:07Are you the one
10:08who is being
10:09harassed by a spider?
10:10Yes, I am
10:11Miss Muppet.
10:12What happened?
10:14I was sitting here
10:15with a bowl
10:16of delicious
10:17Hüttenkäse with honey.
10:18Hüttenkäse with what?
10:19With honey.
10:20The spider sat
10:21next to you
10:22and wanted to start
10:23a fight with you.
10:24Yes, but you have
10:25to be able to
10:26do something about it.
10:27Oh, don't mention it,
10:29We'll take care of it.
10:37Not even my cat
10:38would eat something like that.
10:40I think he's coming.
10:46How are you,
10:47my darling?
10:48Are you talking
10:49to me?
10:50Oh, delicious
10:51Hüttenkäse with honey.
10:54Can I try it?
10:58Oh, it's you.
11:00Sorry, I just wanted to...
11:02Where am I?
11:04I'm sorry, man.
11:06You hit me.
11:07I shouldn't have
11:08hit you, right?
11:09It won't happen again.
11:10Get out of here.
11:14Miss Muppet?
11:15What are you doing here?
11:16I'm here
11:17because of the delicious
11:18Hüttenkäse with honey.
11:20Take a seat.
11:21I'll get you
11:22something to eat.
11:23Thank you.
11:24Very well.
11:27Bobo, are you okay?
11:29I feel the pain
11:30in my stomach.
11:37Oh, Hüttenkäse
11:38with honey.
11:39Come to daddy.
11:40Oh, no, no.
11:41Please, guys,
11:42that's not possible.
11:43I have a fever
11:44and you're not
11:45allowed to hold me.
11:47Yes, of course.
11:48That's what they all say.
11:49No, no.
11:50It's different for me.
11:51I have 3,000 children
11:52and my wife
11:53is a black widow.
11:54If I don't
11:55feed her,
11:56she'll eat me.
11:57Well, you know,
11:58we didn't know that.
12:00Then I'd say
12:01we won't let you go.
12:02Oh, thank you.
12:03Thank you.
12:08in which network
12:09will we be hacked
12:10if we...
12:11One more time.
12:14you know,
12:15I have a feeling
12:16that you're
12:17somehow enjoying this.
12:26I haven't been given
12:27a head massage yet.
12:28I think I misjudged you.
12:29Then you forgot
12:30about the explosion
12:31and that we connected
12:32your head
12:33to the main line.
12:35Oh, that's a good thing.
12:37Since then,
12:38my sideburns
12:39haven't been hidden.
12:40Feels great.
12:41What kind of massage oil
12:42are you using?
12:43Oh, I'm not using any oil.
12:44This is glue.
12:49Now you don't have to
12:50style your hair
12:51for half a year.
12:55Your suit is ready.
12:57Just leave it outside, please.
12:59I can't.
13:00Smoking is forbidden in the hallway.
13:04Oh, no.
13:05Not my suit.
13:06But this is your suit.
13:08Get out!
13:09I have to rest.
13:10I need some air.
13:12I think you can do that.
13:13Oh, sure.
13:14If our master
13:15wants it that way, then...
13:20Randy, we're trapped.
13:22We can't get out of here.
13:24John, help us.
13:25We can't find
13:26the way out thing.
13:27We're trapped.
13:28The way out thing
13:29is called a door
13:30and you can find it
13:31over there.
13:32The master has
13:33saved our lives
13:36No, please!
13:37I'm not like
13:38the people
13:39who have slaves again.
13:41Yo, yo, yo, John.
13:42What's up?
13:43Cliff, what?
13:44You promised
13:45I'd play
13:46with you.
13:47You also said
13:48something about having fun.
13:49But I'm not having fun.
13:52I'm stuck.
14:00Yeah, yeah.
14:01It's great again
14:02with Muppets Tonight.
14:03John Goodman is trying
14:04to wash his clothes
14:05out of his hair.
14:06It'll take a while.
14:07So let's fill
14:08the gap
14:09with a look
14:10into the past.
14:11In 1969.
14:12Back then,
14:13the number one
14:14topic was
14:15the moon landing.
14:16At that time,
14:17a small TV film
14:18was shot
14:19with the young
14:20John Goodman
14:22The Lunar Mooners.
14:23Let's watch it.
14:27I'm back.
14:29Alf, close the airlock.
14:30I don't want
14:31the moon dust
14:32to get in here.
14:34don't get mad at me,
14:36I had a tough
14:37day in my moon bus.
14:38The gravity
14:39kept collapsing.
14:41And you couldn't
14:42jump in with your own
14:44You have to talk.
14:45But just wait
14:46for some time.
14:49And back to Earth.
14:50That would be
14:51the first trip
14:52since our flutter week.
14:53Ha, ha.
14:54The Ha.
14:55So if you allow me,
14:56I'll get out
14:57of my moon boat
14:58and pull the asteroids
14:59out of my soles.
15:00Do what you want.
15:01I have to change.
15:02I'm going shopping
15:03with Dixie
15:04and Mrs. Monicotti.
15:05Ha, ha, ha.
15:13come down.
15:14The air is clean.
15:15All right, Alfie.
15:19Do you have any idea
15:20that I'm going to get
15:21a heart attack?
15:22Don't get so excited.
15:23I'm coming down
15:24from my moon boat
15:25to bring you your cards.
15:26You know,
15:27Jean-D for the space
15:28cadet ball.
15:29Oh, that's crazy, Newton.
15:30You're the best buddy
15:31you can wish for.
15:32Alison will fall
15:33around my neck.
15:34Ah, Alfie, wait.
15:35I have them here
15:36in my waist bag.
15:37Hyper, Aruni, Aruta,
15:38Duta, Duta, Duti.
15:39Leave the nonsense
15:40and give me the cards.
15:41Here they are.
15:42Alf, is that Newton?
15:43But not, dear.
15:44It's the,
15:45the, the, the,
15:46the boat
15:47that passed by.
15:48That's right, Alison.
15:49It's not me, Newton.
15:50I'm just some kind of boat
15:51that went by.
15:52Get up.
15:53Get going.
15:54Make a fly
15:55before she notices, man.
15:56You always get drunk.
15:57Get out of here
15:58with your work
15:59until you're out of here.
16:02Don't come back so soon.
16:04Throw yourself
16:05into your ball costume,
16:06my dear.
16:07Today we will still
16:08float through the sea
16:09of peace
16:10surrounded by
16:11waltz sounds.
16:12Oh, cards
16:13for the space
16:14cadet ball.
16:15Oh, Alfie,
16:16you're a chameleon.
16:19you're the biggest.
16:24Hey, Alf.
16:25Alf, my friend.
16:26I just realized
16:27I can't breathe
16:28out here
16:29because there's
16:30no oxygen here.
16:33I keep telling you
16:34it's not about
16:35a good comedy.
16:37You should have
16:38told him that.
16:43Oh, that's
16:44a brilliant plan.
16:45How could someone
16:46like me
16:47only need three years
16:48for the driver's license?
16:51Where are my slaves
16:52when I need them?
16:53Oh, Mr. Gooderman,
16:54we're coming through
16:55the exit thing.
16:56We brought
16:57mashed potatoes with us.
16:58Help, guys!
16:59Help me!
17:00I just wanted
17:01to clean my watch
17:02and it slipped.
17:03Pull me back in.
17:04Save me.
17:05Then we're quits
17:06and you'll never
17:07have to help me again.
17:08Oh, he's not going
17:09to fall down,
17:10I hope.
17:11We have to throw
17:12something at him
17:13where he can't hold on.
17:14Let's take the thing
17:15we get fireballs from
17:16when we touch it.
17:17No, you idiots,
17:18not the neck!
17:23Hey, where's John?
17:24I hope he finally
17:25calms down.
17:27I think so, Clifford.
17:28He's relaxing
17:29in the truck
17:30full of mice.
17:33And a bear trap.
17:39Take camera one.
17:40And what are you doing?
17:41You're smearing me
17:42again, Nigel.
17:43Yeah, yeah,
17:44Goodman fell out
17:45of the window
17:46and Clifford
17:47is freeing his head
17:48from a bear trap.
17:49The producer's cat
17:50has disappeared
17:51and I have no one
17:52who can call Johnny Fiamma.
17:53That sounds like
17:54a quiet bar.
17:55Okay, I'll call Johnny.
17:56Good, go, go, go, go!
17:57Why not right away?
17:58Camera two,
17:59on the gate.
18:00We'll book
18:01a camel tea for you.
18:03Thank you,
18:04very kind of you.
18:05I'm sorry,
18:06but I present to you
18:07once again
18:08the wonderful
18:09Ach, so smooth songs
18:10of Mr. Johnny Fiamma.
18:11Applause, applause!
18:12Thank you.
18:13According to the calendar
18:14I read,
18:15this year
18:16we have the year
18:17of the bride,
18:18the mouse.
18:19For me,
18:20you understand
18:21Valentine's Day
18:22every day,
18:23don't you?
18:24And in this sense,
18:25we offer you
18:26something very special
18:28only you,
18:29you alone.
18:30Yes, Mr. Ober,
18:31Mr. Ober!
18:33Oh, oh, oh!
18:36Yes, Johnny,
18:37I mean,
18:38dear guest.
18:39Better so.
18:40Would you be so kind
18:41to invite the most beautiful
18:42young lady
18:43from the audience,
18:45For a romantic
18:47with me.
18:48But I'd love to do that, waiter.
18:50I mean, Johnny,
18:51I mean, dear guest.
18:52Good, then do it,
18:53hurry up,
18:55Hop, hop, hop!
18:56You don't get tickled
18:57when you come on stage.
18:58Don't make such a drama here.
18:59I can't get enough
19:00of your snorting.
19:02now tell me,
19:03what's your name,
19:04my dear?
19:06Take a seat, please,
19:08No, I already told
19:09the waiter.
19:10There's your chair.
19:11No, no,
19:12take a seat, please.
19:13No, no,
19:14you impolite bird.
19:15Take a seat, please,
19:16Mr. Ober.
19:18Yes, yes, yes!
19:19The menu, please.
19:20The menu, yes,
19:21there it is.
19:24the meat of love.
19:25How romantic,
19:26but we'll take that,
19:27both of us.
19:31this is for you
19:33by two birds.
19:35I don't eat veal.
19:37Excuse me?
19:38I don't like
19:39the way you
19:40pull it apart.
19:41Pull it apart?
19:42You don't pull it apart.
19:43You're talking
19:44the same gibberish
19:45as my vegetarian
19:47Listen, honey,
19:48don't do anything
19:49in front of the people
19:50and pull the veal in,
19:52Because to you
19:54that is why
19:57I don't eat veal.
19:59No one can
20:00pull it apart.
20:02Then maybe
20:04good workers.
20:06I say, Sebastian,
20:07we don't need them.
20:08I mean,
20:09I can sit here
20:10and eat veal
20:11just as well
20:12and you sing your songs
20:13just for me.
20:15All right.
20:22close to you.
20:26you hear that?
20:27They're chasing him
20:28off the stage.
20:29Don't worry,
20:30something else
20:31will come up soon.
20:32Each of you
20:33has a ghost flash.
20:34What could
20:35be the next project?
20:37I have a song
20:38where I prove
20:39my phenomenal memory.
20:41You're doing a solo performance?
20:42Of course.
20:43I have the song
20:44in your show.
20:45The green one
20:46with the arms around it.
20:47I'll show you
20:48something else, Bobo.
20:49Please, Carl,
20:50the big bag eater
20:51on the stage.
20:55Hello, I'm Carl
20:56and I'm going to
20:57eat this bag eater.
21:12Thank you.
21:15Hello, Mr. Goodman.
21:16You're going to be
21:17on your feet again
21:18when you've had
21:19a good rest
21:20and stop thinking
21:21about those two idiots.
21:22Well, you know
21:23who they are.
21:24You mean us?
21:33Hey, John, John,
21:34wake up, man.
21:35You had a nightmare.
21:36Oh, man.
21:37It was horrible, Clifford.
21:38I dreamed
21:39I was in a show
21:40and I was tied up
21:41in a bar.
21:43To be honest,
21:44it wasn't a dream.
21:45You're tied up
21:46in a bar.
21:47That's why I have to
21:48go on stage
21:49and give you
21:50a big number.
21:51No, wait, Clifford.
21:52I'm not on the post yet,
21:53but I guess
21:54it's enough
21:55for the final number.
21:56How do you want
21:57to do that?
21:58Something like this.
22:15Imprisoned by the way
22:16it could have been
22:20Left here on my own
22:22So it seems
22:24You're feeling
22:26Oh, no
22:28I'm not feeling
22:29too good myself
22:31Oh, no
22:33You're feeling
22:36Oh, no
22:38I'm not feeling
22:39too good myself
22:41Oh, no
22:44Boy, you sure took me
22:46for a one-day ride
22:50Every night I sit
22:52and wonder why
22:55When I think of you
22:57I start myself to cry
23:00I just can't
23:01waste my time
23:02I must keep trying
23:05Gotta stop believing
23:08on your lies
23:10Of course I got
23:11too much to do here
23:13Oh, I'm not
23:15feeling alright
23:17Oh, no
23:19I'm not feeling
23:20too good myself
23:22Oh, no
23:24You're feeling
23:27Now I'd like to ask
23:28for a special round of applause
23:29for our guest star
23:30Mr. John Gutter!
23:32Thank you, Clifford.
23:33Thank you very much.
23:34I have to tell you
23:35that was the worst experience
23:36I've ever had.
23:38That's what most guest stars
23:40Still, it was wonderful.
23:41I hope it was for you, too.
23:48Hello, Mr. Goodman.
23:50There you are again.
23:54Yes, finally I'm back
23:55with Roseanne.
23:56With the Muppets.
23:57That was a real horror.
23:58Can someone make me
23:59a cup of coffee, please?
24:01But we'd love to get
24:02you one, Master.
24:03Yes, because we're
24:04working on this show now.
