Watch They Were Eleven English Dubbed

  • 2 months ago


00:00:55With the discovery of warped navigation the inhabitants of Terra Earth have enjoyed several centuries of expansion into space
00:01:04As a result numerous independent planet nations have developed
00:01:16In the process of expansion humans encountered inhabitants of other systems such as Saba and Seguru
00:01:23After many cycles of war and peace the various nations finally signed the interstellar alliance treaty at long last
00:01:30Peaceful coexistence in space has been achieved
00:01:38120 years ago the Alliance established the Cosmo Academy an elite institution
00:01:44Utilizing state-of-the-art space science facilities to educate the leaders of the future
00:01:58Students who are fortunate enough to graduate from the Academy are guaranteed important positions in their society
00:02:06Applicants from Terra Earth Saba Seguru and other stellar nations gather every three years for the entrance exams
00:02:20Inside the testing capsule the only sounds you can hear are those of your keyboard and computer
00:02:27The solitary mentally exhausting ordeal rages for hours
00:02:31You can't allow yourself to think about the statistical odds which say that it's all but impossible for you to succeed
00:02:45Preliminary passing rate is one-tenth of one percent. The secondary rate is three point seven percent
00:02:50I am one of only 700 who have made it to the final exam
00:02:55It's the toughest section, but if I can clear this last hurdle, I'm in
00:03:02Spent over two hours on this one equation. I don't think my brain can handle another minute of this pressure
00:03:19Identify your exam by entering your complete application code number
00:03:30Thank you retrieve your key card and proceed to section B 26, yes, ma'am
00:03:57Identification is required to enter this section present your key card for scanning present it where ah, here we go
00:04:08You are cleared to enter
00:04:20Retrieve your key card and proceed to the locker room on your left locker room
00:04:38I'm a spacesuit and helmet located in locker 26 and stand by for further orders
00:04:46This is where they separate the men from the boys the final operations test is the real thing in actual deep space conditions
00:06:10This isn't going to be a pleasure cruise those instructors look like they mean business
00:06:17From every planet in the Alliance only 700 of you have made it this far
00:06:22Congratulations, but don't relax yet because this operations test is the crucial one
00:06:27You will be divided into teams of 10 chosen at random and you will pass or fail as a team. Good luck
00:06:37Nobody would even give us a hint for what's involved in this test. We have no idea what to expect
00:06:43Just have to be ready for any kind of challenge. They throw at us. No matter what it is. Am I ready for them?
00:06:50Believe in yourself Tata you have what it takes
00:06:54You have intelligence and solid character and you've been blessed with exceptional powers of intuition
00:07:00In times of emergency learn to trust your judgment. It will never fail you
00:07:08Our B 7 2 5 6 5 DP 4 1 5 4 6
00:07:23You've always dreamed of becoming a space pilot
00:07:25So when you applied for enrollment at the Cosmo Academy, I was very concerned that you might not be accepted
00:07:32If it's truly your destiny no power on earth can stop you from achieving it if you have enough faith in yourself
00:07:40KV 3 2 8 8 2 s a 1 2 2 6 3
00:07:51Nothing worth having comes easily Tata
00:07:53So never become discouraged when in doubt remember always trust intuition
00:08:02By 7 3 0 2 5 report to a sign. Yes, that's me
00:08:16Everyone will log in together as a team present your key cards
00:08:25Now then this is your final operations exam, you'll be fully responsible for your spaceship
00:08:32You're kidding
00:08:34You'll be on your own from this moment forward
00:09:16How do we get aboard this heat there's an airlock straight ahead follow me
00:09:22There's no access scanner, it's the old keyboard type. I'll try the standard access code
00:09:34Sure is dark in there go on move in. Okay, you don't have to push
00:09:42What an old ship could be an ancient derelict they found drifting in space heads up everybody stand clear while I seal the bucket
00:10:02Where the heck's the safety light
00:10:07All right, it should be safe to take our helmets off now, there's only supposed to be ten of us I count 11
00:10:13Impossible. You must have miscounted. I can't 11 too. There were 10 when we started you're right
00:10:19One of us shouldn't be here a follow-up like this could cause us to fail the exam. He's right
00:10:25I have a feeling somebody's up to no good. Okay, mystery person. Who are you and what are you doing here?
00:10:38Better not let this get out of control
00:10:40Now listen everybody
00:10:42Maybe this whole thing is part of our exam all the more reason to solve this mystery right now
00:10:48Maybe they assigned 11 to our team without telling us what a rotten trick to play on us random choice
00:10:53Never met before nobody can identify anybody else, but there has to be an answer
00:10:57Maybe a computer error an Alliance computer not likely you sound suspicious to me. You're okay, but I'm not so sure about you
00:11:05I don't know what you're talking about. And what about you?
00:11:08This isn't getting us anywhere. Everybody needs to take a deep breath
00:11:13Calm down show your faces and quit yelling at each other. We'll sort this mess out. We'll confront each other face-to-face to begin with
00:11:20Everyone remove your helmets. Okay by me. I don't have anything to hide
00:11:25Nothing to worry about whoever our mystery guest is he's outnumbered ten to one helmets off
00:11:53Were assigned to our team that is right
00:12:06Son of a gun, I can't believe you're one of us
00:12:13I guess you weren't aware of it. But a lot of girls have been accepted for enrollment at the Academy girls
00:12:18Are you calling me a girl? I've ripped people apart. Hey, what's the matter with you? Cut it out. Will ya?
00:12:25If you ever say that to me again, you're butt is toast
00:12:30You better learn to respect my feelings
00:12:42What the
00:12:45Your head's hard as a rock what was that? I don't know we'd better get to the bridge real quick. Let's go. Come on
00:13:27Controls on the bridge. All right, let's go
00:14:06Don't we get it open same way as before. Oh, I forgot we'll have to get used to these keyboards
00:14:19We have to boot up the main control computer hurry, right I'll get it scan all sections for damage assessment
00:14:27Find the backup gravity control and fire it up right take a seat there. We have to have more power right now
00:14:33I'll see if I can get the emergency generators working main control computer is online now good work
00:14:38Look, those explosions were no accident. Somebody planted bombs on board. I think you're right
00:14:44Both explosions were on the after deck. I've sealed up all kids in case of fire
00:14:48I hope I remember how to do this
00:14:50Gravity is g1 at 15 psi and ready for activation if you're sure about that reading go ahead and activate it cross your fingers
00:14:57I'm wrong. We could be crushed
00:14:59Everyone brace for gravity
00:15:05Wasn't really worried. I was just kidding. Well, I was worried enough for both of us. Hey, don't cheer. Don't applaud just throw money most amusing
00:15:14We better track down the rest of those bombs
00:15:17Almost got it now
00:15:21You're overloading all circuit breakers idiot. Hey you nobody died left you in charge lighten up
00:15:27Hmm well, let's see now. I believe the next bomb set to go off 30 seconds from right now 30 seconds
00:15:34All you have to do is isolate the circuit and power it down. I can't find it. I
00:15:38Know what circuit the bombs are in but I can't locate the sequence that feeds it
00:15:43We won't have to suffer the suspense very long one way or the other it'll all be over in about nine seconds eight
00:15:49seven six
00:15:52Make a decision. It's d-circuit cut power to d-circuit
00:16:01What do you know he was right that was a lucky guess wouldn't it that was dead my heart stop
00:16:10Listen welcome to the final stage of your entrance exam the ten of you will crew this ship for the next 53 days
00:16:17Remember you are a team. You are not in competition with each other
00:16:2253 days, that's a long time. You are expected to handle all problems and emergencies on your own
00:16:28Should you encounter difficulties you cannot overcome depress the red panic button on the scramble control board?
00:16:34Your test will be terminated and assistance will be dispatched. I
00:16:39Was wondering what that button was for the panic button is your only communications link with home base?
00:16:44One final reminder is that you are being tested as a team
00:16:47This means if one of you fails all of you fail the Academy wishes you good luck
00:16:54Listen everybody what about the fact that we have 11 people on our team do you think that's grounds for disqualification?
00:17:00You know he could be right about that. I think we ought to check with them
00:17:04How do we do that if we call out with the panic button? We'll be giving up before the exam has even started
00:17:09They said if we confronted a problem
00:17:11We couldn't solve we should use this but if anybody has a solution for this problem. They should probably speak out
00:17:18The panic button should be our last resort shouldn't we try to figure out the answer ourselves first better than giving up
00:17:24He's absolutely right. I didn't come this far just to roll over and give up at the first sign of trouble
00:17:29Let me offer a suggestion
00:17:31Since this is a problem of identification the obvious first step is for all of us to identify ourselves by name and code number
00:17:38That's pretty dumb. I beg your pardon. I could claim to be Napoleon. How would you prove? I'm not
00:17:44Hmm I would know if you were lying are you a mind reader or what I'm not claiming that I'm anything like a mind reader
00:17:50I just have a very strong sense of intuition
00:17:53I'm willing to accept whatever you say after the impressive way you discover those bombs. Oh, this is really weird
00:17:59I've never had the opportunity to watch a real telepath doing his thing before
00:18:03Shall I go first if you like I'm king of Aristo Kali Sava group Mayan Basesca a q 0 0 8 20
00:18:13Mm-hmm. We're neighbors King. I'm from Sava group. How delightful
00:18:19Dorica sold him the fourth BK 25 10
00:18:24King Mayan, this is a real thrill. I didn't know you were applying for Alliance cadet training
00:18:29That's a bit unusual for a king to do isn't it?
00:18:31I won't actually be able to attend the Academy my royal duties are too demanding
00:18:36I just wanted to try this challenge Wow a king and a fourth-generation aristocrat
00:18:42Will I represent the ordinary common working man class?
00:18:46I'm Amazon car nice from earth a better man than any of these pampered rich darlings
00:18:51You don't have to be so hostile. Do you Shako Kaka and I'm from Tara also
00:18:57Here's another Terran
00:18:59Dolph Tasta from Paradoma
00:19:01I'm better known as red nose
00:19:05Totony from me in the Sava group
00:19:13I beg your pardon. Hey, I'll bet you're from one of the first families of Sava, aren't you?
00:19:17You can always recognize a sovereign by their beauty. Can that crap?
00:19:21Will ya I'm from the independent nation of Vene and we don't need your credit alliance. May I have your name, please?
00:19:28Oh, yeah, it's frog frog better chatty frog
00:19:31Yeah, commoner hearing such coarse language should have told you that
00:19:35Teach their children not to use profanity where they come from
00:19:38What I say is what matters not how I say it don't they teach you matters where you come from?
00:19:42You can call yourself royal, but what you really are is a real pain in the butt. Go ahead. I'm done now, huh?
00:19:50I to him from a non-aligned nation the planet vid knew my full name is Vidman ear new
00:19:55My friends call me new. I hope I'm among friends here. Mm-hmm
00:20:01What do you say is that character our stowaway I felt no guilty energies at all Amazon
00:20:07My planet is Toledo Lega in the Sava group. My legal name is Gonna goes cocktails, but I prefer you use my nickname Ganga
00:20:14Thank you
00:20:15Gotta be this one
00:20:19I'm from Sazi of the Sava system. I ain't sway. My code number is wrong
00:20:24Stick it you dirty stick. Hold on. I was lying deliberately as a way of testing him. Forgive me. I'm sure you understand
00:20:34Glenn Groff is my name planet ash white and the Saguro Alliance is my home
00:20:39Well, who's the 11th man? Which one of us is lying?
00:20:42Nobody lied. No one lied somebody had to
00:20:53Maybe they actually did assign us an extra person
00:20:56But for what reason nonsense? Well, then what believe me?
00:21:00I'm as mystified as anybody my extra sensory perception has never failed me before you haven't yet identified yourself
00:21:07It's possible that you're the mystery person. I'll tell you who I am. Please do I'm Tadato slain known as Tata of Siberia's on Tara
00:21:15Not being a psychic. I have no way of knowing whether you're lying or not. Now. We're back at square one again
00:21:21We didn't learn anything. He's right
00:21:23Every single one of us could have been lying for all we know before we do anything. We'd better check the ship
00:21:28We need to know if there's anyone hiding in the shadows waiting to sabotage us
00:21:32Did I miss something when we elect butthead jerk captain King Mayan is entirely qualified to lead us
00:21:38He was educated by some of the most brilliant scholars of our time
00:21:46What happened why did my intuition fail me cheer up kid we'll run through this exam like a dose of salts, come on
00:22:30These are the crew quarters I've lived in cities that were smaller than this
00:22:46What after lunch, sorry
00:22:54Off-duty lounge
00:23:01This is one classy bar room
00:23:08Wow, everything's premium really mellow agent, ooh
00:23:14Hi there. Hey, mind if I hold a mirror under your nose to see if you're still breathing a mirror
00:23:20Never mind
00:23:45Feel I've seen this before yeah
00:23:48There's nothing mysterious about that it's likely you have seen it before
00:23:52It's a very well-known work of art by the famous Terran sculptor Romo many Terran ships display replicas
00:23:58I suspected this ship was from Earth
00:24:01Hey, look, the arrow is missing from the bow. I wonder what happened to it
00:24:05Nothing Romo's original vision was that of a warrior with no arrow in his bow
00:24:09I think it's a symbol of peace. It all has a feeling of strength and courage a quiet kind of power
00:24:17Can you read the inscription Chaco?
00:24:20It's an expression of gratitude to the crew of this ship looks like ancient English
00:24:25Well, can you read it?
00:24:27There's a prayer for the ship's safety wishing hope for the brothers and sisters aboard the Esperanza and a safe journey to the new world
00:24:36the Esperanza I
00:24:39remember that
00:24:40But how could I possibly remember something that I've never seen or even heard of before? Let's move on
00:24:47There's an elevator over here
00:25:12Hey, what are you doing? Give me a straight answer now and don't joke around about what?
00:25:17Would you say you're an average Terran cuz we're very near the exact same height. What are you talking about?
00:25:22Your arms are a little longer. My shoulders are wider, too
00:25:27Yeah, look at our feet. Yours are a lot larger. You'd better go see a psychiatrist
00:25:34I don't know how this antique works. I can't even find a switch. There should be a pressure plate right in front of the door
00:25:43There it is, what do you know he's right I guess he's psychic after all maybe he has been here before move on
00:25:52Tata should we go up or down
00:26:00So, can you tell us where we're going the engine room
00:26:04The topmost section quartered all the passengers. How do you know? I don't but I have a feeling why aren't there any lights?
00:26:11I guess the electrical system needs repairs. Hey, is that the engine room?
00:26:16It's creepy in there. I can't see the light switches on the wall to your right just inside the passageway. I've got it
00:26:22I'm not scared. It just hurts my eyes
00:26:39It looks like a jungle very strange hey
00:26:43They look like a doctor vines conductor what vines that conduct electricity?
00:26:48They've been neglected. So they're overgrown and starting to go to seed
00:26:55Dr. Vines, what the heck are those?
00:26:58Plants with a very high mineral content first discovered by the sagittarius. They're not man-eaters for all you don't have to be afraid
00:27:05That's very funny. Mr. Big Mouth. I wasn't scared. I was just startled
00:27:23Wow way, this is the biggest storage bay I've ever seen they stocked it with just about everything
00:27:29Anybody could ever need
00:27:31Yeah, but there's also tons of junk. No one would ever want
00:27:34How could they be so wasteful?
00:27:36Who knows?
00:27:38Man, this sure is heavy
00:27:47Need a little help I can handle it
00:27:57You crazy I was just curious your skin isn't as soft as mine, do you know that I've never met anyone so weird in my
00:28:15This thing's back to the brim three crates of them Tata found him
00:28:19but of course
00:28:21They call these babies stun guns, but if the regulator is set at maximum, they're powerful enough to kill a rhinoceros
00:28:26Yeah, it's just what we need. You mind telling me just what we need them for if that 11th person becomes a threat to our
00:28:32Lives we'll have to defend ourselves with any weapon available to us because we may be talking life and death here Ganga
00:28:37Don't you understand that but weapons never help our history proves. They only escalate dangers
00:28:42I have to agree with Ganga none of us trust each other yet. Let's take a vote on it
00:28:46Oh, well an excellent suggestion new
00:28:49How many think we should carry guns
00:28:53Two three four five
00:28:55You mean you're against the idea time. Hmm now then all those opposed to having weapons
00:29:07Six to five pack all the guns and take them to the main cabin locker room. I
00:29:15Have to admit your vote was really surprising
00:29:24Voted like a butthead jerk for all are you some kind of gun nut? I'm deadly with one of these beauties
00:29:34Well, I'm confused are you
00:29:37Huh? What's wrong? You're starting to act like some kind of wuss
00:29:41Sorry, but my brain is getting crazy images
00:29:44Forget it. You're not a psychic. You're a psycho
00:29:50You better let me get that frill. Thank you. Never mind. I got it. Careful. You'll hurt yourself
00:29:58Fro don't be ridiculous. Go away. I got it
00:30:16So we agree that in addition to you and me Toto Chaco and red nose can be eliminated and
00:30:21In my opinion froll is too simple-minded to be the 11th person
00:30:26Tata possibly I
00:30:28Can't make up my mind about him. I can't say that. I trust mr. Intuition. Why not? He knew where those guns were
00:30:36He knows so much about the ship. I think he's been aboard before that psychic power of his could be real, you know
00:30:46Our first day sure was busy it was a full day. All right, and we still have 52 to go
00:30:51Oh, I don't know what I'll do if I don't pass this exam. It's important to all of us. We all have big plans
00:30:57I'm hoping for a career in space engineering. Really? That's great. Whoa
00:31:02Where'd you get all those scars?
00:31:04My people are known as great hunters
00:31:06And if you do enough hunting you're gonna pick up a few souvenirs from your adventures in the forest
00:31:10So that's why I decided to try the Space Academy
00:31:13You'll never find this many scars on your typical space engineer now, will you?
00:31:18Guess not
00:31:20Yeah, well, I just want to get through this exam. Yeah, that's what King Mayan says
00:31:25You just want to know if you can make it. I don't got nothing in common with that big shot. Well, forgive me
00:31:36Sounds pretty it's an old traditional Terran instrument. We call a guitar
00:31:40Forgive me for being nosy frill, but I've heard some interesting things about gender and government on your planet. Oh
00:31:47I'm sorry. I was daydreaming. It didn't hear you. Oh, never mind. I was wondering
00:31:52What happened to those passengers who were on this ship when they had to abandon it? I'd like to believe they were rescued
00:31:57I really wish we were sure that there's no way that we could ever be sure of it. I got a feeling they all died
00:32:07What do you think happened to him were they rescued stranded adrift in space
00:32:14What are you getting at what if our 11th person is one of them what if the stowaway is a ghost, huh?
00:32:22That's not possible. Is it? Well, why not? Don't they have ghosts where you come from?
00:32:39Our four-day survey of the ship indicates that it was being used to transport immigrants for the colonization of other planets
00:32:46The upper section provides enough cabin space to quarter about 600 families
00:32:50The cargo bay holds enough provisions to last them two or three years. This was supplemented by an onboard vegetable garden
00:32:58Due to a computer failure
00:32:59We were unable to recover much flight data
00:33:01But trajectory readings show that we are orbiting a black planet
00:33:05The drive system is dead leaving the Esperanza a drifting satellite
00:33:09The planet's diameter is approximately 2,000 miles and the orbit cycle is 53 days
00:33:14That explains why our examination mission was scheduled for 53 days
00:33:18All we have to do is get this ship safely through one old orbit. Yes, and the key word is safely
00:33:31Awful lot of the vital computers have kicked off line
00:33:34We have short circuits everywhere
00:33:36Every board in the entire system is going to require inspection if you can check out the computers and B section
00:33:42I'll handle a section right? Can I help we're tracking down fused circuits?
00:33:46I think we're gonna have a lot of micro laser soldering to do see what I mean
00:33:50Don't turn this circuit on until I'm finished Tata. Okay a
00:33:56Of bombs still out there must be 50 around the crew quarters alone. I hope our working on the circuits doesn't set them off
00:34:04Tata turn on circuit II what switch it on now II?
00:34:13What happened
00:34:18What's wrong
00:34:21Go get a stretcher quick. Come on. Are all you paralyzed? Give me what's going on in here, but he hurt
00:34:29We're gonna need your help here
00:34:33What are you doing try to find where the nearest emergency locker is there's one right out here
00:34:37You're just gonna let him die
00:34:39Okay, bring him out and lay him down here. Oh
00:34:45Here's the sick bay surgery is straight ahead. You'll find the light switches on the wall to your left
00:34:50Transfer, okay
00:34:52This is stupid. Think about it. What we bring him in here for who's gonna perform the operation
00:34:59Don't tell me you're a qualified surgeon on top of everything else
00:35:02My mentor was a physician and I assisted him many times in surgery Tata. It's your fault. He's here in the first place
00:35:08How do we know it's not your intention to murder him if we lose a man?
00:35:11We'll probably all fail the examination. Let him do it
00:35:13If he doesn't survive you will be held guilty of murder and we will execute you. Do you understand that?
00:35:20Is anyone qualified to be my assistant I've had some experience Tata, will you let me help you good get down here
00:35:26I don't know much but I can take directions. I'll give you a hand to
00:35:30Everybody else out you can watch from the booth
00:35:41These two fragments of wire embedded here will have to be removed
00:35:45His vital signs are normal
00:35:48EKG reading is good. The computers matching up the blood type now. Oh, there it is. Let's do it
00:36:10Has green blood have you ever seen that before I've never seen any of this before you said you had experience
00:36:17I watched a lot of videos in school, but I've never seen the real thing. Don't worry though. I'm tough. I can handle it
00:36:24Are you ready? I'm always ready
00:36:27They're embedded deep inside the organs. This is going to require extremely delicate surgery. I know
00:36:37One thing in our favor, he's in excellent condition
00:36:42Look at that
00:36:46Everything has that greenish coloration there. I can see it now. There's a tiny metal spring attached now comes the tricky part
00:37:10Will he be all right now? Yes, he's incredibly strong. That's good. You have some questions to answer, huh?
00:37:23What are you talking about King he just saved Ganga's life
00:37:26We must know if you were ever on this ship before now
00:37:29No, I've never been on any ship before now the first day
00:37:32You knew where everything was you knew how to open up the doors where to turn on the lights?
00:37:35You knew what was in every section before you saw it. Those guns were securely hidden from everybody except you
00:37:41You knew exactly where they were. Yeah, explain that. Mr. Mindreader
00:37:45We will listen carefully as you explain everything and then we'll vote on whether or not we think we can believe what you say
00:37:50Fair enough. I won't let you railroad him. I believe that he does have psychic decided to vote and that's it
00:37:57We're all afraid will fail the exam if we allow a phony outsider to remain as part of our crew
00:38:02He could be dangerous too. All those explosions we've had could have killed every one of us
00:38:08Who all votes in favor of confinement of Tata
00:38:17Five that's a majority you'll be locked in the brig immediately
00:38:25You mustn't blame Tata for my carelessness
00:38:27It was my responsibility to open the circuit breakers to the panel
00:38:30I was working on if I had followed the correct safety procedures
00:38:34It wouldn't have mattered if the switch was on according to regulations in a situation like this
00:38:38You can't charge Tata because I was responsible for my own safety. I
00:38:45Just can't believe he was up and walking so soon after that major surgery, thank you for believing in me Ganga
00:38:51How did you know I was innocent? It was a purely logical deduction. No real secret agent could be so clumsy
00:38:57Ganga's right that number 11 has been pretty dang clever. I can't imagine who it is
00:39:01I want to take a look at those sutures of mine. Could you give me a hand with Ganga's bandages? Sure say
00:39:07You're the one who did this surgery, right?
00:39:09Yes, and I was scared half to death you even confused the computer
00:39:13I guess you wondered why my blood and organs were green. I noticed that of course
00:39:17Well, it's a chronic disease that strikes everyone on our world and we all die young. No one lives beyond age 30
00:39:24This body you operated on today represents an experimental attempt by the scientists on my planet to conquer this dread disease
00:39:31My blood is actually Toledo Lego green chlorella. I'm a cyborg
00:39:36Cyborg. Yes, I am. I
00:39:39Started my algae injections at 9 if this succeeds others on the planet can get cultures of this blood that will cure the disease
00:39:46if I just continue living with no mutations in the genes and chromosomes a
00:39:50Limited number can be saved and future generations insured
00:39:55What's wrong, huh, look it's amazing your incision is healing already
00:40:01Why do I feel fearful all of a sudden? My heart is racing. My stomach is tied in knots
00:40:07Only a limited number can be saved
00:40:10limited number
00:40:14If we can overcome our diseases, my people will live longer. They'll work harder
00:40:19They'll be more productive. They'll be happier. That's why I want to enter Cosmo Academy to study space medicine biology
00:40:34What am I doing here on the observation deck some sort of irresistible urge attracted me here
00:40:44Turn on circuit E switch it on now
00:40:48Tara turn on circuit E that voice whose voice was it I heard
00:40:55Another telepath, of course
00:40:57One who was able to penetrate my mind one of those ten has stronger ESP than mine. I
00:41:04Didn't detect anything with my intuition
00:41:06Which one of them could it be or could this ship really be haunted?
00:41:11Hey there, huh? Do you mind if I join you? I brought along some wine
00:41:16How did you know I was up here? I must be psychic. No, I followed you. Come on
00:41:22Sit down. I'm not gonna bite you go on
00:41:3153 days, but it's gonna seem more like forever. It's been pretty eventful so far hasn't it? It's springtime now
00:41:38I'm Vinay. How about your planet on Siberia's? We have summer weather most of the year
00:41:43Tell me about your mom and dad. They died while I was an infant. No, that must have been hard on you
00:41:49Mm-hmm. Not really. I don't remember anything about my parents
00:41:53I was raised by an elder of my village who provided very well for me
00:41:57So what's the elder who raised you like? He's the village priest judge teacher physician the wisest and most honorable man
00:42:04I've ever met we all respect him. He's always supported my dream of attending the Academy to study astronautics
00:42:11Everything I know I learned from him including how to use my powers of telepathy
00:42:15I mustn't let that old man down or the people of my village. I must pass this test
00:42:21Don't you worry Tata, you'll make it
00:42:46Don't like these readings my chart shows the same thing. What's the matter? Well, we're not on course
00:42:52There's a serious erosion in our orbit and we're starting to drift away
00:42:55Why I think these bombs did it the force of the explosions knocked us out of orbit?
00:43:00I think it's a computer error. You guys damaged it with your so-called repairs. I knew this would happen
00:43:05We'll just check it out and see dimwit
00:43:08I'd like to punch him in his so-called face the screen circuits on the mainframe appear
00:43:12Okay, but I'm gonna knock it down. Anyway, you're not a Superman. Hey, your patient is doing fine
00:43:18My body heals a lot quicker than yours. I'm roasting. Why is it so hot in here?
00:43:23Oh great, the air conditioners out and we can give up on the scanner screen. I have a feeling it's out for good
00:43:30Thank heaven the screens working again. Hey, what the heck is that a blue Sun? It's been hiding from us
00:43:36In a total eclipse only once in a blue Sun. Does that ever happen? Don't joke
00:43:41That's an evil sign two bodies in line always bring bad luck. I've never heard of anything so stupid
00:43:47Are you saying your planet has no seasons?
00:43:49Of course, we have them the position of stars rule the seasons thereby all living things
00:43:55My home planet Vidnu orbits our Sun once every 48 years
00:43:59We are born in spring and we die in spring. We experience summer once in a lifetime
00:44:05Life and death the wheel of destiny never stops turning
00:44:29This heat is just awful. I can't wait to take a shower. We do have water at least don't we
00:44:36Pressures low, but it works. Oh, man. Hey, what's gonna happen to us if we don't quit drifting around that Sun?
00:44:43What do you think? I'm not gonna think about it. It's not gonna happen. That's right
00:44:48Hmm, bro
00:44:51What is it? Hey, stop it. This is what you call low pressure. I
00:44:57Didn't want to get my hair wet. Thanks a lot
00:44:59Thank you and your pressure will you take a look at this thing and maybe do something about it? Yes, sure
00:45:17Is he or she or what
00:45:24He has no what you must be mistaken all I know is what I saw and what I didn't see I believe you
00:45:31I've always felt that he was a little bit too beautiful. Did you know about this?
00:45:36What do you mean?
00:45:37What can we do about it King?
00:45:39We'll all have to change our attitudes toward him if role is indeed a woman. We're going to have to make some new arrangements
00:45:51For all you guys look all freaked out. What's wrong?
00:45:55Somebody say something. What's going on here? What are you a man or a woman?
00:45:59Come again, you claim you're a man. Well, I want some proof. Okay
00:46:06I'm warning you. Yeah, we're female. I'd have a bust right but even Tata's chest is larger than mine
00:46:11I'm getting sick of constantly having to prove that I'm not a female and I won't put up with it anymore
00:46:16Well, then what are you? Huh?
00:46:18We all took a gender test before starting the exam where you designated a male or female on it
00:46:24What you know, those results are confidential. Why are you being so secretive about the whole thing?
00:46:29Unless you're number 11. That's right. You crude little creature. We all knew at the outset that you were the one
00:46:35Huh, hey put me down before I rip off your arms and legs and beat you over the head with them
00:46:42Maneers should never behave violently. Don't you know that? What's a Maneer? What are you talking about?
00:46:47Maneer is what you are for all it means angel on my planet, but I believe the proper word for it
00:46:52Here is pronounced hermaphrodite
00:46:55It has not yet been decided whether you are to develop into a man or a woman
00:46:59If you're not a he or she what are you? It's true, huh?
00:47:03You knew about it I'm froze planet gender is a matter of selection you can be the one right wrong
00:47:09The government decides for us and if I want to be a man, they're saying I have to pass the Academy's entrance exam
00:47:19So that's why you're here because you want to show that you're worthy of choosing your own gender
00:47:23You want to make something of it?
00:47:25By the way new did you know about this from the very beginning? Yes, because I too was a hermaphrodite
00:47:35Now you're a man. Yes, when we are young children, we have no gender
00:47:39So at puberty our glandular hormone output decides what will be and there's no interference on the part of our government
00:47:46On my world only the firstborn are allowed to become men
00:47:49Naturally the government sets quota for all the men and women
00:47:52I'm the youngest in my family and in two years my body temperature will begin to rise by about four degrees or so
00:47:59That's when I'll be given female hormone injections
00:48:02But I won't have to if I succeed on my exam, I will have proven that I'm worthy of receiving masculine hormones
00:48:09Manhood is the greatest honor in life. Whoo. This has been an interesting day
00:48:14Why is being a man such a big deal to your people?
00:48:16Anyway, well a man has lots of wives to work for him you practice polygamy
00:48:21You have to understand in our society
00:48:23There's eight or ten women for every man
00:48:24So we have to find in a decent guy for their daughter to marry isn't easy for parents on my world, Tata
00:48:30I'm scheduled to marry a 50 year old man who already has eight wives working for our wedding ceremonies are really beautiful
00:48:37I have four sisters and I got to take part in all their weddings
00:48:41But the best wedding of all was my brother's of course. He was so handsome
00:48:46I don't know why anyone would want to be a woman
00:48:49I want to do things all a woman gets to do is bear children and raise them. I want more than that
00:48:54I want to travel and have exciting adventures
00:48:57Passing the exam is the dream of my life
00:49:00The motto of the school says they can turn us all into real men. They don't know how right they are
00:49:17I can't take it much longer
00:49:20That's because the regulator tank is so low it can't absorb enough of the Sun's heat to keep us cool
00:49:26We're drifting into the Sun's gravity
00:49:29The deflectors can't handle the increasing heat energy
00:49:32So instead of being dissipated into space the heat is being released into the ship by these defective radiator panels
00:49:40So even if gravity doesn't rope us into the Sun
00:49:43The heat will keep on increasing until it's so hot. None of us will be able to survive it
00:49:47So what can we do about it Ganga every system on board has been tampered with who's doing it?
00:49:59It's beginning to look like that 11th person of ours has started working overtime think so
00:50:03Well, I'm not sure all of this isn't merely part of the test to see how we deal with it
00:50:21Here let me give you a hand with it
00:50:24Get out of here don't start acting like an idiot just because I'm a Maneer Tata
00:50:28I'm just as tough as you are and when I'm a man, I'm gonna be even tougher. Got it
00:50:37Yep beauty like that being wasted as a guy would be a sorry shame
00:50:43She's the type who drive you out of your skull though, I don't think you could handle her I know
00:50:56It's like this all over the ship
00:50:58It's the heat from that blue Sun causing them to grow like crazy and turning the ship into a regular jungle sure
00:51:04I'm glad I don't have hay fever. That stuff looks deadly
00:51:09temperature rises vines start growing growing fever
00:51:16What's up, we're going
00:51:36Got it. What were you looking for?
00:51:39Conductor vines what listen to this?
00:51:42Tropical mineral plants of Saguran origin when artificially grown can be substituted for nichrome or copper wiring
00:51:50The outer shell absorbs heat to promote the growth of the vine
00:51:53but if temperatures rise too high a protective crystalline coating forms cutting off the flow of electricity and
00:52:03Unfortunately, the protective shell provides an ideal environment for the del red spotted fever virus spotted fever virus
00:52:14Immunization can be achieved by injecting a weakened strain of the virus
00:52:18We're running out of vaccines and all the laboratory mice are dead
00:52:24Hurry up with that vaccine. We still have 500 children to inoculate hurry
00:52:29We will inoculate all the children under four years of age if we aren't rescued in a week. It's over for the rest
00:52:34We don't have nearly enough vaccine only 200 injections. Where are we gonna find 2,000 coffins?
00:52:39We've tried everything up to and including ancient black those vines just won't die. Isn't there anything we can do?
00:52:45I have no idea if there is I haven't found it
00:53:14Was here before you were where before aboard this ship King Mayan was right
00:53:20Tata what's wrong with you Tata Tata Tata time to take your medicine Tata
00:53:30It'll keep you from getting sick
00:53:34Be mommy's big brave man, okay, good boy there now
00:53:49My mother gave me the vaccine I
00:53:53Was four years old then seems like it was just yesterday
00:53:57Huh? I gave him the oral vaccine captain. Now. Don't forget your promise. You said you would take care of him personally
00:54:09It's my mentor
00:54:13Mother can't somebody help her. We're running out of vaccine and all the laboratory mice are dead
00:54:23If the story is true, we're on borrowed time
00:54:25It's the deadliest of all diseases and we have no vaccine on the ship now that I'm reminded I can remember stories about this
00:54:31Cursed death ship Esperanza. How could he possibly forget such a thing?
00:54:36Tata was only four years old at the time. Give the guy a break the death ship Esperanza. Yeah, there's a song by that name
00:54:43Here's the printout on the temperature test. I've been running. I
00:54:47Isolated and heated a section of the vine at 40 degrees centigrade
00:54:52Crystalline secretion started the delred spotted fever virus began appearing almost immediately thereafter
00:54:5840 degrees that's right
00:55:00Then I ran a situation analysis our interior temperature will reach 40 degrees in eight days
00:55:06What are you saying that we're all gonna die? No way. I've got too many plans for the future delred spotted fever
00:55:14We have no hope you have to have host animals to prepare inoculations
00:55:18We don't have lab mice. We all have to die because we don't have any mice
00:55:22They'll send vaccine if we signal them. Are you suggesting we hit the panic button?
00:55:29Mean just give up how can you even think about such a thing after all we've gone through already
00:55:34Stupid mice. Nobody's gonna make me fail this test. I'm not taking it for the fun of it like King mine
00:55:39It's a question of honor, but I doubt if you understand that. Oh, yeah
00:55:42Well, I'm here cuz I want to be a man and I doubt if you understand that we don't have to decide yet
00:55:47There's time. Hmm. That's right. Let's give fro time to think it over
00:55:57Wonder when the elder encouraged me to take this test
00:56:00Did he know I would wind up aboard the Esperanza am I supposed to know what to do about this situation?
00:56:10We have hundreds of leaky pipes everywhere the whole forced air system is shot
00:56:14It's a wonder we had any temperature control at all. This is gonna take a lot of work
00:56:21I'll see what you mean
00:56:23We'll have to replace these plates, they're completely corroded looks like somebody started repairing them and got interrupted
00:56:29It's hard to even imagine how frantic they must have been
00:56:32You know a really sudden change of temperature could cause the whole system to overload and break down. Maybe that's what happened
00:56:38Hey, you might have something there
00:56:40You know if a warp malfunction brought him out too close to that blue Sun they definitely have a sudden rise in temperature
00:57:53Don't know. Tell me who's turn was it to cook today?
00:58:01What do you call this soup that requires a fork
00:58:08What are you trying to do poison every one of us take it easy King no one's thinking straight in all this heat
00:58:14Don't take it personally
00:58:15When are you going to finish those repairs? I don't know
00:58:18We only have five days left before the virus comes to life
00:58:21We're doing the best we can you're fooling around could be fatal. Our time is running out
00:58:29Who did that shut up man, I've had all the royal crap
00:58:32I'm gonna take from you. You may be a great king on your world
00:58:35But here you're just a load of excess baggage a useless big mouth
00:58:39If you knew the work faster and better why not pitch in and help us out a little bit
00:58:43Nobody dares talk to me like that. Oh, yeah, it's just you me King. Come on
00:58:49Better be careful like
00:58:52You ready for some action, huh? Have you got insane troll? I'm ready when you are troll stop it
00:59:02Don't try that again, buddy. I'm not scared of you. You're acting like a couple of five-year-olds. Come on everybody now stop fighting
00:59:09Let's talk this over
00:59:19Hey, I didn't start this fight, I'm just defending myself against these maniacs nobody gets away with the choco
00:59:28I'm warning you
00:59:35Stop wasting food. I haven't had Jesse my dinner yet
00:59:49I've all of you gone crazy. See what you started
01:00:09Wasteful, but I assume it's traditional
01:00:19And it's hot having trouble keeping my concentration
01:00:43Huh, what's wrong
01:01:01Let's get out of here Todd it's gonna blow hang in there Ganga we're gonna get you out of here
01:01:25Damn it all the hell and back again totally destroyed and we're so close to having it up and running again
01:01:32Is everybody down there? All right
01:01:34What happened the temperature shot up three degrees in less than 10 sec another bomb blast big one
01:02:02Even if you can't fix it, we're not going to lie down and give up you understand
01:02:05We wouldn't have to worry about the temperature in that damn virus if we had a vaccine
01:02:09Why don't you try to develop one?
01:02:11Didn't you hear we don't have any host animals to work with we have to accept our destiny your highness
01:02:17I am NOT in the mood for your primitive philosophy new
01:02:20Now I want to know who shut the cooling unit down who did it. No one came near it King
01:02:27Here's a thought
01:02:28You can't get the virus because you were given the vaccine as an infant
01:02:32Where'd you you have nothing to worry about you're already immune without a vaccine. We all die, but you survive
01:02:38You're number 11. You might as well admit it from the very beginning. I knew it was you. Why are you doing this?
01:02:44Why do you want to murder us?
01:02:47Todd I was standing right in front of the control panel. Just like the last time Todd. It was you
01:03:11He's the one all right, there's absolutely no doubt about it
01:03:13Don't think you're going to talk your way out of trouble this time. Not again. I don't believe it
01:03:18We'll use your blood for a vaccine. No, you're wrong. You've got the wrong man
01:03:24Tata if we want to go on living we're going to need his blood to create an antivirus
01:03:29Let's go. Come on your majesty. Stop and think about this before you make a terrible mistake. Watch out murder
01:03:39There he goes stop it don't let him get away
01:04:16Bro Ganga
01:04:20How'd I didn't do it I saw him gonga with my own two eyes
01:04:24I saw Tata reach out and turn the air regulator down and I can't forget it
01:04:52This way follow me there he goes go around for the other quarter will surround him
01:05:10Hurry this way we haven't cornered
01:05:13Over there
01:05:48Anything not nothing
01:06:01Hey, he's up there Amazon get him
01:06:04Said it for the elevator get over there to the elevator. Everyone. Hurry. Let's go Choco move out
01:06:22Rednose don't do it
01:06:36Good work
01:06:44Shut him
01:06:49Push him inside and seal it. I'll handle this situation later
01:07:56What's that
01:08:02What is it
01:08:10For all I'm alive
01:08:13That's not my fault on your feet King minds gonna interrogate you
01:08:17How long was I unconscious three hours the temperatures gone up another two degrees. How's Ganga?
01:08:24He's not so good. It keeps on throwing up. He's resting in sickbay now
01:08:29Why wasn't I killed when rednose shot me you were lucky the stunner he used was turned way down to low level
01:08:37Hey, don't try anything there Tata just freeze you couldn't possibly believe that I'm capable of committing murder
01:08:42You have no idea what I do believe or don't believe
01:08:48Feel like a mountain
01:09:01Hold it
01:09:12Shoot me don't make me face the others after losing my gun. Yeah, do it. Shoot me now
01:09:31Wait for the others, I'll be in the sickbay with Ganga and you can tell them you trapped me in there
01:09:41Tata let me look you over Ganga. You may have spotted fever. I'll be alright or it might be your algae injections
01:09:48You son of a gun
01:09:50You're casting it off how
01:09:56Come on you're coming with us better search him get away from me all of you
01:10:00I have the fever the fever it is highly contagious
01:10:04Ganga's recovering though, and once I get his temperature down we can start culturing a vaccine for all of you
01:10:09Hmm, is it true? Yes, we're lucky the experiment with the algae injections worked it rejected the disease then it's true
01:10:17We're really gonna get out of this alive after all at least there's hope how do we get his temperature down when the ship is?
01:10:22So hot right?
01:10:24We're racing against time the temperature could reach 40 degrees in a matter of a few hours and the virus will begin to stir and propagate
01:10:30its spore
01:10:31We're not saved yet. And the temperature is rising quickly
01:10:35Tada, the temperature's gone up another degree just since we started talking. Oh
01:10:41Listen, it's a long shot
01:10:43But I thought of at least one possible way that we might try to lower the ship's temperature
01:10:46I'll try anything. What is it?
01:10:48The idea came to me when I was in the elevator and I noticed the way the Sun beamed down the shaft from the top
01:10:53Deck. Yes, go on
01:10:54If we still off level 20 and set off an explosion of our own it might push us back into a safe orbit
01:11:00So the shaft of the elevator would act something like a nozzle or a big cannon barrel directing the explosive impact outward in other words
01:11:07We'd be trying to reverse the effect of the explosions that knocked us out of the original orbit. We had yeah, it's risky
01:11:13But if we pull it off we can escape the blue sun's gravity
01:11:16There are bombs hidden all over the ship and we can use those as soon as we track them down
01:11:20Even though it sounds crazy. It's workable. I
01:11:26Hate to sound negative
01:11:27But what if the explosion destroys the ship if you have a better idea?
01:11:30Everyone's open to hear it red nose if we only have one chance in a zillion that's better than none. Mm-hmm
01:11:36I see let's do it. It sure sounds awful risky. What do you think?
01:11:39We shall give Tata's idea a try but he will be locked up until this operation is completed
01:11:45What what's the matter with you? Why are you so set on locking him up?
01:11:49We need his telepathy to search out the hidden charges. Come on. You don't really believe he's telepathic without him. We'll fail
01:11:56Do you have any idea how many circuits there are aboard this ship and how long it will take to check out each one?
01:12:01Individually, there's no time to waste we have to start immediately. I don't want to argue about it. I don't trust him Ganga
01:12:07You still believe he's number 11
01:12:12You're wrong, I'm number 11 what that's right. I'm the secret stowaway you
01:12:21Why did you do it why I
01:12:24Assume you realize that the crime of espionage is punishable by death. Don't shoot me mine. I'm your only source for the vaccine. I
01:12:32Was late sending in my application and I didn't want to wait three years to take the next examination
01:12:37Sorry Ganga, but I simply cannot believe you it can't be you
01:12:42We already know who's number 11
01:12:45Fourth I'm getting sick and tired of these accusations of yours
01:12:47I wish everybody would stop all this ridiculous talk about a number 11
01:12:51There is no number 11 stop this nonsense and get back to work or we're all gonna be very sorry when that fever starts politely
01:12:57Bumping us off one by one. So you'd better get your head out your butt and get back to work now
01:13:01I agree with what she says and the way she says it. Let's do it. Come on, Tata
01:13:07You got to get busy finding those bombs. Let's go
01:13:12Huh what
01:13:16They're waiting
01:13:27You heard him they're waiting. All right you win this time
01:13:38Got it
01:13:45Hold still
01:13:49There's one
01:14:00Everyone return to your stations. I'm sending the elevator up now
01:14:08Mark it's level 2-0 ceiling shot
01:14:18They're in position and ready for detonation we can seal off the passenger section zip it up
01:14:31Look 41 degrees start the countdown now
01:15:10Can't preach it out 22 ceiling quick l22, that's no problem
01:15:45Look we're moving
01:16:16From here on out everything is going to seem easy
01:16:21The orbit is stable
01:16:24Congratulations and apologies as well
01:16:27May we suggest fruit anyone?
01:16:43Hey, what happened you all right? I'm a little clumsy today
01:16:47For all let me see your hand. There's nothing wrong with my hand. Hey, what is that then Tata? Just leave me alone
01:16:55No, no, Delred spotted fever
01:16:59Apparently the vaccine didn't work for frill
01:17:06I'm afraid she's gonna have to receive treatment right away. I'll be fine
01:17:10I only have to make it through the next eight days and I might even recover the way Ganga did I'd be fine
01:17:15I'll recover the way Ganga did my body chemistry is different. Listen, I don't want to scare you
01:17:18But you may not have eight more days. Don't be silly. Do I look like somebody who's dying?
01:17:35Push the button. Hey, I hope you're joking
01:17:39Forget about it. I'm alright. You don't want to push the button. We've almost finished the examination
01:17:45Everybody just calm down. It would be a shame to give up now at any rate. This is Frolls decision
01:17:51I won't let her die just so I can pass the exam sure for all we can all sign up for the next one
01:17:56What I know you do the same for any of us
01:18:05We have to finish the exam I'll check into the hospital as soon as it's over it's just three years for all be reasonable
01:18:12We can't quit now after all we gone through Ganga
01:18:14I want to be a man and I can't wait another three years the state won't allow it even if I died trying it's worth
01:18:20it I
01:18:22Can't live as a woman. I don't know how
01:18:25Don't I have any friends around here? Yes. In fact, we're all your friends here
01:18:33Move out of the way so I can prove it
01:20:05Fro are you feeling feverish yet? No, no fever
01:20:12It was my one and only chance and I blew it I'll have to be that old farmer's wife now
01:20:25Hey, just look how unlimited the universe is
01:20:31The sight of stars always reminds me there's no end to the possibilities in life
01:20:36The only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves. There's a solution for every problem
01:20:42We just need to find it. Yeah
01:20:48Tata what am I gonna do?
01:20:51How's this you could come live on my world and perhaps marry me
01:20:59But I won't turn into a woman right away Tata it usually takes a while I'll wait for you
01:21:05Well, wouldn't you rather have a really beautiful life? You are beautiful
01:21:13You will I feel sort of dizzy and tingly all sudden I guess it must be the fever
01:21:28Hey, look, there's a rescue ship they sure got here in a hurry
01:21:38Where's the patient right here
01:21:55Don't just stand there everybody into the rescue ship move
01:22:23They didn't even notice the extra crew member we never did figure out who it was hey
01:22:29We only have nine here. Huh? Huh?
01:22:32Which one of us is it? Yeah
01:22:34None of you are very observant
01:22:38Everyone be seated, please
01:22:45Everyone's present sir
01:22:51Look no, I don't believe it. How about that? I
01:22:56Am instructor Glenn. I was number 11. I was part of your test
01:23:01In space, you'll encounter unexpected situations. My presence among you was totally illogical and unpredictable
01:23:08You didn't know how to adjust so you started accusing each other of sabotage
01:23:12I took advantage of this to so even more confusion
01:23:15To test your ability to make adjustments to see if you would learn to trust one another and start working together as a real team
01:23:22To see if you could recognize a leader and accept his authority
01:23:26I'd expect Tata to recognize you with his telepathy thickhead or instructor Glenn
01:23:30I have stronger ESP than young Tata has of course. Yes Tata
01:23:35It was my voice you heard in your head that compelled you to cause the accident
01:23:38Huh? Your injury was not foreseen and I apologize for that. It's okay
01:23:44The orbital disintegration was not our plan either and the fever virus that resulted was completely unforeseen
01:23:49Of course you endured an overabundance of obstacles all the officials at the Academy were amazed at your team stuck it out so long
01:23:56Actually only six of the original 70 teams lasted longer than 35 days
01:24:01Everyone agreed that you made the right decision in pushing the button and terminating the examination when you did and you were given bonus points for
01:24:07that action
01:24:11Congratulations, I don't get it. It's my honor and pleasure to announce. You not only pass the test you finished number one. Well done
01:24:19Well done
01:24:23Don't believe you're really your
01:24:25Congratulations. Good show Choco. Do you think we can study together Tata? Why not?
01:24:32Huh, may I apologize to you?
01:24:34Apologize for all was right. I was a butthead jerk. I think I've learned how to be a better key
01:24:41Glad to hear it
01:24:45Mind reader. Hey put her there now, you know what?
01:24:48I really think of you same to you proud to have you as my classmates guys
01:24:52I can't wait and we'll set new records in every class. Mm-hmm. Now fro won't have to be a woman
01:24:57She'll be happy about that. That's right. She'll be happy
01:25:02You did very well
01:25:04Thank you very much instructor Glenn your village elder had told us that you were a survivor of the old Esperanza
01:25:09And that's why you were placed in this group so we could evaluate the effect it had on you
01:25:13My elder he's one of our original graduates. You should be proud of him and just wait till he hears how his protege is honoring his name
01:25:20Tell him sir, you have permission to use the ship's transceiver. Thanks
01:25:52Hi, what's up?
01:25:57So so
01:26:00You're glad
01:26:02Mm-hmm. I still can't believe we passed now. I can have a future
01:26:07And I do have what it takes to be a man. I've proven that haven't I?
01:26:10I'm really happy for you and proud
01:26:40Now that I can make the decision for myself I want to be a woman, huh
01:26:49You do