Celebrity Gogglebox UK S06E06 (2024)

  • 2 months ago
This week the celebs watched: George Clarke's Amazing Spaces, 90 Day Fiance UK, Swamp People: Serpent Invasion, The Mole, The Woman in Black, and the BBC's election coverage.
00:00You'd like to say to Derek?
00:05To Derek?
00:06Who's Derek?
00:07Your message said.
00:09Oh, is that my phone?
00:10It says, Derek, send it.
00:12Close it.
00:13It just says send it.
00:15Oh, no!
00:16You just said, Derek, send it.
00:17Oh, no!
00:18Oh, no!
00:19Oh, no!
00:20Oh, no!
00:21Oh, no!
00:22Oh, no!
00:23Oh, no!
00:24Oh, no!
00:25Oh, no!
00:26Oh, no!
00:27Oh, no!
00:28Oh, no!
00:29What did you get in Derek, and because you said send it, he said.
00:35Oh, mate.
00:38That's why I keep shouting out, where are the men?
00:42You'll be lucky.
00:43No, no!
00:44He's a one man planet destroyer.
00:46Ooh, look at the size of that testicle.
00:51No, I'm out.
00:52I'm not having any cakes pulled down here.
00:57Hench is the word.
00:59You see it, you see it, you see it!
01:00Oh, I say there's some bosoms there.
01:02Not half.
01:03Would you say you've shouted at the telly?
01:05Only when I'm watching West Ham.
01:06In the week England made it to the final of the Euros,
01:10we enjoyed lots of great telly.
01:14George Clarke was peeking into people's peculiar properties on Channel 4.
01:18Brace yourselves, the eagle has landed.
01:20For some seriously amazing spaces.
01:23When was the last time you were amazed by anything?
01:26Last time I was amazed by something,
01:29I saw three Spitfires flying over my house in formation.
01:33How old are you?
01:35No, this was during the war.
01:38It was all change at number 10.
01:40In less than five years, Sir Keir Starmer has taken his party
01:44from serious defeat to a landslide victory.
01:47If I was Prime Minister, would you want to live in Downing Street?
01:49No, I wouldn't.
01:50Why? You can park outside.
01:52No, I'd see the car out there.
01:54But I'd let you if I was Prime Minister.
01:56No thank you, I'm all right.
01:59There's a nice Tsarver up the road.
02:00Right on top of the...
02:02There's a Tsarver up the road.
02:03Yeah, you're on top of the West End, aren't you, there?
02:06See, has that changed anything?
02:07And the Harley Street's down the way in the corner, isn't it?
02:09Yeah, so you can get a facelift and a blouse just around the corner.
02:14And ghosts and ghouls were keeping us awake at night on BBC One.
02:25Watch Lady, The Woman In Black in theatres.
02:28I guarantee you won't sleep with the lights on for a while.
02:30I'm telling you, bro.
02:32In the theatre? Nah, man.
02:33Drury Lane.
02:34The scariest thing in the theatre is the price of the snacks,
02:36so I'm already out, bro.
02:39You know how much ice cream is in the theatre, bro?
02:41It's like four quid or something.
02:42With the little tub?
02:43And the wooden spoon?
02:44The wooden...
02:45Nah, nah, I'm scared enough.
02:54In Wakefield...
02:56They're nice sandals, have I seen them before?
02:58I do love my shoes.
03:00It's just that I can't wear them very long now.
03:02You know, because my feet hurt.
03:04Best friends, Jane and Sue.
03:06Like stilettos.
03:07I used to love stilettos, but you just can't do it anymore.
03:11I've ruined my feet, you know, with stillies.
03:14Bunions and...
03:14I know.
03:15...corns and...
03:16My mother used to say,
03:17wear stilettos as long as you can because there'll be one day when you can't do it.
03:22And do you know what?
03:23She were right.
03:23She's right.
03:24That's why I've got these and a big heel.
03:27And a bit of air going in.
03:28I like a bit of air around my nethers, yeah.
03:31Round your nethers?
03:31No, no, no.
03:33That's even nether-er-er-them.
03:37On Thursday night, George Clark had us poking around more dinky dwellings on Channel 4.
03:43Are you not too hot?
03:45No, it's my cricket jumper.
03:47I know, but I feel like...
03:48You're making me feel cold that you've got a jumper and I've got my legs out.
03:51Yeah, but you have hot legs.
03:53You see that a lot, you're not wrong.
03:54I love this because I'm nosy about people's houses.
03:57On Amazing Spaces...
03:59Get rid of this, you need something much bigger.
04:01Oh, yeah, this dude's mega.
04:03Oh, I like this guy, man.
04:04...we celebrate the nation's small space trailblazers.
04:08It's beautiful.
04:09Isn't that fab?
04:10I like this, claustrophobic.
04:11Looks like a regular bucket.
04:13Nope, it's a house.
04:20Who proved that with a little bit of skill...
04:22You lived in a cave.
04:23I've lived in a shed.
04:24Shed, yeah, yeah.
04:25I've lived under bushes.
04:27God, I've lived in all sorts of mad places.
04:30And a whole lot of heart.
04:31I think I needed that more than you.
04:35Anything is possible.
04:36See, they're quite nice, aren't they? Yeah.
04:39You've not got any kitchen under a bush, though, have you?
04:43But I had one in my shed.
04:45In the shed?
04:45Yeah, and a bed, and a bookcase.
04:48A bookcase in your shed?
04:50Brace yourselves...
04:52The eagle has landed.
04:53...for some seriously amazing spaces.
04:58That's a nice jolly tune, isn't it?
05:01George Clark's Amazing Spaces with a very jolly tune.
05:07So it's small amazing spaces.
05:09Yeah, they're amazing because they're small.
05:11You should have just called it small spaces.
05:12They didn't mention that small brackets small.
05:16Small is beautiful.
05:18Yes, that's very true.
05:20Very true.
05:21It'll come as no surprise for me to tell you
05:26that Britain is in the middle of a property crisis.
05:29Gloomy start, isn't it?
05:30Gloomy start, George.
05:31We just came from a bit of light relief.
05:32I'm here to be amazed, not to be brought back down to earth, George.
05:35George Clark's Depressing Spaces.
05:38I'm in Bermondsey, where the cost to rent a one-bedroom flat
05:42can be well over £1,000 a month.
05:44Well, that's how it is round here.
05:46There was a time that, like, our parents could just go into a bank
05:50and buy a house.
05:51Do you know how mad that is?
05:53But I'm about to meet someone who's come up with a very unique,
05:56somewhat ironic solution to the housing crisis.
06:02Good morning, Harrison.
06:03How are you, mate?
06:04Yeah, good, thanks.
06:05Very, very nice to see you.
06:06Thanks for coming.
06:07Now, that is quite incredible.
06:10Uh, what is that?
06:12What the hell is that?
06:14Yes, that really is a house built in a skip.
06:17The skip house?
06:19He lives in a skip?
06:20Well, yeah, you can sleep very warmly in a skip.
06:23Architect Harrison Marshall.
06:25That's amusing.
06:26Look, it's a skip underneath and he's built a house on top.
06:28God, what a brilliant idea.
06:30I'm not amazed, I'm annoyed.
06:32Annoying spaces.
06:34Has used his professional knowledge to build his own solution
06:38to the rubbish state of the housing market.
06:41Oh, for goodness sake, Harrison.
06:43No-one's going to live in that.
06:45We'll see what it's like.
06:45Although, to be honest with you...
06:47Wait till you see what's inside.
06:48..half the time, my house looks like a skip.
06:50Imagine someone taking you back home after a date
06:53and they live in a skip.
06:55I mean, if they were fit, I'd get in it.
06:58Can I have a look inside?
06:59Of course, yeah.
07:00Can I do? Come on, let's have a look.
07:03Is it just a push?
07:04It is, yeah.
07:05Oh, it's like a cat flap.
07:06You've got to climb into that, you don't just open the door, do you?
07:09It's all right until you've had a drink.
07:10That's true.
07:11I don't get it, where's the...
07:13Go inside, let's go inside.
07:14Oh, my God, Harrison, that is brilliant.
07:18Look at that.
07:19Oh, my God.
07:20Oh, wow.
07:20It's got a sink and everything.
07:22It's not, is it?
07:24It's not, it's a sink in a...
07:25A skip.
07:26In a skip.
07:27Look at the headroom you've got here.
07:29Has it got an upstairs?
07:30No, it hasn't.
07:32What in the Mary Poppins is going on here?
07:33Because, like, that man is stood in a house
07:35and from the outside it's a skip.
07:38Sink, no tap.
07:40Storage, shelving.
07:43Two very beautiful windows, I have to say.
07:45I'm loving that design.
07:46Where's the bed?
07:48Where's the toilet?
07:49Well, that was when he comes to take the skip away.
07:52One night is emptied.
07:53One night, yeah.
07:56I can see where you've got your power supply coming in.
07:58Yeah, so I'm actually connected up to mains power.
08:00All right, who's he robbing off then?
08:02Well, is it some lamp post so that you don't have to pay for it?
08:05It might be.
08:06But what do you do about a shower?
08:08I shower at work or on the weekends I shower at the gym.
08:11Oh, dear.
08:12He's not practical.
08:13He needs a 24-hour gym nearby.
08:15He needs a house.
08:18Can I have a look at your bedroom?
08:19Yeah, yeah, of course, go on up.
08:23That is brilliant.
08:25Oh, the bed looks well snug.
08:27I mean, that bed's quite cosy, but it's also a bit coffin-y.
08:30There's a lot of fairy lights around as well.
08:32Oh, my God.
08:33What a great space.
08:34It's a funny space, isn't it?
08:36Yeah, well-locked, dude.
08:37Works for him, doesn't it?
08:38What happens when you have friends around?
08:40You're like, sorry about my house, it's a bit of a tip.
08:42You know his dad is pissed?
08:44His dad's rich.
08:45His dad is pissed.
08:46You don't have to live like this!
08:49Harrison pays around £50 a month to rent the scape.
08:53He hasn't bought the scape, then.
08:55Come on, Harrison.
08:56Which sits on land, lent to him by a supporter of the idea.
09:01Lent to him by a supporter of the idea.
09:06The idea that he lives in a scape.
09:08He constructed the project in just three weeks,
09:11with the help of some friends.
09:13What friends?
09:14Oh, come on.
09:14I bet they're all friends from Bristol University, aren't they?
09:19We've got Wham-O, Jan-O and Can-O.
09:22Cracking a few beers and a few pizzas, building a scape.
09:25Hi, we're here to help you, Harrison.
09:27Yeah, tote bags.
09:28A lot of tote bags and rolled-up trousers.
09:29How much do you reckon it cost him?
09:30I bet one of his friends has got a moustache.
09:35In North London.
09:37Have you ever tried to grow a carrot?
09:39No, I've who?
09:40I've tried growing tomatoes, runner beans and herbs.
09:44How is it?
09:45Not good.
09:46Nick and his niece Liv.
09:48I really want to grow veg.
09:50I don't know if London's the place to do it, I'm sorry.
09:52There's so much pollution.
09:54Yeah, maybe.
09:54I don't want a tomato that's been grown in your back garden.
09:57Do you not?
09:58I want one that's from the country.
10:00Yeah, Sussex or something.
10:01Yeah, local, but...
10:03Suffolk, maybe.
10:04Yeah, where I can see the stars at night.
10:06Yeah, not Hackney.
10:10To Hackney carrot.
10:11It'd be like a carrot that'd start walking or something.
10:14Tastes like petrol.
10:15Mutant carrot.
10:18On Friday, there was only one story dominating the news on the BBC.
10:23You know what?
10:24I didn't even know it was election day yesterday.
10:28Do you stay up? Do you watch it?
10:30We did till about midnight and then Matt woke up at four in the morning
10:34and thought, I need to see if Jacob Rees-Mogg has gone, so then...
10:38What, was he in your bedroom?
10:40Labour has won an historic victory in the general election,
10:44confining the Conservatives to their worst ever defeat.
10:48Well, we knew that, didn't we?
10:49We knew it, yeah.
10:50Look at those numbers.
10:51You know...
10:52Yeah, it was obvious.
10:53One of the successful Conservative candidates was my daughter.
10:57Ah, that's so great.
10:59Isn't that great?
10:59The current state is that Labour has taken 412 seats to just 121 to the Conservatives.
11:08Do you know what it is?
11:09It's like any sort of bad relationship.
11:11The further you get away from it, the more you realise what you've been living with.
11:14Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:15And living under.
11:16Within the last half an hour, Sir Keir Starmer has arrived in Downing Street.
11:20He is now the country's new Prime Minister.
11:23Here we go then.
11:24So Labour are in now for five years.
11:27So in five years, it'll be like the Jetsons.
11:30Everyone will be living in glass houses and the NHS will be like,
11:34woo, we've got too much money.
11:37You have given us a clear mandate.
11:40Oh, here he is, the new PM.
11:42I don't care if he's boring, as long as he can get the job done.
11:46And we will use it to deliver change.
11:50People feel it's time for change.
11:51I think it's very important it wakes everybody up.
11:54And he has done a brilliant job, Keir Starmer.
11:56Seat after seat fell to Labour.
12:02Power to the people.
12:03That's right, power to the people.
12:04That's how it feels.
12:05I think there should be a vote once a week, like, what's the best ice cream?
12:08And then everyone goes out and votes.
12:10I just love the process of it.
12:12You love an event.
12:13I love an event.
12:14They claimed the seats of big Tory names, like the Commons leader, Penny Mordaunt.
12:19Oh, she's the sword lady.
12:22The former business secretary, Jacob Rees-Mogg.
12:25His nanny's going to be gutted.
12:27Is that his real name, Jacob Rees-Nob?
12:30Well, she...
12:32And even, just sidling into view here, a former prime minister, Liz Truss.
12:38I'm embarrassing the former prime minister.
12:40It's not necessary.
12:41Rishi Sunak with his wife, Akshata Murthy.
12:44Nice lady.
12:45Great frog.
12:46Walked out into Downing Street for the last time as prime minister this morning.
12:51Oh, God, what are you like that for?
12:54It's just like, good, come out.
12:56Oh, no, they're going to have to leave Downing Street and finally move into a posh house.
13:02Oh, oh, oh.
13:06He's been making me laugh, though.
13:08Oh, right.
13:08Ed Davey.
13:09The Liberal Democrat leader ended the night with the same exuberance with which he'd campaigned.
13:14I wouldn't be surprised if he took his top off and slid over to the corner flag.
13:18He's had a mad campaign.
13:20He's been doing, like, bungee jumping, kayaking, jet skiing, all this mad shit.
13:24He thinks he's unlike a stag do.
13:26A staggering comeback took them from 11 seats in 2019 to more than 70 this time.
13:32That's an effective number. It's great. It's great.
13:36Great achievement. Again, a lot of anti-conservative sentiment fell into his lap.
13:41It's been an incredible night for the man who's changed the Labour Party.
13:45Oh, is that his missus?
13:46I've never seen his wife before.
13:47No, I haven't seen his wife.
13:49He's punching a bit there.
13:52And has promised the country he'll do the same.
13:56There we go, then. Well, let's see.
13:58Feels like change is afoot, though. I like the refreshing change.
14:01I like it. Feels exciting. People are investing in politics. They're voting change. Come on.
14:07Yeah? Yeah.
14:17In Bromley.
14:18How's your garden?
14:19Oh, it's good, thank you. Although the hydrangeas have been smashed by the rain.
14:24Oh, the rain.
14:25Good friends Rob and Tom.
14:28Have yours flowered, then, your hydrangeas already?
14:30Yeah, absolutely stunning for about three days.
14:31Mine haven't flowered this year yet.
14:32Well, you're lucky, because once they do, the rain comes and knocks them on the floor.
14:36So why are your flowers...?
14:37They look like a gay after Pride.
14:40Not so proud now, are you?
14:42Like that.
14:45This week, we went across the pond and got our pom-poms out for a new docu-series on Netflix.
14:51This is right up my street.
14:53What's this one?
14:53A documentary about cheerleaders.
14:55You know what? This is serious business, this, mate.
14:58Well, it is an American cheerleading...
15:01People already assume what they think they know about DCC.
15:04She says people assume what they know about DCC. I don't assume anything.
15:07What the fuck's DCC?
15:08You see this image, and that's the mould.
15:12You have to be a cheery sort of person, though.
15:14Yes, you do.
15:15I'd be up for some gnarky cheerleaders, wouldn't you?
15:18Coming out going, who are you looking at?
15:21I'm having a bad day.
15:23What's this?
15:23Go fuck yourself.
15:25We're always trying to strive to be picture perfect.
15:30You're more than enough. You are loved. You are resilient.
15:33The best is yet to come. Can you imagine a British person writing that?
15:35The best is yet to come. The worst isn't here yet.
15:38Brace yourself. You'll be lucky.
15:41Why do you think you want so badly to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader?
15:48I love it.
15:50I love it. I am happy.
15:53But our job is to make it look easy.
15:57Oh, I love it. The unison.
16:05I would have loved this. I would have loved to be a cheerleader.
16:08Can you imagine me in a pair of those up-pants, Bea?
16:11I don't want to even try.
16:14You need to look like a supermodel, but perform like an athlete.
16:17Oh my word.
16:19Oh, I think I've pulled something just looking at that.
16:25America's sweethearts. Come on, the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Go DCC!
16:31This is like, you know, Dallas Cowboys are a massive team.
16:35So if you're going to be a cheerleader, this is where you want to be.
16:39Thunderstruck is the most important single routine we will do all year.
16:43So she's the lead choreographer.
16:45I bet she is a hard ass. I bet she's petrifying.
16:50People know now when they hear that song come on, that the game is beginning.
16:54In a way, that's like Liverpool and you'll never walk alone.
16:56That's right.
16:57That sets the mood for the whole day, doesn't it?
17:02Down to go up and all the way up. Up to go down.
17:07I actually think you could do this.
17:09I could do that, Bea.
17:10That's easy. That's an easy move.
17:12Up and then down and then back up.
17:15Tonight, we're doing the jump splits for the first time.
17:18The what?
17:19The jump splits.
17:20You can kind of see the swell of anticipation.
17:24And then when they land in the jump split, you hear this, whoa.
17:27No, they jump in the air and then land into the split.
17:31I couldn't do that, could you?
17:32I couldn't.
17:33I don't think I could do that when I was young and fit.
17:35No, I've never been a Bendy Wendy, no.
17:37You hear it. It's an exclamation mark on the performance.
17:40You'd hear it if I did it.
17:43Hear it from now to next week.
17:45One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
17:49Oh, fucking hell, that must hurt.
17:52Surely, surely.
17:53One, five, six, seven, eight.
17:58That's why there are no male dancers.
18:01I think the jump splits take their toll.
18:05I've had 12 orthopaedic surgeries in the last six years.
18:1012 orthopaedic surgeries in the last six years.
18:12This is the price you pay.
18:13Fucking hell, so is that an inevitability?
18:15Yeah, of course it's an inevitability.
18:17If you spend your life carrying, bam!
18:20Both my hips are torn.
18:21Some girls' backs and necks are pretty messed up.
18:24This is not safe, man.
18:26This isn't safe.
18:27Why are you doing this?
18:29Well, it looks good, but it's not something that you need to do with it every day.
18:32Hello, love.
18:33You know, in the street.
18:36When you're in Tesco.
18:38Hello, morning.
18:39Look at this.
18:41After my fifth year, when I woke up for my hip surgery,
18:43the doctor looked at me and she was like, was it worth it?
18:46And I'm like, my goal was to finish five seasons.
18:49No regrets.
18:52That's unbelievable.
18:53It's really bad, like 22, 23-year-old women having multiple operations,
18:58because they've had to do that so many times,
19:00because everybody goes, woo!
19:03But we love the jump split.
19:05It does look impressive, though.
19:06It does.
19:07It does look good, but they need to cut it out.
19:11In London.
19:12Why are you so tanned?
19:13Oh, you went on holiday?
19:14Yeah, I've just come back.
19:16Nowadays, though, a holiday for you and mum is just, what?
19:19Lay down on a sunbed.
19:20No, it's not.
19:21Martin and his son Rahulman.
19:24Goes to dinner.
19:25That it?
19:27So you lay down and then he...
19:28Go back to the hotel room in the afternoon.
19:32Oh, shut up.
19:34Well, you do, don't you, when you're on holiday?
19:36That is the one thing that you look forward to.
19:38You know, you go out, you sunbathe in the morning,
19:41you have some lunch, glass of wine,
19:43you go back to your hotel room,
19:45shut the door,
19:46lock it,
19:49get it on for a little bit,
19:51and then you go out to eat in the evening.
19:54Perfect day.
19:55Oh, my God.
19:57This week, we saw the return of a sneaky action-packed game show on Netflix.
20:02I think you'd be quite good at tricking people.
20:24Oh, the mole.
20:25Is this the mole that they had back in the day?
20:27Do you remember the mole?
20:36Oh, God, this looks epic.
20:37I've never been to Malaysia, have you?
20:39No, they hate gay people.
20:44Oh, the mole is one of the troupe.
20:46It's traitors on holiday.
20:53Do you swear to deceive and sabotage at every step in this game?
20:58I do.
20:58Just find the person who's got that voice.
21:01Yeah, it's not me.
21:03It's Mr. Blobby.
21:06I'm Ari Shapiro, and I'm going to be your guide for this incredible adventure.
21:09Has he got a little bit of the vampires about him?
21:12He's definitely got the vampires about him.
21:13I don't know about the mole.
21:14I'm not sure I trust him.
21:15Question is, will all of you be joining us?
21:22Lurking in the grass is a menace, a danger to you all.
21:27What is it?
21:28Probably a mole.
21:29A mole? Yeah, but epic, is it?
21:31No, not a real mole, a person mole.
21:34I thought you mean, I thought it was an animal.
21:36I thought I see that bit, I thought it was an animal in there.
21:39These five intruders just missed out on being selected.
21:43What kind of squid game business is this, bruv?
21:45In front of you is an assault course carved into this field.
21:49The intruder's goal...
21:50We'll be trying to kill you.
21:51...is to make it through and into one of the waiting cars at the end.
21:56First one to make it into a car will earn themselves a place in the game.
22:00Oh my god, this is so intense already.
22:03So if any of the intruders make it through,
22:05they steal a place from one of the real players.
22:09It looks good.
22:09Yeah, yeah, bring it.
22:10Yeah, I could do that.
22:11Your job is to stop the intruders from reaching the end
22:14using strategically placed paintball guns.
22:18Paint guns?
22:19I would be terrible at all this.
22:21That's not paintballs.
22:22Is this your paintball?
22:23Well, they haven't got their masks on.
22:24This is PJ and Duncan all over again.
22:27The intruders will be padlocked into their starting positions.
22:30The intruders will be hot in those outfits.
22:33Your time starts now.
22:36Let's do it.
22:37All right, here we go, g'mollies.
22:40Are you ready, B?
22:41Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
22:43Okay, here they come.
22:44They're coming through.
22:45Get ready, get ready.
22:45Slingshot one.
22:46Let's go, B.
22:47Oh, another one.
22:48Two of them.
22:49The intruders are off.
22:51This actually looks quite good fun, doesn't it?
22:53I'd love to have a go with this.
22:54Slingshot one, we're loaded.
22:55Oh, slingshot.
22:57Cat's ball.
23:00Fire, fire, fire, fire.
23:02Go on, hit him.
23:03Hit him.
23:03Oh, my God.
23:04Shoot him.
23:08Oh, that's odd.
23:09It looks like they're on some sort of corporate away day.
23:13Team morale bonding, that is.
23:14Okay, now.
23:15Is it now, Judith?
23:18Do I have to be teamed up with Judith?
23:20You know that in my last appraisal we discussed that we clash.
23:23Get the key to unlock the waiting car.
23:26And now you have shields and smoke bombs.
23:29Shields and smoke bombs?
23:31This is a new tactic.
23:32Oh, my God.
23:33So they're going to smoke the area so you can't see them.
23:36So they won't be able to hit them.
23:37Sniper, it's up to you to help me out here.
23:39Make sure you get at least one of these people.
23:41Oh, not granddad on the machine gun.
23:46Wow, they're good.
23:47They're really good.
23:48Oh, no.
23:49No chance now, are they?
23:50Not a chance.
23:51A little bit to the right.
23:52Swivel right.
23:54Oh, my God.
23:56He's on a moving wheel.
23:58Why are they one of the Chuckle Brothers on a Lazy Susan?
24:01Hold it. Hold it.
24:02Wait there.
24:02A little bit. A teeny bit higher.
24:04Teeny bit higher.
24:04Swivel left.
24:05Come on, granddad.
24:06They're shooting at me.
24:08I'm behind.
24:10He's got her.
24:12Oh, yes.
24:12Go on, granddad.
24:13Go on, granddad.
24:14Go, Angie.
24:16Have they got her?
24:17Got her.
24:17So she's out.
24:18Is she dead?
24:20Well, she's not dead.
24:21Swivel right.
24:22Swivel right.
24:23Swivel right.
24:23Knives left.
24:24That's the other way you dimwit.
24:26To me, to you.
24:27Go on.
24:28Come on.
24:28Go on.
24:29Swivel left. The other way.
24:30Swivel left. The other way.
24:31I think they need to hurry up.
24:32He can't be in the sun any longer, this redhead.
24:34I know. He'll be like Bill Tong.
24:36He's playing, though.
24:38And go.
24:39No, no, no, no, no.
24:42Did you hit him?
24:42He missed the key.
24:43Higher, higher, higher, please, guys.
24:46No, no, no, no, no.
24:47He got the key.
24:48Oh, shit.
24:49They got the key.
24:49They got the key.
24:52Oh, he's unlocked the cars.
24:54Oh, my God.
24:55I got it, and there's four of them still.
24:57I was ready to rapid fire, but I hold back a lot of times.
25:01Why would you hold back?
25:03Because there weren't a lot of shots to be fired off.
25:04That's true.
25:05That's true.
25:06Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
25:07Don't waste your shots, guys.
25:09Make them count.
25:14Oh, yeah, in the edge.
25:17Two down, three to go, B.
25:20Got her.
25:23Oh, they got her.
25:24At the end of the day, the mall's somewhere on my team.
25:27Oh, he got him.
25:31One left.
25:32But they've got one shot left.
25:34Oh, for one person.
25:36One shot.
25:36Oh, my God.
25:38One person.
25:40Oh, here he is.
25:41Last shot.
25:42Here he comes.
25:43Make it count.
25:44Ryan, that's you.
25:45Oh, man, one bullet.
25:47Come on.
25:52They're building it up, but I don't really care.
25:54Oh, go on.
25:58What a shot.
25:59Oh, she got it.
26:00She got it.
26:01Did we get him?
26:02I definitely got him.
26:04Yeah, you did.
26:05Yeah, you did.
26:07That was a good shot.
26:08That was like out of a movie.
26:10One shot left.
26:11Bang, bang.
26:12Now, say if me and you've done it, would you really aim for me, though?
26:15Only if you went for me.
26:17Well, then it ain't worth going, is it?
26:19No, but if you went for me.
26:20Well, yeah, because you can handle all that.
26:23Not with a real bullet.
26:24If you shot me with a paintball, I would walk up to you, lad,
26:27on the floor, and I'd go, no, no, bang.
26:30I bloody would.
26:38In Brighton.
26:40Your eyebrows are looking particularly bushy.
26:43There's just one there that's out of place.
26:45Can I get it?
26:46Zoe and her son, Woody.
26:49I'm really good.
26:50I can do it with my teeth.
26:51All right, look.
26:52I know it's a bit like when your grandma.
26:53Are you doing this?
26:56You're just sucking off.
26:58I got it.
26:59I got it.
26:59Is it the right one?
27:00I got it.
27:01I'm expecting like a ball patch or like an eyebrow slip.
27:04No, it's brilliant.
27:05You got it.
27:05I got the wrong one, but never mind.
27:09In Cheshire.
27:10Used to be a story about these two snakes, and they would always argue.
27:14Old friends, Ricky and Sue.
27:16One said, we were worse off than you.
27:18We were worse off than you.
27:20You know, you worked in the circus and all like that,
27:23and the other little snake said, no, we were the poorest,
27:26because when we were young, we didn't even have a pit to hiss in.
27:32We didn't have a what?
27:34A pit to hiss in.
27:35A pit.
27:42On Friday night, it was a gothic horror that gave us the chills on BBC One.
27:48Oh, I love this show.
27:48I have never seen The Woman in Black.
27:50You've never seen it?
27:51I've never seen it.
27:52I've always wanted to see this.
27:53I'm a god horror, Makita.
27:56I can handle it.
27:58I can't.
27:59No, I can't.
28:00You're going to be all right with the lights off?
28:03No, we'll keep them on, mate.
28:04Keep them on, you sure?
28:04Keep the lights on, yeah.
28:06OK, then.
28:11I'm scared already.
28:12I'm scared already.
28:13Have you seen this in theatre?
28:14No, I've not seen this.
28:15Brother, go and see this in theatre.
28:16It's the scariest thing you will ever...
28:18Is it?
28:18It's so damn scary.
28:19Swear, man.
28:20Oh, mate, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
28:26In the movie, we saw a pasty-looking Daniel Radcliffe playing a lawyer,
28:31rocking up to a spooky-looking house.
28:36Oh, it's so dark.
28:37If I was going in there, it looks a bit eerie, doesn't it?
28:39I don't like the look of that, do you?
28:41No, you don't.
28:41And that's in daylight.
28:42No, exactly.
28:50Oh, what can he hear?
28:52He thinks he's heard something, doesn't he?
28:53Yeah, he does, yeah.
28:59Who would sit behind a door that's open?
29:02I would close that door, you know, for a spirit putting his hand on my back.
29:05Move your spirit self, man.
29:15Someone's in there, isn't there?
29:16I know what it is.
29:17Someone's in there.
29:17I know what it is.
29:18Don't go down there.
29:19Don't go down there.
29:25Making me shiver already.
29:26Why do they go exploring?
29:27I don't know.
29:36What is that noise?
29:43It's getting faster.
29:49It's locked.
29:53You just want more, don't you?
29:55Would you be desperate to get in there and maybe just leave it?
29:57Absolutely not.
29:58Maybe just leave it.
30:02Why is he angry he can't get in there?
30:03You've had a lucky escape now.
30:04Get out.
30:07Oh, God.
30:08Oh, what's he got now?
30:09Something to bash it.
30:10Oh, he's got a break in.
30:14Oh, my God.
30:16Oh, my God.
30:16Oh, my God.
30:17Oh, my God.
30:18Oh, my God.
30:18Oh, my God.
30:19The doors are open.
30:24Oh, he's got a fracking axe.
30:25When in doubt, get your chopper out.
30:34Oh, no.
30:35Oh, no.
30:36What is it?
30:36What is it?
30:43The rocking chair's rocking and there's no one in it.
30:47That's an old one, that.
30:48Yeah, that's a classic, ain't it?
30:50Yeah, it's a classic.
30:56Oh, shit.
31:00You see all that?
31:00Did you see that?
31:01That was a face.
31:05Oh, I can't watch that, Joe.
31:06That did make my nipples go hard.
31:10I can't.
31:10Oh, great.
31:12My favourite.
31:13Creepy dolls.
31:13Weird, creepy dolls.
31:15Bro, you are mad to go in there.
31:18You have got to be crazy.
31:25No, no.
31:25I don't like the fact it stopped.
31:27Why has it stopped?
31:28He didn't stop it.
31:34Of course, it's raining outside.
31:35It's raining.
31:35It's raining.
31:36It's raining.
31:36It's raining.
31:37It's raining.
31:37It's raining.
31:38It's raining.
31:38It's raining.
31:39It's raining.
31:39It's raining.
31:41Pissing down.
31:45Is that meant to be a grave?
31:51Oh, no, there's someone outside.
31:52Look, someone's getting out of the grave.
31:54What the hell is that?
31:59They're coming nearer and coming to the house.
32:02Nah, nah.
32:04Oh, you men, bro.
32:07These run, run.
32:10Look, there's a handprint, there's a handprint.
32:30Footprints, footprints.
32:32Oh, no, they're like kids. Yeah.
32:34Oh, maybe it's the little boy ghost from the grave.
32:40Oh, it's that blooming room.
32:42Why would you go back in there?
32:48Do you not find that music eerie?
32:50I find the whole thing eerie, Joe.
32:52Oh, no, it's one of them fucking jack-in-the-box things that you turn.
32:58I don't think the candle's going to help.
33:05Ah! Oh! Oh, no.
33:07Was all that stuff on the floor before?
33:15Stop searching for the ghost, man.
33:17What are you looking for, man? There's no-one there!
33:23What was that? What's that moving? What's that moving?
33:25It was the kid from in the grave. Oh, damn.
33:30Oh, shit!
33:32Ah! For fuck's sake.
33:35OK. Oh, God. Oh, my Lord.
33:37Tell me when it's over. Tell me when it's over. What's happening?
33:40Why do you need the candle that's gone out?
33:43What's the candle going to do?
33:45Oh, my days!
33:49Oh, my God!
33:53It's your fault now.
33:56Imagine this house... Oh, shut up!
33:58I don't want to think about it, I don't want to talk about that.
34:01This house is quite old.
34:03I will go round with some water and I'll be spraying it
34:06and saying a prayer, just stop it.
34:08I reckon a good eight or nine people must have died in this house.
34:11Shut up! Shut up!
34:13Shut up!
34:15No! Oh, my God. Joe, shut up.
34:18And we're really isolating it. Oh, my God!
34:21La, la, la, la, la, la.
34:29In South London...
34:31How many trainers? Cos you've got a lot of trainers. 210.
34:33100 at least. Easily.
34:35But then I've got a sneaker room. Really?
34:38Yeah, I've got a sneaker room. I think that's so cool.
34:40I want to do that, you know.
34:42Good friends Mo and Babatunde.
34:44Sometimes I just sit in there as a peaceful place.
34:48I just sit in there on the floor with my knees like this, bro.
34:51And I just go like this, I look around.
34:56Do you play music? Do you play music, like meditation?
34:58No, no, it's just the silence. It's just the silence.
35:01I'm like, ah, man, all the steps I can make in these shoes.
35:04Yeah, man.
35:06This week, Sky History took us to Florida
35:09on a mission to find monsters on the loose.
35:12Come on, Ed, come and watch the snakes.
35:14Come on. There you go.
35:16You look on edge, you really don't like snakes, do you? No.
35:19Have you ever touched one, held one? No, no.
35:23Imagine living in a place where the amount of pythons was unmanageable.
35:29I wouldn't leave, I wouldn't come out, I would not come out of my yard.
35:32You know what, when you wear fake tan,
35:34you look like you've just come out of a swamp.
35:38What a dick.
35:40In the programme, we found a group of swamp hunters
35:43hanging about in the Everglades.
35:45Uh-oh, look who's coming.
35:47Look, the village people.
35:49Troy's mission, help the Glades and make some money
35:54culling the deadly python population
35:57in return for a share of Florida's bounty on pythons.
36:00There's a bounty on pythons? Wow.
36:03Why are they hunting them? There's just too many of them.
36:05There's too many of them, they're breeding so much
36:07and there's too many of them and they're messing with the ecosystem.
36:10He's enlisted new blood to help out.
36:13Veteran alligator hunter Ashley Dead Eye Jones.
36:16Alligator hunter Ashley Dead Eye Jones.
36:19I want to be her immediately.
36:21And Dusty's stepdaughter, Florida snake hunter Kaylin Glenn.
36:25She's a snake hunter?
36:27God, what is wrong with these people?
36:29I'm a bit confused here because you've got five men
36:32that, I don't want to be too mean,
36:34but literally look like they've never left the swamp, ever,
36:38and then out of the car come these two glamorous, beautiful models.
36:42I think you should stop being so shallow.
36:44Experienced python hunter and Dusty Crumb's stepdaughter,
36:48Kaylin Glenn, is tasked with showing the ropes of snake hunting
36:52to Ashley Dead Eye Jones.
36:54I mean, it doesn't sound like a fun day out, does it?
36:57So it's her first day, you see the one on the left?
36:59Ashley, yeah, she's the new one.
37:00Ashley's first day.
37:04Oh, I couldn't walk through there.
37:10Oh, my God!
37:11Oh, no, thank you, madam.
37:14Here we go.
37:15Snake alert.
37:16Snake alert.
37:17Get it, get it, get it.
37:18Get it, get it, get it.
37:19What do they get it with? We've not seen any implement.
37:22Oh, bare hands.
37:24No, bare hands.
37:25Wait, I don't see it.
37:27He's moving.
37:28Yeah, of course he's moving.
37:30He's thinking, I'm out of here.
37:32Hold on.
37:34Go on, Dead Eye.
37:35Can you grab the tail?
37:37Ashley, get the tail, get the tail.
37:38Don't grab the tail!
37:39They're not venomous, are they, pythons?
37:41They just swallow you whole.
37:48What the...
37:49That is horrendous.
37:51He can smell my fear.
37:54She doesn't look like she knows what she's doing, Ashley.
37:57I feel like she's just rocked up and she's just having a go.
37:59It actually looks like she's just gone,
38:01are you OK, do you like snakes?
38:02No, come with me.
38:03Grab it, just grab it, just grab it.
38:04No, no, which bit?
38:05Oh, which end?
38:08Get it, get it, get it.
38:09Got him, good job.
38:12You madhead.
38:16I didn't want to do that a bit.
38:17You got your first snake.
38:18Now what?
38:23Oh, hey, I got a hole.
38:24Oh, she's got a hole.
38:26Don't shout that out.
38:28A good one.
38:29Yeah, it looks like a great hole.
38:31Ooh, ooh, Liv.
38:32No, no, I can't watch, I can't, I can't.
38:35See how far back I can get it.
38:37What are you doing?
38:38Also, gloves.
38:39Why aren't they wearing gloves?
38:40Marigolds, at least.
38:41I just think if there's a hole in the ground,
38:43don't ram a stick in it.
38:44Bees, bees.
38:46Oh, it's bees.
38:47Oh, bees.
38:49Bees, bees, bees.
38:52What the...
38:54Bees, run.
38:58It's like a cartoon.
38:59Oh, I love it.
39:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:04The bees, man.
39:05Oh, I hate bees, you know.
39:08What, do they go for them?
39:09Yeah, all the bees are going for them.
39:11So they've got to get in the wall,
39:12so the bees don't sting them.
39:13Oh, my God.
39:14Do you know?
39:15Is it better if I go?
39:20Yeah, go straight into the water.
39:21What else is in that water?
39:23Get in the water, that's where the alligators are.
39:29Are they still there?
39:30Are they still there?
39:31Jesus tonight.
39:33This is Ashley's first day.
39:34Do you think she'll come back tomorrow?
39:36I don't know.
39:37Snakes, bees, what's next?
39:39This is a horrible day.
39:41All you want to do on your first day at work, really,
39:43is have a nice cup of tea,
39:44find out where the toilets are and get a meal deal.
39:47You don't really want to go poking a hole
39:49that you're not familiar with, do you?
39:51I certainly don't.
39:53Lesson number one.
39:55Always make sure you know the hole you're poking.
39:57Yeah, exactly.
39:58Make sure it's friendly.
40:02In Essex, these docks, it's like living in a farm.
40:06It's the back house.
40:07I hear that noise all the time.
40:09I hear that noise of ducks when I'm in the car
40:11and there's no ducks.
40:13Stacey and Joe.
40:15I've spent too much time with these ducks.
40:17They've got to go in the garden.
40:18They are in the garden, but it's too cold at the minute.
40:20It can't be too cold for a duck.
40:23Ducks live outside.
40:25They're full of feathers.
40:28Get them outside.
40:29I just want them in for a little while.
40:31You know what?
40:32You're making a rod for your own back.
40:34They're going to be the most spoiled ducks.
40:37I don't mind that.
40:39I like that my ducks are living their best life.
40:44Love you.
40:45Quack, quack.
40:46This week, we caught up with our favourite long-distance lovers
40:50on Discovery+.
40:52I'll move over.
40:53Where is it?
40:54What, you've got more food?
40:55Yeah, a little bit.
40:56Oh, it's 9.50.
40:57I haven't seen this for a while, have I?
40:59You haven't seen this?
41:01I mean, it sounds like the kind of shit I like.
41:05They get engaged and they decide after 90 days
41:08if they still want to get married.
41:1090 days to decide if you want to get married or not.
41:12That's ages.
41:13I'd know in 90 seconds.
41:15After tying the knot last year in Colombia...
41:18This guy, remember?
41:19I love you, chicken.
41:22..we checked in on musician Jose and his wife Louise.
41:26It worked out with these guys.
41:28We've got a baby.
41:29We know what they've been doing.
41:31This couple I remember from the last series.
41:34Who got together and it was nearly going to work.
41:36He sang funny songs to her, she looked sort of...
41:38Anyway, the point is, they're coming back.
41:40We're going to see how they are.
41:42They actually got married.
41:43Jose's got a new track that he's going to be releasing.
41:46Oh, he's written a new song, great.
41:48And it's called Real Story.
41:50OK, all right.
41:51Now, you see, we like the chicken song.
41:54Well, did we like it, though?
41:56No, but, I mean, it was catchy.
41:59One, two, three.
42:02Oh, God.
42:03Let's hear it.
42:06What? Oh!
42:14Oh, is that his song?
42:16Go on.
42:17There's no way this is real.
42:18I'm not having me kegs pulled down here.
42:24You changed my life, you are my wife.
42:27There is no flow, boy.
42:28No flow!
42:29There is no flow to this rap.
42:33It's good.
42:35Yeah, I mean, that's just...
42:38I couldn't feel the rhythm, could you?
42:40No, whereas once we had the chicken song, we knew it.
42:43I loved it.
42:44I think people like it.
42:45You like it, that's all that matters.
42:47You've got to have a dream, ain't you?
42:49Yeah, I mean, you know, who doesn't love a try-out?
42:51I'm helping Jose to plan his music video.
42:54He's doing a music video?
42:56This is cool.
42:57Oh, here we go, this is what he's going to do in the video.
43:00Music video planning meeting.
43:02With crayons.
43:03I want big limousine, hammer.
43:06Yeah, of course you do.
43:08Well, don't hire the one that we did, cos he don't turn up.
43:12What am I doing in the video?
43:14Is she going to be in it?
43:15I think you're a dancer.
43:17Oh, she's going to be the dancer?
43:20My beautiful project.
43:31What is going on?
43:32We don't have anybody to do the camera.
43:34Do you reckon we can ask Jessie to do it?
43:37Is the baby going to film this?
43:39No, I have a son.
43:40Oh, is he, then?
43:42My son's relationship with Jose has always been a bit up and down,
43:46but since having Raul,
43:48the conversation in my house between them two is...
43:51All right, all right.
43:52Oh, Jessie doesn't get on with Jose, that's interesting.
43:55That must cause tensions.
43:57I need one person take a video for my new song.
44:02I think this person is you.
44:05Aw, awks.
44:06Aw, feel for this lad.
44:08Jessie is not impressed.
44:10I'm not the most amazing photographer,
44:13but I guess I can just sit there and laugh and record it.
44:17That's the spirit.
44:21At least he's honest. He's great, this lad.
44:24All right, Jeff? Yeah, not too bad.
44:26We both really appreciate your help.
44:28What is this?
44:30What? In a park?
44:31A Chrysler.
44:32That is not...
44:35Oh, it's not looking good, man.
44:37Come on.
44:39Oh, what is he wearing?!
44:42It looks like Austin Bowers.
44:44You see, it's really small. This time, no, more.
44:47Do you understand?
44:48What is she wearing?
44:50Oh, God, Mum's got her baps out.
44:52She's got her baps out.
44:54This is weird. You're not kidding.
44:56It is weird, Jessie.
44:58The new music video is fake fur, lots of bling,
45:02extremely live and completely over the top.
45:05Oh, my goodness.
45:08No-one said showbiz was easy.
45:12Oh, God!
45:21Oh, no!
45:22Do not back up onto that in front of your son.
45:26Oh, no, please, in a car park in the middle of a field.
45:29No, it's like one step between that and dogging.
45:37Look at him, he's not looking.
45:39He can't look. I can't look either.
45:41I'm not looking in any direction, I'm just filming.
45:44I need to know you move, do you understand?
45:47Just imagine you're at a family party.
45:51Why would that dance be happening at a family party?
45:54Imagine your grandmother's twerking the Honey Monster.
45:57And you've got to film her from two feet away
45:59and you're related to everybody.
46:07Well, next week, it's 4 5th Smoggy,
46:09because it's a brand-new series of 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown.
46:12Richard Ayoade and Katherine Ryan will be first up with Jimmy.
46:15Speaking of whom, we've got Oatley off of Strictly
46:18and Jonathan Ross off of Jonathan Ross.
46:20And Rylan back again, hanging on his every word,
46:23as a new series of I Literally Just Told You
46:25starts with a celebrity special, next, here on Channel 4.