Die Super Mario Bros. Super Show! - 47. Zwei Schläger aus Brooklyn Mario, der Tiefseefisch

  • 2 months ago


00:00Hallo Freunde! Jetzt kommt die Super Mario Bros. Supershow!
00:30Toll und gigantische Tricks. Es gibt Koopas und Koopas.
00:33Wie Princess und die anderen. Bleiben dran am Ruder. Fahr ab auf die Brüder.
00:57Die Brüder! Die Brüder! Die Brüder! Die Brüder! Die Brüder!
01:01Zwei Schläger aus Brooklyn.
01:03Luigi, du errätst nie, wer am Telefon war.
01:06Ein Moment. Lass mich überlegen. Es kommt, es kommt, Bruderherz.
01:10Tommy Lasagne, der große Baseball-Coach.
01:13Woher weiß er immer, was er gar nicht wissen kann?
01:15Ganz einfach. Von dem Moment an, wo du sagtest, danke, Mr. Lasagne,
01:20ist bei mir der Penny gefallen.
01:24Woher ich immer alles weiß.
01:26Oh, heiß!
01:28Was hast du mit meinen Klößen vor?
01:30Hey, es ist doch offensichtlich, dass Mr. Lasagne kommt,
01:33um neue Spieler für sein Baseball-Team anzuwerben. Also muss ich üben.
01:36Ich war schon immer ein guter Werfer. Pass auf. Geh mal zur Seite.
01:39Tatsächlich? Na, da bin ich gespannt.
01:41Okay, ich zeig dir's.
01:42Also, als erstes musst du richtig stehen.
01:45Von mir kannst du noch was lernen. Pass auf.
02:00Also, fest steht, du bist der beste Werfer aller Zeiten.
02:04Also, jetzt sag ich dir mal was. Mr. Lasagne kommt, um mich als Schläger anzuwerben,
02:07weil ich der beste Schläger aller Zeiten bin.
02:09Mach's doch.
02:10Geh zur Seite und pass auf, was jetzt kommt.
02:11Na, mach's schon.
02:12Also, stell dir mal vor, das Stadion ist überfüllt.
02:15Seit vier Stunden wird gespielt. Beim Gegner sind drei Mann aus.
02:18Mick der Irre steht als Werfer im Kreis.
02:20Die Spannung steigt.
02:22Er wartet. Er wirft einen verdammt schnellen Ball und...
02:25Nein, über den Zaun.
02:27Das Publikum dreht durch, während Luigi wie eine Gazelle von Punkt zu Punkt sprintet.
02:32Er hat schon das halbe Feld hinter sich gelassen.
02:34Er setzt zum Endspurt an und erreicht wie spielerisch die Homebase.
02:38Die Menge ist außer sich und brüllt, Luigi!
02:43Du bist aus!
02:45Moment mal, Moment mal! Der Ball war über den Zaun!
02:48Das darfst du nicht so eng sehen. Ich hab noch zehn Schlüpfer in diesem Hälschen.
02:53Es ist offen.
02:58Ich hab dir doch gesagt, dass der Ball über den Zaun war.
03:00Na dann, Mahlzeit.
03:04Geh weg, Luigi!
03:05Hier sind die Mario Brothers beim Klempner-Spiel.
03:07Zu der geheimen Zone durch ein Abflugspiel.
03:10Red tut die Prinzessin den Pilzer wunderland.
03:12Voller Pulle mit den beiden, fahrt ab auf die Brüder.
03:17Die Koopers und die Toopers denken nur an böses Zeug.
03:19Verschleppt mit den Prinzessin Pilzer wunderland.
03:21Amusiert, doch verwirrt und jede wetten weg.
03:24Ja, dann kann auch jeder wetten, ihr fahrt ab auf die Brüder.
03:28Klempner Arbeitsbericht Nummer H2O.
03:30Wir saßen in Aqualand tief, tief in der Tinte.
03:33Wir waren hierher gekommen, um Barra Cooper,
03:35den gemeinsten Räuber der Tiefsee, zu bekämpfen.
03:41Hey, Freunde! Da vorne scheint Erde über den Grund zu schwimmen.
03:47Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:48Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:49Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:50Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:51Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:52Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:53Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:54Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:55Das ist die Tiefsee.
03:57Das ist eine Meerjungpilze.
04:01Ja, und sie fliegt vor einer bewaffneten Perke.
04:08Sie soll sich gefälligst an ihres Leichen vergreifen.
04:24Let go of the mermaid, you ugly crab leg!
04:27I'll take care of you with seven arms.
04:32Ha ha!
05:00All right!
05:10All right!
05:31Reife Leistung, Mario!
05:37Danke, ihr mutigen Landratten, dass ihr mich gerettet habt.
05:41Warum hatte ich diese widerliche Krake eigentlich gejagt?
05:44Die Krake arbeitet in den Barakopa.
05:46This horrible reptile kidnaps all my brothers and sisters and turns them into slaves.
05:51But where is your king? Neptune, Lord of the Depths?
05:54Barak Kupa threw him into prison.
05:57Please, you have to help my people and free our king.
06:01That's why we're here. To give Kupa one for all.
06:12So you're King Neptune, Lord of the Depths?
06:16Now you're nothing more than a prisoner of Kupa's.
06:19With you as my prisoner, I can make Aqualand as happy as I want.
06:26Relax, man, and let yourself be carried by the river.
06:29Swim in the ocean of happiness. Life is far too short to be a crab.
06:35What are you talking about, you pipe?
06:38Let yourself go, old man. Be free like the grass in the river.
06:43Be a friend and not an anemone. Be happy.
06:46Throw this old man into the church.
06:53If I can't smell anything in the world, then it's a nice king.
06:57Bad news, King Barak Kupa. The Mario Brothers are here in Aqualand.
07:03I swear that this will be the last time that these Spaghetti Klimtners ruin my fun.
07:09Blow the Kupa Troopers to the attack.
07:14Look, Barak Kupa's soldiers are forcing my brothers and sisters to collect the gold of the sunken ships in Aqualand.
07:21So that's King Kupa's plan.
07:24We have to help the poor sea mushrooms. But how?
07:30Everybody listen up. I know what we're doing.
07:36Have you totally lost your mind?
07:40Have you totally lost your mind? This is suicide.
07:45Luigi, are you a man or a mouser?
07:48Neither. I'm just a scaredy-cat. But we'll try with your plan.
08:04We would have killed him.
08:07Hey, fish spine.
08:09Fish spine.
08:34Very good, Princess Blubber. You look fantastic.
08:42Hello, strong sailor. How about a kiss?
09:01Great performance, friends. We would have turned off the watch.
09:06Bravo, bravo, you brave land rats.
09:09If it goes on like this, we'll have driven Kupa out of Aqualand before the flood swallows the beach.
09:15It won't go on like this, Spaghetti Klimtner.
09:19Santa Mozzarella, that's Barra Kupa.
09:22Very personal, you bottle. Put the net down.
09:26Oh-oh. New Kupas have gone into the net again.
09:31And this time, I will transport you losers to the other world.
09:57Let us go, Kupa, you stinking pile of rubbish.
10:04Never have I been King Kupa.
10:07This time, I will take you on a journey without return to the great waterworks in the sky.
10:17Come with me, Kupa Kraken. It's time to plunder Aqualand.
10:20There's a lot to plunder here.
10:26We're trapped, trapped like sardines in a can.
10:29What do you think, didn't the mean Kupa come up with this for us?
10:33I don't know, but somehow it smells suspiciously fishy here.
10:37And I know why. She was there.
10:42Put your legs in your hands and run, friends!
10:57Madonna di Dottolini, look at these climbing piranha plants!
11:27Oh, we're safe here.
11:29Safe like mushrooms in a pizza.
11:32A giant crab!
11:34A giant crab!
11:39I'm afraid our climbing days are numbered, Mario.
11:42Not if we make it all the way there.
12:07Well, what do you say now, friends? Now this hummer can cook without us.
12:11Now we have to try to free Neptune as quickly as possible.
12:14I bet he knows how we can hunt down the evil Barra Kupa.
12:17First, we have to find out where Kupa is holding him captive.
12:20I know it, and I know a secret passage to the Gargoyle of Aqualand.
12:24I'll take you there. Come with me.
12:27What a misfortune.
12:29I'm trapped like a mussel in a shell and buried like an octopus in an aquarium.
12:35Somehow I have to get out of here and help my people.
12:46Now that's what I'm talking about!
12:48Greetings, great ruler of the underwater world!
12:52Who are you?
12:57Great Neptune, princess Toadstool and these brave Klempners have come to free you
13:01and assist us in the fight against Barra Kupa.
13:04That's cool like a sea cucumber.
13:06Come on, let's pull in the anchor and set sail for Kupa.
13:09But Barra Kupa has many troopers on his side.
13:12We'll never be done with him alone.
13:14Don't worry, my little sea mushroom.
13:16I have a lot of powerful helpers down here.
13:19This Barra Kupa will get the big sea cucumber.
13:23Great and most terrible Barra Kupa,
13:26I bring you the last gold coins of the sunken ships of Aqualand.
13:31You think that's all?
13:33These few gold coins are not worth counting.
13:38What was that about the stinking crocodile?
13:45Barra Kupa, you're going to get wet soon.
13:49Barra Kupa, you're going to get wet soon.
14:00Barra Kupa, you're going to get wet soon.
14:05It's those garlic-eating Klempners.
14:08That's right, Barra Kupa.
14:11We're going to drag them along the shoals.
14:14Hold your breath, you dwarfs.
14:16Kupa Troopers, attack!
14:46Kupa Troopers, attack!
15:17Ow! Ow!
15:31Thank you, people of Landratten.
15:33You saved me and my people.
15:36Hey, it was fun.
15:38And we're glad that it ended in a happy ending.
15:41Not for Kupa.
15:46Let me go, you prick!
15:57Mr. Lasagne!
15:59This is really an honor.
16:01Yes, you could say that.
16:02What is it, Coach?
16:03Which one of us do you want?
16:08May I?
16:10That's not really the reason why I'm here.
16:12But you can show me something.
16:14We can show him something?
16:16Start with a diamond.
16:17That's a bit of groundwork.
16:18A diamond?
16:19All right.
16:20If Mr. Lasagne wants a diamond, he'll get a diamond.
16:22Hey, Mario, you throw.
16:24Luigi, you catch.
16:25Come on.
16:26Tempo, take your positions.
16:27Yeah, yeah, yeah, take it easy, take it easy.
16:28Tempo, Luigi.
16:29Time is running.
16:30That's not how it works, is it?
16:32Besides, I don't need Luigi at all.
16:33I can throw and catch.
16:35Enough of that.
16:36Come on, Mario.
16:37All right, throw hard and fast.
16:39Let's see what you can do.
16:41Come on, Mario, throw already.
16:43I can't wait.
16:46Stop this nonsense.
16:53What does the clock say?
16:55Keep the job you have.
16:57What does the clock say?
16:59Keep the job you have.
17:07Am I safe or am I not safe?
17:09You are safe.
17:11And he is KO.
17:12Can you let me up?
17:14Of course, Coach. I'm sorry.
17:21So, what do you say, Mr. Lasagne?
17:23Which one of us do you want?
17:25I'm here to try your meat dumplings.
17:27Our meat dumplings?
17:28Yeah, I'm opening a new restaurant in Brooklyn
17:30and I've been looking for the famous recipe for Mama Mario's meat dumpling soup for months.
17:39Well, does it taste good?
17:44It tastes like skin and leather.
17:46That's completely impossible.
17:48So, listen up.
17:49Put a dozen of them in a pot and I'll take them to my clubhouse.
17:52Why? Do you want to feed them to Steve?
17:54No, I'll wrap them in leather and use them as balls.
17:56Maybe that'll get me out of the basement.
17:58What do you mean?
17:59Is your club over?
18:01No, I mean this beautiful basement apartment.
18:05Hey, and what about us?
18:08I know what you can do when you come by.
18:10Oh, are you talking about fast balls and slow ones?
18:13No, I'm talking about peanuts.
18:16We're eating peanuts.
18:20We should come and eat peanuts.
18:21Horrible, horrible.
18:22Horrible, really horrible.
18:24With such a good course, this lasagna...
18:26What was this people made for?
18:28For the bodyweight!
18:29What bodyweight?
18:33Mario, do a spin!
18:34Arms up and down.
18:36Now get into the trap.
18:38Super Mario, one step forward!
18:40And again!
18:42Dance Mario!
18:43Follow me!
18:46That's how you do it!
18:48This is Mario!
18:51Do the Mario Swing!
18:53Put your arms up and down,
18:55now sit in a line!
18:57Super Mario, one step forward!
18:59And again!
19:01Dance the Mario, my friends!
19:04Dance the Mario!
19:06That's how you do it!
19:16Thanks for watching!
