Die Abenteuer des Teddy Ruxpin - 58. Flüchtlinge

  • 3 months ago


00:00Come dream with me tonight
00:15Let's go to far off places
00:19And search for treasures bright
00:22Come dream with me tonight
00:26Let's build a giant airship
00:30And sail into the sky
00:35Let's watch the ground so far below
00:39Let's watch the birds as they fly by
00:44Fly so high
00:48Come dream with me tonight
01:19What? Louder?
01:21If you can't say it louder, you'd better not say anything!
01:24Yes, I said thank you!
01:30Yes, that's much better
01:32Oh, no need to thank me, Mr. Hermit
01:35Thank you, you were very helpful
01:38I hope you'll come and visit us
01:40Maybe yes, maybe not
01:42We'll come, Teddy
01:46See you soon
01:48I'll miss the two of them
01:50They were actually quite nice
01:52For being so big
01:57That's fun, Mr. Hermit
01:59We'll be home in no time
02:19That's where we live
02:21Let's go, friend
02:23We have to be there before dark
02:25I'm glad you finally get to meet my friends
02:27Let's go
02:31I don't like that, Professor
02:34I don't like that at all
02:36Oh, Grubby, we've already talked about that
02:39We can't do anything
02:42Yes, but it's getting dark
02:44Grubby and Teddy are still out there
02:46And he has no idea that Marvel has set up guards here
02:50who are just waiting for him to come back
02:52Good reason, if only we could warn him about this trap
02:58There it is, the Mix House
03:01Let's go
03:02Wait, little one
03:03We don't want to overdo it, do we?
03:06What's the matter, Mr. Hermit?
03:08Everything seems to be fine
03:10Exactly, everything seems to be fine
03:12But still, we should be careful
03:17Well, alright, maybe you're right
03:20Very good, follow me, but very quietly
03:32Watch out!
03:33Hey, what are you doing?
03:38Look, there!
03:43And there!
03:48See, it's a trap
03:51Professor, Grubby!
03:52No, Teddy, wait!
03:54But we have to save them
03:56What we can do right now is to be careful and wait
04:13Hello, Teddy, what are you doing here?
04:15Do you want to hide?
04:17Fuzzle, what are you doing here?
04:19I was at the rainbows, we slipped on the ice
04:22You missed something
04:24I think I have an idea
04:31Why me?
04:32They're not suspicious of you, be natural
04:35And please think of the message
04:37It all depends on it
04:39Don't worry, I won't forget it
04:41I'll tell Professor and Grubby to meet at...
04:43Where was it?
04:44Fuzzle, listen!
04:45We'll meet at Wally's house
04:47Wally's house
04:48Yes, that's it!
04:49Wally's house!
04:56Ten million bottles of slime on the wall
05:00Ten million bottles of slime
05:04Put one down and put it back on
05:09That makes...
05:1322 bottles of slime
05:16Hey, Fuzz!
05:18What are you up to?
05:20Who, me?
05:21I'm visiting Grubby, I mean Professor
05:24No, both, yes
05:26I don't have a secret message
05:28I don't even know who Teddy Ruxpin is
05:31That's good
05:34Come on, go inside
05:38Where was I?
05:42Oh yes!
05:4422 million bottles of slime on the wall
05:53Oh dear
06:06Do we need all of this?
06:08Yes, in case we get hungry before Wally
06:17Somehow it's very exciting to trick the Mavowaks and run away
06:23Yes, yes, but now it's time for us to go
06:31Ah, they're finally running away
06:33I think I'll be promoted for sure
06:36Next time I might be allowed to guard the front door
06:42That's it, they're getting thin
06:44Signal to the scout
06:49Oh, what's that?
06:51I'm losing my ears at this noise
06:54The tower!
06:56Come on, up with you right now
06:59You shit rats!
07:30And when we've taken everything aboard, we'll sink her
07:34It's a rotten job, but we don't really mind
07:38Because a Mavow pirate is a nougat stinker
07:44We're Mavow pirates, that's what we are
07:49Nasty, ugly, salty Mavow pirates
07:52We'll steal your stuff, and then we'll laugh
07:56Because we're filthy, smelly Mavow pirates
08:00Our thirst for trouble, we just can't quench
08:04And all the monsters, villains, creeps, and mugs admire us
08:08You can join our club if you can stand the stench
08:12Because we're nasty, ugly, rotten, mean, and ill-begotten
08:16And an obnoxious, smelly Mavow pirate
08:27Grubby, Professor, it's wonderful to see you
08:32Indeed, it's wonderful to see you again
08:36Yes, you're safe with us, no one will find you here
08:41So you're Mr. Hermit? Teddy told us a lot about you
08:46I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance
08:49Yes, every friend of Teddy's is a friend of ours
08:53Oh, thank you
08:55Teddy, what's going on? Mavow is after you
08:58Yes, Teddy, they seem to be very interested in you
09:02I have a feeling they're not interested in me
09:05Oh, I know, they want the crystals, I think
09:09You're right, Professor, and the crystals are exactly what Mavow can never get
09:15Oh, don't worry, Teddy, your secret is safe with me
09:20But only in a nasty way
09:23I'm sure she's going to attack me now
09:27I'm going to guard the front and the back door
09:33Yoo-hoo! Ahoy!
09:35Not so loud, lady!
09:38I'm terribly sorry to wake you up at your wake, but I'd like to explain a little thing to you
09:43I am the captain of this ship, and you damn well belong to my crew
09:49Understood, idiot?
09:55Which way did they go?
09:57Uh, I...
09:58Penalty, because you didn't know where they were!
10:02Why did you sleep?
10:04Ah, penalty for oversleeping!
10:07How can anyone be so stupid?
10:10Penalty for your stupidity!
10:13Penalty, penalty, penalty!
10:15Go, find them!
10:17I've got it, I've got it!
10:23I've got it!
10:25I know where the teddy bear is!
10:28Oh, oh, that's wonderful!
10:31At least one of you is taking his job seriously
10:35Oh, oh, oh, please show me the way, my love
10:41It would be nice if I knew more, but that's all
10:45Can't you remember where you came from?
10:50I see something
10:52I see a small house in the forest
10:56The door opens
10:58But if I think I can see who comes out, the picture is gone
11:04Maybe this can help us with your past
11:08The crystal stethoscope
11:10Good idea, professor
11:13Well, I can't understand that at all
11:16What is it?
11:18The crystal, it's... it's empty
11:23I've seen this phenomenon before
11:26It was at Tweak, back in Ying
11:29His memory was erased with the black box
11:33The black box, that would explain a lot
11:36Exactly, our friend here could well be one of the victims
11:40who were sold to the Ying zoo by Swellfoots
11:44The Ying zoo?
11:47Hey, what's that?
11:51There's Teddy on the floor of my cell
11:55And Ilana, that's my mother's name
12:01Oh, I'm sorry, I just remembered something
12:06The fire is almost out, I'll go out and get some firewood
12:10Oh, thank you, Mr. Hermit
12:12What did you remember, Teddy?
12:15When I was locked up in the Ying zoo, in the Teddy cage
12:19I found two names carved into the floor
12:22My mother's and my own
12:24Do you think it was the eremite?
12:26Well, if I only knew, Grubby
12:28But I'm sure it has something to do with him
12:30How do you know that, Teddy?
12:32How do you know that, Teddy?
12:34First we heard that a Teddy had escaped from Ying years ago
12:37Then I found these names
12:39And now we know that the eremite has lost his memory
12:42And no one knows how long he's been living on this island?
12:51Oh, you've made yourself comfortable in your pretty house
12:55Isn't that such a beautiful sight?
12:59In position!
13:03There's no escape for you!
13:07Not a single chance!
13:15Oh, what do we have here?
13:19Look, a teddy bear!
13:21If that isn't Teddy Ruxpin!
13:24That's enough
13:26Okay, boys, do your duty!
13:33To get wood, the eremite takes a long time
13:36I'll help him
13:39They've kidnapped the eremite!
13:41But what do you want from him?
13:43They didn't want the eremite, they wanted me!
13:49I'm getting impatient
13:52Where are you?
13:54Good question!
13:56It couldn't take any longer
13:58Good question!
14:00It couldn't take any longer
14:02If Feegee Hooves himself had executed this mission
14:05How's your boy doing?
14:08He doesn't see the forest full of trees, as usual
14:13Oh, oh, oh!
14:15We had a really wonderful time!
14:18Looting, stealing, oh, what fun!
14:22Where is Ruxpin?
14:24And where are the crystals?
14:26Oh, I'm so stupid!
14:28In the excitement, I almost forgot!
14:31Watch out!
14:32Calculate the transport-special-prison-fee for the teddy bear
14:36And bring him in!
14:39Isn't that a cute little prisoner?
14:42The only thing you can save your head with
14:46Is giving out the crystals
14:49That's not Ruxpin!
14:53Isn't he?
14:55Oh dear!
14:56Then he'll at least get a penalty
14:58Because he turned out to be Ruxpin!
15:00Shut up, Mrs. Meggett-Hart!
15:03Who are you?
15:05And where is Ruxpin?
15:07And where are
15:09The bloody crystals?
15:14Teddy, be sensible!
15:16You can't just walk into the headquarters like that
15:20Yes, Teddy, at least let us come with you!
15:26Don't worry!
15:27With the help of the crystals, it should be easy
15:30I put the Neremites in with it
15:32So I'll pull him out again
15:36This is one of those days when absolutely nothing works!
15:40Oh, I get it!
15:41You think it's all my fault!
15:46You know teddy bears
15:49They have to be vulnerable, don't they?
15:53Not so many!
15:55They are strong, brave, good and loyal!
16:00That's it!
16:02A teddy bear's loyalty is its greatest strength!
16:07Of course!
16:08We'll make sure that Ruxpin comes to us!
16:11Oh, I see!
16:13We'll use this creature as bait
16:16Ruxpin will definitely come to save his friend!
16:20And without a doubt, he has the crystals
16:24Because their enormous magic power is his only chance to penetrate us!
16:30I'm writing a press release for the Grondogazette
16:33That another teddy bear has been found
16:36And that he's sitting here in our dungeon as a prisoner
16:41If he actually makes it past the guards, what are we going to do?
16:46He'll be disappointed
16:49Because the settler isn't there, he's in my house!
16:54Oh, in your house?
16:56Oh, I'm sorry, that makes me very confused!
17:00If Irrimi is in Elinor's house, who is Ruxpin supposed to find in the dungeon?
17:06Oh, indeed!
17:08Sludge, come here!
17:12There's work for you!
17:17Oh, Professor, I've never seen Teddy so serious before!
17:21I think there's a lot more behind this hermit than we suspected!
17:25Extra sheet! Extra sheet!
17:28Read this! The Marvel Monsters have captured an eerie teddy bear!
17:32They're asking for the crystals!
17:35What's in it, Teddy?
17:37A teddy bear that you keep for the eerie hermit from Lake Liki
17:41Is held captive by the oppressor in the dungeon of the Marvel Monsters
17:45And only released when Teddy Ruxpin hands over the crystals
17:50But we can't give them the crystals!
17:53No, Grubby, never! But we can save the hermit!
18:02Do you think that's strong enough?
18:04Well, maybe one more time!
18:08Oh, I think that's great!
18:11Lying and cheating was a fine thing, but having someone in chains...
18:16That makes a lot, lot, lot more fun!
18:20But now, hop, hop, back to Marvel!
18:27Watch out!
18:29Good boy!
18:31We'll be back soon!
18:39Thank you for coming! Good luck, Teddy!
18:42Yes, and be careful, my boy!
18:45We'll be waiting for you!
18:48Yes, Teddy!
18:50Oh, where is he?
18:52He already used the invisible crystal!
18:55But if you look closely...
18:58Don't worry! I'm faster with the hermit than you think!
19:24Mr. Hermit?
19:25Don't be afraid! I'm coming to free you!
19:28It's me! I'll make us invisible and then we can leave this hermitage!
19:33What a shame! I really like it here!
19:37And soon you'll like it too, Ruxpin!
19:48The crystals! They belong to us!
19:52Darkness will cover the whole country!
19:55We did it!
19:57We did it!
20:22To be continued...
20:52To be continued...
