Die Feuerstein Comedy Show - 01. Der plappernde Papagei Wellensalat Das wilde Rennen

  • 2 months ago


00:00Let me try to break you down, you...
00:29It's a ship full of...
00:32Pebbles, and dab-dab, and all of the gang
00:35Will rock, shock, rock, rock all my shoes
00:56We've got Fran and Barney, too
01:01We'll have a goofy time
01:56What a stupid question!
01:58I can sing in 24 languages, including American!
02:01Glasnosti, Italianski, Franzoski, Spadarewski, Rotkowski,
02:04Wetterbericht, Ossowalski, Lerpaniyski, Lappi, Potskina, Apelitsi...
02:15Dino, stop it! We're polite to our guests.
02:18Let's leave before our guest starts teaching foreign languages again.
02:33Oh, hello! Schäfer here.
02:36Wie geht's meinem süßen kleinen Claymore?
02:41Forget that crackpot. We'd rather talk about you and me.
02:44I must have heard wrong.
02:46Am I talking to Fred Feuerstein right now?
02:49That's right, sweetheart. I've cast my eye on you.
02:55That's out of the question. I'll give you my husband.
03:01He's not my type, but if you want, give me the old man.
03:09Fred, a conversation for you.
03:18Yes, hello?
03:19Are you the Firestone?
03:21Mr. Schiefe?
03:22You're fired!
03:26What's with the long face?
03:28I've been fired.
03:30I'm not laughing.
03:32You're the only one in Steintal who gets fired on a sunday evening.
03:36Very funny, but I get fired at home and don't have to run to the office.
03:47That sounds like the midday express.
03:49You're stupid, Fubani. It's only ten.
03:52Yes, but maybe we'll take a little shortcut through our garden today.
04:02Believe me, Wilma, we're innocent.
04:04We had to go in front of this train, the train that drove through here, in cover, didn't we?
04:09A train drove through here? Through our garden?
04:12Yes, he almost caught us, the train.
04:15That's bullshit with sauce, what you two are talking about.
04:29I have a bad feeling that this stupid bird is very close.
04:42Well done, Dino.
04:43We know you're in there, you quack bag.
04:46Get out of there.
04:47You're completely undressed.
04:49Come out with your high heels.
04:51I know exactly that something terrible has happened to my sweet little Claymore.
04:56No, Ben, then Firestone can experience something.
04:58There have been many extremely strange things since you've been with us, Claymore.
05:03And we firmly believe that you are behind it.
05:06It's good, it's good, I admit it, if you don't go further on the feathers.
05:10It all grew on my ass.
05:12I flirted with the old ones and made sure you flew out.
05:17And I was the train that ran through your garden.
05:20And when the old glatzkochs and their trolls picked me up here,
05:23I'll tell them stories about you,
05:25and bring you all to hell's kitchen.
05:28There's only one coming to hell's kitchen, you, green snout.
05:34Oh, Mrs. Schiefer.
05:35Mr. Schiefer.
05:36I'm your dear Schiefer.
05:38I would like to apologize for the trouble caused by a bird here.
05:43And with it I have a chicken to eat.
05:45Great work, Firestone.
05:47Thank you very much.
05:48See you on Monday in Nussbruch.
05:51Yes, boss.
05:52Come with me, my little snout.
05:55See, people, just as I always say.
05:58All's well that ends well.
06:02Hello, we are friends of Schiefer's.
06:04They warmly recommended you as a housekeeper
06:07and said that you would certainly like to take care of our bird while we travel.
06:13Cecil, our corresponding dwarf.
06:16Goodbye, Cecil.
06:17We will miss you.
06:19See you in two months.
06:23Hey, let's hug a biscuit, you fat box.
06:26Oh, no.
06:27And that to me.
06:37Speaking of birds, do you know what four wheels have and can fly?
06:43No, no.
06:44Of course, you mean a garbage truck.
06:48A pinched trapeze wing on a skateboard.
06:59To all dear little birds that have not hatched yet today.
07:03Hurry up, it's Easter soon.
07:12Did you just hear something about Easter, too?
07:15I didn't hear anything, buddy.
07:17Except the super-duper Stone Valley Rockers.
07:20One, two, one, two, three.
07:41Don't be afraid to try
07:43Taking a chance, little summertime friend
07:47Cause when all the summertime ends
07:51The weather will soon go cold
07:54And you'll find yourself one year older
07:57With nothing to dream about
07:59Summertime girl
08:01Would you like to have a summertime world?
08:05It would be just a little love and laughter
08:09And the things that come here after take my breath
08:15So you'll understand what it's all about
08:23Do, do, do...
08:37Summertime child
08:39Summer rain was kind of warm and wild
08:43But now that you know your way
08:46There's no reason for me to stay
08:49With nothing to dream about
08:52And I'm here, would you say we have a song?
09:23She totally got him!
09:25You should invent something that will stop people from running against trees.
09:29Yes, for example a fence.
09:31As an inventor, you always have to be prepared for small setbacks.
09:34I can think of seven things.
09:36You wanted to get the new record of the three Prontos, didn't you?
09:39I just picked it up. We have to put it in right away.
09:42What are we waiting for, people?
09:44I can't wait to finally put a hot sun on it.
09:48That's not just a setback, that's a disaster.
09:51You can't even walk properly.
09:53At least when there are trees nearby.
10:00Hello, children!
10:02They're gone.
10:05And they forgot the rock radio.
10:08I've always wanted to try it out.
10:10Marley Boy, where are you?
10:11Ah, here comes Fred. He's about to experience his blue miracle.
10:14I'm back here, Fred.
10:19Are you here?
10:20Yes, right behind you.
10:22Down there in the pot plant.
10:25I'm shooting an animal movie.
10:27About beetles.
10:29I don't believe a word you say, old boy.
10:32What kind of device is that?
10:34The latest invention of Professor Monstein.
10:37It's a rock radio for word transmission.
10:40You speak in here,
10:42and here it comes out, and vice versa.
10:45Hey, what an inventive invention.
10:48What kind of range does it have?
10:50Why don't we try it out?
10:52Roger that, Barney. Keep going, Uwe.
10:56Roger that, Fred.
10:58Keep going, Uwe.
11:00Come on, Barney. Barney, come on.
11:03Can you hear me? Uwe again.
11:09Barney, repeat that again. I don't understand a word.
11:12It's weird. I hear you clearly.
11:17Holy rock, an ilosaurus.
11:23Cheers and dinner.
11:25He's running in Barney's direction. I have to warn him.
11:28Where's the rock radio?
11:30Hello, Fred and Roger.
11:31Please come, Fred.
11:34And again, Uwe.
11:36Why don't you answer?
11:38Don't you talk to me anymore?
11:41Watch out, you big fish.
11:43I'm sitting in the trap.
11:46Hey, Fred.
11:47Push the tube a little and get me out of the pit.
11:51Hide or I'll eat you.
11:54Barney, be careful.
11:55You're being followed by a crazy ilosaurus.
11:58Help me, Fred. Get me out of here.
12:00I don't get it. He ate him.
12:03Be careful.
12:04There's a human-eating ilosaurus running around here.
12:07Oh, boy. Now he's completely lost it.
12:09That's just Nilo. I brought him from school today.
12:14He looks as cute as a baby.
12:16He definitely doesn't eat humans.
12:18Hello, Bam Bam.
12:19Is that you out there?
12:21Yes, Daddy.
12:22Oh, you scared me.
12:23And is that you in there?
12:25Yes, please get me out.
12:26It's too wet and dark here.
12:28I'm not surprised.
12:30Oh, dear.
12:31There was a Gerollheimer's horoscope.
12:33He should stay away from wet and dark places.
12:35Nilo, are you crazy?
12:37You swallowed him.
12:38Of course he did.
12:39What do you think?
12:40And I don't think he's full yet.
12:42I don't know what's full.
12:43Either I'm hungry or I'm sick.
12:46I'm going to eat the whole dinosaur.
12:50Just a second, Mr. Geröllheimer.
12:51The eating is starting.
12:52I mean, the eating.
12:54I hope my super special Swiss cheese
12:57thin-sliced bronte-sliced dinosaur-mix-ice-sandwich
12:59is enough for your father's huge hunger.
13:02We don't have any more at the moment.
13:05Can you do me a favor
13:06and finally decide on a place for a picnic?
13:09My poor arms are getting longer and longer.
13:11Don't be silly, sweetie.
13:12We'll be there in a minute.
13:15I praise myself for a sandwich like this.
13:21Was that delicious, Daddy?
13:22I've never eaten anything better.
13:25Barney is a hippo.
13:27Barney is a hippo.
13:28I beg you, Fretzo.
13:29Don't talk about his best friend like that.
13:32I have a feeling he's in shock.
13:34Maybe they had a fight.
13:36Please tell us what happened.
13:38Did one of you fall out?
13:40I'd rather say he fell in.
13:42Man, oh, man.
13:43Barney is a hippo.
13:44Barney is a hippo.
13:46Barney is a hippo.
13:47Barney uses completely different words
13:49when he eats a pig.
13:52I'm starting to get cramps in here.
13:54I can't even stand up straight.
13:57Don't worry.
13:59We're going to have a little Sauria permanent run.
14:08Hello, people.
14:09Can you hear me?
14:10Don't you want to answer?
14:11Your daddy is talking to you.
14:13Oh, the boy is coming from his mother, I'd say.
14:16What is it?
14:17My throat is dry like the desert.
14:19I'm thirsty.
14:20He's thirsty?
14:25Only a super-special 10-fruit-bubble water
14:28from Bronte Burger will help.
14:30I'm thirsty, too.
14:31I'll have one of the super-special
14:33Diet 5-fruit-bubble water.
14:36A great idea.
14:38My throat is dry.
14:39I have to drink a lot.
14:42Stand still, Dad.
14:43We'll be right back.
14:48What did you just say, my boy?
14:50Hello, hello.
14:52Is anyone there?
14:54Can anyone hear me?
14:55Talk to me.
14:56How are you, Mr. Nilosaurus?
15:00Since when can the animals talk?
15:02Hello, are you out there?
15:04Hello, are you in there?
15:05Who are you?
15:06Who is talking?
15:07Arnie Geröllheimer.
15:09Oh, Mr. Geröllheimer.
15:10I didn't recognize you.
15:12You look much better than usual.
15:15Now the game is getting too stupid for me.
15:17Can someone throw me a rope?
15:24There's a real tongue in there.
15:26It smells like mouth.
15:27That's a real one.
15:30Alarm, people.
15:31A human-eating Nilosaurus is running around freely.
15:46Go home.
15:51He's gone.
15:53Hey, Daddy, where did you go?
15:55Oh, you fat half-moon.
15:57Where would you go if you were a Nilosaurus?
16:00Do I look like a Nilosaurus?
16:02How should I know that?
16:03May I answer this question?
16:05It's obvious that he fled to his natural environment,
16:08which corresponds to his color.
16:10But where is such an environment?
16:13I know where he went.
16:14He's somewhere in the bush.
16:16I'm really worried.
16:17Fred is really obsessed with the idea
16:19that Barney is a Nilosaurus.
16:21If I only knew where he is,
16:23I could ask him what's going on.
16:26Maybe the kids know where he is.
16:32Bum-Bum, have you seen your father anywhere?
16:34We're looking for him.
16:36Good, good. Then we'll come with you.
16:39Oh, Yabba-Dabba-Double-Shock.
16:41But in the past, your father was a Nilosaurus.
16:45But sooner or later, you'll find out.
16:51If I don't get someone out of here soon,
16:53I'll be in deep trouble.
16:56Where are you?
16:57Mr. Geröllheimer.
16:59Barney, where are you?
17:02Hello, up there. I'm down here.
17:04Barney, what's that monkey theater?
17:07You come up here right away.
17:09Yes, I could have come up there myself.
17:14It wasn't any different.
17:15We only played a little with the rock radio.
17:19I can imagine that the animal swallowed the other device.
17:23No wonder Daddy thought...
17:25Well, actually...
17:26Actually, we all thought that...
17:28That the Nilosaurus would have eaten Barney.
17:31We have to find Daddy and tell him everything's okay.
17:34Then we'd better go home,
17:36because your father is sitting there
17:38playing lady with his best friend, the Barneysaurus.
17:44Barney, I know you like to play,
17:47but this is the third time you've blown up the rocks.
17:50Hello, Fred.
17:51Don't bother us, Wilma.
17:52Barney and I want to start with our little game.
17:55The little puppet doesn't have to bother you.
17:57And Bambam is there too.
17:58Fred, it's all right.
18:00We're here together with Barney.
18:02That's right, Fred.
18:05Wait a minute, you're all with Barney?
18:07My whole family?
18:08My best friends?
18:10He ate them all.
18:20Fred, are you still there?
18:22Can you hear me?
18:24That was trick 17.
18:26Nilo accidentally swallowed one of the rock radio devices.
18:30Oh, you mean when I climbed the tree?
18:33That's right, Fred.
18:35It flew out of your hand.
18:37Something like that.
18:38And where did it go now?
18:41I don't see it.
18:45We'll have dinner, Wilma.
18:47Oh, that can't be true.
18:49No, not again, please.
19:02Hello, Mr. Rock.
19:05It's a really bad time for rocks.
19:15My dear fellow citizens of Grundsteinhausen,
19:18we have gathered here today
19:20to celebrate this statue of Robert Zahnstein.
19:24This fearless, indomitable chicken
19:26and his heroic deeds
19:28will remain in our memory forever.
19:30Mr. Zahnstein, please.
19:34Mr. Zahnstein,
19:36I would like to present to you
19:38the statue of Robert Zahnstein.
19:41Mr. Zahnstein, please.
19:47Great, that's modern art.
19:49It gets more modern than you think.
19:52I didn't send you an invitation.
20:01Inventions of all kinds?
20:03But, mayor,
20:04why so confused and confused?
20:06Oh, not you are confused,
20:08but a statue.
20:10Of course, you can invent whatever you like.
20:13But first, I'll run a test run
20:15with my new automatic body care machine.
20:18A must-have for those who often oversleep
20:20and always come to school too late.
20:22Look closely.
20:25Also pay attention to the gentle care of the left...
20:32She still has a few small mumps.
20:35Hey, Moonstein, swing the hoof,
20:37or we'll be late for Steintal's car race.
20:39Go ahead.
20:40We'll meet there.
20:41I still have to put on a little make-up.
20:43Since when does our child have a twin sister?
20:51Ladies and gentlemen,
20:52welcome to Steintal's car race.
20:54It's going to be a breathtaking race
20:56of speed and skill
20:58under our motto,
20:59fair has precedence.
21:01Fair has precedence?
21:03We have precedence.
21:05Yes, that's right.
21:07Do you have the slimy banana peel?
21:10And you, Sammy,
21:11do you have the goose fat?
21:15Zonk, do you have the glue?
21:17Why do I always stick to the glue?
21:21Sticking to the glue is weird.
21:24Yes, yes, a real brûlard, Zonk.
21:26A real brûlard.
21:28Car number 22, sit down.
21:30Bam, bam, Geröllheimer, down.
21:35If our inventor doesn't show up soon,
21:37the race is over for us.
21:52Nice of you to come, partner.
21:54Here comes number one and two,
21:56Kimmel, Spiggy and Penny
21:57in their pink powder bowl.
22:01do you have our tools?
22:03Lipstick, rouge and powder for all cases.
22:05All right.
22:06What do our emergency supplies do?
22:08Nothing can happen to us.
22:09We have more lipstick,
22:10rouge and powder for all cases.
22:19Hey, you girls,
22:20you should go to your mom
22:21and wash the dishes.
22:23What are you doing here?
22:24Are you having your kindergarten holidays or what?
22:26Don't listen to the eight girls.
22:28They won't spit so loud
22:29when we've won the race.
22:34I don't want to argue with you,
22:35but we're going to win this race.
22:37There's no way around it.
22:38But you don't have to cry.
22:40Only one can win.
22:41Yes, that's right.
22:42The moving hillbuggies
22:43are all on the starting line.
22:45And the starter is also on the starting line.
22:49And now they've started on the starting line.
22:53We've really lost the others.
22:55They're swallowing our dust.
22:56Those two won't get us in.
22:58No, they won't.
22:59I can't see them behind us
23:00as soon as they're gone.
23:01Stupid hollow heads.
23:02You can't see them behind us
23:04because they're all driving in front of us.
23:08He'll make it.
23:09We're in the lead.
23:10Hopefully the girls are good losers.
23:12Why don't you ask them yourself?
23:14They're overtaking us right now.
23:16Now we're being
23:17powdered with powder, guys.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:22We're coming into the last lap.
23:24And the buggy of the Bronto gang
23:25is back in the lead.
23:29It's time for a bit of goose fat
23:31and a few slippery banana peels.
23:34What's sticking so much?
23:35We're slipping.
23:36We can't get any further.
23:38Bronto's making a wave.
23:39They're pushing us back into the lead.
23:42The glue will finally stop you.
23:44You want glue?
23:45You'll get glue.
23:47Time to end this.
23:58Ladies are in the lead.
24:01And the pink powder kvass
24:02wins with a powder nose length lead.
24:09I call that really unfortunate luck, girls.
24:11We won the race,
24:13but lost our friends.
24:15And now the audience is celebrating
24:17with the winner of our
24:18last year's car race,
24:19the winner's tears.
24:20And you wonder,
24:21what could that be?
24:22A giant sour stick.
24:24A whole stick?
24:25Yummy, yummy, yummy.
24:27But Bronto,
24:28aren't we on a diet?
24:30You know the old saying,
24:31love goes through the stomach.
24:33Look at the old slingshots.
24:44So, with the rest of our sour stick,
24:46I can definitely fix the last
24:48lumps of my new automatic
24:50body care machine.
24:52We'll risk another little test.
24:59Now I just have to find someone
25:01to buy my machine.
25:03If there's already a customer,
25:05come in.
25:06Good day, Mr. Inventor.
25:08I'd like to buy your
25:09ideal body care machine.
25:16Do you pay cash or with a credit card?
